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Science Lesson Plan: Gravity & Friction

Science 6
Week 1- Day 1 Q3
I. Objectives:
A. Content standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect
movement of objects.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to produce an advertisement
demonstrate road safely.
C. Learning Competency: Infer how friction and gravity affects movements of different objects.
-Define friction
- Identify the different kinds of friction
-Demonstrate how friction work
-Work cooperatively with the group
II. Content: Gravitation and Frictional forces
III. References: Cyber Science 6, pp.193-19
Science Links 6, p.314
IV. Procedure:
A. Engage:
Study the pictures. Identify the word that could describe the picture.
B. Explore: (group activity)
Activity 1
Comparing Movements of Objects on Different Surfaces
Problem: How does the kind of surface affect the movement of an object?
What you need:
-block of wood
-spring scale -hook
-sand paper
-baby powder -rods
What you need to do:
1. Attach a piece of sandpaper on one side of the block of wood.
2. Hook a spring scale to the block of wood. Place the wood on the table.(The sandpaper should meet
the surface of the table.)
3. Using a steady force, use the spring scale to pull the wood across the table at a steady speed. Record
the force applied to pull the block of wood across the table.
4. Remove the sand paper from the block of wood. Sprinkle a small amount of powder on the table.
Repeat step 3.
5. Place a several rods on the table. Place the of wood on top of the rods. Then repeat step 3 .
Kinds of Surface
Force Exerted
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
smooth surface
rough surface
surface with rollers
What have you found out:
1. What affects the motion of the block of wood?_____________________________________________
2. What kind of friction is shown when you let the block of wood with sandpaper slide on the surface of
the table?________________________________________________________________________
3. What kind of friction is shown when you let the block of wood roll on rods?____________________
4. Under what condition was the frictional force smallest?___________________________________
5. How do rollers help in decreasing the amount of force needed to pull the block of wood?_________
Make a conclusion based from the given problem._________________________
C. Explain: Presentation of outputs
-Analyse and discuss the outputs of the learners
D. Elaborate: Formulation of generalization by the pupils through guided questions.
1. What is friction?
E. Evaluate:
1. Which of the following statements best describes friction? It is occurs_____________.
a. between solids
b. only on rough surfaces
c. between solids and liquids
d. when surfaces touch each other
(Refer to Science Links P 318)
V. Assignment:
Give other activities in the community that show friction
I. Objectives:
A. Content standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect
movement of objects.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to produce an advertisement
demonstrate road safely.
C. Learning Competency: Infer how friction and gravity affects movements of different objects.
-Define friction
- Identify the different kinds of friction
-Demonstrate how friction work
-Work cooperatively with the group
II. Content: Gravitation and Frictional forces
III. References: Cyber Science 6, pp.193-19
Science Links 6, p.314
IV. Procedure:
A. Engage:
1. Ask; What was our activity yesterday all about?
2.Can you give an example where friction occurs?
B. Explore:
Ask the following questions:
 What happens when you jump on a slide?
(You can predict that you will slide down.)
Now think about what happens at the bottom of the hill.
Will you keep sliding?
(You can predict that you will slow down and stop..)
C. Explain:
 The force that two surfaces exert on each other when they rub against each other is called
The Causes of Friction
 In general, smooth surfaces produce less friction than rough surfaces.
 The strength of the force of friction depends on two factors:
 How hard the surfaces push together
 The types of surfaces involved
 Friction also increases if surfaces push hard against each other.
 If you rub your hands together forcefully, there is more friction than if you rub your hands
together lightly.
 Friction acts in a direction opposite to the direction of the object’s motion.
 Without friction, a moving object might not stop until it strikes another object.
Static Friction
 Four types of friction are shown in Figure 6. The friction that acts on objects that are not moving
is called static friction.
 Because of static friction, you must use extra force to start the motion of stationary objects.
 For example, think about what happens when you try to push a heavy desk across a floor.
