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LEARN LIFE By Joe Lampton

Author’s Introduction
Success: Man at The Top
Failure: Lessons from Losers
Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Dating: Hoe Management
Health: Lethal Weapon
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Lifestyle: Living Life
Mindset: Iron Mind
Game: Chess, Not Checkers
Networking: Band of Brothers
Stories: Tales from The Trenches
2|The Creed of Joe Lampton
Success: Man at the Top
Success: Man at the Top
Chapter I
Success: Man at the Top
How to become more DANGEROUS
A man asked me this question on Twitter.
We know men respect strength and women love powerful men.
“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” - Oscar Wilde
Perception is reality. A black belt BJJ practitioner with skinny arms is perceived as weaker than a
fitness practitioner with 42cm arms.
Of course, the black belt would dismantle the gym bro easily. But what are the chances they’d
really engage in unarmed combat? LOW.
My advice:
1. Prioritize Fitness. Appearance matters. Most won’t start an argument with a man that
LOOKS competent.
2. Mix it up with Boxing. If a fight occurs, you’ll most likely use your hands. A man without
good hands is not a real man.
3. Display confident body language. Relaxed. Ready. Watch Scarface. Does Tony Montana
look like the type of guy you can slap on the streets? NO. And he isn’t even big.
4. Expose yourself to other confident men. Roll around killers, pro fighters, G’s, Playboys. Watch
how they roll. How they talk. Understand their moves and mindset.
5. Arrogance is the by-product of success. Accomplish something. Win at life. Cockiness will
come to you naturally.
A winner is the most dangerous man. Everybody either hates him or wants to BE HIM.
Learn life.
5|The Creed of Joe Lampton
Success: Man at the Top
Being exposed to irrelevant data alters your
mood and ruins the execution of your daily
Avoid consuming information that isn't related to the current objectives you’re pursuing
Sad Movie – makes you compassionate, temporarily eliminates your “killer instinct”
Your psyche must ONLY be fed with words, videos, knowledge, discussions
Therefore, listening to the news won't help you. It will make you angry, it will make you focus
on society instead of yourself
Your ascent requires selfishness
Even "quality" info must be ignored most of the time
If you're running a small business, trying to master your craft
And somebody talks about real estate
Even though his knowledge is unquestionable, AT THE MOMENT, you don't need it.
You must focus on the task at hand.
Most men fail when trying to decipher WHAT and WHO is important AT THAT
Their brain is filled with useless facts. They create fruitless friendships.
Every piece on the board is valuable if moved at the correct stage.
Figure out what you need NOW.
Will listening to a CEO of a Fortune 500 company
Help you if you're barely making a living as a Starbucks barista?
He's operating at a much higher level. His knowledge will be useful at level 9. You must
discover the keys to level 2 first.
Each individual should know:
his place in the social hierarchy
his strengths and assets
his next moves
6| The Creed of Joe Lampton
Success: Man at the Top
the people he needs for his moves to be effective
the kind of knowledge he must gain in the short term
Less time wasted. More efficiency.
Learn life
Strong health and body
A business that works without you there. But preferably 2-3 income streams.
Minimum one girlfriend
Status in your city so you can have strong local connections and pretty women
Loyal soldiers and successful mentors
Healthy = Enough energy to fight on many fronts for many hours a day
Strong body = Men respect your presence and women compliment you on your looks
Fragile body = a sign of laziness and lack of discipline
Bad health means you get tired fast.
Tired = Weakling
Good business = Money in constantly without you being forced to ACTUALLY work
every day.
Enough money that you’re perceived as being RICH by most of the people you interact with and
by females.
Boss = Men fear you and women follow your commands because you display authority.
Money and Fitness do not matter if you’re not having sex
You need:
A. Trustworthy, loving, loyal girlfriend with few past partners or virgin, that is always there for
you, doesn’t require big investments of time and money
B. Other women that like you and WOULD fuck you
Status in the city you live in:
You’re always at the best tables in expensive places
You’re followed online by the most important people there and by many women
You’re perceived as being top-tier when you meet new people
7|The Creed of Joe Lampton
Success: Man at the Top
House in a good neighborhood etc.
Of course, to further improve your worth
It is beneficial to have connections in other cities or countries
But if you live in one place 80% of the time, focus on being somebody there
Who cares if you’ve got millionaire friends in Singapore if you’re hanging out with losers at home
Every powerful man has soldiers around. Men that look up to him. If nobody looks up to
you, you don’t have influence. And you’re not at the top.
The more men want to emulate you, the more power and influence you’ve got.
You also need mentors. Men 10 years ahead of you.
Learn from your mentors. Study them. Be useful and respectful. Never try to outshine them.
Don’t be a leech.
Never betray. If you’re given an opportunity always overdeliver.
Remember they’re networking down by giving you their time.
Be quiet, listen and use their methods.
Being top 1% means combining different skills
One or Two skills aren’t enough
Money and health are probably the most important pieces of the puzzle
But never neglect women and connections
You can’t shine if you’re not competent at everything that matters
Learn life
Recipe for success
Set goal. Assemble team. Attack.
Attainable objectives. Men with similar views on life who can help you in your mission. Women
who respect you and your vision.
Then make sure you're doing constant action every single day towards getting closer to victory.
1. Without clear goals you won't know what routines to implement.
8| The Creed of Joe Lampton
Success: Man at the Top
Understand and accept yourself - Strengths and weaknesses. Work on amplifying the aspects
where you're talented. Work on nullifying the effects of your weaknesses.
Envision where you'll be in the future.
2. Without a strong team the road to success takes longer
There are individuals you can befriend that can help you shorten the gap between dreams and
Instead of being a weird lone wolf, create meaningful alliances.
Attract the right individuals. Mentors, brothers, soldiers.
3. The chicks you hang with for extended periods of time can either propel your
further or ruin what you've built
Make sure they're chaste, mentally sane, positive, useful, and have a natural weakness for men
like you.
This way you can mold them easier into what you need.
4. Last but not least, stop overthinking and remain active in the game day after day.
No pointless breaks. No postponing urgent issues. No sitting and suffering for some bitch for
years. No sleeping more than you're supposed to. No hanging out with worms.
Strong routines only.
Skills you MUST develop in 2022, whether you
like it or not
Some skills are just CRUCIAL
Doesn't matter if you're passionate about it, if you're talented at it or not. you just gotta learn
these key things
1. Speaking ability
Nowadays you gotta be comfortable in front of the camera and in front of multiple people
Learn how to speak
Even if you're some dork who wants "privacy" and you describe yourself as an introvert
9|The Creed of Joe Lampton
Success: Man at the Top
If you wanna have cash flow you'll need a business. A strong business has employees and clients.
You have to be able to express yourself correctly in order to manage your people and to sell.
2. Learn to WRITE
I know lots of people who master specific topics but they're UNABLE to describe what they're
doing to others, they're not capable of putting in words what they want
Writing well helps in business, dating, or improving relationships
3. Promoting yourself
Gotta be on every major social media platform.
Exposure means more money and opportunity for you and your business.
Bigger on social media = More talented people want to meet you and work for you + More
people wanna do business with you
4. Humor
Every successful guy you like right now is ALSO funny
You wouldn't listen to someone if he was JUST good at what he does
We all like entertaining individuals
Think of the UFC
The people who get the most attention aren't just good fighters. They're also interesting.
5. Relationship skills
Everything significant is built by a team.
Yeah, there's someone who probably is the FACE OF THE OPERATION.
But there are other pieces involved too.
Learn how to make others like you, respect your capabilities and how to retain them alongside
you long term
Can't have a strong team around if you're not able to analyze what everyone wants, if you can't
make them better
Relationships function based on INTEREST
People stay when:
1. They're GROWING by having you around
2. It's FUN to be in that set-up
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Success: Man at the Top
Make sure you provide BOTH.
To Conclude:
These are the 5 skills you need to learn in 2022
1. How to speak
2. How to write
3. How to promote yourself
4. How to make others laugh/ how to entertain them
5. How to manage the relationships you have with other people
Learn life
A word I started using recently in my daily conversations is "meta"
I learned it from a nerd
Meta means, in gaming terminology, MOST EFFECTIVE TACTICS AVAILABLE
Whenever me and my friends have something to do
We ask ourselves
"What's the meta for this"
Everything you do should be approached professionally
In a way that increases the chances, you'll be successful
Running a business, dating hoes, the gym, etc.
All the scenarios you're constantly in - think of how you can win as much as possible, in the
easiest way
Most people are amateurs in every field they operate in
- Wasting too much time on LOW ROI things
- Inconsistent in their efforts
- Repeating the same mistakes over and over again
- Unable to read and interpret patterns
Not happy with your results? Your "meta" was shit.
You measure the potential benefit of your actions.
The greats measure the price they pay for a potential accomplishment
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Success: Man at the Top
You think Action and Reaction, they think Reaction and Cost.
The consequence of training 12 times a week and dieting every day could be 8% body fat
The cost of obtaining this low body fat clearly outweighs the benefits
Ok, you’ve got 3cm bigger biceps.
But you miss the other important aspects of life. You’re not even in the luxury nightclubs, how
can hoes notice you?
They’ll fuck someone else. You’re not there. You didn’t have time to make the money and
connections to book that table.
Don’t be a gym nerd. In fact, don’t overcommit to anything. Be fluid. Understand when it’s enough.
Working 14 hours a day? For what? Think your boss gives a fuck? You think a little more money
could replace the time away from the gym?
Be efficient. Be good everywhere.
What is Luck?
LUCK for weaklings:
Random events that are the main reason for somebody’s wins
LUCK for winners:
The consequence of you positioning yourself in the circumstances that have the highest chances
of success
Choosing a female with a personality that indicates increased possibilities of having a fruitful
relationship together
“You’re so lucky you’re with her”
No. It’s not by chance it’s by design.
Luck is a chain of strategic decisions
Learn life
Homework for your 20’s:
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Success: Man at the Top
Party with thugs. Take dinner with high IQs. Fuck hoes. Meet pimps. Fuck virgins. Spar
professional fighters. Train alongside bodybuilders. Be everywhere. Train everything. You need to
be competent in every aspect of life. Few men should be able to outmaneuver you.
Submissiveness beats beauty. A 7 that does everything you say is better than a 9 who’s selfish and
has her own agenda. Go for a sweet, cute, submissive female who would be useful in your journey
to success.
Many young people just sit and wait. Wait until everything will be perfect. The nice car, the nice
body, clothes, etc. They forget time passes by. At 20 nobody really expects you to be somebody.
No pressure.
Just live and embarrass yourself more.
Don’t avoid sparring with the best guys in the gym. Don’t avoid approaching the hot girl you like.
Don’t sit and plot all day long like an introverted worm.
Learn life.
ANDREW TATE by Joe Lampton
When Tate said “How can I turn weakness into
strength” only a few understood his words. He’s a
master of turning SHIT INTO SUGAR. Reminds me of
Chapter 3 from the 50th Law
“Every negative situation contains the possibility for
something positive, an opportunity. It is how you look at it
that matters.” - Robert Green
1. Females are a distraction
For 99% of men, females are just a distraction. Keeping
them away from their goals. Time wasters. Tate turned
his love for women into a source of income. an
amateur, pick-up girls and spends his hard-earned
money on them. Tate picks up girls, fucks them, but in
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Success: Man at the Top
2. Phone addiction
For most men, their phone is stealing their productivity. Always swiping on Tinder, checking Insta
stories, and downloading games from AppStore. Tate’s using his addiction efficiently:
⁃ Making money off Twitter
⁃ Trading Crypto
⁃ Networking
⁃ Subduing new potential camgirls
- Building his personal brand on IG
3. Kickboxing isn’t Boxing
Kickboxers earn little money. They always complain about it. They end their careers depressed,
maybe becoming coaches. The top 1% open a shitty gym. What did Tate do?
• Used his credibility as an athlete to attract women. Women that made him a millionaire.
• The general public doesn’t know kickboxers don’t make millions. So, when he’s talking to the
media or average people, he has an explanation to justify his wealth. Most people don’t
understand webcamming. But they love to hear the story of the athlete that had nothing and
became successful.
• Being a world Champion can open doors. If you are high IQ. It didn’t pay much. But he used
his struggles in the ring extremely efficiently. Praised by Romanian media, Alex Jones, met
Donald Trump Jr, etc.
Understand these patterns and use them in your own life.
SHIT INTO SUGAR. Weakness into Strength.
Learn life.
G Starter Pack.
Books. Movies. Podcasts. YouTube Videos.
I. Books
1. 48 Laws of Power
2. The prince
3. Laws of Human Nature
4. Pimp: The Story of My life
5. Pimpology: The 48 Laws of the Game
6. 33 Strategies of War
7. Mastery
8. Room at The Top
9. Life at The Top
10. The Game
14 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
II. Movies
1. Scarface
2. Fight Club
3. The Godfather
4. Casino
5. Troy
6. Conor McGregor: Notorious
7. Get Rich or Die Trying
8. Gladiator
9. Dark Knight Rises
10. American Gangster
III. Podcasts
1. Rollo Tomassi
2. All where Andrew Tate
was invited
3. Mike Bolen & Cernovich
IV. YouTube Videos
1. Dame Dash Full Interview at The Breakfast Club Power 105.1
2. Beat Defeat with Warrior Philosophy - Firas Zahabi | Inside Quest
3. Laws of Human Nature Dissected by Robert Greene
4. JRE MMA Show #28 with Georges St-Pierre
15 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
Work. Work. Work.
When you’re up in the morning everything you do until you fall asleep is work. Even things that
don’t seem important. Work doesn’t end when you leave your office.
Talking to women > working for the memories you’ll have when you’re old.
The lessons you’ll teach your son.
If you’re bad at interacting with girls,
you’ll marry the wrong one. No one will love you.
Training > working for your safety.
A dangerous man is safe.
Most people will not engage in a fight with him.
Also, imagine when you’re old. You’ll show your son pictures with you.
“Look this I how I looked”.
If you look like a nerd, your son won’t be your biggest fan.
Imagine such a painful feeling. Your son thinking you’re shit.
Networking > Some people view going out as a distraction.
“Work while they party” and other quotes like that are being thrown around.
No, just working for money isn’t enough.
“Rich” with dork friends isn’t fun. You need Brothers too.
Get accustomed to the idea that YOU MUST MOVE 16 HOURS A DAY if you want results.
You’ll recognize a specific behavioral pattern in every man of high caliber.
The ability to manage stress effectively.
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Success: Man at the Top
Wife caught him cheating and he’s unfazed, making deals on the phone.
Lost 100k today and acts as if nothing happened.
Can't be 1% without this skill.
You can get better at managing stress by progressively doing more actions.
Think of training in the gym:
If you lift with the same weight for 2 months, you’ll master that weight until it becomes light
“Progressive overload” is an effective principle in all aspects of life not just in training.
Learn life.
Some people are smarter, richer and more competitive than you
Accept it. Respect it.
Learn from them. Study them. Reverse engineer their success. Recognize some patterns. Analyze.
Plot. Execute.
Just don't hate. It's useless.
Learn life.
The price of being great:
Countless hours of unnoticed and unappreciated preparation
Lonely nights where no one watches, and no one applauds
Long days of performing without recognition or praise
Stop. Take a moment and think.
Analyze if you’re better than last year:
• Look at pics, do you have more muscle?
• Look at convos with women, do you have better game now?
• Look at money, did you save more? Better car, home, do you spend more? Do you live
• Do you have higher-quality friends now?
17 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
Keep track of your progress. Most individuals are stuck in the same place every year.
I wake up.
I think of every day like this.
I’m on 0.
I need to produce today. What happened yesterday doesn’t matter. New money, new actions,
new reasons to feel arrogant. TODAY.
I keep in mind that I must produce reasons to go to bed satisfied with my performance.
I MUST HAVE reasons to dress like a superstar and wear sunglasses in restaurants. I can’t just
pretend I’m confident.
Learn to multitask effectively
Listen to a podcast while working on your computer.
Take her out while you’re on a business dinner.
Listen to an audiobook while you’re stuck in traffic.
Work on your phone while going out.
16 hours of action.8 hours of sleep.
Learn life
My obsession with continuously updating my mental iOS.
My preoccupation with endlessly perfecting my methods.
Will forever keep me steps ahead of my competition.
They cannot outmaneuver a machine whose tendency is to auto-upgrade itself at an extremely
high pace.
Learn life
From broke loser to “doing fine” you need discipline, rules, and healthy routines
But from “doing fine” to apex predator.
It’s about brainstorming maneuvers at dinner tables drunk, having sex with the right women,
breaking rules & chaotic moves that can’t be taught in books.
Learn life.
When I started making money things got stressful
So, I had one hope.
18 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
To someday wake up without 100 notifications, problems, and drama.
I realized after, that this isn’t how things work.
Powerful people find comfort in chaos. Deal with stress effortlessly. And smile in the rain.
You want the benefits without the work
The boss status without the grind behind it
The expensive goods without the years of abstinence and disappointments from the trenches
The flashiness without the sleepless nights filled with frustration and anger
You’ll remain a loser.
Behind every foreign car and designer item, you see on successful individuals
There were months of planning and razor-sharp execution.
In the shadows, away from prying eyes, solid work was put in
You can’t become a lethal weapon by avoiding stress and applying average methods.
Call out the biggest man in the gym,
Become comfortable in chaos.
Approach the hottest girl. Understand rejection.
Go to expensive venues where you feel like a nobody. Learn to behave amongst winners.
Work until your body shuts down.
Develop the hustler’s endurance.
Understand discipline. Abstinence. Learn to control your mind, your cravings, and your moods.
Execute your plans regardless of how you feel.
Understand females. The highly effective counterintuitive behaviors that work on them. Trial and
error. Accept failure. Adapt. Overcome.
There are no bargains between lions and men.
Choose your path.
Genocide peasant or cold-blooded combatant.
Merciless or soft.
Relentlessly chasing the crown or accepting your role as a negligible peon.
No place for beginners and sensitive hearts.
Learn life.
I like 50 Cent. I admire his versatility:
-Looks like a savage, but wrote a book with Robert Greene
-Sold drugs in his youth, but also sold a company for 100mil
19 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
To be honest, I never liked people like Bill Gates. Rich but old, nerd with an ugly wife that doesn’t
have bitches.
Status doesn’t simplify existence.
In fact, the level of difficulty increases.
High expectations appear.
Merciless rivals await your tactical errors.
Leeches, doubters, and traitors roam around.
Work hard and expect stress.
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
Learn life
You can make success inevitable in all areas
of your life
Business, training, girls, etc.
By following a simple, old school, formula:
1. Talk the talk
2. Walk the walk
By talking “that big shit” you’ll deliberately put enormous pressure on yourself to deliver.
Train with 2-3 friends. before every workout say.
“Look, this is what we are gonna do today, I wrote it down”
You said it. Explicitly. Now it MUST BE DONE.
You’ll lose your credibility if you back down once fatigue hits.
They will lose trust in you if you don’t finish.
When you work
Write your tasks on a whiteboard.
Every co-worker knows exactly what must be done
If boredom hits, you can’t stop, they’ll know you’re a bitch.
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Success: Man at the Top
You don’t want to look bad in front of them so you’ll force yourself to finish the job regardless
of how you feel.
When you’re with a female.
Be cocky. Suggest indirectly that you’re a savage in bed.
You’re now forced to really be a savage
You CAN’T disappoint
You’ve talked so much shit that now you must perform.
You put yourself in a position where shitty sex is not a possibility.
When you’re with your friends
Always laugh at people that take wrong decisions
“You know that guy? His girl went out to the club without his approval. He should have dumped her.”
Now, if you’re ever put in the same situation.
Let’s say you want to lose weight
Instead of keeping it on the down low, say it out loud
“I’m gonna lose 40 pounds in 3 months”
Now make it a reality. It was said. Everyone that matters to you knows it.
You want respect. Respect yourself first by keeping your word.
Joe Lampton
Where you allocate your resources dictates
where you’ll dominate in the near future.
Consequently, an intelligent allocation of your time, money, and energy.
Will place you above your rivals on matters of maximum importance
Wealth, physique, relationships, etc.
There are 3 types of actions:
actions that create memories
actions that create a bright future
21 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
useless actions
Most men spend their time becoming masters at video games, and TV series and acquire futile
Don’t forget:
You’re good at what you repeatedly do.
Creating a plan is where it all starts
A plan has clear objectives
For the plan to come to fruition, a certain lifestyle must be designed and adopted
Along the way, through trial and error, the plan will be constantly adapted.
Results dictate what must be revised.
Of course, no matter how good your long-term strategy may be
On a day-to-day basis, you’ll encounter
turbulence, stressful situations, betrayal, illness, etc.
Some can be avoided, but most must be confronted and accepted
Every bold operation has its setbacks and complications.
If you’re really OBSESSED
You’ll find a way. You’ll SOMEHOW
end up victorious
If not, you’ll fail while your close ones, rivals, and acquaintances will remember your inadequacy
and your lack of willpower.
It is what it is.
End up triumphant or suffer the shame of your loss.
ALL MEN, except monks
Want to be dangerous, and rich and to have sex with women who ignore multi-millionaires on
a daily basis because they only love them.
1% of men already live like this
10% of men work towards the top 1%
89% of men hate the top 1%
Learn life
22 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
I adhere to the extreme realism philosophy
I’m perfectly aware of the weaknesses I possess
I can assess without flaws what I deserve to accomplish next
Accepting yourself while uninterruptedly striving to improve your position
Remains a bulletproof strategy
Learn life
Intelligence isn’t measured in college degrees, jobs that sound good on paper, books you’ve
read, or fancy words you use.
Intelligence is being self-made rich, having no job, being dangerous, in shape, surrounded by
important people, loved by pretty girls, and emulated by other men.
-The end
A man is successful once he dramatically improved the position he was born in. When he defied
the odds and obtained what others said he couldn’t.
A woman is successful when she proved to the man described above that she is worthy of
becoming the mother of his children.
You’re taught to focus solely on improving financially
You must focus on improving THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE
How much can you earn while also preserving your health, improving your relationships, and
physicality, and spreading your genes.
Investing all your money in stocks, and crypto while masturbating to camgirls isn’t appealing or
“I’m gonna grind till 40 then I’m gonna kill it”
23 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
No, you’re not “killing” nothing
Men that REALLY “kill it” gradually upgraded themselves EVERYWHERE since they were
teenagers. Accept that men have a tendency to overlook facets of their life where they’re
naturally untalented.
You must reprogram yourself to do it even though it might be hard
Smart guy avoids MMA training
Tough guy avoids reading.
It’s mandatory to be decent everywhere.
Learn life
Hard work and money aren’t always linked
“Efficient System + Loyal Team = large amounts of money with little effort”
Everybody is promoting hard work because it sounds cool
But the men who excel in life focus on living and let others “hunt” on their behalf.
If you’re truly in “the trenches” every day
If you’re striving extremely hard to produce actions that ultimately bring money
You will notice that you have to give up on sex, your social circle, your physicality
Consequently, it is wiser to create a system that works for you
This doesn’t mean you are lazy
This doesn’t mean you’re complacent
It just means you are a strategic thinker
The gym is work too. Your relationships also work.
There are multiple other actions that you can focus on if the system facilitates a less populated
“TIME is a precious jewel; it is a luxury only few can afford”
Free time means energy. Energy means muscles, sex drive, connections, females, and moments
with your family.
If you’re tired from useless actions, you seek rest. Therefore, you overlook other facets of your
24 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
Every successful project I’ve ever been involved in
Started with excitement and was built with discipline and good vibes.
If an individual, presents toxic tendencies, has only pessimistic views, isn’t energetic, etc.
RUTHLESSLY eliminate him
Especially women. Don’t reward unworthy females with your time and attention.
A bitch is complaining all day long because you’re not answering her texts?
You’re about to go training and she’s having demands?
You’re out with your friends and she’s desperately calling your phone?
You’re focusing on work and she’s trying to convince you to “spend more time together”?
How can you build an amazing life if you’re constantly bombarded with stupid female thoughts?
You can’t.
Learn life
Everyone’s intimidated by the nobody who becomes somebody
Men who grew up in rich families envy him because he’s able to brag about his success
Men who remained poor hate him because he did what they couldn’t
Learn life
There are men who accept the battle and men
who act like the battle isn’t important
“Yes, having a 6 pack is cool” vs “Who cares about 6 packs”
“Yes, I’d like to have a luxury car” vs “Really rich people don’t care about cars”
You can either admire the men that HAVE IT.
Or you can act like their accomplishments do not matter, and they’re meaningless.
“Yes, but he’s too arrogant. You can’t buy health, love, and friendship”
It is to your benefit to ADMIRE and STUDY individuals who’ve “made it”
Your mentality towards winners must be on point. In order to join the ranks of the most
There are winners who’ve earned it entirely and winners who have had the UNFAIR
ADVANTAGE (looks, rich family, etc)
25 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Success: Man at the Top
Learn to ADMIRE.
Top-tier men can SENSE your opinion of them. They’re built with the ability to comprehend
your ENERGY.
It’s pointless to fake admiration.
They’ll sense your hidden resentment.
Eliminate the hate from your soul.
Victors will avoid you if your heart is laced with venom.
Study men who are superior to you
Reverse engineer their success
Plot your ascent
Assemble your team (women, soldiers, etc.)
Constant attack. Analyze your results. Adapt. Attack again.
You’re a high-caliber man when you’re
comfortable and effective in these 5
1. In the trenches grinding
A man that isn’t capable of focusing on a goal won’t grow financially
You must develop discipline. You must build strong routines.
You must be able to sit quietly and plot. You have to be ready to execute and make the plan real.
There’s no bright future ahead without this.
2. In the Dojo alongside savages
Physicality is a main component of masculinity
Being able to hurt other men gives you enormous confidence
You walk differently. You’re relaxed in a room with dangerous individuals.
You have faith in yourself due to the skills you’ve built and the experience you’ve gained.
3. In the club partying with beautiful, in-demand females
Surrounded by beauty, a lot of apparently strong men crumble
The looks of the thirsty men around stress them out. Self-doubt and high cortisol levels.
Their confidence level decreases dramatically. They’re intimidated.
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Success: Man at the Top
Girls notice.
“Am I enough for her?” he ponders
4. At dinner tables with shot callers
Shot callers, genuinely powerful men
Are experts in sit downs
Renown made men from the mafia, CEOs
They ‘re having lunch with you, cracking jokes while convincing you to do whatever they desire.
Strong body language. Well dressed. Professionals in persuading others.
5. In the bedroom
Sex is an art
Will she leave in love with you or disappointed laughing about it with her friends?
Will she text you the next day? Or are you unable to make her yours in this exchange of energy
called sex?
Most suffer from sexual performance anxiety
Only a few master the bedroom.
Everyone is busy, but not everyone is rich
The vast majority of people have their schedule occupied with useless actions, phone calls,
They live under the assumption that they're always doing something
But the results aren't there.
Learn how to prioritize tasks
A geek is lost in his own mind, trying to explain the male-female dynamic, utilizing complicated
concepts and analyses it extensively due to his propensity for overthinking. As a consequence of
his obsession for detail, he lacks the other, CRUCIAL, components that an übermale possesses
(looks/style/sense of humor/exaggerated silly arrogance, etc.)
Robert Greene “Art of Seduction” etc.
A Chad messages all nice women. fucks some and doesn’t think too much. He accumulates a
respectable number of females. Most of which leaves, are rotten or useless. He lacks strategy,
intellect, and vision.
The guy you knew fucked the most in Highschool/College
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Success: Man at the Top
A Joe Lampton is capable of understanding the deep meaning of every behavioral pattern and
gesture, yet he stops himself from doing it extensively. And although he could overthink, he just
executes, borrowing Chad’s mindset. So, he’s a successful pimp who’s a proficient practitioner
yet also capable of explaining his moves/mentality to others and to himself.
This post isn’t about women. It applies for business/training or any other skill/asset worth having.
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Accept and understand THE GRIND
Getting things done, getting clients, getting girls to sleep with you, etc.
Is always difficult at the beginning
But after you’ve built MOMENTUM
Opportunity COMES TO YOU.
Strive now.
You’ll become BETTER. It will eventually become EASY.
I was struggling to hire girls to work for me. I was messaging hundreds of girls to get dates. I was
trying extremely hard to find money-making opportunities
Everything I desired to have come after “spending” a lot of energy
Until I became SKILLED at it. Then chances came to me
Life is a reflection of your value as an individual
If you’re a peasant, life is hard
Once you truly deserve it, life rewards you with chances.
It spoils the top and it crushes the bottom.
Those who resist at the bottom prove their superior willpower and are inevitably
promoted to the TOP
Joe Lampton
Money is moving. It will end up somewhere
Pussy is given. It will end up in some bed
Attention is received. Social media runs 24/7
Life doesn’t stop nor should you
Position yourself in a spot where you attract cash, females, and energy EFFORTLESSLY.
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Success: Man at the Top
Attack and Secure victory.
Success = Ownership
The weak don’t own their time
Their boss owns 8 hours daily. Their girlfriend possesses 4. Sleep, eat, die.
The strong own their time and women. and others adapt their schedules, and behavior to please
The man who owns time, people, land & objects wears the crown.
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The ability to IGNORE
Is one of the most underrated skills
To ignore a woman’s text when you’re on the grind.
To ignore a friend's business idea when it won’t suit you.
To ignore a hater’s opinion when you’re already ahead of him.
To ignore politicians and the media.
Very rewarding skill.
Start practicing it.
You don’t have time to confront everyone.
You don’t possess enough energy to argue with losers.
Utilize your resources to become LETHAL.
A lot of dorks who talk about generational wealth use the example of Colonel Sanders.
Now understand this:
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Success: Man at the Top
And it isn’t cool to make money when you’re fucking 65 and your dick doesn’t work.
You have to make money now. You don’t have time to waste.
Colonel dork Sanders would have given up EVERYTHING he had at 70 to have my age and
live my lifestyle.
So, if you don’t want to end up like him, here’s the number 1 habit you have to take up now:
Always do something.
All your day should be spent doing things that move you closer to your goals.
And don’t lie, there's always SOMETHING you can do
An email you can send, a DM to a chick, 100 push-ups, etc
Work never ends.
When you're bored & find yourself doing nothing THINK of productive actions you can instantly
start doing.
Continuously attacking your goal = SUCCESS
Dedicating long periods of concentrated effort towards perfecting yourself
Stacking up consecutive productive months while knowing your rivals get distracted & make
No substance and no woman can make you feel better than this
There’s a certain high you get from chasing accomplishments
When you KNOW that you deserve the crown because you’ve paid the price for it
You’ve accepted the losses, the embarrassment, the fatigue, and the times when others made
you feel inferior
You went further than the competition. You proved to yourself that you’re LETHAL.
Put in work. Put them in the dirt.
People can cheat or rob you of almost any possession,
but hard work belongs to you, and you alone
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Firas Zahabi
Success: Man at the Top
POWER is happiness
Genuine CONTROL over your circumstances
You decide when to wake up. Who to fuck today. Which girl to go on a date with, What friend
to have over for a cigar, And who to ignore.
For a man, the only thing that matters is
INFLUENCE requires CREDIBILITY. Credibility requires results.
RESULTS are built through hard work combined with a good game plan.
Men working at McDonald’s also work hard but they’re still losers. They don’t work SMART.
A good game plan without the willingness to relentlessly execute it = Loser.
Good Gameplan + Hard Work = Results > Credibility > Influence > Happiness
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Risk Vs Reward
Most men remain unpaid and unknown as a consequence of choosing paths with no potential
disastrous outcomes
In the arena of life, they opt for the roles of insignificant spectators that simply moan and critique
Instead of striving to become gladiators, fighting for glory and standing ovations
Martial arts, business, growing a following, expressing yourself publicly, having multiple girlfriends,
stating real but controversial opinions
All imply the chance of losing money, being hated, putting your health at risk, ruining your
reputation, etc.
Gamble more or stay defeated.
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Success: Man at the Top
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War never stops
If you’re a nobody, you’re experiencing the disadvantages of occupying such an insignificant spot
in the hierarchy
If you’ve encountered some success, you’re fighting to maintain and increase your power,
knowing that stagnation only means failure
As a man, you’re programmed by nature to compete against others, in the race for standing
ovations, money, and female beauty
Whether you admit it or not, you’re aware of your position and you compare yourself to those
in your surroundings
The key to victory is to understand that most people do not have real INTENT. They would
want to be more, they talk about being more, they have bold plans, predictions
But in reality
They don’t push relentlessly towards reaching a certain level. Evolving as a man means loss, stress,
loneliness, embarrassment, anxiety, fatigue, etc.
For the vast majority of the male population living on autopilot is more comfortable.
You, on the other hand, must always have 2 things in mind:
1. Fortifying your strengths (Ex. You’re naturally athletic. So, you take it to the next level and
look like a monster)
2. Nullifying your weaknesses (Ex. You’re ugly. So, you nullify it by being popular, rich and
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The one who is willing to risk more. To suffer more. To bleed more.
The one who is capable of outthinking and outworking the competition. Of choosing the correct
allies. Of avoiding unnecessary battles. Of effortlessly winning the crucial ones.
He will be crowded as king
He will be the most emulated
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In your mind
You must assume that
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Success: Man at the Top
Because believing others genuinely care about you will only bring disappointments, and pain.
I live under the assumption that no one has feelings for me and they’re all around because of my
Females, friends, etc.
Therefore, I am always thinking of how to bring value to all the participants in my life
The word I used, “value”, doesn’t necessarily mean conventional positive things
Providing drama, adrenaline and tears can be also considered VALUE if we’re talking about
It is something they need, in the process of becoming obsessed with you.
Each individual wants something.
Some your wisdom, others the benefits of being around you.
Most don’t even analyze it rationally, they don’t have a clear agenda, and they just FEEL IT.
Your success in life depends on your ability to understand what others desire.
Learn what they want. Learn HOW and WHEN to offer it.
Your path to the top will get much easier after you’ve mastered this.
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Men want:
1. Money
2. Loyal wives to be there for them through hard times and plenty hot new hoes to entertain
3. A solid social circle
4. Free time to enjoy all of the above
To get these things men need:
1. High energy levels so they’ve got plenty of stamina to sustain this chaotic lifestyle
2. A decent IQ
3. A pleasant physical appearance to look competent in front of their enemies and handsome
to females
4. Charisma to attract girls and to charm others into believing in their cause
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Success: Man at the Top
IQ cannot be improved, and it is very overrated anyway.
Consequently, you need to:
Eat healthy, train, sleep, and take supplements (TRT too if you’re older) to maximize your
energy levels.
Train everyday fitness and do some fighting.
Be good at telling stories and being funny.
You’re Welcome.
“I’m only competing with the man in the mirror”
You compete with the people who are currently occupying the spot you wish to conquer.
There are people out there who dominate the industry you activate in, there are people out
there who dominate the social circles you want to claim, and there are people out there who
fuck the kind of bitches you wanna fuck.
There are men who are more successful than you effortlessly, without any agenda, just by default.
Some millionaire kid smashing the chicks you lust for. just because he’s gifted by the gods. Some
funny tenacious guy making cash while he’s sleeping, easily.
Some genetic freak looking like a GOD even though he only eats junk food etc.
There are talented, gifted, blessed individuals who give zero fucks about your struggle, they’re
ahead of you in life without even wanting to be there. THEY JUST ARE.
If you’re an average guy you must INVEST ALL OF YOUR EFFORT AND TIME in
understanding HOW TO HACK THE MATRIX.
After you’ve figured out what you must do, do not stop until you’ve secured a solid spot in the
A mistake some make is this. They’re proud of themselves too soon. Just because they’ve evolved
into a better version of themselves.
Pathetic weaklings proud that they went from scrub to OK. “OK” is still shit. WORK HARDER.
You’re strong when you’re objectively better than the vast majority of the people in your society.
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Success: Man at the Top
I can say I’m good with girls, I can be proud of myself
Because I have multiple girls paying me, multiple girls with my portrait tatted on their skin,
multiple girls with my name tatted, girls with 10x more followers than me who I fuck, girlfriends
that receive constantly DMs from local celebs, etc.
Imagine me from the past, believing I was good when I just had one GF and some hoes now and
then. Me thinking this would have meant lack of hunger, and stagnation.
Don’t be proud of yourself too quickly. Don’t compare yourself with yourself. I
Remember. It’s always your achievements vs the achievements of others around you.
Be objectively better than most in order to earn your arrogance.
Decide your future and understand your
current needs.
Most people do not live intentionally. Everything happens randomly, unnecessary chaos that leads
If you have a clear plan in mind, you’ll understand exactly:
What lifestyle you must implement
What kind of friends you must gather around you
What kind of women you should ignore or keep
What kind of behavior will facilitate the success of your action
Be more strategic in your movement.
I do not invest emotion in my analysis of the
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Success: Man at the Top
Even if you fuck a girl I love, if you talk bad about me, if you disrespect me, if you’re pushing a
different agenda than me, etc.
I will not genuinely hate you. Even if I have to destroy your, shame you, I will do it emotionless.
If you have skills that I consider useful, I will absorb your power
I will study you, take your strengths and ignore your weaknesses
I don’t care if we don’t have similar beliefs. if you look like a dork, if you operate in a business
I’m not interested in
What most men do is this.
They only see and respect people with similar backgrounds, and similar behavior, they just want
their beliefs to be confirmed, and they’re not open-minded.
They cannot accept other types of men that have success
A nerd who is good at computers will rarely respect a reality TV low-IQ clown
A savage from the ghetto will rarely respect and study a philosopher etc.
If someone is relevant in their “niche”, it means you can “steal” some moves from them, you can
learn something and add it to your game.
I remember a few years ago, just moved into my first nice apartment
I called all my friends from back then and told them to come to have a drink
We were talking about the future, about other men we respect, etc.
I told them I respect a guy from our hometown who drove a green Bentley
He was a successful criminal, had a lot of attention, and dressed nicely
I told my friends that I like some of this guy’s qualities, especially the ability to influence and
control females
I then explained that he was too savage for my taste, but regardless of this, I can ignore his
weaknesses and just appreciate the skill I want to master from his arsenal
I told them “WHO CARES. I’m gonna enslave women like him but I will not end up in jail because I’m
not a criminal. I just like one thing from him, not his whole behavior”
Anyway, they got very emotional, and we argued a bit (They probably knew that guy could beat
them up and subconsciously they were afraid of him or something)
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Success: Man at the Top
You can learn from everyone who is effective at something. You just gotta be open-minded and
able to read between the lines. “Steal” what they do better than you, ignore the rest.
You cannot rise to the top by following mainstream methods and by not taking risks
Rules are designed to prevent upward mobility
They are made by the strong so they can remain in power while the bottom struggles in vain to
The people who make spectacular advancements in the hierarchy do not follow rules.
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Be very careful of how you manage your
There are a lot of distractions that can fuck up your focus.
This is how I do it right now.
Before sleep, I write down what tasks I must attack the next day
Wake up
Go on a date / Go eat with my friends
Talk to new bitches on IG/ talk to bitches I’ve already met on WhatsApp
On the days I fuck with new bitches I usually drink and have a small party at my house. If it’s an
old bitch I just fuck her & go to sleep and work before that.
A decision that helped me save a lot of time is trying to not leave the house for tasks that could
be done at home
I lift weights at home & I spar with my friends. I get the barber to come here. I also work from
I save tens of hours per week just by doing this.
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Success: Man at the Top
Think of ways in which you can save time
Be intentional in your movement and have a to-do list
Try to create a system that helps you improve and have fun at the same time
Learn life.
Don’t be disciplined in the wrong direction
I have a Romanian friend that is worth a few mills, very smart guy.
Me and my other friends are always eating out without counting calories while this guy is only
eating tuna and cottage cheese at home
I asked him “Why are you so obsessed with calories and eating at home”
He said “Because I’m disciplined”
Then I explained
“Yes, but you said your goal is to be a playboy. Wouldn’t it be better to be disciplined in talking to more
bitches rather than being disciplined in eating tuna cans? Your current goal requires a DIFFERENT TYPE
OF DISCIPLINE. You’re not trying to become a champion in bodybuilding. Be looser with your diet, go out
with girls, eat at restaurants, etc. In the grand scheme of things, having an 8% body fat doesn’t matter
unless you’re a pro athlete.”
The conclusion is this
Discipline is extremely important in everything you do. But different goals require different types
of discipline.
If my dream is to become a jiu-jitsu black belt, swimming 2 hours a day isn’t going to make me
better at Jiu-jitsu, more drilling will
If I want to be a playboy, dieting won’t get me better at the game. Going out more will.
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Success: Man at the Top
“Your daily routines define your future results. opt for the correct routines.”
- Joe Lampton
Everyone asks me about healthy habits, my routines, etc.
Who you are, determines what you’re allowed to do
If you’re effortlessly making money, who cares if you’re into Netflix, your results matter not your
If you’re 6.4 and a naturally handsome man, who cares if you’re always eating junk food, you’re
already more attractive than some short guy who’s working hard in the gym
People always think of habits that lead to success
There are nuances
It all depends on your attributes
My cousin is tall and handsome, he’s always out of shape. But who cares. Every girl likes him.
Your position in life and your unfair advantages dictate what you should focus on.
It doesn’t matter HOW you obtain a result; it matters if you’re winning or not.
Make no mistake
Life rewards action
I’ve learned this by seeing how continuous movement makes things come to me almost
If you go out all the time in the correct way, you will meet attractive women
If you’re a man of substance, you will meet other valuable men
If you’re improving your skills in business, you will make more money
If you’re sparring multiple times a week you will become combat ready
The problem is;
1. People lack consistency
2. People quit too easily
When you remove these 2 issues, victory awaits you
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Success: Man at the Top
Writing helps you understand yourself
Your ideology, Your emotions
It helps you decipher the reasons that led to your success, the mistakes that led to your failures
It challenges you to come to certain conclusions after you’ve navigated through reality and
experienced different situations
Especially writing tweets, because it forces you to be extremely efficient. You must sum up an
idea in just a few sentences.
The main reason I have a Twitter account is to keep track of my thoughts and to decide what’s
my opinion regarding different parts of my reality.
Most people cannot explain their own behavior. This means they’re unable to replicate their
success or to help others become successful.
Also, most do not understand the benefits of being able to express yourself correctly via words
or speaking.
It helps you connect with like-minded individuals; it helps you get what you want from others, it
helps you be concise etc.
Learn how to communicate and you’ll discover that your power increases tremendously.
When others cannot maintain your pace, cannot replicate your success, cannot become
comfortable with the same levels of stress as you
They’ll pretend they don’t even want what you have, they’ll play it as if your lifestyle is not what
they desire
“He’s not gonna resist long anyway”
“I’m into other shit anyway”
They’d rather lie to themselves than work as hard as you
They’d rather sit on the sidelines than try and fail 1000 times
While rising through the ranks and climbing the mountain
Many will crumble next to you
All you can do is continue with your journey without looking back
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Success: Man at the Top
Only accept opinions from people who are
performing better than you
in the areas, they’re criticizing you
If a hoeless idiot, that only fucks his girlfriend, has opinions about bitches and game
Don’t listen to him
If a broke boy gives you advice about how to spend your money
Ignore him
If a ghost that nobody knows, hates or emulates
Is opinionated about social media and shit
Pretend you don’t hear his comments
In this life, there’s one simple rule
You will fail, you will be silly, you will get embarrassed, you will waste time, you will suffer
This comes with detractors that try to keep you down
Due to their own weakness and inability to pursue the same objectives as you
Listen to the people you respect and have serious knowledge and wisdom.
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Being better than yesterday at a certain thing
Depends on ONE QUESTION that you should ask yourself constantly
“What can I change in order to improve what I am already doing?”
You want to make more money
How can I get more clients? How can I get more attention for my brand/business? How can
improve my skills so I can provide better-quality products? Etc.
You want more bitches
How can I get more attention on myself? How can I get more credibility so better-quality bitches
notice me? How can I improve my texting and game so I can close more girls? Etc.
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Success: Man at the Top
You want to look better
How can I be more effective in my training methods? What should I add to my diet so I can be
more energetic and also gain more muscle? What kind of clothes should I wear? etc.
It’s the same pattern over and over again. You just gotta THINK, make a plan, ACT, and BE
The YouTuber Jake Paul just beat the 5-time world champion, Tyron Woodley.
7 conclusions about Jake Paul:
1. He influences kids to start combat sports.
Nowadays the biggest influencers in the world, especially
rappers, make kids think being a drug addict is cool. While
Jake ignored parties while trying to become a boxer in his
2. He motivates regular guys to believe that it’s
possible to have results in areas where no one gives
them chances
Usually, everyone around you is telling you that you need
a proper background in order to become something.
“You need to start from 8 years old if you wanna fight”
“You need a degree if you want money”
Jake proved that all you need is hunger
3. He knows how to get attention. Attention means
money no matter what you do.
Attention can be transformed into money, pussy, and connections. Jake is a master at making
others interested in what he does.
4. He believes in brotherhood
The Paul brothers built everything together. Two men scheming and plotting in order to become
the biggest entertainers in the world.
Nerds say “You need the right woman next to you if you wanna win big”
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Success: Man at the Top
Which is false. You need men who are loyal and ambitious. Women are a distraction most of the
5. He set himself up for success
Prior to his Woodley fight, Jake Paul went monk mode in
Puerto Rico. Away from the parties in Miami, away from
groupies, distractions, and fun. He took his team and studied
the art of boxing in order to beat a 5-time world champion
6. He studied the masters of his craft
When you hear Jake speak, you can recognize that he inspired
himself with people like McGregor or Mayweather. Which
doesn’t mean that he’s copying them. It just means that he’s
smart enough to “steal” from the best who ever sold fighting
7.He showed that putting pressure on yourself pays dividends
When you have a big ego, you’re forced to show up and perform. When you state bold
predictions, you must prove that you’re for real. Jake Paul developed an exceptional stress
tolerance. Although the whole world hates his arrogance and wishes he loses, this only made him
train harder and become better at fighting.
As a man, you want to feel respected by
It has been this way since the dawn of humankind
In order for you to receive your respect
You must first understand that individuals have different values and participate in different zones
of society
If you have a lot of followers online, people who utilize social media frequently will respect you
This does not mean that a low-IQ savage will feel the same way. He respects a man that can beat
him up.
If you have a nice car. This does not mean that a playboy will necessarily see you as important
The playboy will notice you if you’re able to seduce beautiful women
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Success: Man at the Top
This being said.
The best way to earn respect from different types of individuals
Is being effective in every realm of reality
If you have muscles, combat ability, money, clout, high-value friends, a loving family, hoes, a high
IQ, wisdom
Different archetypes of men will like you as opposed to being good at JUST one thing and
receiving admiration only from a small niche
If you’re honest with yourself you will admit that
You don’t really want to be a “contextual alpha”. The kind of man who is “somebody” only at
work or in his group of friends.
You want to be perceived as strong in any group you’re in.
You want to be THE MAN in every environment.
A living example of this is my friend and mentor Andrew Tate
The car community likes him because he has supercars
The pick-up community likes him because he has hoes
The business community and aspiring entrepreneurs like him because he’s a millionaire
The fitness community like him because he has muscles
The criminals like him because he’s a fighter and he’s portraying masculine features
Right-wing politicians and analysts like him because he has conservative values
By attracting people from different categories, he built a worldwide network of useful individuals
around him and his power became immense
Sooner or late others will notice, respect and emulate you.
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Being the best and being perceived as the
best are 2 different things
Let’s take Tim Grover as an example.
He’s known for training Kobe, Wade, and of
course Jordan for 15 years.
The guy wrote best-selling books.
He’s paid 6 figures to speak and 6 figures to
coach CEO’s and other important individuals
from different industries.
But imagine
There are probably thousands of men who have
studied as much as Tim Grover about physical
training and how to improve athletic
There are people who are obsessed with gaining
as much knowledge as possible. They might
even be smarter than Tim himself. Some 20year-old may know all about new technologies
and how to utilize them in the sport.
But Tim is an authority in the industry because
he has
1. THE ATTENTION. He’s getting views on YouTube. People enjoy hearing him speak
on TV. He knows how to write. People KNOW HIS NAME.
2. THE STORIES. He’s able to talk for hours without boring the audience.
3. THE CREDIBILITY. He associated himself with big names.
This is not about basketball and Tim Grover
These principles apply to everything
Being good at what you do is just the first step. Most stop here.
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Success: Man at the Top
The most important step is
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Small consecutive mistakes lead to Failure
and wasted potential
Your GF is annoying
You sometimes watch porn and masturbate
You eat junk food
Maybe you miss workouts
You scroll on your phone like an idiot and get tired
Watch a movie
Spend energy washing your clothes, cleaning, and doing mundane tasks that you hate
Most people do this every day
No wonder they have no creativity and willpower in order to make things happen
Now imagine this
You wake up knowing exactly what you have to do
You wrote it down last night prior to going to sleep
You drink half a gallon of water, eat a high-protein breakfast, and take your supplements
You attack the most urgent and important tasks in the morning
You get money in
You go to the gym knowing exactly what you’ve got to do and beat the last workout
You’re moving intentionally through life
Your girlfriend knows exactly what she has to do in order to keep your satisfied
Everything works as planned
Another productive day
You know that if you repeat this over and over again, you’ll be ahead of everyone
Small habits that add up and lead to victories
Now think of everything you do, your routines
And ask yourself truthfully
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Success: Man at the Top
Will this take you to the next level?
If you sincerely think it would, continue.
If you know it won’t, changing things would.
Have a big ego and put effort into demonstrating that you deserve your bragging rights
Combine bravado with a relentless refusal to accept mediocrity
Continuous movement towards your objectives. Confidence is drawn from
results not delusion.
Joe Lampton
Learn life
“The most successful people you’ll meet enjoy winning more than they enjoy celebrating their wins.”
If you're not a "student of the game"
You'll never fully master a specific craft
Lebron, Kobe, McGregor, and Tyson are encyclopedias of knowledge when it comes to their
They know all the athletes from today and from the past. Their moves, their methods, their way
of thinking.
You want to run your city, find out who’s who
You wanna smash chicks, study the playboys
You wanna be a G, learn from G’s
I talk with people and realize that I know more than them about the things they’re supposedly
involved in, passionate about
Side note:
Don’t jerk off at other men and 1000 books and information if you don’t also act
Action > Studying
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Success: Man at the Top
Action + Studying = Optimal
Learn life
Sonny Gravano confessed to 19 murders, but now
he's doing 10+ million views podcasts and is paid 6
figures to speak
No matter how crazy you are
No matter what mistakes you've made
You can ALWAYS find an angle from which you can
Turn shit into sugar.
Being productive is self-fulfilling
It feels good to have results and an upward trajectory
This is why hard-working men are usually confident and in a positive mood all the time
The weak flirt with depression on a daily basis due to their lack of discipline and drive.
Discipline > Talent
If you're consistent and show up every day.
You'll become better than somebody who is naturally superior but isn't as obsessed.
Every successful project I’ve ever been involved in.
Started with excitement and was built with discipline and good vibes.
If you want results, you need 3 things
1. Clarity
2. A plan
3. Execution
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Success: Man at the Top
Clarity means knowing exactly what you want.
Knowing what to focus on, what to ignore, what kind of people to keep around, and who is
dangerous and shouldn’t be kept close.
What’s your vision for the next few years? What are your weapons, and unfair advantages?
What are your limitations? What are the skills you lack but should be improved along the way?
Without a clear vision of the chessboard, you cannot create the “perfect” setup.
After you have a clear idea of the future and of yourself.
You need a good plan. Where you’re creating a daily schedule with actions that will put you in a
superior position. Closer to the desired outcome. The setup is important. Where do you live?
With who? Who else should you befriend? What qualities do you seek in the women you’re
dating? etc.
Then, after you have the vision and the plan you just got to go through the daily tasks until you
see results.
Of course, things change. You will re-adjust your methods along the way. Some people will leave,
some new opportunities might occur, and life is not stable.
Do not seek stability, just become able to rapidly adapt to every new situation.
Learn life
Life near the top is chaotic
It requires different moods with different people while performing different actions
Dating a bitch while pretending you're mad via text with your main chick while also waiting for a
business partner to close a big deal
Living a simple, "disciplined" life, can only take you to a decent level, but not the ultimate level.
To ascend to the highest heights, you must prove you're ready to sustain the massive effort, to
accept stress, and to perform effortlessly regardless of the pressure it puts on you.
Force yourself to do more.
Your mind and body must function properly ignoring hangovers, potential threats, drama
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Success: Man at the Top
Convince yourself and believe you're comfortable in any situation, whether you're prepared or
not, whether you're fresh or tired
Declare you're ready until you are.
Business, training, grinding, learning skills,
crypto, etc.
Are just tools in order to get power, love, and fun
At the end of the day
This is what men want
The goal isn't to jerk off at numbers on MacBooks
The goal is to have the respect of men & the adoration of girls
What’s the point of being successful if pretty girls don’t worship you?
What’s the point of being a savage in the gym if other men give 0 fucks about you & don’t take
you seriously?
What’s the point of struggling to make it if your life isn’t a movie?
You become STRONG in order to live the best lifestyle, laugh every day, and have others work
for you while you’re making spontaneous decisions
Most “successful” guys aren’t really successful
Stuck in work mode, looking like dorks, hot girls don’t even know they exist, etc.
I work hard so that when I enter a room everyone stares & sucks my dick. I don’t work hard for
the sake of working hard.
Learn life
Life’s about deciphering what weapons you currently have and preparing to utilize your resources
in order to get to the next level
Everyone has SOMETHING
Some have youth, meaning they have time to “waste”
Some have money, meaning they can make their path easier by allocating cash in the right
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Success: Man at the Top
Some have good genetics, meaning they could utilize their looks in order to get respect/girls etc.
Some have wisdom, a high IQ, a good understanding of reality. Which could help in order to
obtain other things, if used properly.
Nobody is completely “broke”. Nobody is completely USELESS.
You just have to know your assets and limitations and plot accordingly
I’ve always been aware of what I can bring to the table. And I’ve positioned myself where my
qualities could benefit me.
As a teenager, I was funny and crazy. I would beat people up without hesitation. I would also
make others laugh with my controversial behavior and opinions. Rich kids wanted me around
because they were pussies. So, by being in those circles I was always around cute girls from good
families. Took one, and made her my main chick. I then used her to get to the next level (been
together for 7 years). She gave me money to open my first business. She gave me money to spend
on dates with other chicks too
. And so on.
As an adult, I always attracted the right people around me because I knew what I got and what
others need.
I see kids all the time be like “Oh I don’t have money”
You know what? Some people don’t have time
Be a good soldier to the right king, and make his life easier. This might be your way towards
This was just an example.
The idea is:
From every position, there’s an angle from which you can prove yourself as being valuable.
You’re just too lazy to think. or maybe low-IQ. or is not creative enough.
But now that I’ve educated you with my mindset go think about this post and analyze your
next moves.
Being successful as a young man means having everything that matters AT ONCE
Money, hoes, loving girlfriend, muscles, combat ability, friends, and clout.
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Success: Man at the Top
Most people aren’t successful because they only invest time where they’re comfortable
The people with money would rather spend 3 more hours trying to get more money because
they’re shit with girls, they don’t wanna feel the bad emotions that come with rejection, failure
Gym people would rather cook another meal and jerk off at some fitness vlog instead of trying
to get rich
You must be comfortable in every scenario and you must do it all EVERY SINGLE DAY
Can’t let a day pass by without approaching new chicks.
Can’t let a day pass by without getting new money in
Can’t let a day pass by without fitness/martial arts training
If you do something once a week, you’ll never get good at it.
Who cares the last 2 months you’ve been fucking the same chick.
Who cares I’m richer than you and I barely open my laptop 2 hours a day.
The rules of success are different
depending on who you are
My cousin is tall and handsome. He barely trains. Chicks always liked him anyway.
I have friends who sniff cocaine regularly. They're still successful at what they do.
There are people going to the club 4 days per week, they don’t actually “work hard”, yet they’re
richer than most
The same with females. There are 40+ year-old men running multi-million-dollar businesses. They
give 0 fucks about learning webcam or Onlyfans. They’d rather keep their women at home raising
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Success: Man at the Top
It’s autistic to emulate everything you hear on podcasts, read in books, or on Twitter
Analyze your attributes and unfair advantages as well as your limitations.
Then create your own routines that work specifically for you.
Tyson and Ali were both heavyweight champions. Very different styles of fighting. Yet they
reached the same objective.
There are always multiple paths towards the top of the mountain.
Joe Lampton
Men don't necessarily have to be handsome
Rick Ross fucks, he's fat as fuck
A man who is rich and popular is the biggest TURN ON for women
So, the good part of being a man is
How you were born - ugly, broke - doesn't matter
You can become SOMEBODY if you really want it.
Of course, the more qualities you possess, the better it will be
You should aim to nullify as many weaknesses as possible
Try to strengthen everything
How you look. How much you earn. How funny you are. Your persuasion skills. The relationships
you have with others.
Money is make-up for men. It gives everything you have value.
If you look average, your status will make you interesting
If you're dumb, success will make everything you say seem deep
Even if you're boring, people will still find your jokes hilarious once you're important.
Do everything you can in order to be in the top 1%
Your goal should be to conquer and outshine most men
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Success: Man at the Top
A man becomes as attractive as an attractive woman when he becomes successful
and is publicly noted. Power is an aphrodisiac.
50 Cent
The shortest way toward becoming
is listening to the people who have been in your position and now they're at the top
No reason to be arrogant and to find solutions by yourself when there are others who figured it
out and can teach you about it
Find mentors. Without mentors, you’ll just waste years developing your own methods. Years in
which you could have been way higher in the social hierarchy.
There are individuals out there who know the specifics of the business you’re trying to start
Men who know all about dating, training, etc.
If you want to show incredible progress
and shock everyone around you LEARN FROM THE ONES WHO
MADE IT - Absorb the information,
apply it and win.
When I first started hanging out with the
Tate Brothers, I was watching what they
were doing and just applying it without
Few things I learned from them and applied immediately:
1. They had their girlfriends on cam, so I did this too. Prior to meeting them, I already had my
webcam studio, but I kept it all professional and did not mess with the models. Then I understood
that women are more productive once they’re in a relationship with a man who inspires them.
So, I took my best girl and made her my girlfriend.
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Success: Man at the Top
2. Took martial arts even more seriously. I was already training in MMA but I pushed it to another
level and hired the best couch I could find at the time and trained with him and his best student,
the best kick boxer at my weight in Romania.
3. Understood the importance of social media and took Twitter seriously. Before being friends
with the Tates, I saw Twitter as a joke. It wasn’t popular here in Romania, so it wasn’t so
important for me. Then I realized that you can gain a lot of influence if you have the knowledge
and can deliver it properly. As a result, I’ve met a lot of brilliant men and made way more money
by being more active online and sharing my opinions. Even my real-life friends who I live with are
a result of this.
4. Investing in my reputation. So, prior to
meeting the Tate’s I was more of a HUSTLE
HARD guy. Work, training, not necessarily
into going out, networking or having
everyone know my name. I understood from
them the importance of having local CLOUT.
Whenever we would go out, everyone in
clubs or restaurants knew who they were and
treated us with maximum respect. VIP tables
everywhere, favors from staff, access to
private parties in the pandemic when
everything was closed for normal people etc.
After seeing this level of power, they I had, I
made moves towards becoming sort of a local
celebrity myself, dating famous girls, getting
attention and appearing in tabloids, making
everyone know me in the best spots in town.
These moves made it way easier to get hotter
girls and to meet other smart men.
5. MORE HOES. So, the Tate’s had a thing where they would bring every girl they were dating /
talking to online - in the club. At first this shocked me because nobody did this. Imagine a table
where you have multiple girls you’ve already fucked, few girls you’ve talked to on the internet
and a few others who you’ve been to coffee dates with. The girls would just compete for their
attention and at the end of the night, they’d just pick the one they were more into and bring her
home. After seeing this setup, I also implemented it and had great results, basically becoming one
of the most renowned playboys in Bucharest.
Of course, there are way more lessons I’ve learned from them but it would take hours to write
it all.
The idea is.
IF you want to shine brighter than your competition, find the right people to learn
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Success: Man at the Top
Can't become an expert at something without
being a MANIAC about it
Great in business/sports - ignore everyone, people say he's crazy, stays in the trenches working
and not caring about distractions, and full focus.
A "balanced life" gets you good, not GREAT.
This is applicable to everything, even dating
The guys who fucked the most women/had the hottest chicks are MANIACS about it
Fucked a 9 today but tomorrow he's going on dates again, he doesn't rely on the mood he just
approaches new chicks like he ain't never seen pussy.
Another example is being an "influencer"
People who built amazing audiences post content like CRAZY, every single day, they're in your
face, they're spamming you with videos/tweets, etc.
If they did it part-time & didn't take it seriously, do you really think they'd be relevant?
Pick 1-2 subjects and dedicate your life to it for a certain amount of time, in order to accelerate
your growth.
If you focus on TOO MANY things at once, you'll just be mediocre at everything.
Learn life
Consistency is key in everything
From building muscle to building a playboy reputation in your city
If you go to the gym just 1 hour a week you'll stay out of shape
If you only approach girls when you're "in the mood" for it, you'll never get good at it
People make the mistake of relying on how they feel on the spot
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Success: Man at the Top
"Yeah, I don't have inspiration...I'll write to chicks another time"
"Yeah, I'm tired...I'll take her on a date tomorrow"
"Yeah, I don't wanna go out... I only like going out once every few months"
Wrong mindset
I learned this from the Tate brothers, especially
Tristan Tate who objectively had the best girls in my city, Bucharest
He told me:
"Bro if you wanna keep girls, you have to at least message them every day"
"Bro if you want the best chicks, you gotta go out every weekend"
Tristan built his playboy reputation by getting a lot of attention and being extremely active in the
city, going out a lot, flexing in the club every Friday or Saturday
90% of the hot girls here tell me "Oh I know your friend, Tristan"
He saw dating as WORK and was CONSISTENT.
You have to DM women to the point where almost every hot chick says
"Oh, I know him he messaged me too"
If you do it part-time don't expect to have sexual abundance
Other men will fuck the hoes you're attracted to unless you're on the attack all the time.
Same with going out
Be there when it matters
Especially weekends
Most people hook up when they're drunk in the club
How can you expect to matter in the dating scene if you're watching Netflix on a Saturday night
while the girls you like are in the presence of other men?
Be consistent and remain on the attack
Regardless, if you want money, muscles, girls
The principle I presented above is applicable in every domain.
Every goal you have requires a specific set of actions and a specific group of people around you
in order to increase the chances of success
Can't get rich with lazy individuals poisoning your brain
Can't get more clout with autistic nerds scared of the camera or showing off
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Success: Man at the Top
Can't get power or maintain it while having a woman who disobeys and cannot be trusted
Can't get in shape while eating kebabs with fat ppl.
Accomplishing more is simply down to this
Know exactly where you want to be
Break down what needs to be done day by day. Set proper routines.
Cut off snakes/weak people
Be careful of who you add into your close circle
Don't stop
And of course, do not neglect THE DEFENCE
Everyone thinks of attacking but few truly sit and ponder about the potential difficulties down the
Always try to foresee HOW they'll try to kill you.
Think you'll be somebody & they'll just accept it?
Where's the angles where you're vulnerable.
Pay your taxes. Avoid idiots who can be easily manipulated into turning on you. Don't take hoes
seriously and don't "claim them" as yours unless maybe they're carrying your children....
And even then. Remember how 50 Cent clowned Rick Ross for using his baby momma?
Google it.
Be careful who you have kids with and hide that woman from the world. Some small city while
nobody knows her etc.
Being SOMEBODY requires ATTACK and DEFENSE actions.
Make sure you never stop getting MORE power and make sure you're never caught slipping.
Learn life
Life's a war of attrition
The person who has the most RESOURCES and overwhelms the opposition wins the race.
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Success: Man at the Top
If someone else trains 3 times a week but you have MORE ENERGY in order to train 8 times,
you'll be STRONGER.
If someone else has limited time and can only invest 3 hours a week into chasing hoes, but you're
on it 4 hours a day - you'll get more pussy.
If someone else has limited inspiration and writes a decent tweet once a month, but you're getting
viral all the time because you're always inspired - you'll have more INFLUENCE
If others don't have balls to show off but you're posting crazy shit all the time - you get more
If others ball once a month due to limited cashflow but your money never ends and you're going
out like crazy - you'll be perceived as being superior in that specific realm
If someone else can't work 12 hours a day because he loses focus but you're a maniac chasing
the bag non-stop.
Winning is a matter of ENDURANCE and having the RESOURCES to attack continuously
while others stall, take breaks or simply quit.
Let's take Andrew Tate's example
He posted clips with him for 8 years, with 1000 views but he NEVER STOPPED so he
eventually broke the internet
He had 9 Twitter accounts banned.
But he always opened new accounts, started from scratch, and had the UNLIMITED
INSPIRATION in order to get viral over and over again.
You get the point.
Be more perseverant than everyone else in order to
establish yourself as THE BEST.
The shortest way towards success as a young
1. Find older and more successful people.
2. Make them like you
3. Apply the knowledge without thinking too much
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Success: Man at the Top
ZERO ego, just shut up and execute
Arrogance, having your own ideas and
approach, innovating - that comes LATER.
Imagine a young Conor McGregor being cocky
in the gym and disrespecting his coach who was
a black belt.
It would have been stupid
He just shut up and executed until he was a
Only then he started implementing his own
ideas, when he had the credibility, results,
Same in every aspect of life
Being arrogant too early, thinking too much, not
listening. It's slowing you down
Find a mentor and follow every instruction
Accept your position and work from there
Your time will come.
Learn life
Seen so many men ruin their 30s due to the mistakes they made as teenagers/young adults
Heavy gambling, addiction to cocaine, steroid abuse, crimes, etc.
Basically, if you avoid these things, you'll have the freedom and health to become rich and reach
peak performance later.
You can fuck the same hoes if you take drugs with them or not.
You can look dangerous/be in optimal shape without steroids
It's 2022, you can generate large profits by opening an online business, it's not like your only
chance to be successful is being a drug dealer.
15 years ago, in the small city in Romania where I grew up, everyone wanted to be a street pimp
In order to be considered a G, you had to sniff low cocaine, spend time in casinos, stab people
you had beef with
Bitches didn't like you if you weren't perceived as "tough"
Back in the day, you didn't have as many opportunities as you have now.
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Success: Man at the Top
Nobody was a millionaire at 20
Now you'll meet 17-year-olds making 30k per month in front of their computer
It's true, the world got soft, but the changes in society also made it easier to prosper.
Every aspect has positive and negative connotations
"Progress" means more gay shit, more feminism, less masculinity, more nerds
But it also means more opportunities to monetize EVERYTHING you do.
Every skill you're good at, every hobby can be weaponized in order to get u paid.
15 years ago, a fitness coach could only train clients in the gym. His income was limited by TIME.
He could make a few thousand a month, maybe. He was a peasant, nobody knew him
Now he can make MILLIONS selling online coaching, and courses & he can also become famous
via social media.
To be successful:
- Avoid BIG mistakes
- Exploit the current opportunities that society offers
Learn life
Stress tolerance is a great indicator of
future success
Most people are having mental breakdowns due to a breakup or some minor thing that's not
working in their business.
While the elite of the elite are super relaxed and smiling even when everything is chaotic around
Think of people like Jake Paul, Tate, McGregor, Trump.
They've constantly bombarded with death threats, so many haters, so many powerful enemies
who are trying to destroy them, all the paranoia
Although their life is difficult and there's so much pressure they're still winning.
High-level people perform regardless of what's happening around
The weak get depressed when someone talks bad about them
Choose where you wanna be
Don't lose your focus over bullshit
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Success: Man at the Top
Attack. Perform.
There are rich people waking up late and rich people waking up at 5 AM.
There are rich people eating junk food and rich people eating clean
Some do Fitness, others don’t
And so, on
You can be rich regardless of these aspects.
The 3 traits that MOST successful people have are:
1. Superiority complex - feels like he deserves to achieve everything
2. Insecurity - feels like he’s not enough and has to achieve more to feel content
3. Focus - the ability to focus on a topic for extended periods of time
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
63 | T h e C r e e d o f V l a d O b u
Failure: Lessons from Losers
Chapter II
Top 10 reasons why you're not winning yet.
1. Bad allocation of your time
You basically have 16 hours a day at your disposal
Most of you don't use these moments properly
Instead of focusing on business, girls, networking, learning skills
You focus on elements that have a LOW ROI
Things that don't matter.
2. Bad selection of friends and acquaintances
Instead of "infiltrating" yourself in circles that can accelerate your growth
You probably spend too much time alone or surrounded by people from your past who are not
interested in growing or improving themselves.
3. The wrong woman or no woman
For losers, women are a distraction
For winners, women are key pieces on the chessboard
Do you have a main chick who is useful to you? Or are you only meeting low-level hoes that suck
your energy and fill your life with chaos and stupidity?
4. Lack of competitiveness
You don't care that other men are above you in life. It does not hurt you inside. You are
comfortable with your position.
Instead of wanting to CONQUER and OUTSHINE everyone else, you opted for being too
grateful for what you have.
Aim for more.
5. Wrong programming
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
Instead of watching videos that motivate you/ reading stuff about success/ Hanging out with
people who talk about money, the good life
You only watch entertainment, funny videos, and sports and consume content that is not helping
you at all.
6. Hedonism
Some people are only motivated by pleasure. It's all they seek. It's the only thing that makes them
feel "alive"
They don't get the same high from being productive and effective which is why they're broke and
they lose all their money in the process of finding fun.
7. Bad health
Lazy people usually have low levels of energy due to their shitty health
Wrong diet, not enough rest, too many carbs and processed foods, not enough time spent in the
gym, maybe girl-like testosterone levels too
8. Low IQ
Although nobody wants to tell you this
If you're dumb as fuck nothing can save you
"YeaAH but Look at all these rappers they're stupid but rich"
Trust me, they pretend they're stupid. Yeah, they're not educated... but they're moving correctly.
So they're rich.
9. Not knowing yourself well
I've met plenty of men who did not understand their qualities and weaknesses. When you do not
know where you can leverage your natural advantages, you are not living life at your full potential
So analyze yourself and see where you're good at.
10. Overthinking Dork
Smart men are usually pussies that don't take enough risks due to their tendency to postpone
and overanalyze every decision.
This is why, oftentimes, courageous guys are ahead in life - They give 0 fucks and they act
regardless of what might happen.
65 | T h e C r e e d o f V l a d O b u
Failure: Lessons from Losers
Think of these 10 problems I've mentioned and work on solving the puzzle.
If you eliminate these aspects, you'll probably gonna start winning big.
Learn life
Lack of success = lacking the ability to
correctly decipher reality
If you had the ability to read your surroundings, you would have already recognized:
the skills you need to develop
the opportunities that your surroundings present
the moves you need to perform
Understand this.
Take a piece of paper. Write down every asset you have.
Height. Looks. Rich Parents. Charisma. Humour. Fighting skills. IQ. Millionaire friends. Loyal
soldiers. Muscles. A pretty girlfriend. A loyal girlfriend. Free time. A skill that you can monetize.
Youth. Experience.
It doesn’t matter. Just find your strengths. Know them. Increase their value. Hide your
weaknesses. Deny them by being better in the areas where you’re predisposed to shine.
Then plot and prioritize. Design a lifestyle that will help you achieve your next objective.
Work every day. No weekends.
And when I say work. I don’t mean only money-making activities. Maybe you’ve already got
enough money and you should focus more on the social aspect. Maybe you’ve got a badass
physique and you can utilize it to get respect, girls.
Only you know what you’ve got to do.
Think and attack. Adapt after you’ve already started.
Joe Lampton
Learn life.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
Most of you are not good observers
You DON’T KNOW who is your competition. And you do not know who is above you.
You jerk off at Bill Gates and other people from other “Universes” that are 1 million steps ahead
of you
You want to fuck hot bitches? You want some attention? Some clout? To get to the next level?
Study people from your city, and area. study your surroundings.
Find out. Who do they fuck. What car do they drive? How do they dress? How do they make
money? They’re sons of millionaires, they’re criminals, they’re business owners? What’s their
crew like? When do they go on vacation? Where? What are the coolest spots in your town?
