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Blue Hydrogen Development in Nigeria: A Mixed Method Study

This dissertation analyzes blue hydrogen development in Africa, concentrating on Nigeria's
difficult position. The study contextualizes the global demand for environmentally friendly
energy solutions using the Triple Bottom Line Theory and Energy Transition Model. Chapter 3
uses mixed-methods to explore Nigeria's blue hydrogen development's technological, economic,
and environmental issues. Chapter 4 presents questionnaire findings on "Clean Energy Sources,"
"High Initial Costs," and regulatory problems. In Section 4.5, participants' technical feasibility
and economic potential opinions are shown in hypothesis-related questions and tables (Table 4.1
and Table 4.2). A positive association was accepted by 75.0% and denied by 5.0%. Participants'
complex views affect the technological and economic feasibility of blue hydrogen generation.
Sections 4.6 and 4.7 analyze regression and correlation. Table 5.1 shows a statistically
significant positive link between technical viability and economic potential. Regression analysis
(Table 5.2) shows strong variable correlations. This model explains 45% of the technological
viability-based economic potential variance. Chapter 4 details participants' views on Nigerian
blue hydrogen development. Results back up research study arguments. In conclusion, the
dissertation's thorough examination informs future research, policy, and management decisions,
promoting sustainable energy growth in Nigeria and beyond.
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Chapter Preface ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Background of the Study ........................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.3 Problem Statement .................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.4 Study Purpose............................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.5 Research Question/s .............................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Theoretical Foundations ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7 Research Method and Design .................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.8 Potential Implications and Study Significance ......... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.9 Summary ................................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 11
2.1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.2: Theoretical Foundation ...................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Triple Bottom Line Theory (TBL) ............................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Energy Transition Model .............................................................................................. 15
2.3 Blue Hydrogen Development .............................................................................................. 17
2.4 The Technological Viability of Blue Hydrogen Development in Africa ............................ 18
2.4 The Regulatory Environment for Blue Hydrogen Development in Africa ......................... 20
2.5 The Economic Potential of Blue Hydrogen Generation in Africa ...................................... 21
2.6 The Environmental Sustainability of Blue Hydrogen Production in Africa ....................... 23
2.7 Financing Options and International Partnerships for Blue Hydrogen Development ........ 25
2.9 Research Gap....................................................................................................................... 27
2.10 Chapter Summary.............................................................................................................. 27
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 28
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Research Design ........................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.3 Participants ................................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.3.1 Selection Criteria ................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.3.2 Sampling Technique ........................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.3.3 Sample Size ........................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.4 Data Collection Methods........................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.5 Data Collection Procedures ....................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.6 Data Analysis ............................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.7 Trustworthiness and Rigor ........................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.8 Ethical Considerations............................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.9 Limitations of the Study ............................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
3.10 Chapter Conclusion ................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 35
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 35
4.2 Demographic Questions ...................................................................................................... 35
4.3 Descriptive Data ........................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
4.4 Research-Related Questions ................................................................................................ 40
4.5 Hypothesis-Related Questions ............................................................................................ 42
4.6 Correlation Analysis ............................................................................................................ 43
4.7 Regression Analysis .................................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
4.8 Hypothesis Affirmation/Rejection ............................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
4.9 Qualitative Study: Research Related Questions ........ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
4.9.1 Qualitative Question ........................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
4.9.2 Theoretical Foundation Alignment ..................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................... 51
5.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 51
5.2 Recommendation ....................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
5.1.1 Recommendations for Future Research .............. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
5.1.2 Recommendations for Policy/Management ........ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 55
APPENDIX A: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ............................................................................... 62
....................................................................................................................................................... 65
1.1 Chapter Preface
Cleaner, more sustainable energy has been a global priority for decades. Researchers are
studying blue hydrogen synthesis in the continent. Mukelabai et al. (2022) evaluated the carbon
footprint of blue hydrogen and its cost competitiveness with other energy sources using
economic analysis. Noussan et al. (2020) examined how blue hydrogen might reduce carbon
emissions and help Africa grow sustainably. This research's growing attention on blue hydrogen
in Africa shows how vital it will be for Nigeria to explore it. According to Kovač et al. (2021),
research shed insight on technological feasibility, economic viability, and environmental impact
of blue hydrogen production. However, prior literature has not underlined the necessity for
supporting renewable energy infrastructure, industry-friendly laws, and international alliances to
unlock Nigeria's hydrogen potential. This comprehensive research on blue hydrogen proliferation
in Africa, particularly Nigeria, will address a literature vacuum.
1.2 Background of the Study
Hydrogen research in Africa has grown as the globe moves toward cleaner, more sustainable
energy (Chigbu & Nweke-Eze, 2023; Van Wijk & Wouters, 2021). Many feedstocks, methods,
and technologies can create hydrogen, a flexible energy carrier. This comprises fossil fuels and
RE (Dawood et al., 2020). Conventional hydrogen generation techniques require breaking or
reforming fossil fuels (Kovač et al., 2021). Studies imply that hydrogen, especially when
combined with renewable energy, will be key to meeting these emission reduction objectives
(Bauer et al., 2022; Löhr et al., 2022; Noussan et al., 2020).
According to studies, Africa has blue and green hydrogen production potential. Lebrouhi et al.
(2022) pioneered renewable energy-based green hydrogen production in Africa. The research
highlighted Africa's tremendous solar and wind resources for green hydrogen generation.
Modern researchers have focused on blue hydrogen's potential and role in Africa's energy
landscape (Hamukoshi et al., 2022). A comprehensive research by Noussan et al. (2020)
examined blue hydrogen production in Africa's technical and economic potential. Cost-effective
clean hydrogen energy generation in Africa requires technology feasibility. Noussan et al.'s
(2020) research examined Africa's natural gas reserves and CCS to reduce carbon emissions
when examining the technical viability of blue hydrogen generation.
Blue hydrogen expansion in Africa requires a legal and regulatory framework. Johnson et al.
(2021) recommended policies that promote public-private cooperation, information sharing, and
blue hydrogen infrastructure expenditures. The environmental sustainability of blue hydrogen
generation in Africa, like elsewhere, depends on several variables. These determinants include
the technology and methods used, resource availability, and overall commitment to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions (Hermesmann & Müller, 2022). Blue hydrogen development in Africa
might solve the continent's energy and economic problems and reduce global carbon emissions.
Blue hydrogen requires significant investment and worldwide collaboration (Tirumala & Tiwari,
Researchers also recommend building infrastructure and regional capacity to produce blue
hydrogen (Imasiku et al., 2021). Applying "Global and Area Studies" requires seeing Africa as a
distinct social, political, and environmental location. Blue hydrogen development strategies in
Africa differ according to natural gas resources, renewable energy potentials, regulatory
frameworks, and technological skills (Ayodele & Munda, 2019). African blue hydrogen projects
are economically examined for viability and cost-effectiveness. Capital investment, operational
costs, and revenue streams must be assessed. Economists utilize modeling and cost-benefit
analysis to evaluate blue hydrogen production's feasibility, competitiveness, and potential
effects. These evaluations enable Nigerian decision-makers and stakeholders to understand the
financial impacts of blue hydrogen (Gerhardt et al., 2020). Continental African blue hydrogen
potential research is available, but none has examined Nigeria. This research will address a
literature vacuum by assessing blue hydrogen development potential in Africa, particularly
1.3 Problem Statement
Sustainable energy development is essential to addressing environmental and energy issues
(Okere and Sheng, 2023). Due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels,
the globe experiences regular droughts and floods, among other environmental issues. Due to
Africa's large natural gas deposits, renewable and ecologically friendly energy sources have great
potential to help the environment. To reduce environmental damage, the globe must switch to
cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, including blue hydrogen energy (Chigbu & NwekeEze, 2023; Van Wijk & Wouters, 2021). By creating blue hydrogen from natural gas, Africa has
great potential to decarbonize the energy sector (Van Der Zwaan et al., 2021). Africa has large
natural gas reserves and can minimize carbon emissions via CCS (Chigbu & Nweke-Eze, 2023).
Blue hydrogen energy has great promise in Africa, especially Nigeria, but the environment is
unsuitable. These include a lack of economic capacity and technical infrastructure to facilitate
blue hydrogen energy growth in Africa (Chigbu et al., 2023; Noussan, 2020; Johnson, 2021).
Blue hydrogen energy development in Africa has environmental sustainability, financial
capability, and cooperation difficulties. This research seeks to understand how blue hydrogen
generation in Nigeria may impact the energy sector, promote international decarbonization, and
support sustainable development.
1.4 Study Purpose
This mixed-method research examines Africa's blue hydrogen development potential and how it
might effect the continent's attempts to transition to a more sustainable energy system and
achieve other development goals, using Nigeria as a case study. To accomplish that goal, the
study's theoretical foundations include many important subjects. The research also analyzes
whether blue hydrogen may help Africa move to a future of greener energy. Technology,
government laws, and market dynamics affect the creation and execution of the blue hydrogen
program (Hamukoshi et al., 2022). The study examines energy, environment, policy, and
development issues. According to Bhagwat and Olczak (2020), interdisciplinary initiatives
analyze the rise of blue hydrogen in Nigeria.
This study also seeks to understand the complex dynamics and challenges of blue hydrogen
generation in Africa by bringing together experts (Lebrouhi et al., 2022). The study followed five
research goals. The technological viability of producing blue hydrogen in Africa (a case study of
Nigeria), the regulatory environment for blue hydrogen development in Africa. Also, the
economic potential of blue hydrogen generation in Africa with an emphasis on Nigeria and the
environmental sustainability of blue hydrogen production in Africa. Lastly, financing alternatives
and international partnerships for blue hydrogen production are discussed.
1.5 Research Question/s
The quantitative questions for this study are as follows:
RQ1. Is it technologically viable to produce blue hydrogen in Nigeria?
RQ2. What factors determine the economic potential of blue hydrogen generation in Nigeria?
RQ3. Is it environmentally sustainable to produce blue hydrogen in Nigeria?
RQ4. What financing alternatives and international partnerships for blue hydrogen development
are available in Nigeria?
The qualitative question guiding the study will be as indicated below:
RQ5. What is the regulatory environment for blue hydrogen development in Nigeria?
Hypothesis: "There is a significant positive relationship between the technological viability of
blue hydrogen production and its economic potential in Nigeria."
Independent Variable: Technological viability of blue hydrogen production.
Dependent Variable: Economic potential of blue hydrogen production in Nigeria.
1.6 Theoretical Foundations
The Triple Bottom Up and Energy shift theories help explain blue hydrogen development in
Africa and how it might help the continent shift to a more sustainable energy system. The Triple
Bottom Line hypothesis has shaped how corporations, governments, and scholars pursue
sustainable and ethical business practices. It promotes a wider definition of success that goes
beyond financial benefits to include social and environmental impacts. The framework affects
corporate governance, financial management, supply chain stewardship, government policy, and
charity activities. The energy transition model emphasizes a long-term shift away from fossil
fuel-based energy sources (Leach, 1992). The technical and economic potential of Africa's blue
hydrogen production was examined using an energy transition framework. Natural gas reserves,
infrastructural preparedness, and carbon capture and storage potential are examined.
1.7 Research Method and Design
This study uses hybrid methods to acquire qualitative and quantitative data. The combined
research seeks stakeholder perspectives on key blue hydrogen energy development concerns in
Africa. This technique helps understand the economic, legal, environmental, and technical
variables influencing the adoption and use of this sustainable energy source. Interviews, open-
ended surveys, and questionnaires with renewable energy professionals helped researchers
understand local populations, legislators, and companies' perspectives, attitudes, and challenges
(Theofanidis & Fountouki, 2018). Nigeria's mixed research study approach revealed precise
details, community concerns, and adoption barriers, directing policy and investment choices. The
mixed study approach provides crucial insights for sustainable and fair advancement in Nigeria's
blue energy sector, where local variables greatly affect its sustainability.
1.8 Potential Implications and Study Significance
The Nigerian blue hydrogen study affects the "Global and Area Studies" complex. Because the
research addresses global issues as well as African ones. Following Gerhardt et al. (2020), this
research will focus on the transition to renewable energy and sustainable development, which are
deeply rooted in specific areas. Blue hydrogen generation in Africa has its challenges and
opportunities, and this program's "Global and Area Studies" component highlights the
relationship between global energy dynamics and local issues (Löhr et al., 2022).