 If you push on the desk with a force less than the force of static friction between the desk and
the floor, the desk will not move.
 To make the desk move, you must exert a force greater than the force of static friction.
 Once the desk is moving, there is no longer any static friction.
 However, there is another type of friction—sliding friction.
Sliding Friction
 Sliding friction occurs when two solid surfaces slide over each other.
 Sliding friction can be useful.
 For example, you can spread sand on an icy path to improve your footing.
 Ballet dancers apply a sticky powder to the soles of their ballet slippers so they won’t slip on the
dance floor.
 And when you stop a bicycle with hand brakes, rubber pads slide against the tire surfaces,
causing the wheels to slow and eventually stop.
 On the other hand, sliding friction is a problem if you fall off your bike and skin your knee!
When an object rolls across a surface, rolling friction occurs.
Rolling friction is easier to overcome than sliding friction for similar materials.
This type of friction is important to engineers who design certain products.
For example, skates, skateboards, and bicycles need wheels that move freely.
So engineers use ball bearings to reduce the friction between the wheels and the rest of the
 These ball bearings are small, smooth steel balls that reduce friction by rolling between moving
Fluid Friction
 Fluids, such as water, oil, or air, are materials that flow easily.
 Fluid friction occurs when a solid object moves through a fluid.
 Like rolling friction, fluid friction is easier to overcome than sliding friction.
D. Elaborate:
Formulation of generalization by the pupils through guided questions.
1. What is friction?
2. What are the different kinds of friction?
3. What are the causes of friction?
E. Evaluate:
1. What kind of friction occurs when objects are not moving?
A. Static
B. Rolling
C. Fluid
D. Sliding
2. What kind of friction occurs when an object rolls over a surface?
A. Static B. Rolling
V. Assignment:
Give other examples of friction
C. Fluid
D. Sliding
I. Objectives:
A. Content standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect
movement of objects.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to produce an advertisement
demonstrate road safely.
C. Learning Competency: Infer how friction and gravity affects movements of different objects
-Describe how friction affects motion
-Identify conditions when friction seems to resist motion
-Compare how objects move in different surfaces
II. Content: Describing How Friction Affects Motion
III. Reference: Explore and Experience Science 6, pp.222-227
IV. Procedure:
A. Engage:
1. Ask the students what things they remember when they hear the word “FRICTION”.
2. How friction affects motion?
B. Explore: Group Activity
Activity 1.2 FRICTION FREE
Problem: How does a lubricant work?
A smooth metal tray
a small flat glass
1. Hold up the tray on the books to make a slope.
2. Wet one side of the tray and slide the bottle down each side in turn.
3. Now rub the soap on the wet side and slide the bottle down again. Observe the movement of the
Guide Questions:
1. Is there friction between the bottle and the dry metal tray? Why do you say so?
2. Why did the glass bottle slide down easily when the surface of the tray was wet with water?
3. What happened when you rubbed the soap on the wet side of the tray?
4. Is soap a lubricant? Why or why not?
C. Explain:
1. Presentation of outputs
2. Discuss how friction affects motion.
D. Elaborate:
-What are the importance of friction in schools and at home?
-Describe how friction affects motion.
E. Evaluate: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which surface will produce the least amount of friction?
a. fuzzy soccer plate
c. gravel running track
b. smooth glass tabletop
d. grassy soccer field
2. Which of the following does not involve any friction?
a. a bicycle rolling down a hill
b. a baseball player sliding into second base
c. a diver falling through the air to a pool
d. allof the above experience friction
3. Why is it easy to slip when there is water on a smooth floor?
a. The water is a lubricant and reduces the friction between your feet and the floor.
b. the friction between your feet and the floor changes from kinetic to static friction.
