NCM 117 DATE RAPE SEXUAL ASSAULT, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & NEGLECT Clinical Instructor: Ms. Alissandra Minoza-Sarvida, RN ● SEXUAL ASSAULT Let’s have a quick overview of what assault is. We have discussed this during the first few weeks of our psychiatric nursing. I know everyone is knowledgeable of what assault it, but just to define it once again it is the deliberate threat coupled with apparent ability to do physical harm to another. It’s also crucial to remember that for one to accuse somebody of an assault, no actual contact is necessary. ● Sexual violence may include attempted or completed rape, sexual coercion and harassment, sexual contact with force or threat of force and threat of rape ● Sexual assault may include actions such as fondling or indecent exposure ○ Even indecent exposure may pose a risk of you being accused of sexual assault. Those people who are exhibitionists may/can be accused of sexual assault. Facts: ● More than half of all victims of sexual crimes, including rape and sexual assault, are women younger than 25 years old; often this violence occurs within the context of dating or acquaintance relationship ○ If I may suppose, all of the ladies here in my class are all under 25. Let’s just be careful when going on dates or even just partying. ● Female partner is the likely victim of violence and the male partner the likely perpetrator; however, underage males can also be victims ○ It is not uncommon for us to hear news about younger boys being violated or raped by older men. RAPE ● ● ● Defining issue is the lack of consent on the part of the victim ○ So the victim, most likely a woman, of course, is being violated without her consent. Even if the couple is married that can still be charged as rape. Legally, this is our basis, the lack of consent. It has to be consensual between both parties. Rape serves nonsexual needs; it is the sexual expression of power and anger ○ According to studies, they found out that rape in the end does not look for any sexual needs. But actually, those that are not sexual. ○ Individuals or men who didn’t have the chance, for the longest time, to express their power, rage, anger, and negative extreme feelings, tend to rape a woman or somebody to express these qualities. It is motivated more by retaliatory and compensatory motives than sexual ones ○ This is what I mean by saying rape serves nonsexual needs. So more on retaliatory (pagpanimaws) or to compensate for what is lacking of him. Myths: ● That women must have done something to provoke the rape often keep women from reporting rapes ○ So women think or even ladies nga probably, they have dressed indecently that’s why they were raped, so dili nalang nila ireport since in the end they think it’s still their fault that they were raped. So that is a MYTH. ● That men cannot be raped prevent men from reporting rape ○ Actually, even men can report that they are being raped. The one that I mentioned earlier, the younger men that are being violated or even raped by older men. So that is a MYTH, even men can report they are being raped by somebody else. ● Incarceration increases risk of sexual assault while military sexual assault is a growing problem ○ Those groups consist mostly of men, especially in prison or when somebody is incarcerated, we know that it is a community of men. So, of course, sexual needs cannot be eliminated from them, so, they tend to rape somebody else or to just explore their power or how far they can go with their manhood or masculinity with their rank in the prison. They express those feelings or emotions by raping somebody lower than them or more vulnerable than them. ● Although victims may be sexually assaulted after knowingly ingesting illegal drugs (e.g. marijuana, heroine, cocaine), they may also be drugged by so-called “date rape drugs” Two most common drugs: y-hydroxybutyrate and flunitrazepam (brand name: rohypnol) ○ Flunitrazepam is more common than the other medication or the other drug. ○ In these medications or drugs, the person becomes disoriented and confused. Dissociation and unconsciousness for several hours may result. ○ Pharmaceuticals recently added a color additive in Flunitrazepam ■ Most likely, kaning mga bright colors, because this drug used to be colorless and odorless when you add it into soda or different kinds or drinks. ■ Because of the reports about this drug being used in the wrong way, so the company added a color additive para makahibaw na ang girls nga– kanang magdate for the first