INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF COMPUTING ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET This form is to be completed by students submitting assignments of level 4 and level 5. Students are required to complete all sections and attach to your assignment. STUDENT DETAILS STUDENT NAME Aanand Chaudhary STUDENT ID UNIT AND ASSIGNMENT DETAILS UNIT TITLE Unit 3- Professional Practice UNIT NUMBER L/618/7398 ASSIGNMENT Enhancing Professional Practices TITLE Page | 1 ISSUE DATE January 1, 2024 ASSESSOR Divya Jha DUE DATE February 12, 2024 NAME ESTIMATED 8000 WORD LENGTH SUBMISSION HAND IN DATE Monday, February 5, 2024 DECLERATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT When submitting assignments, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Plagiarism and Collusion Plagiarism: to use or pass off as one’s own, the writings or ideas of another without acknowledging or crediting the source from which the ideas are taken. 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I acknowledge that: a) if required to do so, I will provide an electronic copy of this assignment to the assessor; b) the assessor of this assignment may, for the purpose of assessing this assignment: I. reproduce this assignment and provide a copy to another member of academic staff; II. communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service such as Plagiarism Check (which may then retain a copy of this assignment on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking). I am aware of and understand that any breaches to the Academic Code of Conduct will be investigated and sanctioned in accordance with the College Policy. SIGNATURE Aanand Chaudhary DATE Jan 26, 2024 Page | 3 Table of Contents Executive summary......................................................................................................................... 7 Page | 4 Activity 1 - Conference Training Pack on Conflict Resolution...................................................... 7 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Purpose of proposal training pack ......................................................................................... 7 1.3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Project Schedule and Its Importance ..................................................................................... 8 1.5 The project and The work schedule ...................................................................................... 8 1.6 Group members ..................................................................................................................... 8 Day planner for Day 1 is presented below. ................................................................................. 9 1.7 Planning day 1.................................................................................................................. 9 Day planner for Day 2 is presented below. ................................................................................. 9 1.8 Planning Day 2 ................................................................................................................. 9 Day planner for Day 3 is presented below. ............................................................................... 10 1.9 Planning Day 3 .................................................................................................................... 10 Workshop day 1 ........................................................................................................................ 10 Workshop day 2 ........................................................................................................................ 11 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.1 Forms of Communication................................................................................................. 11 2.0 Communication ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Process of Communication ......................................................................................... 13 2.1.2 Use of Communication ............................................................................................... 15 2.2 Types of Communication ................................................................................................... 15 3.0 Communication Skills ............................................................................................................. 15 Interpersonal Skills ....................................................................................................................... 17 Communication: ........................................................................................................................ 17 Critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios .................................... 19 5.0 problem-solving scenarios................................................................................................... 19 5.1.1 Problem Solving skills ..................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Problem Solving Tools and Method.................................................................................... 20 5.2.1 Brainstorming ............................................................................................................. 20 Page | 5 5.2.3 SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................... 20 5.2.4 FIVE WHY's Method ................................................................................................. 21 5.2.5 The Drill Down Technique......................................................................................... 21 Presentation on Conflict Resolution.......................................................................................... 23 Activity 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 30 Training Evaluation Form ............................................................................................................. 31 1.0 Dynamics of Working Within A team ........................................................................... 32 1.1 What is Team? .......................................................................................................... 32 1.2 What is Team Dynamics? ........................................................................................ 32 1.3 Working in a group ........................................................................................................ 33 1.4 Analyzing Team Dynamics ............................................................................................ 34 1.5 My Role and Contribution.............................................................................................. 35 1.6 Critical Evaluation: What went well and, what could have been improved? ................ 