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Business & Consulting Online Test Prep Guide

A. Welcome ................................................................................................................................ 2
B. Pymetrics test (BCG, Bain, PwC, Blackstone, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley & others) ...... 2
C. McKinsey’s Problem Solving Game “SOLVE” (previously: Imbellus).................................. 5
D. BCG Online Case (Casey Chatbot Interview) ...................................................................... 8
E. (Bain) Sova Assessment ...................................................................................................... 10
F. Roland Berger Analytical Test ............................................................................................ 12
G. Arctic Shores Online Assessment (Skyrise City app: PwC Career Unlocked, KPMG
Ready, Siemens Online Assessment & many others) .......................................................... 14
H. Banking online tests (Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, UBS, etc.) ................................. 16
I. Further free online test practice materials ........................................................................ 17
J. ATTENTION: If you have not yet submitted your application… ........................................ 17
K. Final notes ........................................................................................................................... 18
Last updated: 15 October 2023
A. Welcome
Well done! You found this guide in which I have compiled a long and growing list of free
resources to help you prepare for your business & consulting online tests.
I am Jack; I spent five years as a Consultant and Project Manager at McKinsey and now
serve as an independent management adviser, continuing to thrive in my passion. I have
crafted this document to help you to get a significant step closer to your dream job, too!
I update this guide regularly (v21 at present ;-) ). If you got this guide from somewhere
else and would like to obtain the most recent version, sign up to my YOUinConsulting
newsletter, after which you can download it immediately and for free:
If you have not yet done so, for a win-win make sure to subscribe to my YOUinConsulting
YouTube channel for my regular top-quality business and career advice:
I always aim to provide top-quality content in both my videos as well as my further
resources, which actually is hard work! For the moment, I try to stay away from pushing
out e.g., some new IG reels everyday, since I want your minds focused on quality (and not
distracted by quantity). This however raises the challenge to make people aware of what
YOUinConsulting has to offer. Therefore, if you like this guide and some of my videos,
please spread the word (and links! :-) ).
If you like to share a feedback on this guide or your test experiences, want to tell me about
an idea how to spread the word about YOUinConsulting or if you would just like to say
“thank you” :-), happily send me a message to jack@youinconsulting.com , or hit me up on
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joergleib/ .
In the following, find my advice and resources on your online test preparation as well as
some final notes at the end of this guide. Good luck for your test preparation – and tests!
B. Pymetrics test (BCG, Bain, PwC, Blackstone, JP
Morgan, Morgan Stanley & others)
This guide starts with the Pymetrics test, since it presents the online test that currently is
most widely used by a large number of top companies, including several top consulting
firms (BCG, Bain, Accenture, PwC), finance players (Blackstone, JP Morgan, Morgan
Stanley) as well as many other prestigious corporate organizations (list in footnote1).
The Pymetrics test comes in the disguise of 12 Pymetrics games, each of them posing a
unique challenge. One of the main problems of the Pymetrics test is that candidates are
not offered tutorials before or during the test. The test wants to push you into cold water
and see if you get the games right the first and only time you play them. Learning about
the games AND how to tackle them strategically in advance to the test therefore offers a
HUGE advantage. For this reason, I explain the purpose of the Pymetrics test, offer a
complete walkthrough & strategy guide through all 12 Pymetrics games as well as share
my overall advice on how to prepare for the Pymetrics test in this hallmark :-) video
Pymetrics test (BCG, Bain, JP Morgan, Blackstone): How to master the 12 Pymetrics
games | Full guide
Once you have watched the video, you will be significantly better prepared than
candidates with no previous information about the games. Be aware that you do not need
to memorize the strategy advice on all the 12 games given in the video: During the actual
test, you can pause between playing the Pymetrics games. I suggest that each time before
you launch the new game, you (re-)watch the respective section of my tutorial video.
