Uploaded by Muhammad Nameer Khan

Grocery Store Management System Project Plan

Problem Statement:
Running a grocery store presents multiple challenges, spanning inventory control, monitoring
sales, and ensuring a smooth customer shopping experience. Store managers seek an efficient
solution to address these complexities. The problem to solve is the creation of a Grocery Store
Management System (GSM), a C++ application tailored for store managers. This system aims to
provide an intuitive interface, streamlining inventory management, daily sales tracking, and
precise billing.
Problem Solution and Scope:
The Grocery Store Management System is a comprehensive C++ solution that empowers store
managers. It offers an intuitive platform for inventory management, sales monitoring, and
accurate billing. However, it's essential to note that this version will not encompass
customer-oriented features such as online shopping or customer accounts. The focus lies on
enhancing store operations and management efficiency.
Basic Features:
Product Management:
Store managers can add, update, and delete products in the inventory.
Inventory Tracking:
Real-time monitoring of product quantities, with low-stock alerts.
Sales Recording:
Recording daily sales, including product details and transaction history.
Billing System:
Generating accurate bills for customers, with discounts and digital receipts options.
Sales Reporting:
Providing sales reports for specified time periods.
User Authentication:
Secure login access for store managers.
Data Backup:
Regular data backups to prevent loss of critical information.
Project Plan:
a. Modular Breakdown and Iterations:
Iteration number Implementations
Iteration 1
CRUD for Products
2 weeks
1. Product
2.User Authentication Login/Logout
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
3. UI
4. Sales Recording
Daily Sales
5. Billing System
Billing logic
6. Inventory Tracking
Stock Alerts
7. UI
7. Sales Reporting
Sales Reports
8. Data Backup
Backup system
9. UI
b. Group Member Roles:
Group Members
Abdul Moiz
Project Leader
M.Nameer Khan
Developer + Tester
2 weeks
2 weeks