Coolest restaurants? Places only “the initiated” go to. How do they spend money? What do they
post online?
Find out and do it better. Better online presence, better dating systems, offer better sex, more
fun, dress better, take more attention, follow their bitches, penetrate their universe.
You sit and jerk off at idiots that have no relevance in YOUR LIFE and that are WAY AHEAD
Why should I care about McGregor and Future? They ain’t in my country or city or Universe.
I care about the people who fuck the hottest bitches in my area. THEY FUCK THE BITCHES
I SHOULD FUCK. The guys who are the most emulated in my universe. When I meet new
people I hear stories, I gain info. When I fuck bitches they’re talking bout their friends who where
at certain tables, I do my research. I know what’s cool and what’s not. etc.
You idiots have shitty INSTAGRAMS and shitty dating lives because you don’t have a clue
about what’s happening. That’s why RELEVANT bitches don’t follow you back or discuss with
Even when I was broke as fuck.
I knew, when I’ll get money in BUCHAREST
What gym to go to, what restaurants to go to, what clubs, where to buy an apartment, what kind
of car, what kind of color, what barber shop, what vacations and when, whose owns every spot,
whose fucking who, which crews run the city, which crews have ties with the mafia, etc.
Even in my industry, the adult industry. I knew from before starting, every owner of a studio, the
girls they had, the staff, and the events they attended.
You cannot penetrate a certain “world” otherwise.
I’m not saying you should suck everyone’s dick and start talking in public settings and mentioning
names. No. BUT KNOW FOR YOURSELF. This way you avoid trouble, you avoid certain
places and people and you also know where there are spots that can be exploited.
KNOW THE TERRAIN in which you’ll fight your enemies. Even Sun Tzu talks about it.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
Recently heard Georges St Pierre speaking about fighting Khabib at 155 pounds “He knows the
terrain, I’ve never fought at that weight. He would have an advantage”
Gain info. Be patient. Steal what works. Update what doesn’t. Penetrate. Win.
Learn life
Losers always OVERESTIMATE the importance of their mistakes
Lost in regrets, forever reminiscing some minor issue, afraid to risk again.
Scared to go to battle in another campaign of seeking glory.
“I lost 50K fuck shouldn’t have started that business fuckkkk”
Winners understand that mistakes and adversity are natural consequences of continuous
Only stagnation & lack of action keep you immune from loses
Move, make some mistakes, get over it fast,
and Move again.
Joe Lampton
A loss ain't a loss, it's a lesson
Appreciate the pain, it's a blessing
Tribulation can either enlighten you or embitter you.
Failure convinces the weakling to resent his existence.
Whilst a perspicacious man might be fuelled to ascend by the same cause.
Climbing the mountain or hiding in obscurity.
The choice is always yours.
Be angry and don’t stop until you numb the pain
Or be angry and drown in your own pathetic tears
Learn life.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
At the bottom of society, people complain they worked all their life and obtained nothing
People at the top, operating within the same 24 hours, have almost everything that the bottom
wants. Why?
At the top, people produce more action. They have the energy to focus on multiple tasks at once
for multiple years.
At the bottom, you’ll often see men who only work, sleep, eat and fuck boring wives. Complaining
that they’re tired.
The differences. Why successful people are more productive:
1. Health
Successful people are usually healthier. More testosterone. Most have better genetics, don’t get
sick often, have better stress management, they need less sleep.
Some of them, who were not naturally gifted with this, improved their health on purpose with
diet, training, optimizing hormones, etc.
2. Energy expenditure
The top doesn’t stress themselves as losers do. They don’t overthink every action. They just do
it, fast.
A loser has to go to the gym, he spends time thinking
“How will I dress? Do I have clean clothes? What should I work on today? Maybe I shouldn’t go I’m a
bit tired. Hmmm”
A productive man just goes, he’ll figure it out, he doesn’t overthink
A loser has to go on a date, he spends time thinking “How should I dress? What should I say? What
if the restaurant I go to has all its tables booked? What if she wants to go to my place, is it clean enough?
What if she doesn’t come?”
A winner just goes, doesn’t overthink, and doesn’t care that much. He goes and does his thing
and focuses on his next task.
The less mental energy you spend the more tasks you can execute daily.
You’ll be more productive when:
1. You get healthier
2. You spend less energy overthinking everything you do
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The consequence of being weak is the inability to exert power around you.
Girlfriend flirts with her boss
Hoes won’t fuck you unless you pay them
Understand the game, become a winner, or live like this.
Their potential hate towards you is the reason you waste your potential
Expose yourself more. Let people despise you, praise you, and ignore you.
Critics talk. Player’s play.
Choose your role.
Tenacious combatant in life’s different arenas or terrified spectator.
Learn life
It arouses me to see unsuccessful men.
Complaining about life’s unfairness.
Moaning that their wife is attracted to others
Talking politics all day long, thinking that protesting will change their insignificant
“Losers are necessary for winners to shine bright.”
Joe Lampton
Being tired and being a worm are always linked
When you’re obsessed with being great, even if you’re tired:
1. You don’t say it. You don’t even acknowledge it. You act like it’s not real.
2. You do it anyway. Because you MUST perform regardless of how you FEEL
Learn life.
Excuses do not matter
“Girls don’t like me cause I’m poor”
“I’m skinny, I can't gain weight fast“
You think a successful businessman will stop messaging your wife because you’re poor?
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Would an attacker stop punching you because of your genetics?
Perform or perish
The outside world isn’t interested in your problems. Your limitations.
We live in a competitive environment
You were tired today and didn’t perform at the job interview, somebody else took your spot
You’re obese, somebody else has sex with the hot blonde
Life’s ruthless.
Every individual has his own losses, setbacks, painful stories
Some choose to use these situations as an explanation for their lack of results
Others use pain to propel themselves to a higher level
Victim or competitive combatant in life’s different arenas
You decide.
Focus on your strengths and opportunities
In your mind, try to downplay the importance of your weaknesses
Your excuses do not impact the reality of the world
Realism is painful to implement as a life philosophy
But in the end
It remains the only alternative
Learn life.
Dorks say you shouldn’t party and have fun.
Because they’re uncomfortable in that environment, with flashy socialites and girls with 100k on
They’ve mastered the work all night and save money dynamic.
But they’re incapable of deciphering the nightlife and its chaotic nature.
The average individual can cry if his favorite team loses
Can get extremely angry if his girlfriend sends crazy texts
Can lose his focus when a co-worker starts shouting
The question is
How much bullshit can others inflict on you until you break?
The harder you break the further you’ll go in life
Simple as that.
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A woman is valuable when she’s young and hot
A man is valuable when he’s strong and rich
Women play the beauty game
Men play the power game
Powerful man + Hot woman = Love
Be somebody and the world listens and respects. Remain a nobody and perish in obscurity.
The inconsistent genius drowns as easily as the productive moron
You must outdo your rivals in volume AND in quantity
No in-betweens.
Laziness won't secure you a room at the top. Neither will inadequate execution.
Learn life.
There are levels of hostility
1. When you’re a nobody you’re just totally ignored
2. When you’re doing OK they find “buts”
“He’s rich BUT he’s fat”
3. When you‘re multi-faceted and almost impossible to attack they focus on the nonquantifiable issues
“He‘s too arrogant”
Hating on the enemy
Might fuel you at times
Might raise your adrenaline levels sporadically
But hating while allowing him to outmaneuver and outwork you constantly only means he’ll
forever outshine you
Resentment isn’t efficacious without
tremendous amounts of WORK
Learn life
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Joe Lampton
Failure: Lessons from Losers
Public exposure puts pressure on you to not
be out of shape, broke, and introverted.
Anonymity or extended periods of “monk mode” give you room to neglect essential parts of the
human experience
Those who advocate for “privacy” can’t handle the complexity of being a versatile man.
An effective recipe to upgrade yourself is to be more vocal and socially present
By creating expectations from others, you’re forced to develop high expectations of yourself
In moments of procrastination and melancholy
Your upgraded standards will convince you to put in the work. If you’ve publicly stated your goals
You should commit yourself to make those claims real.
When it’s only in your mind, you’ll rationalize ways to withdraw from the challenge when things
get difficult
The strong, recognize the advantages that premeditated stress facilitates.
Rich people have more energy because they’re adored, admired, and hated.
Nobodies just work and sleep because they’re lost in obscurity, neglected by society, and
irrelevant to females
Learn life.
I like seeing unsuccessful people
It would be unfair for most to obtain what they desire
They didn't pay the price. Didn't study the game to the letter. Didn't experience
the trenches. Didn't feel enough pain.
Let them be failures and envy the men who deserve to win
It is what it is.
The most disgusting men alive are the MALE
Behaving like the saviors of lost and damaged women.
These men fail to understand that
Women won’t reward them with sex for their assistance
On the contrary, they’ll resent them more for their lack of masculinity and balls
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Inaction makes room for depression
Numbingly scrolling on your phone gives you time to overthink, make pointless comparisons,
generate futile thought
To properly navigate through life
You must always seek to EXECUTE
Less thinking, less stalling, less analyzing
Any decision and position can and will be attacked, questioned
Paying the bill? “He’s trying to buy himself, friends. If he ends up broke he’ll be alone”
Splitting the bill? “He’s so stingy, if I had his money I would be more generous”
People are naturally designed to have opinions that serve their cause.
Your woman will say “You’re always with your friends. If you’ll be sick and broke they’ll leave”
She says it with the purpose of sabotaging your relationships, aiming to convince you that it is
wiser to elevate her to a higher position, a “partner in crime” that is more than a hole you stick
your dick into
Ignore peasants and females. They’re idiots anyway.
You can hate somebody. You can dislike him. You can disagree with his opinions and behavior.
You can talk badly about him to others.
Are you prepared to destroy him?
Are you capable of fucking his wife? Of slapping him with vigor while laughing?
If not
Mentally weak individuals
Are unable to attack reality vigorously due to their persistent self-doubt
Overthinking. Afraid of potential consequences.
The pressure would damage them.
Hate would terrify them.
That’s why most people never get to shine.
That’s why winners win
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Every time I see people from the past
It’s like they remained at the same level
And it’s because of two reasons:
1. They didn’t expose themselves to different environments
2. They didn’t develop new skills due to the risk of getting embarrassed, making mistakes
When you stay amongst the same people
You’re incapable of understanding that life can be lived better, differently
You’re comfortable being you.
You’re not aware that other people might have discovered things you’re not aware of,
conclusions that didn’t cross your mind.
Building new skills require:
- patience
- repetition
- the risk of getting embarrassed
- letting your ego at the door
Most people would rather remain the same instead of accepting the role of a beginner
But remember:
The man with many skills that combines them well, WINS.
I despise individuals that show exaggerated suspicion when they're around new people
I trust everyone. I'm confident in my ability to punish those who betray me.
Losers are afraid of opening themselves to others, so they miss the opportunity to create new,
significant, relationships.
How the fuck do you think you’ll create strong friendships if you’re hesitant, to be honest about
who you are, and what you do. etc.
Being successful in 2021 requires more transparency and less secrecy.
Learn life.
Stop Sucking Dick
I have a simple rule that all of my soldiers are aware of.
They’re not allowed to suck strangers dicks.
If a Bugatti passes by we don’t look at it and say “WOWWWW DID YOU SEE THAT CARRR”
If a monster passes by we don’t acknowledge him, no “WOW THAT GUY IS REALLY BIG”
If a local celeb is in the same spot we don’t stare and we pretend we didn’t see him
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
(This concept is also true about co-workers, friends of friends, etc. Utilize what I say in your life,
depending on what you do, etc.)
While with bitches we don’t give our energy towards others.
The only people we can talk about are people we know. For example, if we wanna talk about
ballers we talk about the Tate brothers because they’re my friends and people from other
countries or from different “universes”, people we don’t interact with in real life, foreigners, etc.
A mistake most make in social circles is this
They’re with bitches, girlfriends, etc.
And some familiar names are brought up in conversations
When you act like this, you signal 2 things:
A. You know, deep down, that you’re a loser. And you don’t deserve complete obedience
from females and respect from people in general.
B. You “send” your girls toward those men
Especially when you roll at my level, when local celebs, gangsters, and renowned CEOs message
your girls.
You cannot suck their dick.
I say someone is a G and I worship him.
Then my girl shows me messages from him. Why wouldn’t she reply? I said he’s a G. I gave him
my soul. Can I say now that he’s a nerd? After I sucked his dick?
When my soldiers or new people in my circle tend to go this way I tell them this:
“Others must suck OUR DICKS. Think of ways in which strangers will share our IG stories, talk about us,
and spread rumors about us. The plot in this direction, don’t be a fanboy with people you might interact
Know your surroundings but focus on being A STAR in your small universe, not a pathetic
The only people on Twitter
That mentions stocks, that aren’t nerds.
Are the Tate Brothers
All the other people mentioning these subjects are anons/nerds/digital nomads/ weaklings
I will explain why.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
The Tate’s had these priorities:
Become a weapon (strong body + combat ability)
Fuck hoes
Pimp hoes
Be a G (nice cars, penthouse then house, clothes, lifestyle, etc.)
Pimp too many hoes that you make so much money out of it that you already have
everything so what can you do with so much money than invest it. Just throw half a million
here, half there, and make WAY MORE.
Do you understand?
Most of you don’t have the girls, the cash flow, or the lifestyle.
Fix this first then think further.
If you have one girlfriend and you still masturbate and you’re a nobody in your area.
Women that love me always say
“You’re always talking about bitches. Be more mature.”
Which is of course false, I have other passions too. But I talk about bitches because it is an
important aspect of a man’s life.
You either have bitches or you masturbate. There’s no other option. Everyone would rather
have some btiches instead of fucking the same wife over and over again.
Guys with wives and long-term relationships either cheat or masturbate. Nobody is THAT
excited about the same pussy for 99 years.
Why the fuck would men hustle that hard? For some pathetic kid who won’t appreciate them
Men make efforts, mostly, for PUSSY
Consequently, the male-female dynamic is a vital aspect of an individual’s life.
And I have something important to tell you
All the things you’re scared of are true. All the things you’re trying to avoid and downplay are
probably true also.
Yes, women find tall men attractive
Yes, women would rather fuck a rich guy
Yes, having big dick matters a lot
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
Yes, being savage, evil, and dominant turn hoes on
Yes, if you don’t work and you have free time and a big crew that provides fun you’ll fuck more
Yes, women would rather worship a successful arrogant man that doesn’t give a fuck, is always
right, and can beat up everybody in the room
You instinctually know some things are true but you’re trying to find others that comfort you
and make you feel better about yourself, your weaknesses, your shortcomings
“It’s 2021 being savage can get you in jail”
“Having money doesn’t matter, pick up girls on the streets”
“Dick size doesn’t matter at alllll look I found this study on the internet”
Fuck off loser, everything matters.
For you to elevate yourself you must first accept your situation. Analyze your skills compared to
your competition. You probably know at least one hot chick from your town. Not talking about
celebrities and things like this. Just a hot chick with less than 10k followers on IG.
Go to her profile. Who is she following? Probably some international stars, some bullshit pages
with clothes and beauty, some friends, and SOME MEN FROM YOUR TOWN.
These are the men she’s attracted to. The alphas she’s talking to and probably fucking.
Recognize some patterns. Then compare their life, possessions, and qualities to yours.
Accept your position and think of how to end up on A LOT OF LISTS LIKE THIS YOURSELF.
If hundreds, thousands of 8 and 9’s follow you on IG, then you’re doing it right. Then you have
options. Only then you will genuinely stop masturbating. CAUSE YOU’LL HAVE HOES.
This is what I did also. I analyzed the game and understood what I need in order to be THERE.
Most of you are delusional worms that don’t understand anything about the matrix around you.
“My brand did welllll 7 figures revenueeeee”
Who cares if you can have 10 figures in revenue I’m still richer than you, I’m cool with multiple
girlfriends and portraits on their bodies and soldiers that I send to the store and mentors that
run the country. When I appear in a bitches DM her boyfriend feels like Francis Ngannou entered
the room.
You worship charts and laptops then you’re surprised that your wife is a 5 and your kids are
When I post on Twitter “Follow me on Instagram”, 99% that do it look like losers and I just cancel
their request.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
I don't want to be friends if you:
Don’t have the balls and skills to fight
Have a girlfriend you’re loyal to
Dress like a nerd
Save your money & avoid spending it
Overthink & you’re a pussy
I’ll explain why:
1. You don’t know how to fight therefore you’re a liability when we’re out together I don’t give
a fuck if you train or not, I can see it in your eyes if you would smash a bottle in the enemies skull
Most of you dorks are too afraid of jail
Fuck you
2. I don’t give a fuck, every man under 35 that doesn’t have hoes is a dangerous nerd
There are no exceptions
Having no hoes means you’d jerk off at my girlfriend when she’s online on cam or something
weird like this
You’d fuck my side chicks due to your lack of constant sexual pleasure
Get some hoes.
3. If you dress like a nerd it means:
You’re broke ( 10% chance)
You’re stingy ( 40% chance)
You’re a GEEK (50% chance)
Probably you’re a geek because I was dressing nice even when I was broke as fuck
It’s called SELF RESPECT
4. If you’re broke and you’re my friend. I’ll pay for everything. Dinner, champagne, and even hotels
if we go on vacation. I’ll teach you how to get money and help you etc.
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But if I know you make money and you don’t spend it?
I’ll replace you with better friends
If you spend it with your girl? I might beat you.
5. If I tell you to do something and you sit and ponder about the potential consequences?
If I tell you we’ll spar and you say you don’t want brain damage?
If I give you advice about your relationship but you’re scared of your girlfriend?
I’ve lost all the respect I had for you.
50 years ago you’d have a wife almost by default
Some girl from your high school or from your neighborhood, etc.
Now the same type of girl gets attention from playboys on INSTAGRAM all the time
The attention from a regular guy has zero value because she’s comparing you to the rich guys
who DM her constantly.
When I was 17, the prettiest girls I knew fucked the bad boys from our circle.
Now the 17-year-olds get messages from guys my age that live crazy lifestyles.
Do you think the kids from school fuck? NO
Also, back in the day
You’d rarely see the latest designers and cars if you weren’t in those high-end circles
Being unsuccessful in 2021 is a death sentence
The vast majority of the individuals around you operate all their lives from a position of safety
Long term relationship where they don’t cheat
A job where they’re obedient
Respecting all the rules
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
Not taking big risks
They never win BIG, they never experience extraordinary highs
This comes with the advantage that they also don’t go through much chaos and tribulations.
Because they’re always “safe”, these worms tend to laugh at people who aim for more, but
sometimes miss.
“Hahahaha he lost money in that business, he’s a loser”
“Hahahaha that girl he fucked isn’t that hot”
“Hahahaha he got screwed by that chick”
“Hahaha he embarrassed himself when he sparred with that guy”
It’s easy to have opinions about “losers” when you don’t even attempt to win
When you enter the arena yourself, you’ll see how it really is to struggle through problems
When a worm that doesn’t try to improve has opinions about your progress, ignore him
Accept your losses and temporary setbacks.
People will talk.
Bullying is an essential part of a young man’s
When I first started hanging out with street dudes from my neighborhood
I understood what being a psychopath means
Those guys had no respect for the school or the police. No fear. No empathy. No concern when
it came to hurting someone.
I was a fat 13-14 years old kid. They made fun of me because of how I looked and because I
studied at a good school. I was a contextual G in my own environment, but a loser compared to
those savages.
Even though they were crazy. I KEPT SHOWING UP.
I lost weight and had a 6 pack in 9 months. I learned how to fight. I learned how to interact with
girls. Became courageous.
I was already smart, but I needed to develop more toughness. Bullying helped me.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
I was also a bully all my life. Most people I bullied ended up being losers. They didn’t react the
same to this kind of behavior. WORMS.
If someone stronger doesn’t respect you, this should only motivate you in order to become
THE WEAK AVOID THE PAIN and opt to hang out with losers. THE STRONG want to
earn their respect and work for it.
Simple reality.
When you’re a loser, your friends avoid you. You’re useless. Your opinions are neglected. You
are invisible.
When you’re a winner, your friends hate you. They’re envious that they can’t replicate your
moves. Secretly hoping you’ll end up broke and defeated.
Learn life.
Men who enjoy solitude too much and opt for exaggerated privacy
Do it because they’re hiding their weaknesses through secrecy
They want to be mysterious because transparency would only reveal how broken they really are
I show my friends every conversation I have with bitches, and every girl I see and I usually talk
about everything I do
This forces me to NOT be a liar, a fraud or a weakling
It forces me to REALLY be who I pretend to be
I know my surroundings will judge me if I’m a bitch, therefore I must really be a G.
“I’m shy”
“I’m not comfortable when speaking to new people”
“I need solitude to be productive”
“I'm bad at interacting with girls”
Attack these weaknesses DIRECTLY.
2021 is about attention, entertainment, being charismatic
Everyone idolizes people like Jake Paul, Floyd “Money” Mayweather, and Conor.
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Failure: Lessons from Losers
Everyone is on Tik Tok watching funny guys
Everyone wants some entertaining individual to tell mind-blowing stories at dinner tables
You can be jacked, rich, valuable
But people are obsessed nowadays with men that have BALLS, A BIG EGO, AN
It’s about being comfortable with attention, it’s about being comfortable in front of an audience,
in front of the camera
Imagine. 95% of men are used to texting, used to typing shit on a device. There are few G’s who
can handle social situations. You’re way above most when you’re exciting, It’s clearly an UNFAIR
Learn life
Idiots always focus on the wrong things
They’re unable to decipher what’s the next move FOR THEM. They’re thinking about things
WAY ABOVE their league.
Had a young guy ask me.
“What are the best websites for webcam models”
“Do you invest in crypto”
The guy is 135 pounds, doesn’t have a girlfriend, and lives with his mom.
I told him “Websites is step 10. Step 1 is not looking like a dork. Step 2 is having at least money for
dates. Step 3 is having a girlfriend. Why do you even care about websites when you don’t even have a
girl to put on cam!?”
Then I continued “You need skills. You leverage them to get a constant cash flow. Then you can think
about crypto. You don’t have money for going to the barber once a week. Why do you care about coins
and shit”
You’re scared of investing all of your savings, of risking your current position.
You’re scared of spending, of living an interesting lifestyle.
You’re scared of posting controversial shit, you think people from the past or your family may
judge you, and a bitch you jerk off at might unfollow you.
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You’re scared cause you’re GF will leave if you cheat, you know she’ll fuck some other dude if
you’re not selling your soul for her.
You’re scared that you may offend some people with your opinions and behavior, you don’t
wanna seem too extreme, the potential consequences frighten you.
You’re scared of men who are crazier than you, you opt for rolling with pussies.
But you still wanna be "strong”, a G, a playboy, etc.?
Your weakness amuses me.
Everyone thinks it’s easy to be tough until they put some gloves and shin guards on
Then they realize they just have no energy left after 30 seconds of sparring
Everyone thinks it’s easy to be a playboy until they really have to go on dates, break up with girls
every week, and argue with their GF. All this while also making money, being in shape, etc.
Then they realize it’s too stressful after a few months of trying
Everyone thinks being “crazy” or “fun” is easy until the police come, there’s beef, problems, and
people wanna cancel you on social media
Then they realize it’s not for them
In general
People do not understand how weak they truly are, mentally and physically, due to their fear of
testing themselves.
Random people and haters overestimate their own skills & have opinions on the ones that really
don’t shy away from challenges
Trust me.
When you play it safe you may feel strong on the surface
You know deep down you’re a bitch.
People I hate the most:
1. Pussies
2. Simps
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3. Stingy Individuals
1. A pussy is a man who is afraid of danger. I don’t even have big expectations. But being afraid
of what your girlfriend may say or your family. This is some lame shit. Or being afraid of beef,
physical confrontation, or being outspoken. This is unacceptable. I also despise the men who are
worshiping objects.
“Oh don’t smoke in my carrrr”
2. To be honest if you’re not a pimp you’re not worthy of my respect. I have high standards. And
also if you’re a pimp but you’re selling your soul to get the money. you’re also a bitch
I get the bread while also cheating, having multiple relationships, and being honest about my
And if you live with your GF you’re also a simp. Let’s say I kinda understand it if you’re getting
money from her. Other than that it’s a bitch move.
3. If you have money but don’t spend it. You’re not rich.
If you sit like a nerd and calculate everything and live a boring life just because you’re PUSSY and
think you’ll go broke
Jokes and hate towards you can reveal 2
1. The people who state those opinions are idiots
2. You have some vulnerabilities that you must address, so nobody can say shit regarding that
specific aspect
Negate every weakness to make ur detractors shut up.
You can negate weaknesses
A. By being very strong in other directions to compensate for the vulnerability
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You’re not tall but you’re crazy and funny and rich so being short doesn’t matter. you fuck the
same chicks’ as tall guys
Your short and think people will bully you but you become good at fighting so even big guys know
you can fuck them up in a fight or you’re crazy and will hit them with objects and shit if they’re
B. It’s an issue you can improve so you go through the pain until you’re very good at that particular
You’re a weird nerd that sits on his phone when bitches are around because you’re afraid of
interacting with them.
But you decide “fuck it I’ll just do it until I’m not a nerd anymore and I’ll become socially brilliant”
So you just hang out with girls every time you can and force yourself to not be a pathetic dork
But of course
Most people will just remain active where they’re comfortable and won’t strive to nullify their
Losers always share a common pattern
Every year, they experience the same shit, over and over again
Their problems did not evolve, because they remained the same
Was talking to a high school friend earlier today
He asked me “How are you bro, saw you all over TV”
I was like “Good bro chilling by the pool. How are you?”
He said “Oh I m delivering food. Working 10 hours a day. Tried to put my girl on cam but she stays
online for like 1 hour and if she doesn’t make money she gets disappointed and logs off. I have to pay
for everything. And due to the fact that I’m always working, I don’t have time to train, see girls, or even
flirt on social media. I think I’m cursed…”
Basically, this loser has the same problems from like 5 years ago when I last talked with him.
I was thinking
I don’t even have the problems I had 6 months ago. I’m into other shit. How can some deal with
the same issues they dealt with 5 years ago?
Avoid these types of individuals.
Of course, be polite and try to help if you can
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But don’t keep them close.
Infection: Avoid the unhappy and the unlucky. When your goal is power, those you associate with
can make or break you.
Nothing is an accident
A friend that betrayed
A woman that cheated on you
An employee that disappointed you
An associate that disrespected you
It’s always YOUR FAULT
I remember a situation from the times when I was involved in the street life
A soldier snitched on the leader of a gang
The leader was seeking advice from a friend of mine. My friend was older and extremely wise.
Cannot give further details about him, but he was/is doing extremely well.
My friend listened to the whole story and then only told that guy this:
Then he started laughing and left the room.
He was saying
People treat you like you’ve set yourself up to be treated
Somewhere, along the way
Grown men and women are actually like children, a child won’t raise his voice in
front of you if you slapped him the first time he rolled his eyes when you told him
to do his homework
Joe Lampton
Learn Life
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Your self-esteem shouldn’t rely on the
feedback you get from other people
No matter what course of action you opt for
The weaklings will always find reasons to underestimate your work or to pretend it’s not as great
as you think it is
If you work hard, improve, and get large amounts of money on a regular basis
They will say “Yeah but he’s always working, he’s a dork, wasting his weekends in the office”
If you’re crazy and fuck bitches all the time
They will say “Yeah but when you have his free time, his money, opportunities - it’s easy to get hoes. I’m
not impressed”
If you train like a maniac and you’re in shape and able to fuck everybody up
They will say “Yeah but it’s 2021 it’s not like you have to fight on the streets. It’s useless to train and
focus so much on this aspect”
No matter WHAT you do
Some idiot will have something negative to state about it
And even if you’re objectively better than most, at everything, they’ll say things like
“Yeah but he’s a snake/a snitch/ miserable person/ liar/ shitty individual/ he’s a fraud who doesn’t have
that much money anyway, he’s exaggerating.”
YOU must only focus on demonstrating to yourself that you’re great
You shouldn’t expect others to accept your superiority.
It’s a dagger into their soul to know that you’re better
The most useless men are the BORING BROKE
You’re not making money. You don’t work hard, you’re not training hard.
Wtf are you doing then?
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Boring + Broke + Weak = COMPLETE LOSERS
Before being an entrepreneur
I had nothing to do
So I’d do stupid shit. Get drunk every day and focused on being fun and scary.
At least the rich kids and the G’s had a reason to keep me around
Then I started being serious in order to make it.
Then I combined business and pleasure.
The people who annoy me the most are the scrubs that I can’t use at anything
Ok you’re broke
At least stay with me and some bitches until 4 AM, drin,k and be my clown
Ok, you’re serious, you’re making money.
Very good, I understand why you don’t go to the club. Maybe we’ll do business together in the
Progressive unhealthy views are pushed by:
1. Celebrities
2. Ugly, weak men
3. Chicks (they support liberals cause famous people say so)
Strong, masculine men are the only people who have conservative, healthy opinions.
They're the only ones that can keep society sane.
Celebrities don’t want to risk being canceled so they’re forced to support BLM, LGBT, vaccines
Sometimes, there are exceptions that speak up
The globalists cancel their shows & sponsorships in order for the other famous people to obey
So they "sell their souls” to remain rich.
Ugly men support liberals because they're weak
The fantasy of equality excites them
Why fight and become rich and powerful
Let's all be equal so I stand a chance
Also, they're part of CLOWN WORLD so their employer brainwashes them into being cute
slaves instead of savages.
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Chicks want to be cool and trendy
They worship Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Oprah, NBA, Hollywood, and whatever the most
influential people say
If Beyonce says you gotta be equal to men, they find it cool
If Juice Wrld says you gotta take drugs, they take drugs.
If you're a nerd compared to charismatic
Force yourself to be a better storyteller, a more entertaining figure
If you're too crazy and reckless compared to very disciplined people
Force yourself to be wiser and more strategic
I had a REVENGE soldier move to Bucharest last winter.
He was doing great money-wise, with a lot of crypto and a profitable online business
He started to hang out with me and my friends
We were always having parties with hoes, lots of vodkas, clubs, trips throughout the country,
Every time I brought him bitches he was awkward as fuck
He had two moods
Either too serious, almost arrogant, sitting only on his phone ignoring everybody else ( due to
social anxiety)
Or very drunk and stupid as fuckkk (very cringe, hard to explain…)
One time he was so drunk when we left the club
That he was trying to tongue kiss a bitch but he was kissing her cheeks instead of her mouth
Basically, he was washing her face with his tongue. When the taxi stopped in front of my house.
That girl called her friend (I girl I was fucking) and told her she was harassed by this dude. It’s
actually funny I laugh now when I remember, it’s the first time in my life when a girl cried and was
scared because of something like this. That guy had to be SUPER STUPID in that taxi.
Anyway, this guy was in his early 30’s but very socially autistic
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I told him
“Look, we’re not even THAT crazy. I know people much more outgoing and fun than even me. Yet you’re
still wayyyy behind us. You gotta train yourself to be different”
The guy was very receptive to my advice
So I brought him, new girls, every week. I forced him to talk, tell stories, be more open.
Imagine, he was richer than most people at every table. But nobody knew it, except me. For
everyone else to know he’s a smart, successful guy, I had to tell them myself, because he wasn’t
able to put himself in a good light.
He was the biggest dork everrrr. Initially, he was so scared of me, that when I moved into my
mansion, he thought I was gonna drown him in the pool and film it for Instagram.
Another time I made a pact with my other friends and told them “Look when this guys is coming
here today, we aren’t allowed to look at him nor talk to him. If he says something we’ll just reply without
looking at him, or in his direction. Let’s see if he notices that something is wrong. The one who can’t
abstain from laughing has to do 100 push-ups.”
That guy was so weird, that he didn’t even notice our “pact”. HE noticed it once I couldn’t resist
and started laughing like an idiot after 1.5 hours of abstaining.
Anyway, fast forward he finally understood his weakness
Now he has an 18-year-old girlfriend that also does webcam for him. Hot as fuck. He also has 2
other side chicks on Onlyfans.
He was a dork but now he is not one
He pulled it off because he understood his weakness. Now he’s not an introvert anymore. He’s
extremely comfortable in social settings.
I’m actually very proud of him. I didn’t expect that he’ll change. Thought he’ll remain a dork and
leave Bucharest.
But now he’s a legit pimp and playboy.
Always add new tools to your skill set.
Learn life
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How people react to different things
reveals their traumas, past experiences
For example
Men who were bullied as kids, always get very upset when you joke with them
They overestimate this whole respect thing
Whereas people with confidence just reply with a better line and laugh
I remember having 2 skinny friends in the MMA gym
My legs are kinda big, so I always joked around with them
One day I told them both separately, this line
“Ohhh you did a lot of squats it seems, congratulations your legs look massive”
The bullied insecure guy replied while looking at me mad:
The other guy, who was a G since his teenage years said
“Yeah us skinny guys also have big dicks, didn’t your mom tell you this already?”
The loser got offended quickly, the G gave zero fucks and was amused.
Avoid dorks.
Vices are distractions for the weak and
weapons for the strong
Vodka is my friend. Got so many business opportunities by utilizing it.
Nightclubs. Perfect setups for befriending richer people than me.
Social media. You can use it to your advantage or you can consume TikToks like a dork.
Even drugs. Although I don’t use them, are the same.
Was listening to a podcast with Adam22. He has a Youtube channel with 4 million subscribers.
His girl is top 20 OnlyFans. Long story short he’s a millionaire with clout.
And he said “I was doing drugs with celebrities in backstages of shows to convince them to come and
do an interview with me”
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You see this pattern every time
Losers from the bottom lose their lives because of vices
“Alcohol destroyed my family” I was hearing this all the time growing up
Some low-IQ man was drinking at home and beating his wife
Then there are the high IQ people doing the same shit and living with no limit because they’re
You can be a degenerate millionaire or a degenerate working on a construction site
Both get drunk often
One’s saying cheers to high-status people, the other’s slapping his wife because she didn’t clean
the table right
Most quotes you read on the internet
Are from famous people
Singers, entertainers, actors
Although you’d think “Oh they’re successful I should do everything they say”
This is actually low IQ. Because you’re not famous.
"Keep your circle small" is a quote that works for rappers
Because they have abundance and everyone wants to be around them. They’re spoiled with
choices. They can just DM every expert in the world and have him around.
Furthermore, for them, it would be dangerous to meet random people. They need privacy. They
don’t want to get robbed. They can’t just go everywhere. They don’t want their private life to
get leaked on the internet.
A lot of reasons.
But you’re just a guy with a laptop that nobody cares about. You must do the opposite. Actively
try to get more people in your circle.
- You need to learn more things and it’s easier if someone around you does it already
- 90% of things require a team or would be more successful when done by more people.
Another quote I read was from Dan Bilzerian yesterday
“I never DM girls. I like to be the prize”
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And some low IQs were jerking off at this quote spreading it on the internet.
Bro, you’re no prize. If you don’t go like a maniac and message bitches every day, you won’t fuck
Stop listening to people who are way above your level.
A lot of these mainstream influencers don’t deliver actionable advice. Advice that could really
make a change to your life.
Watching too much political stuff, serious podcasts, etc.
Fucks up with your swag.
Makes you boring as fuck. Your mind is filled with conspiracies and data that don’t really help
Especially when trying to meet women or make friends.
Watch funny shit too, so you become more fun to be around.
People wanna laugh and hear crazy shit. Nobody cares you’re smart, except you
The more boring information you accumulate, the more it shows on your face. All these “serious”
guys look like nerds.
Jerking off at “personal development” & business stuff all day long doesn’t make you interesting.
If you’re bored put on some No Jumper podcast with some low-IQ rich black guy spitting game.
You’ll be closer to smashing a chick than listening to idk…Lex Friedman or Robert Malone talking
Covid on Joe ROGAN.
There’s a significant difference between
SOUNDING smart and actually BEING smart
Sounding Smart - I read a lot and possess a decent memory so I recite from other men's ideas
Being Smart - The quality of my life is positioning me at the top
Never mistake a good speech for a good life.
I see this all the time. People think they're superior to others just because they’ve memorized
more information from books, podcasts, conversations with others, etc.
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All this does not matter unless you’re able to apply it in your own Universe in order to see some
Bro you can’t even “influence” your girl to shut the fuck up when you're out chasing pussy
People who think everything is a scam won't
make it
I remember having a really good friend from high school. On paper, he was smarter than me.
6'4'', handsome.
He ended up working a low-paying corporate job in Romania, like 2-3000 Euros per month and
having an average GF & life
I started thinking one day, why is this guy a loser?
He was always overthinking everything.
When the webcam was hot, I told him to come open another studio with me
He replied "I'll think of it", then a few months later he said
"I don't know if there's potential in it, why would people pay for this"
"Others will judge me if I do it"
Then he was always analyzing different business models
Another hot thing back then was selling on Amazon
His conclusion after jerking off at 100 free articles & videos
"These people who sell Amazon courses are scammers, why would they share their secrets if they really
make money"
After that
I discovered by accident this whole Manosphere Twitter and I was sending him things from Rollo,
Tate, and other accounts that were popular 4-5 years ago
His stance was
"These guys probably live normal lives and just lie online in order to make money"
I tried to educate my former friend into understanding that he should take more risks and be
more open-minded
He failed to listen and continued to think too much
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So I just stopped talking to him because he was trying to drag me down to his level (job, shit GF,
boring life).
Being smart
means being able to read the chess board correctly in order to arrange your life in a way that
makes you envied or admired by most.
Who cares what you know? Who cares what books you've read? Who cares about grammar and
shit. These are not elements that show ur smart.
"I've graduated from X University"
"I've read 2000 books"
Who cares
Why are you a skinny dork with no hoes then?
Seems the books weren't that useful.
Genuinely SMART people are characterized by their ability to understand what's important and
to be skilled at it
Skilled at getting money, bitches
Skilled at making themselves liked by people who could be useful.
Skilled at maintaining perfect health
Oh you're smart but you ain't got loyal and obedient women...hmmmm
Oh you're smart but you ain't got men who worship you and do whatever you want .... guess you
ain't that clever
Smart but you still have a job?
Smart but you ain't got free time to enjoy yourself?
Use your IQ in order to optimize your lifestyle instead of using it to memorize pointless data
Seen so many "intellectuals" who remember all the dates in wars and shit
Who cares if you know about Stalingrad, if you ain't living in a mansion and you're
some dork who no one knows.
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Not everyone can become a rich, fit,
But everyone can reach a certain level of success
Stop finding pointless excuses
Not everyone can become a billionaire but everyone can make 20k a month
Not everyone can become a UFC champ but everyone can become good enough that he can
fuck up 95% of people
Not everyone can be a world-class fitness competitor, but everyone can get in decent shape.
"I don't have talent"
"I'm not made for this"
"I'm too ugly/short/skinny/low IQ"
Blah Blah
You gotta realize that there are some skills that are essential for a man, regardless of how much
talent or passion you have for it.
You gotta understand how a business works. Gotta be able to put food on the table.
Gotta have enough charisma and humor order to make a bitch laugh.
Gotta master the art of small talk in order to get by and interact with others
There are many things you MUST study.
Gotta know how to train your body
Gotta know how to swim, shoot a gun, throw a punch
Gotta know how to use the internet in order to communicate, sell your products/services,
promote yourself, date women who could become the mothers of your children etc.
You don't have time to be lazy. You don't have the privilege of neglecting your skillset.
As a man, you're in a continuous competition
It doesn't matter if you want it or not
There are men out there who would be excited to fuck your girl
Men who would gladly take your place.
There are younger people than you who want the job you have or your position in the societal
Even the things/people/lifestyles you take for granted
The things you're so used to
There's some psychopath in a room who would work 12 hours a day to be in your shoes.
This being said
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Stop being a worm and push harder
1. You can definitely improve your current spot
2. Whether you like it or not, you're competing for a limited amount of resources with
other players in the game
If you look around, you'll realize that most
people are destined for misery\
They lack the basics:
How to keep themselves healthy physically
How to keep themselves mentally sane
How to reach financial freedom
How to have fruitful relationships with others
Strong, successful people already know that having weaklings around can prove itself to be a
disastrous move.
Law 10: Infection: Avoid The Unhappy & Unlucky
The vast majority of individuals are indeed UNHAPPY & UNLUCKY
They aren't capable of prioritizing what's important:
1. Physical health
Health is crucial. Everything else fades if you're sick. It takes all your excitement away.
Learn the basics of nutrition. What to eat. When. What supplements to take Etc.
Learn how to train. What's the best type of workout for your situation.
2. Mind
You'll often hear rich people talk about MENTALITY.
Although it sounds cliche, having complete control over your own psyche is an element of major
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So many individuals nowadays complain about depression, panic attacks and end up taking drugs
for this.
Increase your resistance to stress.
Learn to find joy in difficult situations.
Listen to mentally strong people and implement their strategies.
Take care of your sleep.
Don't allow bad vibes in the small Universe that surrounds you.
3. Money
"Having money is not everything. not having it is"
Lack of cash ruined so many families, so many love stories, so many friendships and transformed
good people into animals that lack any moral principle.
Besides family and health, money should be your #1 PRIORITY.
Learn the basics of business. Learn skills that you can later monetize. Learn marketing, how to
bring attention to you or your products. Learn sales and how to actually persuade others to trust
you and buy from you. Learn to organize teams and to hire talented ppl.
4. Relationships
There are tons of men who complain that they're in sexless marriages.
So many men who can't get girls.
So many lone wolves who don't have a solid crew around them
Dealing with other humans is a topic you must definitely study and master.
Relationships are dominated by 2 concepts.
Others want you around if you prove yourself USEFUL, if you show generosity, if you're kind, if
you're someone they can brag with to others if you're a good listener and storyteller etc.
Learn these skills.
A man that understands and improves in the 4 topics discussed above cannot be UNLUCKY or
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These are 4 basic topics everyone must at least understand on a beginner level
Without these elements, you're just a victim. A worm that has no importance in society.
Learn life.
Why most people are WORMS
1. Unearned arrogance
Oftentimes, the weak overestimate their own skills and intellect
They're too cocky to admit when others have a better understanding of certain topics
Their ego drags them down and makes them take low-IQ decisions.
Although some say you can become whatever you want in life, let's be honest - If you are dumb
as fuck you will never be top level
Everyone at the top has a high IQ
The ones that seem stupid and shallow just pretend they're stupid because it's cool in some
3. Lack of discipline
Most people get distracted easily
Every bad word can make them lose focus
Every text, Tik Tok, and Youtube video can make them forget what they were supposed to do
Their mind is too fragile for significant results and for maintaining a proper work ethic.
4. Bad luck
God just favors some of us more than others
Some people are destined to be worms, no matter what they do
Unhappy events just keep happening to them
They ATTRACT bad health and negative vibes. they suck others of their energy
Some people are just... SEWER RATS.
5. Inability to create and maintain fruitful relationships
Imagine a sports team. It starts having results after years of playing together. Same in life.
You gotta be surrounded by competent people you trust in order to win
Worms aren't able to cultivate strong alliances.
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Clown world normalized the idea of being mentally weak
Fix your diet first. Go to the gym. Learn how to think. Have hobbies. Do some cardio.
Make money.
This is the REAL SOLUTION.
99% of the people who take antidepressants eat junk food and live an unhealthy lifestyle
They are not educated in nutrition, training
They're not successful financially
Your daily decisions determine your future.
Years of living like a sewer rat = Mentally WEAK
1% of the people who say they're depressed REALLY need those pills
They probably tried to fix everything else and nothing worked for them
But most didn't even try a holistic approach
Eating pancakes, arguing all day long over low IQ topics
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Chapter III
Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
There are only 5 types of valuable women:
A pretty virgin
A woman from a rich family
A woman who makes a lot of money
A woman who looks like a porn star, a 9
A woman who is famous
I'll explain why.
1. The virgin is a trophy because no one else has had her.
You can brag that you've been her first man. Others will respect you for this.
Of course, if the virgin looks like shit, she'll lower your status when you're with her so you
should not date girls who are below CUTE levels.
2. A woman from a rich family is only valuable if you have kids with her
You can leave her and fuck other chicks, at least you know your offspring will be raised in a
pleasant environment. Which is great especially if you have girls.
Girls need money in order to not become hoes.
3. A woman who is making money can help you get rich
Let's say you put a girl on Onlyfans and she's making 50k per month. She's valuable because the
money is basically in YOUR POCKETS.
You can use the cash in other businesses so you don't rely 100% on her.
4. A woman who looks like a porn star is a trophy because every man wants to be
seen with this type of girl
It's a status symbol
More valuable than a Rolex or some designer clothes
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
From teenagers to 50-year-old billionaires - They all want to fuck 9's.
5. A woman who is famous helps you get clout
You will then use this notoriety in order to network with important people and to get other
It's also easier to make money when a lot of people know who you are
Famous bitches are a great shortcut toward success.
Most females are not in the categories mentioned above
Which makes them USELESS
The vast majority of men associate themselves with hoes that bring zero value except for
Be careful of what choices you make, especially in long-term relationships.
Quality girls see that you almost finished your coffee and go fill up the cup without you
requesting it.
Or see the table being messy and clean it up instantly
A shitty female will ignore everything and just rely on the fact that she's hot
Not enough
Have higher expectations.
I’ve NEVER been with a trashy female for long periods of time.
My mind subconsciously senses the red flags.
How to spot girls with potential:
They always make sure the place is clean
They wanna bring you coffee, water, etc.
They treat your friends well and make sure they have a good time
They interact with your friends, wives, and girlfriends
They always buy you small cute, gifts when they randomly go to the mall, to the store,
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
They listen to your stories and are genuinely interested and invested in what you say (a
trashy hoe will focus more on her memories, her stories, and her experiences and will
forget things and details you say to her)
They spoil you with attention and get jealous quickly if other women want you
They’re low-key stalking your social media
They wanna cook for you
They wanna touch you, cuddle, etc.
They make sure they’re always available when you request their presence, not
postponing dates or coming to your house
They laugh at your jokes even if it’s not something necessarily very funny
They tell you to stop if you’re into stupid or dangerous behavior that could harm you
If you’re sick, they naturally want to make you feel better and take care of you.
While texting they’re invested in conversations and write a lot, not just “yes”, “no” etc.
Also, they reply fast not after 20 minutes.
They’re not hiding their phone, or Instagram from you
They find pleasure in pleasing you (This is not something you can teach. You can just
amplify it. Find girls who are built this way and “exploit” this trait to the max)
They don’t expect you to spend large amounts of money. They’re happy they’re with
you regardless if it’s in a fancy club or at home in front of the TV. You being there is
more important than the place you’re at.
They’re willing to sacrifice their own plans, friends, and even family - in order to make
you happy
They do not necessitate too much entertainment. Ex. A hoe that took drugs is bored if
you just stay in the house chilling and drinking with a group of friends. She needs MORE
in order to be excited. A normal woman will feel ok with you, even in an average set-up
with nothing “crazy” or spontaneous happening
These are just a few things you should analyze while being with a girl.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve, kings.
Even if you’re low value. With more work, you can get a cute girl with a good heart. It just
takes more time and effort.
When I was broke, I still had a useful girlfriend. So, it’s not a money issue.
If you start being genuinely disgusted by trashy behavior, you will not stop searching until you
find somebody who has potential.
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
15 things I've learned after sleeping with
over 100 girls in the last 2 years and having
multiple relationships at the same time
1. You will RARELY find a girl who can disguise well the fact that she's a hoe.
Usually, they're signaling it through their energy, mentality, gestures, thoughts
You don't even have to know details about her past, her VIBE reveals everything
You just have to pay attention.
2. Every girl is ANGRY when you tell others intimate details about what happened between you
and her
Because she's trying to lie and pretend to new guys that she's pure, different, wifey material
My advice?
DON'T BE discrete. Ruin her reputation.
It's fun and useful for you.
3. When a girl knows a few women you've fucked. the chances she'll fuck with you are way
higher than if she doesn't know nothing about you.
Even though they'll never admit it, they want to have sex with the most popular men in their
They wanna have a taste of what's COOL.
4. Girls will "punish" you harder for NOT having hoes than they will punish you for cheating and
being a playboy
If she feels that you rely on her and that you're not talking to multiple women
She'll treat you poorly, postpone sex, and act arrogant
Talk to as many girls as possible.
5. Sex is overrated
No matter how good you fuck her, if she's a hoe she'll still act like a hoe
Damaged women CANNOT be tamed or saved
They'll disobey regardless of who is fucking them
They can only act right for a short period of time, then they return to their nature.
6. Avoid older girls
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
They've already been through toxic relationships, they've been lied to, they've been cheated
on, they've been abused, maybe a little abortion too
Focus on the girls who are less experienced, they're usually better quality.
Furthermore, younger girls don't expect you to provide for them because they're not
necessarily looking for a husband
These older chicks know their time is slowly passing away & look for sugar daddies and
successful betas that forgive them for their past and treat them seriously
7. The more people and places she knows - THE MORE DICK SHE HAD
A "good girl" wouldn't know every shot caller in town, every club owner, every playboy from
These "professional" hoes know it all. All the rumors, all the action that's taking place.
Stay woke.
8. When a girl always finds excuses that she can't see you, she's seeing someone else
She has a boyfriend or has plans that seem more interesting than the idea of hanging out with
No reason to insist.
Move on and talk to other prospects.
9. Clout arouses girls the most.
More than money, success, or fitness.
If you're locally popular she'll probably find you interesting and reply to your DM's or
somehow end up at your table in the club
Do all it takes in order to get ATTENTION and people to mention your name.
10. Always keep evidence of what happened between you and a chick.
Some DM's, photos, audio recordings, or videos.
If she lies that nothing happened between you and her or tries to ruin your reputation in one
way or another
You must have proof that she's lying
Don't let them fool you.
11. FUN is linked to sex
The more fun you have, the more you'll attract women
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They're addicted to the good life, parties, and social events
If you're out often and you have a crew of solid guys - it's WAY EASIER to get girls than if
you roll alone and you're boring.
12. Strong routines > Spontaneity
I use the same lines when I talk to girls on Instagram/ in real life.
I basically repeat the same script, and the same stories, and go to the same coffee shops
I rely on what I've tested and works not on my mood and some fresh ideas I might have that
13. Being in fantastic shape is overrated
When I was in my best shape ever, I did not have a lot of bitches. I was too concerned with
my diet and training 2 times/per day.
The recipe for having A LOT of bitches is this
Approaching girls daily on IG + dating daily + partying frequently.
14. Finding "good girls" just means having sex with different women all the time
1 in 20 women will probably be ok and could potentially end up being a decent girlfriend.
You just gotta invest some time and meet as many girls as possible.
Can't avoid the effort
15. Dating is a sport. You gotta treat it seriously.
Most people DM girls when they're drunk or in the mood.
You gotta do it EVERY DAY if you wanna get very good at it
You have to go on dates DAILY if you wanna master this
It has to be approached like a job. Don't be an amateur.
The secret to a perfect relationship is
normalizing the behaviors that benefit YOU
You do this by:
Repeating the same principles until the target accepts the new reality as if it's how it
should be
Isolating the target from the people that undermine your agenda
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Let's say you wanna
- cheat
- only see her 2 times a week
- spend your weekends with friends and hoes
- convince her to work for you on Onlyfans
If you CONSTANTLY brainwash her that this lifestyle is absolutely NORMAL, sooner or later
she'll agree and stop "fighting"
In a negotiation, the person who is willing to walk away will always win.
If you're willing to lose her if she doesn't agree with your ideology - then the chances increase
that she'll do whatever you want
Once you're hesitant, afraid she might leave - she'll sense your weakness.
Women can change their opinions extremely fast if their surroundings intoxicate their brains
with harmful opinions
The target shouldn't be exposed to CLOWN WORLD (hoe friends, feminist co-workers, her
All these people have different interests than you.
Every influential leader
Really believes in what he's saying, even if his ideas are toxic
If you don't believe in your ideology with all your heart, the woman will disobey.
The first individual that needs brainwashing is YOURSELF.
In order to persuade a female to do what you want;
- Convince yourself that what you say is NORMAL
- Repeat the same ideas to her over and over again
- Position her in an environment where external factors don't ruin all the work you've put in
Learn life.
few tests that show me if a girl is a hoe or
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1. Behavior post sex
If I fuck a girl a few times then I focus on work or other stuff for a few days
And she's in the club or going out every single day
Girls who cannot stay at home and need constant entertainment although they're with
somebody are 100% bad blueprints
2. Drug use
If a girl loves cocaine, it's clear that she's not fit for a serious relationship.
She'll be the type who will always seek fun
Watching a movie or chilling in the house is boring for her
She'll distract you from your goals if you keep her around long term
3. Trap music
Girls listening to trap music/drill are always the lowest type of human beings.
Will not expand too much on this.
Just watch these hoes who know all the lyrics and shit
Can't trust them. They're shit.
4. Hoe friends
As Andrew Tate said in the past "Girls aren't friends in order to conquer or to build empires. They
become friends in order to be hoes together"
If she has a group of 4-5 single chicks, they're all sucking new dick every weekend.
Be careful G.
5. Her past
"My longest relationship lasted 1 year" = Men get rid of me fast, I'm shit
"I'm single for 2 years" = I've been sucking new dick every weekend for the last 2 years
"My ex was abusive" = Damaged
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6. Social butterfly
If you go out with her and she knows everyone = Hoe
If you listen to her speaking with her friends and they know all the popular guys in town = Hoe
who switches sides all the time and gets fucked by everyone
If she knows all the clubs, every party = HOEEE
7. Her standards
If she follows broke boys on Instagram or dated broke boys in the past = HOE
If she sucked poor ppl dick that means EVERYONE is your competition
Be careful she might even fuck some waiter at the restaurant if you're not paying attention.
8. Small details
Does she make the bed when you wake up?
Is she bringing you coffee?
Is she interested in pleasing you, giving you a little massage if you're tired?
Is she interested in your well-being or is she just a selfish person?
Pay attention to how she behaves.
9. Guy’s friends
"I get along better with men" = HOE
Men calling her / messaging her and she says they're her friends = HOE
Men and women cannot be friends, we all know this.
10. Mentality
"I don't want a serious relationship, I'm too young for this" = HOE.
Every serious girl wants a serious relationship. Only low-level hoes suck new dick without no
Women use on beta males THE SAME methods
that playboys used on them
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A playboy breaks her heart, lies, mixes up the charm with mystery, etc.
Extremely hurt by the playboy’s behavior, she then utilizes the same tools TO SUBDUE her
beta male suitors
Most Machiavellian women end up like this because of the dark triad men they’ve encountered
That’s why it ISN’T beneficial for a man to be in a long-term relationship with an “experienced”
female. Her experience means dealing with CHADS that have hurt her.
And their methods will be used by her with the purpose of taming YOU.
Learn life.
Top 3 lessons learned in the Webcam
Women would do anything for you when they’re genuinely in love. Obsessed. A woman in love
is a good ally to have by your side. She would work 12 hours a day to make you happy, to
demonstrate her appreciation for you.
Women show no mercy to beta men. The sweetest woman, the most caring females, would lie
and manipulate betas online for cash.
A chick once told me “You know what I figured out. I treat the customers like you treat me.”
The ruthlessness I subjected her to she then used to extract cash from wealthy Western
Women are loyal only to the man that’s currently fucking her. If she no longer loves you, she’ll
betray you, stab you in the back, flirt with your enemies, share secret information, and plot do
put you out of power.
Learn life.
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Nobody tells “THE TRUTH”
Truth doesn’t exist. It’s a subjective concept.
You can only tell YOUR truth
Deliver it with extreme conviction and others will eventually acquire it
Your opinion combined with their belief makes it valuable
And that value signifies influence and power.
INFLUENCE = The ability to convince other individuals that your views are unquestionable.
The capacity to persuade them into executing actions that predominantly benefit you.
When you say to a girl: “If you love me, you’ll tattoo my name on you”
Is your statement TRUE?
Maybe, for you. In reality, love can be demonstrated in multiple ways.
But that doesn’t matter. Your influence over her does. It shows that you are valued. That she
would be proud to carry your name on her flesh.
Now think. Do the women you interact with value your opinions? What would they do for
Think about how you can wield more power over your surroundings. It’s crucial.
Learn life.
When a man’s afraid he’s gonna run out of business, he’s gonna work continuously to succeed.
When a woman’s afraid you might leave her, she’s gonna work continuously to please you
Your girl should always be afraid you’ll dump her.
Fools have to say it. Threats.
If you’re good, this happens effortlessly.
Other girls flirt with you. Men in your circle come to you for advice. Some 9’s say hello at the
club while you’re with your chick. Etc.
When it’s obvious you have options, she’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.
Learn life.
In 2014 a reporter asked Andrew Tate if he has any advice for young men.
His answer:
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“Dump your girlfriend”
She’s been shagged by a bunch of men before you anyway so stop pretending she’s special.
If someone with more money than you showed a genuine interest in her she’d leave.
These hoes ain’t loyal.
Why would you be with a woman who’s not a virgin anyway?
If you knew the things I do to girls and how their boyfriends “love” them afterward, you’d
She is USED goods. SECOND HAND.
She will only complain and moan at you for training hard and if she isn’t moaning then, you’re
not training enough to ever be good.
Become a champ and just bang everyone else’s girlfriends.
That’s what I’ve been doing for years.”
Sunny days wouldn't be special if it wasn't for the rain. Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for
Your presence won’t be fully appreciated without moments of absence.
Your flowers won’t mean much without inflicting doubt into her soul.
Your “I love yous” won’t generate any emotion without some tears in her eyes.
You need to understand this dynamic.
Mixing the good and the bad.
The most popular song is called “Love the
way you lie”
You know why it has over 1 billion views on YouTube?
Because women don’t reward truth. They’re not interested in the harsh reality around us.
They want something else.
They want drama. Emotion.
Almost breaking up and then having passionate sex.
Catching you talking with another chick, crying to her girls saying she’s gonna leave you then
forgiving you and saying she’ll be yours forever.
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I remember talking one day to a friend.
His woman gave him 150k that month. She scammed an Italian of all his savings.
My friend didn’t give a fuck about his woman’s efforts and went to Dubai with another chick for
5 days.
His main chick found out by stalking that girl on Instagram.
While I was drinking a coffee with my homie, his girl was crying on WhatsApp, disappointed by
his behavior.
She was begging “Please, why do you do this. What do you want from me, I did everything for you. Do
you want to see me cry like this every day?”
He just sent her these lyrics and laughed:
Maybe I just wanna touch you, feel your warm inside again
Maybe I just wanna hurt you, the sweetest pleasure is pain
Women lie all the time.
After you fucked them a few times they’ll always say “I love you”
Words. Empty words.
In the pimp game, we know that there are specific actions that show you if she loves you or not
There are only 5 ways a woman can DEMONSTRATE that she loves you:
She makes you money
She tattoos your name on her
She never cheats
She’s by your side if you’re in prison
She’s a good mom to your children
All else is bullshit
Women have multiple personalities; they change when they’re with friends
They share your secrets
Your performances between the sheets
Laugh about the times you cried and begged for forgiveness, share other men’s IG profiles
between them
They need to be DISCIPLINED
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Men rely on their networks. Women rely on
their men.
That’s why men must go to nightclubs, restaurants, vacations
They need to bond with other men.
In order to make money, open new businesses, and create meaningful connections.
Women stay home and cook dinner.
Women try to transform you into a pussy
When they achieve their mission, they leave you and fuck a man they perceive as being a G
So, if you still want her in your life
Don’t be a pussy.
Simple reality.
Learn life.
Women = Sheep
The shepherd is herding the sheep to areas of good forage, protecting them from predators
and poisonous plants.
The man is taking decisions for the woman, keeps her away from toxic friendships, and
provides and offers protection.
Learn life.
Women are unreliable and moody so it’s not beneficial to have only one
She’ll annoy you, she’ll change her mind, she’ll bore you.
It’s like having just one t-shirt.
Once you have multiple t-shirts, you’re fresh every day. If one gets dirty, you change.
Learn life.
If you’re broke and lazy, she’ll be disappointed about your lack of resources
If you’re on the rise she’ll be upset, saying you’re always working
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If you’re rich she’ll complain about your “immaturity”, saying you’re always chasing pussy
Don’t listen to women.
The most trustworthy and effective soldiers are women
Men have testosterone. They’re competitive.
A protégé will sooner or later try to outshine you. After living under
your shadow, he becomes resentful. Jealous.
But an obsessed female doesn’t want your place. Only your heart.
Joe Lampton
Follow the codes ain’t no love for these
Be careful of who you put your trust in. Most of these women don’t deserve more than a night
and a bottle of wine.
They’ve already been damaged by others before you. They’re not virgins, they’re not money
makers, they’re not down-ass bitches, no rich family behind them. Just broke-ass bitches with
loud mouths.
Real G’s keep it M.O.B.
Money over bitches. Forever.
If you’re not chasing hoes, your woman will leave you
Chasing hoes requires you to be in shape, financially stable, and charming.
So, your woman will benefit from your constant upgrades
Having just one GF makes you comfortable which will lead to her leaving you.
Having a long-time girlfriend isn’t enough. Unsatisfactory sex life.
Having sex with random women isn’t enough. Lack of true love.
The best recipe is to have both girlfriends and hoes
Girlfriends take care of you when you’re in jail
Hoes take care of you after the club
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“Smart” girls are ugly or overly opinionated. Or both.
I am not interested in debating high-IQ subjects with females
Suck dick and make me happy with your silence
Take selfies and be horny
Touch my dick and beg for sex thinking I won’t fuck others.
Cry when I leave
The end.
You’re chasing important achievements
She's chasing you because of your status
It’s not gold-digging
It’s the way society always worked
An individual who’s admired by other men and wanted by other women is perceived as
Females despise weaklings. They ignore losers.
If your surroundings don't validate you as being important, you'll be reproductively
"Important" could mean handsome, influential, or rich.
Or you're bluffing but your charm deceives women into believing your act.
Due to their general physical inferiority, women developed the ability to read between the
They sense fraud because they're naturally born with Machiavellian traits
In the long run, you cannot fake your superiority. You must demonstrate it.
You move or you’re moved.
Men have an innate desire to financially flourish and to exert influence
Those who can't, choose to pretend they're morally superior by faking humbleness and virtue
Women don't care about morality; we're animals and she's fucking the most ruthless and
capable male available.
Boys get drunk and cheat
She finds out, he begs for forgiveness
She loses respect. The relationship becomes a mess.
Men get drunk and cheat
She finds out, he laughs
She forgives him and understands that he loves her, but he loves pussy too
Everyone is happy.
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The end.
Women are happier when men impose rigid
rules on them
Although it may seem counterintuitive
They’re aroused by strong, ruthless authoritarians that don’t hesitate to speak their mind and
guide them
They may not admit it, but they all RESPECT the man that couldn’t be deceived.
That’s why women flirt with their bosses and fuck their superiors
No woman wants to associate herself with a man who’s perceived as being weak
Bosses aren’t afraid of confrontation. Combined with the confidence they display this makes
them desirable and interesting.
Unpopular opinion:
If you piss on a female
You indirectly & automatically set a healthy dynamic in the relationship
And you open doors for cheating, vacations without her, kids with other women, and nights of
fun with friends and other hoes
A woman that sits quietly on her knees and takes the piss = Woman in love that understands
that men are in charge and superior.
Wielding power over females ONLY WORKS when you’re VERIFIABLY CAPABLE and
recognized as such by your surroundings.
You’re trynna train her to be submissive, loyal and to adopt traditional values
And she disrespects you
Cause fancy words delivered by the weak DO NOT MATTER G
The foundation that must be put in place
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In order to SPEAK and obtain something out of it
“You gotta respect me I’m your man!”
Ain’t nobody noticing you when you enter the room G.
She knows nobody respects you G.
Why should she do it?
Are hot women following you on Instagram?
Do other strong, rich, credible men want to be friends with you?
Do you have soldiers obeying your commands? Are men trying to emulate you? Teenagers
admiring your style? Wanting to be like you?
Why would females submit TO YOU?
Women don’t submit by default.
They can’t be convinced or forced to do something
Or she’ll never be OBSESSED with you. She’ll never TRULY OBEY.
Learn life.
Women exploit good men
They’re fascinated by evil
Darkness has always drawn women toward it
The female mind perceives darkness as intriguing and alluring
Her greatest enemy is boredom
Therefore, she’ll most likely pick what‘s more entertaining, even if it’s painful
Learn life.
A woman receives attention after taking pictures dressed in her $20 yoga pants
A man receives attention after years of struggle, mental breakdowns, war and sleepless nights
Is this fair? No
Is this true? Yes
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Accept reality and adapt accordingly
Learn life.
How to assess if she’s worthy of being your long-time girlfriend:
1. Could she seriously improve the quality of my life?
2. Is she capable of raising my children if I accidentally die after their birth?
3. Is she hot enough to sit at the same table with 10’s & millionaires?
POWER is the ability to impose your will on others
Women play the sex game, and their weapon is physical attractiveness
Men play the money game, their weapon is status
A man is as powerful as a beautiful woman when he's rich
A woman is as ignored as a broke boy when she's old.
I’ve NEVER met a female who was able to share with me mind-blowing conclusions.
Therefore, I’m not interested in deep convos with women
Give pussy. Sit sexy at the table and let the whole place stare at your tits. Cook. Make tea
when I’m sick.
No need for opinions.
The end.
Avoid being smart around girls
Cause being smart ain’t sexy and no girl would care about my “mindset”
Girls care about fun, 6 packs & fucking
After getting drunk with Moet
In places where other hot bitches go
With men that other hot bitches would fuck.
Learn life.
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In a beautiful woman's universe, weaklings
aren't acknowledged.
They don't exist.
Everyone around her is handsome, rich, famous, or all of the above
Game makes the difference
But before the game starts to matter
There are other assets that men must display
Imagine a 9
She's been on the market since she was 18
She's got at least a few thousand men following her on INSTAGRAM
She follows 200 of them
Because she's got options, she chooses to follow only the TOP TIER MEN
She doesn't even reply to average ones
Why would she?
Because all the pictures and stories she sees on IG are displaying men living the good life
She's "brainwashed" with the
Interiors of Benzes
Dishes from the best restaurants
Champagne in fancy clubs
Men with abs of steel
Designer items and exotic vacations
Therefore, her brain is wired to ignore everything that isn't from this type of lifestyle
Society, life, designed her to be this way
Because of her beauty, her friends are also 8's and 9's
They fuck bosses
So, her standards are extremely high
Her reputation is on the line
At dinner tables, her friends talk about their men. Brag about their accomplishments.
She can't disappoint and come up with some loser
She doesn't even know legit cucks
A loser in her universe may be a successful lawyer, a brilliant surgeon.
Even "losers" are high level
So, for a normal guy to end up knowing a legit 9
He must upgrade himself until he can compete with the men at the top
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Working on your game matters when you're at the same table with 9's
Money, Reputation, Strong IG and Friends.
Get all this and you'll have the chance to speak
If a woman says her man is cheating, she’s probably not pleasing him sexually
If a woman says her man is ignoring her, she’s probably asking for it
If a woman says her man is always with his friends, she’s probably boring as fuck
Learn life.
Women say they want peace and happiness
They actually want drama, uncertainty, stress, to be forced to stalk other females you fuck,
tears when you’re ignoring them, arguments about your “immature” behavior to be offended by
your misogynistic beliefs, to hate your crew.
Girlfriends are useful for recharging after long nights of alcohol and cheating.
Hoes are useful for experience, fun, and creating memories.
Girlfriends love you and are there for you no matter what you’ve done
Hoes are attracted to you and want to swallow cum cause you’re fun.
Learn to be Self-reliant
You don't need a woman to "hold you down"
A good, loyal woman is just a bonus to an already fun, healthy life
Avoid showing neediness
Women get obsessed with men who seem to not want them or need them at all
Not impressed > "You're my everything"
If you think that her “I love you” means she’s
obsessed with you, you’re wrong.
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What a woman says and what she does are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things.
She might say I love you, be sweet, and all that stuff, but in reality, she’s giving blowjobs to her
boss after work and flirting with 5 other guys in her DMs.
So, here’s how you know if she’s truly obsessed with you, and she isn’t lying:
She has your name tattooed on
She gives you all her money
She wouldn’t betray you for any amount of money.
Her willingness to sacrifice her own needs in times of turbulence.
She’s submissive.
No nightclubs.
No hoe friends.
No men in her social media.
If she doesn’t do EVERY SINGLE ONE of these, she doesn’t really love you.
My involvement in the adult industry since a young age.
This meant spending 10 hours per day alongside women
Some only worked for me, and others I fucked too
I’ve witnessed EVERYTHING
Them talking about cheating on their man, scamming random guys, or searching for sugar
Sexual experiences, how they manipulate men, how they try to ruin a man’s reputation by
saying he’s shit in bed, how they create fake accounts on INSTAGRAM and try to expose
married men to their wives.
Girls crying on the phone and pretending they love them then bursting into laughter once the
call ended
Drunk girls touching my dick on the night shift while their boyfriend was texting “Good night
sweetie have a productive day at work”
Girls can be YOUR WORST ENEMY if they don’t care about you
But they can also be the MOST LOYAL SOLDIERS if they’re certain that you’re the most
ruthless and valuable alpha in their proximity.
Be careful and become LETHAL.
Strength = Loyalty
Weakness = Destruction
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Learn life.
Idiots think women don’t want kids anymore
They want to reproduce, just not with you
90% of the chicks I fuck
Would INSTANTLY choose being impregnated instead of continuing with the plans they had
prior to meeting me
I communicate success, potential and excellent genetics
Women want me to cum inside them
I even tell them crazy shit like
“I’m gonna cum inside you, get you pregnant, then abandon the baby. You can raise it with
another man, I’ll come say HI after 15 years. Tell him he’s more mature than me and that he’s
not the stepfather, HE’S THE FATHER THAT STEPPED UP”
My ability to rewire a woman’s brain, to make her obsessed with me is spectacular
Multiple chicks with my name tattooed on them, multiple chicks on camera, main chicks, hoes
Learn the game and do whatever the fuck you want with women.
Trust me, it’s worth it.
Having bitches and their souls on the lock is a form of wealth.
Men want power in order to have bitches and sons and multiple loyal obedient wives
You want money, combat ability, soldiers, fame, etc.
Because you have testosterone and you want females to WORSHIP you
And bitches WORSHIP the men who are the most respected by other men.
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
A girl I’m fucking was talking about some bullshit astrological stuff
Of course, I told her I believe in effort and intent, not in luck and destiny (I would usually tell
her that she’s stupid and laugh about it but I opted for being serious cause I’m trynna brainwash
her to get me even more money on cam)
Anyway, she continued and said the stars told her that she’ll meet me, that she and her friend
were actually talking about her being with a man like myself
So, I asked her “What do you mean? How am I different than your last boyfriend, for example?”
She then said
“Very different. I don’t know. You’re just very dominant. I cannot control you. The way you’re sending
me to do shit for you, the way you’re asking for certain stuff…. I was the same with my ex. He was my
slave kinda in the way I am your slave right now. I know it’s wrong but I just can’t stop it you’re too
Girls are stupid but you must always read between the line
The main conclusion is this
Girls love being treated like DOGS, but only by the right MASTER.
They find it offensive if a weakling tries to enslave them. They resent him and deem him a
failure. They believe he’s pathetic.
They’re searching for a TRUE, GENUINE leader that is always a step ahead of them. that
moves intentionally and knows EXACTLY how to ask for things.
Girls want to be dominated by men who know how to DOMINATE.
Women who think disgust me
I tell bitches all the time
“Don’t think, leave that to me”
They’re like “Why?”
I’m like “Let’s do an IQ test, if you’re smarter, you can think and I will execute”
They reply “But maybe I am smarter”
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I respond “I have better results in life than you so shut the fuck up and do whatever I say”
Then they all say I’m right and stop talking.
The game is designed to benefit women
On dating sites, women utilize apps that amplify their beauty, make-up, and different kind of
sneaky tactics that easily transform a 5 into an 8
Consequently, it’s not strategically beneficial to be honest with girls.