Be aware that Pymetrics allows you to take the test only once in 330 days – it really wants
you to play it only once! Your one-and-only result will be forwarded to all companies that
ask their candidates to take the Pymetrics test and that you apply to during the same
I have done lots of research on the Pymetrics test; in contrast to all other online tests
covered in this online test prep kit, the Pymetrics test is the only test where no suitable
free practice material is available. As I mention in the video, there however is one provider
that has developed a perfect simulation of the 12 official Pymetrics games. I can testify
that this simulation is (virtually) identical to the “real” 12 games and have used it
extensively myself to develop the strategies I present to you in my video tutorial. Once
you have gone through the mock tests, it also offers you further specific solving tips on
each of the games. On the mock test provider’s landing page, you additionally find a long
written guide with free tips on the 12 games:
If you are one of the lost souls ;-) who is (also) applying to the large (investment) banks, I
want to make you aware that the same mock test provider offers a bundle that covers the
Accenture, Alpha Sights, ANZ, Astra Zeneca, Bain, BCG, Blackstone, British American Tobacco,
CliftonLarsonAllen, Coca-Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Diageo, Fidelity Investments, Hyatt, IHS, JLL, JP Morgan,
Kantar, Kraft Heinz, LinkedIn, Mastercard, McDonald’s, Morgan Stanley, PwC, Randstad, Rio Tinto, S&P Global,
Sutherland, Swarovski, Tesla, Unilever, UPS.
online assessments of 11 major banks and includes practice simulations for five different
online tests: Aon (cut-e), SHL, Korn Ferry (Talent-Q), Cappfinity and Pymetrics. So this
bundle includes the entire 12 Pymetrics game test simulation, but four further tests for
virtually the same price and a longer period of access for practicing:
While no free practice materials to prepare for the Pymetrics test exist, I would like to
provide you with further resources to understand its nature that I could not cover in my
video tutorial. This official 2-min video from Pymetrics summarizes how Pymetrics likes
its test to be viewed:
Furthermore, a Pymetrics test-taker has uploaded the official report on his nine character
traits as evaluated by the games. This document illustrates what the Pymetrics test
promises to do; do not spend significant time analyzing it though!
I know this website looks a bit dodgy, but if you click on the two little arrows, you can
download the example report! :-)
Last but not least, as mentioned in my video tutorial, there are many games where you
need to smash your spacebar as fast possible or hit your cursor keys at the right moment.
During my own practice sessions, my performance occasionally suffered because I was
hesitant to smash my keyboard as heavily as required since I was worried that could
destroy it… At the same time, an only partially functional keyboard will put your Pymetrics
game performance at risk, too. I advise to use an external and wired keyboard (wireless
keyboards pose their own risk in terms of being fully charged and lags). If you like to buy
a new keyboard either before or after :-D taking the Pymetrics assessment, I recommend
you a branded, but low-cost wired keyboard here:
Germany: https://amzn.to/3Av3HVC
India: https://amzn.eu/d/bpYc7dn
United Kingdom: https://amzn.to/3e1LZ4q
USA: https://amzn.to/3QVmC37
C. McKinsey’s Problem Solving Game “SOLVE”
(previously: Imbellus)
When applying to McKinsey, either in advance to reaching the interview stage or in parallel
to the first interview round, you will need to pass McKinsey’s Problem Solving Game (PSG).
By now, McKinsey has phased out its former Problem Solving Test (PST), which used to e
a paper-based assessment has replaced it by the new, more stylish Problem Solving Game
(PSG) called “SOLVE” (previously: Imbellus).
I offer a comprehensive tutorials on how to tackle the two SOLVE games in my McKinsey
PSG video explainer videos:
PART I: SOLVE: How to master the McKinsey Digital Assessment (Imbellus)
PART II (2023 update): McKinsey Problem Solving Game (PSG): Ecosystem Game &
In the Part II video, I take you through both the Ecosystem Game and the Redrock Study
in detail. For the Ecosystem Game, I show you what elements you will find on your screen,
how to build a sustainable food chain with 8 species drawn from the 39 species dealt to
you and how to select a suitable location for your ecosystem. For the Redrock Study, I take
you through the Investigation, Analysis and Report Phases of the Study. For both games,
I share my advice on how to approach – and SOLVE! - them.