The research may potentially illuminate African blue hydrogen development challenges and
opportunities mainly because the research will address energy availability, economic growth, and
environmental sustainability in African countries. Since the researcher will include regional
differences, legal frameworks, and institutional structures, the study might affect Africa
(Bhagwat & Olczak, 2020). Such attention will emphasize the necessity for context-specific
strategies and solutions by revealing why the cookie-cutter approach to producing blue hydrogen
in Africa may fail. Van Der et al. (2021).
The study's capacity to construct instructional programs is also important. At the start of their
initiatives, researchers will consult with locals and decision-makers to include "Global and Area
Studies." This can assist in adjusting education to Africa's diverse cultural and political climates
(Mukelabai et al., 2022). The strategy also allows for many viewpoints and feedback from
people directly affected by blue hydrogen development and commercialization.
The research also promotes energy market interdependence in Africa. Mainly because "Global
and Area Studies" understands the interconnectedness of Africa's energy market with the globe.
The strategy also recognizes that blue hydrogen development in Africa may promote
decarbonization, fossil fuel reduction, and international cooperation (Jansen et al., 2021). The
researcher will examine African states, NGOs, and commercial partnerships, which may increase
such possibilities. Because the research results are projected to improve blue hydrogen activities
in Africa, energy market interdependence will improve. This research seeks to connect and
exploit global expertise and resources.
1.9 Summary
This mixed-method multidimensional research examines Africa's blue hydrogen development
potential and how it will effect the continent's attempts to transition to a more sustainable energy
system and achieve other development goals, using Nigeria as a case study. Blue hydrogen
projects in Africa have been economically examined for viability and cost-effectiveness.
However, supporting renewable energy infrastructure, industry-friendly laws, and foreign
alliances, which are crucial to Nigeria's hydrogen potential, have received little literary attention.
Mixed questions were created to fulfill study goals. The research uses policy dispersion and
governance to examine the procedures, practices, and organizations needed to start and sustain
blue hydrogen projects in Africa, particularly Nigeria. Data gathering and instrumentation will
include document analysis and semi-structured expert interviews. Chapter 2 reviewed theoretical
and empirical literature based on the research questions' aims and goals.
2.1: Introduction
The high potential for blue hydrogen development in Africa can decarbonize the energy industry
by producing blue hydrogen from natural gas using carbon capture and storage to generate
sustainable energy. Africa has significant natural gas reserves and the potential to use carbon
capture and storage (CCS) technology to reduce carbon emissions (Chigbu & Nweke-Eze, 2023).
However, blue hydrogen production has not been achieved in the continent due to multiple
challenges in the implementation of blue hydrogen projects in Africa. The purpose of this study is
to explore the potential for blue hydrogen development in Africa. And how it would affect the
continent's efforts to transition to a more sustainable energy system and pursue other development
objectives. This chapter reviews relevant theoretical and empirical literature on blue hydrogen
development challenges and opportunities in Africa. The review is organized into the following
themes: the technological viability of blue hydrogen development in Africa, the regulatory
environment for blue hydrogen development in Africa, the economic potential of blue hydrogen
generation in Africa, the environmental sustainability of blue hydrogen production in Africa, and
financing options and international partnerships for blue hydrogen development in Africa.
2.2: Theoretical Foundation
Developing sustainable energy is a critical aspect in mitigating the challenges of environmental
and energy. Multiple principles and theories support the development of sustainable energy by
providing different perspectives on how to develop and achieve sustainable energy, highlighting
the importance of innovation and the significance of a detailed, sustainable strategy to address
environmental and energy challenges. The Triple Bottom-up and Energy transition theory are
relevant in providing a lens to understand the potential for blue hydrogen development in Africa.
And how it would contribute to the transition of Africa to a more sustainable energy system.
2.2.1 Triple Bottom Line Theory (TBL)
The TBL theory posits that the development of sustainable development is evaluated based on
three different interlinked dimensions: economic, social, and environmental dimensions
(Stoddard et al., 2012). This theory was advanced in 1994 by John Elkington 1994 and continued
to gain widespread recognition and adoption in both research and practice. The TBL framework
demands that as organizations consider their financial performance, they should also consider the
social and environment impact of their operations (Slaper & Hall, 2011). For sustainable energy
development, TBL theory proposes that energy projects and policies should not only be
economically viable but must also foster social well-being and conserve the environment
(Lerman et al., 2021). The TBL approach requires that planning and implementing energy
initiatives take into account job creation for economic empowerment, community engagement to
benefit society and environmental stewardship.
Application in Research and Practice
The Triple Bottom Line framework has been extensively applied in research and practice to
promote sustainable development. It has been used as a tool in the realm of sustainability
assessment to comprehensively evaluate the sustainability quotient of organizations, projects, or
policies. The multifaceted approach involves a meticulous examination of the economic, social,
and environmental ramifications engendered by these entities, thereby facilitating the
discernment of their long-term sustainability prospects (Vanclay, 2004). Within the realm of
academic research and innovation, the TBL framework has been used as a tool for scrutinizing
various facets of sustainability. Researchers harness its capabilities to explore areas ranging from
eco-innovation to social entrepreneurship, thereby contributing to the evolution of novel
sustainability paradigms and theories. In the corporate field, the concept of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) integrates seamlessly with TBL principles. Many corporations
conscientiously infuse TBL tenets into their CSR strategies, thereby fostering a holistic
perspective of their operational impact (Sherman, 2012). This involves customary financial
performance and evaluation and transparent reporting of their social and environmental
footprints. The overarching objective is to assume the mantle of responsible corporate citizens
actively. Expanding the purview to the financial sector unveils the application of TBL in ethical
investing and socially responsible investment (SRI) (Svensson et al., 2018). Investors in these
domains conscientiously deliberate beyond mere financial returns, weighing the social and
environmental ramifications of their investments, thus ensuring a harmonious coexistence of
financial growth and societal well-being.
TBL principles have been applied in the realm of supply chain management to dissect their
supply chains to ascertain ethical sourcing practices, minimize ecological footprints, and bolster
equitable labor standards, thereby fostering a supply chain imbued with social and environmental
conscientiousness (Slaper & Hall, 2011)). Governments, as shapers of societal paradigms, have
adopted TBL as a compass to inform policy decisions. In crafting new regulations or embarking
on expansive infrastructure projects, governments diligently contemplate the social and
environmental consequences. This considered approach ensures that policy formulations are
intrinsically aligned with sustainability objectives. Nonprofit organizations and nongovernmental entities have also adopted the principle of TBL to serve as stalwarts of societal
betterment (Svensson et al., 2018). This has enabled these organizations to gauge the efficacy of
their programs by considering the holistic impact they deliver. The TBL principles have been
used in community development to ensure a harmonious equilibrium between economic
advancement, social welfare, and the preservation of environmental integrity (Sherman, 2012).
Other areas of previous application include stakeholder engagement to promote the active
involvement of a diverse spectrum of stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers,
and local communities. Such engagement facilitates the collection of valuable insights and
feedback concerning their performance across all three dimensions of sustainability.
In summary, the Triple Bottom Line theory has wielded a substantial influence on the
approaches adopted by organizations, governments, and researchers in their pursuit of
sustainability and ethical business practices. It champions a comprehensive conception of
success that transcends mere financial gains, extending its gaze to encompass the broader
ramifications on society and the natural environment. The framework permeates a multitude of
domains, encompassing corporate governance, financial acumen, supply chain stewardship,
governmental policy-making, and the noble efforts of nonprofit organizations.
Application in this Study
The TBL framework is an important tool in this study for assessing and evaluating the
sustainability and societal impact of energy projects or initiatives. In a study on the potential for
blue hydrogen energy development in Africa, the TBL provides a comprehensive framework for
analyzing and explaining the various dimensions of the impact of the energy project (Svensson et
al., 2018). The economic dimensions of TBL are relevant in this context in evaluating CostBenefit Analysis to determine the economic viability of blue hydrogen production in Africa. This
framework is applied to assess the investment required for infrastructure development, such as
hydrogen production facilities and transportation networks, and compare it to the potential
returns from hydrogen sales, job creation, and economic growth (Lerman et al., 2021). The
economic dimension is analyzing the market demand or potential for blue hydrogen
development, both domestically and internationally. This entails considering pricing
mechanisms, market competition, and the potential for export opportunities. Financial
sustainability is an applicable aspect that involves assessing the long-term financial sustainability
of blue hydrogen projects, including the ability to attract private investment and secure financing
for development.
Social bottom-line components provide an avenue to analyze the community impact, health and
safety, and equity. The framework provides a tool to evaluate the social benefits and challenges
associated with blue hydrogen development in Africa. This involves assessing how the project
could create jobs, improve local infrastructure, and enhance the overall quality of life for
communities (Svensson et al., 2018). It also takes into consideration the health and safety
implications for workers and nearby residents, including the handling of hazardous materials and
the risk of accidents. Further consideration is accorded to equity and access to sustainable
energy. This entails examining the distribution of benefits and potential disparities among
different social groups to ensure that the project promotes inclusivity and equitable access to
The environmental dimension relates to carbon emissions, resource management, and
biodiversity. The framework provides a tool for assessing the environmental impact of blue
hydrogen production, including the emissions associated with the production process and
transportation (Svensson et al., 2018). These emissions can be compared to alternative energy
sources, and the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies can be evaluated
(Lerman et al., 2021). Resource management involves considering the sustainability of the water
resources required for hydrogen production and the environmental consequences of extracting
and processing natural gas or other feedstock for blue hydrogen. It further provides an avenue to
analyze the potential impact on local ecosystems and biodiversity, especially if the project
involves significant land use changes or habitat disruption.
Incorporating the TBL framework in studying blue hydrogen energy development in Africa helps
stakeholders make informed decisions by considering not only economic feasibility but also the
environmental and social impacts. This holistic approach encourages sustainable development
that aligns with the broader goals of environmental conservation, social equity, and economic
growth, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and prosperous future for the continent.
2.2.2 Energy Transition Model
The energy transition model places its primary emphasis on the extended, protracted
transformation away from conventional energy systems heavily reliant on fossil fuels (Leach,
1992). The phrase "energy transition" refers to the shift away from more traditional, high-carbon
fuels and toward greener, more sustainable energy sources like solar and wind power (Kovač,
Paranos & Marciuš, 2021). This comprehensive theory acknowledges that these transitions result
from a multifaceted interplay involving intricate technological advancements, intricate economic
considerations, intricate political factors, and intricate societal dynamics (Bolwig et al., 2019).
Sustainable energy development is intrinsically in harmony with this overarching theory, as it
champions the gradual substitution of fossil fuels with cleaner, eco-friendly energy sources
(Chang et al., 2021). In doing so, it underscores the pivotal significance of well-structured policy
frameworks, the intricate ebbs and flows of the market, and the intricacies surrounding societal
approval and support. All of these multifaceted components play pivotal roles in smoothing the
path toward an enduring and sustainable energy landscape devoid of fossil fuel dependence and
characterized by sustainable alternatives. Previous Application in Research and Practice
Energy transition theory is a concept that holds significant relevance both in academic study and
practical application. As the global community grapples with pressing energy-related dilemmas
like climate change, resource scarcity, and energy security, this theory offers a valuable
framework. It aids researchers in comprehending the intricate process of shifting from
conventional fossil fuel-dependent energy systems to sustainable alternatives, analyzing
historical transitions, and pinpointing influential drivers, hindrances, and socio-economic
dynamics (Leach, 1992). Furthermore, in practice, energy transition theory shapes policy
formation, fosters investment strategies, stimulates technological innovations, guides industry
adaptation, and informs environmental assessments (Chang et al., 2021). This multifaceted
theory plays a pivotal role in shaping the sustainable energy landscape by facilitating a holistic
approach to energy transformation.
This framework has played a pivotal role in influencing various sectors. These include policy
formulation, where decision-makers utilize energy transition theory to devise policies that
promote the adoption of sustainable energy sources, such as incentives like feed-in tariffs,
renewable energy portfolio standards, and mechanisms like carbon pricing (Leach, 1992).
