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高中英文-三民版 Book 2
____________ (v.) 給小費;使傾斜; (n.) 尖端;小費;訣竅;秘訣
____________ ________指尖
____________ (v.) 改善
____________ (n.) 記憶
____________ (v.) 記得
Reading Task: Find out the tips that are given in the reading for improving your memory.
1. Studies show that most problems with memory grow out of bad habits.
_______ _____ ____ …所致
= ______ ___________ _______
= ____________ ____________ + 原因
= ____________ ____________
____________ ____________ 記憶問題
____________ (n.) 研究
__ __________ /____________
____________ (n.) 研究 (不可數)
2. For example, if you develop the habit of not making an effort to remember things, your ability
to memorize things will begin to decrease.
____________ (v.) 減少; (n.) 減少,減小;減少額,減小量
____________ + to Vr… ..的能力
____________ (v.) 記住;背熟
_______ _____ ________ ____ + Vr. 努力做…
_______ ____________ _____ + Vr….
_____ ______________ ____ …的習慣
____________ (n.) 習慣
____________ (n.) 嗜好
____________ + the habit of  養成…的習慣
= ____________
= ____________ ____________
= ____________
= ____________ ____________ + the habit of….
________ ____________
3. On the other hand, a good memory can be the result of good habits.
____________ (v.) 發生,產生;結果;導致; (n.) 結果
_____ ______ ______ _______ 另一方面說來
_____ ______ ______ _______ 一方面…
4. To improve your memory, you should change the way you deal with information.
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高中英文-三民版 Book 2
_____ _______ (____ ________) sb + V 某人做某事的樣子/方式
= ____________ + S. + V…
______ ______ 處理
= _______ _____
= ____________ (v.) 處理;搬弄; (n.) 把手
____________ (v.) 改善
______ + Vr, S. + V..  為了…
5. Here are some tips that may assist you in getting on the right track.
____________ (v.) 跟蹤;沿著(道路)走; (n.) 行蹤;軌道
____________ (v.) 幫助,協助
= ____________
____________ (adj.) 助理的;輔助的;有幫助的; (n.) 助手
Set realistic goals.
____________ (adj.) 固定的;下定決心的;準備好的;呆滯的 (v.) 安放;
沒入;設定 (三態) set-set-set (n.) 套;組
____________ (adj.) 現實的;實事求是的;務實的
____________ (adj.) 真實的
____________ (n.) 目標;球門
6. Do not expect to remember everything.
____________ (v.) 期待
____________ (介) 除…之外; (連) 除了;要不是;但是
____________ (n.) 專家;能手
____________ + to Vr.
7. If you have memory problems in particular areas, focus on them first.
________ ____ 專注於
____________ (adj.) 特殊的;
____________ (n.) 地區;面積
8. After you have achieved some success in those areas, move on to others.
____________ (v.) 實現
________ ____ ____ 繼續往…
Stay mentally active.
____________ (adv.) 心理上,精神上
____________ (adj.) 精神的,心理的
____________ ____________  保持靈活
= ____________
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= ____________
____________ (adj.) 活躍的
9. Exercising your mind is the best way to keep it sharp.
____________ (adj.) 尖銳的;敏銳的
____________ (v.) 鍛鍊;操練;練習;運用,行使; (n.) 運動;習題
10. If you tend to avoid mental challenges and always choose the easiest solutions, it will
become difficult for you to depend on your memory to solve challenging problems.
____________ (v.) 依賴
= _________ ___
= _________ ___
____________ (n.) 解答;溶劑
____________ (v.) 解決
____________ (v.) 選擇;挑選 (三態) ____________ -____________ -____________
________ ____ 往往;傾向於;通常
____________ (v.) 走向;趨向;照料
____________ (v.) 避免
____________ (v.) 對...提出異議; (n.) 挑戰;艱鉅的事
Cut down on activities that don’t require you to think.
_______ _____ _____ 減少、降低
____________ (n.) 活動
____________ (vt.) 需要
11. Watching TV is an activity that most people do too much.
12. Many TV programs require no mental input at all.
____________ (adj.) 精神的,心理的
____________ (v.) 將(資料等)輸入電腦; (n.) 輸入
_____ /____ _____ _______
13. The more time you spend on these programs}, the more easily you pick up the habit of
turning off your brain.