In the Part I video, I explain to you the “hidden reasons” why and how McKinsey is using
the PSG as a black box and tool to filter you out as a candidate and how to prepare for
such online assessments.
While the PSG assignment is peculiar, it is safe to assume that McKinsey still seeks to
identify the same qualities in the candidates as before. The good news is that for
preparation for the former PST assignment, McKinsey had over the years provided many
high-quality mock tests.
In my view, these PST mock tests provide the best free resource to prepare for the second
part (“Cases”) of the Redrock Study, where you will find a similar set of quantitative trap
questions. While questions of the PST type do not anymore explicitly appear in the SOLVE
games, practicing these free PST mock tests might still help you to hone the type of
analytical skills McKinsey (and the other top consulting firms seek in their candidates):
McKinsey Problem Solving Test Practice A
McKinsey Problem Solving Test Practice B
McKinsey Problem Solving Test Practice C
McKinsey Problem Solving Test Practice: Kosher Franks, RentEstate, Way Forward (22-page
McKinsey Problem Solving Test Practice: Fiji Cola
If you prefer an interactive training session – in the second half of my video on the BCG
Online Case (from minute 20:33, section “BCG Online Case: interactive training” in the
video’s table of content), I offer you an interactive training session where I take you
through questions and answers of the fifth mock test (Fiji Cola) for your practice:
Watching my PSG video tutorials and making use of these free mock test materials will
already provide you with a significant advantage – knowledge is power.
At the time of shooting my first video on SOLVE, no test prep kit specifically dedicated to
cracking the PSG had been available. This has changed now however. For those of you are
willing to do whatever it takes to safely reach the McKinsey interview stage, I nowadays
recommend this simulation package:
The base “Combo” bundle comes with a 2-hour video tutorial, breaking down both the
Ecosystem Game as well as the Redrock Study in detail and illustrating the real test
experiences; the customized Excel tool to be used when taking the actual test, which is
designed to pass the Ecosystem Game on auto-pilot and in the fastest-possible way; a
mock test of the 2nd part of the Redrock Study (“Cases”), a ~150-page written guide
covering strategies both for the main games as well as the alternative games that appear
less frequently; a video course on the Plant Defense Game (which has been phased out
by McKinsey though in favor of the Rerock Study); and individual Q&A support by the
program author on each component of the assignment.
In addition to the base “Combo” bundle, the test provider has developed an interactive
Ecosystem Game Simulation, which includes three mock test playthroughs for the
Ecosystem Game and covers some of the most challenging scenarios ensuring you are
braced for the worst; and a complete Redrock Study simulation with its two parts. The
Ecosystem Game and Redrock Study simulations can be added optionally on to the
Combo base bundle on the check-out page.
While the author reports that ~90% of customers pass the PSG successfully after going
through the program and I am impressed with its depth, for me personally its killer
absolute killer feature is that the program is offered with a 100%-money-back guarantee.
Every candidate who has purchased this toolkit and did not pass the SOLVE assignment
gets their money back. As a consequence, you do not pay just for better odds, but only
for actually passing the PSG and for being advanced to the interview stage safely.
For those of you who decide to get the PSG simulation package but only have little time
available for going through all the materials provided in the bundles, here is my
recommendation how to leverage them most effectively to get ready for the PSG fastest:
To prepare for the Ecosystem game:
1. Start by accessing the “Combo” module.
2. Jump to section “3) Ecosystem game”. Start straight from video 3.
3. Watch videos 3-9, but skip video no 7 (you want to build the food chain not in the PPT,
but in the automated Excel Solver tool).
4. The Combo comes with four boni. Use the Excel Solver in “Bonus 3: Automated Excel
Pro”, since it includes the automatized check if a sustainable solution for a food chain
5. Practice the Ecosystem game and using the Excel Solver when playing the three mock
Ecosystem game simulations in the “Ecosystem Simulation” simulation.
To prepare for the Redrock Study:
Start by accessing the “Combo” module.
Watch the videos 10-17 on the Redrock Study.
Take the Redrock Study Part II (“Cases”) practice test in section 6.