Lie as much as you want, they do it more than you anyway
I was scrolling through IG one day and told the girl I was with “Why the fuck do all these 18-yearolds look the same”
She replied “Because of FaceApp, look I will show you”
Basically, this app costs them around 10 dollars per month if they buy the premium version
They change their jawline, cheekbones, waist, ass, etc.
They don’t even have the motivation to squat, because the app makes them “thick”
It happened to me multiple times to talk on the internet with 8’s and meet 6’s on dates
It happens to everyone who is constantly talking to girls
If the reality is this, why would men be honest about themselves to the opposite sex?
Overestimate your value, lie, cheat, brainwash them, use them
Do whatever the fuck you want and you can
Girls don’t deserve your honesty
Truth is for the few, delusion is for the many.
Joe Lampton
If your best friend was a paid assassin.
Would you feel safe around him? Or would you be afraid that he might kill you too?
You’d feel safe. because he’s your friend. He’s on your team, and you’re not his prey.
It’s the same with girls
“TOXIC” girls will easily damage 99% of the men they interact with, they may be dangerous
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At the same time, these females have the potential of being extremely valuable
The thing is, they’ll only submit to dark triad high-IQ strong alphas
If a man demonstrates that he’s more ruthless than them, they’ll obey
At first, they’ll utilize all of their methods in order to neutralize you, and when they see it’s
pointless, they give up and become subservient.
“GOOD GIRLS” don’t wait 25 years if you go to jail. They’re afraid of what society says.
They’ll get a job and marry some middle-class loser from a corporation.
“Educated girls” won’t quit college and move to another country for you, they won’t tattoo
your portrait. They prioritize THEMSELVES. Their family made them selfish.
“Shy girls” won’t commit crimes right beside you. They won’t work 12 hours on cam to
satisfy you.
Don’t be afraid of “crazy” girls. Just utilize their attributes to your advantage. This way you’ll
create the best soldiers.
My girls can easily fake relationships, lie to customers on webcams, take risks, do extreme shi,t
I’m not afraid of “crazy” girls with “red flags”. I can weaponize these “bad” traits.
Nobody talks about this because people on Twitter are dorks.
Women say they hate abusive men and advocate for female rights
Saying that they’re strong, independent, smarter than men ...
Then they beg you to tie them up and piss on them...
While being extremely wet when they know you cheat, although they’re also crying because
you do it...
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When a bitch says her ex was abusive/crazy, etc.
It means 2 things:
He was right
You’ll have to be crazier in order for her to love you
Learn life
When women talk bad about exes or men they know
I NEVER listen to or believe them
“Yeah, he isn’t good in bed”
“Yeah, he’s extremely stupid”
“Yeah, he was begging for me to come back”
“He abused me”
When I hear these things about another man, I instantly understand that he’s actually a playboy
These bitches NEVER mention losers.
If that certain man was trash, he would have been invisible to these hoes anyway 🤣🤣
When Germany lost the war, the Allied Powers accepted peace but imposed a lot of
exaggerated penalties
It’s the same with girls. If she wants to come back into your life after disrespecting you, not
following your orders, etc.
She must be a slave. And she must accept everything from you. In order to demonstrate that
she deserves a second chance.
Simple reality.
A girl that wants to make a cuck out of you
1. Request more and more time from you. Especially in the moments when you could have
been with other bitches (weekends, holidays, etc.)
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2. Tell you that your friends are a bad influence. Especially the ones that have bitches. She’ll
probably be ok with the weaklings that don’t cheat.
3. Try to brainwash you into believing in "stability”. She’ll say things like “you should act more
4. Try to inflate her value in order for you to see her as more important than she really is.
She’ll say things like “Look I’ve been with this guy (a guy richer than you) and he was
faithful, never cheated on me”
5. Try to attack the other female orbiters (ex. females that follow you on IG, females from
the past, females from work). She’ll say things like “X is a hoe she fucked Y and he dumped
her” and “Z is ugly. Don’t you see she looks like a raccoon”.
6. Make you jealous in subtle ways. She’ll make you aware that other high-status people are
trying to have her.
7. Compensate for all her bad intentions and for her agenda that undermines yours, by doing
small little gestures that make you feel like you’ve found your soul mate. (Ex. She’ll prepare
your favorite meals, she’ll do some sex shit she knows you enjoy, etc.)
At the end of the day. You want a female that’s young, hot, and loyal even though you’re not. (I
also want money because I’m a pimp)
If your woman isn’t this. And doesn’t bring value.
Hoes that always need drugs/clubs/vacations/ parties/action/friends
In order to be happy
Aren't good for you long term.
They're only useful for fun
A girl that loves you is entertained and has a good time
Even if you're in another room working
Low maintenance
I've never in my life
Met a female that was objectively smarter than me
I've only met girls who tried to SOUND SMART
And they were the most annoying
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"Oh, I read this book"
Fuck the book
Be sexy, submissive, and suck dick
When a woman gives you advice
Cover your ears
Don't listen to girls
They wanna tame you
They wanna transform you into a pussy
"You're spending too much time with your friends"
"You're a grown-ass man, we should live together"
"You're immature"
Shut up bitch.
Do not get angry when women have opinions
They’re just too stupid (emotional) so you’re wasting time by getting angry
1. Ignore her. Never start a debate.
2. If things get heated and you simply cannot ignore her (ex. She’s at your house) just throw her
out (without violence because they’ll go to the police 🤣)
Kings, when girls talk behind your back
"I hate him and I hate what he posts"
"He's evil"
"He's so arrogant fuck him"
"He's a psychopath"
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It's a compliment dressed up as a complaint
What you should actually be afraid of is girls saying
"He's such a great guy"
Females don’t want to admit it
But they’re in love with “crazy” men
If you stand out and show that you got balls
They’ll instantly notice you
They’re so used to simps that try hard to impress them
With the correct mindset, you can easily make girls subservient. They will respect you for your
masculinity and balls.
Girls care about the lifestyle they experience while being with you
A nice car to pick them up, fun activities & a bed to get fucked after getting drunk.
Fun lifestyle = A lot of females wanting to fuck you
Do interesting shit. Advertise it online. Get them interested. Fuck.
Girls tell you who they are and what they
Once you pretend, you're not judgmental and put the right questions.
Me: “So why did you break up with your ex? you probably cheated on him ha-ha”
Her: “No, he was abusive (then starts explaining)”
Me: “Hmm so you were disappointed with his low-level cruelty and wanted something more genuine
and eviler. that’s why you wanted me hahaha”
Make it funny and find out everything about her
After 1 date I know more than enough about every girl. And I make it seem funny too while
getting to understand her.
Me: “What did you do yesterday?”
Her: “Went to school, then chilled at home”
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Me: “So boring…Basically, you’re not fit to be with me … I like partying hard and drinking until I forget
Her: “Haha me too… Let me tell you a story I was at this party and I did blah blah (Basically she’s
telling you how bad of a degenerate she is)”
You just gotta set her up properly kings.
Can’t understand how some of you marry hoes without realizing it.
Submissive girls have men that stay
Opinionated girls have men that fuck and don't take them seriously
It's simple
Important guys are disgusted by female nonsense
Just shut up, be sweet and make everyone in the restaurant look at your ass, so they envy me
because you're mine.
If a girl took drugs prior to being with you
She's not relationship material
Drugs = Parties = Men = A lot of dicks
She got drunk for a few years before getting into cocaine
In those hard years, she accumulated a lot of sexual partners, disappointments, and health
Drugs present a different level of fun
It amplifies even mundane experiences such as sitting with a group of friends in a living room
Girls who are accustomed to this lifestyle are never satisfied with just drinking, or other
inferior levels of fun
They'll perceive you as boring
Her standards for pleasure are higher than normal.
You’ll have to go out of your way to satisfy her
As a man who chases success, you'll probably be interested in training, working too
So, you'd have to sacrifice your own ascent in order to entertain her
Which is not desirable.
Although toxic for long-term relationships, these girls are useful for creating crazy memories,
partying, etc.
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They'll bring other hoes too; they'll be more open to threesomes and other spontaneous ideas
you might have
Use them for what they're good at
Don't expect more.
Girls that say they hate a certain archetype of men actually love it
If they'd hate it, they wouldn't even know these types of people in the first place.
I went out with these 2 hot chicks and my friend
After we picked them up, they asked where we were going and we mentioned a restaurant that
was near
Those girls were saying “NO we don’t wanna go to that restaurant, it’s full of street pimps”
And I’m like “You hating on pimps?”
They’re like “Yeah if they were men enough, they’d make money themselves not send their women
abroad to fuck guys”
I replied “But maybe I’m a pimp too…maybe destiny brought me into your life in order for you to
meet a better, more ruthless… pimp”
Anyway, the idea is
If the girls REALLY hated pimps and tough guys. Why the fuck would they know these men
exist. Why don’t they just fuck normal guys with jobs? 🤣🤣
Then we started talking more and I asked one of the girls about why she broke up with her ex
and she replied
“He was gambling a lot… he was cheating.”
And I asked, “Gambling your money too?”
The conclusion is this.
Don’t listen to their worlds. See their decisions. The people they choose to associate
with. The men they follow on social media. Their past.
When you analyze all this data, you realize her words and her actions differ.
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Main chicks MUST be boring.
Sit in the house and work on something. Happy with a glass of clean water and you being there
now and then.
Should hate drinking, clubs, drugs, and your friends. Always stalking your social media.
If she's fun, she ain't wifey material
Learn life
Women used to have children with the men who killed their husbands in the war.
Although society pretends to be more civilized
The same principles apply today
If you’d fuck up her man and ex’s
Financially and physically, and you’re a bigger name and personality
She’ll be attracted to you
It’s pure competition. Superiority is appealing. Dominance.
They all want the upper-echelon guys who are perceived as being the most important.
To create this perception and seduce more women
Attack from all angles
Get bigger. Create the reputation that you’re dangerous. Get richer and make everyone know
that you’ve got money. Forge important alliances and let others be aware of it. Make people
pronounce your name as often as possible in as many circles as possible.
Some will think of you while being in bed with their men. Some will get a night with you. Some
will be your slaves. A few will carry your children. But they’ll know who you are.
Keep in mind that most men are ghosts and no one cares that they
breathe. Escape this level.
hot girls prioritize who you are over how
you look
Had a female friend in the club with me recently (a girl I fucked and friend-zoned)
A bouncer took her number, initially, she did not know who he is.
She liked him because he was big and handsome
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At the afterparty, she asked me about him and I told her “Oh yeah he’s my friend, a bouncer in the
club, good guy”
When she heard what’s his job she was like “Oh.. yeah he’s not even that hot”
She wouldn’t admit it but his shitty job made her not like him anymore, despite the fact that he
was working out and had a game
Ideally, you want a bouncer’s physical attributes but most importantly you want to BE
SOMEBODY and have money too.
If hot girls don't think that other hot girls like you
It will be difficult to have them interested in you
Think of it
It's similar to clothes
If you don't see someone you respect wear a brand.
You'll never buy it
Somebody with credibility has to make it COOL first.
Girls refuse to give pussy when they feel like they're your only option. They want to keep you
waiting so they establish dominance over you
When they SEE and KNOW you're the real deal. They give pussy due to FEAR. They don't
want to lose you for another woman. They'd rather comply
Think Chris Brown has to wait 2 weeks to smash a chick? No. She won’t keep him waiting, she
knows he’ll fuck another bitch that night if she doesn’t suck his dick.
Your strategy as a man should be the following
Make girls aware that you’re in demand. Let them know you don’t play games. This way they’ll
And girls only obey men they truly RESPECT.
Girls actually ADORE what they pretend they
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"Oh, that guy is too arrogant"
"Oh, I don't like these guys going to clubs and parties all the time"
"I don't like him, he's not serious, and has too many girls"
Blah Blah Blah
But these are the EXACT types they give pussy to🤣
girls who talk about scamming men and
being gold diggers
are one of the most disgusting types of humans
They never really achieve anything. Just some stories on Instagram and lots of dick.
A REAL "gold digger" marries some rich guy, submits to him, gives him sons, and shuts up.
These bimbos who think they're smart and hope high-value men will really wife them up
because they're hot are hilarious.
The guys just pretend they're stupid short term until they get bored of blowjobs then start
ignoring these hoes
You see it over and over again in major cities.
People who own or work in nightclubs will tell you
There are the same hoes switching tables every weekend.
Every time with some other guy, every time hoping somebody will fall in love with them
The men who pay for the bottles just use them for fun and then ghost them while laughing.
A SMART woman would just marry someone successful in his 40s. Show signs that she'd be a
good mother. Have some kids. Be a good obedient robot who makes his life easy. No drugs or
getting drunk with hoe friends. No showing ass on social media.
But most are too stupid for this.
Girls who were born in major cities are usually bigger hoes than girls who were born in small
towns or the countryside.
A smaller community means they were more careful of whom they had sex with and there
were fewer drugs and parties there
9 times out of 10 this conclusion is RIGHT.
Big city = I’ll fuck everyone because I can always reinvent myself, there are so many social
circles I could attach myself to
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Small city = Everyone will find out if I suck dick, gotta be careful who fucks me
I live in Bucharest, Romania - 3 million people
Every time I date a 20-year-old who was born here I feel a little bit inferior; they’ve been to the
clubs here since they were 14, they know everyone, took every drug, did everything, and every
TOP G knows them
Girls who just move here are purer and less experienced, at least you can show them new
The most exciting women are usually bad
blueprints for long-term relationships
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing
Everyone has their place on the chessboard
The "boring" wife who will wait for you if you ever go to jail
And the bad bitches you create memories with.
The sad part is that most men have NOTHING
Their girlfriend is useless, makes no money, isn't that hot and she's not obsessed enough in
order to accept cheating or to be around through bad times
And their "hoes" are just some corporate Tinder 6's that everyone could fuck 🤣
If a woman had multiple toxic relationships,
it's 100% her fault
She's attracting this type of energy in her life
I always laugh when I hear chicks mentioning all the toxic exes they've had, blaming it all on
Actually, they're to ones to blame because they lowkey like it.
"Oh, I dated this guy and found out he's married"
"I dated this guy he was cheating on me all the time"
Bitch, if you want someone who would respect you. why don't you date some corporate nerd
who is busy working? Or some dork entrepreneur looking like Gary V? Why only CHADS? 🤣
Women aren't realistic
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
A good-looking rich charismatic guy is NEVER single, he has and will have other bitches too.
He won't worship you.
Just be a good little option and accept the reality. Suck dick twice a week and stay home and
let the G do his thing.
High-value guys CHEAT
Imagine having free time, game, and money and NOT cheating
Who would want to fuck the same chick over and over again?
Trust me, NO ONE
Chicks should date some tech dorks if they want a monogamous relationship instead of people
who are clearly into fun and hoes.
Simple reality.
I had sex with a girl a few weeks ago then next morning I ordered some food and told her
"Hey please bring some forks"
She replied, "What am I, your slave?"
I kept a straight face and changed the subject
When she left and messaged me, I friend-zoned her.
These small actions reveal a lot about a person
You have to pay attention to these details and simply replace the women who display trashy
behavior patterns
Bring coffee. Give me a massage. Act nicely in front of my friends. Make the bed the next
morning. Clean the table, etc.
There's no point in investing time after you had sex if that girl isn't a GOOD BLUEPRINT
Doesn't matter if she's hot
There are plenty of hot girls who are ALSO feminine, sweet.
Don't settle for someone who does not deserve you.
Fuck more bitches and pick the right ones.
Joe Lampton
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Hottest chicks don't usually go out with you unless they already vibe with you
through texts, phone calls, and the things you post.
So, when you meet them, everything flows smoothly and you get to sex fast.
It's the uglier ones who are always autistic, and bitter and have no chemistry.
Every time I meet 9’s they’re fun and I don’t have to force things in order for them to like me
When I go below and meet some woman who is just cute or above average it’s like her vibe is
shitty and she holds a lot of pain in her heart because she knows she ain't super attractive.
You'll always hear these ones judge other women, especially beautiful ones
"Oh, I don't like plastic surgery"
"Oh, these Onlyfans girls are hoes"
"Oh, I want a career I wanna become a doctor I wanna be independent"
These FROGS are always annoying
A 9 is super comfortable, chill, and 0% frustrated
Bad bitch = Positive Energy
FROG who looks average = Harbors hate in her heart because she's constantly outshined by
other women in terms of beauty.
A girl with perfect teeth, big tits, nice ass, pretty face who is always complimented for her
looks, behaves better than a female who lacks these physical attributes
Physiognomy is REAL.
Every hot chick who is older than 23 has
been mentally abused by other men
Furthermore, she's been through it all with others
Nothing can impress her anymore. Nothing can disappoint her the same anymore. She's
expecting every move from you. It's basically no fun except for some sex
"That guy took my money"
"That guy had another relationship while he was with me and I found out"
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"That guy hit me"
"That other guy kept me in the house and told me to ignore all of my friends I can't stand this"
"I was engaged and he wanted a baby but I had an abortion"
All of the lies you were planning to tell her, all of your mind games, all of your excuses
whenever you want some new pussy... she knows exactly where it leads to
She's expecting it, she's able to read it
It's pointless to even try, she won't even cry for you ..too damaged 🤣🤣
You want to "brainwash" women in order for them to love you but older chicks have been
through this already and try to avoid all those rules, all those restrictions you'd want to impose
"Don't go out without me"
Have fun with older chicks, some are hot
Have long-term relationships with younger women who've experienced less abuse from men
with dark triad traits
You can't SHOCK them anymore with NOTHING - Good or Bad.
Learn life.
Women are a distraction Ain't true if you're a G
Women can be useful for 3 things:
Status symbol
If they truly love you, they're down for you more than friends or even family
Making money
1. Status symbol
Who’s the richest guy in the club?
Who gets the most attention when walking into a restaurant?
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The guy with a baddie next to him
Every high-value man likes having hot chicks just like he likes luxury clothes or accessories.
2. Loyalty
Who waits for criminals when they go to jail?
Think your friend cares? He'll be having his own family and problems if you're locked up.
A woman who is OBSESSED with you will come visit every week and do whatever it takes
outside in order for you to be all right.
3. Money
Nowadays, with all the simps on the internet, it's a MISTAKE to not have your girl on
Onlyfans or on webcam
Rather than having a corporation brainwashing her and her boss hitting up on her
It's better to monetize her beauty online while enjoying large profits.
If you're smart
Women can represent HIGH-VALUE assets for you
If you're stupid
You'll just waste time chasing secondhand pussy on Tinder while others build their empires.
Learn life
Girls interrupt you from work and want constant attention because they don't understand
things like focusing, hustling, productivity, etc.
They're so used to this simple female life where they just exist and everything comes to them the parties, the fun, the good life
Even the chicks who aren't complete hoes live a very simple life
Wow, you sit in front of books 2 hours a day & you call yourself "ambitious"
It's not even a flex to go to college nowadays - every idiot can easily do it.
As a man, you need time spent alone or with your brothers - building your business, training,
plotting the next moves
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Can't have some bitch 24/7 stressing you out because she's bored and wants to watch Netflix,
hug, or go out.
Female energy loses its value if it's there too much.
Stupid men make the mistake of falling in love with the wrong women
The kind of women who necessitate full-time attention
These hoes can't stand still and always look for entertainment
If you're not providing it, they'll just go out with someone else
They're not GF material.
You need someone who understands that you're not always available & who appreciates the
time spent together, even if it's a few hours every week
Can't stay every day with her, losing your edge as a man and becoming soft
She's gotta be the type to stay at home when you're busy.
"OH, look that guy is in his 30's but he's with a 19-year-old"
"OH, his lies don't work with older women"
You hear women and losers saying this all the time
Blah Blah
The reality is every man wants young, naive, sweet girls
At least they ain't have time to suck that much dick🤣🤣
To be honest, I don't have a problem fucking older girls, some of them are super-hot especially
due to plastic surgery (which is extremely popular here in Eastern Europe)
After 2-3 weeks you realize they're too damaged due to their failed relationships from the past
Simple reality.
"Only Fans girls are hoes haha"
If your chick has a regular job
She‘s around men all day. Bosses, clients, etc.
Always flirting
When you’re with an OF girl, you are THE BOSS.
She only sees you & your friends when you go out
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Who has more opportunities of being a hoe?
"My girl is smart she's gonna be a lawyer"
Who cares G
Imagine a complaining 30-year-old lawyer girlfriend. Opinions, high self-esteem thinking she's
"strong" and "independent"
Cancel that bitch.
"Yeah, but I don't want other men to see her naked"
Bro all of you have girls who slept with 20+ dudes, they're on other guys’ phones sucking dick,
they sent hundreds of nudes, etc.
At least get paid bro
Unless you're a millionaire you shouldn't have these kinds of thoughts.
Nobody said you gotta marry and have kids with an Only Fans chick
It's just a temporary solution, a means to an end
Get the cash
To be honest you're probably too broke to have principles anyway 🤣🤣
Single women in their 30s ended up this way due to their arrogance
Should've just worshiped your ex and accepted that everyone cheats when you were 22
But you chose to suck new dick again and again thinking you'll find someone "perfect"
Funny how you're single with no kids.
A chick can’t be happy without having a man around. Someone she can have a family with in the
She can lie to herself that going to festivals & getting fucked by random Tinder matches is
But being slutty was never something to be proud of as a woman.
Funny how girls think
So last weekend one of my friend’s side chicks met with a girl who used to hang out with us
The girl told his side chick
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"I hate Joe he talks bad about me to everyone. Saying I take drugs and give pussy to random people"
It's funny that ... I was just talking THE TRUTH🤣
For me "talking bad" means someone spreading lies
For a girl, "talking bad" means men with balls who don't shy away from telling others how a
Like wtf... It's your fault you take drugs and fuck men at after-parties, not mine. I'm just speaking
If another man asks me about a chick
I will tell him what I know, and also provide proof to back it up. I'm not a gender traitor.
I'd rather make someone else aware that a girl is shit instead of being her "friend"
That's nerd shit.
Anyway, fast forward to Sunday I was on the beach with a group
At one point, another hoe who used to hang out with us came to say hi
She asked me about a girl I was fucking
I replied "Yeah I still fuck her now and then. She recently tatted my name too; look I'll show you a
Then this girl called the one with the tattoo
"Oh, Joe is talking bad about you"
When the girl with the tattoo asked me about it, I said exactly this
"Idiot, you have my name tatted on you & you suck my dick whenever I'm bored of other hoes. This is
the fucking reality. SHUT UP"🤣🤣
Women care about how they're perceived by others, in terms of morality and body count.
But why should you care? 🤣
You should care about fucking everyone and bragging about it so you get even MORE CLOUT
No mercy kings.
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The reasons why chicks are obsessed with
traveling are these:
1. They've been fucked by everyone in their hometowns already and want to start off fresh
somewhere else
2. As a woman, your local reputation doesn't matter, you're valuable anywhere and can
easily find dick.
A girl can go to Ibiza, Dubai, etc.
Get free tables and dick from someone hot
Then go back home and pretend nothing happened
Telling her next boyfriend "Oh only had 2 dicks. I was in 2 serious relationships that's all"
Chicks never count one-night stands, vacations, etc.🤣🤣🤣
As a man
If you go to another country
It's quite difficult to penetrate elite circles and have sex with the best girls if you only stay there
for a week
You'll end up spending a lot with minimum ROI
Drunk memories that won't matter because you leave anyway and no one remembers
From a strategic standpoint, it’s way better to pick a home base and spend a lot of money
You'll end fucking every hot chick.
Everyone will know who you are. Staff and club/ restaurant owners will treat you like you're
royalty. Local G's will come and shake your hand.
If you're Andrew Tate with global-level clout and money
You can easily attack any location in the world.
End up at the best tables. Get replies from blue ticks on Instagram even though you've just got
there. Have the local shot callers interested in meeting you.
But, if you're a stupid weird American nerd
Just stay the fuck there or move somewhere and stay still until you're perceived as a local. Until
you understand how things work.
Don't be the creepy foreigner who everyone wants to scam 🤣🤣🤣
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Girls don't get pleasure from achievement
like men do
We can go to sleep satisfied after a hard workout or a successful day in business
Girls get pleasure from entertainment
A man with money can provide fun and spontaneity
This is why 9's usually fuck rich guys. Money tames boredom.
"I fly Mykonos tomorrow, wanna come?"
"We go to the club on Saturday wanna come?"
Being involved in activities that seem entertaining facilitates MORE hot girls.
A broke boy would say
Correct. I fucked a bunch of attractive females myself when I was making zero money.
But it did not happen so often. And it was way harder.
Used to fuck a girl when I was 17 whose boyfriend was 38, who drove a Porsche and lived in a
She was in the same class as me and we used to smoke weed in the bathroom and fuck at school
But she was THE ONLY GIRL at that level I fucked that year. I had the luck we met at school.
Imagine the 38 old BF. He could have had girls like her every week. For me she was special. For
him, she was just a girl.
His status facilitated access to pretty girls on a daily basis
My status back then only facilitated that kind of girl rarely, with some luck involved too.
People who have money, clout, and a nice lifestyle are always in the presence of attractive women
because they're at the right place at the right time
The right destinations, the right clubs, the right tables, in the right circles.
For them, it's not a surprise to fuck a 9.
Game is also important here
Not everyone who is rich also gets pussy
The same with looks
Not everyone who is in shape is necessarily a playboy
Game plays a huge difference amongst men who have status.
The individuals who became rich and have zero game tend to be used by women.
Some finance their lifestyles - sugar daddies
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Some pay for their meals in fancy places
Every girl lowkey wants a reliable beta with money to give her things without receiving nothing
in return.
Learn game from an early age
Don't rely just on money to attract girls, gotta start the hard way when you're a nobody
and gain some experience
When you make money spend and create a nice lifestyle in order to get the baddest
bitches because girls wanna have fun
Younger, inexperienced girls are afraid of
older, hotter bitches
They think these hoes will steal you from them due to their sex appeal & sexual experience
Older women are afraid of young, naive chicks. They know men value purity so they don't want
to lose you to some virgin.
I like to keep all kinds of girls around me and fuck with their heads by reminding them what
they lack
I'll tell an older chick
"Yeah, you're ok... But other men had you too. I feel disgusted"
"Other men came on your face and you think I'd ever consider you my girlfriend."
Then I'll tell some inexperienced chick
"You're all right, but you ain't crazy enough in the bed like my ex-bitch..."
"I like hoes with fake tits and shit. I don't think you're enough for me. you don't know shit anyway."
When you criticize a woman and you're never satisfied
You make her work harder in order to please you
You can find flaws in everyone. Just gotta point it out and watch her improve.
Most guys show they're happy so the bitch doesn't put extra effort into pleasing them.
There's a major discrepancy between a girl's profile on Instagram and her actual looks
So before inviting her to a date in a nice restaurant/to some party
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Make sure you at least call her on FaceTime. Ideally, invent some excuse to see her for 5 min in
front of her house.
"Yeah, I was driving through your neighborhood. Come downstairs let's smoke a cigarette together for 5
minutes, I gotta go meet someone soon anyway, can't stay long"
This way you avoid unpleasant situations
With all these photo editing apps anyone can look hot on the internet
Especially fat chicks, they edit themselves in order to look like those black chicks in rap videos
Big ass, small waist, etc.
I’ve seen so many dudes drive for hours to meet hoes who were below average, or even fly
them to their city although the girl wouldn't deserve such treatment.
Back in the day, as a woman
You had to hit the gym, manage your diet correctly, and even invest money in plastic surgery
In 2022 they just pay 30 dollars per month on some app and save all this time and effort lol.
The attention they get from men makes them arrogant too.
As a man, you're judged mainly based on your lifestyle
Hard to fake the house you live in, the money you spend doing different fun things, etc.
As a chick, you're judged based on your looks.
It's easy to make your teeth white with an app, your waist small, your ass bigger, etc.
Anyway, the conclusion is:
In order to not waste valuable time with ugly women
In order to not feel embarrassed in some familiar coffee shop
with some sewer rat next to you
Just vet her a little before getting too excited
Joe Lampton
Learn life.
If a chick wasn't a virgin before meeting you, it's nothing wrong with having her on Onlyfans
She cried because of others, swallowed cum, etc.
It's only right to make some money out of her
Only girls you should protect from the cruel world outside are the PURE ones
As a high-value man who worked for years in order to be somebody
Thousands of hours in the gym, all the suffering, embarrassments, moments when nobody gave
a fuck about your opinions, etc.
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Why would you respect that much a woman who gave pussy left and right before meeting you?
I mean yeah
Behave politely, don't be violent, pay the bill in the restaurant, etc.
The whole, keep her home, provide, buy her shit... Doesn't make sense unless that particular
female gave you, her virginity.
To be honest, seen so many idiots spoil sewer rats who didn't deserve it
Relationship’s function when there is reciprocity
You sucked dick at 18 > You pay me
You weren't a virgin > Don't expect me to claim you as wifey and treat you like a princess
There are so many men willing to sacrifice everything for women like this
Just not me
Sorry baby.
Every man cheats
90% cheat by masturbating to porn. They’re the kind of men who beat women and are always
angry, and frustrated.
The 10% that cheat IN REAL LIFE, are the ones who are always in shape, have their game on
point and work harder to get money.
Only stupid females get upset when their man has bitches. The real Queens know it’s
something normal. And accept it.
The reason why most women are stupid? They subconsciously know they don’t deserve a highstatus man. So, they annoy him in order for him to leave them, so they can be with a low-status
worm. Your mind pushes you towards what you deserve.
Furthermore, its low IQ for a female to annoy a man who cheats. You’ll get another man, and
he’ll cheat too sooner or later. You’ll keep accumulating dicks and you’ll start losing your value.
Get cheated on by one guy > switching dicks and getting cheated on by everyone.
I like girls who cry and beg me to forgive them even for minor shit
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
Like just come to my house, sit in front for 2 hours and tell me how you won't annoy me next
"Yes, I know I shouldn't have complained about that bitch, just pleaseeeeee forgive me”
I like girls who want to prove themselves by doing things they know I'd like
Like prove you're better than the other women I have
Go FURTHER with your submissiveness
Show me you're worth keeping
Sex and shit are basic
Make me feel like it's a flex having you around.
I like girls who RESPECT the vibes I've cultivated inside of my UNIVERSE
I keep creative, positive energy around me
A female should AT LEAST not mess with this
I don't wanna hear about problems, poor health, lack of money, and similar bullshit
Talk abundance, luxury, winning
I like girls who care less about how they're perceived and more about how I'm perceived by the
"You made me look like a fool by showing up with that other chick"
"Oh, you posted that story now people think I'm a hoe"
Hate these egotistical types.
Big ego - male trait.
I like girls who UNDERSTAND and RESPECT my goals
Actually, I like girls who put MY GOALS above theirs
Avoid "dream killer" females who try to manipulate you into wanting things that only benefit
Like moving with them, not having hoes, neglecting your friends or business
I like girls who accept that I'm smarter, more capable, and more experienced than them so they
don't start pointless low-IQ arguments.
Like bitch I don't say things that aren't factual
Stop thinking your opinion matters
Nobody cares
Accept what I say and just execute.
"You think I'm the stupid like the girls you're used to!?"
"You think I'm naive"
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Blah blah
These kinds of statements disgust me
Just be like the other "stupid" girls
The more you shut up the more you'll spend time around me
Bad vibes/opinions/arguments -> You won't see me too often
I like girls who are aware that a beautiful woman is a man's most precious accessory, so they're
always dressing sexy, with make-up on, high heels, etc.
This is like the first step to impressing a man
Be on point ALL THE TIME
Even in the house. Even her pajamas must be high quality.
I like "explosive" women. Like an engine on gas.
Coffee is over she INSTANTLY went and made you a new one
She knows you didn't eat for a few hours. She's INSTANTLY begging to cook
Most women are like a diesel engine. It takes a few seconds more to start doing shit 🤣🤣🤣
I like girls that adopt good mottos in life
"My money is your money"
"I don't care if we go to the club or not. I just wanna be with you"
"As long as you love me, I don't care if you fuck other hoes"
As opposed to low-IQ hoes that have been brainwashed by feminism.
In order for you to feel SATISFIED that you're with a certain female in a long-term
She has to:
1. Be sexy all the time
2. Make you feel it's a flex that you're with her cause she's doing all kinds of crazy shit to keep
Learn life
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
The same girl who sucks your dick 3 hours after you met her, although she knows you’re toxic
and you have a girlfriend
Will make other men wait for sex, will pretend she’s a good girl who wants something serious,
It all depends on how she perceives you
Playboy or Sugar Daddy
Fun and attractive or some reliable beta who would work 12 hours a day to take care of her
Women aren’t honest unless you BAIT THEM
into it
This is a theory I developed recently
Girls aren't as straightforward as men
They're accustomed to the politically correct approach
Consequently, they'll rarely say what they actually think about you
The only time you'll hear their REAL perception of you is in heated arguments
In order to understand how a particular woman sees you
Start some shit
Just make her angry out of the blue, without any specific reason
She'll start replying with insults. She'll start telling you uncomfortable "truths". Things are
hidden inside. She'll reveal her true beliefs.
Take all those statements she made when she was "angry" & accept that it's the truth behind
the social mask. It’s the things she wasn’t so comfortable saying.
As I explained above, due to their nature, females aren't usually confrontational
So, they won't attempt to be honest and risk offending you most of the time when it's all ok.
If a woman calls you a "loser" when she's angry, she thinks you're a loser. This is her REAL
perception of you.
Think of it.
A chick who genuinely considers you a G would never choose this specific insult, even if you
mistreat her badly. She'd probably just cry and play the victim role.
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
When things are going fine and you do everything in your power for a woman to be happy - she
will play a ROLE and hide her true beliefs and intentions
You can discover her perception of you only in one specific circumstance
Learn life.
Was in the club 2 months ago
4 guys who had no bitches were sitting next to my table
At some point, one of them bothered one of my hoes so I went to talk to him. Then out of a
sudden a chick I was fucking got in front of me and started arguing with that guy 🤣
This was enough for me to ghost her forever.
Women shouldn’t talk when the man they’re with is talking, especially in potentially dangerous
Woman arguing = Bad blueprint = If you keep her, she could get you in serious trouble later
Small gestures and small signs show you a lot and help you predict the future.
Same in situations when you’re having conversations with friends
And the chick you’re with opens her mouth without you asking something
Opens mouth = Opinionated = Not enough respect for you/men, in general, = Bad blueprint
Always analyze the small shit. It reveals EVERYTHING
Think if your girl was dating in the future, she'd be expecting him to not have bitches?
Think she’s expecting him to come to say sorry?
She'd probably be the one begging at his door
Your girl would treat a man she respects differently
She just doesn't respect you.
All the SMART girls I've met, who were in successful long-term relationships had this
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Girls: These Hoes Ain’t Loyal
"I know he's fucking hoes, but he's still my man"
While all the stupid girls I've met were just switching dicks thinking they'll find a man who’s
different. Unrealistic expectations.
LOW IQ girl thinks:
"I'll find a new man who’s gonna treat me like a princess, I deserve better! I'm hot so I'll be with
someone who will appreciate me more!"
*Then fucks guys who behave nicely BEFORE sex and ends up cheated on again when they get
bored of her too🤣🤣
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Dating: Hoe Management
Dating: Hoe Management
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Dating: Hoe Management
Chapter IV
Dating: Hoe Management
My girlfriend catches me cheating every week
Every person that knows me personally is aware that this statement is true.
The reason why she ain't leaving is this
I told her two things
1. "Look. You'll get with another man and he'll eventually cheat too. Then you’ll start switching men
until you're old and no one wants you anymore. Just let me cheat in peace, at least you have a
solid long-term relationship and a man you can rely on“
2. “It hurts me to see you hurt. But it would hurt my soul way more to not have bitches. I’d simply
hate myself & would have no motivation to work hard if I knew that I’d be stuck with you all my
It’s simple
Every high-quality chick accepts her man fucking some pussy.
Only low-quality females leave if you’re messing around with hoes.
Wow. You left and now you’re with another man that chats on IG and fucks 18-year-olds too.
Dates are basically:
1. You telling her stories that qualify yourself as high value, interesting, funny
2. You lying that you won't leave her after u smash
3. Letting her talk about herself in order to find out if she's got potential for a long-term
4. Flirting
5. Freestyling some game
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Depending on the moment, the girl, and your position in life - the percentage of time dedicated
to one of the subjects above may vary
For example
Nowadays when I go on dates, and even prior to the date
I have to convince girls I won’t fuck them and leave them
They always say
“Heard you’ve been with X and Y how come you didn’t stay with them”
“So the girls that tattooed your portrait, are they still your girlfriends”
“I’m sure you can’t have a serious relationship”
“I’ve heard you’re in the adult industry I’m sure you have girlfriends that do Onlyfans”
Anyway, I assume most men don’t have my “problems”
Most have problems on dates because they don’t have the flow, the conversation is stalling, and
everything is boring.
It all starts with your lifestyle
It’s impossible to be boring if your lifestyle is fun
And it’s hard to be fun if your lifestyle is too “disciplined”
What the fuck are you gonna talk about if all your life is work-gym-sleep
Once you start doing interesting shit, things will happen, which means you have infinite topics for
An exciting lifestyle requires money and freedom so I guess you have to fix this.
But regardless of your status, you can be FUNNY
By the way
The most skilled guys I know don’t even have a lotta cash. Usually, people obsessed with getting
rich didn’t have pussy, this is why they worked hard in order to be somebody. Only exceptions
were interested in being successful even if they had girls. I’m one of the exceptions.
Ideally, you want to be able to say funny things out of nowhere. You should be good at this.
There are times when I go grab a coffee with girls and I just start saying stupid shit but it always
works. I don’t even have to tell stories. I’ll just freestyle some topics.
Let’s say I’m on a date and the girl has a job
I’ll say
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Dating: Hoe Management
“Oh get me a job at your company. I wanna be the boss, I wanna toy around with you at work and give
you commands”
“Is your boss hitting up on you? Tell him you’re my girl now. He’s a loser anyway, would take me 20
seconds to KO him”
Or I’ll ask
“What do u wanna do when u grow up”
They all say they wanna have a business or something I don’t know.
I’ll say
“Ohh perfect … when we’ll have a kid and I’ll abandon him I don’t have to pay child support…you’ll be
rich enough to take care of him while I’m smashing other chicks”
“Oh, you wanna be a boss like me…Your dream is to emulate me”
Sometimes I’ll ask how much did she stay with her ex and why they broke up
If she says her man cheated or something I reply
“I think divinity wanted you to leave that weak man and be with someone who will cheat and traumatize
Also when you’re on a date you should already plan the next move
I do it this way:
“Do you have hot friends?”
*Everyone in Romania I know is somewhere between cute and hot so they all have some friend
So I say “Oh perfect I’ll be Cupid on the weekend. I’ll get her a boyfriend. I have a friend whose perfect
for her”
“On the weekend we’re going to the club/ We’re drinking together. We’ll drink vodka. I decided for you”
They always say “Oh how come you decide for me”
And I reply “The man decides, the women obeys..everyone knows this..”
These are just some random examples that fit my personality. But I can just freestyle funny things
all day long.
The idea is:
Don’t be boring
Be someone worthy of respect so you don’t look like an idiot when you’re cocky with
Have some interesting stories so you can mix it up between flirting and freestlying.
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Dating: Hoe Management
Another thing.
A lot of pickup artists talk about getting sexual with the girl when you’re on a date
I usually don’t do this because I already planned the next step, which is to get drunk with her on
another day and maybe fuck her then.
Of course, there are moments when girls want to drink from the first date so we just drink and
I fuck them but usually, I just drink a coffee.
I’m not necessarily trying to escalate toward kissing. But if the moment requires it I’ll do it.
The things I’m trying to do are:
Go somewhere where there are couches so I can have her sit next to me
Try to touch her while I’m speaking with her (I don’t know her hand or something) in
order to get her comfortable with me
Sometimes I kiss them when I leave them home, sometimes I don’t. It depends.
Conclusions on the “perfect” date:
Be funny and able to have flow
Tell interesting stories
Keep her next to you, look into her eyes when u speak
Plan the next move, next date, next time you’ll see her
Rules on Dating Women
Rule 1
When you're with a chick at some restaurant/coffee shop, make sure there are no more than 5
seconds of silence in the conversation
If you have 0 ideas just say something stupid/silly
Being a weird dork is the biggest turn-off for a female
Rule 2
Sit next to her, not in front of her
This way you can talk into her ear, touch her and create a connection faster
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Basically, you attack from multiple angles - She feels your touch, she can smell your fragrance,
and she can hear you talk regardless if there’s noise around.
Rule 3
Body language - Sit like you own the place
It's easier if you're familiar with the spot. This makes you feel comfortable.
Don't show doubt, be relaxed like you're the biggest G in town.
Rule 4
Tell FUNNY and CAPTIVATING stories that make her understand that:
you're a boss and people respect you/worship you
you have bitches and women adore you
you have an interesting lifestyle and you're not some boring idiot who just works and
Rule 5
Keep it fun
If she tries to impose her own frame, talking about serious stuff like her education or job just cut
it off by saying something "silly"
Her "I wanna open a business and..."
You "I wanna have 5 baby mommas like Future and let them raise the kids alone”
Rule 6
If you sit in a restaurant for too long it will inevitably get BORING. Don't stay more than 45 min
to 1 hour.
Prepare you ESCAPE
If she's heavy into you tell her you wanna have some drinks at your place
If not, just order the bill and tell her you have a meeting soon, etc.
Rule 7
Always have the next step in mind & repeat it to her during the date
"Let's go to the club on Friday"
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"I'll throw a party tomorrow at my place, wanna come?"
This way it raises the chances that she won't make other plans for the following days.
Of course, if you live in the Western countries or if it's a date from Tinder - you can just go for
drinks directly and attack a one-night stand after.
Feel her VIBE. You can see it in her eyes if she came there having sex on her mind or not.
Read the signs and act accordingly.
Rule 8
Analyse if she has hot friends
If so, tell her to bring them over next time so your boys can have fun too.
Furthermore, her friends tell you a lot about her. So if you think of something serious, meeting
her girls takes you a step further into knowing the target.
Rule 9
Make sure your house is clean, make sure you have condoms with you, make sure you took a
shower before, make sure you have enough money on you etc.
You don't know what can happen.
I had situations where I went on dates and returned home 2 days after
The chick might be heavy into you and tell you to come to her place
Or she can be the spontaneous type and you can just drive to another city and return home the
next day
I've had all sorts of crazy shit happen
Rule 10
Repeat the same shit with every woman. Let her adapt to you.
I can go on 5 dates per day
Why? I'm efficient with my energy. I say the same things. It comes easy because I rehearsed it a
Normal people are drained after 1 hour with a woman. They adapt to her.
Adapting to her makes you improvise, requires creativity and energy
Fuck that.
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Playing a role is some nerd shit.
Be yourself and dating will be perceived by your brain as something easy, like brushing your teeth.
Learn life.
If you're in a relationship and you're not living life as if you're single, you should break up with
your girlfriend.
The point of having a relationship
Is to get a woman that improves your life AS A SINGLE MAN
Your mentality should be
"Ok now I've got hoes and I'm doing well. Let me find a good blueprint who I can mold into being the
perfect wifey without me getting rid of my old habits"
I don't see the point of SELLING YOUR SOUL in order to have someone to love you
All these nerds losing their lifetime friends, not having fun anymore, and not having exciting
Just because they're with some chick???
Wtf bro
It's not how it should be, trust me.
Having a good woman around is CRUCIAL
Good woman = Hot, super obedient, she's there when it's hard, takes care of you when you're
sick, she's useful and you can delegate tasks to her, you see her as a potential mother of your
children, she prioritizes your agenda above her own.
This doesn't mean you should not be allowed to occasionally get drunk with hoes or leave for a
weekend with your boys
Most men aren't allowed to listen to their heart
They're in prison
Winning one way but also losing their masculine edge because their chick is crazy.
I know lots of people who would love to have other relationships
Would love to smash some 18-year-old baddie
Would love to hang out more with the boys
But the price is too high. The price is their main chick leaving or sucking another dick. This threat
makes them SLAVES.
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Especially after people like Tate and me popularized the concept of having your girl on cam or
I see guys SELLING THEIR SOUL so their chick makes money
Convince her to work regardless of the fact that you're spending it all on yourself or with other
I'd never accept the idea of compromising my freedom in order to please a woman
I'd rather normalize a reality where I live life like I'm single despite the fact that I have a girlfriend
Ok a chick doesn't agree with this
Who cares
I'm sure I'll find someone who accepts it.
A proper long-term relationship means you're living life as if you're single WHILE ALSO having
someone who loves you and does whatever the fuck you want.
Loyalty AND fun
Crazy experiences with hoes AND someone at home waiting for you.
Men who don't have big egos settle for
"Yeah I'm with her ‘cause she loves me!"
"Yeah we have great memories together"
"Love" is a subjective, vague term
What is she ACTUALLY doing in order to improve your current situation?
Can you brag that you're with her?
Men who have narcissistic traits usually end up in the best relationships
Could be multiple things, depending on where you’re at in life
“Yeah bro she’s a straight 10 with 100k on Instagram, I’ll use her to get more clout”
“Yeah bro this chick takes care of everything, she’s helping me raise my son from my past relationship”
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"Yeah bro this chick makes me 40k/month"
"Yeah bro this chick accepts everything, I live as if I'm single, can fuck any hoe I want”
"Yeah bro she's from a good family, I took her virginity"
On the other hand
The weak are constantly persuaded by females to accept scenarios that do not benefit them
"My past doesn't matter anyway!"
"I won't work for you, I want a man who pays for everything"
"If you cheat then I'm allowed to cheat too!"
Most men live this way.
Of course, the broke boys, drug addicts, unsuccessful guys, etc. deserve such treatment
But as a man who considers himself competent, you should expect a woman to AMPLIFY a life
that's already nice.
You should constantly ask yourself
"IS SHE ENOUGH for me to take her seriously?"
I'm not saying you should exploit women in any way
I'm just saying that if your life is GOOD without a particular female, then it makes sense to keep
her ONLY if she makes your life GREAT
What is she bringing to the table? Real life, palpable actions not empty words
"Love" Lol
If you're a man who works hard and has some results
The women you're dealing with should be AWARE of this and respect you
Respect = She's ACTUALLY striving to make you interested in keeping her
She's ACTUALLY analyzing what you need and putting in the effort to satisfy you
If a woman isn't interested in helping you reach the next level
And if she's constantly dragging you down with her energy, behavior, words, and actions
It's only right to let her deal with lesser men who would accept this
To simplify it:
Get chicks who worship you and want to please you. Life’s already hard as a man. Enemies, stress,
war. You need a subservient woman at home, not another enemy trying to make it even harder
for you.
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Women choose guys they're genuinely
attracted to or guys they NEED
Usually when they're young or when they're already married, they fuck with the men they LIKE
And if they're single and need somebody reliable for long-term relationships, they're interested
in successful betas.
It’s funny I met a guy recently who was a nerd but was slowly trying to change, he started learning
game, became flashier, etc.
His girl noticed this and told him during an argument
"I didn't like you for this! Think if I wanted someone crazy who cheats I'd pick you !?"
I explained to him that his girl fears losing the beta she wanted to settle down with
Everything relies on perception.
If a woman met/dated gang members/playboys/flashy guys in the past
And then she's in the presence of a normal man, she'll perceive him as weak
She might choose to start a relationship with the weak guy especially if she was abused by others
recently/fucked and dumped etc.
Her subconscious minds tell her:
"Look all these men with options won't keep you, won't worship you, won't take care of you. But this nerd
In order to ensure the success of a relationship here are some basic tips
1. If you started a relationship from a position of weakness, and THEN you upgraded yourself as
a man - accept that the girl won't treat you how you NOW deserve - she'll probably still see you
like you were
Consequently, if you upgraded your mind, status, body
You're better off just dating new girls, who will meet the NEW YOU, who will treat you with
more respect. The respect you've now earned.
People from the past will tend to not appreciate the new facets of your personality
2. Start well
When starting with girls, make sure you're showing alpha traits from the beginning
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Don't take her too seriously
Make her comfortable with the idea that REAL MEN date multiple women
Make her work hard for your attention
Don't be needy
3. Implement the correct ideology
A woman is much like a kid, adopts the views of the strong people that surround her
As a man, you should impose your thinking and explain what you need from her
If you let her too "free" she'll sooner or later do things that annoy you a lot.
I've met girls who had loser boyfriends in the past
In those relationships, the guys were ok with her having male friends.
Some guys were ok with them going alone to nightclubs
It may seem common sense that these things are shitty, but some girls just aren't aware of it
When you want something serious with a chick you're attracted to
1. Assess who you are for her - a G, a beta, etc.
Don't invest time on girls who aren't genuinely attracted to you
2. Start strong
3. Teach her how to think/behave
Learn life.
If a girl only gives you looks, sex, and loyalty
Stay until you're bored then friend-zone her
If a chick gives you looks, sex, and loyalty and ALSO helps you in your business, makes your life
easier, does things in order for you to look better in front of the world
Keep her.
Every man wants to brag that he's got a hot bitch whose completely obsessed with him and
respects him to the point that she's doing insane shit to make him happy
"Yo this bitch crazy was waiting for 2 hours in front of my house begging me to let her in"
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No reason to brag = LEAVE
There are levels to bragging.
The example I gave is some basic beginner shit, her begging in front of your door
Might excite a teenager, it's cool when you're 16
As you grow up you need MORE in order to feel that a chick deserves you around
Also, gotta take into consideration 2 relevant aspects:
1. The relationships you've been through in the past
2. The relationships that your close friends have
I will explain why these 2 elements are crucial in order to judge a woman's RESPECT for you.
Let's say you've been with a chick that tattoed your portrait, worked for you, helped you get
money, and accepted you having hoes
Now if you get with a new girl and she doesn't do something MORE SIGNIFICANT than the
last one
You won't feel satisfied, you'll feel disgusted.
Furthermore, the relationship dynamics that you witness in your close circle are important
Let's say your best friend has a girl on Onlyfans making him 50k a month
And your girl generates zero money
You'll also feel disgusted that your girlfriend is not at a similar level
We're always tempted to judge a new female based on our past experiences and the experiences
of the ones close to us
Only when you've got someone who’s better than all your exes and is also better than each of
your boys girlfriends.
You'll feel that you've found someone ok.
If a woman is only hot, sucks dick and doesn't cheat = NOT ENOUGH
She's gotta slowly offer you HER SOUL
If you're honest with yourself and your inner desires, you'll accept that you want this to
be your reality.
Don't settle for peanuts
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How to cheat on your GF for beginners:
1. No pics with your main chick, unless you’ve got pics with multiple females so it’s not that
obvious who she really is in the eyes of the public
2. Don’t let her know your passwords
3. Don’t live with her. Or own another free apartment
4. Convince her it’s necessary you follow other chicks on IG, claim reasons like “I don’t wanna
look like a fool without no bitches in front of my friends” etc
5. Upload a few interesting pics on IG. Don’t need to invest too much time on it. Social media is
known for time wasting. 15-20 good ones, that signal your worth.
6. Put your IG on private (bigger conversion rate) Find 50 playboys from your city with public
IGs. Follow the women that are following them. Some bitches will follow you back. Use the app
“Followers” so you unfollow the ones who don’t follow back, after 48 hours.
7. Make sure you’ve associated your image with nice places from your city, good
clubs/restaurants, etc. This way women know you’re involved in high society
8. Follow - Unfollow until you hit thousands of followers. Then focus on girls with fewer followers
than you. Contextually you’ll be perceived as more popular. Girls like men who are better than
9. DM 20 girls every day. Better if you just respond to their stories. Simple DM is ok, but having
something to start like a story is easier, and better. Example: She’s eating something. You say:
seems like I found who’s gonna make dinner tonight etc silly funny shit
10. Don’t keep notifications on. You don’t wanna be caught by your main chick
11. When you’re with your main chick don’t talk to bitches. Use it as an advantage, you seem
busy, like an important man, who can’t be reached every time. So next time you respond the
bitches will be more interested, knowing you’re not always available
12. After exchanging messages on IG, take her WhatsApp, and talk there. It’s more personal,
fewer men reach the intimacy of having her number
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13. If you’re a convincing speaker CALL HER. It’s better than WhatsApp. She isn’t speaking on
the phone with more than 3-4 men. Speaking = More chances to fuck. Most men are worms that
like texting. But voice is better.
14. If the calls go well, you might even get her at your place on the first date. Directly. If the
energy isn’t there, go out, and drink a coffee first.
15. When your main chick suspects you’re cheating use the truth. Tell her you’ve been out
cheating. She’ll think it’s a joke. Then change the subject. This way she’s suspecting you have
bitches, but doesn’t have any proof. She’s in a state of tension. That’s good for you.
When you’re cheating
Promote a
“Strangers by day, lovers by night” dynamic with your targets
An adventure. No ordinary love. A Smooth Operator who now’s supplying amazing nights, but
tomorrow disappears.
I wish I had time to get to know you, but I don’t
I wish I could be here in the morning, but I won’t.
Women crave excitement.
Provide it.
Question From Twitter
How do you make a bitch loyal/devoted to you?
The 7 Deadly Uncensored RULES
1. Establish a strong FRAME from the beginning. Don’t avoid arguing. Dominate every
interaction. Win every argument. Cocky, funny, strong.
2. Provide plenty of ORGASMS. Don’t lick pussy. Don’t cum.
3. Be an authoritarian. RULES. No social media if she isn’t earning from it. No hoe friends
( or no friends at all), No nightclubs without you. Slap her if she complains. Block her
number. Make her beg for forgiveness. Make her work for your precious time.
4. Don’t let her stay with you full-time. You’ll get bored of her. Roll with your friends more.
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5. Cheat on her, let her work for your commitment
6. No photos with her on social media ( Unless you’ve got pics with other women too)
7. Balance. Surprise her with an amazing night of sex. Then don’t answer calls 3 days. Bring
some flowers. Then go to the club without her. Improvise.
Learn life.
How can I hurt my ex-girlfriend’s feelings?
1. Women want their ex-boyfriend to become a loser in order to feel good about themselves.
They’ll tell their friends “After he lost me, his life became a mess”
2. Women want their ex-boyfriends to still try to fuck them in order to feel like they’ve marked
their lives. They’ll tell their friends “Haha DM’d me of course, he’s obsessed”
3. Women want their ex-boyfriend to fuck lower-quality females in order to say “I made him a
favor by being with him. He didn’t deserve me. Look at his current girlfriend - a joke Hahah”
Consequently, if you wanna hurt an ex-girlfriend:
1. Upgrade your life
2. Ignore her
3. Fuck better women
Learn life.
1. I say I go to sleep some days at 10 PM (and she knows I never sleep at that hour so she’s
thinking all night that I’m with another girl)
2. When she’s calling, even though I’m home chilling, I don’t answer. I Wait 5 min. And then
call her and talk very silently, like I’m not alone and don’t want others to hear it. Like I am
scared some hoe I’m with might hear me
3. I always keep the phone backwards and hide it from her even though I may just stay on
Twitter or do boring shit, and she’s always thinking I do it because I cheat.
4. I put my second phone in the safe when she comes to my place, and I let her see I do, so
she becomes desperate thinking I have bitches on that phone.
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5. I flirt with other girls in front of her(girls from the studio, girls at restaurants, etc.)
6. I ask her when hot bitches follow me on IG or like a pic “Should I fuck her?
7. I listen to songs about breakups and pretend I’m a bit sad and she always says I think of
some ex, and constantly stalks all my ex’s profiles from fake accounts.
8. I stay on Whatsapp while she’s writing to me, But I don’t answer her nor read the messages
while I appear like I’m online and she’s always saying “You talk to other bitches while you don’t
9. When I leave town or go out I may block her calls and don’t answer and she’s desperate I
fuck other girls. I do it even though I’m just chilling with friends.
10. I randomly say mysterious shit out of the blue like “All good things come to an end...” or if
she asks if I love her “Don’t really know what I feel....”
These 10 methods are nothing.
In my book, I wrote 40 Pages of methods so she’ll be OBSESSED with you all her life
The most efficient way you can lie to your woman. The only easy way to do it. Is by telling the
Her: “Why didn’t you answer baby?”
You: “I was with Patricia from Instagram, you know how I roll”
Most men wouldn’t risk telling the truth.
You should do it. Your woman will think you’re lying. She isn’t used to men telling the truth.
By telling the truth you’ll obtain 2 things:
⁃ Fuck with her head
⁃ Make her believe you’re honest
Most women are used to “I was at home sleeping baby”
You will be different. Use the truth in your favor.
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Learn life
Your availability leads to your extinction
A man who’s constantly present in his woman’s life is considered boring and predictable
Instead, you need to master this dynamic
Part-time Lover, Significant Lover
Here today, gone tomorrow
She wants to miss you. Provide absence.
Men need privacy
If she’s allowed on your phone, how can you plot with your brothers?
If she’s constantly checking your messages, how can you keep it real with your crew?
Other men won’t trust you if they find out that your woman has access to your personal
“Why don’t you take me out with your friends??”
Because women force men to censor themselves. You can’t keep it real when a woman is at the
Take her out once a week, it’s enough.
If you always bring your woman out, your business partners will perceive you as weak.
If she’s interrupting your business meetings
If she’s desperately calling you when you’re out with your friends
Don’t let female energy ruin your productivity
What is she gonna do? Leave you for wanting to become rich and working hard?
NO. So ignore her.
Don’t go shopping with her
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You’re not her girlfriend, you’re her MAN
Sitting for 4 hours at the mall, bored, carrying bags, isn’t fun. So you should not do it.
Let her do the shopping alone. Or with her mom. Or with the girlfriends of your friends.
Simple. No IKEA for you.
Don’t answer all her texts.
You become predictable, boring
You’re not her best friend
You should not waste your time texting a girl 3 hours a day, sharing funny memes and being the
clown that entertains her.
Make her enjoy your presence by experiencing more of your absence.
Having a low sexual marketplace value brings unpleasant consequences
You’re marrying the leftovers that fell from the “sky”
The girl who was sucking dick in the Mercedes during the first date
Will MAYBE want a relationship with you. After the streets gangbanged her raw.
Do you wanna live this way?
Upgrade yourself or love the chick that G’s banged after 2 tequila shots.
“But Joe why is it wrong to live with a woman?”
I get this question often
The answer is simple:
1. I seek constant progress. I want reasons to feel proud of myself. Therefore, I’m always doing
something, working on something, or thinking of ways to improve my life. She wants attention. I
can’t give it full-time, it would ruin my ascent.
2. I’m always on my phone, maybe talking to another camgirl who’s complaining, maybe texting a
Bitches are stupid thinking all I do on my phone is talk to other women.
“Why you talking to girls in front of me?”
Bitch shut up I’m working
3. Living with her requires compromises, you can’t do EXACTLY what you want.
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You need to go out more, watch more Netflix, go to IKEA. I’m not into this. I want to fuck her
twice a week then fuck others and work hard.
The love game is war
Both parties have divergent interests
She wants you to pay for everything without you having other hoes
You want to cheat while you play with her heart
There can’t be 2 “winners”
Only one can have his plans fulfilled
Even though it’s war, the ultimate goal isn’t destroying the “enemy”
In fact, there ain’t no enemies
But the 2 participants have different objectives.
The man instinctually wants to be like Ghengis Khan
The woman instinctually wants to be like Queen Cleopatra
Men want to procreate with multiple women
Women want a caring provider while they also flirt and gain the attention of other attractive men
In a relationship, either the man’s a ruthless playboy
and she’s a submissive wife
Or she’s manipulating him while he’s a cuck
Punish her for not being a virgin
That broad you be loving got smashed by niggas already. So remind her she better behave.
Better tat your name on her skin.
Saying “I love you” ain’t enough. She used those words before. She ate cum before.
How is she demonstrating that you’re “the one” if she performs the same actions she used to
perform for other men? How are you special?
You’re not.
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Punish the broad for her past, who gives a fuck.
Better make me money, tat my name, and shut the fuck up or I ain’t giving you shit. You got
rawed by others so I ain’t saying “I love you too” unless you make me rich.
Most men think the threat of cheating will make their
woman want less sex
But it’s the opposite
If she already caught you cheating in the past
She’ll give you more pussy
And she’ll always be horny
Because subconsciously she’ll be trying to “drain” you of your powers so you don’t cheat again.
More cheating = Better relationship
Usually, when a man “mistreats” a woman or cheats on her and she leaves
He’s filled with regret thinking “Fuck it wasn’t worth it”
A woman leaving you for this only means she was going to leave sooner or later. No real love.
No obsession.
Zero regrets. Move on.
Don’t marry her
Unless she’s the daughter of a multi-millionaire and you’re too old or incapable of becoming a
millionaire fast, without assistance
A regular chick doesn’t deserve your full-time commitment
There’s no rational reason to fuck up your life by getting married.
Kick her out of the house at every argument or sign of disrespect
So when she’s there with you
She properly appreciates the OPPORTUNITY you provided
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Can’t let the bitch take your dick for granted
Learn life.
Long-term relationships and marriages have
only one secret
You can cheat, be abusive, be broke, give a fuck about the kids, be a toxic psychopath, lie, spend
her money
A man that doesn't cheat becomes frustrated by his lack of sexual abundance, so he starts
having arguments with his main chick
A man that cheats is happy and brings positive energy to the household
So the solution for happy marriages and relationships
Are men having more hoes.
Don't micromanage your woman
Don't take her phone, don't stalk her, don't over-analyze everything she does
Set firm rules and punish disobedience, but don't ever believe that being overprotective increases
the chances of not being cheated on
You can't control it
Focus on you.
The perfect relationship is:
1. Woman cooks, cleans, or does whatever the fuck you ask her to do
2. She raises babies on her own without complaining to you non stop (you’re supposed to
worry bout money not changing diapers)
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3. You’re fucking others’ hoes because not cheating means you’ll become frustrated by your
lack of sexual diversity
The men that respect their females the most
get the least benefits
Look around you.
Guys that enjoy going on vacation with their GF, guys that live with their GF, guys that really care
about her opinions, etc.
They never have female slaves and shit
Funny how the psychopaths get away with anything and these caring boyfriends can’t even fuck
some fresh new pussy now and then.
When I use the term “psychopath” I mean a guy that disguises his real agenda and knows how to
gradually implement certain tactics, a guy that mixes up harmony and chaos, a guy that
understands how to be romantic and also disappears for 2 weeks with hoes
I am not talking about a dumb idiot that hates women and doesn’t get pussy cause he’s violent
due to his frustrations.
Had to explain it cause maybe some of you are low IQ
“But my girlfriend cooks”
Yes, sometimes when you just wanna chill after hard nights of cheating, having a girl cook is nice
But don’t make this a habit
Living with a girlfriend full time, if you’re under 40 is not a good idea
I personally don’t like girls doing maid shit like this. I d rather eat out, have a cleaner etc
And let her utilize her energy into being sexy and making money as I teach in PUSSY MONEY.
If you’re cheating and her response is to party or leave - she’s a hoe
If you’re cheating and her response is to sit at home and reflect upon the mistakes she made she a queen
If you want the test her worth, cheat and see how she behaves
“But you did it first” or stories from the club only reveal she did not deserve you anyway
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A REAL woman knows that no matter what happens, she must stick to her man
Learn life
In dating there’s a sweet spot
Between being too needy and desperate to fuck
And risking getting in the friend zone because you’re not attacking at the right moment
Some guys, especially pick up artists from what I see on Twitter, say you should go on the first
date thinking you’re gonna fuck her. They say it’s better to go at night, in environments where
there’s drinks etc.
Others, usually average men, go on too many dates or just talk too much online, without
progressing towards sex.
My take is this
You should kiss her on the first date, then aim to fuck her after 2-3 dates max. First date coffee
or something like this, not drinks.
The 3rd date should be already somewhere like the club or your apartment with your friends
and their girls, something that involves drinks. You should tell her to sleep at your place that
night. If she refuses just get another girl over when the first one leaves or go to sleep alone if you
don’t have hoes.
If the girl doesn’t give pussy although you’ve seen each other multiple times ( and she’s not a
virgin) just ignore her and get new girls
Simple reality.
I’ve tried every method when girls were annoying me
Trust me, EVERY method
The ONLY one worth utilizing is this
If it’s meant to be, she’ll come crawling
If she doesn't realize that she made mistakes & she doesn't beg for forgiveness = HOE
You can’t impose the same standards on every woman in your life
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I mean, you theoretically can, but it probably won’t work
Some are just for fun
You know they’re lying, you know they’re unreliable and useless outside the context of parties
and sex
But you just keep them in your rotation for what they’re good at
I see this being a problem with guys trying to have multiple “girlfriends”. They don’t exactly know
what rules to implement to every “relationship” they have.
Usually, you can only have one MAIN CHICK, one girl who is 100% loyal and will sit 10 years
waiting for you to come back from jail
The rest, maybe they have qualities, but it’s unrealistic to hope they’re gonna satisfy the same
exact needs as your most important girl
Just take it as it is
Most females are hoes. When you have multiple girls, multiple interests and you cheat a lot, you
won’t have the time to educate new girls extensively, maybe you see them a few times a week.
They come and they go. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy the experience.
Have fun with everyone but always prioritize the ones who would bleed beside you in
moments of turbulence.
When ending a relationship, do it as politely
as possible
There’s no reason to seek vengeance or invest energy into trying to destroy the reputation of
that particular female
This is the type of scenario when I can see if a man is truly a playboy or a regular individual
The average individual is emotionally invested and talks extensively about his ex and their
The playboy is so accustomed to breakups that he’s already with another girl or talks to others
seeking to go on dates etc.
You must understand, a professional is so used to these kinds of situations that he’s moved on
Don’t be like most, get back in the game AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Learn life
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Relationships between men and women function under counter-intuitive principles
You respect her a lot, she's flirting with others
You cheat, and she becomes obsessed with you
You ignore her, she starts giving you more attention
Most entrepreneurs and high-IQ men fail in the dating scene because they apply in their love lives
the same principles that made them financially successful.
Don’t sacrifice your best years for a female
Instead of abstaining from cheating because you’re afraid your girl will leave
Fuck as many hoes as possible, because one day, sooner or later, you’ll be a boring old man and
no 18-year-old girl will be genuinely attracted to you
If your main chick leaves, she didn’t love you
Remember when 50 Cent said:
“How deep is our bond if that's all it takes for you to be gone?”
He was right. If she’s really in love with you. She wouldn’t imagine her life without you in it.
If her reaction to you cheating is fucking another dude the next weekend?
It’s better now that she’s gone, trust me.
In dating, your goal as a young man should be
To live a single man’s life although you’re not single
You should experience the benefits of being in a relationship while avoiding the downsides
Love, affection, trust, loyalty because your main chick is so obsessed with you
Spontaneity, fun, and hoes because you don’t live with her full time and you’re free to smash
chicks left and right
My girl knows exactly what I’m doing but she doesn’t leave me. She’s even aware that other girls
love me and tattoo my name or portrait.
I wouldn’t want to live any other way.
A man is biologically designed to fuck as many women as possible. A woman is designed to find a
DON and worship him.
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Learn life
I talk with a lot of men that are kind of bored of their current girlfriends or side chicks
There’s no excitement, no passion, no genuine desire
They’re entertaining those interactions just because they’re LAZY
LAZY to find new pussy. Because new pussy requires going out, being active online, starting over,
Instead of living an unfulfilled life, you can do 2 things
1. If you love her and she’s useful, don’t see her every day. Keep your distance. This way you’ll
miss her and the relationships will be more fun
2. If she is not useful, just get new hoes. Most will not be interesting more than two nights. This
is the game. Most girls are trash. Be prepared to do the work until you find the right ones.
I get a lot of questions about getting over a breakup
So, to sum it up, my opinion is this;
You get over a certain girl
Once you find a better version of her
If you were in love with a good woman, hoes won’t make you forget her
Hoes will just make you miss her more when you witness their thot behavior and lifestyle
If you were in love with a hoe, a good boring woman won’t make you forget her
You need a superior hoe
In high school, I met a girl who I’ve been with for 7 years
She was the good girl type, helped me build my business up, and was very useful
Although I was trying to replace her with hoes, it didn’t work
All I thought was “Fuck, these girls will never be as useful as her”
Until I met a girl in the studio who worked for 10 hours a day to prove to me that she was down
for me and showed me a different level of usefulness and loyalty
Only THEN I forgot about my first GF. Because I found a much better version of her.
In most relationships nowadays
The girl had more dick than the guy had pussy
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How do you expect shit to work when she had like 20 dicks and you only had like 3 long-term
For a relationship to work, the man must be “crazier” & more experienced than the woman.
I was never in a long-term relationship with
a girl
That didn't work for me
Ok, fuck buddies, side chick - do whatever the fuck you want
But legit girlfriend? She gotta be on webcam / Onlyfans
Why have a beautiful girl and not monetize her beauty
Makes zero sense.
"It's lame to pimp out your girl"
G, Big companies are the biggest pimps, not us
Would you rather have your girl used by her boss?
While they flirt at work? While everyone is brainwashing her that she should focus more on her
career than on her relationship with you?
"Yeah but my girl can have her own business"
Girls are shitty entrepreneurs
And I'd rather have her sexy in front of the camera, spending 4 hours every day in beauty salons
to look the best.
Than having her stressed out by taxes and other business masculine shit.
“Haha, it means your not making enough money. This is why you need ur girl on cam"
I don't need money. I need obedience. And because I have money. I don't want girls to use me
for this.
If she's on cam, she can buy LV handbags by herself
At least I can spend my money on myself.
"But my girl wants to become a doctor not to be an Onlyfans hoe"
Wants a career more than she wants to please her man? She doesn't deserve you, king.
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Wants to please her parents more than she wants to satisfy you? It won't work long term G
Your woman should be your ROBOT.
"Haha what an Eastern European peasant mentality. It doesn't work in the West"
Actually, you're wrong. IT WORKS BETTER IN THE WEST.
In the West, they're advertising their OF in the IG BIO. No shame attached to getting naked.
Profit from this.
Money is moving. Get in the middle.
Only low-T men talk about the disadvantages of alcohol
They're weak & it takes them 3 days to recover after a crazy night
I wake up & do my thing regardless of how much vodka I consumed
In the worst-case scenario, I'm 10% weaker if I also stayed up until 6 AM
Drinking and having fun has more advantages than you can imagine
1. Girls love parties. So if you wanna be around the most attractive chicks you have to be in the
best nightclubs.
2. Rich guys like hot chicks. So they're also there. It's easier to make friends in this scenario
3. Drinking facilitates crazy memories. 95% of my best stories happened while drunk.
4. It's boring as fuck to not drink AT ALL. It's also harmful if you do it every day. You won't
appreciate it & you'll feel like shit. Tired, 0 excitement left, etc.
Men that drink in the morning or without chicks = NERDS
I never drink with men, if there ain't a party or something that involves females
I'm either getting drunk as fuck doing something interesting or I don't drink at all and focus on
"1 glass of wine" = dork
Don't drink during dates, it's lame
Shows you're insecure and you need a boost of confidence
On dates, I drink coffee or water. Zero vodkas. Sober.
I like getting drunk as fuck when I'm with friends and hoes - partying not on simple coffee dates
That's it.
A lot of men are acting stupid when they're drunk
Due to their lack of experience
The solution isn't to drink less or to not drink at all like losers ALWAYS suggest
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Solution. MORE PRACTICE. Learn to conduct yourself while being fucked up.
Get hammered more often PUSSY.
Don't do business and don't make promises while drunk
I can do it because I'm a G, but most guys are idiots and say things that they don't usually mean
So it's better to say "Idk we'll see tomorrow"
Also, don't post pictures/tweets when you're drunk - they're probably shit
It happened numerous times to wake up the next day regretting what I did the night before
But I only regretted it short term due to being tired and feeling like shit.
At the end of the day, it's memories.