Advancements in Technology and research where researchers, drawing insights from this theory,
have actively contributed to the development of cutting-edge renewable energy technologies,
including enhanced solar panels, wind turbines, and innovative energy storage solutions. Energy
transition theory is a guiding force in economic modeling, aiding in the evaluation of economic
outcomes associated with transitioning to cleaner energy sources (Chang et al., 2021). This
encompasses aspects like job creation and fostering sustainable economic growth.
In behavioral research, the model helps in understanding consumer and industry conduct, which
is paramount, prompting researchers to closely examine attitudes and actions concerning energy
conservation, efficiency, and the embrace of renewable energy. It is also applied in energy
System Simulation to form the bedrock of energy system modeling, a crucial element in charting
out low-carbon future systems (Chang et al., 2021). The model has been used to gain positive
global climate Commitments. This theory influences international climate agreements, urging
nations to set targets for reducing emissions and develop strategies for cleaner energy systems. In
the financial sector, financial institutions assess the potential of diverse energy technologies and
companies as they play a role in facilitating the transition (Bolwig et al., 2019) use this theory. In
engaging Communities at the local level, energy transition theory guides community
participation in renewable energy initiatives and sustainability efforts. Finally, energy transition
theory serves as the backbone for educating the public about sustainable energy and strengthens
efforts to advocate for related policies and initiatives. Application in Present Research
Energy transition theory is an effective framework for exploring Africa's potential in blue
hydrogen development. The framework facilitates the analysis of the shift from conventional
fossil fuels to cleaner energy alternatives. Blue hydrogen, produced via carbon capture and
storage (CCS) from natural gas, holds promise for decarbonizing Africa's energy sector. In this
study, the framework is vital in assessing the current energy scenario by evaluating Africa's
current energy landscape. This evaluation includes examining dominant energy sources,
consumption patterns, and emissions levels, exposing the heavy reliance on fossil fuels and
associated environmental issues (Chang et al., 2021). The framework is a valuable tool for
identifying transition catalysts: The theory aids in pinpointing the drivers that propel the
transition toward blue hydrogen. In Africa, these factors may encompass emissions reduction
targets, bolstering energy security, and diversifying energy sources. It is also a relevant tool for
gauging the feasibility of blue hydrogen production (Bolwig et al., 2019). Researchers can
employ this framework to scrutinize the technical and economic viability of blue hydrogen
production in Africa. This involves analyzing natural gas reserves, infrastructure readiness, and
the prospects of carbon capture and storage.
2.3 Blue Hydrogen Development
As the world recognizes the imperative to transition towards cleaner, more sustainable energy
sources, hydrogen research in Africa has seen significant growth (Chigbu & Nweke-Eze, 2023;
Van Wijk & Wouters, 2021). Hydrogen, a versatile energy carrier, can be produced from a
diverse range of resources, utilizing various feedstocks, pathways, and technologies. This
includes both fossil fuels and renewable energy (RE) resources (Dawood et al., 2020). One of the
conventional methods for hydrogen production involves the cracking or reforming of fossil fuels
(Kovač et al., 2021). This method accounted for approximately 85 million tonnes of global
hydrogen production in 2016, highlighting its prevalence in the energy landscape (Ishaq et al.,
2022). Over 2000-2020, research on hydrogen production and storage has garnered increasing
attention in the literature. The surge in research underscores the growing recognition of
hydrogen's pivotal role in the global effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.
Studies suggest that hydrogen, particularly when harnessed in conjunction with renewable
energy resources, will be a cornerstone in achieving these emission reduction goals (Bauer et al.,
2022; Löhr et al., 2022; Noussan et al., 2020). This significance is further underscored by the
proliferation of political initiatives aimed at supporting the development and deployment of
green hydrogen production technologies. These technologies, such as fuel cells for mobility and
renewable energy storage, hold the promise of transforming energy systems (Gerhardt et al.,
2020). Blue Hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) involves adapting existing
hydrogen production processes reliant on fossil fuels to incorporate carbon capture and storage
(CCS) technologies. This adaptation is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated
with hydrogen production. While the allure of blue hydrogen lies in its potential costeffectiveness compared to a complete shift to green hydrogen Jansen et al., (2021), it is important
to recognize and consider potential technical challenges and social acceptability issues connected
to the implementation of CCS technologies (Giæver, 2022).
Studies highlight the potential for blue And green hydrogen production in Africa. For instance,
Lebrouhi et al. (2022) conducted pioneering research to explore the feasibility of producing
green hydrogen in Africa by harnessing renewable energy sources. The study notably
emphasized Africa's vast solar and wind resources, highlighting their immense potential in green
hydrogen production. Similar to Ayodele and Munda (2019), the researcher demonstrated the
economic viability of green and blue hydrogen production through the process of electrolysis,
reaffirming Africa's role in the global transition towards sustainable and clean energy solutions.
Massarweh et al. (2023) acknowledged that blue hydrogen has a high prospect of reducing
greenhouse emissions and showcases the potential of blue hydrogen in Africa. This study further
revealed that blue hydrogen is a more environmentally friendly option than natural gas because it
emits less carbon dioxide when CCS technology is applied. However, it faces stiff competition
from emerging technologies such as green hydrogen and solar power. It was also noted that the
transportation of blue hydrogen is less efficient and more expensive.
2.4 The Technological Viability of Blue Hydrogen Development in Africa
Blue hydrogen production in Africa has become a subject of significant scholarly interest, with
various studies exploring the technological aspects and hurdles. In his study, Noussan et al.
(2020) conducted an in-depth examination of the technological advancements needed for the
complete cycle of hydrogen production, including purification, compression, transportation, and
utilization. The study also scrutinized global strategies and blueprints for large-scale hydrogen
production. Similar to the Chigbu et al. (2023), research findings underscored the critical
importance of establishing a robust renewable hydrogen value chain. These studies emphasized
the necessity of developing renewable resources, setting up Giga factories for electrolyzers, and
building the infrastructure for storage and transportation. Bhagwat and Olczak (2020) advocated
for the availability of freshwater resources, which was identified as a crucial factor in this
equation. These conditions were evaluated on a country-specific basis, taking into account the
individual roles each nation could play in the global emergence of green hydrogen. These studies
did not explore the individual capacity of each country in terms of technological to support the
production of blue energy.
Scholars have recognized the potential of blue energy to address climatic change. Van Der
Zwaan et al. (2021) acknowledged the growing recognition of hydrogen as a potential player in
combating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions on both national and
international fronts. Hydrogen was highlighted as a versatile solution across various sectors,
including industry and transportation (Van Wijk et al., 2021). These scholars emphasized that the
hydrogen pathway encompasses multiple components, such as generation, transmission, storage,
distribution, and end-use applications, all of which play pivotal roles in the transition to cleaner
energy sources. Okere and Sheng (2023) argued that clean hydrogen, such as blue and green
hydrogen, could be a cornerstone for achieving environmentally friendly energy systems.
However, there are challenges associated with hydrogen generation and also aspects such as
storage, transportation, and the deployment of final-use equipment, which can result in potential
cost and logistical obstacles (Qureshi et al., 2022). This scholarly evidence highlights the need to
weigh the pros and cons of blue hydrogen production in the rapidly changing energy sector.
Technological feasibility is critical to the production of cost-effective clean hydrogen energy in
Africa. When assessing the technological feasibility of blue hydrogen generation in Africa, the
study of Noussan et al. (2020) brought attention to the continent's significant natural gas reserves
and the CCS to mitigate carbon emissions. This research stressed the imperative need for
infrastructure development and capacity enhancement within Africa to facilitate blue hydrogen
production. Related studies emphasized the significance of forging alliances to promote
knowledge sharing and technology transfer, as well as expanding existing renewable energy
installations (Vysoká et al., 2021). Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) infrastructure emerged as
a pivotal aspect of blue hydrogen production by capturing and securely storing carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions, thus mitigating environmental impact (Mechleri et al., 2017). However, in
Africa, the establishment and upkeep of CCS infrastructure are riddled with substantial
technological intricacies and financial demands. It necessitates the deployment of advanced
equipment, the implementation of rigorous operational protocols, and the involvement of highly
skilled professionals. As argued by Ma et al. (2023), the feasibility of CCS infrastructure largely
depends on the availability of suitable geological storage sites for CO2. It becomes essential,
especially in the African context, to conduct thorough assessments of the existence of
appropriate storage sites. These evaluations serve as the bedrock for the successful
implementation of CCS infrastructure and the overall success of blue hydrogen initiatives across
the continent.
Technological readiness emerges as a critical factor in the effective deployment of blue hydrogen
production technologies. This readiness encompasses a comprehensive approach, including
expertise in natural gas reforming, CO2 capture, and CCS (Elkerbou & Bryhn, 2019). Scholars
suggest that these components demand specialized equipment and knowledge. For instance, the
transformation of natural gas into hydrogen and CO2 involves intricate processes, while CO2
capture requires an understanding of chemical processes and materials science. The secure
storage of CO2 through CCS necessitates the establishment of stable geological storage sites and
the implementation of precise operational protocol (Pratama & Mac Dowell, 2022). In the
African context, addressing the technology gap becomes a pressing concern in harnessing the
potential of blue hydrogen. Thus, investments in technology transfer initiatives become
indispensable in an African context. These initiatives encompass the transfer of knowledge,
expertise, and equipment from more advanced regions to enable the effective adoption of blue
hydrogen production technologies in Africa (Vysoká et al., 2021).
Moreover, the development of skills plays a pivotal role in technological readiness. The
cultivation of a skilled workforce proficient in natural gas reforming, CO2 capture, and CCS
operations is indispensable. African countries must channel resources into education and training
programs to equip their workforce with the necessary skills. This not only facilitates the effective
implementation of blue hydrogen production processes but also drives economic growth and job
2.4 The Regulatory Environment for Blue Hydrogen Development in Africa
A legal and legislative framework is necessary for the growth of blue hydrogen in Africa. The
report by Johnson et al. (2021) emphasized the need for policies that encourage collaboration
between public and private parties, streamline information exchange, and recognize financial
investments in blue hydrogen infrastructure. It underlined the need for strong political leadership
to support activities with blue hydrogen (Van Wijk & Wouters, 2021). The regulatory framework
for blue hydrogen development in Africa is primarily determined by each country's energy policies
and priorities (Imasiku et al., 2021). A study by Agyekum (2023) reported that the lack of a friendly
regulatory framework for clean hydrogen production was ranked among the key barriers to the
development and use of clean energy in African countries. Some African nations may have specific
policies promoting hydrogen production as part of their energy transition strategies. Others may
not have explicit regulations in place but may be exploring the potential of hydrogen as an energy
Environmental regulations play a crucial role in shaping blue hydrogen development. African
countries, like many others globally, are increasingly concerned about carbon emissions and may
implement regulations to limit greenhouse gas emissions (Esily et al., 2022). It is a requirement in
most African countries that blue hydrogen projects must comply with environmental regulations
and demonstrate their commitment to reducing emissions through CCS technologies (Sadik-Zada,
2021). To promote blue energy development, some governments in Africa have offered incentives
and financial support through policies such as tax incentives, grants, or subsidies to attract private
investment and stimulate the growth of the hydrogen sector (Chege, 2023). Most African nations
may be party to international agreements or initiatives related to hydrogen and climate change,
such as the Paris Agreement. These agreements can influence their policies and commitments
regarding hydrogen production and emissions reduction (Agyekum, 2023). Some African regions
have collaborated on renewable energy, including hydrogen initiatives, to share resources,
infrastructure, and expertise.
Technology standards and safety regulations that support hydrogen production, transportation, and
utilization are essential for ensuring the safe deployment of blue hydrogen projects (Ruppel &
Katoole, 2023). Some governments have put in place regulatory requirements for public
engagement and awareness regarding renewable energy and hydrogen projects. These involve
consultations, environmental impact assessments, and community engagement to address concerns
and ensure transparency. However, Lebrouhi et al. (2021) reported that the regulatory environment
for blue hydrogen could vary significantly from one African country to another due to differences
in policies, resources, and priorities. Additionally, the pace of regulatory development in this field
may have accelerated since my last update, as hydrogen has gained more attention as a potential
clean energy source. These policy incentives have been critical in enhancing the prospect of blue
energy development in Africa.
