Chapter I – Understanding Morality and Moral Standards Click to edit Master title style L E S S O N 1 : C O U R S E O R I E N TAT I O N A N D T H E I M P O RTA N C E O F R U L E S 1 Click to edit Master title style RULES Are meant to SET ORDER not meant to RESTRICT one’s FREEDOM. Are meant for MAN helping him to grow in freedom, to grow in his ability to choose and do what is good for him and for others as well. Everywhere we go there are rules for the sake of o r d e r i n s o c i e t y. As they are not meant to limit a person’s freedom, any rule or law that prevents human persons from doing and being good ought to be repealed. “No one is above the law” a statement we often hear this here in the Philippines which means we (including the highest official of the country) are all subject to rules or else court chaos. 2 2 Click to edit Master title T h o s e style who do good aren't aware that there is a rule preventing them from doing what isn't good. The suffocating and l i m i t i n g p r e s e n c e o f a r u l e i s f e l t O N LY b y people who intend to do the opposite of what is good. When society is ideal, i.e. when all persons are good and do only what is ideal then there will be no more need for rules and laws according to Lao Tzu. Exercises Si nc e rul es /l aws a re made for t he good o f man . Tr y stating the good that is derived from the following school rules: 1) No ID, No Entry 2) Any form of cheating is punishable with suspension. 3) Use of illegal drug is punishable with dismissal. Bonus The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. What does this mean? 3 3