Check out the past McKinsey PSTs and practice as many former tests as you like. This
will also help you with performing better at other consulting firm’s online tests.
5. Once you feel ready: Practice the full Redrock Study in the module “Redrock
Simulation”. You can also take a look at it at the beginning of your preparation phase
to get an idea what degree of difficulty awaits you.
After taking these steps, you should surely be ready to go!! Go through all the other
materials provided in the bundles, too, if you have more time available. I just tried to
explain which elements are the must-watch / not-to-be-missed ones!
If you pass the PSG, celebrate and rock the interviews!! If you do not pass the PSG, claim
your money for this PSG prepkit back from the mock test provider.
Good luck!
D. BCG Online Case (Casey Chatbot Interview)
Before applying to BCG, I suggest you to first find out which application process applies
to you. In some BCG offices, BCG requires you to take the Pymetrics test (first), in others
you will need to pass the BCG Online Case. In the worst case, you need to pass both online
assessments. Make sure you prepare only for what is demanded from you! ;-)
In order to help you prepare for the BCG Online Case (or the Casey Chatbot Interview), as
a first step, internalize my in-depth video tutorial:
BCG Online Case Experience (Casey) — How to master the chatbot interview:
If you do not plan to apply to BCG or do not need to pass the Casey interview, I
recommend you to still check out the second part of the video (starting from minute
21:00), where I take you through a consulting mock test for an interactive training session.
Compared to McKinsey, BCG has been less generous with distributing official free test
preparation materials. Fortunately, I have got you covered :-), I have found a link to an
official BCG Online Case Experience practice test provided by BCG! Judged by the
instructions, it appears to me that this is a glitch and this practice test should be accessed
only by actual BCG applicants. Therefore, you may want to sign up with another email
address than the one you are going to use for applying to BCG. The test comprises six
questions and is rather easy, so I would not take it too seriously and rather commend it
to familiarize yourself with the Casey interface:
Furthermore, you should leverage another (semi-)official and free Casey practice test that
– no joke! – was developed and is offered to BCG applicants by the very same software
company that has also developed the Casey chatbot used by BCG! You can leverage their
free ~20-minute online Casey interview practice test here:
After loading the website, scroll down to the bottom. On the bottom-right corner, a small
orange circle with a speech bubble icon should appear:
Click on the orange bubble, and a pop-up menu is opened. In there, select option 1: “Try
the free practice case”.
You will then directly led to the free practice test, which looks like this:
At the end of the free mock test, you will be offered to buy an extended version for a 50%
Alternatively, the company offers a couple of mock test bundles for the BCG Casey chatbot
interview preparation (same link as above). Given that these practice tests were created
by the official BCG Casey chatbot developer company, they resemble the actual BCG
Online Case Experience closer than any other BCG mock test solution I have seen in the
market. Just they had to change the graphical interface somewhat in the mock tests to
ensure that BCG as their #1 licensee does not complain to them…
Last but not least, for preparation of its former BCG Potential Test (predecessor to the
chatbot interview), BCG also provided this comparatively short mock test:
E. (Bain) Sova Assessment
Bain is similar to BCG in the sense that the selection of online test(s) you need to pass
depends on the office you apply to. Bain used to state this even officially on its website,
but has by now removed those few hints it had given on this process by an unfortunately
even more generic website:
- 10 -
You can still read what was advised on the previous version of the Bain recruiting
website at minute of the video referenced below (or:
https://youtu.be/_XcN8XUPdMo?t=167 ).
Bain explained that it also makes use of the Pymetrics test that I cover at the beginning of
this guide, whereas the Sova test “is used at a few of Bain offices globally and mainly with
our Europe and Middle East offices”.