2.5 The Economic Potential of Blue Hydrogen Generation in Africa
The researchers have acknowledged the positive economic impacts of blue hydrogen production
in Africa. Findings by Noussan et al. (2020) suggest that blue hydrogen has the potential to play
a pivotal role in Africa's sustainable development journey by virtue of its capacity to curtail
carbon emissions substantially. Mukelabai et al. (2022) study involving a comprehensive
economic analysis, comparing the carbon footprint and cost competitiveness of blue hydrogen
with various other energy sources revealed positive economic benefits’ These authors identified
one of the potential areas where blue hydrogen production has exerted transformative influence
as enhancing energy security across the African continent. Ayodele and Munda (2019)
emphasized the significance of leveraging the abundance of fossil reserves for green hydrogen
production to serve as a potent strategy to fortify energy security while concurrently diminishing
dependence on imported fuels, thereby bolstering the continent's energy sovereignty. Moreover,
Ishaq et al. (2022) acknowledged that blue hydrogen production facilities and the accompanying
CCS infrastructure have the potential to generate a significant number of employment
opportunities. These opportunities span a wide spectrum of sectors, encompassing engineering,
construction, operational roles, and maintenance functions. Such job creation initiatives not only
help in tackling unemployment but also serve as catalysts for stimulating economic growth, thus
fostering economic stability and prosperity in the region.
The strategic positioning of African nations holds the promise of making the continent a pivotal
player in the global blue hydrogen market. Positioned strategically between Europe and Asia,
Africa can potentially serve as an export hub for blue hydrogen, catering to the escalating global
demand for clean and sustainable energy sources (Van Wijk et al., 2019). As countries
worldwide seek to reduce their carbon footprints, African nations could capitalize on this
opportunity to export blue hydrogen, thereby significantly contributing to their economic wellbeing (Esily et al., 2022). Furthermore, investments in blue hydrogen technologies can serve as
potent drivers of research and development within the clean energy sector. Dedicating resources
to the advancement of hydrogen production, storage, and transportation technologies, African
countries have the potential to carve a niche for themselves as leaders in these burgeoning fields
(Agyekum, 2023). This not only fosters technological progress but also positions Africa
favorably in the global clean energy landscape, potentially attracting foreign investments and
The diversification of energy sources stands as another compelling rationale for embracing blue
hydrogen production. A diversified energy portfolio encompassing a mix of sources, including
blue hydrogen, can significantly bolster energy resilience. Such diversification reduces
vulnerability to supply disruptions, ensuring a more stable and dependable energy supply for
various industries (Hunt et al., 2022). The economic stability derived from this diversified energy
mix is paramount for sustained growth and development. Furthermore, the construction and
establishment of blue hydrogen facilities and CCS infrastructure necessitate substantial
investment (Khan & Al-Ghamdi, 2023). This investment in infrastructure development can
trigger a cascade of economic benefits, fostering growth and prosperity in regions where these
projects are located. The infusion of capital into these areas not only catalyzes economic
development but also engenders improvements in overall infrastructure, benefiting local
communities and enhancing the region's long-term viability (Reigstad et al., 2022). The strategic
utilization of natural gas resources, job creation, export opportunities, carbon emission reduction,
technological advancement, diversification of energy sources, and infrastructure development
contribute significantly to Africa's economic well-being and sustainable development objectives.
2.6 The Environmental Sustainability of Blue Hydrogen Production in Africa
The environmental sustainability of blue hydrogen production in Africa, much like its viability
worldwide, hinges upon a multitude of factors. These factors encompass the specific
technologies and methodologies employed, as well as the accessibility of pertinent resources and
the overarching dedication to curtailing greenhouse gas emissions (Hermesmann & Müller,
2022). It was reported by Ma et al. (2023) that CCS, an integral component of the blue hydrogen
production cycle, stands as a linchpin in determining the ecological sustainability of this
endeavor. However, Pratama and Mac Dowell (2022) noted that the efficacy of CCS
technologies determines the successful containment of captured carbon dioxide, preventing its
accidental release into the Earth's atmosphere. Similarly, Elkerbout and Bryhn (2019
underscored the imperative significance of meticulous monitoring and ongoing maintenance of
CCS infrastructure to stave off potential leakages and secure the long-term storage of captured
carbon emissions.
The origin of the natural gas utilized for blue hydrogen manufacture is another pivotal
consideration in the quest for environmental sustainability. The provenance of natural gas can
exert a substantial influence on the environmental footprint of blue hydrogen production (Chen
& Chen, 2020). In cases where natural gas is sourced from methane-rich fields fraught with
elevated fugitive methane emissions, the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions stemming from
the hydrogen production process may escalate considerably, undermining the sustainability
objectives (Schneider et al., 2020). Energy efficiency, an elemental facet of hydrogen
production, assumes paramount importance in charting a sustainable course for blue hydrogen.
Al-Qahtani et al. (2021) reported that enhanced energy efficiency translates into a diminished
carbon footprint associated with blue hydrogen manufacturing. Thus, the deployment of cuttingedge technologies and the relentless pursuit of optimization are indispensable tools in the arsenal
to augment energy efficiency and minimize environmental repercussions. An avenue toward
fortifying the sustainability of blue hydrogen production involves the seamless integration of
renewable energy sources (Schneider et al., 2020). This requires the juxtaposition of blue
hydrogen production with renewable power sources like wind or solar energy as a strategy to
fulfill the requisite electricity demands while mitigating the carbon footprint. By harnessing
these clean energy alternatives, blue hydrogen has the potential to shed its reliance on fossil
fuels, progressively reducing its environmental impact.
The reasonable utilization of water resources emerges as a pivotal concern, particularly in arid
regions of Africa where water scarcity is a pressing issue. Hydrogen production is inherently
water-intensive, and it is imperative to cultivate sustainable sourcing practices while optimizing
the efficient use of this precious resource (Pandit et al., 2023). Robust water management
strategies, complemented by recycling and conservation practices, contribute significantly to the
environmental sustainability of blue hydrogen production. Ishaq et al. (2022) reported that an
intricate network of infrastructure and transportation plays a critical role in the overall
sustainability calculus. The selection and deployment of infrastructure for hydrogen
transportation and distribution have far-reaching implications for the environmental
sustainability of the entire process (Li et al., 2023). These scholarly findings emphasize the need
for innovations in infrastructure design and logistics that hold the potential to curtail energy
losses and minimize environmental impacts.
A critical impetus towards sustainable blue hydrogen production stems from regulatory and
policy frameworks. As stated earlier, government policies and regulations have a substantial
influence on shaping the sustainability landscape (Ruppel & Katoole, 2023). Governments are
enacting environmental standards, offering incentives for the adoption of carbon capture and
storage technologies, and fervently supporting the integration of renewable energy sources to act
as catalysts for promoting sustainability within the hydrogen sector (Chege, 2023). To attain a
comprehensive understanding of the environmental impact, it is imperative to undertake a
meticulous lifecycle analysis that encompasses the emissions associated with every facet of the
hydrogen value chain, from production to distribution and eventual utilization (Imasiku et al.,
2021). By scrutinizing the holistic lifecycle, a more precise assessment of the environmental
footprint can be ascertained, thereby facilitating informed decisions and targeted mitigation
strategies. Reigstad et al. (20122) underscored that blue hydrogen often serves as a transitional
technology, serving as a stepping stone on the path towards realizing a low-carbon hydrogen
economy. While blue hydrogen can undeniably facilitate emissions reduction vis-à-vis traditional
hydrogen production from natural gas, the ultimate objective lies in transitioning toward green
Green hydrogen, characterized by its production through renewable energy sources, boasts the
distinct advantage of zero carbon emissions (Massarweh et al., 2023), aligning more
harmoniously with long-term sustainability goals. Agyekum (2023) reported that the
sustainability of blue hydrogen production in Africa hinges upon the adept management and
optimization of these multifaceted factors. Such measures serve to minimize the ecological
footprint while simultaneously addressing the surging demand for hydrogen. It was also
emphasized that local nuances, resource accessibility, and regional priorities will exert a
profound influence on the trajectory of blue hydrogen production sustainability across the
African continent (Ruppel & Katoole, 2023). Thus, in the quest for sustainability, the embrace of
both innovation and adaptation remains paramount.
2.7 Financing Options and International Partnerships for Blue Hydrogen Development
Developing blue hydrogen in Africa offers a significant opportunity to tackle the continent's
energy and economic issues while contributing to global carbon emission reduction goals. Blue
hydrogen necessitates substantial investment and global cooperation through various avenues
(Tirumala & Tiwari, 2022). The financing option includes multilateral and bilateral financing for
blue energy production. Juneja and Sinha (2022) claimed that multilateral institutions like the
African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank, alongside regional development banks,
have been extending loans, grants, and technical support to renewable energy projects, including
blue hydrogen projects. The countries have also forged bilateral agreements with developed
nations such as the United States, European Union members, and China to attract both funding
and expertise for blue energy production (Chen, 2021). Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
present another financial option to support blue energy projects. Incorporating private sector
entities like energy firms, financial institutions, and infrastructure developers can secure
investments in blue hydrogen projects (Lau et al., 2021). Some states and governments have
created a favorable regulatory environment, offering incentives such as tax incentives and
guarantees to attract private investments.
Green bonds and sustainable financing have been used to fund renewable energy production.
Green bonds and sustainable finance mechanisms have been leveraged in some nations to
generate funds for environmentally friendly projects, drawing in institutional investors and
climate-focused funds committed to clean energy and de-carbonization (Azhgaliyeva et al.,
2020). Some blue hydrogen energy projects have benefited through carbon pricing mechanisms,
or emissions offset programs revenue for their CCS efforts in reducing emissions. Exploring
international carbon credit trading systems can help monetize emissions reductions in Africa
(Ionescu, 2021). The options of collaborating with international bodies such as the International
Energy Agency (IEA) and the Global CCS Institute have also provided access to technical
expertise, best practices, and funding opportunities (Aleixandre-Tudó et al., 2019). Participation
in initiatives like the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Initiative facilitates knowledge sharing and
access to funding resources. These authors also highlighted that partnering with international
technology firms has equally brought advanced hydrogen production and CCS technologies to
Africa. Collaboration with research institutions facilitates knowledge transfer and fosters
Prioritizing the export of blue hydrogen to international markets, especially Europe with its
ambitious hydrogen targets, can boost project viability. Securing long-term contracts with global
buyers is essential for sustainability (Van Wijk et al., 2019). Exploring political risk insurance
and financial guarantees from organizations like the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
(MIGA) has attracted foreign investment (Chen, 2021). However, Ruppel and Katoole (2023)
underscored the significance of establishing legal frameworks to safeguard investor rights, which
is crucial. Investing in local workforce development and education is vital to cultivating the
required skills and expertise for blue hydrogen production. Collaboration with international
educational institutions facilitates knowledge exchange ((Vysoká et al., 2021). Promoting
regional cooperation to share infrastructure and reduce costs is essential. African countries can
also leverage the African Union's initiatives for sustainable energy development across the
continent to gain funding and expertise needed for the production of blue hydrogen. It is also
imperative to ensure that projects adhere to environmental and social sustainability standards to
attract responsible investors and prevent potential conflicts.
In conclusion, developing blue hydrogen in Africa necessitates a comprehensive approach
involving diverse financing mechanisms and international partnerships. Combining public and
private funding while fostering global collaboration can help address the financial, technical, and
regulatory challenges associated with blue hydrogen production. Emphasizing sustainability and
responsible development is crucial to garner domestic and international support for these
2.9 Research Gap
The increased focus of studies on blue hydrogen in relation to Africa is an indicator of how
important it will be to devote resources to blue hydrogen study. As indicated by Kovač et al.
(2021), existing studies have focused on the production of blue energy in developed countries and
the technical feasibility and economic viability of renewable and clean hydrogen energy, while
others have focused on the negative environmental effects of clean hydrogen energy. However,
while studies on blue hydrogen potential in continental Africa are available, none has focused on
the Nigerian case study. This present study filled the gap in the literature by giving a thorough
evaluation of blue hydrogen potential in Africa with a particular focus on Nigeria with a specific
focus on the technological, economic, and regulatory viability as well as environmental and
financial sustainability of blue hydrogen production in the continent.
