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Physical Activity Barriers Self-Assessment

1. My top two barriers in participating this physical activity are:
I am a partially deaf and dumb.
I am shy because I am way older than my classmates.
My plan of Action:
As much as possible, I would like to be treated the way a
normal individual is treated. I will asks help from my friends and
classmates and even tap the shoulders of my teachers during
completion of the performance tasks.
2. My realization upon answering the assessment tool is that, I am
confident that I can comply the tasks like the others do. That I will not
let my weaknesses beat my strengths of having a full potential to
participate in whatever tasks to perform.
1. I can overcome the different barriers to physical activities by embracing
my weaknesses and draw confidence out of my weaknesses that I can
break these barriers to physical activities.
2. Yes, I am willing to change for the better after finding out the barriers
which I have because this is the way that I can overcome these barriers
and could stand up on my own feet with courage and perseverance.
Be who you are, embrace the weaknesses with you, stand up and have courage
to seek the strength to break these barriers and when you pass it through
that’s the time you will realize how STRONG independent person are YOU.