c. The water increases the friction between your feet and the floor
d. The friction between your feet and the floor changes from sliding
4. What are the two factors that determine the strength of the force of friction?
a. speed and light
b. how fast the objects are going and on what planet
c. how big the objects are and how hard you push them
d. how hard the surfaces push together and the types of surface involved
5. Which of the following is not a type of friction?
a. fluid
c. rolling
b. static
d. wind
6. What are you going to put in a surface to reduce the friction on it?
a. stone
c. piece of cloth
b. lubricant
d. none of the above
7. If you run down the side walk and stop quickly, you can stop because of the_________between your shoes and
the cement.
a. gravity
c. friction
b. motion
d. shoes
8. What occurs when two objects rub against each other. It is a force that slows down or stops object.
a. motion
c. gravity
b. friction
d. push or pull
9. Which of the followings helps in reducing friction?
a.lubricants,rollers,wheels,and bearings
10.What will happen if we don’t have friction?
a.Life would be very easy c.we will float
b.We can walk easily
d.we can’t walk
V. Assignment:
Why is friction important in our daily life?
I. Objectives:
A. Content standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect
movement of objects.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to produce an advertisement
demonstrate road safely.
C. Learning Competency: Infer how friction and gravity affects movements of different objects
-Describe how friction affects motion.
-Demonstrate ways on how friction affects motion.
-Develop awareness in keeping a road trip safety.
II. Content: Frictional Force
III. Reference: Science Links 6, pp 320-321
IV. Procedure:
A. Engage:
1. The teacher recalls the activity during the other day.
2. The teacher will show the signage or road sign “Slippery when wet”.
Ask: Why there is a need to be careful if the floor or road is wet?
B. Explore: Group activity
Activity 3
Materials needed:
-three textbooks of different weight and dimensions
- string (8 feet in length)
- Three different testing surfaces like table, carpet or tile floor
-Tape measure / yard stick
-stop watches
1. Collect three of your school textbooks that are different size and weight (you can use books of various
sizes that you have at home as well)
2. Record the weight of each of the books before experimenting.
3. Find 3 different surfaces to slide (or push) the textbooks on (examples: table, carpet, tile floor, etc.)
4. Being sure not to damage the textbook, slide the textbook along various surfaces, keeping a keen eye
on the frictional force that each surface has on the movement of the textbook.
5. Record the time and distance that each book travelled on the three different surfaces.
6. Tie strands of string around each textbook, and this time it takes topull the same distance you pushed
the book on the three surfaces. Write down your observations and record the times of this experiment.
Push #1: Distance and
speed on table surface
Push #2: Distance and
speed on carpet surface
Push # 3: Distance and
speed on tile floor surface
Fast or Slow
Guided Questions:
1. Which book travels a short distance? Why?_________________________________________________
2. Which book travels a long distance?_______________________________________________________
3. Which surface shows lesser frictional force?_________________________________________________
4. Which surface shows greater frictionalforce?________________________________________________
5. What is the effect of the rough surface to the motion and distance travelled by thebook?____________
6. What is the effect of the smooth surface to the motion and distance travelled by the book?_________
7. How does friction affect motion of an object?
C. Explain: Presentation of outputs
D. Elaborate: Through the use of Venn Diagram, let the pupils describe the effects of friction on the objects
motion. ( How friction affects motion)
E. Evaluate: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. The ball rolled on the grassy surface of thepark and suddenly stop. How does friction affect the motion
of the ball?
a. Friction slows down the rolling of the ball and prevents the ball to move farther.
b. Friction opposes the direction of the ball to change its direction.
c. Friction decreases the time of the ball to take farther distance.
d. Friction affects the ability of the ball to take more rolling.
