SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI SET – 1 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a) Write a Python program to print first 10 even nos. in a list and print it . [6] a. Write a python program to create a dictionary to store weekly temp and print the dictionary calculate avg temp and store it in dictionary. Print the final dictionary again. . [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI Time : 3 Hrs. SET – 2 MM.: 30 Q1. a.) Write a python program to calculate factorial of nos. from 3 to 10 and store it in list and print it [6] b.) Write a python program to create dictionary by taking input from user to store record of 5 students having student name as key, marks in five subjects as value. Print the dictionary. Now print name and marks in CS who got marks >75 marks in CS. [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SET – 3 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a.) WAP to calculate discount and net amount payable depending upon the sales made by a person SALES 50000 40000- 50000 40000 – 30000 <30000 DISCOUNT 10% 5% 3% nil [6] b.) Write a python program to create dictionary by taking input from user to store names of states and their capitals of 10 states. And print the dictionary. Now input a state name from user and print corresponding capital.[6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SET – 4 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a.) WAP to print the sum of squares of the first n natural nos. and store it in list. Now search for square of particular no by taking input from user and print with appropriate message. [6] b.) Write a python program to create dictionary by taking input from user to store stationary names as key and qty and price as value, print the dictionary, Now add one more item, delete item taking value from user . print the item whose price is greater than 200. [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SET – 5 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a.) WAP to generate the Fibonacci series. – 0 ,1, 1, 2,3,5,8, -----n and store it in list Fab. Print the list Now print the nth Fibonacci series from list. [6] b.) Write a python program to create dictionary “Vehicle” by taking input from user that contain details of vehicles like {Car_Name : [Maker, Price]} Like {“Santro”:[”Hyundai”, 900000],“Tiago”:”[TATA”,3500000], “Nexon”:[”Tata”, 400000, “Safari”:”[‘’tata”,…..]} . Print the dictionary, Update the price of Cars by adding 10% GST to it .Print the final dictionary [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) SET – 6 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a.) WAP to create a list of 10 integer numbers and print the highest and lowest number and display the position of that number. [6] b.) Write a python program to create dictionary by taking input from user to store books details as Id, bk name, author and price. Search for a book taking bk name from user and print it details. Update price by adding 10% service tax and print the final dictionary. [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 CLASS : XI SET – 7 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a.) Write a Program in python to create a list to store names of 10 favourite places. Now Print the list, print 3 to 6th names from list and delete the first and 3rd element and print the list. [6] b.) Write a python program to input n names and phone numbers and store it in a dictionary – Tel_dir having Name as Key and Phone no. as its value. Print the dictionary. Search for a phone no of a particular person by its name and print it with appropriate message. Update a particular phone of a person whose name is entered by the user. Print the dictionary again. [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3] PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2023 - 24 SUBJECT – COMPUTER SCIENCE (083) CLASS : XI SET – 8 Time : 3 Hrs. MM.: 30 Q1. a.) Write a Program in python to create a list Num to store 10 integers. Now check if the value is odd, add 3 to it and store it in list LOdd. If even multiply by 2 and store them in new LEven and print all the lists along with its length. [6] b.) Write a python program to create dictionary by taking input to store names and Total marks in 5 subjects. Print the dictionary. Add new key Total and Percentage and store the same. Print the final dictionary. Delete a record by taking key from user and print the dictionary [6] Q2. Project [8] Q.3. Practical File [7] Q4. Viva [3]