Ahmed Gritli Excel Summary Corporate Finance Chapter 1: Investment Criteria Conflicts: Find NPV: =NPV( RRR, πΆπΉ1 : πΆπΉπ )+ CF0 FIND IRR: =IRR( πΆπΉ0 : πΆπΉπ , (guess_value) ) guess_value: optional, your guess of nearest value of IRR, default is 10% ο° to find multiple IRRs, keep increasing the value of the guess to find higher values of IRR, once you increase and the function yields the very first guess, you have found all IRRs Find MIRR: =MIRR(πΆπΉ0 : πΆπΉπ , discount_rate, reinvestment_rate) β the discount rate is the RRR, the reinvestment rate is the rate at which the investor is assumed to reinvest their cashflow in, in this chapter’s context we usually have the reinvestment rate the same as RRR. Find Crossover rate between 2 NPVs: For mutually exclusive projects A and B, to find the crossover rate you should make an incremental project we’ll call C, (A – B),and find it’s IRR This project’s cash flows is the difference between project A and B’s cashflows πΆπΉπΆ = πΆπΉπ΄ − πΆπΉ π΅ Ahmed Gritli After that you use the IRR function to find the IRR of this project which is the crossover rate Building a Data Table in Excel: β to add another NPV it’s just enough to add a second npv column and repeat step 2 in the screenshot Ahmed Gritli Chapter 2: Working Capital Management The template is self-explanatory here, but let’s look at the formula needed for the step4: turnover ratio. Formula: =IFERROR( J6 * IF(D11="Month",30,IF(D11="Quarter",90,IF(D11="Halfyear",180,IF(D11="Year",360,0)))) / D6 , 0) It’s a nested if-statement in excel (if statement inside an if statement) that makes up the receivable days ratio. Some Theory: This formula is used to calculate receivable days, let’s remember the formula: π΄π£. πππππ’ππ‘π ππππππ£ππππ π΄π£. πππππ’ππ‘π ππππππ£ππππ × 360 = πππ‘ π ππππ πππ‘ π ππππ 360 Ahmed Gritli However, the 360 is used when we want to find the turnover within a year, if we wanted to find turnover within a month we multiply by 30, for a quarter by 90, for a half year by 180. (the excel template assumes 30 days in month/360 days in year), notice that D11 is a dropdown list that you can choose from it whether you want to find your CCC in a year, month, quarter, or half a year. Practicality: IFERROR( formula, error_message): is an excel function used to return an alternative message when a formula evaluates to an error. We can notice in picture 2 that instead of showing #DIV/0!, we get a nice message, we can already see in our original formula that it has 2 parts: 1/ J6*IF(D11="Month",30,IF(D11="Quarter",90,IF(D11="Halfyear",180,IF(D11="Year",360,0))))/D6 : the ratio formula 2/ 0: the alternative if that big chunk evaluates to an error IF( logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false): excel function that evaluates a logical test (equality, greater than, less than, different than…), return a value if it’s true, return a value if it’s false If we change A1, C3 becomes not ok. Now, back to the turnover ratio: Ahmed Gritli The formula first takes J6 (Av. accounts receivable) and multiply it by the outcome of IF, then divide by D6, net sales. We can see that the IF first checks if D11=”Month” (calculate for a month period), return 30, if not, call another IF function from within to check if D11=”quarter”, return 90, if not, another IF will check if D11 is a half year, return 180, if not, the last IF will check if D11 is a year, return 360, if not, then return 0. And that way J6 will either be multiplied by 30, 90, 180, 360 (depending on the period you’ll calculate CCC), or 0 if D11 has a different value, then divided by the net sales to form the receivables turnover ratio, the same logic applies for the rest of ratios. → notice how an if statement is called within an if statement when the logical test evaluates to false, it’s like if/ elif/ else in python! →same logic applies for the rest of the ratios, however the rest of excel is selfexplanatory, read the screenshot! Ahmed Gritli Chapter 3: The Cost of Capital β The template here is self-explanatory, all the values are found by using cell operations that apply theoretical formulas in the chapter. For the median section, median values for unlevered betas and debt/equity are found using the excel function: Median( numbers_set ): used to give the median/ the number that is exactly in the middle of a given number set (you don’t have to provide it in an ordered way) e.g: MEDIAN(G6:G10), or MEDIAN(G6,G7,G8,G9,G10) (they’re identical) gives the middle value for the numbers of that set, which is 1.23 (corresponding to company A) Ahmed Gritli Extra note (we might not need it): To estimate ππ we use the YTM approach, in order to estimate YTM in excel we use the following function: RATE( nper, coupon, -(Price), Par value) where: Nper: number of periods Coupon: coupon payment -(price) : market price of the bond (negative value) Par value of the bond NB: DON’T FORGET THE ANNUALIZATION OF THIS FUNCTION’S OUTPUT (IF THE INTEREST IS COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY, QUARTERLY OR MONTHLY MULTIPLY THE RESULT OF THAT FUNCTION RESPECTIVELY BY 2, 4 OR 12) Ahmed Gritli Chapter 4: Cash flows & Major Financial Indicators This is the template for chapter 4, the year 2023 in E3 was obtained by using the function YEAR(TODAY()), that returns the year from a given date TODAY() is a function that returns today’s date (TODAY() --> 13/11/2023) And the year 2022 in F3 was obtained by: =E3-1 Ahmed Gritli The delta represents growth rate in of a given element in the financial statement. See how it is calculated by subtracting 2023’s revenue by 2022’s revenue and dividing by 2022’s revenue. IFERROR is used for aesthetic reasons (display 0 instead of an error message if something is gone wrong). In the statement of cash flows, the formula of delta uses, in the denominator, the function ABS( number ) : returns absolute value of a number IFERROR is explained back in chapter 2. Ahmed Gritli notice how the OPEX Cah was calculated using the SUM(E11:E13) function, this function yields the sum of a set of numbers you provide, in this case we have 2500 (E11) ,2600 (E12) and 4200 (E13) that sum up to 9300 Notice this dashboard on another sheet, that has been made using data from the Financial Statements sheet. Ahmed Gritli To do that, you should make a graphical representation of the data you want to visualize, then you transfer the graph you get into a different sheet (but it will still be linked to the data you based it on) Let’s try to do something like the current assets vs current liabilities graph: To do so, select the values of current assets in 2023 and 2022. Then keep holding the CTRL button and select the current liabilities of 2023 and 2022. Then go to Insert -> inset column or bar chart Select clustered-column and you’ll get it! Ahmed Gritli Then, select the chart and right click on it and select Move Chart Select any sheet that you like and that’s it! Keep creating more charts and move them together in a single sheet, and you got yourself a dashboard!