time, magmeet ang guy and the lady, and the lady excuses herself to the bathroom, and then when she comes back, she’ll drink her soda. Without her knowing that the soda is being drugged by the person she is dating with. Probably, after two hours, maunconscious na siya, maconfused, madisoriented. Finally, the guy can do whatever he can do to the woman. ■ Para makahibaw ang women, dapat naay mga indicators, such as the change in color in her drinks, or even, naa sad kunoy bag-o karon nga ang straw from the drink, they’ve added an indicator if it’s being added with a drug or another chemical apart from the drink. Muturn into blue or orange or yellow daw to ang straw. ○ Memory impairment, a common side effect of the medication may make it difficult for victims to remember and identify their perpetrators because in the first place unconscious naman ang victim, ang woman Effects of Rape on the Victim ● Rape Trauma Syndrome is a cluster of physical, emotional, and behavioral stress reactions and symptoms which most victims experiences (e.g. Shock, Disbelief, and Dissociation from the event) ● Victims show two main styles of emotion: 1. Expressed: ● As the name implies, it is emotions or feelings being expressed in this style ● Anger, ● Fear, ● Anxiety, ● Crying, ● Sobbing, ● Restlessness 2. Controlled: ● Masked or hidden, ● It is not uncommon of the patient or the client to have a flat affect upon conversation, ● Stoic in demeanor; Stoic is manhid, without feelings, dili ma incorporate, dili congruent iyang feelings to whatever he or she is saying. Stoic in demeanor mahimo na shag manhid. ● Some people shut down and inhibit feelings, they don't even want to talk about it anymore because of the trauma and great stress or event it impose to him or her ● Dreams and nightmare are often seen among rape victims ○ This is common among rape victims Nursing Care of Survivors of Sexual Assault: ● It is important to know before going to emotional or even mental trauma, we need to be present for the client in case if they have physical injuries or even just wounds ● Treat physical injuries, protect against STI, offer pregnancy prevention and emotional support ● Create a safe environment in which victim may express feelings and regain some sense of choice and control ○ So you cannot gain all of the information that you need if ever the client himself or herself don’t trust you first, you have to assure him or her that the environment is safe, if he or she is safe and it is actually helpful if he or she will express whatever emotion, experience, or feelings she or he have 1 ● ● Provide support to family and friends of the victim and direct them how to support the victim appropriately ○ So when the victim tends to just go home. It’s their choice to go home or not ○ But if the victim insists on going home, then they might as well educate the family and friends on how to support the victim appropriately and not to discriminate against him or her. Not to tolerate discrimination from neighbors and from the rest of the acquaintances. ○ It has to be the family and friends first that has to be very strong for the victim Refer to counseling centers ○ We know that counseling is still very helpful and is one of the solid interventions that we can offer to our patient. ● Various triggers; with batterer minimizing the severity ○ In the tension building, it’s the battered person that’s trying to minimize or to belittle the tension, in the stage 2, the batterer minimizes the severity already. Kay ngano man? The man tries to justify his behaviors but does not understand what happens. ○ He minimizes the severity of the abuse kung pananglitan na hit na niya, iya nang na sagpa, iya na nabunalan, napatiran, nasumbagan, he tries to minimize and justify ngano iya na nabuhat. ○ On the female side, she might call for help if she is afraid of being killed kay mao naman ni ang serious battering stage and commonly, this can be seen in the squatter area. ○ Pwede gyud ni sha nga makit’an gyud in the eyes of the public, sa iyang mga neighbors, open to the public. Mura na ni silag nag drama nga nag sinagpaanay, nag sinumbaganay ● Behavior of batterer changes to loving and begging for forgiveness; battered person tries to make up with batterer Commonly inig kahuman aning honeymoon stage, mabuo nasad ang laing anak, ang ika 8 nga anak, ang ika 9th nga anak. This is the stage nga ang women, mo reconcile napud ug balik or mopasaylo na like mo forgive na siya because the behavior of the man, pwede niya sunod sunoron, tries