Can't just be a robot all the time, thinking rationally and doing "chess moves"
don’t take women seriously AT ALL
This is key when dating
Of course, the most important aspect is your status
If you’re a nobody hot chicks won’t even reply
After you get to the next step
And you’re actually on a date with them
Don’t take them seriously at all
Girls often say to me “I plan on opening a business”
Instead of talking about their plans and giving them advice as most guys do
I just say “You wanna be a boss like me, tired of being a nobody it seems”
Or “Hmm…it suits you better to be an employee I think..You can run the Cleaning Floors Department
of my company…”
Idk just stupid shit, showing them I give zero fucks about their ambitions
If they get offended I don’t care
When girls talk about relationships
Most guys say “Yeah I also want something serious”
I just say “I want 20 kids with 8 baby mommas… The woman must raise the kids while I’m smashing
other hoes”
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Now you’d think
It’s simple..
If you say something “controversial”:
1. It’s funny. Funny is better than boring/serious
2. It starts a debate. So there are fewer chances for the conversation to stall and get shitty. At
least you have something to talk about.
3. It shows you’re not there to be a “yes-man” that tries hard to please her. Or tries hard to
convince her that he’s the best option. Not caring is attractive because they rarely interact
with this type of attitude.
When girls talk about their ex-boyfriends
They’re always criticizing them
“I caught him cheating once”
“He was abusive”
“He wasn’t ambitious”
Most guys sit there like therapists and really listen to their bullshit. On some empathetic type
I’m like
“Oh so you weren’t satisfied that he cheated just once, you want someone more professional…someone,
who can really hurt you..Now I understand why you’re here”
“Hmmm… I’m also not ambitious… I like girls who make me money so I can wake up in the afternoon
to spend their hard-earned salary…”
Funny & Arrogant > Boring & Empathetic
Most relationships are like this
The girl is the “superstar”, she sits and talks about all the people that give her attention and want
to fuck her - you sit there and listen. Lowkey you start being frustrated
. At the same time
jealous cuz other men want her. U get angry when she provokes u.
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My relationships are like this:
The girl knows I smash other chicks. She knows I have money and options. She’s afraid I might
leave. She sees how people respect me. She sees how people know I can fuck them up. She sees
people hating me. She respects my power. She sits and listens to my stories like a little groupie.
She does whatever I say because she’s aware that I’ll leave her instantly if she’s annoying.
Lessons in there
Breakups reveal if you've lived your life right
or not
A well-rounded guy - breaks up with a chick, but has the set-up & options in place, so he's on
new dates the next day
A loser is left completely damaged - her absence reveals how shitty his life actually was - hard to
When I broke up with my first long-term girlfriend - I was in the trenches so it was difficult to
pick myself up - poor social media presence, ignored friends for a long period of time because I
wasn’t effective with my work & didn’t have enough time to socialize, etc.
Now I break up with girls almost every week - but I have the set-up in place - even if I liked her
and it “hurts” there’s always some new baddie who gets me excited and compensates for the
Cannot get along with men who live with their wives / married/ not cheating
They're all pussies.
Some try to disguise it by going to the gym, trying to look tough, etc.
At the end of the day, they're nerds. Same with corporate dorks.
Job = Pussy
No Hoes = Pussy
Don't get me wrong
My interests are diverse
I keep some of them around, they might be useful
Some are reliable or simply old friends
But we don't hang out on a daily basis.
I tell them to their face they're pussy.
Denying their masculinity. Scared chick might break up
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As much as you may try to convince me I'm wrong
As much as you might try to tell me your sex life is perfect
EVERYONE (especially those under 40) wants some fresh new pussy
Nobody feels excited to smash his wife on a Saturday
Wives are for recovering after cheating when your sick.
Of course
There are exceptions
If your girl likes threesomes, etc.
But 99.9% of monogamous men are losers
I don't even understand the purpose of getting richer if you fuck the same girl
What do you need money for?
The wife still sucks your dick regardless
Why are you working anymore?
Stop jerking off at your laptop get some pussy
Who cares you lift weights if u fucking the same old boring-ass girlfriend.
And if she leaves just replace her with someone better
It's really that simple
You do not have power in your relationships with women
Mainly because the women you meet are more experienced than you are.
They've had more dates and dicks than you had pussy.
They've been approached by men since forever, they've learnt how to lie and manipulate better
than you.
Every girl on a scale from cute to hot.
Is accustomed to having opposite-sex individuals trying to fuck her since she was a teenager.
She’s very comfortable when dealing with men. Zero fear. She knows exactly how to reply and
handle situations. She’s been there so many times.
As a man, you’ll only wield power in relationships after you’ve accumulated enough time in the
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Disappointments, heartbreaks, and endless sexual partners.
Only then she’ll respect you.
Do the work. Approach more girls.
Whenever you're in a serious relationship with a girl
She will try to tame you and transform you into a bitch, especially if you're a guy with high
testosterone levels
Women instinctually do this
Here are the most common STUPID THINGS they'll say in order to make you a cuck.
GF's say
"You should be more mature. Stop talking to all these hoes"
"You're too childish you're always with your friends"
Bitch I didn't work so hard just to smash a single chick all the time
Of course, I cheat and get drunk
That's why we hustle anyway
GF says "I want a man that respects me"
But the cold truth is this
No young hot girl respects a man who respects her a lot
They perceive this behavior as a weakness
They'd rather fuck someone who gives 0 fucks about them and is cocky as fuck all the time.
GF says "Oh that girl is ugly. Oh that girl is a hoe"
No matter who you're fucking, a woman who is in love with you will always find SOMETHING
bad to say about other girls
Even if she's a 9 she'll still find reasons to attack her
Ignore ur GF & fuck everyone u like.
GF says "These hoes you hang around with will all leave if you ever get in trouble. They don't love you!"
Listen bitch what's this have to do with me wanting to fuck every hot girl I know? It's about fun,
memories & conquering not about whose gonna be there if I go to jail
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GF says"Choose! It's either me OR other women. I don't accept being cheated on"
The sad part is
If you really listen and stop cheating
She'll think you're weak and leave you sooner or later
She'll even complain to her best friend "OH this relationship is soooo boring"
GF says "Oh you work too much you never have time for me"
But if you really stopped working and went broke
She'd judge you for being poor and not having any power and she'd sit and appreciate ambitious
rich men who work for their dreams.
Never take advice from your girlfriend.
She doesn't want you to be a playboy. She wants you to be a beta who spends all his time and
money on her.
Then when she finally gets the job done and makes you a pussy, she'll go fuck some alpha who is
the opposite of this.
Girlfriend material = Chick who gets
obsessed with you
and puts your priorities above anything else. Does whatever you want. Doesn't complain if you
keep her in the house doing mundane shit. She's useful and helps you improve your position.
Brings positivity into your life.
As a high-value male who fucks hoes frequently you just KNOW IT when someone is super into
you and wants to dedicate her life towards pleasing you.
A G won't wife up some dumb bitch who isn't GENUINELY worshiping him.
If I'm not GOD to her it's a turn-off.
Simple reality.
The perfect strategy to get a wife
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is finding someone who’s a cute young virgin and brainwashing her to delete all social media, zero
night clubs, 0 hoe friends, etc.
All the other women, until they are a means to an end
Some for making you money
Some for fun
Some for the experience.
As a high-value guy, you can't deny the fact that your woman having sexual partners in the past
isn't annoying
Plus all these big city girls are sewer rats.
Yes, they're hot and useful for parties and shit but not fit for the WIFE role.
Of course, you gotta be high value as a man so an 18-year-old to even speak with you when you'll
be in your 30s and you'll want a wife
Most 38-year-olds look like shit, they're boring and they have a cringe style (especially men from
the West)
So these young chicks avoid them.
Until you're older you should fuck a bunch of hoes and gain as much experience as possible
You won't even appreciate a virgin or a "good girl" unless you're bored of high end night clubs
and pornstar-looking women.
To be honest, when I was 18 I gave zero shit about a girl’s body count
I still don't care when it comes to having fun, but I take this aspect into consideration when I
think about finding a wife in the future.
I'm 100% sure I'll want to settle down with a virgin whose only been with me
Until then I'll just use girls to get richer and to gain memories.
How to test if the girl you had sex with is a
(if she has the potential to be your long-time girlfriend)
Part 1
Behaviour BEFORE sex
Most girls are stupid nowadays and disqualify themselves fast by presenting a lot of red flags even
from the first date
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Those types who tell you stories about drugs exaggerated fun, and abusive exes.
Sorry bro
Fuck them but accept they're trash.
Part 2
Now let's say you've had sex
If she's super comfortable with the idea that you've fucked and doesn't really care if you'll have a
relationship with her
It means she's trash.
A "good girl" wouldn't give pussy without wanting something serious out of it.
Let's pretend she passed the first two stages
Part 3
Her behavior, after the first 2 - 3 weeks
After all the drinking, partying, hard sex, fun, sexual attraction
Is she ok with the idea that sometimes you're BORING, BUSY, or temporarily GONE?
Tell her to come to your place. Say you'll sleep together but you're busy and have to work.
Then mostly ignore her and only speak to her when you request coffee, something to eat
Is she complaining that she's bored? Is she constantly interrupting you?
Analyze her reactions
Usually, hoes start creating a bad vibe in this specific circumstance
They necessitate constant entertainment
But a long-term relationship cannot function like this
Most of the time you need to focus, work and think of your finances and future
Can't drink & waste time daily.
If the chick is HAPPY regardless if she's with you at a high-end spot or at home watching Netflix
while you work
It means she has potential
You need someone who will support your journey and ambitions not a time-wasting dumb bitch.
Part 4
How does she behave when you're not there?
Let's say you leave town for work or just spend time with other hoes on the weekend
What's her reaction to this?
Hoe - Goes out, has fun
Good girl - Sits at home and writes to you non stop not caring that others are partying
This part is crucial because you want a LOW MAINTENANCE chick
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Everyone can act nicely if you sacrifice most of your time for it. If you just stay there nonstop.
But ideally, you want a chick whose obedient DESPITE THE FACT that you're gone/cheating/with
your boys/training, etc.
Part 5
Doing things FOR YOU
We all want someone to ADD VALUE to our current situation
Delegate tasks to your chick. See how she responds.
Is she the type to get excited when she makes you happy?
Or some lazy ass idiot who doesn't wanna do shit?
Is she willing to neglect her own interests in order to see you smiling?
Is she receptive when you tell her to quit her job and help you in your business?
Does she obey when you tell her to ignore her friends & family and listen solely to you?
If so, this woman can be useful.
Most men fall in love and have long term relationships with sewer rats that distract them from
their mission
Be different. Test every chick you fuck.
Have sex with everyone who is hot but only keep the ones you've vetted through various
Learn life.
Even a hoe can be loyal
if you stay with her full time and never disrespect her
Even a girl with a 50+ body count, etc.
It's not impressive to have someone listen to you.
What's impressive is having soul-locked chicks WHILE ALSO living life as if you were single.
This is the problem with girls who had too many dicks
They're ready to cheat/disobey once you start ignoring them a bit, once you start going out
without them, once you're gone on vacation with some other hoe
They're capable of moving on extremely fast
Which doesn't suit you.
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A virgin/"good girl" is more predisposed to forgive and forget
She'd rather accept that you're crazy than go and date other guys
She'd rather cry a bit in her room and lie to herself that you'll change rather than go to the club
and get drunk to relieve the "pain".
As a man you want your girlfriend to be a little bit naive, a person with a good heart
This enables the possibility of you living life like a single man while also having someone who loves
you by your side.
This position is the most desirable. Love and affection + Fun/memories.
If you only have LOVE (monogamous relationship) you'll miss all the crazy sex, falling in love with
some bitch for 48h, the memories with your boys
If you only have degeneracy (no serious GF) you'll miss having someone loyal by your side when
you're sick & tired or want to chill
Perfect set-up:
1. "Good girl" that accepts that
- you're crazy and live life as if you're single
- she has to do everything you say, despite the fact that you're in her life part time, you fuck
hoes, etc.
2. Side chicks and hoes for fun, memories
Learn life.
First-date conversations/questions that help you understand EVERYTHING about the woman
you're dealing with.
Tell her, as a "joke"
"We should have kids, I wanna have a lot of sons"
If she says she's not interested in kids ask her why
A hoe will always say something like
"I can barely take care of myself, I can't raise a baby" or "I m young I wanna have fun"
Order some food in the restaurant and say
"When we'll be together I expect you to cook like this"
Hoes usually say
"You'll starve with me haha I never cook"
"We'll order, I hate cooking"
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Then open a conversation about drugs in a subtle manner
You can lie that you're heavy into cocaine and tell a fake story
A hoe will usually start telling stories too about her experiences with cocaine, or even start
explaining to you what type of drugs she likes the most
Then ask her about her past, for example, her longest relationship
The biggest hoes will say they only had relationships that lasted a few months
Others will say idk 2 years then ask them why did you break up with him
"He was crazy he did this and this to me" = Damaged.
Ask her
"Do you have hot friends? I'll hook them up with my boys."
She'll probably show you their Instagram profiles
If all her friends are single and look like hoes - she's probably the same
“You're the average of the five people spend the most time with.”
Dig deeper into this subject and let her talk about her friends
Women like gossiping about the people around them anyway
How their friends behave, their experiences together, and the relationships that those chicks
have - tell you a lot about your target.
A woman will rarely tell you explicit details that might put her in a bad light
But she'll do this when it's about others
Not knowing that the description of her friends is also an accurate description of HER OWN
Her surroundings are relevant to understanding her.
Same with family
If her parents hate her - Biggest red flag. Parents are always right. They have SERIOUS reasons
to hate her.
If her dad wasn't part of her life or died - She was a hoe in the past, but it also means she's weak
mentally so it's easy to brainwash her.
Then talk about school
Bad grades? Expelled? Stories about being crazy in high school?
Make her open up about this by pretending to be non-judgemental and by saying you were a very
bad student...
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A hoe will always make the mistake of revealing her true nature.
Talk about lifestyle too
Pretend you're into partying
Ask her about her favorite clubs/festivals etc.
Hoes enjoy this topic and start telling you details about their degenerate demeanor.
Be a snake and find out everything about her while pretending you don't judge slutty actions
and lifestyles
This way, you won't let yourself fall in love with a bad blueprint
As a man who wants to be/is successful you can't associate long-term with SEWER RATS.
A man who argues with his woman breaks up violently, wants "revenge", makes threats that he'll
be better off without her... blah blah
It's all bullshit that leads to make-up sex and them remaining together
If you're REALLY done you're done. No drama, no pointless walls of texts.
I want the best for all my exes
Marry someone famous. Be the Instagram hot bitch everyone wants to smash etc.
At least I can say I fucked you too with some pride baby
I don't want "revenge" wtf
I'm on good terms with girls I've hanged out with.
It's a sign of maturity.
Only teenagers are supposed to be angry after losing girls
Idiot mentality
Sign you don't have your life in order
Someone at the top just moves on. Remembers the good times. Forgets the bad ones. Looks at
the future with excitement.
In order for a relationship to work
The woman should love you MORE than you love her
You should not base your long-term relationships on being obsessed with a
woman, crazy in love, insanely sexually attracted to her.
Joe Lampton
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The more you like a chick, the more you tend to be too soft, too weak, you give away too much
attention and it all leads to you losing CONTROL
All the relationships that work for years and that bring benefits to a man
Have the following set-up
The guy doesn't give a fuck & the chick is SUPER obsessed with him, wants attention all the time,
wants to spend time with him, stalks his social media non-stop, gets jealous
The thing is
It's impossible to fake it
If you're too excited to be with her, she'll FEEL IT
Excited = You make mistakes = You lose control = She's the one leading
Get main chicks who are genuinely obsessed with you and who sacrifice their own interests to
satisfy you.
Yeah, they might be boring
Yeah, they might annoy you
Yeah, you won't have fun partying with these types
Their role is NOT to entertain you
Their role is to be LOYAL, USEFUL and to bring you peace
You can go crazy, fall in love, and create fun memories with other hoes.
Train your women to be satisfied with small
amounts of attention
20 minutes of daily texting
Sex once 1/2 weeks
Weak men have to sell their souls in order to keep a decent woman - live with her/on the phone
all day long/ weekends together, etc.
Don't go this route.
The more you gotta do in order to keep a chick
The less time you've got to focus on your goals or simply seduce other hoes.
The ideal scenario is for you to live the life of a single man while ALSO being in serious
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This way you have both love, stability, AND fun
When you spend extended periods of time with one chick
You get bored of her
She gets bored of you and the sex will be less exciting
You'll get frustrated for not having new pussy all the time
Your testosterone levels will decrease
It's not fun
Familiarity kills sexual tension
No reason to live with her especially if you're under 40
Just get more money and hire a maid, order food, hire some assistant for the boring tasks
I assure you, if you do this you won't NEED a particular woman nonstop around you.
Personally, I'd rather see my GF rarely and when I do see her I like her being dressed sexy, I like
the vibe being positive
This whole housewife who washes my clothes and cleans the house isn't appealing
Makes me lose all my attraction toward a girl
It's for the broke people.
Yeah, of course, I like women who go and make me a coffee, a little massage, or pour some
drinks, etc.
But I don't like delegating the daily mundane tasks
I'd rather see a chick when she's hot, her nails done, sexy outfit, etc.
Even when I'm sick I'd rather handle it alone.
To keep it super simple
Relationships are about sex and money
If the sex is great, everything else is great. Especially if money is not an issue and you can afford
some fun, some free time, and nice experiences.
Less time together > More mystery and drama > Better sex
Realistically speaking
You're a victim in the dating scene until you're at the top
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Dating: Hoe Management
"A man becomes as attractive as an attractive woman when he becomes successful
and is publicly noted. Power is an aphrodisiac."
50 Cent
Girls will always be superior to you until you're top 1%
Chicks are aware of this
This is why they're unhappy when you're posting a lot on Instagram, updating your profile, or
doing moves in order to get more clout
They'd rather have you rich and have options. A dork with money who spends it all on her. And
if she leaves you, remain alone, because nobody knows who you are while she just opens her
DM's and fucks top-level dudes
To counter this
Be the STAR of the relationship
Do everything in your power so every hot bitch knows who you are
Make it COOL for bitches to be seen around you
So even if a particular girl leaves.
You’re at the same level as her in terms of options
She opens DM’s, fucks who she wants.
You open DM’s, and fuck who you want.
Don’t let these hoes brainwash you with bullshit like
“Oh, you should be more mature”
“Oh, you should think of investing in something not of showing off!”
“Real men don’t even care about social media they’re busy making money!”
“You’re always taking pictures and videos .. you’re like a girl”
These are all moves aimed to make you weak and dependent on her.
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Health: Lethal Weapon
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Chapter V
Health: Lethal Weapon
How I went from
65kg (145
pounds) to 90KG
(200pounds) in 6
In April I had 65kg, Ripped.
Low-body fat body.
like a UFC Bantamweight fighter.
Was training purely MMA with
no fitness training.
Then somebody told me:
“Perception is reality. With a TShirt on, you look like you never
I said to myself “He’s right. I
know how to fight but it’s not
enough. Time to bulk up too.”
This was my game plan:
1. Tracked my calories with MyFitnessPal. 3500 calories every day.
2. I naturally have big legs. So, I trained only the upper body.
Arms - Chest - Back – Shoulders.
Mixed with martial arts training of course.
3. Even though I didn’t like carbs. I ate them too. But focused on protein. 220 Grams per day.
Steak, Chicken Breast, Rice, Fruit.
4. Supplements:
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4 cups of Whey Protein
Animal Pack
Future goal:
I’ll take down the excessive weight and aim for 75kg ripped.
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Steroids are for the body, breaking the law is for being rich, and cocaine is for being fun. cheat
80% of the Romanian mafia uses steroids. They aren’t interested in prepping meals and shit like
Without steroids, you sacrifice a lot more time with diet, training, and rest. This automatically
makes you less fun. More discipline, more muscles, but less spontaneity and fun.
I don’t take steroids. But I understand its purpose. Each man chooses his moves. If I wouldn’t
have started biz at 21-22 and would have been a nerd. I would risk taking them. It doesn’t make
sense FOR ME. We are all different.
Think for yourself.
I’m not a fitness expert.
But I know this:
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1. You can be 8% body fat, look good naked and look like you don’t train dressed
2. You can be buff, lose 6 Pack but look dangerous dressed
3. And you can take steroids/have great genetics/be a gym nerd and be buff and ripped at the
same time.
All men want #3 but its cost is very high if you’re a regular guy.
So, between 1 and 2, choose #2
Buff and dangerous. You’re dressed all the time.
Street fights last 5 seconds
Who hits first usually wins.
Train to dismantle an opponent fast
BJJ techniques require time to
implement. You DO NOT have 25 seconds.
Kicks require flexibility. It rains and you’re wearing jeans.
So, learn to find the jaw with your hands.
Fitness in the gym means pointless hours
Buy some gym equipment and train at home for 30 minutes daily
In the grand scheme of things 1cm bigger biceps don’t matter
But 3 lost hours daily matter
Gym guys aren’t pimps because they’re wasting too much time.
Learn life
Train enough, but don't overtrain
If you're overtraining, you've basically dedicated your entire life to it and to recovering from it
You will be unable to do anything else due to fatigue.
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Unless you're a pro athlete you must focus your attention on multiple areas of life.
When you’re able to fight. To defend
You have a choice. To fight back or to practice patience.
Most people don’t have a choice.
They’re FORCED to accept being disrespected because they’re aware that they can’t fight
Learn fighting.
My goals in training are:
1. Look like a UFC fighter
2. Be combat ready
Looking like a bodybuilder was never my objective
I don’t like cooking, calculating calories, etc.
I’d rather eat out, make money and fuck hoes rather than obsess over body fat percentages like
a dork
Training from home is one of the best things I’ve learned from
Andrew Tate
You can switch from working to training or from fucking a bitch to training INSTANTLY
No need for driving to the gym, getting dressed, thinking, etc
I just wear my UFC shorts all day long and if I don’t have other things to do I train 3 times a
day, 30-45 min sessions (without break)
Basically, if you have a good diet, you can look better than if you go to the gym
I don’t even have a “clean” diet because I have multiple girlfriends and drink often etc. and I still
look like a fighter
Drink, have fun, eat junk food
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Nobody cares that you’re super jacked and eating healthy if the price for being in shape is being
a lonely nerd that lives in the gym and cooks daily.
Bitches fuck the men who initiate the most fun, who have a lot of friends, and who are
Men are obsessed with the gym because they want better, more pussy
If you’re a pro athlete, chasing championships, it’s normal to be extremely disciplined
But if you want girls
Understand that bigger arms won’t compensate for the fact that you live a boring, undesirable
My goal is to have a nice shape all around the year.
That’s it.
And I want to feel competent in combat.
I could spend a lot of hours to be in THE BEST SHAPE
Who cares. While I jerk off at dumbbell’s, some nigga cracking jokes might fuck the bitches
Therefore. I want a nice body. But I also want my multiple girlfriends with my portrait tatted on
them that make me money while I cheat with hoes and get even more girlfriends. And I want to
hang out with my niggas doing fun shit and making money.
(that requires dedicating your life to jerk off at dumbbells)
Training and working from home have good
and bad parts
Its effectiveness depends on WHO YOU ARE.
Most people need an office and a gym because they’re not intrinsically motivated to be
They need external pressure in order to perform
On the other hand, if you're a G and you can focus, it’s better to work out and make money
from home because you save time and you can do MORE
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Work 3 hours, train one hour, work again, fuck a bitch, go eat, spar some friends, maybe lift
some weights at 4 in the morning, etc.
I like it better this way.
There are a lot of fitness dorks that don’t understand that sometimes
I’d rather train from home every day for 30 minutes with an ok diet than do everything
“perfect” and look 15% better
In a time span of 12 months.
If I did everything I could, train in the gym, eat the perfect diet, take fitness very seriously, rest,
do my research, cook, abstain from KFC and VODKA
I’d be a little bit better, with more defined muscles, 1.5 inches bigger arms, etc.
1. The price I’d pay would mean sacrificing social life, bitches, pleasure, money
2. The results won’t make any SIGNIFICANT difference
You think a girl that won’t fuck me now would fuck me after excruciating hours in
the gym for multiple months?
Take good pictures when you’re in your best shape, post them on IG, be in decent shape all
year round, and live your fucking life.
Gym guys are stuck in a mental prison
“Oh, I ate more calories than I should have eateannnnn”
Bro chill, it doesn’t make any difference in the grand scheme of things
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Most of the year eat a lot and focus on having size.
This way you’ll look good in a T-shirt, with big arms, etc.
In the summer focus on being shredded, having a 6 pack
So, you can look good on the beach and take nice photos
No reason to be strict on your diet all the time.
Every potential improvement I could aim
for has a cost and potential benefits
I examine every move carefully because I don’t like wasting precious time on a project that
would not bring appealing results
Having a 6% body fat
This goal wouldn’t improve my sexual marketplace value tremendously
But it would damn sure drain me of my energy and force me to have less sex, parties, and
friends because I’d have to drink less, eat at home, etc.
This is why I like being in shape, without extreme measures
I could definitely look better. But it would mean sacrificing other important aspects.
Gym nerds don’t understand this and still jerk off at calories while time passes and they’re still
Eat lots of meat every day
Order or go out so you don't spend time on this.
Lift heavy weights at least 3 times per week. Home or in a gym.
Spar at least 2 times per week.
Trust me you'll be in shape.
You don't need more if you want to be strong and get bitches.
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Not having money is not an excuse to look
like shit
When I was broke, I had months when I couldn’t afford a gym membership. I did push-ups and
shadowboxing in the small apartment I had back then. Went outside and did sprints.
I couldn’t afford fancy steaks or order food. No problem. I ate tuna cans all day long in order to
get my protein. Or brainwashed some females to cook and take care of me although I was
This principle is applicable to everything. When you cannot afford to make life easier, find a way
around it.
Find solutions.
There’s no excuse in 2022 to not be in shape.
Being in shape might mean having big arms and a little bit of belly.
Or being super ripped with a 6 pack.
You choose how you wanna look
The idea is
LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO TRAINS. Don’t look like shit.
There’s a certain degree of respect that you get when everyone around knows you can fuck
them up.
It enables a level of confidence that cannot be bought.
Outside of heavy PRO fighters I can easily choke out / KO everyone I see when I go out of my
This is why people don’t fuck around with me. And this is one of the reasons that the women
I’m with do what I say.
Instinctually, predators avoid conflicts where they can get hurt. Everyone wants an easy target.
Think of school. Nobody picked on the crazy guy who would break a bottle in their head. They
all wanted the nerd who didn’t fight back.
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Same in society as an adult. They’ll all let you do what you want as long as you’re hard to
I get drunk and randomly spar my friends at 5 AM in street clothes in my house
Sometimes we go 2 on 1 too
No warm-up, 1 min round
Way more useful preparation for random fights.
You’ll never have that fair, perfect scenario on the streets.
Train in a more chaotic fashion.
People spar low hear-rate. They start easy, etc.
Go hard since the beginning.
Mix it up
Regular martial arts gym way but crazier also
I’ve seen many fighters being taken by surprise by aggressive guys in clubs, bars, etc.
Whenever I get a new friend, I spar with him and unless he's able to NOT get KO'd easily by
me I tell him every day that he's a bitch
You exude a different type of confidence when you're strong. You're also more realistic and
don't start pointless beef with people.
Men that never entered a fighting gym are either too timid and scared of conflict or they're
loud mouths that get you into trouble
When you've never been hit in the face you tend to overestimate your value and whenever
there's a situation you start being aggressive for nothing.
The people who train are calm until someone REALLY disrespects them and there's no turning
back. Usually, they're trying to avoid fighting, they know it can get brutal and it has
And to be honest, others subconsciously sense that it's better to not bother them.
Chicks also like guys who can protect them. Physically and financially.
It's true that nowadays you can negate the fact that you're combatively weak by talking a good
game or having tough friends, but why not be the real deal?
Maybe you're alone on the street and you get jumped
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Health: Lethal Weapon
3 times a week boxing/kickboxing/MMA
3 times a week in the gym (Being bigger helps too because people judge you by how
dangerous YOU LOOK)
Don't neglect your physicality.
Fasting improves your productivity
You're already more productive in the morning, your energy is at its highest
No reason to start eating, you'll get tired
Just do most of your work and go to the gym
Eat and rest later
Then work and train again
Have your last meal after you've finished all the important stuff
Right now, I only drink water and coffee for the first 6 hours after I woke up.
I immediately start completing my tasks and I have my first training session
After the gym, I reward myself with a nice meal in a restaurant
Then I go home and rest a bit.
In the evening MMA.
After the MMA session, I just drink more water and coffee. I go attack the other remaining
Only after I've finished all the work, do I get my last meal.
I afford to be tired and slow after because there's no more important shit to do
I found out that you're more creative and in the mood for solving problems when you're on an
empty stomach.
When you've eaten some big ass steak, etc. you feel like having a nap.
No reason to eat all day long, especially if you wanna get things done.
Of course, when I eat there's more than one portion
First meal - Grilled salmon, rice, salmon tartare
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Second meal - 1 kg of Steak, rice
Eating a lot at once, at the right time > eating continuously throughout the day
A lot of people I meet don't have enough ENERGY
They get tired fast & require too many hours of sleep
They recover slowly after partying/working out
Consequently, they don't get much done & aren't productive
Here are the hacks I use in order to have UNLIMITED ENERGY
1. Physical Aspects
Drink a lot of water
Eat clean when you're not partying. Avoid sugar.
Do fitness or martial arts every day
Take a nap in the afternoon
Take basic supplements such as vitamins, creatine, BCAA, etc.
2. Mental Aspects
Delegate boring tasks to others
Optimize your lifestyle in order to not drive too much, or waste time going places unless
it's dating a bitch, the gym, etc.
Use your energy for CRUCIAL things or tasks that you enjoy doing
Don't argue with people
3. Fuel yourself with the attention of others
Whenever others mention you, hate you, like your posts, give you a compliment, talk about
you, notice you entering a room
It fortifies your STAMINA
See all the famous vloggers etc. they're so energetic because others suck their dick.
I used to feel so guilty when I would eat junk
or skip a workout
I was literally obsessed with this and overestimated the importance of training and diet
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Health: Lethal Weapon
Then I realized that in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter THAT MUCH
Because life is more complex than this
And when I started going out more, I understood.
Those people who are in a good shape, but with much more qualities
Are having a WAY BETTER life than the best-looking guys in the gym who had only muscles
If I can eat healthy, I’ll do it. But if I’m with some bitches or having dinner with someone I’ll
never be a pussy who refuses a slice of pizza.
Trust me. The girls that don’t follow you back on Instagram, the girls you see in the best spots
of your town.
Don’t fuck bodybuilders or CrossFit athletes. They’re probably in love with someone with a fun
The guys that fuck the best girls, go out every time. Those girls see them in the
best restaurants, and the best clubs and hear about them from their friends. When
these men follow them on Instagram the girls think
“Oh, I heard about him. I see some of my friends follow him too. Oh, look we go to similar parties and
clubs. I’ll add him to my shortlist of 100 men.”
This is how things work.
Be in shape without jerking off at calories. Focus more on becoming SOMEBODY.
You’re eating broccoli because you want to have your dick sucked anyway.
213 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
214 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Chapter VI
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
There are different types of RICH
Ideally, you’re RICH everywhere, but that’s not the case for most people
If you’re a millionaire and someone else who is just doing ok financially is fucking bitches left and
right and having more fun
If you’ve saved a lot of money and hold large amounts of cryptocurrency but another guy is
extremely well connected and has more important friends than you, better tables in the club, a
more entertaining lifestyle
The point is, be strong EVERYWHERE. Make the money and utilize it in order for your name
You wouldn’t want some broke guy with a little bit of game to be perceived as more valuable
than you.
I remember having a conversation with Andrew Tate about a year and a half ago about somebody
worth hundreds of million.
That particular guy is a foreigner but lives in Romania most of the year.
Tate was saying how this guy spent an outrageous amount of money trynna “flex” in the club, like
6 figures in one night.
That guy and his crew didn’t like the Tate brothers cause the Tates were fucking a lot of hoes,
even one of those guys’ girlfriends. So, one night when both crews were in the same spot, the
“opposition” spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on champagne trying to prove they were
Tate’s conclusion was this “Yeah, they’re worth hundreds of mil. But me and Tristan had 2 men and
over 25 girls at our table. Everyone knew us, everyone was giving us their souls, staring at us. Those guys
only had their long-time girlfriends and a bunch of dorks. And we’re better looking and have more clout.
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Women don’t understand money
Money is digits on iPhones.
Chicks can’t tell the difference between 50k a month and 500k a month.
Both wear designer and ride a foreign car.
That’s why having money without the skill of spending it correctly affects so many rich individuals
You’ll often see millionaires ignored by beautiful women because they’re incapable of displaying
their true power
This is art too. The art of spending money.
Everybody is focused on making money, few can spend it too.
Millionaire with just 2K on Instagram? Big Mistake.
Most don’t understand the difference between being RICH and HAVING MONEY
Rich means using financial resources to fuel a fantastic lifestyle so 17-year-old teenagers dream
of being exactly like you. While at the same time investing it in the shadows. Building and living.
At the same time. Not a hedonistic fool. Not a nerdy idiot who doesn’t spend his money.
Having money means being a dork watching big numbers multiply on screens without using this
to become a lover boy living a diamond life. Money doesn’t mean shit if you’re not able to leverage
it. Who cares if you have 10 houses if some low-IQ drug dealer lives more exciting than you,
drives fast cars, and fucks young bitches while you’re singing papers in some crowded office.
I don’t want salary money with bullshit responsibility and fake smiles alongside dorks and fat
women bosses
I want fast cash money with connections worldwide, enemies, multiple women, and the freedom
to offend anyone
1 mil per year CEO sells his soul for it
1 mil per year hustler lives a dream
There’s a Romanian saying
“The beggar that doesn’t tell a story remains hungry tonight”
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
That’s why most businesses fail
Without an angle of attack. Without a story.
They don’t receive attention.
No attention = No money
Learn life.
Selling drugs was never an option for me
Even if I made money doing it
It would have meant I had to stay lowkey like a worm to avoid getting caught
I like doing shit for money that sounds cool and you can brag about it and it doesn’t force you to
be politically correct
Imagine I had a big company
I would have to be a liberal idiot talking about Black Lives Matter and posting about diversity
Who cares about this shit I wanna live FREE and say what's on my mind.
The corporate environment forces you to be a pussy, same as breaking the law
People that break the law try not to get caught & have to downplay their power
Their method of obtaining money limits their movement which isn't desirable
I don’t wanna be “nice” for money
Between 200k/month being a criminal sitting lowkey and 50k being free, I would choose the 50k
Everything I do sounds cool and brings benefits if I talk to others about it
I work in the adult industry
So, if I tell this to girls, they think it’s interesting and they assume I fuck all the girls that work for
me, which makes me attractive and they wanna fuck with me too.
Also, men would want to be in my position. They want to hear stories about my experiences and
learn from me
Selling pussy > Selling drugs
Selling pussy is a legit business, but it sounds like it’s not so it is cool, profitable, and enjoyable to
It’s a fantastic way to get money.
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Money isn’t the only metric that matters
It is one of the most important ones, but not the only one
You want to:
Make money + be able to live free, act crazy + little work. If it also sounds cool, it’s a bonus.
Copywriter, 50k/month = dork
Pimp, 50k/month = G
Money can’t buy everything, but it can
facilitate it
Can it buy love? No
But it can buy designer clothes & a VIP table in the club where the pretty girls party at
Can it buy friends? No
But it can buy experiences which make you an interesting person so others want to join you
Money cannot buy a 6 pack
But it can buy
Free time because you’ll delegate meaningless shit to others so you have more time to train,
The best food at the best restaurants
Supplements and trainers
The chances of being in shape increase when you’ve got the cash.
Money cannot buy family
But it can:
- Buy more time to visit your parents
- Increase their life expectancy, because you’ll afford the best doctors for them and you can
send them on vacation, thus taking stress off their shoulders.
Dollars in your pockets = Better family life
I remember being a kid hearing Kanye say “Havin' money's not everything, not having it is”
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Basically, when you’re rich you get accustomed to always having money
But when you’re poor you feel the lack of it. The frustration. The anger.
Being broke is traumatizing.
Get rich
You need more MONEY
More cash in your hands so it allows you to buy time, to build a reputation
More sources of income so you’re protected against different bad events that might happen
The reason I’m powerful and I have OPTIONS
Is that
I have cash coming in from multiple distinct directions.
I can break up with a cam girl tomorrow. This potential event cannot jeopardize my lifestyle.
A. I have enough money
B. I have the capacity to replace that girl FAST
This principle is TRUE in everything.
A soldier betrays? There are others wanting to take his spot. To learn from me.
I’ve created the most COMPLETE and EFFECTIVE course on monetizing females and making
money online utilizing their beauty.
Crypto, forex, stocks
Are for people who already have decent pussy, a decent home, a decent car, and an all-around
pleasant lifestyle
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
After your life is good
And you have extra money, money you don’t need, money that just keeps coming in...
Think of “Investing”
I see a lot of nerds with investments that forgot to invest in themselves, their lifestyle, etc.
Before investing ask yourself truthfully
1. Am I still watching porn/ masturbating
2. Am I proud of my social life
3. Am I proud of my stable of hoes
If you masturbate, you’re a lonely nerd and don’t have hoes
YOU CAN HAVE 1000 Bitcoin I still live a more interesting life so I’m richer. 99% of people
would see it like this.
Who cares about your “wallet”
I care about investing cause I’m in the top 1%
You’re a nerd in your city nobody cares bout you. Girls with 100k don’t know you exist. Resolve
this issue first. Jerk off at Ethereum later.
Lately, on Twitter, I'm seeing a lot of guys creating agencies.
A lot of agency accounts popping up like mushrooms. Everyone doing cold emails or all that stuff
they're doing. Everyone looking to go "from 0 to 10k a month" and blah blah blah.
Look, I have nothing wrong with agencies guys specifically.
It's a job (almost) like another.
Who I am talking to are those guys that a year ago were into eCommerce, then went into
freelancing, then got into bitcoins asking if "Is it too late?! Should I invest $300 in bitcoin??" and now
want to start an agency.
Shiny object syndrome.
Continuously jumping from one thing to another.
Always looking for the magic formula, thinking there's something that will make them "millionaire
just clicking two buttons".
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
When the reality is
There's NO magic formula.
Nothing will make you instantly rich if you don't put in the work.
No, not even webcams. You also need to put in the hard work, mostly at the
Joe Lampton
The weak, believe money is the solution to every problem
The strong, understands that money is just the minimum requirement in order to START living
In the most exclusive neighborhoods, clubs, restaurants, and circles - everyone has money
You need EVERYTHING in order to get ahead
With money, you impress poor people
A complete skillset is required in order to defeat and outshine the best.
You cannot afford the mistake of being one-dimensional.
Learn life
Recently, I see all Twitter talking about cryptos, precisely doge coins.
Investing in dogecoin will not make you rich.
And it's probably not what you need to focus on right now, it's just noise.
Because if you have less than $1k to your name, or if your business is not making at least $10k
per month, you're just wasting your time.
Yes, you may invest $500 and get $2k back.
And then?
You'll still be a worm with no business, no girls, and a shitty lifestyle. Just with $1.5k more
What you need is CASH FLOW.
Then you can start investing in cryptos, stocks, and all that stuff.
You need a growing business that brings in money every month and will allow you to improve
your lifestyle.
Get a better crib, spend money in the club, buy designers, go to restaurants, etc.
221 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Nobody cares if you made $2k off dogecoin, people care if you have money AND an interesting
lifestyle at the same time.
When you’re broke, you can’t afford to care
about feelings.
I have a young soldier who isn’t making much money
I told him he should become skilled at managing a webcam and Onlyfans models, because me and
other friends have made a lot of money in this industry.
Like Andrew Tate said “if all your friends are ice cream experts, you’ll become one too, sooner or later”
Anyway, when I meet new girls, I always tell them to bring their best friends around.
I’m trying to help my young soldier succeed in dating. so, I bring him girls. Recently, one of them
was really into him so I told him to stay with her and put her on cam.
He said “Yeah but I’m not that into her. She’s ok but I’d rather stay with my current girlfriend and just
fuck this bitch”
Follow the money and do the work when you’re at the bottom. You can be choosy
when you’re at the top.
Joe Lampton
Women don’t want money
You’ve got money so you’re perceived as being capable of providing fun and protection.
Also, women like being associated with important men. They can brag to their social circle that
they’re yours.
222 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
It’s a common misconception all unsuccessful men have
That money is enough
A beautiful woman doesn’t know losers exist. They‘re not real in her universe.
Everyone on her Instagram has money.
Money doesn’t make a difference.
Money just makes you noticeable.
Of course, there are plenty broke boys that have beautiful women around
They bring other attributes to the table.
Some are extremely handsome, some have fame, and others have exceptional social skills.
Being good at SOMETHING gets you a seat at the table.
The most remarkable individuals are good at everything.
No visible weaknesses. Capable of “attacking” from any angle.
Money. Some clout. Some muscles. The right friends. Loyal soldiers. Charisma. A high IQ.
Multifaceted. Able to approach any situation.
Learn life.
If you hate your job:
- It's difficult to be consistent
- You will avoid going extra hours
People who are great at what they do are usually in love with the process not only interested in
the money.
Be passionate about things that are also profitable.
I was passionate about girls
Being around them, persuading them to do what I want, bragging to my friends that I have them
I entered the adult industry
Because there was money in this game & it involved doing something I'd do anyway - being around
For me
It was also important that it sounded cool
"What do you do for a living"
223 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
I thought
"If I start this, I can brag about it and others will feel inferior because everyone wants to be around hoes.
I'd have something they all dream of"
If you think about it
Ideally, the "perfect" business should have these 3 elements:
- Potential to get rich
- Tasks you're passionate about
- Sounds cool and others envy you when you talk about it
Passion without money = Useless Hobby
Money without passion = Daily Nightmare
How to escape poverty:
Get a job
Save money
Buy courses and build skills, utilizing that information
Monetize the skills part-time, while also keeping the job
Become better & make more than you make from your salary
Quit the job
Scale the business
I’ve never hesitated to spend my money
It’s crucial to spend it, especially if you want to elevate as an individual
Before starting my webcam journey, I invested 20% of my money into hiring a consultant that had
experience in this field
After that, when my studio was growing, I hired a former manager from one of the biggest studios
in Romania in order to train my staff and me.
I’ve postponed vacations and buying things in order to build more rooms so I could hire more
webcam models
I’ve spent money buying dinners for a lot of people, I’ve facilitated fun by paying expensive bills in
clubs, I’ve tipped waiters and made sure I have a good reputation
This is one of the reasons why I’m always evolving, why important people want to associate with
me, etc.
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Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
You want everyone to suck your dick but you’re too afraid to risk getting broke
Don’t get me wrong
I’m not saying you should blow all your money away on cocaine
I’m saying you should not be a pussy
You want to get better in your business? PAY PEOPLE WHEN YOU WANT INFORMATION
You want to get better bitches and wealthier friends? SPEND MONEY, GO OUT, LIVE A GOOD
You want people to notice you and grant you access to their table? INVEST IN YOUR LOOKS,
Money is the foundation for EVERYTHING
Money increases your chances of success in each area
- More opportunities to find a woman to have a family with
- More opportunities to connect with smart men
- More opportunities to be healthier
Get the cash
In order to have a fun lifestyle
You must be in shape and make money effortlessly
If you're struggling every day to cook, train, eat healthy, trade time for cash
Guess what
You won't have time and energy to "waste" on meeting friends, dating bitches, and creating
You think the men who fuck new bitches frequently, who have multiple GF’s
Sit and struggle in the office 10 hours a day? Sit and cook and jerk off at calories?
They’re on Instagram DM’ing hoes, in coffee shops having dates and they’re drinking multiple
times a week with some hoe they’re smashing. Going to bed late. They’re not waking up at 5 in
the morning.
You think men who know a lot of people, who have a lot of acquaintances, connections
225 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Sit in front of a computer every day, listening to audiobooks and meditating?
No. They’re out often. They’re smoking cigars and drinking whiskey with other smart men.
Money comes in even though they’re not in an office.
Learn to make money without trading your time for it. Have big arms and look dangerous
without needing to eat healthy every day.
I made my money in the adult industry
For you to have girls working on webcam, you must develop the following skills:
1. Marketing / General business knowledge
2. The understanding of intersexual dynamics
3. Discipline
If you’ve got marketing skills, you know that in order for a product to sell, you need ATTENTION
Business is taking other people’s money
Numbers game.
A lot of people know your girl, then you can monetize the audience.
If you learn how to handle women, you can motivate & persuade them to work hard in order to
please you.
You can also motivate them by explaining why it’s important to perform in front of the camera the life changes that they can implement if they generate large sums.
In order for this business to work you need to be disciplined and serious.
Just like the gym, where you understand that being in shape requires time, effort, and a good
strategy regarding sleep, nutrition, etc.
The same principles apply here.
Business is marketing and sales
Marketing is ATTENTION
The more attention your brand gets, the more potential customers
226 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Making the customer believe in your expertise and convincing him that you can help him if he
buys from you.
I started my webcam business in 2015 with a small investment
I hired models because my company appeared everywhere
It became perceived as a big webcamming company extremely fast.
I used tons of micro-influencers, ads, cold DM'd girls to come work for me, posted on forums,
I had a lot of clicks on my website and I used the same script to message the girls who were on
it to set up job interviews
Due to the ATTENTION, I had lots of options and daily job interviews
We could select who to hire, who's trash, etc.
Options = Position of power
Also, the website, social media, and positioning on the market were on point
The angle was
"You don't have to get naked; you'll just talk to customers from the US"
"The only studio in Bucharest that relies on persuasion techniques not on doing erotic shows"
It sounded good.
Then, to close the deal we used pretty girls that would interview the future webcam models
The pretty girls were trained by me and they had answers for every potential question, concern,
Another thing we did was NETWORKING
So basically, we got in touch with the big names in the industry, showed them proof of our results
And we were nominated for lots of awards in the industry
This helped with hiring higher-quality girls.
The girls who saw the ads and read about us were like
"Yeah, so these guys seem legit, they've been validated by the big names. Award shows and shit. Think
I'll apply for a job there"
Perception = Reality
It's not enough to be good. A LOT OF PEOPLE HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT YOU.
227 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
From hiring a girl to her making good money it required time and more staff dedicated to training
So, to avoid hiring a lot of stuff we thought we should also "steal" girls from the big studios, the
studios that started in the 2000s
So, we developed a clever strategy for this
By the way, Romania has had webcam studios since 99-2000
We're considered the #1 country in this game
After us is Colombia, then Russia, and then the US
It's a legit business here, with lots of companies. Webcam studios have their headquarters in
business buildings with banks and corporations.
So, the big studios had developed strategies to make models perform at their best
They invested in staff, and training and they had complex systems of preparing a girl for high
They played the game in a very professional manner
So, we started "stealing" from them
The big companies had very harsh rules
"If you're not online at 6:00 AM, you get 200 dollars penalty"
"If you take a customer’s phone number, 1000-dollar penalty"
Some were even crazier
"If you become friends in real life with other girls that work here, $1000 penalty"
What we did was
We didn't have no rule
We promised "No penalties, no crazy rules, this is the NEW WAY of working on webcam" Blah blah
Girls were stupid so they left big companies and came to us
We didn't have to train them, they just made money from the beginning.
This way we built our cashflow and our position on the market
Then we adopted the same rules as the big studios
Penalties and shit
Because we were in a position where
If a girl was acting stupid, we could fire her without thinking "Oh what if we can't replace her"
Long story short we also became a big name in Romania
228 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
The people who speak in an entrepreneurial language learned the business in school or from
reading Robert Kiyosaki
Are always employees or making shit money
Bosses and true hustlers just know how to get MORE MONEY IN constantly
I give zero fucks about Warren Buffet quotes and what Apple does
I want more Cash flow. So, I can upgrade my lifestyle & have money to invest
I have friends making millions per year from their living room and phones
And I also have friends struggling with companies, departments, CFO’s, etc.
At the end of the day, it matters
There are lotta losers who jerk off at entrepreneurial language but they have zero pussy and
Stop talking like a nerd. Get the Cash clout and PUSSY
"Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”
Someone sent me this quote
It’s true, but it’s also an excuse broke people use to justify their lack of resources
Laughing with your friends is important but you’d rather do it in a mansion
Spending time with the woman you love is amazing, but you’d rather spend it in an expensive
Every “little” thing is amplified by money.
Get rich.
Marketing > Skill
Who you know > What you know
229 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
There are personal trainers who train peasants that earn 50k per year
And there are personal trainers who train celebrities
They both know the same information
But one's around dorks and the other is around millionaires.
The new generation is good at making money online, crypto, etc.
Which is fantastic, they’re all making money early in life
But what they lack is
Social skills + Old school behavior rules
Because they spent their childhood in front of screens, they’re autistic robots.
zero personality. zero sweetness. zero frame.
They can’t interact properly. Hard to make friends, hard to be leaders, hard to make hoes obey.
Furthermore, it’s like they’re unaware of those old school rules
⁃ Ignore a chick if your boy fucks her
⁃ Help your friends when they’re in trouble
⁃ Inherit your friends’ enemies if he’s at war with someone, don’t be a neutral pussy
⁃ Don’t be a snake. Keep your word. Be trustworthy
⁃ Don’t snitch
⁃ Look like a man. Be able to fight.
If a young guy can make money online + be charismatic + be masculine
He’s destined for a bright future.
Crypto without other qualities = Still a loser.
"Get money but pretend you're broke"
Is like saying
"Get a beautiful wife but pretend you fuck fat 50-year-old women"
Everyone that has money, spends it
One way or another
The reason why you think the rich don't spend is because some of them don't buy flashy
There are men who don't necessarily care how they look
Maybe they're married and attracting hoes isn't their thing
So, they wear a black t-shirt and drive a normal car
230 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
But they spend money on mansions, or they collect art
They still spend it
Just not on things you're aware of.
Dating is a waste of time, energy, and money
If your plan is to get rich
UNLESS you’re trying to get involved in the Onlyfans/Webcam business
Why not monetize the women you have sex with?
One good girl on cam + OF will finance the whole lifestyle
The dates, the champagne, the nice clothes, a good car etc.
Having her online gives you more power over her.
No male boss brainwashed her into being a corporate slave. No hoe friends wanting to get her
in the club with other men
She’ll make more than ever and she’ll be happier
Everyone wins
You, her, and the men who jerk off at her pictures/stream
If you do not currently have a girlfriend
You can learn how to open an agency and hire girls.
The internet is powerful
Make full use of it.
There are two types of people
1. Rich people who don’t give a fuck and live without stress
2. Most people who need more money
Both categories fuck something
Both probably have a girlfriend
If you’re not making enough in order to feel satisfied
You should put your girl on webcam and Onlyfans
231 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Why let her have a job - You’re comfortable with other men hitting up on her for a low salary?
Comfortable with her boss toying with her around the office?
Why let her go to university - You want to prepare her for Clown World or what? Do you like
her spending time with guys her age at school? You’re comfortable with her being brainwashed
to become an “independent” woman?
The best chess move is putting her to work FOR YOU
Being obsessed with your career is smart when your career resolves every other problem by
Think about it.
If Drake focuses solely on music he gets millions, girls, high-level friends, fame, and adoration.
If you focus solely on your bullshit job you get what?
A small raise every year?
Outside of entertainment and sports
You should seek to make as much money as possible in the least amount of time
In order to have the resources, time & cash, to tackle the other problems of life
It's not an accomplishment to be the best manager in a corporation
Nobody cares.
If you're McGregor it makes sense to give it all to your craft
Because you'll be remembered for hundreds of years for your efforts. And while you're still alive
every human being will want to speak with you, just because you're famous.
If you're a normal guy, the goal is to get rich easily.
Who cares if you’re not passionate about what you do? Just sell something and get the cash. Then
multiply it and live your life.
Most rich people are dorks
232 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Jerking off at their business non-stop, one girl, can't fight, dress like shit, look older cause of
stress, people don't even know that they've got money because they ain't got no clout
Cash ain't enough without the other qualities.
Your number one concern as a man is to
become RICH
Nobody respects a broke guy
As an adult, every girl you’ll meet expects you to be successful
No hot girl wants to fuck with some guy working a job
Trust me
I roll in the upper echelon of bitches
They don’t even know guys who work jobs, they don’t know losers
Without POWER you have zero utility.
And building POWER requires a solid CASHFLOW
Girls don't like money, girls like FUN.
But without money, you cannot facilitate fun or spontaneity.
A chick doesn't sit there and calculate how much you've spent on your car, clothes, house.
She doesn't care how much you make.
She doesn't know the difference between a person who is worth 10 mil and someone who earns
30k a month.
Cash just numbers for her. Everyone has it.
Hot chicks don't interact with losers.
Everyone she knows or fucks with has a business, is a criminal, an athlete/entertainer, or has rich
All the men in her Universe live a good life. She doesn't allow intruders into her world if she
doesn't see signs of success.
Money and Free time amplify your looks and personality.
233 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
You're SEXY in her eyes if you're the type to always go out to nice places and spend without
looking at prices, dressed nicely, wake up whenever you want to, do whatever you want to do
She likes it.
TIME is underrated, people only talk about the cash
Your money loses its value if you're always tired and you have a busy schedule
Maybe a hot chick wants to hang out on a Monday night. If you have a job in the morning and you
can't provide FUN, somebody else is gonna smash.
Of course
In an ideal world, in order to dominate the dating scene, you must acquire as many WEAPONS
as possible
Big arms, storytelling ability, fun friends to serve as wingmen, a bigger house to host parties,
notoriety, etc.
These are effective and appreciated tools.
But the most crucial WEAPONS which you must possess remain CASH AND TIME.
Make large amounts of money as effortlessly as possible. Pay others
to execute the dull tasks for you.
This way you'll be in the position to meet and enjoy the best
Joe Lampton
I had ZERO interest to go on vacations, to restaurants, or attending parties when I was broke.
To be honest, I had zero interest to even fuck my girls too much or spending time doing couple
All I wanted was MONEY. All I cared about was HAVING MORE MONEY IN MY BANK
and training.
All my friends back then were trying to live a "balanced life"
"Oh, let's go have a coffee"
"Oh, let's go on a vacation in Greece"
"Oh, it's this guy’s birthday wanna come"
I ignored everyone. Lost a lot of people in the process. Gave zero fucks.
234 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Why chill when I wasn't BALLIN!?
Even had countless conversations with my girl back then
She was saying things like
"Look at X he's doing this with his girl"
"Why can't we go at least to our hometown during Christmas"
Gave zero fucks even about holidays.
My main interest was WORK
The only thing that excited me was ADVANCING. Saving more money, increasing my cash
flow every month, improving my business, and reinvesting my profits so I could earn even more.
My secondary priority was training. Martial arts and gym.
Simple reality.
When I started making some cash, I hired a maid and had a company deliver me healthy food
every morning
I understood that being a broke male adult is SUICIDE
You're invisible to the world if you remain in that position.
Zero influence and power
So, unless you DESERVE IT
And you're getting cash effortlessly
Stay on the grind
Go out when you're ready.
Rich and jacked
You can have harems of females later
Get the bag first young G.
Money is freedom and freedom is exciting
Freedom to get a tan by the pool on a sunny day while everyone else is at work
Freedom to drive 2 hours on a random Tuesday to a small town to meet a pretty girl
Freedom to wake up whenever you want, eat what you want, say what u want.
235 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Every negative event has a minimal impact once you're rich
Your girl breaks up with you? No problem you just go out a lot, spend money in the club and get
another bad bitch
Somebody sues you? No problem, just call the best lawyers. Wire some cash and get the issues
Your physique isn't on point? Just hire the best trainer, get a smart nutritionist and let them think
for you while you just execute.
You're spending too much time on bullshit? Hire 2 VAs and some soldiers to fix the boring day
2-day problems.
Money is the ultimate solution.
"But money can't buy you love"
Yeah, but it can buy you the VIP table, the clothes, and the jewelry in order to be in the same
location, 3 meters away from the pretty girl with 100k on Instagram that always pops up on your
You have way more chances to get her now.
"Money can't buy you friends"
Yeah, but it can buy you access to networking events with millionaires. You get in close proximity
to individuals that can change your life with just a short conversation.
Get the cash.
Crazy how TikTok helps you promote your brand in 2022
In the last few months, some guy owning a fast food in Bucharest popped up on my feed
Because I watched the whole video, the algorithm kept pushing him every day
And although I don't usually eat junk food, I ordered from him a few times just to give a little
support to a small biz.
Anyway, today after the gym I went there physically with a friend
Drove like 45 minutes, shitty area I’ve never been to in my life
Lotta houses with gypsies around, an average location, cheap furniture in there, etc.
Told him I’d seen him on TikTok and asked if it brought customers
He said "Yes of course I'll open 5 more locations throughout the country soon"
Then he said another interesting thing
236 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
"The reason why I have customers is that I'm passionate about what I do, people see it's not just
advertising, I really enjoy cooking, I really love it"
This made me realize that
If you want people to buy, you need:
1. Traffic - gotta be able to get the attention of as many people as possible
2. You gotta be passionate about the subjects you master. Gotta be excited about it. If you're
excited the audience will be too.
TikTok gets you free traffic which is great for small brands, before this platform was popular you
had to rely on paid ads
But the key to getting views is to love what you do, to make people like you, to develop your
storytelling ability, to be entertaining & able to give knowledge
Made my day to see this guy win with his fast food. Just a simple guy with a good heart being
While other "smart" people who know all this marketing lingo and read 20 books on the subject
can't move the needle because they're stiff, boring & nobody relates to them.
analyze rich/famous people
They all push content like crazy, try new business opportunities all the time, and meet new people
They're always doing SOMETHING. And they're thinking less.
The weak just overthink every small decision and end up accomplishing nothing.
When someone successful has an idea he's busy implementing it fast
While the broke boys just sit and analyze
Was talking to a rich friend recently, and he was saying
"I'd rather launch this product now and let the market decide if it's a good idea instead of contemplating
3 years, thinking in my head that I have a great business plan. Even if the product isn't 100% ready, I'll
launch it"
237 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
In order to advance in life, you gotta take chances
You see something that works, do it too
You see someone having methods that made him rich, emulate him
Instead of jerking off at your thoughts, focus on MORE ACTION
Learn life
Money is an amplifier
A broke boy invites a girl over, drinks wine, then fucks
Excitement level: 5
A rich guy invites 10 girls to a party, VIP table, nice vibe, afterparty in some mansion, crazy stories,
and then cums
Excitement level: 8
Money amplifies every experience.
Same with eating
You're fed even if you go to McDonald's and eat a 10-dollar burger
The results are basically the same
But life's not always about efficiency
Why do you think Drake spends 30k on a bottle of wine in a fancy restaurant?
It's a higher-quality event.
Poor people always say
Broke = thinks in terms of money spent
Rich = thinks in terms of AMPLIFYING everything regardless of the price. Even if the situation is
5% BETTER, he'll spend some cash
Imagine the car guys who own some supercar
238 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
They go and make a lot of changes to it, spending 100k more on upgrades
Poor people would say "But it's the same car, if I had the money, I'd just buy another one"
1. You don't have the money
2. Rich people wanna amplify everything.
Focus on making money EASY not on making money at all costs
Hard work requires hours in the trenches which force you to sacrifice networking, females and
creating new memories
Work smart so you can experience joy from MULTIPLE ANGLES not just from productivity
Learn life
I have friends from every environment
The hood, criminals, lawyers, Wall Street types, CEOs, millionaires from crypto, nerds from
corporations, etc.
One of my best friends from high school became a partner at McKinsey & Company, an American
worldwide management consulting firm, one if not the best in the world in this domain.
The guy is very smart, almost genius-level.
He earns good money
For most people in my country, he would be considered rich because he makes mid 6 figures
every year
He works 6 days per week, 12 hours a day, and travels all over the world but doesn’t have time
to visit those cities because he’s stuck in offices with his clients.
Doesn’t have time for bitches, doesn’t have enough friends because he’s always working on
something, has a lot of useless stress, has little time to lift weights, etc.
Basically, he has some money that really doesn’t have any value
He can’t even post controversial shit online because his company promotes gays and diversity
When I talk to this guy it makes me laugh
The last time I spoke with him he was telling me stories about helping a Serbian billionaire client
and all kinds of experiences with oligarchs from EE
239 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Money: Get Rich or Die Tryin’
Then my 19-year-old soldier who was with me told him “Bro you’re mentioning all these shot callers
but I have more girlfriends than you wtf is wrong with your life”
Then I realized this is true
Who gives a fuck bout those billionaires if this guy doesn’t have the time, friends, and hoes to
enjoy a Saturday night in the club?
Always aim for a future where you live life on your terms with the right people around you.
240 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Lifestyle: Living Life
241 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Chapter VII
Lifestyle: Living Life
The best lifestyle set-up a man can create
is one where he's getting stronger by utilizing distractions"
Tate was driving supercars, traveling, and doing fun shit but also filmed the content. then used it
to promote himself which led to more money/connections/bitches
He created a bridge between his passions and his income
Most waste money/time when they're doing cool shit
Also, with girls
Guys get drunk with hoes and lose money in their business. They feel bad about it.
A guy like Tate would benefit from dating so many girls
He used some of them for his webcam company while others were used for credibility in order
to launch his first courses
His first product on his website was PHD, a course where he spoke about dating
Nobody would have bought the product if he didn't have so many receipts:
Photos with lots of bitches, screenshots, a cool Instagram, lifestyle footage, etc.
The difference between Tate and other entrepreneurs was:
Usually, business guys have to sacrifice their time with women, the partying, and the flashiness in
order to gain financial superiority
While Tate was getting richer and richer by doing things that are generally "distractions"
Even all the podcasts he's been invited to
A guy like Tate likes speaking and teaching others
It fortifies his ego
It's fun for him
He was "working" by going on different shows. But the "work" wasn't a burden at all.
It was something he'd do for free anyway.
242 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
The vast majority of men live a life where they're sacrificing at work in order to gain a few hours
of fun every weekend
Then if they buy something nice like a car, they gotta think twice because it loses its value &
they're unhappy they didn't invest it back in their business.
Tate bought a Bugatti, had fun with it, and accomplished the dream of acquiring the most
expensive vehicle, which is super satisfying especially if you're a car guy
BUT ALSO became famous using it and made the money back super-fast
He gave something fun a business nuance
Create a set-up where hedonistic behaviors get you richer
Where being funny gets you paid
Where living wild gets you notoriety
Learn to give a business nuance to your passions.
This way you get stronger while also creating memories and living your best life.
People who say notoriety/status isn't important are low-IQ
I Remember 2 years ago Tate told me to book a table in the club, on short notice
I sent my soldier over to do it
"No table sir, sorry"
Then went with Tate there, he showed security his Instagram and they had a free table
Everywhere in the world, people act based on how they perceive you
You go to any restaurant/club and you're a nobody?
They'll give you a shitty table until you demonstrate that you spend
Or they just say there's nothing free and give the tables to people they already know.
Women are the same
They're much more predisposed to want to meet you when they've heard your name/you already
fucked someone they know/they Google you and see you're SOMEBODY/they check your IG
and see you're doing cool shit
Hot chicks ain't interested if you're not valuable.
243 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Although men are less shallow in general, the smartest ones are quite the same
I go through my message requests and see some dork - I never reply
I see someone who seems legit. I'll give him a shot
How you look/present yourself, your lifestyle - can be a shortcut to victory.
I have so much fun with my friends or on my phone
That women bore me except for the moments when I wanna get drunk in the club and fuck
some bitches
Like what's the point of talking to a girl except dating her in order to get sex and chit chatting in
the club before taking her home
I never go on vacations just me with a chick
Never go on dates with chicks I already fucked
Never do couple stuff
It's boring as fuck compared to just training, doing fun shit with your boys, scrolling on your
phone with the purpose of making money, or seducing a new bitch
The more time I spend with a girl, the more I get bored with her
I'd rather see her once every 2 weeks
She's sexy, dressed nicely, and attractive
I'm in the mood for fun
Perfect scenario
Sit every day to see you in pajamas eating pizza? Why? To get disgusted with you?
Couples end up having shitty sex and arguing over nonsense because they're with each other too
Or talking through messages all day long
You sacrifice mystery and sexuality for comfort and emotional support
Then it's all fucked up because her pussy is dry
Wrong approach.
Normal lifestyle:
20m talking every day through messages
She's got her own place, goes to the gym, has female hobbies, works on something & stalks
your social media scared you'll fall in love with some hoe
You stay with your boys everyday training, working, chasing pussy
244 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Then you meet a few days every month, you bring her with your circle, do some cool shit, have
crazy sex
No reason to opt for a different scenario
If your chick ain't cool with this setup just stay single until you find someone who’s willing to play
the role you want her to play.
As a young adult, you have 3 choices when it
comes to how you live
1. Live alone
2. With your girlfriend
3. With other men
It's been 2 years since I started living in a big mansion with my friends
Here are the most important lessons I've learned about this kind of set-up
1. You don't have the luxury to feel depressed
When you're with other men you can't act like a bitch
Even if you feel anxiety, stress, even if you're scared
You'd look bad by showing it
So, you're basically forced to maintain a positive mood all the time.
2. Say bye-bye to being shy
If you live with others in a big house, there are always people around. Their girls, your girls, other
mutual friends, etc.
Even if you start as a socially awkward person, you'll be forced to become a good communicator.
Can't just hide from reality.
3. Team spirit
When you're alone most of the time, you only think about yourself and you're selfish
When you're with a team, you're forced to think in a way that makes everyone win.
Good part: You get support from them and you're never alone in your important endeavors.
4. Gotta become who you say you are
245 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Most men hide their true selves through mystery. They're by themselves and can lie a lot about
what they're doing, their reactions to certain events
I'm forced to be the man I pretend to be because everyone sees how I behave & handle situations
5. Increased productivity
If you're with ambitious guys all day long, you live a fast pace life
Can't just sit in bed all day, you'll get judged by them
Gotta train, make money, go on dates, meet other people, fuck hoes, smile, etc.
You learn to live at a different speed.
To expand on the last idea, I remember living alone
Had days when I would just wake up then go back to sleep
Or weeks when I'd just sit in the house without going to the barber etc.
Now I'd feel like an idiot if others would see me like this so I'm READY to perform 24/7.
Exaggerated discipline means you ain’t gonna have plenty of sexual partners, memories and
Hedonism means you ain’t gonna have enough money, results, and muscles
Being a G means avoiding the downsides of both approaches
Only a select few can pull this off
Learn life.
Being combat-ready isn’t enough to keep you
alive and safe
You’re all idiots and I’ve got to teach you
When you’re combat ready. Your enemies know you’re good. And they perceive you as being
capable to damage them in a fair 1vs1 conflict
Consequently, they’ll come in big numbers. Or they’ll use weapons.
So, to stay alive, you and safe you need to:
Roll with big and capable men (big men around you reduce the chances of someone trying to
harm you)
246 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Avoid certain areas (Metro, public transportation, Walking the streets at night, dangerous
hoods, shitty clubs)
Prevention. Don’t expose yourself.
Don’t think 6 months of boxing or years of hitting the bag in a safe environment will save you
from a knife.
Knowing how to fight is cool and helps you to be in shape and to look good on social media.
Girls may think you’re dangerous which is good.
But the streets don’t care about your athletic ability.
Psychopaths won’t think of your extremely good BJJ submissions once they put their blade on
your neck.
Don’t be a hero. Be smart.
If I tell you to do something
It’s an opportunity for you to prove you deserve more important tasks in the future
If you decline to do it
You signal that you’re incapable of understanding the chance you’re getting
So, you no longer exist in my universe
Your incapacity to correctly interpret that associating with me is beneficial
Will keep you away from my genius.
So, it will take you longer to discover the things I discovered and to come to the same
Time is the only resource that matters. You’re wasting it.
I told someone yesterday
“Come train with me today. My main sparring partner isn’t coming”
He said “Can’t come my girlfriend is sick”
You do not afford a sick girlfriend.
I despise every woman-related problem. You should have studied me.
Remain a loser.
The end.
247 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
A dorky life coach on Twitter said
“Turn notifications Off”
I disagree `
I don’t turn notifications off
I welcome stress and chaos
A man’s happiness comes from the ability to handle and extinguish the fire, not from running
away from responsibility and problems
Notifications Off = Weak
Remaining sane and winning despite having a hard life = Strong
Maybe someone is offering me a business deal and I miss the opportunity
Maybe there’s shit I must handle FAST
Maybe you’re at work and I have to fuck your wife NOW
What’s the point of making money if you’re stuck with a wife, you’ve already fucked 1000 times
I’m gonna delegate to the baby mommas to raise my kids in separate houses
Maybe come once a week and say what’s up
Not gonna micromanage kids. Not gonna get stuck with a woman full-time.
Inevitably you become soft living with a female full time
It’s not fun
If you’re rich enough, you can hire a maid, eat out, etc.
If you’re man enough, you don’t need a woman for emotional support either
You need women part-time. Late at night to suck your dick etc.
Kids don’t need their fathers to change diapers
They need a father when they’re teenagers. An “architect” who designs their lifestyle and a mom
who is making sure the plan is executed daily.
Martial arts, discipline, hard work
The father creates the plan. Mother manages.
Men need freedom
To generate resources, to spread their genes left and right, to train with their brothers
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Lifestyle: Living Life
They don’t need a wife stressing them out non-stop. They don’t need additional drama in this
lifetime of war.
Women raise children. Suck Dick.
Smile and make sandwiches.
Attractiveness and Power
Men risk it all for power. Those who succeed get the spoils of war. More women than they’ve
got time to enjoy.
Attractive females gladly accept to share the kingpin with others
Some bail out and opt for a beta provider, sacrificing fun for safety.
Men compete. Ruthlessly. On every level. Whose got the new luxury car? Who won in sparring
today? Whose company made bigger profits? Whose muscles are bigger?
Women implement every strategy available aiming to get the attention of the kingpin. Make-up,
plastic surgery, photos.
A woman’s priority is to receive the kingpin’s seed. Subconsciously she knows that this increases
the chances of him keeping her.
His priority is to have as many women as possible. Some for temporary enjoyment some for
carrying his children. He wants a strong legacy.
The only viable option is to obtain immortality. Sons that ensure your name will reign long after
your death.
This is the ultimate competition.
After experiencing sexual and financial abundance, respect
You focus on the next generation.
You live through your children.
Joe Lampton
Living with the same woman full-time assassinates competitiveness and robs you of your
masculine killer instinct
Live and make money with your friends
Bring bitches at night, fuck and go to sleep
Let her live with her family or alone
No need for female energy non-stop.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
I’ve made peace with the thought that in 30 years
The vast majority of the population will be gay or black or drug-addict video gamers
It is what it is.
My solution is:
1. Stay in Romania till it is compromised and the progressive agenda destroys it
2. Move to Moldova for 10 years and wait until the globalists destroy it too
3. Move to an Arabic country and become Muslim.
And while doing all this. Sell pussy online to degenerate Westerners and get richer.
Can’t fight the system. You can only adapt and exploit for fun and profit.
When I go places
I don’t look around
I just walk, like I own the place, Louie shades on and I sit on my phone.
I am the MAIN EVENT of the evening.
THEY MUST LOOK and analyze how I’m dressed.
THEY MUST look at my girls’ tits
When you know who was in the same restaurant as you
When you look around like a little weasel
You subconsciously signal to the UNIVERSE that you’re a weaker man
That you don’t deserve attention
That you do not matter
That you think deep down that you don’t belong there.
You must genuinely believe you’re a superstar genius millionaire destined for greatness
You mustn’t believe FOR A SECOND somebody else is untouchable & worthy of more attention
Because if you do. Your body will signal this. Your gestures. Your tonality.
If you THINK you’re weak, you’re right. The Universe will listen to you. And you’ll behave as
If you THINK you’re destined for envy, hate, and admiration. The Universe will lead you towards
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Lifestyle: Living Life
I GENUIENLY don’t give a fuck about somebody else when I enter a location
I’m ready to neutralize everyone. I am better dressed than everyone.
I don’t even mention other men besides my friends in convos with women
When you’re mentioning, hating, loving, other men in front of women
You’re indirectly pushing those females towards them
You are amplifying their power.
You’re feeding them with your energy.