2. Which of the following is true?
I. Friction slows down the moving object
II. Smooth surface has more friction
III. Objects moves slowly on the rough surface
IV. Friction is not present in a smooth surface
a. I, II
b. II, III
c. I, III
d. I, III, IV
3. How is brake useful? It uses friction to____________________.
a. make vehicle to move faster.
b slow down a moving vehicle
c. move the vehicle in any direction
d. move the vehicle safely
4. The rougher the surface the greater the friction. Which of this example will support the above
a. between the tile floor and slipper
b. between the jagged sole of shoes and the carpet
c. between the rolling ball and the football field
d. between the rolling skates and the icy surface of the ground
5. How does friction become so useful during the pre-historic time?
a. friction is useful in washing clothes
b. Friction becomes so useful in handling materials
c. friction becomes so useful in storing materials
d. Friction becomes so useful in creating a fire
6. the road sign says” Slippery when wet”. To avoid accident, what will the driver do?
a. increase the cars’ speed so as to increase friction between the surfaces of tires and road
b. slows down the cars speed so as increase friction between the surfaces of tires and
c. increase the cars’ speed so as to decrease friction between the surfaces of tires and road
d. slows the cars’ speed so as to decrease friction between the surfaces of tires and road
7. Which of the following is the easiest way to move the refrigerator from one place of your house
to another?
a. Through the use of lubricants
b. Through the use of oil or grease
c. through the use of wheels or rollers
d. though pushing and pulling
8. Which of the following shows that the lesser the friction the useful it is?
a. when applying wax on the stairways
b. using brakes on the cars
c. using lubricants on machines and robots
d. using jagged surface for a ballet dancer
9. Rusty screws are difficult to remove. What will you do to remove it?
a. use lubricants
b. use wax
c. use rollers
d. use wheels
10. The court where you are about to play basketball is wet? What will you do and why?
a. Wear jagged sole type of rubber shoes so that friction between shoes and court will increase
and to avoid accident.
b. Wait for some time that the court will dry up so that you will enjoy the game.
c. Dry up the court using the floor mop or damp cloth to avoid slipping and accidents when playing
d. Wear protective gears so that even if when slipping occur in players they can still continue the
V. Assignment: Make your own advertisement about road safety. Your advertisement should be related to the
effects of friction on the motion of an object.
I. Objectives:
A. Content standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect
movement of objects.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to produce an advertisement
demonstrate road safely.
C. Learning Competency: Infer how friction and gravity affects movements of different objects
-Identify ways to reduce friction
-Infer how reducing friction wastes matter as well as energy
-Appreciate the value of reducing friction in our daily life
II. Content: Ways of Reducing Friction
III. Reference: Explore and Experience Science 6 pp. 224-226
IV. Procedure:
A. Engage:
What is friction?
Let the students try to polish the floor without floorwax and the other pupil with floorwax.
Which is easier to husk the floor with wax or without wax?
B. Explore: Group activity
ACTIVITY: Friction Free
PROBLEM: How does lubricant work?
A smooth metal tray
A small flat glass
1. Hold up the tray on the books to make a slope.
2. Wet one side of the tray and slide the bottle
3. Now, rub the soap on the wet side and slide the bottle down again. Observe the movement of the bottle.
1. Is there friction between the bottle and the dry metal tray?
2. Why did the glass bottle slide down easily when the surface of the tray was wet with water?
What happened when you rubbed the soap on the bottle?
C. Explain: Presentation of outputs
1.) What are the common household activities that needs a reduce friction?
2.) Why is reducing friction important?
3.) What are the common household materials that help us reduce friction?
D. Elaborate: Formulation of generalization by the pupils
What are ways to reduce friction?
E. Evaluate:
Fill in the missing spaces with words from the box below.
Friction gives us grip between two_____________. It produces_______________. Friction is important
when running. It stops you from______ across the floor. It is useful for car_______ on the road. When skiing or
ice_____, you would like to________ the amount of friction to make it easier to slide. If roads are wet, cars can slip
and slide because there is less_________ on water than on asphalt. Air___________ is the friction between
the______ and objects moving through it. A car is______in shape to allow air to pass over it more freely, whereas
a_____needs a large area of air resistance to ____it down.
skating surfaces parachute streamlined heat tires
Y life.V. Assignment:
List two reasons why friction is important for you to function in your everyd
friction air