2.10 Chapter Summary
The Triple Bottom-up and Energy transition theory is relevant in providing a lens to understand
the potential for blue hydrogen development in Africa and how it would contribute to the
transition of Africa to a more sustainable energy system. An empirical literature review has
illuminated the technological viability, regulatory and legal frameworks, commercial viability,
environmental consequences, finance alternatives, and international partnerships pertinent to the
development of blue hydrogen in Africa (Gerhardt et al., 2020). The review has made it possible
to have a full picture of the present level of knowledge on blue hydrogen research and
development in Africa. Key conclusions from the evaluation have come to light, emphasizing the
importance of Africa's substantial natural gas reserves, the continent's potential for renewable
energy, and the urgent need for renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources.
3.1 Introduction
These methodologies were utilized to analyze Nigeria's blue hydrogen development in the
complicated realm of sustainable energy exploration. To comprehend blue hydrogen production's
technological feasibility, economic potential, and regulatory environment, the study must use
quantitative and qualitative methodologies due to its complexity. Plano Clark, Teddlie,
Tashakkori, and other methodological scholars inspired the study design, which seamlessly
blends different methodologies to create a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Fetters,
Curry, Creswell, and Caruth's stringent criteria combine expert and representative sample inputs
to pick participants. Online surveys utilizing Survey Monkey, phone conversations, and Zoom
interviews are included in the chapter. Data analysis is separated into quantitative SPSS and
qualitative thematic analysis per Mitchell, Almalki, and others. Ivankova, Almeida, and
Schoonenboom found that this research trip values ethics and trustworthiness. For a
comprehensive assessment of Nigeria's blue hydrogen development potential and limits, the
chapter meticulously covers each methodology component.
3.2 Research Design
I utilized quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyze blue hydrogen development in
Nigeria to understand this developing industry. The analytical framework was carefully built to
study the complicated dynamics of blue hydrogen production according to Plano Clark (2017),
Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009), and Mitchell and Education (2018). This method was used to
assess the technical feasibility, economic potential, and regulatory environment of Nigeria's blue
hydrogen development using quantitative survey data and qualitative interviews.
Following Plano Clark's (2017) mixed-methods research recommendations, quantitative
techniques like 200-person surveys allowed for a statistically robust investigation of key factors.
The qualitative component of 15 expert interviews allowed for in-depth study and
contextualization using Teddlie and Tashakkori's (2009) findings. The research design sought to
transcend a single approach and generate a more nuanced narrative about Nigerian blue
hydrogen development via various methodological strands.
This mixed-methods technique based on methodological academics revealed Nigeria's blue
hydrogen setting. Using quantitative and qualitative data together allowed for triangulation and a
better grasp of the research topics, boosting the study's validity and reliability. This
methodological approach helped me capture blue hydrogen evolution's multidimensionality and
deliver insights beyond a particular research strategy as I collected data.
3.3 Participants
3.3.1 Selection Criteria
The Fetters, Curry, Creswell, and Caruth (2013) principles informed my Nigerian blue hydrogen
development project participant selection. The selection criteria were carefully established to
guarantee participants have relevant African blue hydrogen development expertise and
experience. Participants in African blue hydrogen research, policy, and projects were sought.
This criterion solicited thoughts from those who understand Africa's energy landscape's blue
hydrogen development challenges and promise.
To ensure individuals could contribute effectively to the study, selection criteria emphasized
direct blue hydrogen activity. Fetters, Curry, Creswell, and Caruth recommended hiring blue
hydrogen experts in Africa. Field personnel were targeted to enhance research findings and
understand the practical effects of Nigerian blue hydrogen projects. Finally, partners with
African blue hydrogen development experience were chosen. This strategy ensured the
authenticity and significance of participant contributions using Fetters, Curry, Creswell, and
Caruth's ideas.
3.3.2 Sampling Technique
My research on blue hydrogen development in Nigeria needed smart participant selection to get
robust and diverse data. According to Almeida (2018) and Schoonenboom and Johnson (2017),
the qualitative phase employed purposive sampling. This technique seeks to include blue
hydrogen development experts and stakeholders from throughout the industry to guarantee
diversity. After choosing participants based on their expertise and experience, the qualitative
phase intended to discover a rich tapestry of thoughts that may elucidate Africa's complex blue
hydrogen development.
Almeida (2018) and Schoonenboom and Johnson (2017) reported random sampling in the
quantitative phase. It eliminated bias and randomly selected survey participants from potential
respondents. This randomization strategy provided a representative sample, improving
quantitative findings' external validity. Random sampling was utilized to generalize findings and
comprehend Nigerians' thoughts on blue hydrogen development. These sample procedures were
well-organized and showed the research's complete approach to blue hydrogen development in
Nigeria. Purposive sampling for qualitative insights and random sample for quantitative surveys
triangulated results, expanding the study's validity and exploring blue hydrogen development's
numerous facets.
3.3.3 Sample Size
I meticulously followed Caruth (2013), Ivankova and Creswell (2009), and Creswell and Clark's
(2011) sample size guidelines for my Nigerian blue hydrogen development research. We wanted
to optimize the study's statistical power while ensuring a representative sample of the targeted
population's perspectives. According to Caruth's (2013) mixed-methods research
recommendations, sample size selection emphasized methodological rigor and accuracy.
Ivankova and Creswell (2009) advised matching sample size to study questions and aims.
Ensuring adequate individuals supported the quantitative and qualitative phases of the research
needed careful sample size calibration. According to Creswell and Clark (2011), this strategy
enhanced study dependability, generalizability, and statistical validity.
Sample size optimization was essential since statistical accuracy and data collection and
processing restrictions were to be balanced. Caruth's (2013) suggestions, Ivankova and
Creswell's (2009), and Creswell and Clark's (2011) nuanced perspectives helped shape a sample
size that would improve the research's methodological robustness and ability to understand
Nigeria's complex blue hydrogen development landscape.
3.4 Data Collection Methods
To understand Nigerian blue hydrogen development, Timans, Wouters, Heilbron (2019),
Almalki (2016), and Lund (2012) guided my data collection. The survey of 200 participants
followed Almalki's (2016) instructions on using quantitative data in mixed methods research.
The poll question was deliberately crafted to elicit diverse views on Nigerian blue hydrogen
development. This quantitative method collected numerical data for statistical analysis of
demographics, perceptions, and attitudes.
According to Timans, Wouters, Heilbron (2019), and Lund (2012), 15 experts were interviewed
in-depth during the qualitative phase. The interviews sought key stakeholders' experience and
ideas on the challenges of blue hydrogen development. Qualitative interviews showed Nigeria's
blue hydrogen projects' challenges, possibilities, and ambiguities, clarifying quantitative
findings. According to Almalki (2016) and Lund (2012), integrating quantitative and qualitative
methods allowed a comprehensive assessment of the research concerns, improving outcomes.
Integrating data collection methods was done to triangulate findings and reduce their drawbacks.
The research themes were various. Thus, quantitative survey data and qualitative interview views
were synthesized to understand blue hydrogen development in Nigeria. This methodological
synthesis followed experts' instructions to create a thorough research plan that captured the
subject's complexities.
3.5 Data Collection Procedures
My research on blue hydrogen development in Nigeria used efficient and inclusive
questionnaires. Survey Monkey distributed surveys per Clark et al. (2008), Plano Clark (2017),
and Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009). This strategy collected data efficiently and enabled
individuals from various locations to share their perspectives. The poll was faster and more
accessible to Nigerians interested in blue hydrogen development using online platforms that used
current research methods.
Flexible data collection was employed in the qualitative phase, which included in-depth
interviews. Clark et al. (2008), Plano Clark (2017), and Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009) employed
synchronous and asynchronous communication. Real-time phone calls helped interviewers
connect. Asynchronous Zoom sessions let participants interview at their leisure. This flexible
data collection strategy accommodated experts' and stakeholders' schedules and employed
contemporary communication technologies to match the research topic's dynamic nature. Using
the indicated sources, data collection techniques were carefully organized to speed up and
increase participant engagement and collaboration. Digital platforms and various communication
methods were employed to optimize quantitative and qualitative data collecting efficiency and
participant convenience and accessibility.
3.6 Data Analysis
My research on blue hydrogen development in Nigeria carefully combines quantitative and
qualitative data analysis. Mitchell and Education (2018), Fetters et al. (2013), and Caruth (2013)
say SPSS thoroughly analyzes quantitative survey data. This quantitative investigation confirms
research results by examining numerical data patterns, trends, and statistical links. A prominent
statistical tool, SPSS, improves quantitative data accuracy and reliability, enhancing the
Mitchell and Education (2018), Fetters et al. (2013), and Caruth (2013) lead qualitative in-depth
interview topic analysis. Qualitative data is interpreted using thematic analysis. Complex insights
and contextual features of Nigerian blue hydrogen development are revealed, enhancing
understanding. The research uses qualitative data and theme analysis to explore respondents'
perspectives fully.
Triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data strengthens research results. Blue hydrogen
evolution is holistically analyzed using mixed approaches to examine quantitative-qualitative
convergence or divergence. The selected sources inform this mixed-methods synthesis, which
deepens and broadens data analysis conclusions.
3.7 Trustworthiness and Rigor
I stressed dependability and thoroughness in my Nigerian blue hydrogen development research.
Ivankova and Creswell (2009) and Almeida (2018) established a multifaceted technique to verify
findings. Triangulating quantitative survey findings and qualitative interview narratives gives
credibility. Triangulation validates data consistency and allows a detailed understanding of blue
hydrogen production. Member checking is used as proposed by Ivankova and Creswell (2009).
Initial participant feedback verifies interpretation accuracy and authenticity.
Transferability and credibility are stressed in the study to ensure that the findings may be used
elsewhere. A diverse set of African blue hydrogen developers improves transferability. The
research method is fully documented following dependability principles, giving future
researchers an audit trail to assess the study's trustworthiness. This full description of the study
methodology, participant selection criteria, and data collection helps other researchers reproduce
and validate the findings.
The research employed reflection to assure confirmability, objectivity, and impartiality.
Recognize and assess the researcher's biases. As per Ivankova and Creswell (2009), the
researcher has considered personal biases and employed reflexivity to eliminate bias in study
outcomes. Mixed-methods designs enable quantitative and qualitative data to coincide or
diverge, ensuring validity and objectivity.
To preserve research credibility and rigor, credibility, transferability, dependability, and
confirmability indicators are carefully applied. The study follows Ivankova and Creswell (2009)
and Almeida (2018) to understand and apply its results to Nigerian blue hydrogen development
and African sustainable energy options.
3.8 Ethical Considerations
Nigerian blue hydrogen development research must follow Schoonenboom and Johnson's (2017)
and Creswell's (2011) ethics. Ethical research requires informed consent from subjects. Before
obtaining authorization, my study clearly states its goal, methodology, dangers, and rewards.
This promotes autonomy and human rights by informing and consenting participants to the
study. The privacy and responses of research participants are kept secret. Participant names are
anonymized and protected, according to Schoonenboom and Johnson (2017) and Creswell
(2011). This confidentiality agreement protects participants after the study. Secrecy fosters trust
between researchers and participants, promoting honest responses that ensure study validity and
My research ethics emphasize participant rights. Appreciating others' perspectives, autonomy,
and contributions. Comfort and respect are ensured by checking participants throughout the
research. Fast resolution of participant complaints creates an ethical research environment that
prioritizes their rights. To ensure honesty and integrity, the Nigerian blue hydrogen development
study follows Schoonenboom and Johnson's (2017) and Creswell's (2011) ethical norms. Ethics
guide my research, per Schoonenboom and Johnson (2017) and Creswell (2011). The study
investigates blue hydrogen development in Nigeria while protecting participants' rights, wellbeing, and informed consent.
3.9 Limitations of the Study
I know nothing about blue hydrogen development in Nigeria, although Lund (2012) and Clark et
al. (2008) do. Drawbacks include participant selection biases. Despite random and planned
selection, participant availability and willingness may skew results. Transparent sampling
approaches expose participant demographics, overcoming this barrier in human subject research.