You’re actually a CUCKOLD
1. Believe you’re destined for greatness
2. Get on the path to greatness
3. Don’t indirectly feed the enemy with your soul
4. Work assiduously until you’re able to ROB THEM ALL OF THEIR SOULS
5. Sit like you own every place you go to
Learn life
Being Funny
Is one of the most underrated traits
Yet one of the most important ones
Being capable of doing dumb shit or saying stupid things that will be remembered by your women
and friends forever
Love stories and friendships are created when you're drunk and doing crazy shit
Girls wanna have fun then secure a reliable man to have babies with
Men want to be in the position where they can facilitate fun, to fuck a lot of girls from which they
choose the most reliable ones for having kids.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
After both sexes create the babies, they return to craving fun
Lack of fun destroys marriages, relationships and creates single moms and traumatized children
Lack of freedom and money = No fun = Pussy is dry = No sex = Relationship destroyed
To maintain a relationship, you need the woman to be obsessed with your dick
That’s it.
When you’re stressed out cause your job sucks. When you drive a shitty car and you’re out of
Fun people don’t wanna associate with you. So, you live a boring life.
Therefore, your sex drive is low and the girls you interact with aren’t interested in sucking your
Get money. Buy free time. Invest in your reputation. Assemble a team of strong, fun and useful
men. Fuck bitches. Make more money & train harder. Keep the most reliable useful bitches as
girlfriends. Create strong sons. Let the women raise them. Continue fucking hoes and shinning.
Learn life
Large sums of money don’t make you feel rich unless combined with online clout/street fame
You need attention and options from which you create connections, soldiers, mentors and hoes
Grind. Get money. Build a solid reputation. Acquire quality friends & females.
Learn life
Party and have fun until you're disgusted with yourself and you feel the urge to train and be
Be productive and disciplined until you objectively DESERVE to have fun
Creating memories mood & building empires mood
Few can switch between the two moods correctly.
I can’t live like a loser. I must BE and HAVE more than most
More bitches, more money, more clothes, better friends, more skills etc.
I MUST be funnier. MUST steal more attention. MUST be smarter.
Can’t relate to people who don’t strive to become LETHAL.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
You’re a G when:
1. Most men would be afraid if you were in the same room with their woman
2. Most men wouldn't want to have beef with you
To be accomplished as a man, to MEAN SOMETHING
You must be seen as a WORTHY OPPONENT
They must respect your ability to attract women and your capacity for destruction
Wars were fought because of women. Stories were written because of female beauty. Men
working 12 hours a day to reach a level where 9’s know they exist.
Also, being war ready is crucial since the dawn of civilization. Everyone respects the
masculinity displayed by a ruthless man.
1. Become tough
2. Become proficient in seducing women
Learn life
Nerds think the solution to escaping the decline of Western society is to be digital nomads
They always move around. One year here, one year there etc.
This is a bad choice
Being always on the move means you do not have the time to build a base, a reputation in a city.
You won’t have enough friends, connections, power and pussy.
The key to escaping the West isn’t to move around like a dork.
You should move in one city. Live there 80% of the year.
20% you can travel, visit your home country etc.
When you’re in your main city. You should find ways of penetrating the important circles. Of
getting a few connections that will provide you knowledge about the culture, that will introduce
you to others.
Furthermore, you should create a strong group of local friends, a crew.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Another aspect is MONEY
To have results in EE, Asia or South America
You must have MORE than the locals.
You already start from a position of weakness. You don’t know the language. You’re not from
there. You dress, look different.
To compensate this, you need Cash. The locals must have serious reasons to accept you and
welcome you.
If you have cash, cars etc.
Others will want to associate with you. They ll gladly speak english and befriend a foreigner if
they have something to gain from it.
If you’re average, lonely and don’t present POTENTIAL BENEFITS
Be strategic when you move to another place.
Most nomads I see on Twitter are worms fucking 6’s that live boring lifestyles, look wierd and
are invisible to the relevant people in their new towns.
Big steaks every day
I’m not into cooking cause I’m not a stupid female.
I like going out with my friends in the afternoon, laughing and talking to bitches on Instagram. My
favorite part is when I insult females and screenshot it. I then send it to my REVENGE/ROMANIA
separate group. All we do is send screenshots/audio messages with bitches being humiliated,
girlfriends crying, calling them dogs etc.
It’s our guilty pleasure.
I might have a bitch over at lunch and I ignore her a bit while having fun with my crew...then
maybe I go to a first date later in the evening with another hoe
At night, I have one of my girlfriends come and sleep with me.
If I wanna smash a bitch for the first time, I just gather my friends and we have a small party. They
keep repeating I’m the biggest G, saying stories of me doing crazy shit, while I pretend, I’m humble.
I get the female drunk then I fuck her.
Sleep, then it’s training and money until the next afternoon.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Simple reality.
Explanations for losers:
“Get the female drunk” = We all drink because drinking is fun. Men are stronger than women, so
women get more drunk. This doesn’t mean the girls wouldn’t still fuck if there were no drinks.
They’d still do it but why not have some fun.
“Insult females” = If I insult a female, I do it in a funny way that differentiates me from others.
Bitches like it and fuck with me because I’m also smart sexy etc.
“Girlfriends crying” = This happens when you’re a playboy. Girls cry cause they miss you, cause
you cheat, cause hotter girls want you. It’s not bad to have girls cry for THESE reasons.
“Cook like a stupid female” = Men don’t cook. They eat at restaurants or have females cook for
them. Cooking is a low ROI activity. Go do something productive rather than cutting onion.
Society trained women to believe they
deserve to be put on a pedestal
To counter this
You must normalize the opposite agenda in your circle
Pleasing men is NORMAL. Cheating on females is NORMAL. Women paying men is NORMAL.
You cannot fight evil if you do not attack with an equal, contrasting force
Being “conservative” doesn’t work.
You need heavy artillery.
Being a G in your 20’s means having 8 things
Money, friends, free time, loving girlfriends, hoes, 6pack, clout and the ability to damage another
human being
Learn life.
Nobody cares if you’re good at fighting
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Lifestyle: Living Life
They care if you’re a pussy or not
I’d rather have around me a psychopath that doesn't give a fuck and would use weapons
Instead of a martial artist who is afraid of the police
Don’t think of the consequences when it’s REALLY time for cruelty.
With that being said
The best martial art, the best warfare maneuver
Is having money, a strong reputation, and rolling on a daily basis with people who are combat
If you live in a good neighborhood, go to expensive places and you're with a big crew
99.9% of the time your safe.
Most people I see on Twitter, in the “Manosphere” etc.
Are boring as fuck. They literally live their lives on Twitter.
It’s the only arena where they’re respected and appreciated. Where people give them attention.
This is why all they talk about is “avoiding distractions”, “toughness” etc.
Because they’re nobodies in real life, they play like it’s their own decision to “avoid distractions”
Why do you think most hide behind anon accounts and don’t post their Instagram?
They have zero friends, zero bitches, and zero influence
You can be extremely serious and boring when you’re older
In fact, life will force you to be so
If you’re still a young man, have some fun
Cheat, drink until you throw up, love with all your heart, take chances, risk all you’ve got on
some crazy business idea, be upset cause some bitch left, get another one and fall in love, laugh
with your friends and create strong bonds, dress flashy
Do it while working and hustling for a bright future
You’re young and you can do it all.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Enjoy the moment but also build your empire.
Playboys are interesting, charismatic and
always have funny, crazy stories
To have the stories, you must “waste” money and time on living your life, meeting different types
of men, dating different archetypes of women, drinking till you throw up, partying till you’re
disgusted with yourself
That’s why nerds aren’t playboys
They’re too busy overthinking everything. Too obsessed with counting their calories. Too
concerned about how much they’ve spent. Too afraid of the potential bad consequences.
The easiest way to make money, be in shape
and rise from the bottom
Is having a long term relationship with a good woman
That’s why most athletes, fighters etc. live this way. That’s why most entrepreneurs do it also.
Although this set-up is proven to be effective it is also boring, unexciting. I firmly believe that
living this way in your 20’s and 30’s will bring more regrets than joy, later in life.
On the opposite end, having bitches and being active in the dating scene is extremely energy
If you want bitches, you need to be socially active, you need friends, you must facilitate fun, your
house must always be clean, you need to spend money, you need to be active on social media,
you need drinking, getting wasted, buying nice clothes, you need free time to go on dates or chat
on your phone, you need to be SOMEBODY because you’re competing with all of their options
As you can see, all of the things I’ve mentioned put more stress on your shoulders.
And the solution is this
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Find a way in which you can be productive while also being a playboy. Try to find the sweet spot.
Only very few people can keep this up. There’s a lot of stories with men who lost all they’ve had,
money, health etc. due to their hedonistic tendencies.
This lifestyle is stressful and hard to manage but it’s the most exciting.
The men who have managed to pull this off at a very high level are my friends from Bucharest,
the Tate Brothers. They’re extremely skilled in business, they’re in a great shape all year round
but at the same time they’re always with some new bitches while also being loved by their longterm girlfriends.
What they’re doing is difficult. But usually the most difficult paths lead to the most satisfying
Learn life
Your hobbies must be fun but also useful
Life’s too short to engage into pointless shit. Even the things you do to relax must have an
objective benefit linked to it.
If your hobby is fighting, besides doing something pleasurable you’re also increasing your worth
as a man.
Others respect you; bitches get more attracted to you. It’s proven that women are turned on by
violence and masculine activities.
If you hobby is skiing, running marathons or other dumb shit, nobody cares and you’re wasting
time on something completely useless. You’re investing your time without no ROI. You can’t
even brag about most hobbies, there’s no high value playboys doing it, there’s no respect or
serious benefits to be earned from it etc.
Think about it.
You do not know what you like until you’ve
tried it all
Different types of females.
Try living alone, monk mode style
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Try living with your friends
Try having multiple girlfriends
Try being loyal
Try being single and having hoes
Try every lifestyle until you find the one that’s good for you
Not everyone is made to be a leader, try being the soldier of someone who’s way above you
Try leading others to see if you can handle the pressure
Try different diets, sports, cities etc.
Don’t be afraid to test things.
If you only party once every 3 months
You’re a dork & you won’t build no reputation
You must go out every week
You gotta CONSTANTLY spend money so you get the best tables, so you get the best bitches
Tate taught me this and he was right.
Don’t go alone to parties
Bring at least one bitch with you, even if you wanna approach new ones right there
Being alone means you’re needy and makes you look like a dork.
Also, having a table with more men than women isn’t a good look at all.
So, by coming by yourself, you’re doing a disservice to your friends.
You can go to the club with a girlfriend or girl you wanna fuck
And if there’s other women, you’re interested in there, just talk to them politely, few jokes and
Then follow them on Instagram and talk the next day.
This way you’re not ruining the relationship with the girl you’ve brought and you’re also gaming
the bitch you’re interested in.
Of course, if your girl is upper echelon, she’ll facilitate the fun and maybe game bitches for you
Do it the right way kings.
Alone in the club = No bitches = Loser
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Lifestyle: Living Life
“But what if I’m losing the opportunity to be with a certain girl if I come with somebody”
Who cares. A guy with bitches is more attractive than the lonely weird idiot who’s alone.
When you get older,
Life will force you to slow down.
Your health won’t be the same.
You won’t look to the future with the same enthusiasm.
You’ll lose your naivety.
The disappointments will accumulate and you’ll be less excited when you meet new individuals.
Young girls will see you as a potential sugar daddy (IF you make the millions cause they damn
sure ain’t fucking some old broke guy)
You will also be more aware that it will all end sooner or later.
You’ll have kids. They’ll need you around. Everyone your age will talk adult boring conversations
like politics and taxes.
Also, you parents will get sick and die. Your friends will get married and have families so they’ll
focus on that.
I know, there’s exceptions. But 99% of the old guys are finished. Let’s be honest it’s not a good
look to be 60 and to be drunk in the club with some hoes that aren’t genuinely interested in you.
While you still can
Laugh, love, be spontaneous, have your heart broken, make mistakes that turn into funny stories,
get drunk, fuck high school girls, take risks, meet new friends and make money with them, do
crazy shit.
You can be extremely serious and boring later. When you’re young, you’re allowed to be stupid.
As long as you don’t get in jail for too long, you don’t die & you don’t permanently damage your
It’s ok to get satisfaction from hedonistic
Fucking hoes, cheating, creating memories while doing risky actions, drinking hard & living wild
like in the movies.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
It’s also ok to get satisfaction from productive actions
Lifting heavy weights, building businesses, investing, eating healthy, meeting important people etc.
What is completely useless
Is your time being utilized on stalling, procrastinating, smoking weed alone in your apartment,
playing video games with other losers on the internet, masturbating, watching porn and all these
dork activities that lead to nothing
I’m either getting arrested on TV for being rich and crazy
Or I’m improving my market value in the trenches
4 hoes per day or 2 training sessions per day
“Just gonna relax with my GF going to the cinema”
Fuck the cinema and the woman you already fucked 1249 times.
Be passionate for profit
You are more effective when you pursue things, you’re truly passionate about
Most people have useless passions
Make sure that your daily routines include things that are USEFUL and ENJOYABLE
You don’t have time for low ROI activities
Every time you do something. Ask yourself
Since I was a teenager, I always focused on developing habits that would benefit me long term
I have zero useless passions
Everything I spend time on, helps my overall lifestyle and improvement
Fitness > Helps me look dangerous and remain healthy
MMA > Helps me BE dangerous & increases my confidence
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Adult Industry Businesses (Webcam & Onlyfans) > Helps me make money in a cool
way. I interact with girls on a daily basis & have free time and freedom of speech
Partying and Hoes > Very effective for creating crazy memories and networking with local
rich and interesting individuals
Twitter > Effective for creating a global network, interacting with experts from every
domain, learning and becoming more influential
Instagram > Clout and promoting my lifestyle. Met higher quality people after being more
public on IG. Also good for the ego, when people hate me in the DM’s my energy/vitality
Online communities > The time I spend interacting with the members of the online groups
I’m part of (REVENGE & War Room) is enjoyable but has also created a lot of real life
friendships. I’ve met people from every continent and most of my close friends right now I
know from there. With some of them I’m doing business and I’ve invested in a bunch of stuff
in the last 2 years.
Learning > The time I spend reading & listening to different podcasts is basically a life hack
most take for granted. In 2021 you have the opportunity to learn from the experience of
other individuals. There are people from every field that talk about their journey. You’ll avoid
a lot of mistakes just by paying attention to those who did it before you
“I like cooking”
Ok DORK, I don’t
“I like running marathons”
Nerd, think your cardio will help you when I knee you in the jaw?
I’m not interested in doing shit when there’s no PROFIT involved. You should have the same
If I’m not learning, earning or improving I simply refuse to do something
A lot of people talk about homeschooling children
My take is this:
The biggest problem right now is kids lacking social skills
If you keep them at home, they’ll naturally use devices more
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Lifestyle: Living Life
“Nooo i will take him to sports and implement the correct hobbies”
Fuck this. Won’t spend 16 hours a day baby-sitting a kid.
6-7 hours at school didn’t kill nobody.
“Yeah, but the wife can raise them at home”
The wife is a female
I’d rather send them to a regular school where they might get bullied if they’re losers
Rather than keeping them safe at home with their mom
All the G’s I know went to school and nothing bad happened to them
The weak don’t make it
You need a lot of kids in order to be sure that some of them will end up successful
Some just ain’t got it in them
There are plenty examples of successful fathers with weak kids
Dwayne Wade is a 6’4 muscular masculine NBA All-star, he still has a transgender son
You can be the best example for you children
You can have the best habits
You can give them the best education
It’s possible they’ll still be idiots
You need 10 kids to be sure 2-3 of them will become strong
Numbers game kings.
50 Cent is one of the best role models
Hustler, playboy, rapper, writer, jacked etc.
His son still hates him
Kids are stupid
You’re internationally respected and your son might hate you
Accept it
It’s not your fault. Some people are born idiots. Even your kids.
1. Find a good mother for your kids
2. Let her raise them, send them to school blah blah
3. When they’re older instill masculine values
4. Let nature take its course. If your son has it in him, he’ll succeed. If not, he’ll be a loser.
Have 10 sons.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Your style is important
Dressing properly increases your confidence and makes others understand that YOU GET IT
And you’re not a dork
People that matter usually care about this
“But Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire and wears the same T-shirt”
I’m not talking about exceptions etc.
If you respect yourself
You should have outfits for every activity you pursue
When I go to the gym, I got my Yeezys and NBA vintage jerseys and all the Nike gear possible
When I go MMA, I got UFC shit on
When I go to the store, I have my London hooligan type Nike tracksuits on and some AF1 cocaine
When I go to the club, I got my designers on, not fucking with shit older than 6 months since it
was launched
When I go to a business meeting, I got my custom-made suit on
Yes, I have muscles too, and I can beat the fuck out of you, and everyone knows me when I go
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should be GHEY and jerk off at sneakers and keep 10000 pairs
The idea is
Adapt to the environment
If you go to a nice venue, and the people who matter their dress in a certain way
Maybe it’s more beneficial to be on point
Rather than looking like an idiot.
Why you think McGregor is always on point. Or Mayweather. Or Jake Paul. Or even Patrick Bet
David if you’re more into the business segment.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Especially if you have some money.
If you’re broke you should stay home anyway.
But if you earn and you look poor.
It’s not in your advantage, trust me.
Learn life
Excuses that people with boring lifestyles
For their lack of an interesting Instagram
"IG famous people are loserssss"
"Real players don't have time for IG they're busy doing shit in real lifeee"
"I knowwww a famous guy and he's not like u see on IG"
On Twitter you can fake being interesting, in shape, well connected etc.
You just write words and pretend you're important
On IG it is different
People see your highlights, photos, daily routines
They have a clearer view and can see if you're credible or not
This scares most
Especially anon accounts that sound smart
They want a world where they don't have to really prove their claims
Just good copywriting skills and a lot of lies
For me it's simple
It's 2021
Shit IG = Boring Nerd
People that really do shit post about it
We're not in the 90's
I go clubs and buy champagne - I post about it
I chill by my pool - I post about it
I get hoes to tattoo my portrait - I post about it.
I meet with millionaires and party - I post about it
The media in my country does articles about me - I post about it
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Lifestyle: Living Life
I'd rather have more people aware of what I do
This helped me in the last few years
Met rich guys from other countries
Met more beautiful women
More money opportunities
Had guys fly to Romania to meet me
A lot of good things.
Instead of finding excuses
Just try to be great everywhere
1. Great in real life (money, nice house, nice GF etc.)
2. Great on social media (Twitter for learning/exchanging ideas with smart men, IG for hoes and
clout in your city)
And think about it
Maybe you're really successful but you play it very low-key
You're doing yourself a disservice
You let others fuck chicks you might have fucked
You let weaker men meet the millionaires you might have met if you were more public about
what you do
Attention is money and pussy
More attention more girls and more business opportunities
A clothing brand won't sell a lot if it doesn't have traffic on its website
A man won’t fuck a lot if he doesn't have traffic on his IG
Same shit.
Use the attention, become rich and popular.
Interesting life for a man in his 20’s:
1. Nicest clubs & champagne showers
2. Hoes with his name and face tattooed on them
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Lifestyle: Living Life
3. In shape + Martial Arts training
5. Millionaire friends
6. Nice house, car, style etc.
7. Media coverage
If I was an anon Twitter dork I wouldn’t post on IG
But I’m not a dork, so I use IG in my advantage
A lot of men who live in the West
Ask me things about Romania
I’ll give you a short breakdown of how things work here
Moving to places like Romania means you must ALREADY have money
And you must build STATUS, fast
WHO you are. WHO do you know. WHERE do you live. HOW MUCH you spend.
It's not like Thailand were having a dick and being a tourist is enough
No reputation? Life is shit.
Romanian women aren’t interested in fucking foreigners
UNLESS the foreigner is objectively superior to most Romanians
Bigger house, nicer car, more fun
You must outshine the Romanians in order for a girl to decide to be with you
Can’t just come here and get your dick sucked.
In order to get the girls
You have to befriend high level Romanians first
They'll show you where to go, how to behave, how to dress, who NOT to bother, who is
important, what you aren't allowed to say or do
You can’t find these things on GOOGLE
Without the right connections you're wasting time here.
High level Romanian men aren't interested in foreigners either
Why would they wanna talk in English?
Why would they want to know you?
Why would they want to vouch for you and introduce you to their entourage and connections?
267 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
How to integrate in a country like ROMANIA:
Earn good money preferably online
Rent nice house
Buy nice car
Spend money and humble yourself in front of high-level people. Make them like you. Pay
for shit. Don't be arrogant.
5. Understand the culture and adapt.
Everyone wants pussy
Let’s not bullshit ourselves
We buy watches, clothes, cars, houses FOR PUSSY
We get in shape for PUSSY
We want to outperform our competition because we want better PUSSY
Since the dawn of human time men were interested in conquering and fucking
The thing is
Most men fail in:
1. Gaining enough money in order to afford quality pussy.
2. Having the right game if they get money
1. High quality pussy is the most expensive hobby in the world. Pretty girls don’t want to associate
with average men. All the men they follow on social media are rich. Everywhere they go it’s
champagne bottles and luxurious parties. Trust me. From New York to Bucharest to Kiev. 9’s
fuck ONLY with shot callers. Shot callers have cash and free time. Because cash and free time
means FUN. Girls want fun.
2. A small percentage of men finally get to a nice financial freedom. But they focused so much on
the business side of life, that their game is shit. So they become sugardaddys or they hire
prostitutes or they go to webcam sites and pay girls to talk with them.
The only people who have GAME + MONEY
Are the PIMPS
Because they made their money THROUGH PUSSY
Being a pimp means you’re PAID to fuck hot chicks
You provide fun FROM THEIR MONEY
You reward them with dick WHEN THEY DESERVE IT
Sex is just a weapon you use in order to get the cash
268 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
It’s quite a unique lifestyle
You wouldn’t believe that girls you admire on Instagram, that seem so hard to get
Actually, PAY A MAN to love them
There are times when you gotta stay in the trenches and focus
And there are times when you gotta stay drunk daily with hoes and fake friends
You cannot be crazy ALL THE TIME
Life is not designed to reward continuous hedonistic tendencies.
Earn your fun.
When you’re young
Focus on:
1. Training / Skills / Cash
2. Hoes / Meeting a lot of people / Doing crazy shit and creating memories
Without skills/knowledge and money = Broke boy with stories but no tangible results
Without bitches and fun = Boring dork with money
There are two types of lifestyles you can
Normal - nothing too spectacular, school, job, GF, no big troubles, no crazy wins, sit on the
sidelines and talk about others
Crazy - high highs low lows, extreme fear, extreme confidence, drama, admired/hated by many
There are advantages to both lifestyles
When you're normal nothing catastrophic happens, no extreme emotions, you won't have
moments when everyone hates you, no enemies, under the radar.
At the same time, you'll never feel like a GOD amongst men. A lot of boredom, "peace" etc.
When you live a movie. You gotta be ready for everything.
Feeling like you're on drugs, although you're sober, just cause life is amazing.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
But also, the harsh breakups, the drama, beefing with others, lawsuits, betrayal, your close one
being super proud of you but also suffering.
You want to experience the pleasant realities of being successful - the money, the clout, the girls,
the connections with important people etc.
Without paying an exaggerated price - jail, losing your health, getting bankrupt, making your family
suffer etc.
I don’t do drugs cause the recovery period is
too long
I wanna get drunk, fuck a hoe - then wake up fresh and ready to work and train the next day
These drug addicts spend too much time partying
They can’t sleep, continue the party till the afternoon
Too much for me
It’s funny that most girls take drugs, especially the hot ones that you see at the best spots and
When I was younger, I actually felt like I was a pussy cause they always expected me to be the
biggest cocaine user
“Let’s go to the bathroom and sniff something”
And I was telling them “I never do drugs”
They were shocked “I don’t believe you…”
Anyway, I don’t give a fuck
I compensate my lack of drug knowledge with other qualities
My personality and cocaine wouldn’t be a perfect fit
My close friends always tell me “It’s the last thing you need. You’d be the kind of guy to sniff cocaine
on IG LIVE & go to jail the next day”
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Lifestyle: Living Life
In Romania you can go to jail 5-10 years for selling drugs. And drug users are always surrounded
by dealers. So, I had enough friends arrested in my childhood even though they didn’t sell it, just
consumed it.
Drugs are bad for me, I only drink vodka - IF IT MAKES SENSE
Americans are retarded
Because there are too many extremists
Some are extremely fat. Morbidly obese.
Some are extremely obsessed with steroids and gym, “masculinity”, eating healthy, living in the
Some are jerking off at guns. Buying guns. Shooting guns. Keeping 100000 guns in their house.
Others are shocked about this and are obsessed about shaming the ones who jerk of at guns.
Some are pussy as fuck. Wearing 10 masks. Taking 1000 jabs. Tattooing the day they did the
Others are gang members killing people without no mercy. Giving zero fucks about everything,
not scared at all about jail, cops, laws.
I don’t know in everything, every subject, every domain there’s too many extremists. Too many
crazy individuals.
Which is weird for me because, I lived all my life in Romania
No mass murderers. Nobody is extreme. It’s not in our culture. People are, most of the time,
There are no public debates about the whole racism thing, gay shit, guns etc.
The craziness of Americans is shocking.
I wouldn’t want to live there full time, even if you paid me a lot.
I’d only go to America to take pictures in Miami and party with my connects from that part of
the world.
Everything is work
Getting paid every day
Collecting new allies
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Lifestyle: Living Life
The hoes you have
Solidifying your relationship with your main chick
Building your body
An amazing lifestyle depends on the amount of effort you invest towards the important parts of
your life.
The people you follow on the internet are giving good advice from a theoretical stand point
But 99% of them don’t have interesting lives
Like. they ain’t got no hoes, parties, real life friends etc.
If you’d stay every day with them, you’d be disappointed. Just some dorks writing emails 24 / 7
Spending their weekends writing tweets in some small ass apartment.
If you really wanna improve your life. Combine what you read online with making REAL LIFE
Make an analysis. Whose running your city. Who has hoes, money, free time, power etc.
Get closer to those people and learn.
Then create your own universe where you really do stuff & mean something
Furthermore, it’s low IQ to travel a lot. Pick a big city in your country. Climb your way to the
top there.
Spend your money there, get some power.
Then travel 20% of the time to other places.
Traveling all the time is pointless, you’ll be a loser in every city, fucking some low value broads
from Tinder.
Pick a spot and conquer it then think of other places.
When I go to places in Bucharest everyone knows me. Most bitches in the club. Everyone envies
me. I get all the baddies.
The only moments when I don’t have the most bitches at the same table, is when the Tate
brothers are home. And usually when they’re in Bucharest I’m at their table too.
To sum it up.
Combine online knowledge with local knowledge from the OG’s there
Become strong locally
Travel only 20% of the time & invest most of your time in one place.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Monk mode makes you comfortable with the set-up where you can only be productive if there's
no chaos around you
Eat healthy all the time - Get your hours of sleep - Sit alone or with a long-term girlfriend
This isn't how life works
Make money and train hard while also having a social life and having fun
People who can focus only when they're in the "trenches" are weak.
I’ve seen it all the time
A dork gets some money while being invisible to the world. Then has fun 2 weekends and he’s
exhausted by too much social drama and can’t make money anymore, can’t train etc.
Be A Man. Do It All.
No one will truly be impressed if you don’t.
Traveling is fun after you've fucked everyone in your home base and now, you're bored of it and
you need to conquer new places so you go and attack other cities, other countries
Especially CHAMPIONS LEAGUE cities like Dubai or Miami
Other than that, traveling makes zero sense for me.
The Tate brothers focused a few years on conquering Bucharest. Here everyone knows who
they are and they have access to the richest people and hottest women.
After doing it big here they started focusing more on other major cities of the world and had
results there too.
People ask me if I have FOMO when I see the good life from Miami, Dubai or ask me why I don't
travel more often
The reason is simple
I'm not done yet in my country. When I'll get bored of it and when I'm too big for it would make
sense to occasionally leave.
Furthermore, Romania already has everything I need
Safety, beautiful girls, night life (clubs open every day of the week), opportunities to make money,
a right-wing view of things
I'll only travel 25% of the year in the future. Get nice pics abroad then come back here.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Now think of it
Instead of spending 20k on 4 days in Dubai where I'll have to fuck some random girls from Tinder
because nobody knows me there
I'd rather use the same money here and go to clubs for 2-3 weeks and have a bunch of baddies
at my table & build my reputation even more
It's more enjoyable for me this way and my position is already solid here.
I'd rather have my home country know my name instead of going random places all the time with
zero ROI because I don't have international clout yet
Fuck 6's in every European city? No, I'd rather attack 9's here.
All this "living below your means" is bullshit
Imagine having money to buy champagne but sitting there like a dork while some other dude's
flexing at the table next to you with a bunch of hoes
Or living in some shitty apartment in a rough area rather than living in a mansion.
Spend some money G, make some connections, fuck a bunch of hoes
If you're smart enough you'll learn how to make even MORE MONEY and you'll also have
investments, passive income and you'll live stress free
You don't have to wear $2 t-shirts and save it all like a little nerd
I'm not saying you should go broke in order to impress people
But you should definitely avoid being stingy
Nobody appreciates frugality
Pick up the bill, pay for your friends
Buy those bottles
Buy that nice chain if you really like it
Stop being a scared little bitch.
I REFUSE to think about shit that does not have the potential to improve my position in society
My hobbies are USEFUL activities
"I like fishing"
"I like cooking"
"I like movies"
274 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Learn to like things that really matter and bring a positive impact over your life.
You should like
- making money / practicing skills that can generate profit
- interacting with smart men
- dating beautiful women
- fighting, shooting, lifting weights
- utilizing social media properly in order to get more attention
Stop having pointless hobbies.
Your energy levels are finite
That's why you should focus on managing your time correctly. No reason to get tired doing things
that bring zero value.
Be more effective.
I will explain what successful people do in order to have more TIME and ENERGY for work.
I never cook. I always order food.
Nowadays, especially in major cities, you can order healthy food too.
No reason to go shopping and to prepare meals
That extra hour a day can be used to GET MORE MONEY, to date beautiful women, to learn
new skills.
I never drive to the gym or to the barber.
I pay the barber extra to come to my place once a week
I don't usually go to the gym either. I bought the essential equipment and built a small gym at
This way I can train twice a day, avoiding the traffic and extra effort.
I never clean the house. I hired a maid that comes to my place twice a week.
She is reliable and doesn't need to be managed.
She has a key, comes & does her job. All I have to do is pay her once a month.
Takes 5 minutes/ every 30 days to interact with her.
There are always small things that need to be handled on a daily basis
Like washing your car, clothes or going through the city to resolve minor issues
This is why I hired a kid to do this for me
All the little annoying tasks - he handles it all.
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Lifestyle: Living Life
If I throw a party, I tell the kid to take my phone and text all the chicks I want to come
If I need groceries - the kid orders it
If I need some cash - he goes to the bank
No reason to waste hours a day on non-essential activities.
The same in business - my cousin and a few other people handle my companies
I only talk to the accountant, important employees or clients and focus 99% of my energy on
tasks that I enjoy or tasks that cannot be delegated.
I can't delegate going on a date with a chick
I see a lot of broke people getting tired for the wrong reasons
Instead of getting tired because they were actually GETTING MONEY, they're exhausted
because they wasted 2 hours shopping.
Order online, hire someone to do it.
Get the bag fuck thinking of anything else.
Also, a lot of rich people do this too
They're into that ONE MAN SHOW mentality - they want to manage it all, handle it all
And the problem is they have zero FREE TIME
But what's the point of having cash if you're still a slave?
Let others work while you date hoes and get drunk.
I have moments when I just isolate myself in the house
drinking water and eating simple, healthy food
If I go out to fancy restaurants every single day, I don't appreciate it anymore
I found out that it's beneficial to sometimes deprive yourself from "the good life"
The same thing with drinking, fun, women
I used to do it almost daily
After 3-4 days of getting drunk you hate it, you basically force yourself to enjoy it
Your body needs rest. You need those "boring" moments dominated by discipline in order to
really love spoiling yourself
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Intermittent fasting, water, sunbathing, healthy food, supplements, work, training, ignoring a bit
all the social media nonsense and females from my phone
This is what I do to clear my mind.
It's good for the soul.
Going to clubs is fun
ONLY when you’re buying champagne, dressed in designer clothes, with bad bitches around
If you don’t meet these requirements STAY HOME
Clubs are for bosses that have reasons to celebrate.
Why be there if you're average?
For the Gs to flex on you?
I used to RARELY go to clubs until I became good friends with the Tate brothers, here in
When I started going with them it just confirmed to me that you need a solid cashflow in order
to really have a great time in that environment
I'll explain why.
First of all
90% of the men who go to clubs are broke. To be honest they shouldn't be there.
They just sit there with not enough women around them and feel anger in their soul whenever
somebody important walks in or buys bottles in their face
Furthermore, in order to make yourself noticed you need consistency
Be there 1-2 times a week until everyone in town knows you, staff knows you, bouncers respect
you, club owner comes say Hi, hoes know your name
Going out once a month is pointless
Has zero effect on your clout.
The bitches that everyone wants to fuck go to the club a lot
Unless you're also about that life, you won't smash
Think they'll just come suck your dick on a Saturday night when they could easily have fun with
someone else?
277 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Yeah, that might happen NOW AND THEN - there's always exceptions
But generally speaking, most of the chicks are into the night life
"Yeah Bro But They're Hoes"
So, what. You jerked off to women looking like hoes all your life. Might as well fuck them too
Example of how having money and being at the right place at the right time gets you in contact
with important people
Was in a nice club few weeks back, VIP section
Buying bottles, having fun
Table next to me an ex-Premier League soccer player, millionaire, famous in Romania
Was drunk and told him "Best Romanian defender!"
Saw him at the gym yesterday while I was there with a friend
He came to us
"Oh, how are you man, you were killing in the club with all those hoes. You made me regret I came there
with my wife"
Me: "Haha. Yeah, maybe you come with us next time"
Him: "Sure G, let's exchange phone numbers maybe we go grab lunch this week"
Me: "Yeah sure"
If you're a boring guy sitting at home / going to cheap places you will never get in contact with
high value people
Spend money next to people who matter and they'll notice you. Then if you play your cards right
you can get to know them.
Learn life
The level of amateurism that regular people display in social circumstances always shocks me,
annoys me
What seems common sense for me, is something most people don't quite understand
I rarely get close to new people
278 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
They're usually useless because my team is already great
I have people to train with, work with, party with, beat people up with, if necessary, etc.
But sometimes, I'm in places where I can observe how "uninitiated" people behave
Told a guy to book a table for me in the club
Booking a table in this specific location is difficult in the summer
The guy managed to get a VIP table where you had to spend a minimum of 6k. He got it through
some employee of the club but forgot to tip that person.
Next week I told him to get me the same table and he said
"Bro, I don't know... I should have tipped that girl who helped us but I forgot. Now she ain't replying"
Why the fuck did you forget. Tip her DOUBLE. Make her remember you. Buy her.
Amateur shit.
Another time, I've been invited to a guy’s birthday
His dad owns a football team in Romania, worth a lot of money
Anyway, we go there and my soldier told the waiter
"Pour some vodka for us please"
Waiter replied "Ain't got time now, pour it yourself!"
Another sign of amateurism. This is how people behave when you don't tip enough and you
look/talk like an autist
When I go to clubs with my friends, everyone is super friendly
If I pull a cigarette out of the pack, the waiter rushes to light it up
Same when glass is empty, etc.
One weekend someone invited me to another city to have fun
Although I usually decline invitations, I had nothing interesting to do so I went
Asked him prior to coming
"Do we have table in the club? Wanna know for sure because I wanna invite lots of girls"
Messaged like 20 girls then the guy says
"BROO gotta talk and find table it seems it's full"
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Lifestyle: Living Life
Anyway, he got the table last minute and told me he also invited lots of girls
Went there early just with my soldier to check things out
Surprise. 10 men and 3 women 🤣🤣🤣
Because I felt ashamed of the ratio, thirsty men - no bitches
Told my boy
"Let's go drink a coffee until our girls come, can't stay here like a loser in this ghey environment"
Anyway, went back with bitches and saved the party.
All the 3 people I mentioned in the short stories above aren't broke
They're actually considered high status in my country
But even amongst high status people you can spot differences
Some are more disciplined and skilled when navigating through situations, others are retarded
If you wanna MEET and KEEP valuable people in your life
Be careful how you move and make sure you make 0 mistakes
Don't promise things you can't deliver. Don't be an amateur etc.
The smarter someone is, the easier it is for him to spot stupid behavior.
Learn life.
Every funny story you'll remember when you'll get older
Will involve alcohol/spending money/violence/nights without sleep/hoes etc.
The time spent in the gym, being disciplined, working quietly in your room
Is just training for being able to create memories worth mentioning.
Can't be at a table with ballers and tell them stories about you and your girlfriend watching Netflix
on a Saturday night
Can't open a YouTube Channel and talk about you going to work & drinking your protein shake
when you got home
Can't seduce a bitch by talking about your job.
People, except the top 0.1%, live boring lives
Even most millionaires or rich people you know or heard about
They've sacrificed the fun in order to be financially strong. They've fucked the same bitch for
YEARS so they could focus on money.
Even they want to hear FUN STORIES.
280 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Everyone from 19-year-old girls to 40 year old CEO's like you when you're CHARISMATIC and
can deliver useful information THROUGH INTERESTING EVENTS that happened to you.
Everyone avoids dinners with nerds who didn't live wild lives.
Dorks are useful just as employees.
A man is measured by many things
One of the most important parameters are his EXPERIENCES
Someone with a huge body count, a crazy lifestyle, tons of hilarious events with tons of people will be considered valuable by important individuals.
Experience = Wisdom
Without WISDOM you're predisposed to make fatal mistakes when it truly matters
Marrying the wrong woman, when you're in your prime
Blowing all your money up, when you already have a family
Live intense. Learn and adapt. Win.
Spending while also having the attention of many people = INVESTMENT
Spending without having people aware of it = WASTE of money
Andrew Tate bought a 5 mil Bugatti. But now he makes 2 Bugatti a month. It was an investment.
He got lots of attention and monetized it.
The same pattern applies even at a lower level
If you do flashy shit, make sure others know about it
I'll explain why.
When you live a nice lifestyle and you post about it, promote it etc.
Other high value men will want to associate with you. This means more opportunities.
Also, beautiful women will notice you. Having bitches is also a big flex in the game of power, it
fortifies your STATUS.
I know plenty individuals who are still losers although they're rich
281 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
No one knows who they are. zero influence in their city. No friends, no lifestyle, no bitches.
Valuable product combined with awful marketing.
Being good means nothing without being NOTICED.
If you spend time with men who train, get new bitches frequently, earn money every day, make
moves in order to get themselves noticed
Guess what
You'll instinctively want to compete and improve yourself
But if you live alone or with your GF you'll just stagnate & remain a loser
I tested all kind of set-ups
When I lived with my first long time GF, I used to be way more softer than I am now
Netflix, not enough time networking, negative conversations in the house when I didn't wanna
do things with her
Anyway, it all ended in a boring, sexless relationship
When I lived by myself, I wasn't so competitive
Plus, it was difficult to mobilize my friends to do stuff, they were all in different parts of the city,
it took hours to have everyone ready for something.
Also, when I wasn't in the mood to train, I'd just go back to sleep etc.
Another bad move is to live with the WRONG PEOPLE
You can see this amongst students or poor people who are forced to share a home with idiots
To be honest this might be the worst set-up ever, to interact with weaklings on a daily basis
Avoid this at all costs.
Now, the BEST way to approach things as a man who is under let's say...35-40 years old
Is to live with LIKE MINDED MEN
Of course, have some money first
Get a big mansion, have enough space. Make sure you all make money and have big aspirations.
- You have people to work with on different business ideas. They're with you all the time so you
can plot and execute easily
- You can train with them and you'll all push each other to not be lazy
- You can move as a unit as oppose to everyone having their own agenda
- It's easier to organize vacations, parties, nights out
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Lifestyle: Living Life
- It's easier to get hoes when you have good wingmen
- It's easier to get noticed when a group of people attack in the same direction
Learn life
I'm at a point in my life when I have zero interest in women except for the moments when I want
to get drunk and party or the moments when I gotta approach/date them in order to fuck them
Chilling in bed? Netflix? Pointless dinner with a chick I already smashed?
Fuck no.
I have zero interest in vacations where I gotta entertain a particular chick for 7 days
zero interest for having a bitch in my house when I gotta work/train
zero interest for cuddling in bed
I don't need moral support from a female
Zero interest for going shopping together
I just wanna do dope shit with my soldiers and work on getting to the next level
Hoes for partying and chatting 20 min at night on WhatsApp
Don't need some annoying hoe to distract me from my plans
Don't need some chick to say "I want more attention"
Just fuck off I'm busy.
You won't become a great storyteller without actually living situations that turn into amazing
You can't say interesting things at a dinner table without being the type of man who actually goes
out, spends money, "wastes" time with women, partying, traveling
I remember Andrew Tate saying
"When I bought my Bugatti and met with other Bugatti owners the conversations, we had were 90%
Basically you're "dead" in circumstances where you meet new people (especially important ones)
if you don't have memories worth sharing.
After a certain point, when money is not an issue anymore
You have to "sacrifice" the hours you'd usually spend working in order to fortify other facets of
your personality
283 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
Spend 6 hours dating 3 new women
Travel 3 days meeting other smart men
It will be hard at first, if you're used to the mentality where you always wanna be in the gym or
running your business
Or if you're the type whose obsessed with eating clean, having a routine
But you gotta embrace the chaos a little bit in order to become overall competent
When I meet someone
Man or woman
I can talk for hours, sharing fun or knowledge
And every conclusion I share is backed up by minimum one story
I won't sit there and bore the audience or listen to others without being able to display any
competence myself.
After I set myself up financially, I accepted that there's other aspects I neglected
So, I started going out of the comfort zone (My comfort zone was work/training/discipline)
Started getting drunk frequently, meeting as much women as possible, fast lifestyle, new friends
These things I mentioned always put you in the position where you have stories to tell
And trust me
Rich people and chicks are more excited to hear crazy shit instead of work stuff, business stuff
Exciting stories > People laugh, people like you.
Work stories > Dork.
Make money and get in a good shape
Then start studying the ART OF SPENDING MONEY
Know where to deploy your cash in order to get the most amazing memories, most fun out of
it, most influence, most attention
Just work = Too Serious = Boring = Nerd
Learn life
284 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Lifestyle: Living Life
You must constantly have some days even weeks when you deprive yourself of
Fasting, no drinking, no going out, no talking to new women, no sex
It's the time when you're rested, alone with your thoughts and you have the mental clarity to
plan the next few moves.
When you’re always involved in the social life
Meetings, clubs, getting drunk with hoes, dating new chicks - you lose sight of things, always tired,
always recovering from something, always on a tight schedule
Take some time off
Analyze your actions, the results, the next step
Then ATTACK again with full stamina.
I don’t do nothing alone except sex, dating and sleeping
People amplify your experiences
Club with friends > Club alone
Travel to Dubai with friends > Travel like a digital nomad idiot alone
Gym with your boys > Weirdo with headphones in the gym
Business with your crew > Business with some strangers you found randomly
Don’t rely on alcohol while interacting with
Learn how to be comfortable without needing a drink
I see a lot of men approaching bitches only when they’ve had a few glasses of whiskey
EVEN ONLINE, they do it on Saturdays when they’re drunk, texting random hoes etc.
Train yourself to be skilled by default, without the help of external substances
Message females at 3PM, sober
Talk to girls in real life and flirt when you’re out
Never drink on dates
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Lifestyle: Living Life
This way, you’ve trained your mind to perform in any situation
It’s the same with fighting
Random people need anger to hit somebody
Fighters can kill you even if they’re calm and relaxed
Learn life
286 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Mindset: Iron Mind
287 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Chapter VIII
Mindset: Iron Mind
You must be able to calm your mind. Instantly.
Eliminate excitement. Eliminate embarrassment. Both extremes can make your day unproductive.
Focus on the task at hand. Perform emotionless. Finish.
Never let feelings and moods affect your execution.
Be a “smooth criminal”
The possibility of normality exists in your mind
Therefore, when life gets complicated, you MIGHT quit
When you do not acknowledge average performances, you execute relentlessly
The word “burnout” thrives in your lexicon. Its disappearance equals your ascent.
Learn life
Men seek to be exceptional due to anxiety
The thought of being helpless in a situation that requires enormous amounts of money makes
you FIGHT for those large sums of cash
Wanting to prevent an arrogant savage to kick in you in the head while smiling at your wife makes
you spar monsters in the gym
Every winner endures hours of practice and drudgery to avoid the potential embarrassment
which comes with a position of weakness
Nobody would PUSH when they’re exhausted. Nobody would want more than to be above
poverty. If they would not be EXTREMELY AFRAID of experiencing the consequences that
fragility presents.
The thought that the girl you like might EVEN THINK there’s another man more capable and
more versatile than you - makes you surpass your limits.
288 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
The thought that your mom might need 50K and you’d be incapable of delivering it
These THOUGHTS either FUEL YOU or DESTROY you.
Fear dismantles the weak and empowers those meant to prevail
I wake up excited every day.
There are tasks to be completed, there are improvements to be made, plans that must be
discussed, hoes that must be fucked, etc.
I’m NEVER tired. If I didn’t finish the work, I DO NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO FEEL
I convince my mind that I FEEL AMAZING.
I create the emotions I need from thin air.
Ambition, anger.
I can’t let undeserving individuals be more than me. Therefore, I work harder and smarter than
This is my first thought, every morning
And I do what’s necessary in order for this to be my reality.
Learn life.
When you’re constantly impressing yourself and you’re seeing the results of your well-structured
plans, your relentless hard work
You are always energized, and you can barely go to sleep because life is too amazing
When you’re disappointing yourself, your low energy, slowly moves through reality, producing
no impact around you.
Be the person that makes YOU happy. Always aim to impress yourself.
“Bro, you got so much energy”
Excitement is the most effective cure for fatigue
You’re never tired when you have something interesting to do
289 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
You’re never postponing waking up if you’re passionate about your routines
Create a life you’re in love with and you will be high energy
No matter what supplements you take
No matter what food you ingest
No matter how many hours you rest
If you hate your job/daily tasks/girlfriend etc.
You won’t be creative, alive, ready to attack every single second
Design a life worth living
And most importantly
You'll get rich when you'll enjoy hustling more than you enjoy having fun & wasting time
You'll get in shape when you'll enjoy training, dieting & waking up fresh more than you enjoy
taking drugs, being crazy, waking up late
Learn life.
Depressed? Bored? Anxiety?
Get money and girls
Impossible to be depressed after you do this
Pussy + Cashflow = The cure for mental disorders
I’ve never been depressed as an adult because
I made my money THROUGH PUSSY
Basically, I’ve leveraged my relationships with girls in order to get rich
Of course, I was struggling as a teenager
But this only made me angry
I remember in high school my daily budget was 2 RON (0.5 dollars)
This pissed me off
290 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
I was listening to BADR HARI’s theme song to motivate myself and I went every day to school
and bullied everyone who even looked at me the wrong way
Lack of money made me FURIOUS
The first money I ever made was by telling kids to give me money so I don’t beat them up
This is why I got expelled the first time.
It’s actually funny police said that me and my soldiers had a gang when I was 14 years old.
They told everyone to come with their parents to the police station one morning
hey questioned my friends first then they told me to come in
There were 2 officers. One of them told everyone’s parents “Hanging out with the wrong individuals
- this is why this situation happened”
When it was my turn, this officer told my dad the same sentence. Then the other officer looked
After this
I channeled my anger in order to fix my life
All that rage was useful in the boxing gym, while working, while learning more, while getting more
With the correct mentality you can always be motivated and in the mood for WORK
If you’re thinking patterns aren’t sharp, you will not succeed.
We’re all brainwashed
We all firmly believe in something
Some that the earth is flat, some that eating meat is bad for your health
I’m brainwashed that I can be a young, rich, connected, playboy
Belief shapes reality.
Action is born from internal monologue
The information you expose yourself to feeds your internal monologue
Watch CNN every day and you’ll only think about Trump’s policies
Sit with exceptional people and you’ll only think about being exceptional yourself
It’s only a matter of choice
Know where to direct your focus
291 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Action and reaction
Every stimulus has a response.
Intoxicate yourself with the confidence of remarkable individuals
Consequently, you’ll build uninhibited ambition yourself
Misery loves company. Avoid it.
Sit with winners & victory will not seem out of reach anymore.
Being influenced by great individuals isn’t enough without
continuous movement.
Every day a small step forward toward greatness
Even though the road to glory's filled with thorns
Let us also produce some bold acts of our own and join the
ranks of the most emulated.
Joe Lampton
Intellectuals fear my overdosed confidence and combat capabilities
Savages fear my obvious mental acuity
Women fear my self-sufficiency and capacity to immediately replace them
I fear none.
There are no Alps, no obstacles that can interrupt the unafraid individual.
You can directly influence your mind to create the mental state required to perform
a certain action
I can make myself hungry and willing to work harder. Maybe I just go on Instagram am watch
other men pushing Ferraris. It makes me angry enough to work hard.
I can also calm my mind enough that I can go to sleep. Block all of the enthusiasm or stress so I
can rest.
Your mind is the tool that either carries you to the next level or pushes you down into the abyss
of self-doubt.
Your choice of how you use it.
292 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
The personal development industry brainwashed us to believe that we should have high selfesteem by default
We need results to build confidence
Pain, overcoming obstacles, blood, sweat, tears, wins.
Hate yourself for your failures
Utilize frustration
A man is judged by his accomplishments, his life’s work
Women can be hot and young. It’s enough. Good photos and make-up.
For a man, results matter.
Failure leads to unsatisfactory sex life, low-quality friends, and, a disappointed family
Avoid disaster by being productive.
Unlike women, men hold the entire responsibility for their family’s well being
We hunt and protect. Women raise children and take care of the house.
Responsibility comes with power
Power comes with stress
Handling stress effectively. That is the first characteristic that defines a winner.
Nobody was born a victor
Peace and prosperity cannot be obtained without tribulation and chaos
Art or war is mental. Prepare yourself for suffering.
Do not neglect your body either, you cannot sustain the hardships of life without vitality and
Put in work
People who constantly win are extremely
Being arrogant keeps you perpetually working because you’ve got something to prove, haters to
silence, and expectations to meet
When you’re humble nobody expects anything from you.
293 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Learn life
Nobody in the West is truly right-wing.
Even the “alt-right” are pathetic leftists
Trust me, I live in Romania
Billionaire George Becali is RIGHT WING
By the way, he was voted as number 13 greatest Romanian in history.
The only one alive.
So, stop sucking politicians’ dicks all day long on Twitter
West is finished
London is Pakistan. Accept it.
Paris is Congo.
You’re all gonna live amongst gays and terrorist
Focus on you. Make millions and go elsewhere.
Understand the importance of MAINTAINING
Your girlfriend wants a vacation, you decline it
Your broke friends want to hang out, you ignore their texts
Relentlessly strategizing and executing.
No time to waste when your objective is to shine in every arena.
Average men are too easily distracted.
Every exterior stimulus might interrupt their thinking.
Every meaningless situation can bother them.
Every silly argument can compromise their plans.
The world around you must not be able to disrupt your vision & your movement.
Do you think a female could've convinced 2Pac to stop working on “Me Against The World”?
Do you think the exterior world could’ve stopped Steve Jobs from creating the Macintosh?
All of the exceptional men that ever lived had the ability to focus solely on their next goal.
Do not let your surroundings sabotage your game plan
294 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Eliminate certain individuals that might cause drama, unnecessary tension
You don’t have time for error
At a superior level, your competition operates flawlessly.
Accept that there’s no room for tactical mistakes.
No individual can produce irreparable damage once he exists in my life
In my mind, I calculate every possible scenario and cherish every possible ending
Because every situation brings good and bad consequences
My girl will stay, and we’ll have a strong, long-term, stable bond that grows. A life partner. Good.
My girl leaves, it’s an opportunity to find a better girlfriend, and more exciting memories to be
made until I find the next partner. Good.
I’m happy with both outcomes.
Therefore, I can live in the present moment doing EXACTLY what I want without the fear of
You’re excessively living in your head
Concerned about issues that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things
Frequently wasting your mental energy trying to overthink situations that could easily be ignored
Physical reality awaits your presence
More action is required.
Visualizing meaningless scenarios
Overwhelmed by the possibility of future failures
Frightened by various threats that life presents
I see it all the time
Individuals hesitating for various insignificant reasons
But a bright future isn’t sculped with fear and procrastination.
You either listen to doubt and withdraw from the battleground
Or you developed the mental fortitude needed for becoming a feared combatant
Opinionated spectator in the stands or an ambitious contender racing for gold and glory
Select your spot.
295 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
I buy gifts for women with their own money and they’re extremely happy
Happiness requires contrast
You can’t see the bright stars without the night sky
You need tears to properly cherish the laughter.
Joy wouldn’t feel so good if it wasn’t for the pain
Interpret this how you want.
Unlimited motivation requires continuous
Dissatisfaction comes from exposing yourself to greatness
You’re complacent due to your current average surroundings
Sit closer to the Sun and your weakness will burn.
Or avoid its light and die happy in obscurity.
A situation occurs
My mind immediately calculates the benefits that come with that particular event
I feel the excitement of the unknown
No “what ifs”
I execute upon my brilliant, newly adapted game plan, which has been conceived due to my
superior cognitive ability.
I win.
If tomorrow I break my leg
My mind will tell me instantly what I can do. Beneficial behaviors I’ve avoided due to my
functioning motor capacity.
More reading, more learning, more time with family etc.
I will do WHAT I CAN and will win in the end
I will use misfortune to my advantage
296 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Most don’t understand this mindset and I will not explain further
I am of the belief that as a man, you MUST be confident in your capabilities. You must portray
supreme boldness when “attacking” a task when approaching a woman
At the same time, you must constantly question your vision, long-term strategy, and daily
Somewhere, somehow, something CAN be improved, can be optimized.
A way of thinking that can be updated. A certain method that is working well, not GREAT.
You are either advancing or waiting to be dethroned by the next in line.
No in-betweens.
Stagnation equals decay.
Everything moves, up or down.
Towards bright lights or into obscurity.
Learn life
We live in a Darwinian world.
The idea of competitive violence is inextricably woven into human existence.
You couldn’t be a pacifist and expect to survive. Imagine an animal with completely pacifistic
tendencies - it would be wiped out in the first generation.
It’s a competitive world, if you can't compete you won’t make it. But too much violence is itself
destructive, eternal warfare would wipe out a civilization just as surely as complete pacifism.
Men have to strike a balance between their desire to avoid combat
and their ability to engage in it.
John Danaher
I never allowed myself to despise an individual WITHOUT making sure I’m doing more than
297 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Hate is the pre-workout. You drink it. Then train harder. Push above basic fatigue and pain.
What would happen if you’d take the pre-workout and then try to sleep?
Headaches. Insomnia.
Hate itself isn’t bad. It’s an emotion.
A mood.
Better than apathy. Better than anxiety. And definitely better than shame.
Only its usage defines its worth.
For self-flagellation? Precursor for depression?
While you’re content
Pleased with your progress
Admiring the sunset
Someone, somewhere
Is evaluating all the ways in which he can dethrone you. Outshine you. Shame you.
Remain on the offensive at all times or prepare yourself to be devoured by the ravenous hyenas
Men live in a perpetual war
First, they're fiercely fighting for resources and the love of the most beautiful and pure females
Later they’re striving to create stronger sons than their rivals
Trying to make sure that their name forever reigns
Men are participants in an eternal competition.
To weak seek to be likable to avoid conflict
The strong embrace conflict, aiming to conquer new territories
The weak want peace knowing that exaggerated ambition could lead to their annihilation
The strong have accepted their inner masculine desire to be and have more.
298 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Your reactions communicate your chances to
Average man - throws objects at his TV if he loses a game on his Xbox. Argues with their wife
because he had a bad day at work.
The top - unfazed by knowing he's about to go to jail. Unfazed by knowing he’s about to receive
500k. COLD.
The weak can’t deal with stress or enthusiasm
You’re going to jail. You can find solutions while accepting them with dignity
You’re about to make $500k. You’re ecstatic. Think clearly. Act normally. Women run from men
who are exaggeratedly DELIGHTED to have them. Same with money.
Beautiful women sense the excitement in men. They perceive it as neediness. They subconsciously
despise it even though they do not openly admit it.
That’s why they develop obsessions with attractive men that ignore them, mistreat them, openly
disrespect them, and cheat.
Understanding and handling your emotions is an essential component in the race to the TOP 1%
Overly excited by making some money = Spends it all on pointless purchases
Overly affected by bad news = Somebody close dies so he loses his job and becomes fat
You see it everywhere.
Unprepared to deal with stress > High cortisol levels in your body > Less energy > Less
productive actions > No results > No confidence > Drug/Junk food/Videogames abuse > Loser
It all starts with reacting correctly to external stimuli.
Learn life
Life is unfair and you’ve got to put in more effort if you’re not naturally skilled at something.
In the gym, if you’re not genetically gifted
In business, if you’re not a hustler
With women, if you’re introverted
Stop complaining. Work harder than those who are “talented”
299 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
I’ve got supreme confidence in myself because I am one of the few
That understands and can explain life’s equations while also being efficient in solving them
Nerds, intellectuals, and well-read individuals - They have the information, but they’re unable to
act upon it to generate attention and results.
6’5 genetically gifted monsters, men from rich families, people talented in different realms They’ve got an edge, but don’t act intentionally, they’re not educated enough, they’re strategically
impotent. Unable to maximize the efficacy of their moves. Relying solely on God’s gifts
Robert Greene can explain seduction, but he can’t pimp hoes
A 6.5’ savage from Kiev can pimp hoes but relies solely on his unfair advantage, with no clear
agenda. Gets in jail due to his exaggerated brutality.
I’m pimping her like a high-T barbarian, yet I’m explaining it to you better than nerdy Neil Strauss.
And this pattern applies to everything I do.
Learn life
The weak get bullied, exploited, and used. It’s
human nature.
No law or society can stop the strong from feeding off the weak
Bezos is exploiting poor Romanians in his Amazon warehouses
Big Rob exploits Harmless Jack in a school in Nebraska.
Easy to kill = Prey for the Lions.
Even if laws forbid me from hitting a weak, annoying man
My hard stare destroying him psychologically can’t be forbidden
Me posting a picture with his GF can’t be prohibited
My accidentally spilling champagne on him can’t be regulated by the law
Society can’t babysit you
The solution lies within
300 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
The world consists of psychopathic strong bullies and fearful weak men
Choose your side. Your allies. What skillset must be acquired in order to thrive in the jungle?
External forces won’t end the suffering
It’s on you to solve the puzzle
Learn life
Reaching the next level
Happens when the current level produces FRUSTRATION in your soul.
When being where you’re at is often perceived by your mind as a NIGHTMARE
Fat > Starts hating himself for being laughed at > Likes how others are admired for their 6pack >
Becomes fit
I need achievements like I need to breathe
I wake up EMPTY and I search for my high
I’m in a constant chase to FEEL amazed by myself
To feel PROUD that I’ve accomplished things unattainable to others
Actions which most can’t do.
And the more I do, the harder it is to FEEL IT.
I remember the first “expensive” item I ever bought.
It was a pair of Gucci shades back in 2016
I remember the exact day because I’ve sent the receipt to myself
I was so proud that I wore those shades in the house for one week straight
It was easier to FEEL IT back then
The more I do. The harder it is for me to be GENUINELY proud of myself.
People got accustomed to my brilliance. I’m already perceived as high value in the circles I operate
Consequently, I must be REALLY impressed to shock myself or to shock others right now.
As a man
You’re stuck in perpetual competition with your prior results and with the people who exist in
your universe
301 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
It is a gift and a curse.
You’re forced to push harder.
You experience joy when you’re ahead and you’re ANGRY & frustrated when it doesn’t go your
Our inner desire is to reach higher heights
To love the women few can touch
To conversate with unreachable men
To acquire material goods that exist in other people’s wallpapers
To feel like we’re more than men.
Like we’re demigods that bless the Earth with their existence.
Some are reckless, hedonistic, and slaves of the moment
Some are strategic, and thoughtful and delay gratification excessively
Some are building a glorious future while also creating amazing memories
And the latter is experiencing life at the highest level humanly possible
There are individuals who obsessively chase momentary pleasure
Cheap happiness obtained through substance abuse
Fast satisfaction gained by watching porn
Disappearance of boredom via playing video games
They neglect and let go of the future to feel entertained NOW.
There are individuals who save all of their income
Overthinking every move
Sacrificing their youth to potentially live without concerns later
Investing all of their savings into property, stocks, crypto
They sacrifice the present moment, hoping there’s a bright future ahead.
Men of true substance can easily enjoy the moment while they simultaneously build their
They embrace fun just like they embrace their ascent
They can party as well as they can train
They can love women as hard as they can work on their dreams
Master this mindset. Win.
Learn life
302 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Complete satisfaction does not come from outshining the people who were already destined for
It comes from outperforming the ones that had potential, that had chances, genetics,
But weren't as dedicated as you
Weren't as obsessed and mentally strong.
Brainwash yourself daily with content that
transforms you
No sad movies, no convos with people feeling sorry about themselves
Accept nothing less than becoming a cold-hearted, dangerous, effective individual.
You’ve gotta always find ways, people, content
That inspire you, that fuel you
It is extremely easy to fall into a clown world trap: drugs, procrastination, weakness, Netflix, etc.
Getting brainwashed is inevitable
At least choose to get brainwashed into becoming ELITE.
Most people don’t have a clear agenda
They switch from one mood to another easily
Melancholic from a song, then angry from a pointless argument, then depressed from comparing
themselves to others after scrolling on IG, etc.
Constant mood: HUNGRY
I can comprehend hatred, hidden
resentment, and deception
Words cannot hide it. Theatricality cannot tame it.
I know your intentions.
303 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
I can perceive your exact opinions without the necessity of dialogue
Now I must only decide what I will do with you.
Maybe I will ignore you, your toxicity and uselessness may convince me to let go rapidly
Maybe I will keep you, just to squash your soul while demonstrating my superiority so effortlessly.
Pretending I like you just to hurt you indirectly by flaunting my greatness.
Who knows.
Your attempts to outsmart me are just motives of laughter within my inner circle
I do not require contemplation. In a matter of seconds, I FEEL your future.
Your ambitions. The reasons behind your setbacks. What will make you fall?
I am 400 years old in a young strong physique.
Generations that fought, loved, dreamed, and died
Exist inside of me
I have tasted their suffering and their joy
Betrayal, manipulation, and delight
I SEE what caused it. I am familiar with EVERY human emotion and desire.
Life is no mystery to me.
You cannot emulate my complexity.
The ability to remain mentally unaffected by stress, losses, shame
Influences the chances an individual has to become SOMEBODY
Being easily frightened and hurt by exterior stimuli means you'll never take big risks
No big risks = No potential for big wins
Of spending that money to make more money
Of flexing on them with that champagne
Of approaching that blonde
And years pass by and you’re profoundly disappointed due to your inaction and hesitation.
Fear kills potential. Surpass it and attack regardless of the outcome.
304 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
The weak solicit comfort, happiness, and love from God and the universe
“When are all these problems gonna stop?”
The strong solicit pressure and difficulty, so they’ve got the opportunity to prove their strength
and uniqueness
“You’re crazy bro ONLY YOU could pull this off”
I’ve lived my dreams and fantasies, in my mind
Until the universe complied and started bringing me the tools required to forge these schemes
into physical reality
Your thoughts are lethal weapons.
Contemplate mind-blowing outcomes to force reality into submission.
Learn life.
two worlds
Clown World and G World
Each world has levels
Waiter = Clown World level 1
CEO = Clown World level 10
Drug dealer = G World level 1
Rich, high IQ, free, in shape, playboy = G World level 10
DETACH YOURSELF FROM CLOWN WORLD while also avoiding the dangers of G World’s
lower levels.
Learn life.
Fear = Motivation
Men seek to be exceptional due to anxiety
305 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
The thought of being helpless in a situation which requires enormous amounts of money makes
you FIGHT for those large sums of cash
Wanting to prevent an assailant from kicking you in the head in front of your wife makes you
spar monsters in the gym
Fear can fuel you with ambition
The only way to avoid fear is to live a comfortable and safe life which leads to nothing anyway
Even Tyson was terrified before entering the ring.
Use fear and become LETHAL.
Envision the future in your mind
Program yourself for the reality you're pursuing
So, when it happens it feels normal. It feels like it was always supposed to be like this.
Like it is no surprise. Like it was destined to occur this way.
Like you're built for GREATNESS.
I’m always MOTIVATED
Because I plot all the ways in which I will brag in the future
What I'll say. How I'll sit. My facial expressions.
"Yo stupid female, how’s does it feel to be with the MOST WANTED playboy of this city? Are you wet
already? Hahahahah"
“Hhahaha I get more messages from women than you get from men”
“Haha multiple females have my name tatted on them maybe cuz I know how to fuck”
Before starting my webcam business, I always had this thought
Of sitting with some bitch on a Monday morning
Telling her I'm an adult industry kingpin and laughing at the men she used to hang around because
they were stuck at work
Guess what
I REALLY did this plenty of times after.
Most of the realities I'm currently experiencing are the results of thoughts transformed into
306 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Your mind functions on autopilot, you must train it to react fast and effective
Like a martial artist training a counter obsessively until he does it instinctively.
Life becomes worth living once you’ve understood the importance of
Everything that matters and that convinces others to respect and worship you
4 girlfriends, multiple sources of income, 6 pack, clout etc.
Living comfortably, playing not to lose - won’t produce NOISE
SAVAGERY is a prerequisite to VICTORY and once demonstrated with proof
Opens new doors and gives you momentum and opportunity
You want the shine brighter than the opposition?
Learn life
Being supremely confident in your abilities could mean you're delusional
But being delusional is always superior to being fearful
A slight paranoia is effective and keeps you alive
But hesitation doesn't create kings
Rather than underestimating yourself and navigating through the world thinking you’re inferior
to others
Choose to
Listen, when you’re in a restaurant, at a party, in social circumstances
Nobody knows how much money you’ve got exactly.
Nobody knows how well you can fight.
Nobody knows who you know.
But everyone CAN SEE how well you’re dressed, your body language, the people you roll up
with, the female standing next to you
307 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Make sure men are afraid of you. Make sure bitches notice you.
Believe me.
Learn life
The last few days I felt sick.
I currently have an infected tooth and I must take antibiotics until I can remove it. My face looks
like a soccer ball.
This meant I couldn’t train, drink, sleep or eat properly. Wasn’t in the mood for sex or work
because of the constant pain.
Basically, I couldn’t do the things I love to do, the way I usually do them.
Most often, men shy away from challenges when they’re not at their best. Hide from
Although I feel like shit, although I am not in the mood for anything, I could have chosen to just
sleep and watch Netflix.
I completed 80% of my regular schedule, I still trained lightly, still saw the most important girls
from my roster, tried to be funny, and made it seem like I’m ok. Still went to the barber shop
and had that fresh haircut (can’t look like a loser of course)
Life happens fast. When you’re chasing important achievements, you don’t have time to NOT try
If you’re absent, opportunities will be taken by others.
Push yourself to the max, in any circumstance.
Make it a habit of keeping a poker face even if you’re suffering physically or mentally.
The world doesn’t need more pussy ass niggas. It needs savages, capable and willing to complete
their mission at all costs.
Learn life
308 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Force yourself to perform from disadvantageous positions
- In the gym, let the partners start from mount/ fight with smaller gloves
- On dates don’t drink, but still be funny and entertaining
- Work when you feel tired/sick
This way. When you’re at 100% you’ll really be unstoppable.
When you repeat an idea 1000 times you
normalize it
It can be seen as exaggerated, provocative, controversial, abusive, or extreme at first
But if you truly believe in your idea. If the idea is strong enough. If you’re consistent with it.
It will be installed in the target’s software. In her brain.
The key to creating obedient, loyal females is repeating the same ideas over and over again
through multiple distinct ways
Some subtle, some direct
“Women are dogs”
“Women must not have opinions”
“Cheating is normal. It’s more beneficial for girls actually. If the man doesn’t cheat he gets frustrated and
ruins the relationship”
“The best job on earth is being a webcam girl”
Music that portrays obedient females, movies, memes, friends that repeat the same things,
examples of other females that respect their men, examples from history etc.
You can make her believe everything you want.
You just gotta be smart.
Most of you are smart, but not in a practical way.
You’re smart on paper but your life sucks.
Use your cognitive power into creating amazing outcomes, achievements and situations that you
can brag about.
309 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Mindset: Iron Mind
Just finished watching an interview with McGregor’s trainer, after his loss with Poirier. When he
was asked about memes, haters and online content, he said:
“Be very careful of who you let inside your head. I block everyone who spreads negative and
useless information”
Actually, he is right
That’s why I muted most of the people from Twitter and I’m very prudent if I choose to listen to
something or someone.
Every information you consume programs you, changes your thinking patterns, and lives deep
inside your mind.
Most people do not care about this nor do they understand the importance of IGNORING the
Stop listening to nerds.
Only listen to the people you want to emulate. And to people that have traits you want to develop
Learn life.
Gheorghe Hagi, the best Romanian soccer player of all time. Played at the biggest clubs, Real
Madrid and Barcelona.
He said something interesting
“The wins, the trophies, the achievements. I cherish them, IN THE MOMENT. Then I wake up the next
morning, I erase it from my head. Yes, I am proud, but today is a new day. Now what happened yesterday
does not matter, there’s other challenges ahead”
These words remind me of something quite similar
Was having lunch with a soldier last winter.
My friend Andrew Tate messaged me when he saw I posted a story from the restaurant. He said
he’ll come too because that spot was close to his house.
He came with his cousin. For more than an hour, he just sat on his phone ignoring everyone
around him. After a certain period of time, I asked him “Are you working?”
He said “Always working. Right now, I’m on the streets, I didn’t make the amount of money I’m
supposed to make daily. Can’t relax and think of something else”
The phrase “On the streets” basically means
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Mindset: Iron Mind
You’re not allowed to have fun until you’ve accomplished your daily goal until you’ve completed
your to-do list
This principle is very strong, especially for him, a man who is like the biggest baller in my country.
It’s simple to be motivated when you’re just a guy using public transportation, it’s hard when you
live like in the movies.
Forget the wins and the disappointments from the past. Today is a new day. Do the work
regardless of what happened.
Words are powerful. But they only mean SOMETHING. When the ears that hear your words,
That you’ll MAKE IT REAL.
For example.
If you say “I will break up with you if you don’t do X”
And you don’t do it, and it’s just childish musings = Your words lose power
The reason women respect me and are obedient is this
You want to be the man? DON’T BE A SPINELESS PUSSY. Say it, mean it and make it real.
95% of the days I wake up READY for some action
5% of the days I wake up wanting to go back to sleep (like if I have to go to the dentist or I must
do something I hate doing)
I think it is a good ratio
I’m motivated due to frustration and excitement
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Seeing the Tate Brothers having a lot of girlfriends made me excited about the possibility of having
more bitches, therefore I did more work in that direction
On the other hand, seeing other men that don’t deserve their position makes me frustrated, or
witnessing people respecting undeserving individuals more than me
I always use these two forces
I’m either super pumped up about a project because I genuinely believe in it and I’m waiting for
the high I’ll get when I see the results
Or I’m angry that men with inferior talent and work ethic taste more than me from the things I
want to have.
So, when you’re low energy do this:
Search on IG for the best restaurants/clubs in your town
See who posted pictures from these locations. Go to their profiles. Watch their lifestyle.
Get inspired or angry cause some are doing it better.
While climbing through the ranks
it’s about going into the shadows, building the fundamentals
Once you’ve propelled yourself higher, it’s about attention, utilizing it and avoiding its potential
side effects
You must master both worlds, first the SHADOWS, then the BRIGHT LIGHTS.
If you’re only comfortable in the trenches, you’ll never get enough recognition and the benefits
that clout brings
If you’re too comfortable under bright lights, you’ll lose everything you’ve worked for and the
position you’ve put yourself in.
