CO3: Students will be able to will be able to apply the transformations and projections in Computer Graphics. CO4:Compare the different color models CO5:Distinguish between different illumination model and shading algorithms CO6:Design different objects using fractals and Bezier curve. Assignment -2 Record- 2023-24 (TERM-I) Dept: Computer Engineering Class: SE A Name of Faculty: Dr S F Sayyad Sub: Computer Graphics Roll.NO 1 Sr. 2 3 4 22CO001 22CO002 22CO003 22CO004 22CO005 Name ABNAVE TEJAS PRADEEP AHER TEJAS SACHIN AHIRE ADITYA VISHWAGHOSH ARYAN AJIT KADAM ARYAN MUKESH JADHAV 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 17 18 19 22CO006 22CO007 22CO008 22CO009 ATITHI RAMSHANKAR SINGH AVASARE SAMRUDDHI BAGADE HARSHAL GANESH ANILKUMAR BAGDE NIRAJ PRASAD 22CO010 22CO011 22CO012 22CO013 22CO014 BAPAT ADITYA AJAY BARBHAI HARSH NILESH BARKADE MAYURI ATMARAM BARSING PRAJYOT RANDHIIR BENDRE SAHIL KISHOR 22 23 24 25 1.Describe various operation carried out on segment 2. Describe point source illumination. 3List and explain any 2 color models. 4Explain Ray Tracing 5 Explain 2D Transformation. Derive transformation matrix for the same 1.Explain with illustration how segments are deleted. 2.Explain specular reflection 3.What is blending function? Explain in detail. 4. Explain the various surface shading algorithm 5. What is scaling ? Derive 2D transformation matrix for scaling with respect to origin and a reference point 22CO015 22CO016 22CO017 22CO018 22CO019 BHANDARKAR VISHAD SUBODH BHAREKAR ROHAN BHONDVE MANAS RAHUL RAMCHANDRA (EWS) BHORDE HARSHVARDHAN BHOSALE MANOHARPRATHAMESH JYOTIBA 22CO020 22CO021 22CO022 22CO023 22CO024 BHUPESH ZODE BILE BALKRISHNA EKNATH BIRAJE (TFWS) SAMARTH CHORDIYA SAMRUDDHI ABHIJIT CORNEL RIYA SHAILESH 20 21 1.Explain delete operation in segment table with example. 2. Describe diffuse illumination. 3.Describe true curve generation. 4. Explain the CIE chromaticity Diagram 5 What is a transformation ? List out basic transformations techniques? 15 16 Assignment Question 1.Explain transformation operations on segment. 2. Explain ray tracing with diagram. 3.Describe B-Splines curve generation. 4. what is surface rendering. Explain gourad shading 5. Derive 2D transformation matrix for rotation with respect to origin. 1. Explain data structure used to implement segment table. 2. Describe various surface shading algorithm 3. Explain B-Splines curve generation. 4.Compare the surface shading Algorithm 5. What is the need of homogenous coordinate in transformation? Give matrix representation for 2D translation Sign 26 22CO025 22CO026 22CO027 22CO028 DANGAT NIHARIKA KUMAR DESHPANDE RUPAK ARVIND DESHPANDE TEJAS SACHIN DHALE SAHIL GANESH 1.What is animation ? Explain the various methods. 2. Explain Gouraud method of shading. 3. Explain Bezier curve with properties. 4. Write short note on Phong shading 5 Derive transformation matrix for shearing with respect to line parallel to Y-axis. 34 22CO029 22CO030 22CO031 22CO032 DHUMAL HARSHA PRAKASH DUPARE DHAVAL SANJAY GAIKWAD ABHIJEET RAMDAS GAIKWAD ADITYA RAJENDRA 35 22CO033 GAIKWAD PRASAD BHARAT 1.Explain morphing. What is simulating acceleration? 2.Compare Phong shading and Gourad shading 3. Explain Bezier curve with properties. 