Methods of data collection may be biased. Survey Monkey may overrepresent internet users,
skewing replies. This may be solved by using phone conversations and Zoom meetings for
qualitative interviews. Since the research focuses on Nigerian blue hydrogen development,
conclusions may be limited. Case study research provides in-depth insights into Nigeria, but it
should not be applied to other areas without understanding their circumstances.
3.10 Chapter Conclusion
Finally, Chapter 3 develops a mixed-methods research technique for Nigerian blue hydrogen
development. Based on Plano Clark (2017), Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009), and Mitchell and
Education (2018), the research design is thorough. Fetters, Curry, and Creswell (2013) and
Caruth (2013) choose field-experienced volunteers to improve the study's credibility. Almeida
(2018) and Schoonenboom and Johnson (2017) recommend deliberate and random sampling for
different perspectives and statistical representativeness.
According to Caruth (2013), Ivankova and Creswell (2009), and Creswell and Clark (2011), the
sample size must be computed appropriately. Following Timans, Wouters, and Heilbron (2019),
Almalki (2016), and Lund (2012), a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews were
conducted. Clark et al. (2008), Plano Clark (2017), and Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009) employ
online survey platforms and synchronous/asynchronous communication to collect data quickly
and extensively. This meticulous approach ensures rigorous findings in Chapter 4 on Nigerian
blue hydrogen development.
4.1 Introduction
The results of blue hydrogen development in Nigeria's research are examined in Chapter 4. This
chapter covers the mixed-methods study's quantitative survey and qualitative expert interviews.
Nigeria's technical, economic, and environmental elements of blue hydrogen production are
examined. This chapter presents survey responses regarding technological viability, economic
potential, and environmental sustainability topics. Qualitative stakeholder interview findings will
enhance the study's context and variety. These statistics allow for a comprehensive examination
of blue hydrogen development in Africa, using Nigeria as a case study. Mixed quantitative and
qualitative data gives a good foundation for analyzing the study's ramifications, issues, and
potential further in this chapter.
4.2 Demographic Questions
Table 1: Demographic Information
Demographic Information
Frequency (n)
Percentage (%)
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Prefer not to say
- Under 18
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
Demographic Information
Frequency (n)
Percentage (%)
- 45-54
- 55-64
- 65 or above
- High School
- Bachelor's Degree
- Master's Degree
- Ph.D. or equivalent
- Other
- Energy Industry Prof.
- Environmental Scientist
- Policy Maker/Gov. Official
- Researcher/Academic
- Student
- Other
Educational Background
Table 1
Table 1 summarizes Nigeria's blue hydrogen development research participants' demographics.
The sample is 60% male and 37.5% female. The study cohort is varied, including 2.5% nonbinary. The absence of gender-hiding replies indicates transparency. The study covered under-
18s and seniors over 65. The 35-44 age group is most involved (30%), followed by 45-54
(22.5%). This distribution comprises representatives from different age groups to understand
blue hydrogen perceptions throughout generations. High school, bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D.
graduates provide varied perspectives and talents to the study.
This sample covers energy, academic, policymaking, and research roles. Energy sector
specialists (20%) provide industry-specific viewpoints, while environmental scientists,
lawmakers, professors, and students cover blue hydrogen development. Study issues are difficult.
Thus, occupational diversity enables technical, economic, and environmental study.
Demographic data reveals the study comprised people of various genders, ages, education, and
employment. This diversity enriches the research findings and offers a multifaceted look at
Nigerian blue hydrogen evolution.
4.3 Descriptive Data
Section 2 results are given below: Descriptive questions based on understanding of blue
hydrogen production:
Familiarity Level
Not familiar with it at all
Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
Extremely familiar
Total Participants (N=200)
Table 2.1
Table 2.1 shows Nigerian participants' knowledge of blue hydrogen generation. Different
acquaintances were among the 200 participants. Notably, 35.0% replied, "Very familiar," and
15.0% "Extremely familiar." Some 50.0% comprehended blue hydrogen production. 25.0% were
"Moderately familiar," indicating moderate awareness, while 15.0% were "Slightly familiar."
10.0% were "Not familiar at all," demonstrating minimal blue hydrogen knowledge. Distribution
across familiarity levels underscores the need for concerted educational and awareness actions to
bridge knowledge gaps. Information transfer strategies tailored to familiarity may enhance such
efforts. Numerous informed individuals suggest a pool of stakeholders who might influence
Nigerian blue hydrogen development discussions and decisions. Table 2.1 illustrates that
participants' knowledge levels vary, underlining the necessity for a nuanced and specialized
approach to incorporate diverse stakeholders in Nigerian blue hydrogen production discussions.
Table 2.2: Main Benefits of Blue Hydrogen Production in Nigeria
Benefit Themes
Clean Energy Source
Economic Growth
Job Creation
Technological Advancement
Energy Security
Total Participants (N=200)
Table 2.2 lists participants' top benefits of Nigeria's blue hydrogen generation. Qualitative
responses were categorized to examine benefit themes. Blue hydrogen growth has various
benefits, according to data. Blue hydrogen's "Clean Energy Source" was the most generally
mentioned benefit, with 45 (22.5%) citing it. This promotes the global emphasis on clean,
renewable energy to fight climate change. Following closely, 21.5% and 21.0% selected "Energy
Security" and "Technological Advancement" as major benefits. Blue hydrogen might improve
Nigeria's energy security and technology. 19.0% and 16.0% regarded "Economic Growth" and
"Job Creation" as benefits. Participants regarded blue hydrogen as a multifaceted answer that
might benefit technology, the environment, and Nigeria's economy and employment
development. Table 2.2 concludes with participants' complicated perspectives on Nigerian blue
hydrogen production. Due to its various benefits, blue hydrogen may enhance economic growth,
technology, and job creation while delivering clean energy. These results may assist Nigerian
authorities and stakeholders in maximizing the perceived benefits of blue hydrogen development.
Table 2.3: Major Challenges of Blue Hydrogen Development in Nigeria
Challenge Themes
High Initial Costs
Infrastructure Issues
Environmental Impact
Public Awareness
Regulatory Hurdles
Total Participants (N=200)
Participants listed Nigeria's greatest blue hydrogen development issues in Table 2.3. Our
qualitative responses revealed concerns that we classified into topics to investigate. "High Initial
Costs" was the most common issue, with 55 participants (27.5%) worried about the blue
hydrogen project's finances. This shows that upfront costs may hinder future technology
development. Participants agree that Nigerian blue hydrogen initiatives require major financing.
About 24.0% and 20.5% of respondents worried about "Environmental Impact" and
"Infrastructure Issues." Environmental considerations stress sustainable blue hydrogen
production, aligning with global energy and environmental goals. Blue hydrogen efforts may
face logistical and operational infrastructure issues. 16.0% and 12.0% of participants cited
"Public Awareness" and "Regulatory Hurdles" as issues, highlighting the need for greater
communication and regulatory frameworks. In conclusion, Table 2.3 illuminates Nigeria's blue
hydrogen development challenges. New energy options are challenging to adopt due to high
prices, environmental impacts, and infrastructure restrictions. Addressing these concerns requires
financial planning, environmental sustainability, infrastructural development, and better
regulations. This report helps stakeholders and policymakers understand Nigeria's blue hydrogen
development challenges and find solutions to boost the sustainability of the energy sector.
4.4 Research-Related Questions
Table 3.1: Technological Viability of Blue Hydrogen Production in Nigeria
Technological Viability
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Total Participants (N=200)
In Table 3.1, participants rate Nigeria's blue hydrogen-generating technology. The frequency
distribution reveals that 5.0% strongly disagreed, 7.5% disagreed, 12.5% neutral, 47.5% agreed,
and 27.5% very agreed. Many of the 200 participants (75.0%) agreed or strongly agreed. This
illustrates respondents' optimism in Nigerian blue hydrogen manufacturing. A deep
understanding of agreement levels provides a qualitative study into what impacts participants'
perceptions. Almost three-quarters of respondents thought blue hydrogen production was
practical. This optimistic attitude may match Nigeria's technical abilities. However, the huge
percentage of apathetic or opposing responses implies distinct perspectives and maybe concerns.
This sophisticated information is needed to assess views and guide research into participants'
attitudes regarding Nigeria's blue hydrogen generation technology.
Table 3.3: Environmental Sustainability of Blue Hydrogen Production in Nigeria
Environmental Sustainability
Not Sustainable at All
Slightly Sustainable
Moderately Sustainable
Very Sustainable
Extremely Sustainable
Total Participants (N=200)
Nigerians' perspectives on blue hydrogen production's environmental sustainability are in Table
3.3. In the study, 2.5% think it is not sustainable, 10.0% somewhat sustainable, 22.5% fairly
sustainable, 40.0% extremely sustainable, and 25.0% very sustainable. Participants backed blue
hydrogen production's environmental sustainability 90%. Respondents agree that Nigerian blue
hydrogen production may assist the environment. Blue hydrogen production was extremely
sustainable for 65% of respondents, suggesting confidence. This positive outlook reflects the
global renewable energy trend. The low "not sustainable at all" and "slightly sustainable"
percentages suggest a minority perspective, raising questions regarding the environmental impact
of blue hydrogen generation. Qualitative interviews may provide participants' perspectives and
explain Nigeria's blue hydrogen development's environmental sustainability.
Table 3.4: Perception of Financing Alternatives and International Partnerships
Insufficient Financing
Limited International Partnerships
Moderate Financing Options
Adequate International Partnerships
Abundant Financing
Total Participants (N=200)
Table 3.4 displays participants' opinions on Nigeria's blue hydrogen development money and
international relations. Insufficient finance was reported by 12.5%, restricted international
relationships by 15.0%, moderate financing alternatives by 30.0%, suitable international
partnerships by 35.0%, and ample financing by 7.5%. The distribution states that participants are
aware of the blue hydrogen project's financial and international viability in Nigeria. 65% of
interviewees assessed financing sources as moderate, adequate, or numerous, indicating
confidence in the financial climate of blue hydrogen development. Responders must believe in
financing for blue hydrogen projects to succeed. The balance between international partnership
adequacy and finance options reveals their relationship. Understanding participants' views on
these key components helps assess the viability of Nigeria's blue hydrogen project. A qualitative
study on participants' finance and partnership sufficient criteria may clarify quantitative data's
confusing perspectives.
4.5 Hypothesis-Related Questions
Table 4.1: Influence of Technological Viability on Economic Potential
Influence Level
No Influence at All
Little Influence
Moderate Influence
Significant Influence
Very Significant Influence
Total Participants (N=200)
In Table 4.1, participants discuss how technological viability impacts Nigeria's blue hydrogen
industrial industry. 2.5% think technological viability has no influence. 7.5% suspect minimal
impact and effect. Technology has a modest impact on Blue Hydrogen's economic potential,
according to 42.5% of respondents. 32.5% of participants value technical viability,
demonstrating the importance of current technology in the economic success of blue hydrogen
development. Technical viability and economic potential awareness vary across all levels,
offering a comprehensive view of the research environment. Technological improvements affect
blue hydrogen production's economic environment, participants agree. The mixed-methods
research employed quantitative data to quantify opinions and qualitative interview insights to
provide context. The results will explain Nigerian blue hydrogen development in the following
Table 4.2: Agreement with the Hypothesis
Agreement Level
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Total Participants (N=200)
In Table 4.2, participants agree that "There is a significant positive relationship between the
technological viability of blue hydrogen production and its economic potential in Nigeria." With
5% strongly disapproving and 10% disagreeing, participant opinions varied. Some doubt the
relationship between technological viability and economic potential. However, 47.5% of
participants agree, proving blue hydrogen production's technical and economic viability are
linked. The relationship is also supported by 25% who strongly agree. Participants' answers
across agreement levels demonstrate complicated anticipated link knowledge. The minority's
disagreement illustrates the complexity of blue hydrogen development. Interviews may
illuminate opposing ideas and deepen research concerns. This section discusses the Nigerian blue
hydrogen generation's technological and economic viability.