Learn life
When you’re working be on that poor man mentality
When you’ve finished work be on that rich man mentality
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Mindset: Iron Mind
A poor man works like he MUST put food on the table tonight so his family doesn’t starve
The rich man lives lavishly, tips waiters, and acts generous like money will never end
Master both states.
If you’re relying on the money, you’ve made yesterday, you’ll make no money today
If you’re stingy with your money while partying, you won’t be able to create amazing stories to
tell your grandkids in the future
A LETHAL individual masters the art of getting money as well as the art of spending money.
Few can do it, but only a few matters anyway.
Every emotion is priceless
Even the ones you’re trying to avoid
Being heartbroken, suffering from a break-up - Enjoy it
Soon you’ll be too old to feel this, your dick won’t work anymore so you won’t be able to fall in
love with new women
Every human emotion has its role
You wouldn’t enjoy victory the same without the excruciating losses from the past
Sunny days wouldn’t feel special if it wasn’t for the rain
You are alive and there’s hope for an amazing future - THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS
See everything you do
As training for the crucial moments that will occur in the future. Your habits are preparing you
to perform when it will REALLY MATTER.
The hoes you’re dating now are training for the celebrities you’ll fuck in the future
The sparring sessions you do are training for the times when you’ll have to defend your wife and
kids against an assailant
The information you accumulate now is going to help you in the conversations you’ll have with
important people
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Networking with different individuals now is preparing you for those major business meetings
that are ahead of you.
Once you see things this way, you’ll become very serious in your preparation, very disciplined.
Each element you’re trying to improve WILL HELP YOU SUCCEED when ENORMOUS
Learn life
I see a lot of people that start something, but quit or take breaks too soon
The harsh reality around them destroys their willpower
They get TOO EASILY distracted
Don’t let random events that happen, mess up your daily routines
You got drunk? Next day you’re attacking your tasks without complaining that you’re sick
Break-up? Next day you’re still in the gym, still doing what you have to do
This is how you build stress resistance and mental fortitude
Don’t let your mind be affected.
Once you can do this, nothing can stop you.
When I was in the beginning of my webcam career
I broke up with a girl that was with me for almost 7 years
Everyone around me didn’t even know that I’m hurt, that I care
I went to the gym, 12 hours in the studio, was eating healthy, etc.
I made myself a promise, that I would not let myself become depressed by what happens around
I feel like shit? I behave normally
I made 100k that day? The same
Learn life
Positive thoughts aren’t always the answer
I remember Georges St. Pierre saying that the only time he wasn’t scared about a fight was when
he was knocked out cold by Matt Serra.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
He was a 1-to-1 favorite. It was the only time he slept very well during fight week. Then he was
surprised by an overhand and lost. Nobody ever thought this could be possible.
GSP was saying in multiple interviews that a slight paranoia is always beneficial in life
You’re motivated to work harder, to perform every day in order for your nightmares to NOT
come to fruition
If you’re an egotistical individual, you despise being embarrassed.
Think about all the bad things that could happen. Make sure reality will be different by putting in
more effort.
Before training think about other men beating you up, and humiliating you and your family if you
don’t give your all.
Before starting work, think about other men flexing their riches in front of you.
This way you’ll fuel yourself with the aggression required to execute your tasks.
Learn Life
Yes, there are men out there who are predisposed to being exceptional
But you’re definitely going to become better than most if you’re treating the skill, you’re tryna
develop as work instead of a hobby
I know lots of bullies and “street fighters” who relied solely on courage, bravado and some
punching power
Guess what, “nerds” that trained twice a day for one year were easily beating them up
I know charismatic, handsome playboys who were easily approaching girls in high school
10 years later, “dorks’’ that improved their social status, went on dates and trained their skills
were getting better bitches
It applies in every domain
If you’re obsessed about improving and if you’re disciplined, you’ll have results
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Mindset: Iron Mind
You need discipline in every important realm of life
Accept that your ego will be crushed.
But make sure it won’t happen for too long.
Whenever you start something new to you, you’ll suck at it. You’ll probably feel embarrassed by
your performance. Initially you will not be respected by those who are already involved in that
particular game.
You must accept that you’re just a beginner, knowing that MAYBE, in the future, you’ll become
a winner.
Delayed gratification
I remember listening to a podcast with John Danaher. He was talking about his most prolific
student, Georges St Pierre. Georges was living in Montreal and had a regular job. He would spend
50% of his weekly income to go to New York for 3 days, with a bus, and train BJJ with Danaher.
Everyone in that gym was better than him. But he would still invest his hard-earned money, years
in a row, just to get crushed by savages every weekend, hoping that MAYBE he’ll become a savage
himself in the future.
What separates individuals like GSP from most men is their willingness to have their egos crushed.
Most opt to stay on the sidelines and judge others, instead of jumping in the arena themselves.
It’s true in business, dating, fighting, etc.
When you first start dating, you’ll be bored, and you’ll feel extremely awkward.
When you first enter the dojo, you’ll get submitted extremely fast.
I remember my first night shift as a webcam studio owner. I had to help a girl begin her
webcamming journey. She made only $2 in 8 hours online. All I could think was “Hope I find a
good explanation for this, once the girl comes out of her room”
Every time I encounter a stressful/embarrassing/difficult situation
I instantly realize that in 5 years I will laugh about it and I’ll tell stories about the times when I’ve
overcome adversity
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Mindset: Iron Mind
It will be part of my journey, I’ll talk about it in front of bitches, younger disciples and they will all
be amazed about how I’ve managed to deal with it
Welcome challenges
Your only fear should be living a boring life
I want more drama so I can prove to myself that I’m exceptional. I want more drama so I can
have more interesting memories.
Chaos cannot be avoided. You’re either strong enough to navigate through it, or you’re a pussy
and you choose a safe, unexceptional existence.
The most prolific human beings know how to
From a crazy night to a productive morning
From arguing with somebody to being calm and focusing on a task
From training like animals to going on a date with a beautiful woman
Learn how to switch moods FAST.
The reason why most people I know aren’t well rounded is this
They’re mood is too stable
If they focused on work all day long, listening to podcasts and thinking about their future
Their unable to switch it up in 5 minutes and become clowns while being with a bitch on a date
Or if they’re into WAR MOOD after a hard sparring session
They can’t calm down instantly and start working on some project
You gotta be very flexible with this
Otherwise, you’ll never be PRESENT and EFFECTIVE when you joggle through multiple
actions every day
Imagine somebody like Mayweather
He’s a killer in the gym, 5 minutes later a clown in front of the mic, then a loving father when he
gets home, then a player with his hoes in the evening, then serious in a suit while negotiating
some crazy deal.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Everyone tastes defeat. One way or
You may lose a girl, a business, an opportunity, a friend, even a family member
Some react to losses like McGregor when he gets finished in the octagon. He assesses the
situation, analyses what must be done, goes on the attack. Takes on other challenges.
But most get destroyed mentally by the embarrassment & pain. They hide. They’re afraid of
Decide who you wanna be.
When life hits you. How do you want to deal with it. With fear or extreme boldness.
What do you opt for
Hesitation or Fearlessness.
Nothing is too strong to make me doubt
I’ve gone through a lot of shit in my life
My father had brain surgery and couldn’t work anymore since I was in high school
My mom was an English teacher. Job that paid 300 dollars per month in Romania at that time.
My grandma was hit by a car driven by a mafia guy when I was like 16. She died after 21 days of
pain. That guy did not even go to jail because of corruption and bribes (common thing in Easter
The apartment I lived in was so small that I could hear my dad piss in the bathroom from the
opposite side of the house.
Everything was SHIT. I didn’t have any leverage. I wasn’t tall and handsome. I wasn’t connected.
Basically, I couldn’t rely on anything.
A few days ago, my Instagram account was disabled because I was posting controversial shit,
females with my portraits on them, crazy jokes, boyfriends of hoes I was fucking that were calling
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Mindset: Iron Mind
me, throwing hoes in the pool drunk, champagne showers, famous people who I was mocking
after they messaged my hoes
This attracted a lot of haters in Romania. Prior to this, I had a TikTok video with almost 1 million
views where thousands of people were writing death threats cbecauseI was bragging. Everyone
reported my Instagram.
A friend asked me “How come you’re not sad? You had your whole life on that IG account.
Stories, memories, bitches, important people who were following you. If I were you I’d be pissed
I was like
“Fuck this, I’ll just talk to the hoes I got on Facebook, I’ll talk to the girl I have on WhatsApp. Who cares.
I went through a lot of struggles. Think a bullshit social media account can make me unhappy? I’ll create
a new one”
You must understand. Only the weaklings live with fear.
“Oh, they’ll ban me if I say this”
“Oh, my girl will find out that I cheat she’ll leave me”
“Oh, I gotta suck this guy’s dick or he’ll not be my friend anymore”
“Oh, I’ll abstain from talking to this lazy employee, maybe he’ll leave and it will be hard to find a
You have to approach life with extreme fearlessness.
Or else you will die in obscurity, and no one will remember your name.
To get to the top
ANGER means sitting at a coffee shop, seeing a man with 2 hot blondes
And thinking “Why the fuck he’s with those chicks and I’m not”
Or being with a group of friends and listening to how they talk about another man
“He’s a G, he has a lot of money, bitches”
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Trust me, most men aren’t bothered that others shine brighter than them
A high-testosterone man is ALWAYS upset. Not in a bad way. He’s not a hater. He just wants
to be where he deserves it. Ahead of everyone else.
Kobe didn’t hate Michael. Kobe didn’t talk badly about Michael. But he definitely tried to outwork
and outshine him.
EXCITEMENT means getting yourself in the mood for the daily tasks you’ve got to perform
How you feel determines how you’ll perform. Yes, it’s about discipline too. Showing up every
single day.
But being in the proper mood makes you more creative and able to solve problems.
“Ok I gotta train with savages in the gym. I’m probably gonna get home hurt. But I know that it will all
benefit me in the future. I’m excited about how I’ll become”
Most quit because it’s hard, but you’ll resist and go there motivated because the future you got
you excited
Find reasons to fall in love with the struggle
Drake loves being in the studio more than he loves being on vacation. That’s why he’s a multiplatinum artist.
Khabib loved training with his brothers in the mountains more than he loved having fun in Vegas.
That’s why he’s undefeated.
Learn life
The weak stop when facing the first signs of adversity.
The first critics. The first friends who discredit their moves. They’re easily intimidated.
The strong cannot be stopped from pursuing their objectives
Their willpower is stronger than the force of the opposition.
I cannot relate to people who get tired
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Mindset: Iron Mind
There’s always something to do in order to put yourself ahead of others
Especially if you’re not where you need to be, you cannot utilize the word “tired”
Lazy individuals have low testosterone levels, they’re happy with peanuts
Normal looking girlfriend cooks, they watch a movie, wearing cheap clothes - sleep - go to work
- repeat
Verdict: Dorks
There’s some 17-year-old hot Barbie
That’s sucking someone else’s dick instead of yours
There’s someone who’s in the club right now spending 50k without hesitation while everyone
around is giving him energy, it’s not you
There’s a bunch of bitches talking about a low-IQ idiot, they’re saying he’s the biggest G, and
you’re not the man they’re talking about
There’s a guy with 500k on Instagram that receives 200-story replies from chicks and it’s not you
Taking into consideration that there are
men out there living more intense and better than you
How can you use, so easily, the word “tired”
Aren’t you tired of being NOBODY?
Never stay sad or depressed
Learn to instantly transform your suffering into anger
This keeps you motivated to act instead of being lethargic or melancholic and just dreaming of a
better future
Constant Action > Pointless Thoughts
Depressed people want to sleep, eat junk food, and smoke joints
Angry people want to improve their skills in order to destroy their enemies, conquer and be
I remember being in the 6th grade
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Mindset: Iron Mind
My mom came home and told me “Vlad, I won’t go to your school ever again. The other parents made
me feel so embarrassed. A lady even came to me saying her son can’t sleep at night because of you. He
has nightmares. But please don’t tell him nothing about this next day at school”
Of course, I terrorized the kid the next day, the nightmare angle was extremely exciting to me
I was thinking about this guy, he ended up a wagecuck that smokes joints in Western Europe
I predicted his future since we were kids. He chose to transform his pain into sadness.
I was the opposite
When someone underestimated me, disrespected me, or simply looked at me in a way that
displayed exaggerated confidence
It simply made me angry. I was upset that I wasn’t perceived how I perceived myself. So, I got
angry and put in the work.
The idea is
When something bad happens, when someone doesn’t respect you etc.
It’s better to be furious than to sit unhappy on your couch shocked by the harsh reality around
If your identity revolves around being an all-around G
In shape, money, girls, etc.
You'll never NOT train, you'll never NOT get money
It's always the people with no egos who always fuck up
If you identify as a winner, you'll do everything it takes to be and remain a G.
If you take pride in being dangerous
You will never allow yourself to become soft
If you take pride in being superior to most
You will not grant others the possibility to embarrass you
Having a big mouth is a gift
It forces you to work harder than others
It puts extra pressure on your shoulders, which increases the chances that you’ll perform and
demonstrate that you were right in your statements.
The reason why so many men suffer from severe depression nowadays
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Mindset: Iron Mind
You go on IG and see men living in mansions and having all these hoes
So, you realize your life is shit.
At least 20 years ago you didn't have IG stories & you didn't know how amazing life could be.
The only way in which you can avoid feeling like a complete loser
Is by understanding that as a man you can easily go from a nobody to a successful individual
No matter how broke, ugly, or socially awkward you are
You can improve your skillset and live better than most
The reason why I’m extremely confident is that
Whenever I go out of my house
I see a lot of people who are inferior to me
People I could easily KO
People that dress like shit
People who go to work
People with ugly girlfriends
For a man to be happy
He must be objectively better than others.
How you react to unexpected danger, and
problems says a lot about you
Your mentality, your strength
I remember one day, a few years ago
My cousin came to my house, woke me up in the morning
The first thing he said “I have some bad news. We lost all our webcam models”
Basically, we had a girl on the staff working the morning shift, she was in her early 30’30smart
girl. I paid her well because she made a lot of money with the girls working in my studio. She
decided to create her own studio and stole all the girls from her shift. 7 girls.
My cousin was very nervous when he found out.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
We were making good money at that time. Not only that, but the girl on the staff helped us save
a lot of time. She was hiring the new girls, training them, then after they knew what to do, she
would send them to the other shift too.
So, me and him had time to go out with hoes and do other shit.
When I found out that my morning shift was gone, I didn’t panic. I just said
“No problem we’ll stay in the trenches until we have girls again.”
My cousin was a little bit shocked, he thought I’ll be very upset.
I was
But being older and the leader meant I couldn’t afford to be a bitch
In a few months, we already had BETTER webcam models
And some of the girls that left wanted to come back, disappointed that they didn’t make the same
money in the new studio.
I did not take them back.
Don’t overestimate the importance of the events that happen to you. Don’t show doubt.
Resolve the issues with a smile on your face. This is what a man is supposed to do.
Young men live in the future. Contemplating what they might become.
Old men live in the past, reminiscing about their victories and love affairs.
But wise men live in the present moment because they understand it’s all they really got.
Every day is a new chance to start a journey towards success
YOU DON’T HAVE TIME Clock is ticking
All this
“Ohhh you can become strong when you’re older” is bullshit
The faster you reach the top, the better
It gives you more room to be stupid
You can’t afford no foolish mistakes at 50
But you damn sure can be crazy in your 20s
Who cares, you have time to experience different lifestyles and different ways of living
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Mindset: Iron Mind
And you also have plenty of time, if you start early, to build a strong foundation
Everything I’m good at now
I’ve started developing since I was a teen
I’ve had soldiers since I was 14. No wonder now I’ve got influence on social media, a global
network, loyal GFs, and close friends. I STARTED learning social dynamics YEARS ago.
I’ve had girls giving me money since high school. It’s normal that now I run a successful webcam
Start changing your mindset NOW
Happiness is a choice
We are all aware that the world moves in chaotic ways
And you can ALWAYS end up in a less favorable position randomly
Car accident, your mom dies, bad injury in the gym
It may happen tomorrow. You cannot know.
Disasters may occur.
Smile now.
Fear is in your mind
Every negative scenario that consumes you
Is just you overestimating the consequences that a specific situation might have over your life
If you don’t die, remain without an arm or go to jail for 25 years - Every problem can be
Stop being a PUSSY.
When you're afraid
You are less confident, productive & energetic
Start being more rational & objective
The greatest men on earth went through REAL disasters & still won in the end
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Being overly paranoid kills your potential
"Don't be scared homie" - Nick Diaz
Learn life
If you have health and freedom there's no reason why you should complain
Everything else can be obtained with sufficient work & focus invested in it
There are so many bad things that could randomly happen to you
Be grateful that you're blessed & attack your goals with confidence.
So many people forget about the positive aspects that surround them and only contemplate the
disadvantages and setbacks they encounter
You may not be aware of it
But disasters can ALWAYS happen
Approach every day with excitement and stop being a fucking pussy.
Life is not fair
The amount of effort that individuals have to invest in order to have results is never the same
Someone is high IQ. Reads something once then that information sticks instantly to his brain.
Someone average forgets or has to read the same thing 20 times.
The same pattern is applicable to everything
There are people going 6 months to the gym and looking like UFC fighters
Then there are others who need a clean diet, rest, supplements, a personal trainer - in order to
look like they train
Never compare yourself to people who started with an unfair advantage
It’s always more beneficial to compare your current results to your results from the past
Have you surpassed your past performances?
This is what actually matters.
But of course
Life’s also a competition
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Mindset: Iron Mind
You’re competing by default for resources, women, status, etc.
So, in order to outshine the opposition be prepared to work harder and smarter than them.
You might need to DO MORE. Act more. Suffer more. In order to start seeing the results you’re
aiming for.
Who cares that others get it easier. Everyone is different. Bleed more and you’ll shine sooner or
Learn life
Everyone wants to play the role of the poor kid who got rich with zero help and broke parents.
It sounds cool.
But be careful.
Most men who rise to the top were actually raised by strong loving families.
They're ashamed to admit it and they'll lie to you in order to get respect.
Deep down. They know they’re weak.
Don’t wanna remember the times they got bullied and called their dad to take some phone calls
and save them
Don’t wanna remember they got a car to drive when they were 18
Don’t wanna remember they had that new iPhone for Christmas. The nice place to bring their
first girlfriend.
Makes me laugh that most people who I see in the same restaurants/clubs/social groups as me
Were actually spoiled.
But they wanna borrow my upbringing story in order to feel like a man.
Accept who you are.
Everything worth having requires a plan and
serious work.
Daily actions that get you closer to your goals.
Nothing happens by accident.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
You'll never become rich/famous/good with girls/ in shape If you don't attack in that direction
every single day.
Move with purpose.
Most people don’t have a clear plan, days just pass by and nothing significant happens. No
direction. No discipline.
In order to really make in impact you mustn’t waste time.
There are individuals out there who live a movie. Make this reality yours.
You won't be "in the mood" for work/dating/training every day
Do it anyway, regardless of how you feel
Do you think McGregor was in the mood for press conferences, sparring, eating healthy every
single day? He STILL did it and became champion
Think Jake Paul was in the mood to create content every day for so many years? Think he was
happy and creative 24/7? No, but he still was a professional
Stop trying to find the perfect conditions in which you can perform
Making more money requires more ENERGY
Having more energy requires better health and more motivation
Better health = Clean food, training, sleep
Nowadays, everyone knows how to get a stronger body
I'll tell you the top 3 METHODS in order to get MOTIVATED AND ANGRY.
1. Get more haters
Haters and enemies never let you relax.
They're always around spreading false rumors, talking bad about you, and plotting in the dark so
they can outshine you
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Mindset: Iron Mind
They want you to fail so your mind will never rest until you work harder in order to disappoint
2. Date beautiful women
Pretty girls are wanted by important men, shot callers pursue them every day
Competing with these men in the dating scene will make improve EVERYWHERE
You'll hustle harder when there's millionaires in your girl's DM or when you want the hottest
3. Go to high end restaurants and night clubs
Everyone there has money
Everyone there is popular
Everyone there is valuable, one way or another
It makes you HUNGRY if you SEE with your own eyes how these men operate
Go. Feel inferior. Get angry. Then focus on improving.
A man needs 2 moods
1. Loverboy Mood
Get drunk with bitches/go on dates/text hoes / fuck / travel the world doing interesting shit
2. Hustler Mood
Make money / Train / Talk biz with others
Problem is. Most are only WASTING TIME.
They are neither progressing in life nor investing in memories.
My hobbies are only related to the 2 moods I mentioned above
I don’t even have friends close to me that like other thing.
If your friends aren’t interested in MONEY TRAINING WOMEN then they’re useless.
You don’t have enough time
You gotta end up rich, in shape, experienced with women, and having the right friends around
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Mindset: Iron Mind
I’m at the age where I recover the same after parties as my 18-year-old soldier who lives with
me, I actually need less sleep
I can buy whatever I want, go wherever I want, and work when I want
I can date girls of all ages and I’m good enough to seduce any archetype - shy virgin, ex-prostitute,
stripper, career woman, student, influencer, etc.
I also have around a team that I can train with/ travel with/ do parties with
I have clout and appeared in tabloids in my country with girls and controversial stuff I did - so
people know who I am
I did not waste time.
Every day was dedicated to getting better at WHAT MATTERS.
Everything is work
The reason you're in the club admiring the G with the nice clothes and having a porn star-looking
blonde next to him is that he spent thousands of hours in the gym and "wasted" hundreds of
hours dating bimbos so he ended up with a hot chick.
The reason you’re on Instagram scrolling through another man’s highlights and seeing things you’d
also like to have been is because that man went through pain and embarrassments and stress so
he could finally flex on you
The reason why the chicks you jerk off too don’t reply when you DM them is that someone else
struggled to get the cash and the clothes and created the content in order to have a bigger impact
than you so hoes could pick him instead of you.
“Life is a player vs player game” - Andrew Tate
You compete with others for limited resources. Take every big city in the world. There are
10.000 super-hot chicks. 1 million men wanna smash them. 95% won’t. The top gets the spoils of
war. The attention, the pretty girls, the rumors, the nice houses, etc.
Compete and succeed or live life like a worthless peasant.
Everyone wants money because they want status because status gets attention and attention gets
The guys who work the hardest and show the most ambition just want the baddest chicks around
so they do whatever it takes to get to that level
Pussy is the biggest motivator.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
"Yeah, but I want money so I can buy the things I dream of, I don't care about impressing hoes"
So, you want a big house to impress your mom? She loves you anyway who gives a shit
You want the big house in order for everyone to know you're rich so you get ur dick sucked
Why you think warriors and kings went to unknown territory 2000 years ago?
They wanted to kill everyone else, take their possessions and impregnate their women
It's always been a competition for attention and pussy
The toughest guys got the most beautiful females around.
Why you think hood people carry guns and sell drugs
They want the nice jewelry and the reputation that they're successful in order for the pretty 18year-old to suck dick in the back of the Benz.
It's all about sex drive and your masculine desire to CONQUER the minds of others.
Only low-testosterone guys settle for a comfortable easy life with one woman watching Netflix
and going to bed early after eating some cheap ass dinner cooked by their average chick
High-T individuals want abundance. More money, more people knowing their name, more
Every hour spent in the gym, working on your business, solving problems, being productive Fuels you with confidence
Every hour spent being lazy, chilling in bed, postponing tasks - takes away your power as a man
How you manage your time influences your mental health.
Getting depressed, feeling like shit, losing, getting out of shape - doesn’t happen at once
It's a process
You've accumulated large periods of inactivity
Same as winning.
It all adds up. All the effort and uninterrupted action
Choose how you want your future to look like.
When things get stressful
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Mindset: Iron Mind
I always think
“Trump ran the country while the whole globe was criticizing him. He was still smiling & remained
“Jake Paul started boxing while millions of people said he’s a joke. He still won & made a lot of money.
How can I complain?”
All the wealthy individuals and celebrities are immune to stress and enjoy the chaos
They feed themselves with negative opinions
It's only the peasants who suffer when some relative or acquaintance is talking shit
Great men have an IRON MENTALITY.
No matter how low you are in life, there's always something you can
focus on
If your lifestyle is boring, you're broke and get 0 pussy
At least you can train like an animal, study different topics online, learn certain skills
Find your excitement in being DISCIPLINED.
When I didn't have interesting things to do
I found pleasure in eating healthy, working, lifting weights, learning how to fight, learning about
business, and listening to people who were ahead of me
I used my anger and disappointment in order to build myself up.
You have to be 50% fearless in your approach toward the future. Without sitting and overthinking
too much about the potential consequences.
You also have to be 50% aware of the next moves. How the world will change in a few years.
How what you do/say now can destroy you later.
Most people fail because they're too afraid of the bad things that might happen
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Mindset: Iron Mind
The things is, realistically speaking
Whatever you do, has a lot of importance for you
But the rest of the world has its own agenda, own problems, and thoughts
Even if you're doing something stupid, even if you embarrass yourself or you fail
They'll forget relatively fast
You shouldn't sit and overthink too much
Just trust your gut and execute
Accept that you'll go through many losses until you achieve something significant
It's part of the game
Everyone is scared of being shamed or others hating on them - but winners do it anyway
I remember listening to an interview with Georges St Pierre where he was speaking of losing one
of his fights and going out the next day
He thought everyone looked at him, laughing, even old ladies on the street. He would feel
embarrassed. Until he realized it was all in his head.
Others may say some bad things, may feel a certain way about your actions
But sooner or later everyone moves on regardless of if you did something spectacular or if you
did something stupid
Especially now when the world has a short attention span. They get distracted rapidly.
Action trumps everything else
This being said, being a little bit cautious, and having a slight paranoia is also useful and will save
you from many situations
If you mistreat a girl now it may haunt you in 10 years
If you send the wrong photos now, they might be leaked later
You have to imagine yourself in the future
Think of the future you being famous, successful, rich, and having a lot of haters
If you start by thinking like this you'll be more strategic in your movement from right now
Be careful how you play the game when you're just a loser.
You should also think in terms of probabilities
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Mindset: Iron Mind
What's the probability of this girl betraying me? What could she be predisposed to do? What's
my counterattack for this?
If I get a chick pregnant. Is she predisposed to be a good mother? Would she try to ruin me etc.
The people who never think like this, who never see the future (usually High Testosterone - Low
IQ men) always end up destroying themselves
They associate with the wrong people, they do stuff now that haunts them later, and they're too
reckless, and extreme.
You don't wanna be them
The "perfect" setup is
Courage + Paranoia
Always on the attack but also aware that you'll need a strong defense, maybe not now, but later
Don't overthink but also don't let the moves from today diminish your potential for a bright
Learn life
Throughout the years, I've developed the following theory:
If you LOVE too much the things that you buy and the females that you're with
The UNIVERSE will stop you from upgrading your current situation
When the weak get a certain clothing item/accessory, even a car, or a sofa
They jerk of at it nonstop
"OH, DON'T SMOKE ON MY SOFA I PAID 6000 dollars for it!"
I have the belief that if you babysit a thing too much
The UNIVERSE will stop you from getting even BETTER things
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Mindset: Iron Mind
It's like Gods saying "This guy jerks off at a T-Shirt...why the fuck should he have the money to get a
mansion!? He's already worshipping this little piece of cloth"
Same with women
You see some loser having a hot girlfriend
He's making sure he's calling her nonstop, super jealous when the bitch dresses sexy, obsessed
with NOT bothering her, etc.
It's like he's begging
If you buy something
Use it at its full capacity
Don't jerk off at it, don't obsess over it.
Your dreams > People
If you prioritize people over your goals, you'll end up depressed, a prisoner in a lifestyle you hate
Accept that you gotta let go of certain friends from the past, women, and even some family
members once you're serious about your journey
Lose some to win some
Let's say your friends wanna get drunk although they're broke, but you wanna build a business
Your friends wanna settle down with some ugly, opinionated chicks, but you wanna fuck hoes
and live like Tristan Tate or Dan Bilzerian
Cut them off and recruit new faces.
It's hard to let go of people because you have memories together, went through difficult
situations, laughed, and did crazy shit
Trust me
There's always a place for BETTER memories that make those old events boring, and insignificant.
All the things I did a few years ago, that I thought were crazy, I rarely mention those events now
I did so many exciting things this year, that all I talk about are recent memories, whenever I have
conversations with other individuals
The NEW, UPGRADED memories replaced the past.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Consequently, I feel zero remorse for the ones I've lost
The only circumstance where you miss others is when you've lived your best years with them
All those losers who are nostalgic about their college days because now as adults’ life is boring
and mundane.
With women, the situation is more difficult
As Tate pointed out in a recent interview, as a man you suffer more when you lose a chick
You felt like you owned her in a way, and the thought of her being with someone else bothers
Some situations require break-ups.
Most women have limitations
Usually, a girl that met you when you were normal won't keep up with the upgraded version of
Most of the time she won't treat you like new chicks would treat you
That's why all these rappers replace their first baby momma when they get famous.
In order to ascend to new levels, prioritize yourself and your plans over emotions and people
When others cannot keep up, replace them with new faces who are eager to demonstrate their
hunger and competency
Learn life
Keep negativity FAR AWAY
People complain about money, people who always get in trouble and attract unfortunate events,
people who don't take care of their health and don't train, and people who remain the same year
after year.
If BAD LUCK isn't around, you're closer to victory.
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Mindset: Iron Mind
All I talk about with my friends is money, fame, luxury, opulence, growth, bitches, rich people,
the next levels ahead, optimizing our health and vitality, etc.
All other topics are pointless anyway
Gotta keep a good vibe around. Gotta feed your mind and spirit with positivity.
As a man, you need mental fortitude
Practice the skill of not needing people for emotional support, not needing someone else to
motivate you, not needing the exterior world to give you hope
Fix your mind or else you'll be fragile and depend on others to remain functional.
You see a lot of individuals
They need their mom to call them and tell them it will all be all right
Or some friends to cheer them up whenever they're in trouble
Or even worse, some woman hugs them when they go through tribulations
People are seasons
They come and go
You sit and tell a bitch your problems she pretends she cares then goes and fucks someone
without any problems whose just fun
You depend on that call from your parents, then they inevitably die and you end up depressed
Be self-sufficient.
Might seem ruthless but,
As a young man, you shouldn't care too much about the problems of the world, charity, homeless
people, individuals with diseases, etc.
It makes you soft, slows down that killer instinct, and makes you more human
Chase the status first, and be soft later.
All the celebs that empathize with strangers that are in difficult situations do it after they've
secured their spot at the top, fucked every hot bitch, made their millions, got the fame
Can't sit and feel sorry for others
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Mindset: Iron Mind
Keep that anger inside don't take it because you need it.
Adopt extreme realism, stop being delusional
Yes, if you're losing people won't fuck with you no more
Yes, if you're average the girl you like won't respect you too much
Yes, relationships are transactional, the more you can offer the more others will want you around
The correct mentality that's gonna make you a winner:
"I must build myself into the best version possible in order to experience the best lifestyle, the best
relationships. I will optimize every facet, from health to skills, to how I look. Once I'm somebody life will
reward me"
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
Game: Chess, Not Checkers
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
Chapter IX
Game: Chess, Not Checkers
4 ways of getting girls in 2022
Tinder and similar apps
Social Circle
1. On Tinder and apps similar to Tinder you’ve got to be handsome & tall for it to work
extremely well. Your status doesn’t matter. Be good-looking and you’ll have a lot of matches.
The problem is the top girls aren’t usually on these apps.
2. On Instagram you’ll have success if you’re displaying high status & if you live an interesting
lifestyle. How you look matters less because you can rely more on the interesting things you’re
doing, the friends you have, the way you spend money, the places you go to, etc.
3. Social Circle game works especially if you’re in college or infiltrated into circles where there
are hot girls.
You have friends that go to the club every weekend. They’re into girls so there are always new
ones there. Some come with friends. So, you’ll get girls by default, just by rolling with the right
4. Pick-up can work. but for me, it was never interesting. The only pick-up methods I fuck with
is being at a party and approaching a girl. I’d never go to a mall just for approaching girls. I’ll
approach a girl I like if it happens, I’m in a place and I see her.
Of all the 4 methods of getting girls, the best are;
1. Improving your IG
A nice IG means you live a nice lifestyle and you create nice memories. Also, the best girls don’t
use Tinder. And don’t sit in the mall waiting for some dork to approach them. Even if they give
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you their number out of fear or to make you leave. When they get home and see you’re a loser,
they’ll still won’t go on dates with you.
Trust me they weren’t hot for my standards.
2. Social Circle Game
Having a strong social circle benefits you overall, not just for girls. The more high-value friends
you have, the better. The nicer places/parties you go to, the more your power will increase.
Of course, all 4 methods work. Find what’s better for you at this current moment.
And make sure you don’t stop at sex.
Create obsessed girlfriends. Put them on Onlyfans. Get richer.
How to make a girl fall in love in 5 steps
The strategy behind getting a woman OBSESSED with you
1. Make sure you're perceived as being a player who fucks a lot of chicks
Girls are attracted to this type of man
They think they can change him, they like this challenge
Nobody wants a boring guy that doesn't have hoes
It's always these "toxic" guys who get the most pussy
2. Shock her at the beginning of the relationship.
Pretend you want something serious not just a one-night stand.
Make her trust you, be sweet, and convince her to tell everyone she knows that you're her man.
Brainwash her into believing that you really think she is special.
3. Switch it up once she gets attached.
Start cheating and ignoring her.
This type of behavior serves as a test.
If her reaction is to go to the club or cheat - it means she is a bad blueprint
A good girl just gets a little bit upset and then forgives you.
4. For every bad thing you do compensate by being super sweet
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and having great sex with the subject.
This polarity makes her confused and persuades her into thinking of you all the time.
She won't know what to think
Is he really in love with me?
Is he lying?
5. Have her aware, in a subtle manner, that chicks are into you
Let her HATE other women. Let her compete. Let her enjoy the drama. Let her stalk your social
media and think of who you might fuck when you are not with her.
Women adore this, although they won't admit it.
Respect and pussy are the ultimate goals for every man, especially young ones
Of course, having a family and building a legacy becomes important too later in life
But even family and legacy are linked to RESPECT AND PUSSY
A. What is respect?
Respect is:
Nobody joking around with you and treating you like a slave.
Nobody thinking they’re your boss and toying around with you
Other men trying to emulate your moves and looking up to you
Other individuals thinking they’ll get in trouble if they mistreat you (FEAR)
Women talking to you like you’re important not like you’re just another loser
Having a lot of other men wanting to be part of your circle and learn from you
Women wanting to worship you and do whatever you say
Cult Like Following - people living their lives utilizing your principles and ideas
How you get to this position? 5 TIPS
1. Maximize your looks.
Don’t be too scary. Don’t be too feminine. Somewhere in between dangerous and sexy. If you’re
too “masculine” some women, especially younger ones, will stay away from you.
Ex. Google “Martyn Ford”. He looks like someone from a scary prison in Mexico.18-year-old
won’t date someone looking like him. He’s too alpha. Now at the same time, if you look too
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
feminine, girls might like you, but guys will think you’re gay so they won’t respect you. Be
somewhere in the middle so you have access to every category of people.
Of course, it’s common sense that you have to go to the gym, etc. Everyone knows these things.
2. Get rich.
The whole respect thing is linked to your lifestyle.
Nobody cares how good you are and nobody listens to your wisdom if you’re poor.
Get rich and invest in your reputation.
Once people see you’re living the good life, they talk to you differently.
3. Learn how to communicate.
I’ve seen people who handled their looks and money. But they didn’t have BALLS AND
Balls is picking up the bill and paying for all of your friends even if it's expensive
or telling a bitch to leave if she disrespected you in front of others although you liked her a lot.
Or confronting a difficult situation.
Or jumping in and punching the man that threatened your friend.
Sweetness is making others like you, being kind, generous, and charismatic.
Treating your friends’ wives nicely, buying some gifts for their younger brother.
I don’t know being nice but in a masculine way. Buying your young soldier some designers so he
can go on a date with the girl he's in love with.
4. Learn how to fight.
If people know you might put them to sleep, they won't act stupid in your presence.
And if they are you should actually give them a taste of your moves.
A good alternative to this is being associated with dangerous people.
I know a lot of guys who cannot throw a punch but they're surrounded by people who can or
have the reputation that they're crazy.
But be careful with this.
You do not want to attract unnecessary attention from police or street gangs. Usually being active
in that world ends up in a bad way.
5. If you're young be a good "slave"
It sounds harsh but it's the reality.
Instead of acting arrogant and thinking you're some alpha, sit around some bigger guys who can
teach you the game and give you opportunities.
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Nobody is the boss in every scenario. And nobody is the boss when he's very young. Just be a
good soldier and sit around the right people in order to learn business, game, etc.
B. What does "Having Pussy" mean
For me, having pussy means:
- At least one long-term girlfriend that you can truly rely on.
You know the kind of girl who you'd have a kid with, or who you'd be certain will sit and wait 5
years while you're in jail, etc.
Girls like this are extremely useful.
Life is shitty sometimes. You're heartbroken, you're sad, you're injured, sick, someone from your
family dies, etc.
You need a girl who will be there for you.
- Side chicks.
Girls who you're with, but they're not reliable enough to be around you when it's time for serious
These girls are good for fun.
I've rarely met a girl who had main chick attributes but is also fun.
Usually, they're boring. So, you need females that compensate for this.
- Hoes you fuck frequently and the perspective to have hoes.
Nice Instagram and lifestyle that helps you meet new girls all the time.
Depending on your current plans and position, you'll decide what's your favorite way of
approaching this.
Some men like to fuck new women all the time.
Others are more interested in that particular period in money or training, so they want hoes
now and then.
But putting yourself in the position where you can easily get new pussy is very important.
Even your girlfriends will respect you more if you do this.
How do you get pussy? 5 tips
1. Everything happens online. Even the girls you meet in real life check your IG. So make sure it
looks nice. A few dope photos. A lot of highlights with you looking nice or doing cool shit.
2. Go out more. Especially in the weekends. Make a solid effort of doing something fun especially
on Saturdays when everyone goes out. Once you do this, it will increase your results dramatically
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3. Infiltrate the right circles and befriend people who are already active in the dating game. If all
your friends are monogamous, you'll never be a playboy. Get some friends who are into bitches,
who date and meet women all the time. If you're in the right circles, new women will appear
there all the time so you will rely on this too not only on what you can get through your own
4. Game. Developing a game means repetition. Going out as much as possible with the opposite
sex. With groups of girls, with men and girls, you with a girl. Train every scenario until you're
ready to make girls laugh and like you.
5. Learn the right principles and stick to the correct ideology.
Women shouldn't have male friends. Every guy knows this or would want his girl to not have
men in her life. But most guys let a girl they like do whatever they want, so they're slowly losing
their power. This is just a small example.
Sticking to the correct ideology is extremely underrated. There are a lot of men, especially goodlooking/rich ones. Who get girls, but never have subservient ones in their life. They're just good
at meeting them and transitioning toward sex. The male-female dynamic means more than this.
Learn the whole game. From the approach until making her obsessed with you.
Learn Life
1. Design your UNIVERSE (crew, their chicks, places you go, fun, an ideology)
Your UNIVERSE is the reality you’ve designed around you
You call the shots.
All of the people around are trained and loyal. They know the unspoken rules. They’re wingmen
and much more. They’ve adopted your ideology. They’re your disciples spreading your message.
Living by it.
2. Find a good blueprint
A good BLUEPRINT. A female who has the potential to become great. You can’t find her great.
She’s been exposed to previous partners, friends, pop culture. Some can be molded. Some have
talents you can exploit. Find them.
Most are damaged, low value, and without any hope. Ignore.
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3. Expose her to your Universe, and brainwash her with your ideology
Expose her to the parallel Universe you live in. The rules you live by. To your propaganda. She
must SEE it around. Words aren’t enough if your reality shows the opposite.
Be funny, not rigid. She must believe worshiping you was her idea. Indoctrination is a slow
4. Eliminate toxicity (her previous life)
Label her past as evil. Make sure friends, and acquaintances from the past are ignored and the
relationships destabilized.
For her to implement new ways of thinking, for her to behave as you wish, external influences
have to disappear.
Again, this must be done indirectly.
5. Maintain frame
Maintain frame. Don’t show doubt. Believe in your ideology and never question yourself. Don’t
say sorry. Don’t compromise. Don’t accept suggestions. Even in moments of chaos act as if you’re
in charge. Be in charge. Faking confidence doesn’t last long. BE COCKY. Full of yourself.
There are only 3 types of pimps and playboys
1. Handsome
2. Psychopath
3. The Handsome Psychopath
1. Handsome is adored due to his genetic superiority. Looks good in every picture, dressed
however even bad, and his poor understanding of evil is “forgiven” because of women’s intrinsic
attraction to him
2. The Psychopath understands women’s attraction to villainous behavior and master’s drama,
uncertainty, and mystery. He’s known for his power moves and devilish intellect.
3. The handsome psychopath is rare because handsome men fuck regardless of their behavior,
so they don’t feel the need to develop other particularities. And the psychopath can’t become
handsome, because you’re either born with it or not.
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As her authority increases, her genuine
desire and admiration decrease.
As her authority decreases, her genuine desire and admiration increase.
It’s simple.
That’s why there can’t be equality between men and women.
A dominant man makes her wet, makes her obedient
But a man that doesn’t frequently cheat, a man that respects her opinion?
He can only provoke laughter and does not have control over the relationship dynamic.
You want to be a G? You want to profit from girls?
Be a fucking man and STEAL all the power from her.
Make her love you more than she loves her father. Make her forget about all her friends. Make
her do things she wouldn’t normally do, in the name of love (ex. tattoo of her name etc.)
Learn life
There are 3 types of dates
I. Dates where the girl is “shy” and you have to talk and tell stories and lead the conversation
II. Dates with confident girls that try to manipulate the convo in the directions that benefit them
thus testing your ability to turn the situation in your favor.
III. Dates with girls that are good communicators and are also entering your frame easily
In every one of these situations, you have to:
1. Make her laugh through storytelling
Just prepare 5 funny stories that you’ve rehearsed and repeat them with every girl
2. Make her comfortable with you by “accidentally” touching her
You say “Your nails are nice” and you touch her hand
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You touch her hand and if it’s cold you say “Your hand is cold. Why? Are you nervous? I’m not gonna
kill you…yet”
You play with her cheeks as you would do with a little sister
Bullshit like this just to make her ok with you touching her
3. When she’s talking just interrupt her and say something “stupid”
“I want to have 20 kids with 10 women. Do you wanna have kids?”
She’ll reply and ask why 20 kids and you’ll say you wanna live like the emperors with a lotta baby
The reason you do this is that you wanna disrupt her flow. Like politicians do in debates. Helps
you manage the frame. You’re running the show. So, if she starts talking about work or shit like
this interrupt her in a “funny” way.
4. Set up the next move by repeating the same shit in different forms
“You have a mission. To get drunk with me on the weekend”
“We have to get a drink together. I love vodka and women have to love the same things as me”
“We’ll grab some drinks soon, it’s a test for you. Usually, girls hit up on me because I’m too irresistible.
I’m scared that you might try to rape me!!!”
Do this so she gets brainwashed to drink with you soon (DRINK = GET FUCKED)
5. Try to finish the date with a kiss. Steal the kiss when you take her home/when she leaves.
Don't post pictures with hoes on your IG feed
They'll fuck other men and those haters will say
"Haha I fucked this guy’s girlfriend"
Also, the guys that fucked her before you will be like
"Yeah, fucked her too 2 years ago. How can he be in a relationship with this trashy female"
You can post stories and shit, or things that make the hoes look bad
Like posting this week with one hoe, then next week with another bitch
Or two girls at one time
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Or hoes tying your shoes, having your tattoo on them
The idea is
Don't make people believe a hoe is your GF.
The best thing you can do is
Let her post with you and tag you
Her friends and orbiters will know you smashed
Then you continue appearing with other bitches
So, the female that posted with you will have her reputation ruined
"HaHa that guy fucks everyone in this city"
This is how people hear about you in a city:
- They see that a lot of the females they follow, follow you on IG
- They hear stories about you from their friends
“He was with that girl, and that girl too, and I saw him in the club kissing with a friend of mine etc.”
- After you smash a chick, meet all her friends, introduce the good ones to your crew
Let everyone fuck. It raises awareness of your group.
"Bad" advertising is EXTREMELY USEFUL
"Fuck him. He's an idiot. Told me to come to the club & he had 5 more girls with him"
These “tricks” work extremely well when you are trying to penetrate the important circles of a
particular city
If your goal is to travel the world and be an international playboy without a home base
It doesn’t really matter what you do. You fuck what you can and you leave.
But if you wanna MOVE CORRECT in the city you stay in most of the time, this advice is
Also, if a hot girl follows you back on IG
Follow all her friends before initiating the convo with her
When she'll go to your profile
She'll be like "Hmm it seems EVERYONE knows this guy"
It increases the chances that she'll reply and meet with you.
When you go to the club
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Tell bitches to bring their friends
And watch if others know the girls if people say hi or come to the table
More people know a girl = More sexual partners in her past
Hot girl that doesn't know anyone = Might mean she didn't fuck that many guys
Never be judgmental with new girls
Pretend you're into hedonistic behaviors
This way she'll be conformable and will reveal what she's done in the past
If she's into drugs, the men she was with, the parties she attended
If you reveal your "conservative" part, she'll lie a lot
If your friend fuck her friends
It's perfect because you'll find out more about her
"Yeah, I met her only 3 months ago. She was with that guy. She's kinda of a hoe, I'm not like her you
Girls snitch on each other a lot especially to men
You just gotta play it right.
It’s not that hard to get new girls & and become more popular
You just gotta
Be active online & perform the right moves
Go out frequently (as least every weekend)
Have a group of friends that have money, time & some game
Approach new hoes daily
Improve your status
I rate the women I fuck thinking of 4 things:
1. Looks
2. Looks potential
3. Personality
4. Money-making potential
I will explain this system and why it is very effective
Looks potential - Let’s say she’s a cute 7. But with little cash and effort, she can be upgraded to
8.5, ex new tits, lips, and blonde hair
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On the other hand, some women can’t be upgraded because they’re too fat or they’re genetically
designed to be ugly
Always think of POTENTIAL.
POTENTIAL is important because you’d rather pick a cute 7 with a pretty face at 18 years of age
than a 9 who’s 26 and has already been fucked by everyone
If she’s got POTENTIAL
With the correct advice from you and a little effort from her, her looks can be upgraded easily.
1. Would your friends consider her good company? Or is she a complaining arrogant female?
2. Is she a good soldier? Executing tasks while smiling, wanting to please you?
3. Does she have a good heart? Or is she trying dark triad moves on everyone?
Personality is extremely important.
We’ve all met pretty girls who we couldn’t stand. Too annoying.
She must be good company. Her personality must fit with your team and lifestyle.
If you’re on the grind and she’s always on cocaine. Does it matter if she’s hot? FUCK NO.
1. Does her family have large amounts of money and could you benefit directly from it?
2. Is she capable of making money for you? Is she smart enough to do it? Fast? Would she share
it with you? Or is she too selfish and would spend it on designers?
If she’s capable of getting the cash but she’s too dark triad or stupid.
You won’t be able to benefit from it. So, it’s pointless.
You can’t stay long-term with a useless female. She must be at least capable of working for you.
Find cute young girls with good hearts who weren’t damaged by the streets, drugs, and
Smart enough to work for you, or capable of working for themselves and willing to share the
Make sure they’ve got the potential to look like an 8.5-9. Upgrade.
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In the following THREAD, I will explain
1. How to CONQUER the nightlife if you live in a big city
2. How to attract the best-looking girls
3. How to become a local playboy
Every weekend girls receive invitations from the guys they know, fucked, or talk to;
Person A invites her to a house party
Person B invites her to a shitty club
Person C invites her to the best club and is known for being fun to be around
She'll always choose the last offer.
Hot girls are 90% of the time with some friends. She wants to impress them by providing the best
fun for the group.
If your "offer" is superior to the other invitations they receive, they'll come with you and your
If not, she'll postpone seeing you & keep u as an option
If you're inviting her for "Netflix and Chill" she'll only choose you if there's nothing else to do.
In a hot girl’s world, this happens extremely rarely.
Most of the time, only ugly girls who don't get DM'd like crazy opt for going to a man's place on
a Saturday night.
Being at the right place at the right time increases your chances of success with women
If you're partying every weekend, you have more chances to meet the girls you're admiring on
Instagram rather than sitting at home hoping she'll just come to suck your dick.
Of course, there are exceptions.
A girl really likes you A LOT
She's been to a party with 3 guys and 20 women and those guys did not pick her for the night so
she'll come to your place after
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But you cannot rely on this.
As a man who wants to conquer the dating scene, you must do all it takes in order to put yourself
in the BEST POSITION with the most chances of winning.
So, the best move is to build CREDIBILITY
Girls must perceive you as someone who parties and is always surrounded by chicks.
Most men have a wrong set-up which girls hate
They go out in a pack of 7 men with maybe 2-3 girls at the table
Hot chicks want to avoid this
They like places where they've seen attractive women, not places where it's packed with a bunch
of horny dorks.
When you invite hoes somewhere they'll frequently ask
"Who is coming"
They don't wanna be the only girls at your table/ at your party
They have all been through similar experiences and they all hated it.
Lotta girls around > Lots of dudes
The level of experience helps you retain them. If it was FUN, they'll come the next weekend too
Girls like to associate themselves with people and locations that are considered COOL.
The more clout you have, the easier it is.
If the club is high-end, it's perfect.
If you have 6 chicks from last Saturday that want to come with you this week it is wise to continue
dating in order to bring "fresh meat" too
It doesn't matter if you fucked some of them or you're dating them
Loud music and alcohol prevent bad things from happening. Don't worry.
Having several chicks that like you at the same table makes you THE PRIZE
They'll all "work" in order to win a spot in your bedroom when the party ends
Also, this whole setup makes you immune to situations where you go to sleep alone jerking off.
You have OPTIONS.
The idea of going out with just one chick is a strategic error
Maybe she doesn't come. Maybe some ex calls her and she leaves. Maybe she doesn't want to
give pussy.
You nullify these possibilities by having 3-4 replacements RIGHT THERE.
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"I won't stay much longer"
Also, girls you invite to the club will always come with 1-2 friends
This means you can flirt with them too and have them as options for later.
Maybe you liked one of them so you message her on Instagram tomorrow and set up a date. It's
always easier when she knows you.
If you practice this frequently you will eventually meet the hottest girls in your city and you'll fuck
more and better chicks than most men (except celebrities)
Leverage FUN to get PUSSY
Also going out means memories and is a good way to reward yourself for hard work.
Another thing worth mentioning is this
The girls you REALLY like and are good blueprints for long-term relationships have to be
eliminated from this set-up
Keep them at home and brainwash them to believe it's in their best interest to avoid degenerate
scenarios like night clubs.
If you moved from your hometown to a big
The following is for you:
Every country/city you're in has a specific culture, specific ways of doing things, and ways of getting
noticed in order to penetrate good circles
I'll share my take on this subject.
First of all, it's about THE MONEY
If you’re not born in that city, you need cash to compensate
Especially if you're a foreigner who only speaks English
You gotta spend 5x more than a local in order to gain POWER in the new place you moved to.
The spots you read about on the internet - restaurants, clubs, etc. aren't ACTUALLY the best
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COOL PEOPLE don't write reviews on blogs
Do the research yourself on IG.
Best places = places where the 9's tag themselves in
Go to those locations dressed nicely
"Nicely" is a subjective word
In Monaco, it may mean dressing in a suit
In Bucharest, it means being dressed in designers. Cool sneakers, jeans in the club, joggers during
the day, t-shirt. Maybe some jewelry too. (If you’re over 40 wear suits regardless of how others
dress, trendy things look like shit on older guys)
Study the local culture.
Tip the waiters, go with hot girls, a nice car, cool friends, buy expensive shit from the menu etc.
These elements matter in order to become somebody there
Restaurants/bars are important
But what's most important is
The nightlife.
In Bucharest for example it's certain clubs for certain days
Monday, Tuesday - A area called OLD CITY with cheaper parties
Le Brasserie - Wednesday
Nuba - Thursday
Loft - Friday
Saturday - Face Club/ BOA / Nuba
Rich guys and hot chicks have this schedule every week.
This schedule I've mentioned can't be found on the internet
It's things that you learn by being around people who are INITIATED in the social life
It's the same in every city
If you date hotter chicks/ meet richer guys you'll get the information and know where and when
to go.
In countries like Romania, everything depends on the season
The locations for the summer are different from the locations for the winter.
The initiated know exactly where to go.
Of course, you don't need to waste your money on getting drunk every day of the week.
But it's good to understand what's going on.
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Every chick you'll date and every guy that matters will talk about certain parties and clubs
If you know nothing you demonstrate you're a nerd.
The whole "networking" side of things is oftentimes overrated
You don't need too many male friends
You'll compete for the same hoes and it's fucked up
Imagine 6 guys at the table in the club... too much
2-3 friends max. A small and strong group of men and lots of chicks.
What I'm trying to say is
Don't mix business with partying
Meet guys in order to make money but don't take everyone out with you
The serious people who wake up in the morning and focus on cash aren't usually fun and a good
fit for approaching the nightlife game anyway.
By the way
I'm talking in this thread for the guys who already have a good cash flow
If you're broke you shouldn't care about your social life anyway
Sit in the trenches first
You have time to care about 9's and clout after that.
Bitches love having fun
Good girl/ bad girl - it's the same shit
The more fun you can provide, the more chances you get in order to meet fantastic women
Buy bottles in the best clubs and tag yourself in the best locations then design a nice highlight on
your Instagram.
If girls perceive you as being INITIATED, being part of the GOOD LIFE - then they have reasons
to reply to you
This particularly applies in Eastern Europe where it's all about WHO YOU ARE
Nobody cares you've got muscles here unless they see your muscles at a VIP table
So, if you want the best girls
- Nice house
- Nice car
- Build your clout
- Create a crew of 2-3 other guys that also want to go out and have fun
- Clubs/parties
- DM girls every day / set up dates with them every day
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It's hard until you fuck the first bad bitches
Then it's easier because their friends/acquaintances and online fans will start noticing you and
they'll reply too, knowing who you are.
Anyway, if you got cash start investing it in your local reputation. You won't regret it.
People who travel a lot don't understand that
Fucking chicks from Tinder while you're somewhere for a few months
Is a lot different than fucking chicks in your city when you're somebody.
When you're somebody in a city, especially cities with no tourists, you get THE BEST GIRLS
If you wanna do it right
Stay at least 60-70% of the year in one place
Then travel 30%
Most of the time, traveling teaches you nothing anyway.
“Wow I ate pasta in Milan. Wow I fucked some asian in Bangkok”
1. Make money
2. Spend it don't be a dork (clothes/car/house/bottles etc.)
3. Small crew
4. Go out to the same 5-6 restaurants and 2-3 clubs (where the hot bitches go)
5. Don't travel too much unless you really go to places where you meet important men.
Men who get the most pussy:
1. Misogynistic views and behaviors
Playboys don't "respect" women that much. Of course, they're polite and know how to behave
in social settings, but they're not taking chicks seriously. They're always laughing when a girl starts
having opinions, they're always teasing them in a playful manner.
2. Good sense of humor/Master storytellers
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Conversations rely 80% on the stories you deliver, and the experiences you've had. As long as
it's FUNNY and the girl laughs, you're doing things RIGHT. Avoid dead time during dates.
Something "stupid" > Awkward silence
3. Cheating habits
Women have respect for the men they perceive as being PLAYERS.
If you're not "crazy" enough, she'll find someone else who is.
Provide drama and mystery in order for her to be entertained.
The best way to do it?
Fucking other chicks.
4. Go out to parties a lot
I've rarely seen guys having success in the dating scene if they spend their weekends at home
Pussy goes hand in hand with nightclubs, fun, high-end restaurants, etc.
If you want more than one woman, develop the habit of going out more.
5. Good social media presence/clout
We live in an era where CLOUT is valued more than money
Influencers/ Athletes / Criminals that have street fame / Local celebrities
Women are drawn to these kinds of men more than they're drawn toward some anonymous
They like guys who are worshiped by others
6. Prioritize fun over "self-development"
If you're a man and you're always reciting lines about success, business, improving yourself, the
gym ... Chicks will find you BORING
These are subjects that you must think of when you're alone or with your friends
With chicks, focus on delivering FUN and SPONTANEITY.
7. High Testosterone
Low Testosterone guys are usually lazy and don't write to enough girls, don't go on enough dates,
cannot sustain multiple relationships, get tired easily, don't have a strong sex drive, etc.
If your T levels are high, you'll chase pussy. And you won't stop until you get it.
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Some say it’s better to be a playboy with no commitments
Others that it’s better to be married
Neither one is right
You need BOTH
MAIN CHICK: love, comfort, trust
HOES: memories, fun, drama
A man has various needs
Today he might be sick, in jail, broke - Hoes won’t give a fuck
Tomorrow he might be winning, in demand, balling - A boring girlfriend won’t be enough
A smart man knows how to gain THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS
The easiest way to obtain money from a
is by not needing it
Your moves won’t signal desperation.
You’re ok with or without her resources. This facilitates smooth sailing toward your objective.
She must not sense you rely too much on her input in order to thrive
Since the dawn of time, men that needed women for emotional or financial support were deemed
An experienced pimp wants the target’s money. But at the same time, he does not need it.
He is a PIMP, not a stay-at-home dad.
Learn life
A fool talks to 3-4 women, doesn’t get sex and ends up hating himself, thinking he’s not “in her
A playboy talks to 20 women, fucks one, and instantly forgets about the other 19. He repeats the
process and always has new prospects ready to get fucked.
Different mindsets.
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The fool takes it personally.
“She put me on read because I’m not rich enough.”
A playboy thinks “Maybe she’s in a relationship, fuck her. On to the next one”
When you’re talking to many girls, you’re used to being put on read, used to hear “No I won’t
come to your home I’m not a hoe”
This is the game. You get used to it. A sweet win makes you instantly forget 20 “losses”
Learn life
Take your girlfriend out with your crew
Start telling stories of how you cheated on your ex. Some funny experience that is worth sharing.
A story that indicates your addiction to new pussy, your will to create unforgettable memories
with other women.
Your decision to talk about this topic will subliminally indicate that you’re a man worth being
Male promiscuity is interpreted as value.
Next time you’re not answering her calls she’ll become paranoid and assumes that you’re always
trying to attract new women to your roster
Her paranoia mixed with your denial. Her tears combined with your laughter.
If she’s not obsessed with you, she’s not in love with you.
Learn life
Dating. Relationships. Harems. Explained in 7
easy steps
1. Upgrade yourself.
Body, money, and connections.
2. Display yourself to the world.
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It’s all about REACH. If you’re looking fantastic but you’re only talking to 3 girls. Low chances
for sex. You need to reach more girls.
3. Good, obtainable reach
few thousand followers. Few thousand females are there for you to approach. Of course, you
can fuck co-workers, and exes. But you rely on fresh blood.
4. Now it’s about CONVERSION.
If you DM 100 women, talk to 50 and go out with 20, you’ll fuck Even if you’re an idiot. It’s a
numbers game.
5. After having multiple sexual partners it’s about RETENTION.
Could you KEEP one good girl just for yourself? Can you make her love you? Can you make her
6. After this it’s about SCALING.
You’ve retained one woman. She’s your soldier, your down-ass bitch. Low maintenance. You fuck
her a few times a week. Few texts.
You already have a down-ass bitch. You want more. The main chick is low maintenance. You can
date others.
Learn more here 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Vet women indirectly.
I say “Can’t wait for the weekend. Gonna sniff cocaine & drink champagne. Gonna be awesome. Wanna
She says: “Maybe, but I don’t do drugs..”
I say: “What a boring female you are. Chicks that don’t do drugs are the most pathetic boring women
on earth”
She says: “I don’t USUALLY do drugs. I did when I was 17, but now I’m clean. Been to too many festivals,
now I don’t like them no more”
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And now I understand who SHE REALLY IS.
Of course, I don’t do drugs. I just said it to make her feel comfortable. To make her reveal her
A playboy is single and taken
He’s loved yet falls in love every week.
He’s with her but he’s still breaking up with them regularly.
She hates him yet she’s forever addicted to his white lies champagne.
Love is illogical.
Virtue is not rewarded in this game.
Learn life
Yeah, sex is fun and shit
But as a man
There’s nothing more satisfying than having women cry and pour out their hearts for you
Of course, you wouldn’t know that because you’re a dork
And for you, sex is the ultimate achievement.
For us though, if it ain’t obsession it ain’t love
Not cheating = Not a man
Who the fuck doesn’t get bored of interacting with the same woman over and over again?
No woman deserves a man’s full-time loyalty
Joe Lampton
Fucking is about positioning.
She’s following you on IG, you’ve positioned yourself in her universe. Chances to smash down
the road.
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You’re at the club, you’ve positioned yourself in her way that night. Chances to smash cause she’s
Sit in the rain and you’ll get wet.
She’ll respect you as long as you don’t take her seriously
Laugh at her opinions. Don’t take into consideration her claims. Act as if men and women aren’t
She wants an uncompromising leader. An authoritarian.
No place for beginners or sensitive hearts.
Learn life
Close the deal
Girls are DM’d by guys all day long.
If she replies to your messages, get her number, and date her. If you don’t close the deal fast,
she’ll forget about you and go out with someone else.
Speed. She’s gotta go to the first date fast.
After that, don’t be needy for sex. Don’t force it. Just feel when it’s the right moment to get her
home. Till then just fuck your main chick or other hoes.
With wifey it’s sex
With them hoes its competitive sport
Wifey loves you anyway. Potential average performances shall be forgotten.
But with them hoes It’s different. ANYBODY may find out.
It’s do or die.
Might perform well and fuck her friend too who knows.
You aren’t aware of how invisible you are to women
They don’t know your name
You don’t go to nice places to get noticed by them
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Thousands of women from your city don’t follow you on IG
You’re not perceived as being at the top of your city
Sorry. You’re not “the prize”.
Being arrogant with women doesn’t work unless you’re given “permission”
Permission is given once they’re subconsciously aware that you REALLY are somebody
Acting tough with no backup? They’ll just further ignore you
Women are equipped with an acute sense of smelling frauds.
Picking girls on the street doesn’t work anymore
“What’s your IG” they’ll ask
You’ll give it
They go home, see you’re a nobody so they’ll just fuck somebody else with a more interesting
Being funny doesn’t work anymore.
Being top 1% still does.
Sorry PUA’s
You’re going to the gym thinking you’re tough
Nobody cares
Wow you’re disciplined, putting food in boxes
I’m taking your wife out for a coffee
In a brand-new foreign car
Slapping her when she sucks my dick in the back while my driver takes us home.
You think you’ve got a loyal girlfriend
You work hard to PROVIDE FOR HER
Her co-workers making kinky jokes every morning saying they’d smash
You argue on a Friday night so she goes with Josh from work and sucks his dick
“But but he’s just my co-worker and he has a GF!”
You think she’s trustworthy
So, you talk crazy about other men while she’s around, at the table
Next thing you know, when you break up with her
She’s fucking EXACTLY the men you said were trash
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Offering sweaty nights to your enemies
What u gonna do about it?
You ain’t gonna do shit
You’re not free.
Slapping a female would get you in jail.
You don’t have money for lawyers.
And if you have money, you have too much responsibility.
CEO has cash but can’t act crazy might lose his “career”
HaHaHa too bad
I suggest you go gay.
In our game, we say you’re either a pimp or a
Paid by females or paying for love
But there are levels even in the top 1% of the sexual marketplace
Relying solely on your main chick = Forced to be a sweet beta
Multiple females = Able to be arrogant and egotistical
When you’re only paid by your main chick, she slowly understands her vital importance on the
Without her you’re not popping, she’s the only reason you’re relevant
Therefore, you’re forced to live with her full time and you’d risk “bankruptcy” by cheating and
acting crazy
On the other hand, having multiple women paying you, enables a certain type of behavior
Freedom to act crazy. Freedom to cheat and not give a fuck about potential consequences
You‘re not afraid of one of them leaving. One’s disappearance does not equal your “destruction”
99% of “pimps” are slaves to their girlfriends like corporate dudes are slaves to their jobs
Same angle, different “industries”
That’s why you don’t see men talking about it on the internet or sharing their experiences
They can’t risk her understanding she’s being played.
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I can sincerely share my ideas and mentality without the fear of potential arguments
I can cheat and name the girl I cheated with. I can tell a girlfriend I’m “pimping” her while laughing
about it.
Her reaction, good or bad, cannot damage my position.
It is too strong.
Of course, most men cannot relate to these experiences
Because they’re positioned on the exact opposite side of the spectrum
No female has ever fought to keep them
They cannot grasp these words due to their constant struggle to fuck
Here fucking is just step zero, basic
Everyone can fuck
Yet few can retain a female and subconsciously “convince” her to WORSHIP him like Muslims
do Allah
Women with your name inscribed in their flesh, women working 10 hours a day proud that THEY
Cleaning the bed after you rawed another chick in it
Dark triad women and pimps don't mix
The pimp wants to exploit a “victim”
The "deadly" woman wants to exploit a sugar daddy
He seeks a submissive main chick, hoes, and to spend money with his crew.
She seeks a hard-working loyal man to buy her Gucci while she flirts with her personal trainer.
A healthy relationship needs polarity
You can't put a ruthless woman and a ruthless man in the same boat
A ruthless woman is a woman who's been damaged by a G in the past
She then switched to pursuing long-term relationships with reliable betas and has alphas on the
If her EX was a "bad boy" you have 2 options:
A. Be more than him
B. Accept that she chose you because you're soft. She perceives you as a good long-term option.
Consequently, she'll use THE SAME tactics he used on her, on you.
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You'll be subjected to mind games and deception.
When I meet a damaged woman that is attractive, I want her to become OBSESSED with me
I ask the right questions. I understand the pain he subjected her to. His moves and mentality.
Then I take it further and I fuck with her mind until she perceives me as CRUEL & EVIL.
If you're with a girl and she always says her EX was mistreating her
You'll never be the love of her life
You're just the shoulder she cries on
You should be viewed as the most merciless man she EVER MET
This is essential if your goal is to never be forgotten.
Learn life
Have richer and hotter girls in your DM’s, likes, and phone
So, she’s proud every time she’s sucking your dick
Knowing that you can INSTANTLY replace her with a better female
Because the thought of you being hoeless will subconsciously influence her to mistreat you
Learn life
If she’s not a virgin punish her for every dick she sucked
Cam. Tattoo. Her money in your pockets. Total obedience. Tears. Cheating.
The hoe ate another man’s kids and you’re spoiling her for cooking and ironing a shirt now and
Learn life
Fucking girls is like selling houses
Some just show interest in your houses, some come to see them, some give you the impression
they’ll buy but nothing happens, and some call you out of the blue and buy 1 hour later
The more people KNOW ABOUT your houses, the more will buy
The more girls know ABOUT YOU, the more leads you’ll get
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You’ll talk to plenty of them, most interactions will go nowhere
You’ll date some of them, some will annoy you, some will be annoyed by you
Others you’ll fuck. Some will stay.
It’s work
On your phone non-stop, talking, going out, being funny, getting over losses fast, managing your
main chick/chicks, falling in love for some of them but understanding others are more useful, etc.
For most the game is chaotic and expensive, so they settle for one chick.
To fuck a lot of bitches you need to be HIGH ENERGY.
And most importantly, you need TIME and MONEY
All of those dates, nights out, time spent texting, fucking
REQUIRE money made easy
Regular men can’t even try this lifestyle, they can’t afford it.
Stuck in an office, etc.
The next level is pimpin’
From all those chicks you fucked, you pick the ones that stayed, love you, and seem to have the
potential for MORE
Of course, maybe some future lawyer/doctor, etc. loves you too, and you’ll keep her for fucking
cause she ain’t useful for money-making plans
The best way of “pimping” a female in 2020 is the webcam industry
She ain’t fucking other men, she gets paid a lot if she’s a hard worker, money comes to you
Although it may seem like you’re taking advantage of girls, the reality is you’re HELPING THEM
You’re their mentor.
The easiest way of becoming a “pimp” is by having a main chick and putting her on cam
Then you can use the money and free time to apply the process described above
Then you’ll have multiple women working for you, financing THE GOOD LIFE
Sounds easy but this ain’t for everybody
There are 2 EFFICIENT ways of becoming a PIMP
A. Convince your GF to work for you, then apply the methods above to expand
B. Make money and do the work to know and fuck more women. Pick some and begin your adult
industry career while having fun during the process.
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The difference between a PIMP and a PLAYBOY
Is that the PLAYBOY can fuck but isn’t ruthless and business savvy enough to PROFIT from it
LVL 1: She gives pussy and says I love you
LVL 5: She’s OBSESSED with you and would do ANYTHING for you to be happy. Including a lot
of money.
If girls are proud to tell their friends that they’re texting/dating you
You’ll have a lot of bitches
To put yourself in this position you need to be good-looking, high status, or both.
You need GAME only after that.
Without social proof, they won’t bother replying to you.
I am sure there are a lot of pickup artists that would be efficacious at “creating sexual tension”
around 9’s
But unfortunately for them, 9’s doesn’t know pick-up artists exists.
Don’t follow them on IG. Don’t eat in the same restaurants, etc.
Reputation is crucial in 2020.
I like
Smart girls
Girl next door type girls
IG model-type girls
Cute face high-school girls
Tatted up cocaine sniffing hoes
Hoes with sugar daddies in Dubai
I love bad bitches with high stamina that sit in the trenches every day and make me cash, more.
You don't need naive women
They're useless.
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You need dark triad cunning females that respect your power and use their skills to make you
MORE powerful
Pimps have women who are able to deceive others, yet they're extremely honest and loyal to
the man they love and respect.
Trust your instinct more than you trust your
Her words do not reflect what she truly feels
Her actions always do
Loyal and always there for her = DRY PUSSY
Psychopathic cheating playboy = She's obsessed with your cock, even though she says she hates
Learn life
When she's crying remain cold
Even if you are the source of her tears
If you're trying to comfort her, she'll always cry when wanting to get your attention
Ignore her lamentations
As a consequence, when seeking attention, she'll suck your dick instead of crying
Learn life
My main chick has 6 fake Instagram profiles. She updates the accounts with pictures and captions
so they look legit. She really puts in the work, it’s funny. She’s stalking all of the females she
believes I talk to.
I tell her who I’m fucking while laughing and drinking with my friends. She even wrote to some of
them saying I have a wife. Girls don’t care anyway. When girls ask me bout it I tell them “these
groupies be crazy”. They still provide pussy regardless of my girlfriend’s efforts to stop me from
The more I cheat and spend time with my friends, away from her, the more she cries and protests
The wetter the pussy
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When we fuck, I get angry
I punch her in the head while saying “Stupid female head”
Before she’s allowed to cum
She must always confess she’s my slave and she must acknowledge my superiority
Of course, she has my name tatted on her & makes me mid-six figures per year. I spend her
money on champagne designers and fun.
The end.
A lot of PUA dorks talk about “having options”, without having the slightest idea of what having
options means.
And I realized it some time ago.
I was at Tristan’s place.
One of his girlfriends was there with her sister and a friend, and her sister was acting “funny.”
Do you think Tristan just accepted it without saying anything? Of course, no.
Tristan told them to leave right away and had another girl come to his house in a maximum of
10 minutes. and fucking 5 in the morning.
Most PUA dorks would just shut up and get disrespected just to get some pussy, bragging about
how they fuck 9s and 10s (that in reality are 5s maximum).
This is what “Having options” means.
The ability to NEVER compromise.
The ability to replace INSTANTLY.
Having multiple hoes OBSESSED in your phone puts you in a position where you never accept
Women are followers. They follow status and power.
If you’re very young, you may find a woman loving you for your potential
But once you’re older, women don’t care about potential and bold predictions
They want to be with a man they can brag about to their friends.
They want a man who can provide spontaneity and an entertaining lifestyle.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
I have understood this since I was a teenager.
