Economics (BT1210) Course load: Block: Coordinator: Teaching staff: Course structure: Course schedule: Examination: 5 EC 3a Prof. dr. Wolf Wagner Prof. dr. Wolf Wagner and Yifan Ma 9 live (online) sessions of 90 mins, 3 (online) workshops of 90 minutes, 9 (online) Q&A sessions Written test: 100% of grade (open questions) 3 Multiple Choice Quizzes for a bonus question at exam Contact information 1. Students are expected to use the Discussion Board on Canvas for content-related and administrative questions. 2. In addition, after each live session a Q&A session will be held during which students can ask questions. 3. There are also three workshops scheduled during which questions about specific exercises can be asked. Students are expected to make use of the above three communication channels and not to contact teachers via personal email. Course overview The course examines three interrelated questions: 1) How do firms (and individuals) make optimal choices? 2) In what way do these choices interact through markets? 3) How do businesses and managers adjust their decision making process to the characteristics of the markets in which they operate? The first part of the course focuses on developing a sound understanding of the basic principles of consumer choice and the efficient use of inputs by firms. The second part of the course brings consumers and firms to the market place. Here we study how different market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition) affect pricing and the allocation of resources. The final part of the course studies how various imperfections (such as asymmetric information and/or non-cooperative behaviour) affect outcomes. A strong emphasis is placed on the applicability of theories, principles and concepts to actual situations and concrete management problems. The skills developed during the course enable the students to (1) understand concrete situations and (2) to have an impact on these situations. Note: The course delivery (live session + workshops) takes place online. Learning goals To understand producer (and consumer) behavior and its impact on markets To grasp basic economic theories and principles and their impact on business strategies To develop an understanding of the basic market structures and what they imply for a company’s strategic behaviour To apply the tools of economics to solve business as well some economic problems 1 Course information Pre-requisites: No specific requirements Division of workload: Live sessions Workshops (3x) MC quizzes (3x) Written test Self-study Total 18 6 1.5 2 112.5 140 hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs Course structure Course Week 1 Content Literature Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 (6.6 can be skipped) Chapter 7 Bonus test I Introduction Supply and Demand Consumer Behaviour Individual and Market Demand Producer Behaviour Producer Costs Covering Sessions 1-3 Workshop I Live Session 4 Covering Sessions 1-3 Supply in a Competitive Market Live Session 5 Market Power and Monopoly Live Session 6 Pricing Strategies Bonus test II Covering Sessions 4-6 Workshop II Covering Session 4-6 Live Session 7 Imperfect Competition Live Session 8 Live Session 9 Asymmetric Information Game Theory Bonus test III Covering Sessions 7-9 Workshop III Exam Covering Sessions 7-9 Live Session 1 Live Session 2 Live Session 3 2 3 4 Chapter 8 (8.5 can be skipped, Chapter 3.1 Chapter 9 (9.5 and 9.6 can be skipped) Chapter 10 (10.6 can be skipped) Chapter 11 (11.6 and 11.7 can be skipped Chapter 16 Chapter 12 (12.3 can be skipped) Structure of the Live Sessions The purpose of the life sessions is to give an overview of the basic theories about the organization and behaviour of companies and markets. The emphasis is on the compulsory literature, but we will also discuss some examples of concrete situations in which the practical relevance of theoretical concepts is shown. Attending live sessions is not compulsory, but strongly advised. Students are advised to read the respective chapters that are covered in each live session prior to the session. The live sessions will take place via ZOOM. Prior to each live session, the slides will be made available to students through Canvas. Recordings: The live sessions will be recorded. For students who miss a live session, recordings will be made available (typically the day after the live session). 2 Workshops To encourage students to solve the exercises from the book systematically and to provide additional guidance on the solutions students can attend 3 workshops. Attendance to these sessions is NOT MANDATORY. The objective is to solve and discuss the exercises that turn out more difficult for the students. Each workshop will deal with the material of the immediately preceding live sessions. Before each workshop there will be an online poll on Canvas that allows students to indicate the exercises they would like to receive more guidance on. Study material 1. The course will follow the following text book: Goolsbee, Levitt, and Syverson, Microeconomics, 3rd Edition (International Edition), ISBN: 9781319306793 (the live sessions closely follow the content of the textbook, though not always exactly). 