4.6 Correlation Analysis
Table 5.1: Correlation Analysis
Technological Viability
Economic Potential
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
The technical feasibility of blue hydrogen generation is positively correlated with Nigeria's
economic potential. Tech viability and economic potential have positive linear correlations with
Pearson correlation values of 0.67 and 0.62. Since 0.000 p-values are below 0.05, the null
hypothesis of no link is rejected. The correlations of 0.67 and 0.62 suggest that technological
viability increases economic potential. The relationship says technological viability explains
44% of economic potential variance. The correlation analysis confirms the notion, linking blue
hydrogen production's technological viability to Nigeria's economic potential. Regression
analysis supports the idea that technological developments enhance the economic potential of
blue hydrogen production.
4.7 Regression Analysis
The regression research below links blue hydrogen production's technological viability and
economic potential:
Table 5.2: Regression Analysis
Coefficient Standard Error
t-Value p-Value Result
Technological Viability
Model Summary:
R-Square: 0.45
Adjusted R-Square: 0.44
F-Value: 36.78, p < 0.001
Regression analysis shows that Nigerian blue hydrogen generation is technically and
economically feasible. A logically nonsensical intercept (3.12) predicts economic potential when
technological viability is zero. Each unit of technological viability increases economic potential
by 0.68. With a 4.53 t-value, the coefficient is significantly distinct from zero. The low p-value
(p < 0.001) supports the substantial relationship. Model summary: The regression model explains
45% of technological viability-based economic potential variance. The f-value of 36.78 and pvalue 0.001 suggest statistical significance for the model. The model's modified R-squared of
0.44, which accounts for predictors, better represents its explanatory ability. The regression study
supports the idea, indicating a strong correlation between blue hydrogen production's technical
feasibility and Nigeria's economic potential.
4.8 Hypothesis Affirmation/Rejection
We can assess Nigeria's technical and economic viability of blue hydrogen production using
regression analysis. An extensive interpretation follows. This is the regression equation:
Economic Potential = 3.12 + (0.68 × Technological Viability)
Interpretation of Coefficients
The intercept (3.12) predicts economic potential at 0% technical viability, which is conceptually
irrelevant. Basic economic potential is presented. Technological viability (0.68): Each unit of it
boosts economic potential by 0.68. This positive coefficient supports the technical viabilityeconomic potential.
Significance Tests
This T-value (4.53) measures the relevance of each coefficient. Technological Viability's 4.53 tvalue indicates a significant coefficient. A low p-value (p < 0.001) highlights the link's
significance (0.000). A p-value < 0.05 strongly rejects the null hypothesis, demonstrating the
predictor variable's relevance.
Model Summary
Technical feasibility affects 45% of economic potential variance according to the regression
model. The model accounts for almost 50% of economic potential variability. By accounting for
predictors, the adjusted R-Square (0.44) better represents the model's explanatory strength. The
F-Value (36.78, p < 0.001) evaluated the regression model's significance. F-value 36.78, p-value
< 0.001, indicating model significance.
The technological feasibility and economic potential of blue hydrogen generation in Nigeria are
strongly associated, regression analysis shows. The coefficients, t-values, and p-values support
the hypothesis by showing the relationship's strength and significance.
4.9 Qualitative Study: Research-Related Questions
Technological Viability (RQ1)
Interviews with Participants 2, 9, and 13 provide light on Nigeria's difficult technical
environment while examining the technological viability of blue hydrogen production.
Participant 2, an experienced senior engineer in hydrogen projects, noted the promising technical
feasibility of blue hydrogen in Nigeria. Participant 9, a technological consultant, repeated this
opinion, highlighting the nation's ability to use cutting-edge hydrogen-generating technologies.
However, challenges were recognized. Participant 13, representing a research institution, stressed
the need for carbon capture and storage technology advancements to make blue hydrogen
programs more sustainable.
Thematic interviews identified major technological obstacles. Optimizing electrolysis processes,
developing cost-effective carbon capture technologies, and integrating renewable energy sources
into manufacturing is critical (Ionescu, 2021). Participant 2 also stressed the need to integrate
technology with Nigeria's infrastructure. This highlighted the need for strategic planning to
leverage national strengths. Document analysis showed the need to integrate blue hydrogen
technologies within the energy framework to ensure seamless deployment (Ionescu, 2021).
Nigeria's technical infrastructure affected the feasibility of blue hydrogen. Technology policy
expert Participant 6 discussed infrastructure issues, particularly transportation and storage
facilities. Conversely, the interviews revealed technology integration opportunities. Participant
11, a government official, stressed the need to develop infrastructure to assist the blue hydrogen
business. According to relevant papers and interviews, the technical viability of blue hydrogen
production in Nigeria is complicated and influenced by infrastructural concerns, barriers, and
Economic Potential (RQ2)
The economic potential of blue hydrogen production in Nigeria may be understood by reviewing
the responses of Participants 4, 7, and 12. Participant 4, an energy market economist, stressed the
relevance of market demand, natural gas prices, and infrastructure investments in blue hydrogen
economic viability. Participant 12, a financial expert, agreed that good economic conditions and
sound financial plans are essential for blue hydrogen projects. Their findings demonstrate the
complicated interplay of economic factors that affect blue hydrogen production.
Thematic analysis of interview data revealed Nigeria's blue hydrogen programs' economic
challenges and opportunities. Due to global energy market volatility, business strategist
Participant 7 noted the challenge of acquiring long-term investments. However, interactions with
government officials like Participant 11 showed the administration's commitment to promoting
blue hydrogen via policy interventions and financial incentives. The consistent observation with
document analysis, which highlighted the importance of favorable government policies, shows
the ever-changing economic climate that influences blue hydrogen projects in Nigeria.
Participant 8, an energy industry senior executive, stressed the necessity of strategic partnerships
and international cooperation to boost financial capacities while assessing Nigeria's economic
potential and blue hydrogen growth. The interviews highlighted the delicate balance between
financial challenges and the economic feasibility of sustainable blue hydrogen programs (Jansen
et al., 2021). The document analysis also stressed the necessity of economic elements in
developing a robust plan to successfully integrate blue hydrogen into Nigeria's energy industry
(Jansen et al., 2021).
Environmental Sustainability (RQ3)
Participants 3, 9, and 14's opinions on Nigeria's blue hydrogen manufacturing's environmental
sustainability are insightful. Participant 3, an environmental scientist, stressed the need for life
cycle studies for the environmental effects of blue hydrogen programs. Their findings stressed
the need to understand the ecological effect of extracting raw materials and using completed
goods. Participant 14, a government official with environmental experience, stressed the need for
strict environmental standards and monitoring methods to support blue hydrogen development.
Document analysis confirmed the importance of regulatory frameworks in mitigating
environmental dangers.
Blue hydrogen efforts in Nigeria face considerable environmental constraints, as indicated by the
theme analysis of interviewees. Participant 9 stressed the need to ethically source raw resources,
especially natural gas, to reduce environmental impact while supporting renewable energy.
Consultations with industry experts, including Participant 6, revealed the challenges of carbon
emissions and the importance of integrating carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies for
sustainable blue hydrogen generation. These findings support the literature study that CCS may
mitigate blue hydrogen environmental concerns (Khan & Al-Ghamdi, 2023).
Documents and interviews showed that all parties understood blue hydrogen's potential to reduce
carbon emissions in the Nigerian energy industry. Participant 1, an energy policy expert, stressed
the potential for blue hydrogen to reduce carbon emissions, especially in fossil fuel-dependent
industries. The agreement above supports the objective of promoting blue hydrogen as a
sustainable energy sector solution to environmental issues in Nigeria.
Financing Alternatives and Partnerships (RQ4)
Interviews with Participants 2, 8, and 11 reveal finance opportunities and worldwide partnerships
needed to progress blue hydrogen in Nigeria. Participant 2, an energy project expert and financial
analyst, stressed the need for a diverse financial portfolio, including foreign finance, publicprivate partnerships, and government incentives. They stressed the significance of a coordinated
financial plan to overcome the economic challenges of blue hydrogen. A document study
confirmed the importance of foreign investments and government support in the development of
blue hydrogen (Khan & Al-Ghamdi, 2023).
Deeper interview topic analysis examined potential international relationships. Participant 11,
representing a global energy consortium, discussed successful Nigerian international
relationships. Participant 5 and other industry experts were interviewed to stress technology and
information transfer in international cooperation. This validates the literature review's conclusion
that technology transfer and knowledge-sharing promote renewable energy programs (Lebrouhi
et al., 2022). Participants 2, 8, and 11 emphasize the importance of financial competence and
worldwide alliances in Nigeria's blue hydrogen efforts. This study supports the main goal of a
comprehensive and globally supported plan to overcome financial and technical barriers to blue
hydrogen development in Nigeria.
4.9.1 Qualitative Question
Regulatory Environment (RQ5)
The regulatory context for blue hydrogen development in Nigeria was understood via topic
analysis of interviews with Participants 4, 9, and 13. Participant 4, an energy policy expert and
lawyer, noted the changing regulatory framework and recent government attempts to support
sustainable energy projects. Their conclusions stressed the significance of clear and supporting
legislative frameworks for blue hydrogen development. Document analysis confirmed the role of
policy frameworks in fostering renewable energy efforts (Lebrouhi et al., 2022).
Participants 9 and 13—government representatives—discussed regulatory issues. Participant 9
stressed the need for stakeholder participation to shorten approval procedures and bureaucratic
hurdles. Environmental regulator Participant 13 stressed the significance of rigorous
environmental impact assessments. This comment illustrates the delicate balance between energy
development and environmental protection (Lebrouhi et al., 2022). Documents showed how
difficult it is to balance environmental and energy needs in regulatory institutions (Lerman et al.,
Synthesizing the results of Participants 4, 9, and 13 provides a thorough understanding of
Nigeria's blue hydrogen regulatory framework. Participants stressed the need for flexible and
cooperative tactics due to the complex regulatory environment (Lerman et al., 2021). These
insights improve understanding of regulatory framework hurdles and facilitators, which is crucial
for policy recommendations and sustainable blue hydrogen efforts in Nigeria.
4.9.2 Theoretical Foundation Alignment
Triple Bottom Line Theory
Thematic analysis of interview data from Participants 3, 8, and 12 shows how well the Triple
Bottom Line (TBL) theory matches Nigeria's blue hydrogen development sector's sustainable
and ethical business practices. Participant 3, a corporate governance specialist and industry
veteran, stressed the TBL theory's substantial and revolutionary impact on organizations'
perspectives. They found that the theory encourages policymakers to consider social and
environmental impacts as well as economic ones, promoting sustainable development (Svensson
et al., 2018).
Participants 8 and 12 represented major energy companies and demonstrated TBL theory.
Participant 8 stressed the importance of TBL project assessments, which weighted social benefit,
environmental sustainability, and economic viability equally. Participant 12, a corporate social
responsibility activist, described how the TBL framework affected blue hydrogen-related
community development project resource allocation.
The findings from Participants 3, 8, and 12 show how the TBL theory might influence
sustainable and ethical business practices in the Nigerian blue hydrogen development industry.
This shift in focus prioritizes a socially responsible and comprehensive energy plan that
considers environmental and societal impacts as well as economic rewards (Svensson et al.,
2018). These findings deepen our understanding of the theoretical underpinnings that guide
Nigeria's blue hydrogen sector decision-making.
Energy Transition Model
Interviews with Participants 4, 9, and 14 may help explain how the Energy Transition Model
(ETM) has affected Nigeria's blue hydrogen production technical and economic viability.
Participant 4, an infrastructure development specialist, stressed the importance of the ETM in
natural gas resource estimates. The participants' observations showed that the model
systematically assesses natural gas resource accessibility and availability, providing a solid
foundation for blue hydrogen project choices.
The ninth participant, an economist, stressed the usefulness of the ETM in infrastructure
readiness assessment. According to their opinion, the model allowed a thorough assessment of
present infrastructure and identified areas for development to support blue hydrogen efforts. The
ETM improved blue hydrogen resource allocation and economic planning (Van Wijk &
Wouters, 2021). Participant 14, a research institution employee, also provided valuable insights
on the ETM's role in assessing carbon capture and storage. The model's capacity to evaluate
carbon capture systems' feasibility and expandability was crucial to Nigeria's blue hydrogen
generation's environmental sustainability.