So, my strategy was this.
I had my first girlfriend love me for my potential. I used her parents’ money to start my business.
Then, after my webcam studio was opened, after having more money, I built the reputation and
power necessary to get MORE and BETTER girls.
Of course, my mentality remained the same. I still wanted to have girls pay me.
I don’t fuck girls for peanuts.
I want TOTAL obedience, money, her sacrificing to make me happy etc.
A. Don’t be a dork that’s loyal to a girl for no objective reason.
Understand and adopt the concept of
B. Build power so you can get more and better girls
When you meet new hoes, you want long-term relationships with
Ask them things about their past in a nonjudgmental way
Like Why did she break up with her ex.
Longest relationship etc.
Make her open up acting like you’re really interested
Then evaluate how much evil you gotta inflict in order for her to become obsessed with you and
remember you all her life
The more she hates her ex the more you gotta display dark triad tendencies
Otherwise, it won’t work and she’ll still think of him.
Once you’ve damaged her more and caused drama, tear,s and emotions that she’s not familiar
She’ll finally see you as #1
Once you’re number one, the love of her life, GOD
Reap the benefits. You’ve just created a weapon that helps you grow even more powerful and
amplifies your strength.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
My views and methods are seen as DARK and UNETHICAL by nerds
They’re afraid of losing girls, going to jail, and being judged by others. Always overestimating the
potential consequences of basic actions.
Too weak to become relevant in their Universe. Too fragile to be bold.
Anyway. Some have courage and understand that
In order to have spectacular results, you cannot move ordinary.
For example.
I strongly believe that mistakes cost pain.
Every mistake that a female commits
Must be utilized in two ways:
A. Reason to break up with her if the mistake is too flagrant
B. Obtaining MORE and enslaving her
I taught this principle to a REVENGE soldier that came to my house a few weeks ago.
He’s from my country but lives in another city. Made some money and decided to buy a car so
we came here (I have good connections in the auto industry)
While conversating with him, I saw that he was upset. Asked him why and he said it was because
his main chick liked some other guy’s pictures.
When he confronted her, she was playing the “he’s just a guy from school” card
I took his phone and told him “Let me talk with her”
I wrote from his account “Baby it’s simple. We live in a small city. You like other men’s pictures,
you conversating with others... ruins my reputation. The reputation I am trying to create, all my
work, ruined by a stupid female. I’m at a high level for my age, YOU KNOW I can replace you
easily. Next week you’re gonna tattoo my name. Big. On your chest, so everyone can see it. Until
then we’re over”
Of course. The female was trying to call him, message him, etc.
Females always try to find excuses. I advised him to not reply.
What do you think happened after 4 days?
I was happy. Win-win situation.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
- My nigga made a bitch cry and enslaved her
- My ego was fueled by seeing that my methods worked.
The mistake most men make
Is that they’re offering all of their time and attention when the bitch is complaining or trying to
make them angry
And they’re ignoring her, mistreating her when she’s ok or completing different tasks
Think of yourself you probably do this too
When she’s messaging you something stupid you participate in the argument, you reply, you get
angry, and waste time
And when she’s ok, you’re just happy she doesn’t say nothing wrong and you focus your attention
on other stuff
When she’s complaining/making mistakes/ not doing what she’s supposed to do - IGNORE HER
When she’s a DOG - give her dick and time
This way
You set a healthy pattern
And she’ll start doing nice shit in order to earn more time from you.
In 2021 it’s unrealistic to want a virgin, or a girl that ain’t been a little bit damaged
It is also unrealistic to think that you can impress her sexually
Unless you want to fuck 14-year-olds, of course
Girls that are 18-22 (peak sexual marketplace value) have already been spitted on, men have
pisssed on them, insulted them, hit them, pulled their hair, etc.
There’s always someone out there that can/will say
“Oh, that girl? She was my slave Hahaha I did this and that to her Hahaha”
My solution is this.
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1. I act as if I’m the most progressive, non-judgmental man possible. And I find out a lot about
her, FROM HER. What didn’t work with other men, what pain she been subjected to, etc.
2. I assess the situation and think:
A. She’s one-night stand material and I fuck her then ignore her
B. She’s party-type material, I fuck her now and then and she brings friends and we have fun
C. She’s GF material
If I believe she’s GF material, if there’s a chance I can make her my DOG I do this
CAN’T GET RID OFF HIM, HE’S EVERYTHING I GOT” (I talk about this more in my e-book
Anyway, after a girlfriend is finished with me
The next men she’s fucking are all losers/sugar daddies/ betas and she tells them “MY EX WAS A
Seems harsh but it’s the reality. I never made bad decisions with my long-term relationships. They
all were dogs that helped me get to the next level.
So, I know my principles are right.
I thought about this when one guy I know found out some bad things about his GF
So, the story is this
His GF is 19. They’ve been together like 6 months. The girl told him she only had one man before
him. He really thought she was ok and kinda “pure”
Recently, some new girls from my circle told him something when the guy was with us
“We have to tell you something. A friend of ours fucked your GF last year and then threw her out of the
house. If you want we can call him.”
So, they called him
The guy told the story and then said “I don’t give a fuck I’ll call her right now and I’ll record it”
So basically, the GF CONFIRMED that it’s true.
Then those 2 girls continued
“And we have another story for you. Two other guys fucked her on the same night at some party. We
have proof, pictures, etc”
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
So, this guy I know got extremely upset and he was very disappointed that his girl is basically a
I told the guy “It’s 2021 nigga these hoes be like this now. All you can do is damage her harder, tattoos
of your name, put her on cam, record her doing crazy shit, etc”
At least
If those guys that gangbanged her and shit say “We’ve pissed on her hahaahahah”
My guy can say “I did this too, but I went to the next level, took all her money, made her live the rest of
her life with my tat on her”
It’s 2021 man all u can really hope is you’ll fuck her up mentally BETTER than the ones before
“Only a cheap hoe would do this”
Excuses. People use these kinds of words all the time.
When I show them bitches that tat my name/portrait when I show them how much money girls
give me, when I show them WhatsApp convos with girls etc., when I do all kinds of crazy shit
But I do understand this behavior.
Humans need reasons to motivate their weaknesses. Their inability to perform at a higher level.
“My girl wouldn’t do this because she’s a quality woman”
“He’s got money because he’s pimping hoes, I would never do that, it’s for thugs”
It is the wrong way of viewing things.
You must be extremely objective and open to what’s in front of you.
Your girl aren’t executing certain actions because she does not love you AT THAT LEVEL.
Yeah, you’re ok, yeah, you’re fucking her right …maybe.
But there are levels.
If you went to prison, she would leave. If you have to move to Lithuania, she’ll remain in your
city, she won’t move with you sacrificing her own agenda.
I’m at the level where girls sacrifice their MOST IMPORTANT WEAPONS, their beauty,
ego, and time, to satisfy me. While knowing that I’m cheating and I don’t give a fuck.
UNDERSTAND. The girls I fuck read this and I don’t care.
They cannot stop it. They know they’re fucking up. They know they’re giving me their best years.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
If you wanna test your girl’s love for you ask for this:
Unfollow all men on social media, change your phone number, then delete social media accounts,
tat my name, go on cam for me (work for me in my business etc), tat my portrait, accept that I’m
cheating (really cheat and see if she stays)
Then tell her you to have to move to Lithuania in 7 days and see if she would leave her family
and life for you. Be serious not joking.
Ask for the things above.
Learn life
High status doesn’t automatically mean
high-quality pussy
Status just gets you access to higher-quality pussy. Only men with certain qualities are allowed
to EXIST in the Universe of beauty.
Girls with options don’t know losers are real. Weaklings are invisible. You’re either handsome,
rich, famous, well-connected or a combination of all of the above.
Let’s say you’re low status. Because you’re low status you have shitty clothes, shitty experiences,
shitty IG
Consequently, the probability an 8/9 will follow you back on Instagram and give you the
opportunity to talk to her is very low
Now let’s say your status is high. You have a bigger conversion rate and girls reply to DMs.
Basically, what your investment in credibility gets you is the opportunity to start a conversation.
From there on it is about the game.
All the improvements a man makes. More money, better material objects, networks, etc.
Just give you THE CHANCE to maybe fuck if you have a game.
Girls you’d like to be associated with, don’t sit on Tinder waiting to get fucked by bartenders in
shitty apartments. Why would they? When they could follow 150 attractive, rich, young men on
IG from which they choose their boyfriend.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
This is how the game works right now at the top.
Now reading this would make you say
“Fuck, I’m not relevant in my city, does this mean I won’t fuck?”
No, you can fuck, but harder. With more effort. With more game. With more lies etc.
A way of hacking the Matrix is this.
Get a girl you can afford. Put her on cam. Invest a bit in her looks and upgrade her. Make more
money. Then use the money to build a reputation in order to get better girls and MORE
My strategy before developing all of the weapons I’ve got right now was this
I got a girlfriend I did not deserve on paper. A girl with rich parents that had way more
money than me. I was granted access to her universe by leveraging my skills and by penetrating a
social circle with spoiled kids.
My advantage in that circle was my ability to be fun and dangerous. Everyone wants around
someone that can fight and that can be entertaining. Also, I had a big IQ which meant I was in a
good school (until I got expelled but of course I’ve made friends in the process)
After getting the girl I developed methods to deceive her and to make her OBSESSED. To
increase my experience with girls I cheated on her and started having multiple relationships (to
be honest I was way more comfortable fucking girls now and then than having more solid
relationships - too much stress for me back then)
So, I used her money to go on dates, clubs, and after to open my webcam studio.
I also used my intelligence to find ways to cheat and to spend less time with her and more with
my friends and other hoes.
After that, it was easier, I started making money, started building a reputation and things went
Now I can cheat in peace, I can easily maintain multiple relationships, and girls I like reply to
me on Instagram with no problem.
Back in the day, it was harder. Had to rely more on real-life scenarios (A friend’s girl would bring
a friend of hers etc.). Had to lie more about myself to inflate my worth.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
There are no excuses.
To be honest, there are multiple ways to the top. But I can only talk from my perspective.
The webcam industry is the best solution to elevate yourself from the bottom to G
Hot bitches have been hot since they were like 15. Consequently, they started fucking and going
out with older men when they were very young.
When they’re 20, they already have 5 years in the game, a lot of sexual partners, relationships,
drama, they’ve been driven with expensive cars, they’ve been invited to parties in mansions, etc.
To handle them, and to be respected, you’ve gotta have more experience than them, more dates,
more sexual partners, and more time in clubs, restaurants, etc.
DORKS are mistreated or ignored by hoes due to their lack of experience and time IN THE
Even I go out with some hoes and they know more about parties, clubs, cars, and events than
For a man to have a table full of champagne, strong friends, and hoes around - HE’S GOTTA
For a girl to live a similar lifestyle, she’s gotta be alive and cute.
If you want to be a player, go out more, date more, go to parties more, understand the subtleties
of the game, etc.
If you don’t do this all you’ll fuck will be 27-year-old 5’s from corporations.
At the top, you compete with athletes, millionaires, rappers, sons of wealthy individuals,
handsome playboys, etc.
When you spar with men in the gym all the time
Your mind starts understanding patterns, movements, and subtleties and can easily adapt in order
to match your opponent
This is also true in chess or any other endeavor
Especially with girls
When you’ve dedicated time to meet, seduce, motivate, fuck, brainwash females
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
You’ll be comfortable with every type of woman and you’ll find solutions in order to reach your
We can conclude that
If you want to master the male-female dynamic you must invest effort in this domain
Yes, you’ll “lose” time
Yes, you’ll experience breakups
But after a certain period
You’ll have impressive results. Because other men will not take the same risks and will not be as
consistent as you.
Learn life
There are a lot of fitness dorks that don’t understand something
I’d rather train from home every day for 30 minutes with an ok diet than do everything “perfect”
and looking 15% better
In a time, span of 12 months
If I did everything I could, train in the gym, eat the perfect diet, take fitness very seriously, rest,
do my research, cook, abstain from KFC and VODKA
I’d be a little bit better, with more defined muscles, 1.5 inches bigger arms, etc.
1. The price I’d pay would mean sacrificing social life, bitches, pleasure, money
2. The results won’t make any SIGNIFICANT difference
You think a girl that won’t fuck me now would fuck me after excruciating hours in the gym for
multiple months?
Take good pictures when you’re in your best shape, post them on IG, be in decent shape all year
round, and live your fucking life
Gym guys are stuck in a mental prison
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“Oh, I ate more calories than I should have eateannnnn”
Bro chill, it doesn’t make any difference in the grand scheme of things
Most men can’t afford having bitches
Cause having bitches is a distraction and it’s the winners who have the time and mental energy
to withstand the drama
If you’re at the beginning of your journey, on the grind all the time
It’s better to just focus on one girlfriend and maybe fuck others once in a while
Always meeting new girls means
Break-ups, falling in love, drinking and having fun, sleeping less, always going out, girls annoying
you, texting all the time, ignoring your diet etc.
If you’re broke as fuck, just make some money and get some free time because chasing pussy
comes with other shit and it is too much for you.
Of course, this doesn’t apply if you’re operating a webcam business
If you’re making money with girls, then it’s your job to handle all the drama
Being a pimp is the sweet spot. You’re having fun while making the money.
If you’ve got another profession bitches remain a distraction.
I have a separate Telegram Chanel which I’ve posted in my Instagram bio
It’s in Romanian, so you’ll probably understand 95% of it
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
There I post outrageous shit, conversations with females begging me to stop cheating,
conversations with angry boyfriends begging me to stop pursuing their girls, how girls that
tattooed my portrait beg for my time, and other fun things that nobody shows or does.
Usually, when I talk to a new bitch and she starts digging up my profile, she watches my IG
highlights and then discovers that Telegram Chanel
All the crazy shit I did makes it extremely easy for me on dates, because girls get curious and ask
a lot of questions. I don’t have to think of subjects for conversations etc.
Furthermore, it raises my value because it displays that I’m in demand
Most men have to brag and tell lies, I just have to pretend I’m not that crazy and “promise” that
I won’t do them wrong, like I did those girls from the past
I don’t even have to be a “bad boy” when I meet new girls. I’m usually very sweet just to
compensate for what I’ve posted.
It’s a hack I’ve invented this year and it seems to work very well. Especially because Instagram is
deleting most of my posts for reasons like “hate speech”, “bullying” etc.
Never reveal your vulnerabilities to women
Never appear too perfect either
Show them false weaknesses to create comfort and the feeling that you’re sincere
When it’s all over, you’re protected against potential retaliation. Because they’ll attack spots that
aren’t fragile.
Especially when you’re involved in multiple relationships, the drama will always occur
One of my side chicks tried to damage me because I cheated on her
She called my main chick and told her all about us and all about the other girls I’ve been fucking
She thought this would hurt me, that my girl will leave me and will stop making me money
She also told everyone what a bad person I am, how I deceive girls (she’s a popular girl in my
Her reactions didn’t lead to nothing bad for me, of course
My girl just came to me and told me “This hoe is stupid, she tried to turn me against you. Better choose
better bitches’ next time. You’ve cheated on me for years and I didn’t try to damage you and your money”
The reason why the side chick tried this move was this.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
False information, I make money from multiple sources and I also knew that my long-time
girlfriend doesn’t break up with me. Also, I really wanted more people to know that I cheat and
have a lotta hoe because this makes other girls interested in me.
The side chick really thought I was finished. But nothing happened except that I fucked one of
her best friends after 2 weeks
On Instagram I look like I’m stupid, violent and kinda crazy
Which is perfect because I just gotta act normally in real life for girls to say
“Oh, you’re so smart”
“Oh, I thought you’re taking drugs every day”
“Oh, I was so afraid to meet you but you’re actually so sweet”
I’ve noticed that if you have a clean image and you’re perceived as “boyfriend material” even the
biggest hoes postpone giving you pussy fast. They wanna maybe keep you as a provider, an
opportunity to exit their messy life with.
Also, having a good guy persona isn’t getting you any attention (unless you’re extra rich etc.)
Everyone cums in their mouths and slaps them nowadays
Even the losers with jobs and bosses
It ain’t even cool to be just “rough” in bed
No sexual fantasy is taboo in 2021, girls fuck men extremely fast
I don’t even have the same enthusiasm to piss on girls anymore, it doesn’t make me any different
If I wanna fuck her up mentally and make her remember me FOREVER
I focus on what’s happening OUTSIDE OF THE BEDROOM
Your texts, your absence, the way you look at her, the way you cheat on her, the mystery, the
drama, the mind games, the rules you impose, the things you make her do in order for you to
give her attention, etc.
This is what excites me more.
Most of the time
A girl will delay fucking with you
Not because she's a good girl
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
But because your game is poor. And your actions aren't leading smoothly towards sex.
Learn life
I’ll share a little bedroom SECRET
Get a hoe
Fuck her raw
And tell her during sex
“No please, don’t do it…”
“No, please.. i don’t wanna raise kids.. alone”
“But pleaseee”
“No… pleaseee” (she’ll probably start pushing you a bit)
She’ll cum VERY FAST if you maintain this frame, trust me
Of course, don’t be a pussy and cum in her anyway
Let her take care of the consequences.
When I meet a woman
I don’t check out her past necessarily
Sometimes the information comes to me, sometimes it doesn’t
But regardless of this
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I assume she has been humiliated by others before me
I assume there are men out there who would laugh if they saw her on the streets, knowing what
they did to her
If I choose to keep her
I make sure that she does for me more than she did for others
At least if meet a man from her past
That tells me what she did while being with him
I can open a folder with proof that I'm superior to him
Ok bro, wait a second
Take a look at this folder
Oh, here’s my portrait tattooed on her
Oh, here’s my name tattooed on her
Oh, here’s her giving me all her money
Oh, here’s her licking this other girl’s pussy
Oh, here are texts from her crying begging me to come back
Oh, here are videos of her tying my shoes
Oh, here’s a video of her doing 50 push-ups cause she raised her voice in my house
Oh, here’s a video where she sits on her knees repeating 100 times that she’s my slave
You fucked her and laughed
I took her dignity and soul
Girl "But you have money why do you want me on Onlyfans"
Me "Cause every serious girlfriend I ever had was on webcam/OF"
Her "But they did whatever you wanted and you still broke up with them"
Me "No problem, I'll find a girl that really loves me and wants to work"
Her "Ok ok baby when are we starting?"
When the bitch knows you REALLY mean it, and you’ll REALLY leave if she doesn’t obey
She’ll always do whatever the fuck you want
Same with name tattoos, portraits, threesomes, etc.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
Me (In a very polite manner) “Okey baby no problem, I’m sure I’ll find another girl that really respects
me like I deserve to be respected 🤗”
Her “Heyyy don’t leave please we can find a solutionnnnnn”
Pimping hoes is simple.
The woman misbehaves so he gets angry, starts arguments, shouts and get emotional
Also stupid:
The woman misbehaves and he forgives her or pretends it didn't happen
The woman misbehaves, he stops replying and finds other hoes. zero interactions. Cold and
Fucking a hot girl isn’t the best thing ever
Trust me
There are 2 things better than having sex with an attractive female
Friend zoning and ignoring them
1. Fucking a chick & then acting like it's better you're just friends
“You’re my little sis 😘”
And she’s just standing there shocked because she sucked your dick and thought you really liked
2. Having chicks message you multiple times, calling you - while you just stack up missed calls &
unread messages.
Especially when talking to other guys.
They’re like “Yo you know this chick? Saw she also follows you”
And you just pull up the phone and show them how the chick messaged you 5 times and you
ignored her without no remorse
“Oh Yeah.. she was actively trying to see me but you know how it is… too many hoes not enough time
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And those guys sitting there disappointed that you give zero fucks bout females they’re obsessed
If you don’t like night clubs, drinking and partying
You limit the women you have access to
You’ll only smash low tier hoes from Tinder
Because the ones everyone wants
Go to nice places every weekend
Trust me
They’re not into “Netflix & chill” on Saturdays.
Imagine talking to a beautiful 19-year-old girl
That has a crew of other 4-5 hot bitches
And you telling her
“Yeah, I’m working on Saturday. Wanna come to my place when I finish?”
99% of the time she’ll be like
“Oh, we have to go to this club.. we have a VIP table there”
And if the scenario I presented doesn't happen to you
It means you're fucking girls that the big G's in your area don't want
Hot bitches expect more than just dick and wine
Because they've tasted the good life already
Can't compete with the men in their DM's with Netflix
“But I don’t like drinking and loud music”
Who cares - THEY LIKE IT
Nobody forces you to fuck bitches
Stay at home and work. But don’t expect to share the same hoes with millionaires, athletes,
criminals, rappers, verified Instagram accounts
Don't worry
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You’ll probably smash some 28-year-old career woman.
Fighters don't like running
They'd rather do something else
But having good cardio is essential if you wanna be high-level
It's the same with FUN
Like it or not
If you wanna be high-level at dating, you'd better be capable of providing FUN experiences.
Every G knows this.
Getting girls constantly Requires daily work
and dedication
A lot of texting
Thousands / hundreds of phone numbers
Dates that lead nowhere
Being catfished
It's necessary to "waste" time
It's like running a business, most potential customers won't buy.
It's always the inexperienced individuals that complain about the "wasting time" aspect
The professionals see it as practice
Even if the interaction leads nowhere - it's training - you're sharpening your skills
If you're not willing to dedicate time - you'll never be a playboy
Having hot bitches is an expensive hobby - every G wants them - It's a competitive field
It requires hours per day. Money spent dating and improving your lifestyle. A proper set-up providing fun, having a nice apartment/house, friends that like to party
The weak don't make it
Yes, you can have a girlfriend and fuck hoes
Regardless of who you are and what you do
Even broke boys or teenagers can do this - I was once in this position
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But as an adult, if you want constant action at a higher level
You must first have your life in order.
It's foolish to get drunk on a Monday night with a girl
If the next morning you have to go to work at 7 AM
It's foolish to entertain hoes if your life is completely shit and nobody respects you
At the beginning of your journey
Training and getting paid should be your FOCUS.
Of course, it’s an exception if your goal is to monetize your relationship with girls. If you plan on
utilizing girls for webcam or Onlyfans - then dating is part of your job.
But most men aren’t there - hoes are just a distraction
If you wanna be a playboy expect stress and work
It's not a joke - the real G's know this
Expect saying "good night baby" to 20 girls & having sex daily even if you’re not in the mood for
Although hard at times - everyone is impressed by the man who is worshiped by females
Learn life
Only nerds overcomplicate the whole sex
Cause they don't have enough hoes. So, they focus on entertaining the ones they have too much.
All this tying them up, crazy fantasies, 50 Shades of Grey shit
I don't have the motivation to do it.
The max I’ll do is slap her while we fuck, maybe spit I don’t know, spank her with my gold chain
- nothing too “kinky”
I fuck her for 1 hour then go to sleep
Next day I got other girls on my mind. To be honest, I don’t see myself buying a whole arsenal
of toys and start being too “crazy”.
It’s actually funny
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The guys who frequently get new bitches
Don’t care that much about a particular one
It’s just another face. Fun for a few nights. Then the girl gets bored cause there are others waiting
in line.
Consequently, they don’t invest that much effort in pleasing her.
I’m not saying you should cum in 5 minutes. But going out of your way in order to make her feel
good is some dorky shit.
I’m saying this because I was a little bit this way a few years back.
I didn’t have so many options so every time I got a new girl, I just fucked her all night long and
really thought about “impressing” her.
Then, after I started getting more serious about bitches, I understood something
No matter how well you fuck her
Once the bitch finds out you’ve got a serious relationship. Once you ghost her…once you break
up with her
She’ll still talk shit about you. Especially when you’re somebody and people know you.
Girls only have 2 weapons for shaming a man anyway
1. “He has a small dick”
2. “He doesn’t fuck good”
What else can she say? Every G who fucked a lot of chicks heard this about himself
The outcome is the same. Regardless of what you do.
I’ve met all kinds of guys speaking to me about the “crazy” stuff they were doing in bed
What I’ve found is - these guys rarely had chicks who were obsessed with them, like girls really
doing insane stuff for them
So, I’ve concluded that extreme loyalty and submissiveness aren’t linked to sex that much
It’s linked to what happens OUTSIDE OF THE BEDROOM
Mind games, tricks, who you are, your personality, your dark triad traits, your cheating.
Sex is simple. Pussy + dick.
The key is mastering what happens before/ after sex.
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Learn life.
Side note.
These whole fantasies shit work better if you’re monogamous. Cause you probably get
bored of your chick, you live with her, etc. So yes, if you don’t have hoes it kinda makes
sense. But if you have hoes, your girl is already wet knowing you fucking everyone else.
She doesn’t need the whole sex shop arsenal believe me.
“To get girls, focus on your success"
“You’re the prize”
This is applicable only for boxers, rappers, celebrities
They win a fight/launch an album/appear on TV and then they receive endless attention with 0
You're a dork with a laptop. Nobody chases you no matter how much you've made last month.
Nobody knows you. Or how much you’ve got in your bank.
And even if you’ve got nice things, it’s not like other men don’t have similar shit.
It doesn’t work this way G
If you want girls focus on it.
DM bitches every day. Post stories. Follow girls on social media. Have some nice highlights. Be
on Tinder. Approach them in clubs. Try every method and see what’s working for you.
Low IQs that have charisma game
Are way more relatable to young hot girls
Than all these smart people
The low IQs be cracking jokes all day long.
Drinking and not giving a fuck. Hoes love it.
While the high IQ boys talk conspiracies & boring shit that hoes don't understand.
When I’m out with some chick I make sure I’m not using big words or trying to look smart
Even in texts. I might write with bad grammar too.
It’s hard cause I’m probably a genius.
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But I’d rather say dumb shit & have the whole table laughing than sitting there and explaining the
importance of discipline and other similar topics
Furthermore. I look low IQ too. Nobody would think I’m smart. Which is very good for me.
I make grammar mistakes on purpose while interacting with hoes
Although nobody talks about this
The smarter you're trying to sound, the less attractive you are
I see all these nerds trying to recite big words & share brilliant conclusions with females
Makes pussy dry G.
Stupid, Crazy, Funny > Smart, Educated, and Serious
Why you think all these hoes wanna get fucked by low IQ high T chads, drug dealers, rappers,
criminals, athletes
They give zero fucks about your intellect and boring conversations
They wanna laugh, have fun and experience some drama.
The only females who appreciate reliable, mentally sane, agreeable men
Are the ones who have already been damaged by the streets
They wanna settle down with some disciplined business guy
But these young & hot ones are only excited when they're with spontaneous psychopaths.
It’s funny to me when I see those memes on Twitter with some fat people and a caption
“This is your competition”
It’s actually a low-IQ take and I will explain why
Bucharest has 2 million people in it
But there are like 2000 girls who are really hot
And a few hundred men who are playboys.
As a high-value man, you always compete with the winners. And they're strong everywhere. You
don’t stand out by not being fat or by having a nice car. You really need everything.
You don't compete with waiters, corporate guys, fat people, freelancer dorks, etc.
These people don’t matter, they’re invisible.
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Whenever I get some new girl all the people she knows, dated, or her ex-boyfriends are:
Kids from rich families/Criminals/High level older business guys/ Celebrities/ Really handsome
guys with some money/ Singers, etc.
You shouldn’t care about losers who don’t train or play video games. This is not your
Your competition should be a man who has money, game, time, connections, a 6 pack, etc.
Prepare yourself as an individual to outshine the best. Ignore the weak.
When you meet a new girl, insist on meeting her friends too. Tell her to bring them out next
time. Maybe to some party or something. This way you increase the number of women you know.
If the friendship isn't tight, you have a lot of chances of fucking her girls.
You go on a date with someone, then that girl brings another 4 girls to you. Then you follow
them on IG and keep in touch with them separately and they bring other girls. This way you
increase your social circle with more and more hoes, and they all know each other.
You'll inevitably have sex with some of them and they'll start talking about you saying you're a
playboy. This way you increase your perceived value and start improving your position in the city.
They'll go out with other groups too and talk about you there increasing your clout.
You think diet and gym mean more pussy
Clout, cash, and going out frequently gets bitches
The most jacked or dangerous guys in gyms, be it fitness or MMA
Don't really fuck
It's the people who party 3-4 times a week who know all the hoes
No matter what age you are, you cannot afford to be BORING if your goal is to constantly have
new women in your life
The only time you can stop going out and doing interesting shit is when you have a long-term
relationship with a “good girl”
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Good girls accept sitting at home in the weekends, they already love you so there’s no point in
entertaining them, they’re happy with Netflix and chill
Other than that, you should be doing fun shit while also posting about it on social media so others
can see it too
Tables in high-end clubs, vacations abroad, nice restaurants, etc.
The perception should be “This guy is always out”
This way you’ll always have bitches
Of course, this takes money and time
This means you should first fix this and then think of being a playboy
Get money effortlessly FIRST
Being broke is not an excuse to NOT HAVE a
I'm not saying you should run a harem or get drunk every weekend
But a good girl can be a shortcut towards getting successful FASTER
"I'll get money first brooo"
Ok, and you'll masturbate for a few years?
Not good
I've been with a girl for 7 years
She was cooking, and cleaning, her parents had money and she was my first webcam model
I used to give her daily tasks, boring stuff I did not want to do
She was very helpful
It would have taken much more to make it if I wasn't with her.
Even if you just want to stay on the grind
Having a main chick is helpful because it makes you think less about pussy and more about money
You'll have someone to have sex with while you work your ass off in order to conquer the world
and get rich
Jerking off is not an option
If you wait until you're rich, you'll be a DORK WITH MONEY
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zero experience with women, zero knowledge
You'll probably end up paying for sex or getting pussy just because you have a cool car
You need to be able to do it while you're broke too. It builds character.
"Yeah bro but women are distraction"
Correct. For MOST MEN women are indeed a distraction
But you should aim to be DIFFERENT
Use women in order to make your life EASIER
“Baby I'm hungry, cook”
“Baby clean the house, I'm busy”
“Baby look, you have these tasks for today.”
If you're poor find a good blueprint and make her obsessed with you and submissive
Use her until you get rich, in shape and you have free time
After that, keep her there but also start smashing hoes left and right because now you have
STATUS and you can do it.
Best dating tip that nobody talks about
Make sure that people from your city know who you are
It doesn't matter what they think of you, good or bad
They can say the worst things
But as long as your name exists, you'll fuck a lot.
Clout is the most effective aphrodisiac.
You don't necessarily need to be famous.
Who cares if an ugly bitch working at Mcdonald’s knows you
What you really need is NICHE FAME
People who go to the best parties/clubs/restaurants, hot girls, etc.
If these people know you, it's impossible to not have hoes.
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This is particularly important if you're not handsome
If you're handsome you can go to any city, be a nobody and you'll still fuck hoes from Tinder
But if you look average you really need to be somebody
Of course, being rich is important too, but there are a lot of rich nerds
Rich nerds that nobody knows about don't get pussy
They did not master the art of spending money
Instead of doing cool shit that gets everyone talking and worshipping/ hating them - they have
boring hobbies, so people ignore them and underestimate their net worth.
Learn how to get more attention on you
More attention - more pussy
Every girl wants the guy that other women talk about
If you're zero percent controversial and nobody cares, you'll get outshined easily by a lot of losers
who have more balls than you.
Learn life
Be RUDE and KIND with girls.
If you're only rude, you'll create a bad reputation that's not attractive and girls will avoid you
If you're just kind, you'll get friend-zoned or perceived as a sugar daddy (if you're also rich)
Balance is key
I open doors, pay the bills, treat their friends with respect, and make them feel proud that they're
with me
But I'm also calling them "bitch" and giving them commands, telling them my "misogynistic" views,
cheating in front of them, getting tagged by other hoes on Instagram, etc.
Women ALWAYS tell me
"I can't figure you out.. Sometimes you're so cute but sometimes you're so annoying and disrespectful...I
think you're a psychopath. And I never know if you're joking or telling the truth... You're never serious"
I like to confuse them and I do it effortlessly.
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I'm rarely talking serious shit. Most of the time I'm joking, changing subjects, and saying retarded
This makes my serious opinions seem even DEEPER
After 2 hours of sexual jokes and retardation, 2 minutes of wisdom have much more significance
and depth.
Sometimes I stop at the gas station and buy them some tiny teddy bear
Sometimes I bring 20 bitches at a party and flirt with them in front of the girls who think they're
with me
Sometimes I hug and kiss a girl for 30 minutes
Sometimes I'm on my phone ignoring her & acting cold
Women love to use their imagination
"What the fuck is he thinking? Is he really into me? Does he really have a main chick? But he's a good
guy with me sometimes..."
Let them THINK and DEBATE with their friends when they're not with you.
Make them analyze your behavior.
Girls are emotional and tend to bring confusion into your life because they're moody
Use their weapons against them
They have lots of options. Have MORE options & utilize this threat against them.
The tricks they utilize against SIMPS are always utilized against them by the players.
I tell girls
"Haha look what this girl replied to my Insta story"
"Haha my ex is obsessed with me look she's creating fake accounts because I blocked her everywhere"
"Look what this ex of mine bought me.. she really loved me"
"Look that girl tatted my portrait on her leg"
Making her aware that others adore you makes you VALUABLE in her eyes
The new subject will work harder in order to please you
Subconsciously she'll think "I gotta step up my game or he'll leave me.... He's used to girls doing
whatever he wants"
Don't be predictable
Be cold AND super cute
Joke a lot and act retarded then confuse them by displaying the fact that you're smart,
Have a lot of options or pretend you have a lot of chicks wanting you in order to force
them to act nicely
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Men who don't party in fancy nightclubs tend
to overestimate the girls they're dating
Trust me
When you're going to places where the hottest chicks go
You'll usually start being pickier and start aiming higher, wanting to compete with the Gs with
better/more chicks.
Fancy night club = Girls must dress nicely, have to dance, have to wear tight things
Average chicks hide behind baggy clothes, sneakers, jeans, etc.
In the club, you see if she's REALLY hot. You have other women to compare her with. The way
she moves, her femininity, etc.
You'll start thinking
"Hmm is this girl hot enough for me to bring her to the club?"
If you're a normal dude, you just fuck everything because no one sees you.
When you think in terms of others judging you, you'll naturally start ignoring average girls.
In some bullshit coffee shop, at some cheap apartment party
Every female can look decent/cute
In some fancy place with legit 9's, you see your girls’ real value
Most guys don't have egos so they're fucking anything lowkey
Aim higher G. Go see what the big boys smash.
Funny when I see guys praising their chicks as if they're SPECIAL
It's clear to me that they ain't aware of the reality out there
Bro, there are hoes way hotter who are treated like shit & you're jerking off at your ugly ass wife.
It amuses me that
100% of the guys I took with me out (the ones who weren't used to going in high-end places
Started hating their girls afterward
Not necessarily hating but started seeing them OBJECTIVELY. Started wanting MORE.
Understanding that they deserve better
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If you sit like a dork and idolize your woman, without meeting others and without being socially
active at a decent level
You get brainwashed by her into thinking she's more than she actually is
You start being a nice guy
- No woman is special
- You're probably treating girls with more respect than they deserve it
- Go out more in order to gain experience and judge girls BETTER
- Usually, 9's have better personalities too because they're not frustrated like the average chicks
I date virgins and tell them
"I won't even try to have sex with you .. You already know I have all these other hoes. We'll have sex
when you will want this more than me"
This way they relax and sooner or later give me pussy
Meanwhile, I fuck other girls
It's not complicated.
Virgins aren't different from hoes in the sense that they like the same men
All girls like similar qualities in men
Money, clout, lifestyle, muscles, fun blah blah
They're just more careful of who they first give pussy to
It's a special moment for them.
It's a flex to fuck a virgin because you can brag that you're the first one who had her, disappointed
her, etc.
These "experienced" women went through it all already
It's nothing new for them
They're second-hand pussy. Every action you do has already been done to them.
The bad part with these virgins is they're not fun
They'll never be your first pick for a night out in the club or for some quality sex
They behave awkwardly at parties, sometimes they're too shy, etc.
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I usually keep them for boring Mondays, at least they're low maintenance
Bad bitches expect a certain level of fun
They get bored quickly
They have zero interest in "chilling"
They're uncomfortable if you keep them on the couch while you're working on your laptop
They can't sit at home on Saturday nights
It's the result of too much cocaine
I prefer a large spectrum of girls in my life otherwise I get bored
Weird virgin, crazy loud-mouth hoe, main chick, porn star looking blonde, tatted up brunette
bitch, etc.
Every chick has her magic, to be honest
I enjoy different types of female attention.
I like pussy😋
"Learn game and you'll get the best chicks"
Having quality and quantity in the dating game requires 3 elements
Free time
I'll explain why
It's useless to have game if hot chicks won't reply to you online or if you're not able to attend
the best parties, go to the nicest places
Ok you're funny... ok you know how to speak with girls
But she's in the VIP section in the club with some ballers. and you're at home.
Money makes you appealing in the eyes of women
An ugly guy becomes attractive once he's successful
A boring guy becomes funny once he's rich
You'll sometimes see rich people say basic shit and everyone thinks it's deep and insightful just
cause they're SOMEBODY.
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Money is SEXY
Free time is essential because dating is a job
All the dates, all the chatting on the internet, all the calls with the girls in your roster or the ones
you wanna smash
The drinking, the late-night sex
It takes ENERGY
If you're in the office 10h a day you ain't getting pussy
Attractive women appreciate SPONTANEITY
"Yeah, be ready in 1 hour, we're leaving for a few days"
"Yeah, I know it's Monday but tell your best friend to come too we're throwing a party tonight"
Having a tight schedule makes you look like a nerd.
Clout is an amplifier
It makes you look richer and more handsome
Also triggers a woman's ego
Girls are CURIOUS and PROUD when they're going out with someone that all their friends
know of.
Remember the popular guys in school when the internet wasn't this big?
Or the tough guys in your neighborhood who people talked about?
They always had loyal/hot bitches
The principle still applies
Make others notice you and talk about you.
Learn life
Every time you're on a date with a girl and she tries to sound smart, or to explain something
serious, you have 2 choices
1. Fall into her frame and continue with the "serious" shit
2. Interrupt her by saying something stupid that's unrelated to the topic of conversation
Most men are pussies and don't wanna scare her so they're just giving the girl advice etc.
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Me: "Nice so you'll work 12h a day there and I'll spend ur money with hoes😋"
Then maybe I'll continue
"I want u to get rich because we'll have 3 kids and I'll abandon them with you .... gotta feed them and
shit cuz I ain't giving them no money..I'll just spend it all in the club with new bitches”
You get the point.
No girl really wants you to listen to her useless thoughts
She knows she's not smart, she needs a real man to understand this and "punish" her for her
Most men: "So you wanna become a lawyer or a judge? I heard lawyers can earn more! I have a friend
that….blah blah”
Me: "Idk you sound boring as fuck tbh”
Don't be scared of losing her. She ain't a good blueprint anyway if she's "shocked" by your
Good blueprint:
Laughing at everything you say, annoyed but in a sweet manner, telling you "you're crazy haha",
starts getting curious about you and asks lots of questions.
You want a girl with a fan personality not a hoe with a big ego who thinks she's special & tries to
impress you with her ideas
A fan is treating you like you're important, has that respect and admiration in her eyes, wants to
know more about you, and understands that you're THE MAN.
The less you like her after you've fucked
her, the more she'll obey
When you're super sweet and interested in her happiness she perceives it as weakness
It's like her subconscious mind tells her
"Why is he giving me so much attention, I thought he has bitches like a real G!"
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It's like the interaction with waiters/bouncers in the club
The weak sit there and talk to them as if they're important, smiling and shit
A boss just tips them and exchanges 2-3 words, behaving as if he owns the place. Lotta hoes
around. No time to sit and joke too much.
What I'm trying to say is
When you treat someone inferior with TOO MUCH attention and respect
He won't perceive it as kindness. He knows he doesn't deserve it. So he'll think you're not the
General you pretend to be. He'll flirt with the idea that he's your equal.
Imagine a football team
When the coach is too friendly and sits and drinks with the boys he loses respect, power
Deep down all the players want a harsh coach who keeps them in check and MAYBE smiles once
a month when they really really did something impressive.
When you reply to every message fast and answer all her phone calls, buy her nice shit, take her
out to every party you go to, sacrifice your own schedule and hobbies in order to entertain her...
It means you're scared of losing her. Which makes her less attracted to you.
Reward women with your time and attention WHEN THEY DESERVE IT
She completed all the tasks you sent to her? Ok, nice dinner
She applied all the advice you gave her. Ok, 15 min blowjob
She was positive and never bothered you with stupid shit? Ok, you can sleep with me tonight.
For me, a girl can be considered "loyal" only
if she never cheated while being with you
DESPITE THE FACT that you're fucking hoes all the time, going to clubs without her, living a wild
lifestyle that she's aware of
She ain't loyal if you never fucked up
She just isn't tested
Most guys delude themselves that their girl is special
She probably isn't. You'll rarely meet a girl who won't fuck up when you're always with other
women or gone all the time
But the be honest, her NOT being special isn't necessarily a problem, you can use her for other
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You will only start having problems when you put her in a wrong category
I put 99.9% of girls in the HOE category
It keeps me safe
She's gotta work super hard in order to take her more seriously
I don't trust no chick to be honest.
Anyone can fuck up sooner or later.
This does not mean you should not fall in love or treat women nicely
You should always reward good behavior
But most men you'll meet reward them too easily and too much
If you're a sugar daddy and she's submissive
It's usually just some fake shit where she's playing a role, it's the price she pays for a better life
"Fuck it instead of sucking dick in some BMW I'll just shut up and listen to this guy at least he's taking
care of me"
Truly loyal girl:
You ain't giving her no money, you fuck bitches & don't spend all your time with her. She's happy
and obeys because she's genuinely in love with you. She's obsessed with you and respects you.
She's executing every task you need & supports you in times of danger.
Now with the money issue
I believe you'll reach a point in life if you're truly successful, where NOT investing in your girl is
actually a wrong move
Imagine being 50 with a net worth of 100 million idk
Can't go to dinner with shot callers and your girl’s dresses from Zara.
There's a point where you gotta create your perfect barbie doll who has the Hermes bag, the
Rolex, fake tits blah blah
I'm not there yet but I assume this is the right move
Can't be on some "pimping" shit all your life, it's a young man's game
But until you're old keep it G.
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Things that matter for a man in the dating
game and in the game of life in general
Generally, when you turn 18 people don't see you as a kid anymore
You're competing for the same girls with men who are 40
If you offend an older guy, he'll hit you
If you open a business, you'll compete for customers with everyone
In order to matter, YOU NEED MONEY.
Money by itself is not that hard to be combated
There are crypto dorks who nobody worships and don't get their dicks sucked frequently
Helps you improve faster in the other important areas.
You can hire anyone, pay people to teach you, etc.
2. Clout
We live in an attention economy
Nobody cares if you're good. They care if you're good AND others talk about you.
If you can make others mention you and talk about you, then you'll do good. You can monetize
it, you can get in the proximity of important people, etc.
The men who move low-key are just afraid of the potential unfortunate consequences of being
Haters, more pressure on your shoulders, enemies who wait for your first mistake in order to
destroy you, etc.
Also, most men who aren't visible lack a FUN, MAGNETIC PERSONALITY.
3. Looks
How you look dictates how others will treat you
A man who looks scary has more statistical chances of not being bullied around, not being
disrespected by females, etc.
Also, it shows you have self-respect
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For example
If you're fat others might think you're lazy.
4. Influence
All the shot callers in history or even movies had POWER OVER OTHERS.
Tony Montana had Manny.
Don Corleone had his organization.
Batman had Robin or Alfred.
If others don't listen and don't worship you, you cannot call yourself a boss, or a leader.
5. Humor
Life is boring, filled with routines and mundane tasks.
In order for others to listen they have to like you. Being FUNNY helps you gain access to people's
No funny stories? Boring, nerd personality?
Then it's harder to get into a woman's heart etc.
6. Friends
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
If your friends don't look/behave well, then you'll suffer too from their stupidity.
The opposite is also true
If everyone is winning around you, you will also win.
Be careful who you associate yourself with.
7. Social skills
Same as humor. You need to be able to interact with others in a way that makes them TRUST
YOU, LIKE YOU, and in the case of women, you have to make them ATTRACTED TO YOU
first, the OBSESSED with you down the line.
An autistic dork will never pull this off.
8. Hunger
Do not be satisfied with the victories of yesterday
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Learn to forget and UNDERESTIMATE your accomplishments. Think of the next step, the next
mountain that can be climbed.
Don't brag for 2 months because you fucked a 9, forget her and find the next one instead!
Even if you're high-value as a man, not every girl will be aware of it or will respect it, some may
not be your type
Because every girl has a weakness for a certain type of man
There are some girls who like football players the most
Or rappers
Or older guys with lots of money
Or tough guys, gang member type
If you're not in the archetype they like, they'll simply not be super attracted to you regardless if
you're a successful man or not.
It's pointless to try to convince a woman that you're worthy of respect, you cannot negotiate
genuine desire
What you can do is this:
Pursue girls who are into guys like you
Build yourself in a way that normally attracts most female archetypes
If you date lots of women you'll see that
Some will naturally be super impressed by you. What you say, who you are, your ideas etc.
While others will simply not care that much, even though you're the same man, saying the same
Gotta attack where you're valued the most.
Also, you gotta incorporate traits from every relevant male archetype
Fighting + Gym + Tattoos - To attract the girls who normally like tough guys
Money + Status - To attract the girls who respect the power
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
Charm + Storytelling - To attract girls who like smart men
The more you can build yourself into a multi-dimensional man
The easier it will be to get different types of girls
Hoes who sell their pussy on webcams, virgins from good families, models, party girls, etc.
Gotta be able to seduce anyone regardless of their background.
Advice for young men
Don't associate your image with a particular chick
Instead, associate your image with A LOT OF CHICKS
If you "claim" a particular woman you automatically create a vulnerability in your armor
The girl can turn on you and put you in a position of weakness.
A well-known Romanian guy is in a public relationship with a woman.
Posts pics with her all the time, talked about her in the press, TV and made sure everyone knew
she's important to him, he's in love and takes her seriously blah blah
Then they start having some issues
So, a friend of mine approached her in the club, hung out with her, etc.
My friend was showing me convos, went to her house, etc.
Now imagine her boyfriend
Guy worked his ass off to be somebody and now a hoe puts him in a position where random
people can laugh behind his back.
The proper approach is
Don't take nobody seriously, except I don’t know .. the mother of your children, or things like
Don't post silly relationship photos, and don't go out of your way to spoil some undeserving
She'll turn on you and you'll look like a clown.
Gotta understand that
When you want to be somebody, people don't just judge you based on your actions
They also judge the actions of your close friends, girl, etc.
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Game: Chess, Not Checkers
If you give credibility and power to a woman, she can just ruin your reputation whenever she
feels like it.
Fuck chicks left and right and live a single man's life
When you have 3 sons with a woman then you can start posting her and telling others how great
she is
Until then don't give these hoes the ability to diminish a life you've worked hard for.
Simple reality
When you treat a woman with respect
She perceives it as weakness
Because everyone worships her. The men in her DM's, people in her school/workplace etc.
Her subconscious mind is like "He's afraid of losing me, he ain't got other bitches"
Take the opposite route, give zero fucks
I never shy away from showing my true colors whenever I'm interacting with new chicks
I'd rather be authentic
Instead of playing a role, I prefer being myself - using the jokes I usually use, saying things as they
are instead of being politically correct
The only females I treat with respect are the ones I'm not trying to fuck
The chicks that my friends fuck, staff from the gym/restaurants, older women
From a strategic standpoint
It's better to be perceived as crazy, the chick will lie to herself that you'll change for her
Bitches get offended by "rude" behavior only when you're not attractive
So, if you're ugly/weird/zero status
Then be careful you might lose your job or something
But if you're a G you get away with anything
This is how the world works
Not all men are allowed to be arrogant.
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Networking: Band of Brothers
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Chapter X
Networking: Band of Brothers
1. Don't be friends with people that look harmless.
Perception is reality. If your friends are tall/big/tatted up/combat ready, 99% of the time, strangers
will not start fights with you. They will avoid conflict.
Don't roll with pussies
2. Don't be friends with people that don't share your vision, that don't share the same
It's pointless to roll with ppl that have different views. You'll argue with them all the time. Bad
vibes. Your crew should be on a similar mission as you.
3. Don't roll with broke boys unless they're subservient and helpful in other ways.
It's nothing wrong with some of them being broke, as long as they're working for you or they're
useful in some way or another.
Broke + Useless + Opinionated = ULTIMATE LEVEL OF LOSER
4. Don't try to change ppl. Replace them.
You tell your friend to come to the club. But he's a pussy sitting with his GF. Instead of trying to
convince him to come, just recruit others that are interested in clubs and hoes. Maybe the pussy
friend is useful in other ways.
5. Be valuable and leverage it.
Ex. Let's say you're a fitness addict. Help others get fit. Maybe they're good at making money. So
they'll tell you secrets about what they do. This way everyone wins. The $ guy gets fit. You get
more money.
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Relationships function when it's win-win
6. Don't talk behind a guys’ back unless you're able to tell it to his face too
Let's be honest we all like gossip. I like it too. And I like laughing. But I will never laugh about
someone unless I'm man enough to tell it to his face too.
7. Don't make silly jokes
When there are women around you should only overestimate your friends’ accomplishments.
Stories that put them in a good light. Ask questions about interesting topics.
"When is your new car coming bro"
"Bro, do you remember when you smashed that guy’s face"
Your friends must be capable and competent
I’m not talking about acquaintances, I’m talking about your crew
The guys you hang out with on a daily basis or a few times a week
They must:
⁃ Look dangerous / be handsome (Other men will not attack you if you roll with killers /
Bitches want to hang out with men who look like men not pussies)
⁃ Know the game (How to behave socially, how to interact with strangers, women, important
people, etc.)
⁃ Be honest and reliable (You don’t need snakes around you that lie about insignificant bullshit
or try to scam your close ones)
⁃ Dress well (“Dressing well” depends on the environment. Proper clothes in the gym, correct
outfit in the club, etc.)
⁃ Be generous (If you’re rolling with stingy individuals, they’ll neglect the spending money aspect
so you can’t go to nice places and do interesting stuff. Interesting activities require SPENDING
MONEY - champagne in the club, vacations, etc.)
⁃ Have a good reputation (You don’t need scammers, people with a shady past, etc.)
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Networking: Band of Brothers
As for acquaintances, it doesn’t really matter
You can interact online or in real life (low-key) with nerds etc. if they’re useful
Learn life
In your crew
Your role as a leader and friend is to see things extremely realistically and to point out the
positive and negative behaviors of those around you
If you’re older and more experienced, it is very possible that you see flaws in someone’s game
better than he can see it from his own perspective. Therefore, you can come with advice and
Instead of being fake and letting people waste their time, do them a favor and tell them when
they’re idiots.
This way, you help them but you also help yourself.
You can’t go to battle with inadequate company alongside you.
If you’re pursuing hotter bitches and your friends don’t have game. Tell them to improve this
If you’re getting more and more attention yourself but your friends don’t care about their
popularity? Tell them to invest more time in social media
If you’re focusing on money but your friends are lazy? Explain the importance of being productive
If you want to be combat ready and your friends say it’s 2021 and fighting isn’t relevant? Tell them
that masculinity always meant to be able to defend your close ones if danger occurs
If you’ve already invested time in this but you see no results, no hope
Just eliminate weaklings without remorse.
It may sound harsh. But let’s think about the fight game.
Conor McGregor went from zero to champion with the same team, same coaches, almost same
sparring partners, and even the same wife. But he is an exception.
Georges St Pierre went from zero to champion with the same coach, but recruited the best
people in the world once he got better (Freddie Roach for boxing, Danaher for Jiu-Jitsu, Raymond
Daniels for Kickboxing, etc.)
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Other fighters, most of them, have gone from zero to a world-class athlete by always changing
their team, bringing new people, and better coaches, going to different gyms, moving to the US,
The same with your life. If you’re an exception, you’ll get to the top 1% with the people you
started with. But statistically, there are more chances that you’ll succeed by always thinking of
eliminating the weaklings and adding new and better people in your life. Friends, females,
Be careful when it comes to associating with the wrong people. You can’t chase greatness
having around you men with average dreams and work ethics.
Learn life
Usain Bolt's trainer used to say "I can make someone FASTER, but I cannot make him fast"
This statement is much deeper than sports
It's the same with women
Some are predisposed to be good girlfriends, some aren't
You can find a good blueprint and mold her into a subservient female
But you can't change a hoe.
Same with the people you meet, your employees, your friends
Some are just predisposed to be useful in certain areas
Your role as a leader is to upgrade their natural tendencies
Average individuals want to change people
This is a strategic mistake
The right thing to do is this
Put yourself into a position of power and credibility
From there, you have access to a lot of individuals
Then learn how to distinguish their traits
And choose the right person for the right task
Don’t try to transform hoes that take drugs into housewives
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Don’t try to change the nerd who’s comfortable in front of his computer into a funny entertaining
wingman that helps you pick up girls.
Rich guys meet up and talk about new
Ok you're good at this, am good at this - let's combine our forces and increase our income
Broke low energy idiots meet up and talk nonsense.
"Yeah hard week I'm tired as fuck"
"Let me talk with my GF and see"
The type of conversations you engage in
Shape the lifestyle you’ll soon have
I care about improving my current situation
I talk with the men I know about
2. Ways of getting money
3. How to improve certain aspects of our income streams
4. How to connect with smarter people
5. How to increase our popularity, influence
6. How to get more girls
7. How to retain them
8. How to penetrate better social circles in order to get the best girls
9. How to look better
10. How to become stronger
11. How to get healthier
12. How to create better memories
I’m always high energy thinking of how to help the ones around me. Helping them helps me.
If you’re richer, there’s more money in my universe, maybe we invest in something together in
the future
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Networking: Band of Brothers
If bitches like you, you’ll bring 5 bitches into the club, which makes us all look better
And when I’m not high energy and life disappoints me, I don’t infect others with my misery. I just
stay away and improve my mood.
1. Be high energy and excited most of the time
2. Talk serious shit than can put you and your friends above others
Make a list of everyone one you know from your current city
Go grab lunch with each one separately
Assess their skills, potential, utility
Integrate into your set-up, the individuals who can help you achieve your goals
Be polite with the rest.
One may be interested in women and nightclubs - he can help you achieve competency there
Another one might be a fitness junkie - you can train with him in order to get stronger
Maybe someone else is running several businesses - he can provide knowledge & inspiration
To amplify your "scouting" power
It is beneficial to already expose a nice lifestyle & power via social media
This way, you'll have more options/opportunities
I've got a lot of cool people on IG who I don't even follow back
I can "invent" a new friend whenever I want.
If you're not in this position
Work with the cards you currently have
People from work, from the gym, etc.
Make sure everyone you meet also puts you in contact with their acquaintances
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Networking: Band of Brothers
This way your circle grows in numbers
More numbers, higher chances you'll find quality.
Be careful
Others won't introduce you to their friends if they do not trust you or perceive you as valuable
Consequently, you gotta
1. Demonstrate you're not useless
2. Do it without flexing or making others feel inferior
3. In other people's circles - don't try to be bossy
Networking, like dating women
Involves spending money, time
It's not cheap
If you're completely broke, you'd better get a skill first and have some cash flow coming in
It's pointless to be in restaurants every day with people if you're living paycheck to paycheck
Learn life.
Reasons to exclude friends from your group:
1. They refuse to learn how to fight/they’re super afraid of the police and other men
I always avoided these types. If I have beef with someone, I expect you to throw some punches.
I’m not necessarily saying that I’ll start the fight for nothing but if shit hits the fan don’t be a little
2. They dress like dorks
Dress appropriately depending on the event we’re going to. I’m embarrassed when someone
close to me is not reciprocating my efforts when it comes to looks. The same thing with hoes.
Can’t stand the ones who aren’t wearing high heels in the club and come in sneakers. When it
happened, I always sent them home.
3. They’re stingy and don’t spend money
Ok, if you’re broke and you’re my friend of course I’ll pay for you. But if I know you’re rich and
you don’t wanna pop some bottles in the club…. Be sure I’ll replace you.
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Networking: Band of Brothers
4. They’re simps that don’t know how to act around bitches
Can’t stand the nerds who treat women with exaggerated respect. Ok, she sucks your dick so
what. Be a man. The same when it comes to men who are rude. Be polite, especially with the
women I brought.
5. They're snakes
If you’re trying to play me, you’ll be gone and someone else will fill your role.
Learn life
Pro tip about networking:
You don't need a lot of friends in your home base
Especially people your age / who compete for the same things as you
I'll explain why
What you actually need is 2-3 brothers, some soldiers you use for boring tasks, and some
acquaintances that serve different purposes
Lawyers, tough guys who can get you out of trouble, etc.
If you collect too many "friends" you won't extract too many benefits from knowing them.
Every time I had new friends in my city, they used my methods in order to make money and get
bitches so we ended up in a conflict of interests.
Competing for the same hoes, big egos, arguments
I'd rather have new allies from other countries/cities. I'm more open to them.
I can easily explain to someone from another country how to get local notoriety, how to get
girls, how to stand out etc. He also can share his insights with me without any hesitation
If I expose the same genius tactics to someone in my proximity, he'll use my own weapons against
This is the reason why most of the people I hang out with and I talk with online are from the
online communities I'm part of. Tate's War Room, my group REVENGE, guys I've met on Twitter.
It annoys me to have some loser Romanian copy all my openers, strategies, and way of thinking.
The closer you get to the top, the less you need others inside of your circle
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Always think rationally and ask yourself
Is it something new that you can add to your arsenal? Or is he another leech trying to benefit
from your success?
If someone is submissive, I'll take him in and put him to work
If someone is way richer than me, I'll bring him in because we can spend money together
If he's got fame, I'll bring him in to get more clout
And that's basically it
All other local people are basically USELESS.
The people who obsess over networking don't understand something
Your enemies will always be people who you know, ex-friends, people who have inside
information, and people you hang out with. You'll rarely have beef with a total stranger.
The more people you meet, the more risks
If I become best friends with someone from let's say...Dubai
He'll give zero fucks if I make more than him or fuck all these Bucharest chicks. Or if people
respect me more.
If I become close with a local, he'll slowly show hidden resentment and betray sooner or later.
Human Nature.
Best set-up
1. Everyone knows who you are in your home base, but you only know a few key people. And
if you end up knowing too many individuals on a personal level, give them little access to you.
2. Network more with foreigners/people from other cities.
Mercenary mentality vs Soldier mentality
Flexibility. You're free to befriend whomever you want. You can switch sides frequently.
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Mystery. You can hide behind secrecy. No one knows your vulnerabilities because you don't
expose yourself to the same people for too long.
Avoidance of pain.
You can always leave if the people you're loyal to right now encounter problems and you can link
up with who is hot at that particular moment
You're not so deeply involved with a particular group that you're supposed to inherit their wars
or shortcomings.
Nobody takes you seriously and does not want to have you around when the conversations
that matter happen
Lone wolf treatment. Due to your mercenary tendencies, you won't get deep support when
you'll necessitate it.
Lack of an army. Your movement will be slowed down by the fact that you don't operate
with a solid, stable team around you.
Lack of genuine power. Plans that move the needle are executed in set-ups where multiple
individuals work in the same direction, every single day.
You'll exist in the shadow of another/other men
This affects you if you serve the wrong group. If not, then it's not an issue.
50 Cent was below Dre and Eminem. This did not mean he couldn't shine or operate correctly
and get results.
Accepting other people's issues as if it's your own issues.
When you're loyal to the people around you have to inherit their wars, solve their issues,
hate the same people, and think of their well-being as much as you think of yours.
Accepting other people's issues as if it's your own issues.
When you're loyal to the people around you have to inherit their wars, solve their issues,
hate the same people, and think of their well-being as much as you think of yours.
Shortcuts to the top
Loyal soldiers always get opportunities that mercenaries never get. Most of the time, they did
not earn these opportunities through merit, they earned it by serving the RIGHT individuals.
Artem Lobov became famous and fought in the UFC because of McGregor.
The chance to move up in the rankings
A soldier who proved himself useful does not remain a soldier.
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Networking: Band of Brothers
In time, he's always given the chance to create his own reality within the system.
After his success, 50 Cent was allowed to sign his own artists and have his own group.
Who cares Eminem sold more albums and was the bigger star.
50 ended up in a good spot by positioning himself under EM. After he created his first solo album,
he enabled the right to have his own group and soldiers, G Unit, who were also signed to the
bigger bosses, EM and DRE.
If you're a mercenary, a lone wolf, a person who switches sides frequently
You'll get squashed and outshined by groups who move with discipline, in the same direction, for
long periods of time.
You're better off being loyal and serving THE RIGHT TEAM.
Everyone talks about the benefits of being a good speaker
But the truth is, if you wanna hang around with people who are above you, you must become a
There are men who know how to listen and this quality makes winners wanna teach and guide
If you talk too much in the wrong circumstances, people in power get annoyed
Your speaking skills devaluate you
Gotta make others interested in telling you their stories.
You gotta learn how to put the right questions
Individuals who have results in life love speaking about themselves, their struggles, and the lessons
they've learned along the way
But keep in mind another detail. Don't ask things that are too specific. How much money you
make, etc.
Also, winners like it when you develop your own plan and they just adjust it with their advice
Random example:
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Instead of "What do you think I should do in order to get better girls"
You should say "So look I thought of this strategy. Do you think it's ok if I implement it?"
Furthermore, another thing that makes you likable
A mentor likes it when you apply his advice fast and come up with the first results, good or bad
It's a form of respect when someone gives you some guidelines and you execute upon the
knowledge he shared.
If one of your goals is to hang around with people who are smarter than you:
1. Become a great listener, make others feel like you enjoy their stories and really care about
what they're saying
2. Put the right questions
3. Implement the advice as soon as possible
Question From Twitter:
How do you become connected to high-profile people?
Most men are snakes. They want to rip the benefits of valuable relationships without adding any
Without being themselves somebody or on the path to becoming somebody.
High-profile people have also needed. Provide a solution. Maybe they just need a soldier to laugh
at their jokes. Maybe a driver. Maybe they like hearing themselves talk and need an audience. It’s
your duty to find out.
Most people think top-tier men keep around only “winners”. That’s a false statement. Winners
keep around mostly useful soldiers. Other “winners” aren’t interested in obeying commands.
Why did 50 Cent create G-UNIT with his soldiers? Could have he created G Unit with Eminem?
No. Eminem was a boss himself. A boss before 50. He wouldn’t have been a good soldier. Why
422 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
did 50 beef with The Game and kicked him out of G Unit? Because The Game wanted to be a
boss. He didn’t understand his role.
This was just an example. Read between the lines. Recognize this pattern everywhere.
I keep around soldiers myself.
2 drive my car. I don’t have a driver’s license right now. My need was a driver, and they delivered.
They obtain certain benefits. More than money.
Some work for me. They execute tasks.
If you want a place in a G’s crew, make yourself useful.
Learn life
The world doesn’t care about your
If you struggled for what you have or if it came effortlessly.
If you worked hard or if you were talented. If you’re a genetic monster or prepared meals and
trained 10 years in the gym to get big.
They care about 3 things:
1. Are you fun, good company
2. Are they proud to have you at their table
3. Are you useful to them
If the answer is YES, you’ll end up at the right table.
Your most dangerous nemesis is the friend who couldn’t keep up with your improvements
Your most useful ally is the soldier who hopes he could eventually rise to your level and earn
your respect.
People you leave behind are dangerous. You can see the resentment in their eyes. Thinking
they’re better, thinking you should have done more for them.
423 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Pay attention to those you keep around.
Always choose loneliness over toxic company.
Learn life
Men need:
1. Mentors
2. Brothers
3. Soldiers
You need to learn FROM somebody
You need to execute WITH somebody
You need to delegate TO somebody
Mentors are your idols.
People who are already doing what you dream of doing
Men who are better than you.
Older men whom you respect immensely.
They pass their knowledge to you.
You reciprocate their favor by being a loyal soldier. You make yourself useful.
Brothers are your partners in crime.
Your equals.
You went through battles with them on your side.
They love you regardless of your accomplishments and resources.
These are the men you created amazing memories with.
They’ll be at your funeral and cry when you die.
Soldiers are the men you build up around you.
They look up to you. You are their idol.
They dream of someday emulating your moves.
They’re eager to learn and execute tasks.
They’re younger than you.
They’re enthusiastic and hungry.
They’re you when you were their age.
Society is just a bunch of numerous small groups
Your clique is your universe
424 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
What’s socially accepted in your crew will define your future
If skipping training is approved, you’ll be skinny/fat
If being broke is authorized, you won’t focus on money
Careful who you roll with
The purpose of a group is to elevate all of its members
Others should laugh at you if you are not working hard enough
Your friends should mock you if women are making a fool out of you
No room for political correctness
No time for bullshit
The truth shall set you free.
When women and strangers are present
Your friends aren’t allowed silly jokes. We ain’t in high school anymore.
They have to portray you as competent. They should overestimate your capabilities.
They have to put you in a good light.
This RULE must not be broken.
Never flirt with your clique’s women
Never stay in touch with these chicks once they break up with your friends
Block them on social media. Don’t engage in useless conversations.
They’re dead for you once your brothers decide they’ll cancel those females.
Train your men to always talk about money, training, partying, and women.
These are the subjects you need to focus on.
Strong bank account. Physical prowess. Fun. Healthy relationships with females.
Netflix, videogames & watching sporting events while drinking beer isn’t cool
You’re defined by the individuals you associate with
People will perceive you as low value if you’re seen with dorks
You’ll lose credibility. Your work will be nullified by your allegiance to the wrong group
Do not sacrifice your own higher nature by Rollin with the weak.
425 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
If you’re blatantly displaying your ambition
They’ll make your path extremely difficult
If you’re showing no ambition, they’ll consider you lazy and useless
So, to ensure your survival and ascent
Showing moderate ambition while being useful & funny
Remains the best route.
A leader prioritizes loyalty and humbleness
over intrinsic value which comes with
the threat of insubordination.
Joe Lampton
Everyone is important
The nerds that know how to set up your online business
The athletes you can train with
The CEOs teaching you about long-term money-making schemes
The socialites that party 5 times a week and know where to go tonight
Keep them all around
“Beheading” must not be postponed
Eliminate acquaintances once they make their first mistake
Minor mistakes signal unreliability and the threat of you being caught unprepared once disastrous
events happen
Exterminate the virus before it spreads
Learn life
Winners distance themselves from previous allies not because of arrogance, but rather because
of their desire to maintain momentum
The friend that couldn’t keep up with your improvements will most likely feel envious and will
subconsciously try to drag you down to his level.
426 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
The men you surround yourself with must be either expert at things you’re trying to master or
loyal protégés, useful in trying to reach your goals
Time spent with other types of men is time wasted.
Learn life
Your detractors will always find reasons to attack you
The higher you sit in the rankings of life, the more people will want your spot or will be infuriated
by your success
Prepare for betrayal and schemes aimed to throw shade at you and to harm your reputation
Learn life
If you eat, everyone must eat.
Spoil everyone in your circle with attention, gifts and act generous
Their morale is important and influences your life
Loyalty and hard work must always be repaid
But never forget:
Dishonesty and betrayal must always be punished too
Although I consider myself a realist
I believe in more "esoteric" things like VIBES
A VIBE can't be explained rationally
But it can be FELT
And surrounding yourself with individuals that don't ruin the positive vibes definitely improves
creativity and overall happiness.
We are all susceptible of being brainwashed
We are all susceptible and capable of brainwashing others
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Networking: Band of Brothers
An entrepreneur brainwashes his employees that working for his company is a beneficial decision
To live “the good life”
You MUST become highly influential
The ability to impose your ideas on others has been extremely important throughout the ages
Convincing a young fertile female to be the mother of YOUR children
Convincing other men to go to war beside you
Being able to rewrite other people’s thoughts remains a profitable SKILL
Life rewards leaders
The boss makes most of the money
The alpha gets most of the pussy
Being above other individuals. Being respected by other individuals. Being capable of inserting
your beliefs into other people’s brains.
To experience life at the top you must master this.
Learn life
Avoid stupid men not bad men
Stupid = Gets angry and stabs you. Emotional. Too reckless.
Bad = Manipulative. Smart & calculated. Seeks profit, status
Stupid men kill you, annoy you or make emotional, useless bad decisions
Bad men who are fed & deployed correctly get you power.
Nothing is permanent
Everyone has their own secret intentions. Everyone will probably leave sooner or later. Most are
undercover rats ready and willing to betray.
Accept this reality. Enjoy the moment. Foresee every possible scenario. Be prepared for solutions.
Learn life.
428 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
When you’re with a group of friends, and they’re with their girlfriends or with hoes they’re trynna
Make sure you’re their biggest fan and you always talk in a way that makes them look
extremely good
I had to explain this concept to my friends
There were situations when a soldier would try to game a chick
The chick would say something to attack him, and the other guys started laughing of their nigga
instead of attacking the chick back
Was at my house, and a soldier told a chick “You’re here to entertain me, so drink more, you’re
Chick “The man has to entertain the woman. Like jesters entertained the queen back in the day”
The other guys started laughing at her joke
I didn’t laugh and just said “The woman has to entertain the man, she has to make him money and
tattoo his name on her. If she’s not a dog she’s worthless anyway. Especially for a guy like Andrei, he’s a
European champion in Jiu Jitsu. He’d snap the neck of every man on your IG hahaha”
Anyway, the soldier fucked the girl at the end of the night
The thing I hate the most
The behavior I punish with maximum excitement.
Is when lower rank people think and act as if they are smarter than me.
I have a simple rule.
Actually, this is the first thing I warn females about.
429 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
I tell them explicitly, after I proved my cognitive power and understanding of the chess board, of
That annoys me. That is a mistake.
I warn soldiers also.
Some understand. Others don’t.
But one aspect is clear
In my Universe, I will trust everyone I meet, without ever doubting them.
Until I sense treachery.
In my world mistakes cost pain.
Learn life.
Eliminate and ignore the people that do not have the capacity to fight alongside you while pursuing
bigger wins, higher heights
Individuals in your life are seasons and every step requires certain associates.
Most cannot sustain the continuous forward movement; they’ll sooner or later stop and will
consequently slow you down.
Be careful of your surroundings, and always work and attack with the proper team around you.
Learn life
I want my friends and people in my network to succeed
Therefore, whenever I see them, I offer my honest advice if they ask for it
Most people are snakes and would rather abstain from giving valuable information, afraid that
others might end up better than them
It is a wrong approach
The more rich, good-looking, charismatic, and connected people you know - the more power
you have
If you’re the only rich guy in your crew, your moves are limited and everybody depends on you
If there are 10 strong guys, you amplify your power and attract more attention, more business
opportunities, and more hoes
430 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Help others. Because you are actually helping yourself.
If a man is my superior, I will gladly be his soldier
I won’t try to act as if I am his equal. I will shut the fuck up and learn.
At the same time, if a man is inferior to me
If pound for pound, he is lower in rank
I expect him to do the same
I despise weaklings with opinions
Obey or I will eliminate you from my Universe.
Help your friends succeed. Tell them every
trick you discovered.
Don’t be afraid that they’ll end up better than you. Even if they become more successful, it will
only motivate you to push harder
Furthermore, you get more attention if every individual from your circle is a G.
I see a lot of weaklings trying to backstab their close ones. They want to steal the show. They’re
too insecure. Thinking it’s more beneficial to outshine your friends.
I’m the opposite
If my friends fuck bitches, I’ll be forced to fuck more bitches too.
If my friends make money and buy flashy shit, it will motivate me to hustle and try harder.
Also, imagine you walking in a restaurant with 5 dudes
If all 5 look dangerous and dress nicely, everyone will stare.
If you’re with 4 losers, you’ll be perceived as a loser too, even though you might look like a G.
It’s simple.
Learn life
431 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Online communities are the best networking
tool now
- Friends from your past are mostly idiots
- Low chances you’ll find people sharing the same ideology as u in real life
80% of my friends right now I’ve met on the internet
Join some groups then meet those ppl in real life.