The (Bain) Sova test, which is also demanded from many other companies such as
Deloitte, KPMG, Emirates or Pfizer, I have broken down in detail for you in this detailed
and interactive must-watch (!)
video tutorial:
Sova Assessment (Bain & Company | Deloitte | KPMG): How to master the Bain Sova
Test (Walkthrough)
To prepare for the Sova assessment, I recommend you to first take a look at Sova’s
officially published mock test questions:
Sova recently has made it more difficult to find the free mock tests, so please follow my
intsructions closely. On the website, scroll down just a little until you find this “line”:
Click on “practice tests”: You will be asked to provide your first and last name as well as
your email address, but actually… you can insert any fictional email address to access the
The questions are too easy to resemble the real test experience, but still you can use them
to familiarize yourself with the Sova test environment. The demo questions currently do
not include an example of the Sova Personality test section – however, I have covered you
there, too
Sova also runs a couple of research surveys to which it invites beta testers
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to participate. You can get access to them through the same website as referenced above;
scroll a bit further down this time until you see this line:
Click on “assessment trials” and fill in some details (again, you can sign up with random
personal data).
You find an example extract of a Sova Personality test in the “Sova Competency
Assessment”. Unfortunately, solutions to these research questions are not revealed, and
you are not provided with any feedback – so again, use these questions to familiarize
yourself with the Sova test components.
If you seek a resource for dedicated practice of the (Bain) Sova test that covers all potential
modules of the Sova assessment and offers insights on how to approach them and an
explanation of the solutions, then I recommend you to look into this commercial (Bain)
Sova mock test prep kit solution:
I have reviewed this Sova test simulation software myself and therefore endorse it,
especially since I think it is rather decently priced given the number of mock tests and
support provided in the bundle. It contains 4 logical reasoning mock tests, 11 verbal mock
tests and 12 numerical mock tests, several Situational Judgement mock tests as well as a
very comprehensive Personality mock test, covering the actual Sova assessment entirely.
Furthermore, your performance is compared not only absolutely, but also relatively with
other Sova mock test-takers, and the kit provides a detailed explanation on the solution
to each and every single question in all mock tests included in the package, making it very
suitable for learning.
F. Roland Berger Analytical Test
For those of you applying to Roland Berger, I have got you already covered, too! :-) First
watch this in-depth video tutorial on the Roland Berger Analytical Test:
- 12 -
Roland Berger Analytical Test: How to crack the RB consulting online test
To prepare for the Roland Berger Analytical Test, Roland Berger shares with its applicants
a set of three “official” mock tests (one numerical one, one verbal one and one logical one).
You can access these mock tests well-before you apply. I strongly recommend you to
familiarize yourself with what to expect by taking these three “official” mock assessments:
To find the right mock assessment as instructed by Roland Berger, hit the “Try Elements
ability tests” on the right, as illustrated in this screenshot:
Create an account and have a go. When registering for this mock assessment, you may
consider using a different email address to the one you are going to use for your
application – though I do not believe anyone really tracks that.
The mock test software provides you with an overall test result, but does not explain you
the paths to the solutions. In most cases, you will find you will be able to find the right
answer yourself if you only spend enough time on it. However, in regards to those
questions where you are unsure about the answers, I would like to make you aware that
another content creator has already generated detailed walkthroughs on each question
contained in the official mock tests. You find them here:
Walkthrough numerical mock test:
Walkthrough verbal mock test:
Walkthrough logical mock test:
- 13 -
I recommend you though not to watch these tutorials entirely, but only for those
questions where you feel specifcally unsure. Instead, spend the time on extra practice.
Beyond the free test prep resources in this kit, if you look for a customized “high-end”
shortcut solution to prepare for the Roland Berger Analytical Test, a dedicated test prep
kit tailored to the Roland Berger Analytical Test exists. This kit I have accessed myself and
can confirm that it resembles the real Roland Berger Analytical Test experience very
closely (a few screenshots from it are shared in the video):
On that landing page, scroll down and select the “Talent-Q All-Inclusive Pack”, which is
designed for the Roland Berger Analytical Test preparation.
G. Arctic Shores Online Assessment (Skyrise City
app: PwC Career Unlocked, KPMG Ready,
Siemens Online Assessment & many others)
The Arctic Shores Online Assessment is a “gamified” online test, which is usually
presented in the form of the “Skyrise City” app. This app is customizable, so that it
comes in various disguises, such as the “PwC Career Unlocked” app or the “KPMG Ready”
app. A growing list of companies (at least occasionally) makes use of the Arctic Shores
games (those known to me you find in this footnote2).