to make amends, tagaag flowers, chocolates, saying sorry publicly and then ang babayi pud, mahug nagyud ni sha nga magpauto napud ni siya kay this is just a cycle (it ends with us chz). It just goes back to stage #1 and then magtuyok tuyok ragyud ni siya. So dapat, as women we should know our worth. If we are battered, if we are being hitten or even a single sign of violence or assault, dapat dili gyud na nato i-tolerate. Battering DOMESTIC / INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE COURTSHIP VIOLENCE ● Courtship/ dating violence appears to begin as early as the age of 15 or 16 years old ○ As early as the young dating stage. This is the time where young boys or girls enter into relationships where violence can already be seen in this stage ○ Typical tactics: slapping, beating, pushing, threatening with or using weapons ■ If your boyfriend/girlfriend does that to you, please don’t minimize that. That can be a sign. ■ Gawas ung lambing lang (that is an exception). ■ If done in a serious manner, you need to be very vigilant of that because it may grow stronger, bigger as your relationship lengthens. ● Recurring and escalating episodes of violence in a relationship are quite common if the relationship is not terminated which is termed as Cycle of Violence ○ The repetition of these typical tactics (slapping, beating, pushing), if you observe your bf/gf doing that to you, please call their attention or do not tolerate them. ● ● Honeymoon CYCLE OF VIOLENCE STAGES ● ● Tension Building ● Batterer escalates and becomes more controlling Battered person tries to prevent angry outbursts of batterer ○ So here let’s assume that the batterer is the man and the battered person is the woman/ lady. Assumption according to reports that most commonly that batterer is the male and the battered person is the female/woman. ○ SHE or the woman tries to be nurturing and compliant. Tries to please her husband/boyfriend. Kanang mu-ingon na, “It’s alright, what do you want? Do you want water? Ok, actually ang katong atong gisturya-an kanina, it was just nothing. Just don’t mind it. Nasayop ra kog sturya.” ○ SHE will try to reconcile or to prevent further anger or rage of her husband/boyfriend ○ SHE can blame the external factors. “It’s not you, it’s the alcohol that’s talking. It’s not you as my husband/bf that’s talking. Maybe you’re just tired, it’s actually not you.” So in-ana, iya i-try og minimize while ang katong man or katong batterer, tries to control his behavior already and then verbal and minor physical abuse may also increase in this stage and also here, the man gets really frantic and more controlling. This is called the battering stage or the serious battering incident already. ● STALKING ● ● ● ● Stalking is a willful, malicious, and repeated following and harassing of another person, with fear of violence, resulting in the victim. ○ Kadtong mga uyab na wala ka tanggap na nag buwag na sila, they tend to follow everywhere kung aha si girlfriend kay na siya. He or she keeps on following and knowing where the activities are na iyang gi adtoan. Can vary from seemingly benign acts or efforts at being reasonable, to hidden, to threatening, and frightening behaviors. The aggressor may not want the relationship to end and cannot tolerate the separation. ○ Hindi niya kaya na magbuwag sila. Example: “Buwagan diay ko nimo ha, sige i-follow tika everywhere, you might have another boyfriend nga gipuli nako. So let’s just try and see kung aha ka kutob.” Hence, fear of violence resulting in the victim. That can be called stalking when the victim is starting to feel violence and fear. Rage is behind the depression as rejection is an attack on the ego. ○ Since dili man siya ka tolerate sa separation, the feeling of rejection on the part of the boyfriend (still referring to the given example), is like an attack to his ego. It is also like a compensatory mechanism for him, “Okay ha, imo diay ko gi ilisan or gibuwagan, sundon tika bisan asa ka. I will find you and I will know all of your activities from midnight until noon.” 2 ● He or she feels abandoned, angry, depressed, and he or she may be suicidal. The individual may feel they cannot manage on their own. ○ Pwede sad ni na ang person nag stalk nimo kay suicidal and manipulative. Just stay careful on people who are very manipulative or if ever mu start na sila ug stalk nimo because they tend to be manipulative in the long run. The individual may feel they cannot manage on their own. Grabe sila ka dependent. That's why sige silag stalk nimo. Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention Tertiary Prevention DOMESTIC VIOLENCE/NEGLECT Nursing Care of Situations of ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Unexplained or frequent injuries or accidents, conflict stories about injuries, delayed treatment for injuries in various stages of healing. ○ This is the most common symptom of neglect and violence. For those who aspire to be ER nurses, these are common scenarios when clients/patients go to the emergency department and present themselves na daghan injury. The nurse would probably think na “Common naman ni sya na pasyente, last month mao ni iyang problema, basin gina abuse ni kay daghang samad. Sa ulo na samad hapit na maayo, sa hawak fresh pa na wound, sa tiil daghan kaayong bruises. Those are injuries in various stages of healing. But the px may state na “Ah natakag rako sa hagdanan.” As nurses, you tend to become curious because the injury should be at the same stages of healing sa tanang wounds. So that’s what makes you question as a nurse na ngano daghan samad ang px unya different ang stages of wound healing. ○ You may also observe cigarette butt na burns sa px. Pwede na ang perpetrator or aggressor or abuser kay iyang samad-samaran ang likod or ang paa ba karon napasoan ba og langsang or flat iron. Those things are really much a concern for a nurse. Dapat able or skillful pud ta to identify those things. Inadequate hygiene, inappropriate dress and eating/sleeping disorders Depression may also be present STIs, inappropriate (Premature) nursing knowledge on sexual matters (in relation to STI) Be alert to the possibility of human trafficking ○ Basin d i noh there is already human trafficking behind the injury or physical symptoms that the nurse is seeing. Report suspicion of child and elder abuse to the appropriate government agency ○ This is again the duty to warn for us nurses and by the way we don’t really have to be sure, we don't have to bring to the authorities huge or heavy evidences that suspicion enough of a nurse and somebody from a healthcare team and the action of reporting it to the appropriate government agency is quite enough for you to execute your duty to report or warn. Dili kailangan na daghan mog ebidensya, according to your nursing knowledge and clinical assessment to your client Describe frequency of abuse Develop a safety plan with critical papers, money, clothing and other essentials to be set aside for emergency exits ○ Pwede sad ka mo ingon “Okay ma’am and sir it is the time for you to exit from your relationship, you have the money, you have all the resources you need for you to just move on from the relationship because it is really becoming not healthy for you”. You may tell that to the patient. It is not really suggesting but it is more of laying down the choices and cards in front of your patient Point out increasingly violent behavior of the relationship ○ Because sometimes man gud they are blinded in the relationships they are in. In the stages of the cycle of violence, they dwell more on the honeymoon stage than on the first and second stages. So mao ra to highlight nila permi, they tend to be blinded by the two stages. You, as a nurse you need to point out and highlight that in the relationship of your client. LEVELS OF PREVENTION Begins with making nonviolence a priority So educating and informing our clients Early case finding and decisive intervention ● If you need to intervene then intervene then begin your intervention Required when the women has been repeatedly abused; focus is to overcome the physical and psychological side effect ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND ELDERLY Domestic Violence/Neglect ● ● ● ● ● ● ● It is the intentional physical infliction of injury by a parent or caretaker ○ So diri, common man kaayo ang abuse because the willpower is not enough among children and elderly. These age groups are very vulnerable. Types of abuse (4): ○ Bruising ○ Burns ○ Fractures ○ Convulsions Blue areas - normal, because we can’t isolate the fact they are lihokan, and we can’t limit and get this from them as children ○ Location where injuries are expected ○ Naturally-occurring injuries Orange areas - areas where it is suspicious of child abuse ○ Suspect that something is fishy ○ Covered areas; in the upper portion of the thigh, these are covered with shorts, the anterior and posterior part, wounds may be located here ○ Soles of the foot: usually covered with socks or slippers, the only things you