5.1 Conclusion
This dissertation examined the evolution of blue hydrogen in Africa, focusing on Nigeria's
difficult situation. The Introduction, which started in Chapter 1, stressed the global need for
ecologically friendly energy options to address environmental issues. The issue statement
underlined blue hydrogen's potential to use Africa's abundant natural gas for sustainable energy.
This was based on Okere and Sheng (2023), Chigbu and Nweke-Eze (2023), and Van Wijk and
Wouters (2021). The study concluded that Africa, particularly Nigeria, lacks the proper
atmosphere for utilizing the huge potential of blue hydrogen energy. This gap was found as the
world moved toward renewable energy. The research questions sought to understand the
feasibility of blue hydrogen production in Nigeria and its effects on the continent's energy
system, global carbon emission reduction efforts, and sustainable development.
The Triple Bottom Line Theory and the Energy Transition Model were explored in Chapter 2's
Literature Review to help us understand the potential of blue hydrogen. The wider effects of blue
hydrogen projects are shown by the Triple Bottom Line Theory, which integrates financial,
social, and environmental factors. The Energy Transition Model was used to analyze natural gas
reserves, infrastructural readiness, and carbon capture and storage potential to determine the
project's technical and economic viability. The theoretical framework guided the study toward
sustainability and energy transition ideas.
A sound mixed-methods research technique for Nigerian blue hydrogen development is given in
Chapter 3. Field academics' ideas and methodologies guide the study's quantitative and
qualitative approach. The participant selection criteria ensure blue hydrogen development
expertise and relevance. Purposive and random sampling assure participant variety and
representativeness. Following sample size guidelines ensures statistical power. Data was
collected via a 200-person online quantitative survey and 15 expert qualitative interviews. The
Survey Monkey questionnaire, Zoom, and phone interviews are used. SPSS is used for
quantitative data and theme analysis for qualitative insights to understand blue hydrogen
development. Field principles guide reliable, thorough research. Ethics emphasize informed
consent, confidentiality, and participant rights. The chapter also airs potential downsides.
Chapter 3's rich approach offers a full grasp of Nigeria's blue hydrogen development's
technological, economic, and environmental effects.
Chapter 4 discusses questionnaire results and Nigerian blue hydrogen generation opinions.
Section 4.3's descriptive data (Table 2.1) reveals that 35.0% of 200 participants were "Very
familiar" and 15.0% were "Extremely familiar." The distribution stresses the need for particular
training methods to bridge knowledge gaps and accommodate stakeholders. Table 2.2 indicates
participants appreciated "Clean Energy Sources" (22.5%). Blue Hydrogen might boost global
renewable energy, economic growth, job creation, technological innovation, and energy security.
Blue hydrogen development has financial ramifications, as "High Initial Costs" was the most
prevalent issue (27.5%) in Table 2.3. Other difficulties included "Infrastructure Issues,"
"Environmental Impact," "Public Awareness," and "Regulatory Hurdles." This highlights the
difficulties of embracing new energy sources and the necessity for financial planning,
sustainability, infrastructure development, and effective laws. Participants' research-related
responses show optimism about blue hydrogen technology, sustainability, money, and
international relations (Section 4.4). Note that 75.0% of individuals agreed or strongly agreed
that Nigerian blue hydrogen production was technologically practicable, showing a positive
outlook. 90.0% said blue hydrogen creation was sustainable, supporting global renewable energy
programs. Participants trusted funding and international partnerships.
In Section 4.5, hypothesis-related questions and tables (Table 4.1 and Table 4.2) show
participants' technical and economic feasibility opinions. A favorable correlation was
acknowledged by 75.0% and rejected by 5.0%. Participants' complicated viewpoints impact the
technical viability and economic potential of blue hydrogen generation. Regression and
correlation analysis follow in Sections 4.6 and 4.7. Table 5.1 supports the concept by showing a
statistically significant positive correlation between technical viability and economic potential.
Regression analysis (Table 5.2) demonstrates substantial variable associations. The model
explains 45% of technological viability-based economic potential variation. Chapter 4 provides a
detailed overview of participants' thoughts on Nigerian blue hydrogen development. Results
support research study debates.
5.2 Recommendation
A study on Blue Hydrogen Development in Africa, particularly Nigeria, has shown vital and
complex elements in the hunt for sustainable energy alternatives. Based on the conclusions and
comments in previous chapters, the following are suggested for further research, policy, and
5.1.1 Recommendations for Future Research
The Nigerian blue hydrogen production study identified topics for further research to cover
knowledge gaps. First and foremost, a longitudinal study on participants' beliefs and attitudes
would reveal blue hydrogen public opinion processes. Researchers may identify perceptual
patterns and factors by tracking awareness, anxieties, and support throughout time. Focused
awareness campaigns or educational initiatives may also assist policymakers and industry
stakeholders in raising public understanding of blue hydrogen. A qualitative analysis of the
study's issues, such as high startup costs and regulatory hurdles, may uncover their reasons.
Researchers can find pain points and solutions by interviewing sufferers. Understanding specific
regulatory issues or budgetary constraints may inspire particular solutions. Finally,
interdisciplinary research collaborations may enhance blue hydrogen-generating technology,
economics, and the environment. Scientists, economists, and environmentalists may study blue
hydrogen production's economic, environmental, and social implications. Comprehensive,
sustainable energy solutions would be more balanced and nuanced with this interdisciplinary
approach. This study could be expanded to address new concerns and provide practical advice
for sustainable energy development in Nigeria and internationally.
5.1.2 Recommendations for Policy/Management
The Formation of an All-Inclusive Regulatory System: Public policymakers should aim
to create a regulatory system that supports blue hydrogen development. For sustainable
blue hydrogen initiatives to thrive, this framework must handle technical requirements,
environmental concerns, and financial incentives.
Given the technical nature of blue hydrogen projects, industry leaders should prioritize
capacity-building and skill development programs. Training and education can ensure a
skilled workforce that can handle the complexity of blue hydrogen technology.
Policymakers should actively pursue international cooperation and partnerships to
improve Nigeria's blue hydrogen programs. This may include partnering with foreign
governments, international organizations, and enterprises to use their expertise, funding,
and knowledge.
Policymakers should use financial incentives to encourage blue hydrogen usage as a
sustainable energy source. Tax exemptions, government subsidies, and other economic
incentives may spur private-sector blue hydrogen project investments.
Public awareness campaigns: Policymakers and industry stakeholders should promote the
benefits and safety of blue hydrogen technology via public awareness initiatives. To get
public support for these initiatives, a positive image is essential.
In conclusion, these proposals should guide future research policy and management choices to
help Nigeria develop blue hydrogen successfully and sustainably. They will join worldwide
efforts to green and maintain energy.
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Interview Questions for Blue Hydrogen Development Study in Nigeria
Demographic Questions
1. Professional Background:
What is your current role and position in the energy sector?
How many years of experience do you have in the field of energy, particularly in
renewable energy or hydrogen-related projects?
2. Educational Qualifications:
What is your highest level of education, and in which field?
Have you undergone any specialized training or courses related to blue hydrogen
technology or renewable energy?
3. Organizational Affiliation:
Which organization or institutions are you currently affiliated with?
Can you provide a brief overview of your organization's focus and involvement in
energy-related projects?
4. Industry Experience:
How long have you been involved in projects related to hydrogen, specifically blue
hydrogen, in Nigeria?
Have you worked on any blue hydrogen initiatives, and if so, could you briefly describe
your role and contributions?
5. Geographic Scope:
In which regions or areas of Nigeria have you primarily been involved in energy
Are there specific geographic considerations or challenges that you believe are relevant to
blue hydrogen development in Nigeria?
Descriptive Questions
6. Previous Project Involvement:
What initiatives have you worked on linked to blue hydrogen development or renewable
What are the key results and lessons learned from these projects?
7. Stakeholder Engagement:
Have you collaborated or partnered with government, corporate, or international groups
on energy initiatives in Nigeria?
What is the degree of stakeholder participation in the Nigerian blue hydrogen sector?
8. Industry Perspectives
Describe the present condition of the energy sector in Nigeria from your viewpoint.
Are there any major trends or problems affecting the energy sector in the country?
9. Blue Hydrogen Perspective
Describe the energy sector's perspective on blue hydrogen technology in Nigeria.
Are there any industry experts' views on the potential of blue hydrogen?
10. Outlook
What is the future trajectory of blue hydrogen development in Nigeria?
What aspects do you think will determine the success or difficulty of blue hydrogen
programs in the country?
Research Related Questions
1. RQ1: technical Viability
What is the technical feasibility of blue hydrogen generation in Nigeria?
What are the primary technical obstacles or improvements needed for effective blue
hydrogen production in Nigeria?
How does Nigeria's technical infrastructure impact blue hydrogen production potential, in
your opinion?
2. Economic Potential (RQ2)
What criteria do you think to influence the economic potential of blue hydrogen
production in Nigeria?
What are the economic constraints and prospects of blue hydrogen projects in Nigeria?
How does Nigeria's economic capacity affect the viability of blue hydrogen
3. Environmental Sustainability (RQ3)
How would you evaluate the environmental sustainability of blue hydrogen generation in
What environmental concerns should be considered for blue hydrogen project
development in Nigeria?
How might blue hydrogen aid in decarbonizing the Nigerian energy industry?
4. Alternative and Partnership Financing (RQ4)
What finance options are available for blue hydrogen development in Nigeria, based on
your experience?
Can you suggest international collaborations for blue hydrogen initiatives in Nigeria?
How important are financial capabilities and international relationships for the success of
blue hydrogen programs in Nigeria?
Qualitative Question
5. Regulatory Environment (RQ5)
How would you define the present regulatory climate for blue hydrogen development in
What are the main regulatory obstacles or enablers for blue hydrogen projects in Nigeria?
How do government policies influence the regulatory environment for blue hydrogen in
Theoretical Foundations
Triple Bottom Line Theory
How does the Triple Bottom Line theory impact sustainability and ethical business
practices in Nigeria's blue hydrogen development?
Can you provide examples of how the Triple Bottom Line theory is used in blue
hydrogen initiative decision-making?
Energy Transition Model
How does the energy transition model guide technical and economic viability
assessments for blue hydrogen production in Nigeria?
How does it evaluate natural gas reserves, infrastructure readiness, and carbon capture
and storage prospects in Nigeria?
These interview questions seek nuanced views on Nigeria's technical, economic,
environmental, regulatory, and theoretical elements of blue hydrogen development. The replies
will help comprehend Nigeria's energy landscape's issues, possibilities, and sustainable and
meaningful efforts.
Section 1: Demographic Information
1.1 Gender:
I prefer not to say
1.2 Age:
Under 18
65 or above
1.3 Educational Background:
High School
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Ph.D. or equivalent
Other (please specify)
1.4 Occupation:
Energy Industry Professional
Environmental Scientist
Policy Maker/Government Official
Other (please specify)
Section 2: Descriptive Questions
2.1 How familiar are you with the concept of blue hydrogen production?
I am not familiar with it at all
Slightly familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
Extremely familiar
2.2 Which advantages of blue hydrogen generation in Nigeria do you see?
2.3 What are the biggest blue hydrogen development problems in Nigeria?
Section 3: Research-Related Questions
3.1 To your knowledge, is Nigerian blue hydrogen production scientifically feasible?
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
3.2 What elements determine Nigeria's blue hydrogen generation's economic potential, according
to you?
3.3 Is Nigerian blue hydrogen production ecologically friendly?
Not sustainable at all
Slightly sustainable
Moderately sustainable
Very sustainable
Extremely sustainable
3.4 How do you see finance and international collaborations for blue hydrogen development in
Section 4: Hypothesis-Related Questions
4.1 How much does the technical feasibility of blue hydrogen production affect Nigeria's
economic potential?
No influence at all
Little influence
Moderate influence
Significant influence
Very significant influence
4.2 Please rate your hypothesis agreement. There is a significant positive relationship between
the technological viability of blue hydrogen production and its economic potential in Nigeria.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Thanks for taking the survey. Your help with the Nigerian Blue Hydrogen Development research
is appreciated.