4 Explain Back Face removal algorithm 5. Comment on statement: “Two dimensional rotation and scaling are cumulative, if Sx = Sy or 36 37 38 22CO034 22CO035 22CO036 22CO037 GAIKWAD SHIVTEJ SUNIL GHODE SIDDHESH SANTOSH GHUGE SARTHAK RAMDAS GOKULE SHREYA DAYANAND 22CO038 22CO039 22CO040 22CO041 22CO042 GOLE AVDHOOT PRAVIN (EWS) GOSAVI PIYUSH SACHIN GUPTA VISHAL KRUSHNAJI HAKE PRANIT PRAVIN HARKARE SOHAM ANAND 22CO043 22CO044 22CO045 22CO046 22CO047 HRISHIKESH PRASHANT PATIL JADHAV SARAS DNYANESHWAR JAGTAP KAUSTUBH RAJESH KADAM (EWS) ATUL BABASAHEB (EWS) KADAM GANESH VIJAY 22CO048 22CO049 22CO050 22CO051 22CO052 KAJABE VIRAJ UTTAM KAJREKAR KETKI MEGHSHYAM KALAMKAR NIKHIL KALE SOHAM BABAN (EWS) HARICHANDRA KALE TANMAY CHAKRADHAR 1. What is animation? Explain basic guidelines of animation 2. Explain Painter's algorithm. 3. Explain Koch curve. Is it a curve/fractal .Justify 4. How BSP can be used to detect hidden surfaces 5. Differentiate: Parallel projection vs. Perspective projection 22CO053 22CO054 22CO055 22CO056 22CO057 KAMALE SNEHAL PRAMOD KAMLESH NEHA ANIL KHEDKAR TUSHAR ASHOK KHOSE NIKHIL ANIL KOLEKAR VAIBHAV UTTAM 1.Explain various animation languages. 2. Define Bezier Curve, state its properties and derive blending functions 3. Explain Warnock's algorithm. 4. Write short note on fractal lines & fractal surfaces 5. Explain types of Parallel Projection with example. 27 28 30 31 32 33 39 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1. Compare Conventional & Computer based animation 2. Explain & compare shading algorithm. 3. Compare Bezier & B-Spline curves. 4. Write short note on Z-buffer. ]. 5. A triangle is defined by [ 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4 Find transformed coordinates after the following transformation 1. 90 rotation about the origin. 1. What is morphing? Explain its application 2. Explain back face removal algorithm with suitable e.g. 3. Explain Triadic Koch curves with e.g. 4 Explain Painter’s Algorithm 5 Derive 3D transformation matrix for various cases of 3D rotation 1. Define Animation. Explain methods for controlling animation 2. Explain Z- buffer algorithm. 3. Write short note on Hilbert curve. 4. Explain Warnock algorithm. Why this algorithm is called as area sub division algorithm 5. Write a short note on perspective projection 61 62 63 64 22CO058 22CO059 22CO060 22CO061 22CO062 KOMEJWAR SHRAVAN KONDEJKAR DIGAMBAR VEDANT VAIBHAV KOTEKAR GAURI NARAYAN KUSHAGRA PACHOULY LAKADE ANJALI ABHINANDAN 22CO063 22CO064 22CO065 22CO066 22CO067 LANKE PARTH SHIVAJIRAO LOHAKARE SANKET BALASAHEB MADAVI AYUSH RAVINDRA MADHAV ANISH VISHNU MANDARE DHRUAV SANJAY 21CO038 DESHPANDE OJAS DHANANJAY 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 1. Define – Color. Explain CIE chromaticity diagram. 2. Explain BSP method.. 3.Compare Bezier curve and B-spline curve 4.Explain fractal lines and surafes with suitable examples 5. Define the terms: Projection, view plane, Direction of projection, the center of projection 1.Write short note on 3D Max studio 2. : A cube is defined by 8 vertices :A(0, 0, 0), B(2, 0, 0), C(2, 2, 0), D(0, 2, 0), E(0, 0, 2), F(0, 2, 2), G(2,0,2), H(2, 2, 2). Perform following 3D transformations on the cube. (i) Translation by T = [tx, ty ,tz] = [5 34] (ii) Scaling by S = [sx, sy, sz] = [1 2 0.5] (iii) Rotation about Xclockwise direction. 3.Explain the concept of Back face removal. 4.Compare the surface shading Algorithm 5 What are the types of projection and write in brief about each type of projections. Faculty Signature HoD Signature