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Culinary Study Guide: Sauces, Blanching, Food Science

Sauce Béchamel: milk or cream flavored with aromatics and thickened with white roux
Sauce Mornay: gruyere and parmesan added to sauce bechamel
Blanc: a way of blanching cauliflower by adding lemon juice flour salt oil and a bouquet garnie
Gratin: golden brown crust of melted cheese or breadcrumbs
Anthoxanthins: a food compound found in white veggies like onions, potatoes, cauliflower
phenolic compounds: a chemical compound that consists of hydroxyl and hydrocarbon
enzymatic browning: oxidation that makes foods like apples turn brown when cut
onion piqué: an onion cut in quarters with a bay leaf and peppercorns
1.What is the ratio for making 1 qt. of Béchamel?
1 oz clarified butter, 4 oz onions, 1 bay leaf, 1 clove, 1 qt milk, 3 oz white roux, salt white pep
2. How is Sauce Mornay derived from the Grand sauce Béchamel, and name 2 other derivatives?
If you add cheeses to a bèchamel sauce it will become a mornay sauce • Soubise and Raifort are
two derivatives
It is the addition of gruyere and parm, other derivatives are sauce raifort, sauce soubise
3.What are the 2 main components of sauce Béchamel?
Milk/ cream, onions, roux
4.What are the basic aromatics of sauce Béchamel?
Onions, thyme, bay leaf, and peppercorns
5.Define the preparation Blanc in reference to white vegetable cookery; what is it and how is it
You submerge the vegetables in an acid medium after cutting or peeling the vegetables and this
prevents them from turning brown. Cooking them immediately also prevents them from
browning, they should be cooked and cooled in the same liquid.
6.What are the white pigments in white vegetables?
7.How does acid and alkaline affect white vegetable pigment?
Turn it pinkish brown
8.How does pH in cooking affect plant cellulose?
Acids make fibers firmer making longer cooking time, alkaline turns them mushy and destroys
9.Why is acid used in the preparation and cooking of white vegetables?
Keeps them from browning
10. What is polyphenol oxidase function?
Contains 4 atoms of copper per molecule
11. What is the effect of oxidation of vegetables?
It turns it brown and discolors
12. Why do some vegetables and fruits turn brown during preparation?
Enzymic browning
13. What steps should be taken to keep white vegetables with phenolic compounds white during
preparation and cooking?
Putting in blanc that will keep it from browning
14. What are examples of enzymatic browning?
Apples being cut and brown
Potatoes being left out and turning brown and pinkish
15. How do we control enzymatic browning?
Put it in water, put in the blanc
16. What are examples of enzymatic reactions in cooking?
17. What are the five most common factors in the kitchen that increase risks of foodborne
Purchasing from unsafe venders, controlling time and temp, practising poor personal hygiene,
cleaning and sanitation, failing to cook properly
18. Microorganisms can have 4 major effects on our food supply, and us, please give 2 examples
of each:
disease and illness
contribute flavor
aid in preservation
19. What are the three types of hazards found in the kitchen?
Physical, chemical, and microbial