Airbus, Arcadis, BBC, Burness Paul, Capita, CBRE, Citi, Clifford Chance, Coca Cola, Deloitte, Dentons,
Deutsche Telekom, Essex Fire & Rescue, Kantar, KMPG, Metro Bank, Natwest, Network Rail, PA Consulting
Group, PWC, RBS, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Standard Life, Talktalk, Taylor Wessing, Thales, The Adecco
Group, The AA, Unilever, Vitality, WSP.
- 14 https://www.youinconsulting.com/
Each of the 10 Arctic Shores games poses a different challenge to you; among other
capabilities, they try to evaluate your memory, concentration or dexterity skills. The test
is tough, especially given normally candidates do not know in advance what is expected
from them. This I what I wanted to change through my video tutorial on the Arctic
Shores test, in which I break down and share my detailed strategy advice on each of the
10 games with you:
Arctic Shores Online Assessment (PwC Career Unlocked & Skyrise City): The 10
games | Complete Guide
Be aware that during the actual assessment, you can take breaks between the games.
Therefore, during your test, to refresh your mind you can return to this video tutorial to
watch the respective video section of the game you need to play next.
As mentioned in the video, in this written guide I want to share with you additional
materials to help you familiarize with and prepare for your assessment.
The purpose of the Arctic Shores games was sincerely described by its Chief Customer
Officer in this interview: https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2022/02/how-to-passarctic-shores-personality-and-aptitude-test
Arctic Shores itself shares additional background information (which I believe originally
were not intended to inform test-takers, but rather new client companies for the
purpose of promotion) in this interesting booklet:
For the sake of completeness, you find the PhD thesis that examined how well candidates
can fake their performance in the Arctic Shores Skyrise City games and mentioned in the
video here (do not spend much time on this though, as it will not aid your preparation):
There is no free online mock test available to practice the Arctic Shores games, but you
can still leverage some available resources. Arctic Shores offers a surprisingly large
Candidate Support section on its website:
The most interesting findings from this section I have extracted and presented to you in
my walkthrough video already. However, I want to make you aware that Arctic Shores also
offers a mini trial app to allow candidates to familiarize themselves with the mobile game
environment. I was unable to test the app, since it prompts you to enter login details (I
- 15 -
suggest you try using the user name and password provided to you by the employer you
apply to):
Do not expect too much from the trial app anyway though; it has <2 out of 5 review stars
on the google playstore, and apparently it features only one single game, which does not
appear in the actual Arctic Shores test and only lasts 2 minutes overall.
Furthermore, I have found a report by a candidate who has gone through the
assessment and shares his experience and advice on some of the games:
As you can see, his advice sometimes matches and sometime deviates from mine. If in
doubt, I suggest you to follow my strategy advice, as I have gone through the games
more than once :-).
I recommend you to read through this written guide on the Arctic Shores games:
This website is run by the company that has developed a perfect simulation (or mock
test) of the Arctic Shores games. I used this simulation extensively to practice the games
for as long as needed and to develop the strategy advice I am sharing with you in my
video tutorial. The simulation not only allows to practice the same games that appear in
the actual assessment, but it also comes with comprehensive strategy & solution guides.
If you want to max out your odds of passing the assessment, this is the only perfect
Arctic Shores simulation that exists, and it delivers what it promises.
H. Banking online tests (Morgan Stanley,
Deutsche Bank, UBS, etc.)
I told you why I strongly prefer consulting over banking careers here:
But if you still need to confirm this for yourself ;-) and are
large (investment) banks, I want to make you aware of a
offered that covers the online assessments of 11 major
simulations for five different online tests: Aon (cut-e),
Cappfinity and Pymetrics.
- 16 -
also applying to some of the
“hot bundle” currently being
banks and includes practice
SHL, Korn Ferry (Talent-Q),
It also comes with a generous practice period (access) and I find it very decently priced, so
check if it is suitable for you:
Also, keep an eye on my YouTube channel, on which I pledge to demystify & break down
further online tests in the next couple of weeks.
