Uploaded by Angelin Marie Caballes

NSTP Citizenship Training Activity Sheet

Citizenship Training
Name: Angelin Marie A. Caballes Course, Year and Section: BSCE 1A-N Program:
Lesson Preparation/ Review/Preview
1. What do you think is the message of the pictures above?
2. What should have been done in order to avoid such scenarios presented
1.Human security means protecting fundamental freedoms - freedoms that
are the essence of life. It means protecting people from critical and pervasive
threats and situations". Human security integrates three freedoms: freedom
from fear, freedom from want and the freedom from indignity.
2.Preventing human security violations as a young person starts with
understanding these. Avoid violating them and speak up if you notice any
threat, join forces with others through peaceful protests and petitions, vote for
those who fight for human security.
Practice/Exercises/Collaborative Activities
Direction: Read carefully the news item below and answer the questions after.
In the early morning of July 27, 2003, a group of 321 armed soldiers led by the
Lt. Senior Grade Antonio Trillanes IV (Philippine Navy), and Captains Gerardo Gambala
and Milo Maestrecampo (Philippine Army) took over the Oakwood Premier Ayala
Center (now Ascott) in Makati City to renounce the alleged corruption of the Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo administration.
18 hours later, after failing to rally support from the public or the armed forces, the
soldiers surrendered peacefully and were charged in a general court martial. Not a
single shot was fired.
1. What do you think is the crime against humanity is being committed?
•conduct unbecoming
2. Why do you think the crime had been committed?
•As to the charge of conduct unbecoming of public official or officer, said offense has
been defined as 'such conduct of public official which has a tendency to destroy public
respect' (Presidential Administrative Order No. 37 dated Sept. 30, 1987).
3. If you were in close contact with the group, what piece of advice you could have
offered? Why?
•Public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and
shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence, and
loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public interest
over personal interest.
Direction: Read the letter below and write your response based on your learning about
the topic.
Dear Atty. Kulas,
My son went missing last month. The only witness we have found
revealed that a certain police officer was responsible for the disappearance
of my son. I confronted the officer and asked the whereabouts of my son,
but he claimed that he did not know anything. I told him that I was going to
file a case for kidnapping against him. He, however, claimed that he could
not be charged of such offense because he is a police officer. Is this true?
Your Response:
Dear Ismael,
Police officers are people just like the rest of us. They are not above the law and
are not given a “free pass” just because they have a shield or they are law enforcement
officers. Whether they are on-duty or off-duty, police officers must obey the law.
When police officers break the law, they can be punished just like you if you
commit a crime. Courts have held police officers accountable for their wrongdoing,
misconduct, and illegal acts. Police officers go to prison, serve probation, and pay
fines when they are convicted of criminal acts.
Multiple Choice. Direction: Pick out the letter that corresponds to your best
1. An act to secure the stat and to protect the people from acts of “Terrorism”.
A. RA 9163
B. RA 9372
C. RA 8491
D. RA 6713
E. None of these.
2. Has the jurisdiction to prosecute public officials, law enforcers and other
persons who may have violated the civil and political rights of persons
suspected of, accused officer detained for the crime of terrorism.
A. Supreme Court
B. Senate
C. House of Representative
D. Commission on Human Rights
E. Congress
3. The following are acts of punishable by law as provided in the Revised Penal
Code except:
A. Coup d’ etat
B. Rebellion/Insurrection
C. Crimes involving destruction
D. Murder
E. Robbery
Warrantless arrest can be done to the following except:
A. Rebels
B. Terrorists
C. Kidnappers
D. Rallyists
E. Murderers
Properties of a convicted terrorist will be forfeited in favor to the:
A. Church
B. Government
C. Relatives
D. School
E. Will be shared equally to the members of the family
Conspiracy exist when _____ come to an agreement concerning the
commission of the crime of terrorism.
A. One or more
B. Two or less
C. Three to four
D. Two or more
E. None of these.
Inderteminate Sentence Law (Sec. 3) or Act No. 4103 on the crime of
terrorism states:
A. No Parole
B. No Parol
C. No Death Penalty
D. Both A and B.
E. All of these.
Coup d’ etat means:
A. Crime of passion
B. Rally
C. Illegal Assembly
D. Taking the government by force
E. All of these.
Filing of charges against anyone accused of terrorism shall be done within:
A. 30 hours
B. 30 minutes
C. 30 days
D. 30 weeks
E. None of these.
10.Apprehended or arrested, detained and taken custody by any police or law
enforcement personnel shall be turned over to proper judicial authority
A. 3 hours
B. 3 days
C. 3 minutes
D. 3 seconds
E. None of these.
11.Failure to turn over said suspect/s by any of te apprehending personnel will
entail imprisonment of :
A. 10 years and 1 day
B. 12 years
C. 12 years and 1 day
D. Both A and B.
E. All of these.
12.Any police or apprehending personnel shall be penalized for 12 years and 1
day to 20 years of imprisonment if he use the following to a suspected
terrorist/detained person:
A. Threat/Coerce
B. Mental, Moral, and Physical Pressure
C. Torment/Inflict Physical Pain
D. All of these.
13.In cases where evident of guilt is not strong, the person charged with the
crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism is entitled to:
A. Bail
B. Bill
C. Be acquitted
D. File charges against the apprehending personnel/s
E. All of these.
14.Any person who not being principal under Article 7 of the Revised Penal
Code or a conspirator is considered an:
A. Accessory
B. Accomplice
C. Witness
D. Both A and B.
E. All of these.
15.An accessory is a person who:
A. Profits himself
B. Conceals or destroys the body of the crime or the effect
C. Harbor, conceal or assist the escpe of the suspect
D. Both A, B and C.
E. None of these.
Essay: Briefly explain the food for thought below.
Humanity will not enjoy security without development; it will not enjoy
development without security; and it will not enjoy either without respect for human
Kofi Annan Former UN Secretary General
Human rights and human development are one and the same.One of the ways
that we recognise the fundamental worth of every person is by acknowledging and
respecting their human rights. Human rights are a set of principles concerned with
equality and fairness. They recognise our freedom to make choices about our lives and
to develop our potential as human beings.Sustainable development is only possible if
fundamental human rights principles such as non-discrimination, participation, and
the rule of law are respected. These rights form the basis of international
cooperation.All human rights are indivisible and interdependent. This means that one
set of rights cannot be enjoyed fully without the other. For example, making progress
in civil and political rights makes it easier to exercise economic, social and cultural
As an active youth of today’s generation, create a proposal to maintain a just
and humane society.
Delivering an appropriate mix of policies, programs and services, which are consistent
with approaches undertaken in other countries. Departmental representatives noted
that having three separate action plans contributes to efficiency by allowing each
partner to focus on its own specific activities, target groups and objectives, while
contributing to the broader objectives of the Strategy.Building on existing resources
and adding new programming to the Strategy to fill various gaps.Having a clear focus,
strong governance structure and coordinated approach.