can see there is that their gait is not proper, mag kindang-kindang ○ Outer portion of the elbow all the way to the hand ○ Scalp: usually opawan or lesions that we can see in the parietal area (top of the head) ○ Earlobe: kusion ang ears, samaran or sagpaon ○ Eyeballs: periorbital area, dira gyud na ang wounds (blackeye) ○ Mouth: pwede samaran diri, regardless if the parents or relatives or where the child lives ○ Biggest area: posterior portion going to the gluteus area Behavioral changes may be evident as well Violent to other children (managpa, manumbag) Nursing Intervention for Abused Children: ● Objective data does not match stories told by parents. Dapat naa nay suspicion ● Evidence of past injuries and failure to thrive. Probably gineglect or giabuse ang bata ● Child cringes when physically approached, seems unduly afraid. Mahadlok, makuratan, or muigking iapproach sa nurse ● Provide consistent caregiver ● Learn about childhood growth and development, expected behavioral characteristics, realistic expectations. We know the growth and development, the different milestones that the child needs to undergo at a certain age and stage according to Jean Piaget. Dili pa lage ni siya kakuan, small ra lage ni siya sa iyang age or underweight sa iyang height or BMI. ● Use therapeutic play to express feelings. You cannot make them sit across you, face to face, eye to eye and let them tell you what happened because you have to do it through play. Tagaan ug teddy bear. You make it an example. Let’s play pretend that you are a teddy bear, 3 ● ● giunsa ka sa imo mama or sa imo papa. Maexpress nila through play. Provide emotional support and therapy Refer family for group therapy or home visits Nursing Intervention for Abused Elderly: ● It is not uncommon for both the abuser and the abused to maintain secrecy about the abuse. ● A great deal of time is needed before the abused elder is comfortable disclosing the mistreatment When you interview or assess an abused elderly patient, questions may include: QUESTIONS: ● “Are you happy living with (name of suspected abuser)”? ● "Please tell me about your financial assets and how they are managed" so possibly gi abuse na siya because ang elderly kay pensionada because sa iyang net worth and the money that she is keeping ● "Whom do you turn to when feeling down?" kinsa imong ama adtoan sir kung down ka ● "How are family disagreements handled in your household?" pananglit sir naa moy mga disagreements in your household unsaon ninyo paghandle o pagsulbad ● "Has anyone hurt you or touched you when you don't want to be touched?" nana bay nag among-among nimo or pasakit nimo pananglitan di ka ganahan hikapon di ka ganahan inanaon ka, nana bay gabuhat nimo ana? ● These questions are really helpful for abused elderly clients on the case if there is violence even the slightest thing, pwede na nila ma mention dire Physical Assessment: ● Decubitus ulcer or bed sores ○ Usually in the bony prominences ○ Not just a sign of neglect but also a sign of poor nursing management ○ Px in the hospital area confined for a long period of time, one measurement of how good of a nurse you are is when your bedridden px does not develop any bed sores ○ Do passive exercises, change linens ○ Seen in px especially you are community health nurse, since these px di ma da sa hosp ● Contusions, abrasions, bleeding, distended abdomen, vaginal lacerations, UTIs, bruises, poor eye contact (maulaw na makig eye contact kay daghan shag samad or bruises, no glasses false teeth or hearing aid despite need (maka ingon kag able raman ta sha, stable ra sya financially pero ngano wa man sha palitig anchuhos/glasses, posteso or even hearing aid na kinahanglan man kaayo ni mam or sir), looks to caregivers for answers (pananglitan ig interview sa di pa sha mo answer motan aw sha moyango sha ni caregiver just to confirm sakto ba iyang tubag, pwede ba sha motubag or dili), physically handicapped, malnourished or underweight ● Key sign for neglect: Poor grooming ● Highest priority is to balance elder's safety and autonomy ● Explore options that provide client with increase self-control ● Evaluate the client's coping skills ● Coordinate referrals ● Evaluate possible substance abuse by caregiver so possibly iya caregiver drug addict, alcoholic, abuser mas mo grabe noon ang abused because of the influence of drugs or alcohol ● Evaluate the caregiver's willingness to acknowledge and work on family problem, as nurses we lay out the choices of our patients —–———————————— END ————————————— 4