Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Monthly plan Group: Dolphins English Teacher: Iryna Marhosiuk Polish Teacher: Karyna Davydiuk The topics of the month: Hey! Hey! Are you fine today? Do you want to play? Who`s this? Colorful fruits and vegetables Farm animals General goals: Children: - learn new vocabulary, - understand simple sentences in English, - learn new songs, - understand basic commands, - learn new words related to the topic of the week, - understand and answer questions in English, - practice manual skills, - practice language skills. Activities: - arts and crafts activities, - different games, - speaking exercises, - listening exercises, - listening and singing songs, - movement activities, - language exercises. Month: October 2023 Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Weekly plan Group: Dolphins English Teacher: Iryna Marhosiuk Week: 1 Polish Teacher: Karina Davydiuk 2th – 6th October 2023 Topic of the week: Module 1 Hey! Hey! Are you fine today? Do you want to play? Didactic lessons: Date Topic of the day Visual materials Grammar Vocabulary 02.10 Hey! Are you fine today? Hello song What`s your name? Warm up in the circle How are you? Flashcards I’m fine I’m good I’m sad I`m hungry I`m tired 03.10 Hello! Hello! Can you clap your hands? Warm up un the circle Songs Memory game flashcards 04.10 World Animal Day connected to the topic. Can you clap your hands? - Stretch up high - Touch your toes - Turn around - Stamp your feet - Say “Hello” connected to the topic. Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk 05.10 Can you count? Nice to meet you song Flashcards Can you count these little fingers? How many … can you see? Numbers from 1 to 10 Worksheet Show me – game Who is faster? game 06.10 Revision Hello song + bye song A dialogue with a dolphin Worksheet Material for revision Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Weekly plan: Group: Dolphins English Teacher: Ira Marhosiuk Week: 2 Polish Teacher: Karina Davydiuk 9th – 13th October2023 Topic of the week: Module 2 Who`s this? Didactic lessons: Date Topic of the day Visual materials Grammar Vocabulary 09.10 My family is big/small Hello song Who`s this? - It`s my (mother) Warm up in the circle Is your family big or small? Flashcards A family, a mother, a father, a sister, a brother Worksheet 10.10 World Smile Day connected to the topic. connected to the topic. connected to the topic. 11.10 A big family Good morning song! How many members are in your family? Flashcards A mum, a dad Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Games in the circle 12.10 Animal families Hello song A puppy, a kitten, a bunny, a chik Flashcards Show me – game 13.10 Revision Hello song Games Flashcards Material for revision Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Weekly plan: Group: Dolphins English Teacher: Iryna Marhosiuk Week: 3 Polish Teacher: Karyna Davydiuk 16th – 20th October 2023 Topic of the week: Module 3 Colorful fruits and vegetables Didactic lessons: Date Topic of the day Visual materials Grammar Vocabulary 16.10 Global Handwashing Day connected to the topic. connected to the topic. 17.10 Red fruits and vegetables Hello song An apple, a strawberry, a tomato, a pepper, a cherry Warm up in the circle connected to the topic. Flashcards Learning the poem 18.10 Green fruits and vegetables Greeting in the circle Warm up A cucumber, a watermelon, a pear, a pea, a kiwi Games Worksheet 19.10 Swearing in ceremony connected to the topic. connected to the topic. connected to the topic. 20.10 Name, count and color Hello+bye song What kind of fruit/vegetable is it? Worksheet What color the fruit/ vegetable is? Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Speaking time How many fruits/vegetables are shown? Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk Weekly plan: Group: Dolphins English Teacher: Iryna Marhosiuk Week: 4 Polish Teacher: Karyna Davydiuk 23th – 31th October 2023 Topic of the week: Module 4 Farm animals Didactic lessons: Date Topic of the day Visual materials Grammar Vocabulary 23.10 Who can you see on the farm? Hello song Warm up in the circle A cow, a horse, sheep, a hen, a donkey, a goat, a dog, a cat Flashcards Worksheet 24.10 World Origami Day connected to the topic connected to the topic 25.10 Walk around the farm Nice to meet you song What can you hear? A little cow says “Mooo” Flashcards Show me – game Worksheet 26.10 Let's build our own farm Greeting song How many cows do you have? Flashcards I have five cows Close your eyes – game Worksheet Written by: Iryna Marhosiuk 27.10 Revision Hello + bye song Material for revision Worksheet Speaking time 30.10 Whose tails? Good morning song Greeting in the circle Pig`s, lizard`s, zebra`s, tiger`s, pig`s, bear`s, monkey’s, mouse`s tails Games 31.10 Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Nice to meet you song Games Flashcards A pig, a horse, a rooster, a sheep, a cow, a mouse