36 1.7 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 37 7.0 What is CPD? ................................................................................................................. 39 7.1 Basic Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 40 7.2 My Career Development Plan ............................................................................................. 42 8.0 Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs ............................................................................... 43 8.1 Herzberg's motivation .................................................................................................... 46 References ..................................................................................................................................... 47 Page | 6 Executive summary There was an internship for us at the Oliz store. Our boss has asked us to help the training and development manager at my company plan and run a professional development event for specific groups of people. The event will take place over two days at a place that has been agreed upon by everyone. Each day will have a different activity, such as classes, pair works, presentations, and discussions. The center needs a list of the planned events on a schedule so that final plans can be made. As part of the training, we have also been asked to plan and run a lesson on how relationships work in teams. The job will be done by a group of four people. In addition to problem-solving tools, my team and I need to use a variety of skills, such as good communication, getting along with others, and managing our time, to design and produce projects and solve problems that come up along the way. Activity 1 - Conference Training Pack on Conflict Resolution 1.1 Introduction The main aim of conference training pack on conflict resolution is to provide ideas, thoughts and strategies to operate conflict effectually. The training pack work for project, planning, different activities and presentation. Four group members are assigned to conduct the conference training successfully. 1.2 Purpose of proposal training pack 1.3 Objectives Identifying the conflict resolution management and opportunities for improvement. Discuss the root cause of conflict. Describe conflict outcomes. Give participants tools for resolving conflicts and good communication. Page | 7 1.4 Project Schedule and Its Importance The schedule is planned for conducting different activities and conference and showing the importance of time and duration to complete any project. Schedule is main part of project plan. It is helpful to complete any activities smoothly and effectively. 1.5 The project and The work schedule Generally, this project is going to be planned to focus mainly school going students so we need to develop special training course. We also need to prepare budget for the plan implementation. We have to collect many tools, information, we have to advertise and also we have to send invitation card to different schools and colleges. We have categorized the project into 5 days. The first three days will be focused on planning and preparation, and other two days will be event days. 1.6 Group members The actual duration of training conference is two days. Roles and responsibilities among the group members are appointed as follows: Aanand : Group leader and lecturer Anil: Event management Aliya: Technical support Prakisha: Organizer and manager of logistics Page | 8 Day planner for Day 1 is presented below. 1.7 Planning day 1 Day planner for Day 2 is presented below. 1.8 Planning Day 2 Page | 9 Day planner for Day 3 is presented below. 1.9 Planning Day 3 Workshop day 1 Page | 10 Workshop day 2 CONCLUSION Now that the two-day Conflict Resolution training course has concluded successfully, we can draw the conclusion that with the aid of tools, well-organized training design and work scheduling are possible. The accomplishment of the aims and objectives of these training workshops also depends on each team member having their roles and duties clearly defined, as well as on efficient communication and coordination. 1.2.1 Forms of Communication Different types of communication methods can be put into two groups. In group 1, there are three main ways to communicate. There exist three communication types: spoken words, physical gestures, and visual depictions. When individuals engage in direct verbal interaction, it falls under the umbrella of verbal communication. In this form, The tone and choice of words play a significant role. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, transpires through gestures, movements, and facial expressions. Lastly, when information and data are presented in a manner that can be easily comprehended or interpreted by humans, it is referred to as visual communication. The schedules above show how we employed screen display for visual communication in this project. We've also hired speech/board writing, which combines spoken and visual communication. Page | 11 There are two kinds of communication, per category 2. There are two types of communication: formal and informal. In contrast to formal communication, which is governed by strict guidelines that define the vocabulary and speech pattern that can be used, informal communication is more free-flowing and spontaneous. Since this project is a professional endeavor that we are working on at the school, we applied formal communication in it. (Northup, 2023) 1.2.2 Time Management Time management refers to the proper allocation of time to the activities needed to be done. This is done on the basis of the importance of the task and the time needed to complete the task. We must make the best use of the time we have as time is limited. Time management includes Effective schedule with deadlines, effective delegation of roles and responsibilities, giving more attention to those tasks that have higher value and spending the right amount of time for the right activity. I and my team have effectively allocated right time for the right job and according to their priorities. (Lutkevich, 2024) Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience. 2.0 Communication The odd areas that appear between oneself and other people, between one's private and public life, and between one's inner thoughts and the outside world seem to be filled by speech. It is difficult to describe communication accurately since, in most cases, the phrase refers to a fairly wide range of different behaviors involved in the sharing of information, as this meaning makes obvious. Because everyone talks, communication is both a general behavior and a unique academic career with organized study, which offers a problem for meanings, according to John Peters. Page | 12 2.1.1 Process of Communication The first step in the dynamic communication process is forming ideas. After then, the message is sent via a channel to the recipient, who has the set amount of time to reply with a message or signal. As such, the communication method is composed of seven primary parts. SENDER ENCODING MESSAGE Feedback NOISE CHANNEL RECEIVER DECODING Page | 13 1. Sender: The sender, often referred to as the communicator, is the one who initiates the discussion and has developed the concept that he wants to convey to others. 