I. Further free online test practice materials
The test materials listed so far have been provided by the top consulting firms themselves
or their test providers, and I regard them as most relevant for your preparation. If you like
to spend further time on practicing the skill of solving analytical tests online, these
additional free resources may be helpful, too. I have ranked the following links in order of
their usefulness:
Free SHL-style test:
Free SHL numerical test:
Free SHL-style test:
Free SHL test:
Free SHL tests:
Two free GMAT mock tests (free sign-up required):
J. ATTENTION: If you have not yet submitted
your application…
- 17 -
In many cases, your online test results will be evaluated in conjunction with your written
application (CV, cover letter and attachment). The way you present yourself and your
unique strengths have a significant impact on the odds of your application!
Furthermore, you must make sure you comply with all the common formalities of these
If you have not yet sent your application – please hesitate for just ~2.5 hours
take my online course, which I offer at very affordable rate:
In the first part of this course, I teach you which criteria the top consulting firms screen
for during the candidate selection process. In the second part of the course, I share with
you my customized consulting application templates that enable you to write
outstanding CVs and cover letters that comply with the MBB requirements. I take you
step-by-step through all sections of these documents, so that we rewrite (or upgrade)
your application documents together. Furthermore, I share with you my original and
very own CV and cover letter that I sent to McKinsey and landed me my McKinsey job!
Students/interns: If you plan to now apply for a (consulting) internship, you still
have plenty of time to tick all the boxes that I recommend you to tick in the first
part of the course. Use your advantage!
Graduate/experienced hires: If you plan to now apply as a graduate or
experienced hire for a full-time position in a top consulting firm, you need to be
aware that you still have plenty of degrees of freedom on how to select and
present your special abilities. I have reviewed countless consulting applications
by now and discussed them with the applicants. Very often, I am shocked that, in
their application documents, applicants often highlight less relevant experiences
and fail to highlight those that would significantly increase the odds of getting
hired by a top consulting firm! Before submitting your application for a full-time
position, I recommend you to go through the course from the beginning, too, so
that when reaching its second part, you know which experiences of yours are the
most relevant to point out and can now make your application documents ready
for submission to a top consulting firm.
K. Final notes
I hope you find these resources helpful!
A few final remarks:
1. Given that the online tests often present the first hurdle during your application process
(after submitting your application), you will unfortunately need to dedicate at least some
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time for their preparation. Keep in mind though that what all consulting firms have in
common is that you need to pass the later job and case interviews. Hence be efficient in
your online test preparation and reserve the bulk of your time for preparing for your
business case interviews.
2. The purpose for crafting this document has been to offer you a list of free resources
for your business & consulting online test preparation. I am aware though that some of
you prefer to save time and invest money for access to the tailor-made mock test software
solutions. Please note that if you decide to purchase one of the paid practice test solutions
through the affiliate links above, I would receive a small commission from the test
provider (with no cost for you, of course).
3. At the beginning of this guide I said that the YOUinConsulting project is driven by you
spreading the word about it. While I know that many of you do that already just because
you like my content (and hopefully, my humour ;-) ), I go even beyond that. I have called
into life the “YOUinConsulting Ambassador Program” in which I reward you if you
successfully invite peers of yours to subscribe to the YOUinConsulting newsletter and
YouTube channel. For instance, if you invite only five of your peers to subscribe to this
newsletter, e.g., to download my awesome freebies ;-), you already receive my case
interview prep kit, in which I explain how to make the most out of your preparatory
case interview sessions with peers. To find out how it works, hit the “Your personal
dashboard” at the bottom of one of my recent emails. :-)
Last but not least, I pledge to continue pushing out top-quality content on business
and consulting careers. If you are currently at the job application stage, you may want
to check out the video tutorials in my growing “How to get a top consulting job at
McKinsey, BCG or Bain” playlist:
Thank you for becoming part of the growing YOUinConsulting community!
Good luck for your tests and – interviews!
All the best
Dr “Jack” Jörg Leib
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