2. Course material provided on Canvas 3. Supplementary study material: Achieve, the online study platform for the textbook. The platform has useful exercises, videos, general study advice, and tips. Notes: • • • Feedback from prior-year students has indicated that for almost all of them the exercises in the book provide already sufficient study material. Achieve has to be bought at the time of the book purchase (through the Studystore) but is not available separately. There is a 14-day trial period for using Achieve. Attendance rules Attendance at live sessions and workshops is not mandatory. Note, however, that every week features a quiz that can earn the right to a bonus question at the exam. Assessment and examinations Written test: There is a single written test that makes up the entire course grade. This test covers the material covered in the nine live sessions. The specific book chapters covered are mentioned in the course structure above. The test has open questions. MC quizzes: During the period of the course, there are three MC quizzes. Each MC quiz will consist of 10 questions relating to the content of the three immediately preceding live sessions. Students who have overall at least 70% of the questions correct (that is, at least 21 questions out of 30) earn the right to answer a bonus question at the exam. The bonus question allows students to earn up to 0.8 points on top of their grade (the maximum final grade remains capped at 10 though). Bonus credits are only valid if the grade from the written test (excluding the bonus) is at least 5.5. The bonus grade cannot be carried over to future years. To pass the course, the grade on the written test (excluding the bonus) has to be at least 5.5. Re-sit test: The re-sit exam will have the same structure as the written test. Note: Students are expected to take individual tests to the best of their own ability, without seeking or accepting the help of others, without using resources that are not explicitly allowed, and without helping others. Please be aware that violation of these terms will be considered fraud. Examination dates Written test: See (120 mins, 100%) 3 Re-sit written test: See (120mins, 100%) Examination registration Registration for the course in Osiris means that you will automatically be registered for the regular written tests and non-written tests. Course registration will be done by Programme Management for all students who have not yet followed or passed this course (based on studying in or beyond nominal time). Students who have not passed the course after the regular written test will be automatically registered for the re-sit by Programme Management. If you have already passed the course but would like to take the re-sit of the written test to improve your grade, then you must register yourself in Osiris Student. Registration for the re-sit will be possible via Osiris 26 to 5 working days before the date of the written test. Specific registration dates per course can be found via (see test enrolment). Please make sure you register before the deadline and to check whether you have received a confirmation e-mail upon your re-sit registration. Registration after the deadline is not possible. For RSM minors: If you have already passed the minor but would like to take the re-sit of the written test to improve your grade, send an email to BSc Programme Management ( to register for the re-sit. Registration for the re-sit will be possible 26 to 5 working days before the date of the written test. Please make sure you register before the deadline. Registration after the deadline is not possible. Examination perusal The date and time of perusal will be announced once the examination results are published. Retaking the course Students retaking the course must complete each assessment part based on the material as required for the current academic year. Students retaking the course are not allowed to carry over their partial grades from previous academic years. In addition, the examination for re-takers is based on the content and conditions that apply to the current academic year. Validity of grades Partial grades are only valid during the current academic year. Examination information MC quizzes: The solutions will be made available after each quiz through Canvas. Difficult questions will be discussed during the workshops. The overall individual performance will be made available after all quizzes have been passed. Written test: The specifics for the perusal will be announced when the grades are published. 4 Assessment Plan Course: Economics [BT1210] Educational goals per course MC quizzes Written test Total To understand producer (and consumer) behavior and its impact on markets x x x To grasp basic economic theories and principles and their impact on business strategies x x x x x x x x x 100% 100% After following this course, the student is able to: To develop an understanding of the basic market structures and what they imply for a company’s strategic behaviour To apply the tools of economics to solve business as well some economic problems Weighting factor Minimum grade requirement (4.5 or Pass) Opportunity to resit within the academic year (Yes/No) Form of examination (e.g. MC, Open-book, etc.) Group / individual 5 Bonus question for written test (up to 0.8) Not applicable No Not applicable Yes MC Open questions Individual Individual