2. Encoding: The process of encoding begins when the sender transforms the data into a message by employing specific linguistic or nonverbal indicators such as signs, symbols, body language, etc. The effectiveness of the communication is greatly influenced by the messenger's skills, viewpoint, background, knowledge, etc. 3. Message: After the encoding is finished, the sender gets the message he meant to send. The message can be communicated vocally, in writing, symbolically, nonverbally—for example, by body language, noises, sighs, silence, or any other way that elicits a response from the recipient. 4. Communication Channel: The sender chooses the channel by which he want to communicate with the recipient. The message must be carefully chosen to guarantee that the receiver receives it and understands it. The media selected is influenced by the interpersonal relationships between the sender and the recipient as well as the urgency of the message being conveyed. Gesture, sound, writing, and verbal communication are a few of the often employed communication techniques. 5. Decoding: The receiver makes an effort to understand the sender's message as precisely as possible during this phase. Communication is deemed successful only when the other party completely understands what was intended to be spoken. 6. Feedback: This phase confirms that the recipient has gotten and comprehended the message as intended by the sender. Communication effectiveness is increased since the sender may assess whether his message was received successfully. The reply from the recipient might be vocal or nonverbal. Page | 14 2.1.2 Use of Communication 2.2 Types of Communication The two types of communication we need to know about are as foows: 1. Verbal Communication: Verbal communication includes all forms of spoken language as well as nonverbal communication, such as sign language. In order to prevent misunderstandings and increase interest while you speak, it is crucial to understand how to effectively communicate your ideas verbally. Use the appropriate terminology, communicate clearly, understand your audience, give the greatest possible response, and speak in an appropriate tone. 2. Non-Verbal Communication: Remarking something is just half the fight; the other half is won by staying silent. This encompasses your face and eye contact, hand gestures, body language, and tone of speech. When you realize what the rest of you is doing as you talk, you may correct your errors and, at last, apply all the proper nonverbal clues to convey your point. 3.0 Communication Skills A training event's design and delivery for a particular target audience must take into account a variety of communication styles and formats. This guarantees that the information is interesting, easily accessed, and meets the various learning styles of the audience. In order to do this, do these crucial steps: 1. Examine the target audience: Begin by learning about the traits, requirements, and inclinations of your target audience. Take into account elements like their age, experience level, education, and learning preferences. You can adjust your training materials and delivery strategies in light of this information. Page | 15 2. Establish precise learning goals: Your training event's aims and objectives should be clearly stated. This will direct the creation of your material and guarantee that attendees know what to expect from the training. 3. Select the right communication style: People differ in what they prefer to communicate. While some people might learn better with visual assistance, others could benefit more from spoken explanations or practical exercises. To accommodate a range of learning styles, use a variety of communication techniques, including group discussions, case studies, interactive activities, and presentations. 4. Produce interesting material: Provide interesting, succinct, and relevant information. A range of material, including presentations, films, infographics, and real-world examples, may be used to create an engaging and interactive training session. Use narrative strategies to help the information become remembered and relevant. 5. Employ interactive exercises: To promote involvement and strengthen learning, use interactive exercises all throughout the training session. Role-plays, quizzes, group activities, and simulations can all fall under this category. Interactive exercises encourage participation, teamwork, and learning. 6. Offer further resources: Give attendees pamphlets, worksheets, or links to supplementary online resources that highlight important ideas and offer further details. As a result, learning is reinforced after the training session and participants can revisit the material at their own leisure. 7. Employ technology wisely: Utilize technology to improve the educational process. This might involve employing multimedia tools for visual presentations, interactive polling Page | 16 tools for real-time feedback, or internet platforms for virtual training. Make sure every person can easily utilize and access the technology being used. 8. Analyze and modify: After the training session, get participant comments to evaluate how well the design and delivery worked. Make necessary adjustments for next training sessions based on this input. Effective training delivery requires ongoing assessment and modification. Remember that a successful training event's design and delivery need a thorough understanding of the intended audience, the use of various communication forms and styles, and ongoing feedback gathering to ensure continual development. You may design a training session that is impactful, interesting, and fits the requirements of your participants by implementing these techniques. (Skilsyouneed, 2024) Interpersonal Skills When creating and executing a training program, interpersonal skills are essential. They are crucial for fostering connections, having productive conversations, and establishing a supportive learning environment. When assessing how well interpersonal skills are applied and how useful they are in the planning and execution of training events, keep the following aspects in mind: Communication: Trainers who possess strong interpersonal skills may speak with participants in a straightforward and succinct manner. In order to fulfil the requirements of varied learners, this entails active listening, the use of