You can’t do a lot of shit without FRIENDS
And the things you can do alone, you’ll do it better alongside other valuable individuals
It’s better to build businesses, train, go to clubs, live, go on vacations
Imagine relying on the friends you’ve met in high school
Most were brainwashed by the wrong people; they’ve been influenced into becoming part of the
So, In order to get to the next level
1. Choose the online group/groups that suit you the most
2. Become friends, especially with the members from your area and do shit together or move
to another city/country and create a strong crew.
This is not some marketing scheme for you to join my group or the groups I’m part of
To be honest, I’m chilling by the pool and I don’t need you, I’m fine
But I’ve come to the conclusion that this tactic I’ve presented works very well.
Learn life
The problem with being a well-rounded, successful individual is that 99% of the people you
interact with
Have disappointing performances either with women, or money, or behaving in society, etc.
It’s hard to find friends who are like you
Almost everyone has some major flaws
I always think this way
432 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
So, you have me at your table, I’m your friend
If you want to do business with me, I’m serious and I can help you
If you want to go to war alongside me, I’m not a pussy
If you want to go to the club with some bitches, I’ll probably convince your bitches that you’re
their best option and they’ll fuck you
If we go somewhere I’m always looking fly and I behave in a way that others respect you more
If it’s time to spend money on a crazy fun experience, I’ll spend it without thinking twice
And to be honest, the ones who are similar to you are just as arrogant as you so they’re kinda
annoying too.
The only thing you can do
Is hang around the few that can withstand your pace without being annoying
And the ones who are humble enough to learn from you and also show extreme loyalty.
The woman you roll with is the reflection of
If she’s ugly/fat/poorly dressed
Even if you’re a successful man. All of your accomplishments fade when you opt for the wrong
To be perceived as STRONG and IMPORTANT, everyone around you must move correctly.
Dangerous individuals, haters, enemies, even your “friends”
Are all searching for vulnerabilities.
An associate of yours is a simp? They’ll say you roll with losers
Your main chick is a 6? They’ll say you’re rolling with ugly ass females
433 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
When you are making efforts to become successful
You must be very careful of
1. How you behave and portray yourself publicly
2. How others you associate with behave and portray themselves publicly
At the very top they all seem PERFECT, INTANGIBLE, HAPPY ALL THE TIME
Maybe they’re not. But everyone thinks they are.
Why wouldn’t you be the same?
Associate yourself with people who are naturally predisposed for the role you’re
trying to assign to them
Instead of trying to convince a lazy friend to go to the gym with you
Go with someone who is already into fitness
Instead of trying to persuade a nerd into going to the club with you
Go with the people who are already decent at dating, nightlife
Instead of trying to change a hoe and make her disciplined, opt for someone who is already
genuinely against clubs, drugs, etc.
It’s one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned
Don’t try to change people. Just help them amplify the skills they were already practicing.
The reality of a high-value male is this
Although we would all want to have a few people around us, who are competent at everything
Most of the time
We realize that people are limited
But that does not mean we should opt for being lone wolves
Work with the ones who are already making efforts to get rich
Spar with the ones who like fighting and are already into it
Party with socialites that are accustomed to that lifestyle
Don’t mix them up. The disciplined nerd and the crazy playboy who parties’ times a week.
434 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Keep them separate
Have different groups for different purposes.
My closest friends and the people I usually want to work with
Aren't playboys
They're more into serious relationships, being disciplined, learning new stuff, business, being
From my experience
Playboys or wannabe playboys are unreliable and dishonest individuals, 95% of the time.
Being good with women forces men to become good storytellers, to be deceptive, to get drunk
and party extensively
So, these men are usually not the ones you wanna utilize when you chase the cash or when you
want a genuine interaction
Of course, there are exceptions
But 8 times out of 10, it’s more effective to use people who go to bed early and don’t chase pussy
that much.
You can recognize a powerful individual
By the number of pawns, he gathered around him
The CEO has his employees
The gang leader has his soldiers
The king has his servants
Only the weak are lone wolves that aren't obeyed and worshipped by others.
I don't have time to think about whose "my
real friends"
I have fitness friends
MMA friends
Doing business friends
Going clubs’ friends
435 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
You need to be part of many groups in order to live a complete lifestyle
Low chance that the same 5 people will have similar interests
I tried the "small circle" formula
It doesn't really work
People change all the time
Today one friend is into hoes, tomorrow he opens a business and he's 100% dedicated to it
Another friend might become crazy passionate about sports so he doesn't party anymore etc.
Of course, there are only a few people that would be beside you if something bad happens
But this doesn't mean you shouldn't associate with other individuals in order to reach certain
I want to train. You want the same thing. Let's do it together.
Furthermore, you can always promote someone from "MMA friend" to CLOSE CIRCLE
If he's got what it takes
I met guys in the gym
Then they became soldiers of mine so they spent more time with me.
And you can also downgrade people from CLOSE CIRCLE to acquaintance if they're not into the
same things anymore
Had lots of dorks around who wanted to be loyal to their girl, no more hoes, no more drinking,
Different habits.
We still speak but less.
Think of what you want to do. Get the right people around. Don't overthink "Oh is he my real
Your real friend is you
So, get the job done without jerking off at real friendships that don't really exist.
If it's jail time they're all snitches anyway.
436 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
If your soldiers have opinions, they're
ineffective at being soldiers
It’s like 50 said in "I'll Whip Ya Head Boy"
“Man, my homies then wan' do whatever I wan' do
I say I wan' eat they say shit we wan' eat too”
Peons must be excited to do what the leader wants to do
Makes things easier. You move with speed.
"Today we're doing this boys"
Once they start disobeying, let them drown.
50 - Young Buck
50 - Lloyd banks
The soldiers thought they were smart. Got their own crews. Wanted to be bosses.
Result? No more hits, no more good life, no more significant achievements
Now they’re crying on podcasts reminiscing on the good old days
While 50 conquered another 3-4 industries after conquering music.
Learn life
When a basketball player is extremely skilled. The NBA teams keep him and he plays
all his career at a high level.
When he’s shit, they send him to Turkey with the other average athletes that were too weak to
perform in the league.
It’s the same with regular life.
When the people around you aren’t strong enough to sustain a fast life. You should stop
associating with them.
Too lazy and can’t work hard - why keep them?
Too broke and can’t spend money regularly with you - why keep them?
437 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Too autistic and can’t bring girls around - why keep them?
Scared of their girlfriend?
Pussies that can’t spar and train like savages?
No reason to bless them with your presence anymore.
I would also put in the same category the people who pretend they’re playboys/rich/tough but
never actually spend a lot / bring a lot of girls over/go to war with you
Give everyone a chance. When you conclude that they’re too inferior or fake. Let them go. Like
you let go of the bitches you fuck but they’re not GF material.
Learn life
People who see me in real life. Always think being me is attainable.
Because I’m very relaxed and it all seems effortless.
There are usually 3 types of people that want to know me
⁃ Smart respectable guys & mentors (few)
⁃ Honest humble people who wanna learn & be useful (I respect them they’re good guys)
⁃ Men who pretend they’re at my level but they’re just fake
So, when I’m in the mood for having fun, I just start mentally bullying the fake dorks I meet.
I show them how I am on the daily basis, maybe give them a little bit of access to me
When they see how easily I make money, bring girls, train, cheat and get caught, have fun, wake
up fresh and start again
They realize this life is not for them & they return to being little laptop worms.
Being a laptop worm has one big advantage.
You can always utilize the “mystery” card.
When you’re surrounded by people every day, you gotta be honest with your limitations. Can’t
lie to your boys, they see the real you. They hold you accountable. I live with my friends, gotta
be who I pretend I am.
But when you’re alone, you always can disguise your weakness through deception and mystery
When I see some fake ass idiot in my proximity, I start telling him.
438 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
“There’s a chick coming over bro can’t come” (Real meaning: I’m too tired and scared u’ll beat the shit
out of me again, so I’m pretending I have hoes)
“Gotta work on something bro I’m with some connections of mine:” (Real meaning: I’m broke but I wanna
act like I’m doing important stuff”)
“Gotta solves some problems bro I’ll see if I can come” (Real meaning: I just pretend I got hoes but the
reality is I don’t so it’s better if I say I’m busy with IMPORTANT shit)
My ideology is simple.
I help people who deserve help. Loyal soldiers. I put them in position. Give them everything.
And I have fun with fake snakes. Show them how they’ll never be. Their lamentations and excuses
sincerely amuse me
Learn life
2 loyal friends > 100 acquaintances
2 loyal girlfriends > 100 dumb hoes
A small strong team is always better than an army of useless people that don't obey & have their
own agendas
Focus on recruiting the RIGHT individuals instead of MORE individuals.
I see people all the time taking pride that they KNOW others
“Yeah bro I know this guy and this guy” blah blah
These same people don’t even have some soldier to send to buy them cigarettes
Or someone to work while they party
Or some bitch to call when they’re sick
Don’t get me wrong… Networking is important
But more important than that is
439 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Just because you say HI to someone and he replies back it doesn’t mean he’s valuable to you.
When you NEED something, he’ll give zero fucks.
Having rich people around is beneficial because it's a shortcut in order to make
more money
You'll learn through their experiences, stories and you'll absorb their winner's mindset
But most don't have access to high-status individuals because they're useless or haters.
Relationships are TRANSACTIONAL
People want to associate with you if they can get something back
If you cannot provide value, one way or another
Nobody who is winning in life will reply to you or spend time teaching you things.
Furthermore, the vast majority of the broke people you see around are JEALOUS. Undercover
haters who say things like
"Yeah, but I’m sure he's not paying his taxes"
"Yeah, but women stay with him for the money"
"Yeah, but he was lucky"
These types of losers are always avoided.
A lot of people want to be friends with me. Every person who knows about me or met me
in real life understands the value and benefits I bring.
But I'm rarely interested in having new individuals around. You can be effective with a team of 45 people.
I have 2 friends I party with. I go out with a lot of women. I don't like men at my table. It shows
weakness. Broke boy who needs 6 other guys to pay the bill.
A G will have 4/5 times more women than men when he's having fun.
2 friends, and 1 bodyguard. It's enough. The rest are hoes.
I have 2 other people who don't drink and party.
They're serious and reliable. If someone close is sick they're ready 24/7 to take him to the
hospital. They wake up at 7 AM and they're into monogamous relationships.
440 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Great for work and resolving problems.
The rest of the people I talk with are online friends from other countries. You can make money
with someone even though they're thousands of miles away, this is the beauty of the internet.
Due to the respect, I get online I can easily meet millionaires from almost every country.
20 years ago, you had to find people in your city in order to learn or do business with them. Now
you can just network with people from all around the globe from your phone.
The more skills you have, the more others will reply to you and offer value back.
As a teenager, I used to meet new people all the time. This helped me a lot because it made it
easy to recognize if someone is a waste of time or not.
I can read a person in a matter of minutes. A snake, a broke boy, a nerd - I can see into your
SOUL regardless of your speech.
1. If you're young, It's beneficial to penetrate as many social circles as possible in order to train
your skills.
You'll learn how to read people, how to establish dominance, what types to avoid, what types to
keep close to you.
2. Create a small, effective team
Some should have money, some should be obedient soldiers, and some should be reliable and
have a good heart.
You don't need 20 men in your team. Depending on your current interests find the types who fit
your game plan.
3. Utilize the internet at its full potential
Join online communities where you can talk with men who have similar interests
Money, getting girls, fitness, becoming high status, etc.
Andrew Tate's WAR ROOM or my group REVENGE
Take the information from there and apply IRL.
441 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
"They like you cause you have money bro"
"They like you cause you do parties all the time and buy champagne"
"They like you because of your status"
So, what.
I like them cause they're hot and do whatever the fuck I want
Relationships are transactional anyway.
Grow up, loser.
Nobody loves you or likes you unconditionally, except your parents
We appreciate other people and want them around as long as they provide VALUE
This is the reality of the world
The more skills and qualities you have, the more people will desire your presence
People who are gathered into communities,
gangs, teams, etc.
Cannot function long-term if the members do not share a common ideology and do not have
similar goals
You should not associate yourself with individuals that aren’t pursuing the same objectives
First of all
Nothing significant can happen if you're a lone wolf
The greatest men in history had armies, loyal advisors, staff, etc.
Of course, some where the poster boys of their whole operation, but they did not work ALONE.
Only autistic nerds don't have friends.
Most adult men still hang around with old acquaintances that want different things
I'm not saying you should forget your past, your hometown
But everything in life is volatile
442 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Today you and your friend like the same things. Tomorrow, he falls in love and becomes a simp.
You must constantly adapt your entourage depending on what you want to obtain
Most will not stand the test of time
Because of women, because of laziness, because you'll improve faster, jealousy, hidden
resentment, different agendas, etc.
In an ideal world, you'd want to keep as many people as possible but reality shows us that usually,
this isn't the case.
Always look for improvements
Wife got fat and became annoying? Perfect, bring in the 20-year-old hot chick
Your friend's a simp? Replace with someone ambitious
Relationships are mostly about CHEMISTRY
You met some guy once and then concluded he's useless
Someone else met him and they've had tremendous success together, working as a team
Fucked a bitch 2 times then ghosted her
Someone else met her and stayed happy with her for a few years
I know a lot of people who are not losers - they're capable, smart, etc.
But I just don't have CHEMISTRY with them, we would not get along if we'd hung out on a
daily basis, if we'd worked together.
That does not mean they're idiots
They're just not a good fit for my team.
Same with women
I'm sure most of the girls I've had sex with are not necessarily rotten apples
We just didn't have the proper chemistry in order to function long term
For me, they were a joke
For someone else, they could be the love of their lives.
This is why
You should be open to meeting lots of people when you're young. Men and women.
This way you'll know extremely fast what you like and what you don't like
Without going through enough friendships and interactions with girls
You'll make more mistakes as an adult.
443 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
It's ok to get scammed by a friend when you're 20
It's ok to get betrayed by a girlfriend when you're in high school
But going through this when you're 40 can have way worse consequences. You cannot afford it.
Make mistakes when you're young to be prepared when it matters.
Be careful of who you associate yourself
Everyone does their best in order to conduct themselves properly, but the element that brings
them down is usually someone around them
Especially stupid chicks or idiot friends who weren't programmed properly
The worst way to lose is by having someone else make a mistake
If it's your fault, at least you can blame yourself
And if you're competent you're rarely caught off guard anyway
When it's another person who makes you look bad through his actions, it's ten times more
Remember as a kid when I used to hang out with new people all the time
And someone else would start a random fight for nothing
It was the worst way of being put in a compromising situation
In my mind, I was like "Fuck, because of this loser I have to go through all this shit"
Fortunately for me, I learned how to read people kind of well and I know now as an adult who
to hang out with and who to avoid
But nowadays most people are nerds who didn't have the privilege of growing up outside,
surrounded by others, interacting with all kinds of individuals.
I see this pattern all the time
A guy is ok but his girl is a hoe behind his back, or is rude to him in front of others, or breaks up
with him and starts talking bad about him to others, or even worse goes and snitches on him for
some bullshit reason.
Women can be dangerous.
This is why you should be fucking all these chicks when you're young.
It helps you spot TRASHY HOES.
444 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Being with a disloyal shitty hoe when you're 19 can't harm you like it can harm you when you're
36 and super successful. Make your mistakes when it doesn't matter.
The more STATUS you have, the more you should pay attention to your surroundings. Every
mistake is amplified once you become somebody.
You don't want some psychopathic bitch dragging you through court
You don't want her sharing intimate details about how you handle your biz.
Same thing with friends
Maybe it's an unpopular opinion but
When you choose your friends, you're also choosing your FUTURE ENEMIES.
Think of it
Who hates you more than someone you once had by your side?
Think some random stranger gives a shit about destroying you?
Even all the famous stories about good and bad like the Bible talk about this
Jesus vs Judas
Also think of famous people from the entertainment world
2pac was once friends with Biggie
50 Cent vs The Game
And even if someone close isn't your enemy and he's on good terms with you, you like him, etc.
Always take into consideration:
How is he managing the relationship with his girls
How is he behaving when he's not with you.
Who is he hanging out with aside from you.
I used this thought process since I was a teenager
A friend I had in that period was hanging out with shady people, drug dealers, etc.
Due to his stupidity, I was also put under surveillance by the police
I was close to inheriting his problems.
Good thing I never touched drugs.
Was also affected by this when friends from my childhood would pick on people and I had to
inherit their conflicts with various other gangs etc.
445 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
In would then learn that in life you're not only responsible for your own actions, but also for how
your close circles operate.
Educate your friends and bitches in order to NOT BE STUPID and NOT put you in compromising
situations because as a smart capable man, you already probably know how to act like a
professional. Make sure your surroundings do the same.
Learn life
Posting your ideas on Twitter and your lifestyle on Instagram or Tik Tok seems
shallow and useless for the uninitiated
But it's extremely beneficial if you're trying to improve your position in life
I'll explain why
As a man you need to meet people who are better than you in certain ares
You also need losers who can be used by you to perform the drudge work and the task that bore
It's low IQ to think you'll find them in real life as fast as you'll find them if you use social media.
Furthermore, you need bad bitches to have fun with as well as good girls that have the potential
to be by your side for a long period of time
If you're only relying on the women you meet at school, in your workplace, or on the streets
You'll lose many interesting opportunities
I will give you a few examples:
A few years back I was posting my ideas on Twitter from an account that got banned later
One day Andrew Tate messaged me asking if I also live in Bucharest
Then we met in a coffee shop and started being friends
As you can imagine, I learned a lot
Before Tate was a worldwide superstar, he used to spend 70-80% of his time in Bucharest
He and his brother fucked all the attractive women and had multiple relationships
I've seen things that nobody else has done in terms of women, money-making tactics, mentality,
446 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
If I was the kind of guy who would not take social media seriously, I would have passed this
Throughout the last few years, I've met other people who were experts in their fields and we
helped each other in our journeys
IG is also useful. If you post stories every day about what you do, others will want to join you
I post from the MMA gym and people wanna come train together
Or I post what I do in the club and other rich people wanna join me, or bad bitches wanna come
The weak always say
"I'm not the type who wants to show off"
"I'm not a clown"
This is an excuse that tries to disguise that these people don't have interesting lives or
Or they simply get tired of posting as well as doing the regular shit - making money etc.
If you aren't active online, you'll get treated like someone who is inferior
People wanna see results
If you're always spending, hanging out with bad bitches, training like a maniac, going out with rich
Others will respect you more than if you do this low-key.
The only reason why you should be low-key is if you're a criminal and you're making your money
by selling drugs, etc.
If you're legit then you should advertise your life in order to attract other high-value people
alongside you
Even if you're still broke
At least people will see you're ambitious and you're always in the gym
Maybe another loser will join you and you'll slowly build a team of hungry young men
It's 2022, treat social media like it's WORK not like it's some part-time hobby
447 | T h e C r e e d o f J o e L a m p t o n
Networking: Band of Brothers
Your creativity is linked to how much money
you'll make
Often, the people around us drain us of our excitement and inner desire for being productive
Be careful with your women, friends, and family
Don't let them ruin your mood with their bitterness/negativity
Learn life.
This is the reason why I spend limited time with my relatives and chicks
They're always saying some stupid shit that's simply useless and bothers me
I'd rather sit with my friends who are trained to not annoy me
They're also chasing the same goals and respect my work ethic.
Imagine plotting something and being in your zone but having some bitch complain that she's
feeling sick, her mom has problems or she heard you have hoes
If she's there in your proximity you can't block her
If she's away, you can simply NOT ANSWER and continue doing your thing.
As a man who wants MORE from life
You must focus on designing a work environment that suits you as well as eliminating exterior
elements that might interfere with your CREATIVITY
Don't let them destroy your chance to be GREAT.
This is how I see life
I have no patience with others
Whenever I meet someone new who wants me around, I automatically design a particular role
for him in my mind
If his behavior/mentality doesn't align with my mental projection of him - I simply forget that
person existed
I meet a woman
Because I'm effective at understanding the nature of someone, I put her in a category
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Let's say I see her as a HOE
I expect the hoe to do hoe shit
Partying, down for threesomes, dressing sexy all the time, available whenever I request her
presence, etc.
If the hoe plays her role, everything is going fine
But let's imagine the hoe sees herself differently
She wants to be wifey, wants "something serious", she's not comfortable with me fucking other
bitches, she's not ok with me posting stories with her & other women etc.
In this scenario
There's a major discrepancy between how I see her, the role she has in my life
And how she sees herself and the dynamic she has with me
Our visions and interest do not coincide
So, I gotta start ignoring her.
Same with men
Let's say I meet a guy and I see him as a potential soldier
Role that may require him to
- execute tasks
- have an exclusive loyalty towards me & my friends
- be respectful
- be available all the time
- implement the advice I give him
- not talk too much
If the soldier PLAYS HIS POSITION, then things are going in the right direction for both
I get someone who makes my life easier and he accelerates his ascent toward the next level by
being alongside me
Now, let's imagine the soldier doesn't respect his "job description"
Then it's clear his mentality, doesn't align with my mentality
So, it's only fair I forget about his existence and pick someone else who will gladly play that role.
There's no patience if you know what you want, who you need, and what everyone has to do in
order for things to work.
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Most people have shitty lives because of who they associate with/how they set things up
Everyone is moving in a chaotic manner, nobody is the boss, people don't have clear roles, there's
no plan for the team/people are moving based solely on their personal interest
If you want things to go how you've planned
In business, in your love life, in life in general
There's no room for mistakes. Make sure you pick the right pieces. Make sure everyone knows
their role. Make sure there's a plan of action and everyone is eating/winning.
Learn life
Male or female
Important people will keep you around once it's a flex for them to associate with you
You keep around a pretty girl who was a virgin because chastity is a flex
You keep around a rich guy cause being friends with rich people makes you look good
Normal people base their decisions solely on feelings
To be honest
Powerful people see things slightly different
You can enjoy someone's presence
You can create fun memories with others
Do it with individuals who aren't idiots
Who have things going on for themselves
This way it's a win-win scenario
Everyone benefits from the relationship.
Don't expect people to care if you ain't bringing something to the table
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Networking: Band of Brothers
"Something to the table" doesn't necessarily mean being successful
For example, as a young man
You can compensate your lack of success with loyalty, being available, willing to resolve tasks etc.
Relationships are transactional
The more you can help others look great in front of their friends/acquaintances, the more they'll
want your presence in their life
Bad reputation/Ugly/Useless/Opinionated/ Broke? Then nobody that matters wants to associate
with you
The reason why peasants don't have access to better circles is their mindset and
the tactical mistakes made along the way
Met a guy a few months ago in the martial arts gym
He's a good grappler, a black belt in BJJ
This Saturday he was in the same club, sitting by the bar with a friend
He came to say hi and asked if he could sit with me in the VIP section
I said "Yeah sure, you can sit here"
He then started to flirt with the girls at the table
I didn't mind this necessarily because I had way too many girls with me anyway
He then started bragging to a bitch that he's a black belt and he could beat me in a fight
The girl then came to me and told me this
I then thought what's the best way of handling this
Fucking him up or pretending I didn't know this information
The old me would've just hit him with a bottle in the head or put the security guys to bully him
But now with the fame in Romania, this wouldn't be the right move
So, I just pretended I don't care and continued to party
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Anyway, the guy calmed down seeing that the girls weren't so receptive to his game and didn't
want to interact with him.
But the whole approach made me understand why most people don't get far in life
Wrong mindset and tactics.
In his position, I would've played it this way
Act super humble
Exchange phone numbers
Come say hi and leave, maybe let the door open for a potential lunch the next day
Ignore the girls at the table, because the chances of fucking were low anyway
This approach would've been better because it would have given him the chance to penetrate a
circle of people who don't work, and have a lot of money, bitches, and clout.
A chance to level up
But he blew it away
Most people are the same and that's why they're not successful.
You gotta understand something
Shot callers don't hire based on skills
They hire based on your attitude
Someone with power would rather have an assistant that doesn't know shit but is willing to
sacrifice and learn
Rather than some skilled arrogant idiot who’s annoying.
Was talking recently to a friend in Romania who blew up in the last few years
He's got hundreds of thousands of followers both on IG and Tik Tok
He's from a small village far away from Bucharest and started with 0 money
Now he's making 500k/year and knows all the celebrities
What he did was this
He saw online a guy who was taking photos at weddings
That guy seemed rich because he had like 4 big events every week
So, he begged that guy to let him come help with the photos/videos
Said he didn't want no money the first month until he learned a bit
Fast forward worked 2 years there, developed good skills with videos
Then he messaged rappers saying he'll do music videos for them for free
He did a video for a rapper on the come up and it looked great
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Then a super big Romanian artist messaged him to film the video for a hit
That particular music clip made tens of millions of views on YouTube.
This granted access for my friend to all the showbiz people
He then used the connections to grow his own following on social media, was tagged by them,
and did TikTok with them, podcasts, and vlogs on YouTube.
He also had a business mind so he started managing a few artists too
Helping them get deals with brands, booked their shows, and guided them in order to not sign
with big labels
Fast forward to now he's famous and gets money doing cool shit
Right attitude + Skills + Networking = Success
The reason why you don't have the right
mentors, friends, and soldiers:
You think of taking more than you think of giving
Once you find pleasure in helping others & providing value, things will change
Instead of "What's in it for me?"
Think in terms of "What does this man need?"
Every nice gesture you do for others is like investing money into a business
It MIGHT pay dividends in the future
Every time you help someone, compliment them or even inspire them
You increase the chances of being powerful in the future
You might win a long-term ally.
It might seem common sense, but I'll give you an example from pop culture
"The Godfather"
Remember when people would come to Don Corleone and he'd do favors for everyone? And
then after years when he needed their assistance, they were all happy to give his family a helping
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Networking: Band of Brothers
Stop being a peasant and be a better man
I'm not saying you should do these things strategically necessarily
You have to FEEL like being the guy who does nice shit for others
Strangers sense when it's fake and you're playing a role
Gotta do it because it's right.
You go with a girl out, try & help one of your friends fuck her best friend. Don't think just for
You go and buy something expensive from the mall. Buy your young soldier some small shit too.
You see someone winning something that's important for him, say a nice word.
The way people treat you is based 90% on who
you are
and the work you've done in order to position yourself as someone worth keeping in touch with
Average people think if you send birthday messages to someone & act polite it's enough
False. It's about money, power, status, and clout.
Let's say you know a guy
You've spent time with that person, and partied together & he's your acquaintance
You then ask for a favor
But on the same day someone he never met who has MORE status than you messages with the
same problem
Your acquaintance will help the second person
Acting polite without being SOMEBODY - ineffective
Acting polite from a position of POWER - effective
Everybody's got a busy schedule, his own issues, plans
To make sure your texts always get answered, make sure your perceived value in the social
rankings is high
Learn life
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
Stories: Tales from the Trenches
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
Chapter XI
Stories: Tales from the Trenches
What I learned from a man who laundered 300
million. The importance of THE PURGE.
The webcam business taught me that everybody can be replaced
In the long run, it’s better to let go of a toxic girl than to compromise. Even if she’s a great earner.
The rotten apple injures its neighbors. A toxic female destroys everything around her.
It must be my way or the highway
If you don’t obey - leave.
I learned this lesson from a studio owner from Bucharest. His name was Markus.
Markus opened one of the first studios in Bucharest back in the early 202000sA pioneer of the
industry. Known as the “King of Videochat”.
The man had HUNDREDS of girls working for him at his peak. He had around 15 studios opened.
He made so much money that when police found out he was laundering money in 2015, they said
he laundered 300 million dollars. You can google it.
In 2017 I went to a webcam-related summit. A manager that worked for him in the past was a
speaker. I approached her after and told her I want to pay her so she can teach me. I had her
come 2 times a week for a month to train my staff.
I once asked her:
“What’s the biggest lesson you learned from Marcus?”
Her answer “Don’t compromise with women.”
12 years ago, Markus put all the girls to start the morning shift at 6 AM.
The girls complained, saying nobody can go to sleep at 9. Markus said he doesn’t care. Put the
alarm at 4, at 6 everyone online, he yelled.
He set this schedule because when it’s 6 AM in Romania, it’s 10 PM in the US. So, the girls will
have all night to take money from Americans. This idea also came because he was good friends
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with Live Jasmin’s owner, the richest man in Hungary. This man advised Markus, knowing he was
able to deliver.
A few days went by, and the girls struggled to come this early to work. Few were even instigating
others to leave for another studio.
Markus’s solution? He entered the studio the next Monday and fired all the morning shifts. A
Everyone gone. He had the balls to get rid of everyone. Knowing that in the long run, it’s better
to set an example.
Thinking about what this woman told me I then concluded:
Markus’s actions had these long-term consequences:
⁃ He showed his staff he meant business
⁃ All Bucharest would hear about his boldness
⁃ New girls who came to the studio, already knew that they must obey
The purge proved itself to be a great chess move.
Was in the club on Saturday.
Texted the club manager to get me some security guy when I arrive.
Romania is generally super safe, especially in high-end places but I just get a security guy for the
flex. I send him to pick up the girls I invited from outside, etc.
Anyway, I fixed the price with the manager, the same amount I pay every time
But due to a misunderstanding between the manager and the bouncer, at the end of the night,
the bouncer tells me
"Look you should pay me double, I'm not a regular guy. you're really protected with me"
When I heard this, I had 2 options
1. Not give a fuck, and just give him the money he was asking for
2. Confront him on this because he was trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm drunk and
I'm rich
I chose option 2 because I understood WHY he was behaving this way
So, I told him
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"Look. What we're doing here is a role we're playing, I don't think you understand... I'm rich, you look
tough and I'm flexing with a bodyguard BUT ... truth be told… I should be YOUR bodyguard. I can
probably beat you"
Then he was saying he's a kickboxer etc.
I told him we should just go train together the next day and I'll pay him the money he's asking if
he can beat me
What bothered me was him underestimating my abilities thinking I'm some spoiled kid with
money, not somebody who’s just getting a bouncer for flexing.
What annoys men who have money is others thinking they're smarter and their temptation to
scam. Staff people, women, etc.
It would have been easy for me to just give him more, but I wanted to just beat him up at what
he thinks is his edge
So, I messaged him on Facebook the next day
He told me to come to his gym in the evening. I went and bought some MMA sparring gloves and
arrived there
We already left on good terms the night before, so the atmosphere in the gym wasn't so tense.
I went there with my soldier because I wanted him to film the sparring.
It was funny that when the first round started the bouncer told me "No no cameras..I've seen your
Tik Toks and shit .. don't want no videos"
Anyway, long story short the guy hit like a truck he had around 100kg, I knew he'd be strong on
the feet, but I just took him down nonstop
My plan was to maul and dominate him in order for him to respect me
We sparred for like 4 rounds then he quit due to exhaustion
We went and ate after the sparring, and he admitted that he wasn't expecting me to know
anything and that he thought I'm just some kid from a rich family
Don't let others take advantage of you especially if you worked hard for what you have and
you deserve better treatment
Learn fighting, low IQ people respect this. They're usually too stupid to appreciate other
things so you gotta be tough.
Learn life
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
Old School Mafia Wisdom.
At 11 years old I was very smart.
So, my parents took me to a top 5 school in Romania.
I didn’t finish it because I was expelled and had to repeat the 8th grade in another school. I was
extorting money from other kids, so the school punished me after the police caught me.
But that’s another story.
To be in that school, you either had to be very smart or very rich.
One of my best friends was the son of a local mafia boss. His dad made millions in the ’90s.
In 1989, Ceaușescu died, România wasn’t under communism anymore so young men went to the
West to steal, pimp hoes, or bring products and sell them here.
My friend’s dad made money in the ’90s. Romania was lawless back then. Men were savages.
I used to spend a lot of time with my friend at his mansion. He liked me because I was funny and
could protect him in fights. I liked him because he had money. Money always needs entertainment.
I provided it by always doing stupid things.
His dad always gave me advice, because I asked him a lot of questions when I saw him. He was a
cool guy and always tried to teach his son about the harsh reality. I benefited by spending a lot of
time there.
He once told me:
“I measure a man’s power by the number of losers he has around him.”
A bit shocked I asked him “But everyone says winners sit with winners”
He responded “Yes, winners know winners.”
They associate with winners.
Go to their weddings, and sometimes go out. But on a day-to-day basis, winners have a lot of
losers around them.
These losers make you big.
They brag that they know you, tell others about you, execute tasks, and laugh at all your jokes.
Would do anything to earn your respect. They talk well about you when they’re with women,
that even their wives would fuck you.
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
When a man has tons of losers talking about him, wanting to please him, that man is smart and
I always remember this story when I read on the internet quotes about “winners sitting only with
I was chilling in a restaurant waiting for
Andrew Tate.
Tate comes, says hi, and orders sparkling water and steak.
Then sits focused on his phone while everybody else at the table was laughing and talking to each
I ask, “Why so focused?”
He said “I’m on the streets bro. I didn’t make the number I need to make daily. Until then I’m on the
streets. I’ll be off the streets after I make that number. Every day I wake up on 0$.”
Then I understood I gotta work harder. Being more “relaxed” than a man with 8 supercars isn’t
a good idea.
Learn life
I’m the kind of guy that needs
accomplishments to be extremely confident
If I don’t have serious reasons to be cocky, I’m usually not.
But I remember being in my beginning in the adult industry. Some friends brought a new guy into
our circle. He was from Bucharest, and we were new to the city.
This guy fucked, a lot even though he wasn’t successful at all.
No cars, fake designer clothes, renting shitty apartments. You’d say he’s a total loser. But this
Mario was his name. He would have more confidence in a 5-dollar black T-shirt and 10 dollars in
his pockets than me after years of grinding, discipline, and results.
We were eating dinner at a famous place in Bucharest, LOKA.
2 girls, 8’s, enter the restaurant and sit at a table next to us.
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
I didn’t have the confidence to approach them, in my mind I thought I’m not worthy of having
them, I didn’t have a car at that moment, not many followers, just moved to this new city.
The girls ordered pasta, Mario took his fork and extended his arm, eating from one of girls plates.
He was eating like it was something normal. Like it was HIS PLATE.
The girls were shocked and didn’t say anything.
Then he asked the girls “Do you want me to share MY meal with you?”
Girls started laughing, then he stood up, took their drinks, and put them on our table. WITHOUT
They started conversating.
From there, we went to a shitty club, and after the club, he fucked one of them. A solid 8 fucked
in a shitty 250$ per month rented apartment.
Mario is a loser and has no accomplishments. But he’s stupid and funny. Doesn’t overthink. 5’7’’
silly guy that fucks the same women as guys with Bentleys. Laughs all the time and doesn’t give a
fuck about Corona, personal development, and Bitcoin.
Why? Women don’t care about numbers in the bank if you’re funny and you’re a boredom
Business has its rules. The love game has totally different ones.
Most don’t understand.
My maid was cleaning the house yesterday
She put the trash outside, waiting to finish before throwing it all away
A neighbor came to my door. I only have rich neighbors, so this guy is a business owner in his
30’s driving a Mercedes GLE 63 AMG, always dressed in expensive suits.
He told me “So who is gonna throw this trash outside? Go throw it right now”
I just finished an indoor sparring session with my cousin, so I only had on me a UFC short.
His tonality bothered me. I sensed that he was underestimating me.
So, I walked next to him in my shorts
And I asked this successful man
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
“What can you do about it?”
Cousin heard the noise and came and put his hand on this man’s head. Massaging the back of his
head while staring into his eyes. I started smiling and touched his cheek and played with it like he
was an 8-year-old sweet niece.
This man was shocked that 2 scary-looking men, sweaty and dressed in fighter gear were touching
him like he was a kid.
Then he just left after saying “Sorry”
He understood that being just rich isn’t enough. It takes more to impose your will on somebody.
Train everything.
Be cocky in front of me if you’re ready to KO me. And buy me. And you’ve got more connections.
And you’re more intelligent
Arrogant yet unable to put me to sleep?
You won’t get the job done
Bravado must be backed up with combat ability and willingness to damage your adversary.
Learn life
I live in Bucharest, Romania
Romania is a third-world country
Back in the day, before trying to emulate the EU / Western World it was really old schooll
Before the 2000’s things like tax evasion, VAT tax, etc. didn’t even exist in the law
It was mafia-run. Politicians were extremely corrupt and there was no middle class until the
foreign corporations started operating here. There were 2 kinds of people. Savage criminals with
Benzes and slaves working for a few hundred dollars per month.
Now, it’s still kinda corrupt but it is slowly becoming more civilized.
Funny thing is, 20-30 years ago, strange things would happen
I remember when me and my main chick first started talking about her family
She told me a story of how her father met her mother
So, her father was a 40-year-old criminal who was in jail for like 10 years. In her small town near
Bucharest, he was the man. He inspired admiration and fear.
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
One day, her mom, who was like 17, was walking down the street. Her father stopped his car. A
black BMW (in that period nearly everyone drove Dacia 1310, Google it, it’s a shitty Romanian
So, her father took the the17-year-old future mother by the hand, put her in the car, without
asking for permission, and drove her to a house of his from the countryside. He kept her there
like 3 days.
When they drove back, the police were at her house thinking she was kidnapped or something.
The man bribed the police and told the girl “FROM NOW ON YOU’RE MINE”. Due to fear, she
said “Ok”.
She didn’t want to be with this man, although he was trying to get her out of the house nearly
every day. So, one night he jumped the fence, entered the house, and told her again “OK NOW
YOU’RE GOING WITH ME. FOREVER” (He even ignored her parents until her dad complained and
he told him he’ll decapitate him if he doesn’t shut up)
In 10 months, my girlfriend was born.
Their life was more shocking than a movie. The man was always chased by the police. They had
to hide in more than 10 Romanian cities. They were always on the run. He would bring bitches
in the house and fuck them in front of his wife and say shit like “I’ll go to Germany with her. Treat
her nicely. Don’t take into consideration that I fuck her. See her as profit”
Anyway, a few years ago, he had cancer and died. What shocked me was the level of obedience
my girl’s mom had for him. She doesn’t even think of being with another guy. She goes to the
cemetery EVERY DAY. She mentions him and still worships him like he’s a god. EVEN NOW
WHEN HE’S DEAD. The woman is barely 40 years old, still looking hot, and could easily marry
But no. She’s still devoted to the alpha she’s been with, even now after he’s gone.
Of course, in 2021 you can’t kidnap girls from the street and do it cold and savagely like in the
90s in Romania. But one thing is certain.
Weakness and being a pussy won’t get you females so obsessed with you, that they remain loyal
even if you die or go to jail for 10 years.
Learn life.
Money allows you to be relaxed
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
in situations where regular people panic and become upset
I sent a soldier to buy something with my car. I was asleep because I fucked a bitch till the morning.
Some other driver made a wrong move and hit the car.
Because it’s the last model, the cost of fixing it up is kinda expensive, around 15k Euro.
When I woke up, the soldier told me the problem but also the solution
He made some calls and with some bribes, we’ll get the money to repair it from the insurance
company + some extra thousands of dollars because we’ll lie about some other problems that
don’t exist in reality.
An average individual would have probably reacted differently, he would be mad, he would be
concerned about the money, and he wouldn’t have the connections to turn a bad situation into
something good.
1. Don’t react like an idiot, don’t get angry just find solutions when something bad happens
2. Develop connections that can help you when you’re in trouble
3. Make enough money that you’re unfazed when chaos occurs
Learn life.
Last month I threw a house party
Had one of my side chicks and her friends, my crew, and some of their girlfriends
Some other chick was messaging me on INSTAGRAM saying we should see each other
I thought to myself “If I tell her to come here, I’ll probably start a big argument with the sidechick”
Then I drank another glass of vodka and decided “Fuck it, it will be fun” and just brought the chick.
The sidechick got mad cause I was kissing with this girl in front of her, but my friends calmed her
down and she left (she also knew the chick and hated her, so a threesome wasn’t an option)
Fucked the new girl and managed to get the side chick back the next day
My friends were asking me “Why did you do this? You always overcomplicate things”
So, I explained “Cheating on girls in front of them is uncommon, which means we will probably remember
this day forever. If we just sat there without nothing interesting happening, this day would simply die cause
no story would make this day significant”
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
To make days matter, you should risk more. Interesting stories weren’t created while you were
sober doing mundane shit.
A young guy from Romania messaged me few weeks ago
“I wanna be in your group”
I told him he can join the REVENGE group. He paid; and I added him to the group.
He then told me “I wanna be your friend”
I told him. “Relationships are a value exchange. You cannot be useful to me right now. You don’t have
money, free time, clout, connections, bitches, or fighting ability. To be my friend at least come with the
basic requirements: fight”
He said he wanted to learn to fight. I told him to come. He came and took a beating from my
This is very good.
Most guys are afraid to spar. They’re keyboard warriors. At least this guy wants to learn.
RULE 1: don’t be a pussy
Funny situation
those who follow me on Instagram may have seen it on my story this week
So, It was one of my soldiers’ birthdays, he just turned 20. His name is SON.
So, I decided to organize Son’s birthday at my house, with other REVENGE and WAR ROOM
friends and some bitches
Prior to this, the weekend before, I went to the club with 3-4 guys and almost 20 bitches. A few
of them I fucked already but I brought my GF also and convinced her to befriend these girls (I
Lied to GF and told her those hoes are just my friends)
So, at my soldiers’ party
Told my GF not to come because I’m working and just brought a bitch from last weekend
Then I got drunk and posted a story with that girl and then with a girl I fucked a few days back
And did a poll on IG asking
“Which do you prefer? Blonde or Brunette?”
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
My mistake was
I forgot to lock the front door 🤣
So, when the party finished, and I was fucking the brunette chick
My GF came in front of my bedroom door
And just listened while I fucked that bitch, patiently waiting for me to come outside 🤣
After I came in that hoe
The hoe told me “Don’t go outside to smoke, let’s just sleep”
When my GF realized that it was possible that I’ll remain there
She started hitting the door with my JBL speaker and with a machete she found in the living room,
trying to break it🤣
I then concluded that if I opened the door, my GF could hurt the other girl
So, I just called one of my friends to come back to the house and take her out
My friend came but GF was swinging the machete angry as fuck 🤣
So, I told this guy to just come to my room cause I have another idea
He eventually came to my room with me and the hoe
So, I told him to record while I call the police. At least I could get something funny from this
whole situation. 🤣
Called 911 and told them “Hey Mr. Officer … So… I’m fucking a girl, and another girl is swinging
machetes in my house and wants to kill me… She is OBSESSED don’t know why…”
So, police came in like 10 minutes and then I opened the door and recorded the whole thing
My GF is persuasive and convinced the police that she lives with me and that it’s the other girls’
Because police are betas and my GF is hot, they let her loose and she managed to knee the hoe
in the head. I tried to stop her but my GF screamed, and the police thought I hit her so they put
the cuffs on me (My friend took a photo of this too and I put it on IG)
Fast forward, the police fined the hoe and told her to go home (She left in a UBER wearing my
CK underwear and some MMA Conor McGregor T-shirt)
While GF was talking to the police, the hoe messaged me and told me to come to her house
So, I told my friend to keep GF and police occupied so I can sneak through the back door and
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I screenshotted the message from the hoe and posted it on my story too saying “I DECEIVED
Then went to her apartment and fucked the hoe again
And my GF remained in the house and brought another bitch, and they got drunk, happy that
they “won” the house
The next morning, came back home and told her I’ll block that bitch on IG and that she doesn’t
mean shit to me
Of course, she has forgiven me. 🤣
Although I’m not a father and I’m not married
I don’t laugh at the people who are loyal to their woman
A few days ago, a guy came to my house wanting to meet me, he’s the best friend of one of my
REVENGE members.
Very smart guy, owns a clothing brand and a few other businesses.
He came with his 3-year-old son
He was the kind of guy who wakes up at 5 AM, goes gym at 6, is in shape, and all focused on
work and family
He told me
“Since getting married I got way more ambitious, back in the day when I was chasing pussy, I wasn’t so
disciplined, I had a lot of distractions in my life. My goal since I was a teenager consisted of 3 things:
Being in shape, being rich, and being the best husband and father”
The reason why I respected this guy was this
He could easily be a playboy if he wanted to. But it was HIS DECISION to be into other shit.
Most guys CAN’T GET PUSSY and stay with one woman just because they lack options
This man also told me “Don’t be monogamous until you FEEL LIKE BEING SO. Until you’re tired of
bitches, until you really don’t feel like living the way you live now.”
I agreed with him. In life you gotta follow you heart.
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But even though me and this traditional family man have different lifestyles, we also had a lot of
things in common. We watched the same podcasts, we had a similar IQ, we were both into
training and we had similar mindsets regarding business.
The most important conclusions of this post are the following:
1. You will find a lot of interesting people by joining the right online communities. People you
know from real life or from your past may not be the right people to hang out with.
2. You don’t have to be the kind of guy who defends his ideology as if it’s a religion. You can be
friends with people who live differently (You know how vegan liberal idiots hate those eating
meat, etc.)
3. Whatever you wanna achieve in the future. You need discipline. If you wanna be a playboy,
you gotta go out with bitches daily. If you wanna be the best father, you gotta be there for
your family and provide.
A guy from my city is mad as fuck
cause the girl he’s in love with
replied to my stories and I talked to her (didn’t even know she was with him)
So, he started posting stories with shit like “FUCK VLAD OBU” and saying to mutual friends that
he’ll beat me up when he sees me
Due to the fact that he is not that popular and important
I didn’t respond to this nor tried to fight him (No ROI)
But last weekend I was in another town, near the sea. And I randomly saw his group of friends in
the club. A guy and 4 girls.
So, I told them
“Hey, I saw you don’t have a table. Come to mine. Here take this bottle of champagne, and have fun.”
Then told the security and waiters that they were my friends so they should help them if they
wanna go to the bathroom or need something
The girls started posting stories from there and the “enemy” saw me on their Instagram
He messaged them next morning “HOW COULD YOU STAY WITH THAT IDIOT. HE’S A BAD
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The girls replied “He was very polite, didn’t mention you nor did he act rude. He just helped us because
we didn’t have a table”
The “enemy” then got mad as fuck and posted another story saying he’ll beat me up 🤣🤣
Sometimes. You don’t need violence or anger to punish a hater. You can just be polite and it’s
Tabloids in Romania said I’m very rich
So, more individuals than usual started messaging me asking for money
Most of the time, teenagers would write saying stupid shit like
“I lost money gambling please help”
“I wanna fuck a broad in a hotel bro help”
But recently somebody legit who was helping old people wrote to me asking if I could donate
some money to buy food for poor old people
I said,
“Ok, I will come with you let’s buy the food together. Me and my soldiers will rent big cars and we’ll take
it there, we’ll help you guys”
To be honest,
I usually don’t care about people struggling due to the fact that my mentality is something like
“The weak don’t make it”
“You will succeed by yourself you don’t need help”
Old people cannot succeed anymore. And Romanians are poor anyway.
Furthermore, I’m more sensitive to their problems maybe because it makes me remember my
She was killed by a rich guy driving a car very fast on a small street. He bribed the police and
never went to jail. I wasn’t somebody back then to “settle the score”. And the guy was already
dead when I grew up and became capable.
So basically, to sum it up
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Today was the first time when I did something charitable.
Felt good knowing I could help people in need.
I’ve got a loser friend from childhood
We started out broke on the streets
He went to work construction in England like a peasant. I stayed in Romania and made money.
We kept in touch via Facebook etc.
He begged me to help him
So, I tried to help him become a G
I’m the kind of guy that doesn’t let his people starve
Brought him back to Romania and put him in position.
What did he do? Betrayed like a bitch. Won’t go into details.
My close friends said “we should beat him up hard”
I said “what s the point, I KO him in sparring every time anyway. It’s not like beating him up for real
would satisfy me”
So, I continued being friends with him. Didn’t address the issue. Just kept him out of my inner
circle but I still talk with him.
Now he’s delivering food and struggling to pay rent.
I’m messaging him at 12 PM
“Bro, come to my house we’re having a barbeque maybe swim in the pool a bit”
I say this knowing he’s at work and can’t come
He always replies “Bro I’m at work, sorry … “
And I always say “Ohhhhh … at work… Ok… forgot you have a job”
Then I text him late at night
Pictures and videos with me and multiple bitches
“Bro we’re having a party at my place. Come, I’ll get u a girlfriend”
I say this while being very friendly, polite
And he’s like “Bro… gotta wake up at 6 AM.. can’t come sorry”
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Yesterday I texted him
“We’re going to Dubai soon bro. Wanted to let you know, maybe you wanna come. Told you in advance
so maybe you can save some money. You’ll need like 20-30k on you. If you wanna come, let me know G
miss u 💪🏻😘”
He replied “bro it’s a lot of money… i don’t have your power… i barely make 1000 Euro Per month”
I said “Oh…. Thought you were making much more.. keep on grinding anyway you’ll be on top soon
These snakes that betray don’t deserve a fair fight like back in the day.
My mentality was always HEALTHY
Even when I was a teenager
I remember being in the 7th or 8th grade
I used to bully a rich kid & take his money
He called his dad to talk with me after I’ve stolen his McDonald's bag one day
His dad was worth like 20 million at that moment. He probably was like top 5 in my city in terms
of money.
He came to school and told me
“Come with me on the basketball court I want to tell you something”
He then asked
“Where is your dad working?”
I told him the name of the company
“And you mom?”
“She’s a teacher” I replied
He then said, “So what if they lost their job tomorrow?”
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I look at him without saying nothing
Then he continued “At my level.. they can even lose their life” and started smiling like a psychopath
(Imagine Romania wasn’t even in the European Union at that moment, so these types of mafia
old-school things could happen one way or another)
I didn’t say nothing, I just kept a poker face
“Look…my son is soft. You’ll understand when you grow up why. You’ll be friends with him from now on.
So everything is ok between us”
He then left without waiting for me to agree with this statement
I remember I then went to my soldiers and told them the story and commented “I liked this guy.
I want to have power like him”
Imagine most people would have been scared, would have stopped from being “rude” to others
I continued to be the same and I just got inspired by what happened to me.
Also, I became friends with that kid.
Why bully him like a low-IQ when I could just be friends with him and benefit from his position
from a better angle?
When you see people who wield power, who are rich, who did something with their life
Don’t become a hater. Become a fan and a student.
Even your enemies. Analyze things objectively not like an emotional bitch.
This way you have the chance to get to their level in the future.
Funny story
One time I went to the club
And some guy from Twitter happened to be there and started talking to me saying how much he
likes my shit, I changed his life, etc.
When I’m drunk I’m very friendly so I told him to come here and drink
Also, Romanians aren’t on Twitter, so they don’t usually know about the stuff I write here. They
only know me from IG, or the shit I do in Romania, etc.
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So, I gave him a bottle of champagne and then continued partying with hoes and friends
After the party was finished, I planned to go to my house and continue there
This guy asked if he could come
I told him Yeah sure Why not
After about 2 hours everyone was leaving but this guy continued to stay
It was me with a girl on the right and one on the left
He was in a corner, not saying nothing, just analyzing how I was behaving in a very awkward way
I don’t know how to explain
But I felt like he was in some pickup artist Bootcamp where I was supposed to teach him game
or something 🤣🤣🤣
He was just studying every random gesture and word and writing down shit on his phone
One girl told me “WTF is this guy doing why is he stalking us”
Imagine my couch was very big, like 15 ppl could fit
That guy was in the corner watching me kissing these hoes etc.
Fast forward told one of them to go to my room and wait there
So, It was me, the other girl, and that guy from the club
I couldn’t tell him to leave so I said fuck it and started kissing this bitch and touching her
The man still wouldn’t leave
Then I took this girl and went to the bedroom
After I fucked the chicks went back to the living room to smoke a cigarette
He was waiting there, the girls where in the bed preparing for sleep
Told him “Ok G see you tomorrow, I wanna sleep now”
And he was like “Yo G you know I appreciate you a lot. can I ask you for something?”
I was like “Yeah sure” thinking he wants taxi money etc.”
And he replies “Can you let me fuck these hoes too? You probably don’t give a fuck about them anyway”
I was exhausted as fuck and really really wanted to just sleep and with my last powers I told him
“G go home I don’t have the energy to explain more” 🤣
Then the guy started messaging me non-stop for about 3-4 days
I didn’t reply because I was busy
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Then one night I check my phone and he tagged me on IG story saying that I’m fake rich, I exploit
girls and he’ll slap me once he sees me on the streets
I had a Twitter follower named Lyndon Mcleod aka Roman Mcley
He was friends with some guys from the “Manosphere” aka the part of Twitter I ended up in
I did not know him personally because he lived in Denver. I live in Romania.
Initially, he seemed to be a nice guy. He appeared on several podcasts with people I know. Talked
like he’s smart and educated.
And he also reviewed my first eBook on his website.
A few days ago, someone told me this guy killed 5 people and ended up being shot and killed by
a female officer
It’s crazy.
Although this guy tried to be “friendly” with me when he bought and reviewed my eBook, I rarely
interacted with him online (if ever), never retweeted him, etc.
He seemed weird from the beginning. I’m very careful with the people I associate myself with.
Especially online, because most guys are fake.
What was funny about this guy, when I saw his profile, was the fact that he was living in the woods
by himself dressed in camo war clothes drinking hard liquor, and shooting guns in the snow
He seemed to be heartbroken and hated the modern world. Isolated from society.
He called himself a “sigma male” something like an alpha without friends
I don’t know it’s some cringe shit in my opinion
My philosophy is different. Ok, the world’s fucked up. But instead of isolating myself in the
mountains of Romania, I’m trying to be friends with people and become someone worthy of
respect. This whole outlaw shit doesn’t lead nowhere.
Furthermore, this whole “toughness” “masculinity” subject is different in 2022 than it was back
in the day
Back in the day someone would talk shit and you’d fuck him up.
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The past demanded violence. The future demands diplomacy.
Especially if you’re somebody. You have to be more careful when you deal with others.
I learned this recently. Had some issues with a guy. He sued me and I spend almost 50.000 dollars
on lawyers and paying him.
This is the reality of today. All these war-mode guns in the snow shit is low-IQ.
I’d rather be rich as fuck and smash bitches stress-free. Trust me if you have enough cash and
influence you can create your own bubble where people respect you and nothing requires
extreme responses.
I don’t wanna talk bad about someone who died but killing women is something that signals lack
of pussy
If you have hoes sucking your dick every day you just ignore the girl who broke up with you and
the people who wronged you. Success makes you immune to pain from the past.
If you have bitches, money, love, family, and friends
It's impossible to be genuinely angry and have hate in your soul toward others.
Because you're HAPPY
Only the individuals who lack some of the things mentioned above become mentally unstable.
1. Lyndon couldn’t become successful, so he became crazy and killed ppl.
2. Be a G and numb the pain with the accomplishments.
3. As I’ve written on Twitter in 2020:
“Too alpha = Dead
Too pussy = Alive yet dead
The most ruthless individuals I’ve encountered are dead or in jail
The most timid stuck with a 6 and a boring job
Be masculine enough to escape CLOWN WORLD. Be “pussy” enough to escape the unwanted
consequences of exaggerated bravado.”
4. Americans are weird and crazy. Trust me if you’re American you should leave that country.
Go Eastern Europe/Dubai/Southeast Asia/South America. Go to one of these locations for 3
months. Compare. Trust me you’ll say I’m right.
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If you ain’t gonna live at least die in a
glorious way.
So, I was fucking this chick
And one night I was fucking another chick, so I told the first one that I’m sick
She said she was going to sleep but went and sniffed cocaine at some private party where a hoe
I fucked in the past was also present
The hoe from the past keeps in touch with me and it happened she randomly messaged me that
night, so I knew she was in that specific location
Furthermore, the 2 girls followed each other on IG out of the blue
So, I knew what was going on
I then understood this new chick is not girlfriend material so there’s no future for us
She messaged me the following day and I slowly gravitated towards the “I think we’re better off as
friends” angle, but she insisted we should try being together
I didn't address the party behind my back issue
Because this would have given her the opportunity to lie to me.
So, what I did was this
I just went and bought my GF flowers and posted about it on my I=
This girl saw it, got super angry, and messaged me “BLOCK” then blocked me.
Instead of me being angry that she went to a party, now she’s angry that I’m romantic with
another woman. All her friends follow me.
Now she’ll tell everyone how I’m a piece of shit who cheats and doesn’t give a fuck.
And for the other chicks I’m seeing I did the following:
Put my soldier to also post something with the flowers so I just sent every chick his story saying
“Oh it’s the flowers my soldier gave to his girl, don’t get mad”
I was in the club with a lot of hoes.
Some loser touched a girl I was fucking. I slapped him and security sent him and his friends home.
I told the club owner about it
He said "Fuck him, do your thing. Next time I'll send my personal security to sit with you"
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I already had a security guy with me, but I wanted to slap the guy myself - Sometimes it’s necessary
to take action.
The problem with going out with hoes is that other men are thirsty as fuck.
But I’d rather have this problem than have the problem of being surrounded by men and not
having enough pussy.
High-level problems > Average guy problems
One of my best friends in high school
was a guy named Mihai
185cm, big beard, built like a tank although he did not train heavily, just fantastic genetics
At 18 his dad bought him a 100k car
Which was the equivalent of an SVJ AVENTADOR in the shitty city I grew up
His father was a playboy. In his 30's, in shape, looking like some Italian soccer player
His mom had fake tits, and big lips and looked like a MILF from the porn industry in America
He lived in a mansion in a good area
He had a main chick since he was 14, a good girl from a wealthy family which he used to cheat
on and take all her money every day
All the girls liked him and thought he was 25 even though he was just a teenager
He was the type of guy who never got sick no matter what he did, used to go out in a t-shirt
during winter and every time he got a minor flue he would say "JUST DRINK VODKA IT WIILL GO
Basically - HE HAD IT ALL
Fast forward - he started doing drugs every day, became addicted to gambling, beat the shit out
of his girl until she left him, fucked up his relationship with his parents due to all the crazy shit he
did, he did not develop any other important skill just relied on what he was blessed with
Now he's a loser with heart issues from drugs - he's struggling. His dad forced him to work in his
restaurant as a waiter because he didn't have any other opportunities to make money (Too
Nobody gives a fuck about him, and he lost all his friends (including me) due to his behavior and
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He even lost his 100k car because he drove it while being high and crashed. Of course, his parents
did not buy him another one.
This guy had a crazy sexual marketplace value in the past - now he doesn't matter
MY sexual marketplace value back then was very low compared to his - now I'm in the tabloids
in Romania and I know all the hot chicks and millionaires
If you're dedicated to your mission, you will surpass everyone else, even the ones who had all
the chances to succeed.
The lower you are in the rankings, the more you have to insist till you make it.
The good part is:
There's a fine line between being a pussy
and having self-control
As a high-testosterone male, you tend to want to fuck up everyone who disrespects you. But
practicing this all the time would only get you in jail/dead. There are moments when you just have
to abstain from VIOLENCE.
So, I rented this AIRBNB a few days ago in order to organize a party. I didn't check out in time,
so the owner came there at11 AM in the morning. I was smoking a cigarette with some bitch
while a friend was cleaning up the place and packing up my stuff in order for us to leave.
The owner of the apartment started screaming at me and came very close annoyed that I was
smoking inside. My first instinct was to fuck him up because he was acting tough in front of my
bitch. He was a loser in his 40s which I would have easily dismantled in 20 seconds.
I kept my cool and told him "Give me your bank details I'll pay for the fact that I smoked here although
I wasn't allowed. No reason to be angry, money solves every problem"
I insisted that I'll send him $200 so we settle the issue, and he started being chill
When I left, I imagined that so many men would have gone to jail for random events like this
when they couldn't control their anger. Even me from the past would have started a fight for this.
When you're prepared for violence, you're always tempted to put your skills into practice,
especially when others act funny.
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Trust me, try to calm the other person first. Only if the conflict is inevitable you should attack.
"Prisons are full of men with big egos"
– Tate
My parents wanted me to become a lawyer,
but my personality wasn't fit for this career
I wanted freedom, fast cash, girls, parties, no schedule, etc.
Choose the path you're excited by not the path that others see for you
When you'll be successful, they'll respect you anyway.
Furthermore, we’re all built with different talents
I remember having a conversation with a girl about this recently
She started law school this year but wasn't really into it and isn't the nerdy type who would sit
weekends at home to study in order to be a top student.
I told her she'd better focus more on Tik Tok or becoming an influencer/singer
She had a nice voice and would go viral on Tik Tok all the time due to her looks and personality.
Tall, big tits, very friendly, and fun to be around.
My advice was simply
When you're excited about most of your daily tasks and you enjoy it, you'll work harder in order
to become a top performer.
If you do it just because you HAVE TO, you'll probably never become exceptional because you'd
have to rely solely on willpower and motivation.
My mom and dad used to tell me
that the kids who I was bullying in school will end up being my bosses at work
My reply was always "Only losers have jobs"
Then they'd say "You're delusional, you'll see how life is when you grow up"
This motivated me to become successful.
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When you repeat the same things over and over again
You subconsciously enter a race of proving that what you say is right
"I'll become SOMEBODY"
"I'll have the best bitches"
"I'll never have a boss"
Once you REALLY believe it, it will happen sooner or later.
It's like Andrew Tate said:
"You don't get what you want, you only get WHAT YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT"
I couldn't have lived with the idea of being average. I would have done ANYTHING in order to
NOT be a normal human being
One girlfriend, a small apartment, 9 to 5, no respect.
Especially when others laugh in your face or underestimate you, you should become extremely
Every word, every smile, every conversation happening behind your back - it should simply fuel
you in order to push forward
Attack and demonstrate your true worth.
It's strange that nowadays most men get discouraged when others treat them poorly
"Ohhhh I'm depressed"
Back in the day if someone slapped you, you'd start boxing instantly and beat the shit out of him
in 3 months
Now kids are taking pills and snitching on their "enemies"🤣🤣
1. Law of attraction (yeah it sounds cliche but it's actually true) - what you say all the time, what
you attract happens sooner or later if you believe in it.
2. Use criticism in order to grow
"I need you to hate so I can use you for your energy"
50 Cent
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
When you're fucking chicks all the time,
crazy situations start happening
So, every 1st of May it's a popular thing here in Romania to go to a resort city called Mamaia
There's a famous club there where everyone goes
Getting a table is EXTREMELY difficult
The club I went to had another 500 people on the waiting list who weren't picked to come
I managed to pull it off because I'm friends with the owner of the best club in Bucharest, so I was
located in the VIP section, sitting at his table (He didn't come because he went to Ibiza)
Had only 15 invitations but invited 40 chicks to come
I Left Bucharest with 2 friends and 6 hoes
I was dating 2 of them at the same time but one of them didn't know about the other
One was staying with me, the other one in the same apartment building one floor down.
The first thing I did when I went to the club is I bribed a bouncer and told him to let in everyone
who says my name (Had to do this because I invited so many chicks to come)
I was also tipping him 20 Euros every time I went to take a piss so the guy loved me instantly.
The problem with the chicks was this
I also invited like 7-8 who I already had sex with
So, the atmosphere was kind of weird in the beginning
People weren't drunk yet, so they were looking at each other with hate and trying to get my
attention in order for me to sit next to them
Of course, I'm an expert at this so I never spend more than 2-3 minutes with one girl. I go drink
with everyone, especially the new ones who I did not fuck yet, or the ones who came alone
without a friend because I don't want them to feel uncomfortable being alone in a new group.
One of the chicks, a brunette, was super jealous of a hot blonde that was there.
First thing she did was this, she tried to kiss me in front of everyone, but I turned my head.
The brunette got upset and thought I did this in order to not make the blonde girl upset.
Then the brunette started talking to the blonde
Apparently, the blonde had some cocaine on her. The brunette told her
"Give it to me I'll go sniff a line and give it back to you"
Then she went home with the drugs and messaged a girl telling her to come with me to her place
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I wanted to continue the party, so I ignored the offer
The blonde got pissed off because that bitch stole her drugs so she started drinking a lot
Anyway, few hours pass by, and we left this club wanting to go to another one that was located
like 2-3 minutes away
But the problem was
The blonde was super drunk, so I told my soldier
"Take her back to the apartment cause I want to go to the second club"
I went there with the other bitches and started dancing on the table, forgetting about the blonde
30 minutes later my soldier messaged me acting desperate
"Bro I'm in front of the club, she fell on the street, I think she might die or something. I called the
ambulance. There's a big crowd of people here taking pictures and shit."
I told him "Ok when the ambulance comes they'll probably come with the police, don't stay for
So, when the doctors and nurses arrived, the soldier vanished and came back to the club
Didn't want the press to link me with this incident so it was a wise decision to tell him to leave
I then sent a girl to the hospital to see what was up, was curious if she died or something 🤣
While all this was happening, I was gaming bitches in the club carefree
The blonde girl wasn't important to me anyway
The other girl I sent to the hospital, messaged me
"So basically, she's in an alcoholic coma, they wouldn't let me in to see her, it's kinda bad"
I then said to myself
"Ok …so I won't fuck this blonde tonight, she might die or something"🤣
So, I just left the club with the other chick who was staying in the same apartment building as me
The blonde didn't have her money and keys on her so I thought I'm safe, even if she woke up
I thought that if she lives, she'll just call me the next day 🤣
Bad part was ... She woke up at 9 AM and left the hospital, took a taxi and told the driver
"Oh, a friend lives here I'll just go for 1 min to take something then I'm back"
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But she never came back and didn't pay🤣
She came to my door and started knocking but I was asleep with the other chick, so I didn’t hear
So, she googled the apartment and found the owner, and called him saying she forgot the key
The owner gave her the key, so she stormed in and caught me sleeping with this other hoe
A fight broke out, I woke up with her in the mount position, ground and pounding the other one
Anyway I broke up the fight, send the other chick to her place and calmed down the blonde
She was feeling sick, so she went to sleep in another room
I then left for Bucharest.
I didn't want to see the blonde no more, primarily because of her hiding from me that she was
carrying drugs
It's one of my rules to not let the girls I'm with take cocaine, especially behind my back
Fast forward, someone messages me.
"Look the paparazzi caught you in the club"
Then my main chick who stayed at home saw it too and got super pissed off because the article
was saying something like "HIS BLONDE GIRLFRIEND"
She didn't want people to think this, so she called and told them she was my wife, sending them
proof that we're together blah blah
Then the newspaper released this article too
Was funny that my main chick told them something like "I know he has hoes, but he always comes
back to me, this is what matters" 🤣
Initially, I got mad cause she talked to the press behind my back but realized that it's not a bad
More clout, more pussy - so it is what it is
I don't mind more attention - good or bad
It's actually the LACK OF ATTENTION that is detrimental to your success in dating
"HE HAS A WIFE" doesn't scare bitches
It's funny, but it makes them EVEN MORE interested in you.
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
One week later I found out that the brunette who stole the drugs was complaining to her group
of friends that she was still into me, but I didn't want to sleep with her that night
Then a friend of hers who heard this too started liking my pictures out of the blue
Apparently, they recently had beef because the friend borrowed her a Gucci coat, and this
brunette never gave it back and started ducking her calls
So, she wanted to have revenge on her
And her method of doing it was by fucking with me 🤣
We met for dinner, but this chick was heavy into me so when we left, she told me
"Hey, I'm going to a girl's house now wanna come too?"
When I heard this, I replied
"I have a better idea, let's pick her up and go to my place and have some drinks"
So, I went home and fucked her
- Always have girls competing for you
- Cut them off if they ain’t respecting your rules
- Fuck their friends
- Learn to provide fun in order for chicks to like your company
- Attention is a powerful weapon
- Learn to network and befriend important people
Went to my first festival ever 2 days ago
It's called NEVERSEA
Tyga was headlining the event the day I attended
First of all, going to a festival is annoying as fuck
I parked my car 45 minutes away then I had to walk like a peasant toward the entrance
I parked somewhere I wasn't allowed to so the police just picked up the car and I had to go take
it from somewhere else the next day 🙄
I usually avoid crowded places with drunk people due to security reasons, but I said fuck it cause
it seemed a fun new experience.
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
Kinda bored of the same clubs with VIP tables and shit. Thought it would be interesting. So, I
went with a girl I was trying to fuck and my soldier RIBERA
Walking towards the entrance saw a shop and sent Ribera to buy me cigarettes while waiting
outside with the chick
A bunch of people were there, drinking, and preparing for the festival
2 guys came to me super excited "hey could we take a picture together"
The bitch was impressed
The guy then told his friends "This picture is worth more for me than one with TYGA" 🤣🤣
The girl I was with asked "Isn't it annoying for you that people recognize you"
I replied "It's just the beginning you should see next year"
Anyway, continued the walk toward the entrance.
One thing I did the last few months was help Ribera get famous via Tik Tok, so I wrote scripts
for him and let him use my things (house, car, girls, etc.) to get clout online
Now he has more than 3M views. Romania has 20M population so a lot of people know him as
So, we started a challenge at the festival
I won 32-31
This made me realize I gotta do more work in order to stay ahead or else Ribera will be the most
famous from our crew 🤣
Often times people ask me
"Why are you helping your friends, aren't you afraid that they'll get bigger than you"
This is the thing that people don't understand
I do this ON PURPOSE. I want everyone around to get more MONEY, BITCHES, and
It's simple
1. It keeps me motivated to work harder. The pressure that comes with the idea of close people
being more successful makes me want it more
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
2. Life's easier when everyone contributes something for the well-being of the group
It's annoying as fuck to ALWAYS be the one who pays
ALWAYS be the one who has to get all the girls coming
ALWAYS be the one who has to call and solve shit
When others are strong it makes it better for everyone as long as people know how to control
their egos and aren't stupid.
Anyway, the festival was shit
Long distances towards buying drinks and going to the bathroom
People sitting on the sand, wasted.
The only aspect I enjoyed was the flex of getting recognized.
So, after 90m told the girl and her friends to go to a normal club.
Anyway, took a taxi and then went to a normal club
With us were 2 of her friends and a guy who was the boyfriend of one of them
That guy has rich parents and we had like 10 girls in common that we both fucked, so we got
along well.
In the taxi, I messaged a bunch of other bitches too in order to have a good ratio at the table
While all this was happening, my main chick was stressing me out with messages because I kept
her in the hotel room while lying, I'm going out for one hour with a friend🤣
Anyway, went to the second club and started having fun then out of the blue 2 guys came angry
from the back
I was sitting down and with a gesture told my bouncer to come.
Bouncer, who was 2m from me came and bullied the 2 guys a bit then threw them away out of
the club
Was funny as fuck I didn't even have to do shit, or fight myself
This annoyed me a lot while growing up, always had to throw punches at parties
More convenient this way.
When I go to clubs, I tell them to give me a bouncer just for me
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
It's a nice flex to be escorted to the bathroom or to go another table to say hi to a bitch, or to
simply go outside & pick up the females you invited
And of course, it's nice to have a bouncer when there's beef.
Fast forward I left the club with a girl and went to another hotel (couldn't use my hotel since my
main chick was there)
After 2 hours told the bitch I gotta solve some issues first thing in the morning so I left
Then went back to main chick who was pissed off and waited for me
Ribera was already there trying to calm her down
He told her I was with some War Room members networking but forgot to tell me that he used
this excuse🤣🤣🤣
So, I told her I was with other guys, and she became even angrier
Anyway, fucked her then she forgot what happened
Festivals are shit lotta losers go there, take drugs and jerk off at singers worshiping them for no
The perfect party scenario is this
Go get drunk with lots of bitches, pick one then go fuck her at 3 AM, go to sleep and wake up
Learn life
People who are more important than you find it
repulsive when you're trying to brag in front of them
This is one of the main reasons most don't have mentors
Too much ego
"IM MAKING A LOT OF MONEY BROOO" - telling this to someone spending your monthly wage in
one night 🤣
The way you approach shot callers is important
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
Saw one of the biggest Gs in Romania at a wedding last weekend
Knew each other from IG and clubs, but he's older and more powerful than me
So, I texted him on IG "Don't wanna bother can I come to your table to say hi"
He said "yeah sure come over bro didn't see you"
Went there talked for a few minutes then exchanged phone numbers
I didn't just go there like an idiot to stress out the guy 🤣🤣
These small details matter
It's funny how the average individual nowadays don’t show respect.
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Stories: Tales from the Trenches
Learn Life
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