_______ _________…, ________ ________ …
________ ____ the habit of… 養成習慣
= ____________
= ____________
= ________ ____
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________ ____關閉
________ ____ 打開
Read more.
14. Reading provides one of the best ways to exercise your brain.
____________ (v.) 鍛鍊;操練;練習;運用,行使; (n.) 運動;習題
____________ (v.) 供應
= ____________
= ____________
15. Whether you are busy working or studying, you should spare some time to read.
____________ … ____ 無論…或者…
人 + _____ _______ + V-ing
____________ (adj.) 多餘的,剩下的;空閒的; (v.) 分出,騰出(時間,人手); (n.) 備
____________ 備胎
____________ + time + ____________… 騰出時間做…
____________ + time + ____________ …花時間做…
16. When you read, you have to actively use your memory to recognize words and arrange them
into phrases, then sentences, and then ideas.
____________ (adv.) 活躍地;主動地
____________ (v.) 識別;認識;承認
____________ (v.) 排列;整理
____________ (v.) 用言語表達,用(詞); (n.) 片語,詞組
17. The more often you read, the more mental workouts you get.
____________ (n.) 身體鍛煉期
Get into the habit of taking notes.
______ ______ the habit of ~ 養成…的習慣
= ____________ /____________ + the habit of
____________ /____________ ____________作筆記
18. Whether you are reading, studying, or listening to a speech, it is useful to write down the
information you may want to look up later.
____________ (連) 是否 …_____ …
_______ _____
19. In the process of writing down what is mentioned, you are actually organizing information,
which often helps you to recall it better.
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高中英文-三民版 Book 2
____________ (v.) 加工沖洗(膠卷); (n.) 過程,進程
____________ (v.) 提到,說起; (n.) 提及,說起
____________ (v.) 使有條理;安排
____________ (v.) 回憶;使想起;召回; (n.) 回想;收回
help + O. + (to) Vr.
Try something unfamiliar.
____________  un = not
____________ (adj.) 熟悉的;常見的
20. You should occasionally try new things or learn something that interests you — and not just
try to get high scores on exams.
____________ (adv.) 偶爾,間或;有時
____________ (v.) 得分; (n.) 得分; 二十; 刻痕; 樂譜
21. Learn a new sport, a musical instrument, or a new language.
____________ (adj.) 音樂的; (n.) 歌舞劇;音樂片
____________ (n.) 儀器
22. Your brain may grow lazy if you don’t exercise it with new activities every now and then.
____________ (adj.) 懶惰的
____________ (v.) 種植;成長 (三態) grow-grew-grown
____________ ____________ = ____________ lazy
______ ______ _____ _______
Teach others {what you know}.
others = ____________ pe____________ ple
what = _________ __________ _____________
23. Teaching others helps you strengthen your knowledge by forcing you to think about [the
reasons and connections concerning the information you are sharing.
____________ + O. + (to) + Vr.
____________ (v.) 加強;增強
____________ (n.) 力量,力氣
en~/~en  使….
____________ (adj.) 強壯的
______ + Vi-ing  藉由…
____________ (v.) 強迫 (n.) 力量;暴力
____________ (n.) 連接;聯絡;銜接
____________ (介) 關於
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24. Many people who have practiced the tips above have noticed great improvements in their
____________ (v.) 練習;訓練;執行 (n.) 練習
____________ (adj.) 上文的,前述的; (adv.) 在上面;在上文;更高; (介) 在…之上
____________ (v.) 注意到;通知; (n.) 注意;通知
____________ (n.) 改進,改善
____________ (v.) 改善
25. However, everyone is unique, and the results may vary from person to person.
____________ (adj.) 獨特的
= ____________
= ____________
____________ (v.) 發生,產生;結果;導致; (n.) 結果
____________ (v.) 使不同;變更;呈多樣化 = change
____________ (adj.) 正是;恰好是;僅僅; (adv.) 很;非常
________ ________ _________ ______ _________
_____ _______ _______ _____ 挨家家戶
_____ ___________ _______ ___________ 從一個文化到另一個文化
26. What matters more than these tips is to find out what works best for you.
what = the thing which
____________ (v.) 有關係,要緊; (n.) 事情
____________ (v.) 工作; 運轉;有效,行得通 (n.) 工作,作品
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