appropriate verbal and nonverbal cues, and style adaptation in communication. Page | 17 Empathy: Trainers with interpersonal abilities can comprehend and feel the needs, obstacles, and viewpoints of participants. As a result, learners can feel appreciated and understood in a welcoming and inclusive learning environment. Conflict Resolution: During a training session, trainers with good interpersonal skills may handle disagreements in an efficient manner. They are able to recognize and swiftly resolve disputes, promote candid communication, and assist in their courteous and helpful resolution. Building rapport: Trainers may create a good rapport and favorable interactions with participants by using their interpersonal abilities. This improves the learning process overall by fostering trust, interest, and active participation. Adaptability: Skilled educators possessing good interpersonal skills are able to modify their methods to suit each participant's particular requirements and preferred method of learning. When required, they can offer further assistance, assess the degree of knowledge, and modify the training event's speed and content. Feedback and Assessment: In order to give constructive criticism and assess the advancement of participants, interpersonal skills are essential. Positive and non-threatening feedback may be given by trainers with great interpersonal skills, which promotes ongoing development. In order to assess the efficacy and use of interpersonal skills in the planning and execution of training events, take into account the following: Feedback from Participants: Gather opinions from the audience to find out how they see the trainer's interpersonal abilities. Focus groups, interviews, and surveys can all be used for this. Observation: Pay attention to how the trainer engages with the participants during the instruction. Keep an eye out for indicators of good rapport-building, empathetic communication, and conflict resolution. Page | 18 Benchmarks for performance: Determine the interpersonal skill performance indicators and evaluate the trainer's ability to meet them. Effective communication, participant involvement, and conflict resolution skills are a few examples of these indications. Self-Reflection: Motivate trainers to consider how they handle people and pinpoint places where they may do better. Peer review or self-evaluation are two methods for doing this. Organizations may pinpoint areas of strength and progress by assessing the efficacy and use of interpersonal skills in training event design and delivery. The input provided here may be utilized to improve next training sessions and guarantee that attendees have a satisfying and lasting learning experience. (Konczak, 2023) Critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios 5.0 problem-solving scenarios Solving problems is a fundamental life skill that we need in both our personal and professional spheres. Using reasoning and creativity to comprehend an issue and devise a shrewd solution is known as problem solving. To finish the group assignment that was assigned to our team more effectively, we had to overcome many obstacles. I want to discuss the difficulties we had with the group project in this section, along with the actions we took to solve them. Not everyone could meet in person because of COVID-19. Can only talk when called 5.1.1 Problem Solving skills Problem solving refers to the ability to solve problems effectively and in a timely manner without any hindrances. This includes identifying the problem, developing alternative solutions, Page | 19 evaluating the best alternative and selection and implementing the selected solution. Getting an idea and responding to correctly is an essential aspect of problem-solving skills. There are four basic steps in solving a problem: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ensuring We Tackle the Problem at the Appropriate Level Enhance the Definition of the Problem Identifying the Extent of the Issue Rephrase Unveiling the Fundamental Stages of Problem Resolution 5.2 Problem Solving Tools and Method Our ability to solve problems solves the problem by identifying its root cause and recommending a workable solution. Key abilities for addressing problems include: 1. Brainstorming 2. SWOT analysis 3. 5 Why's method 4. The drill down technique 5.2.1 Brainstorming Everyone is invited to take part in brainstorming meetings since they offer a free and open environment. All participants are asked to actively participate, and enjoyable ideas are welcomed and organized. When brainstorming is applied to problem-solving, it takes into account the different backgrounds of team members. Getting the option selected from other team members could also be useful. Furthermore, if people have a hand in shaping an attitude, they could care more. Because brainstorming solves issues in a positive, satisfying setting, it's enjoyable and builds bonds among team members. Even though its effectiveness, brainstorming requires that one approach it with an open mind. (Anon., n.d.) 5.2.3 SWOT Analysis A tool for strategic planning and analysis is the SWOT analysis. Before deciding on a certain course of action, we might identify our advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and dangers in our own lives. By making it clear, we can evaluate and make plans to boost positivity and ensure success. Page | 20 SWOT stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Strengths: internal, positive attributes Weaknesses: negative factors that detract from our strengths Opportunities: eternal factors in our business environment Threats: external factors that we have no control over 5.2.4 FIVE WHY's Method The five whys. Step 1: Assemble a team Step 2: Define the problem Step 3: Ask the first “why” Step 4: Ask “why” four more times Step 5: Know when to stop Step 6: Address the root causes Step 7: monitor your measures (Anon., n.d.) 5.2.5 The Drill Down Technique One of the best courses of action when a significant issue emerges with potentially dire repercussions is to break the issue down into smaller issues until the issue is fixed. Use of the drill down method can do this. Step 1: Write down the most important issue Step 2: Figure out why the problems are happening. Step 3 make a plan. Step 4: Carry out the plan Page | 21 Drill down is a straightforward method that divides large issues into increasingly smaller components. While it won't be able to address every issue facing our company, the drill down method will undoubtedly aid us in our quest for a prosperous future. (Janse, 2022) Page | 22 Presentation on Conflict Resolution Page | 23 Page | 24 Page | 25 Page | 26 Page | 27 Page | 28 Page | 29 Activity 2 Roles of team members My responsibility as a team leader and instructor My duties and obligations as a team leader are as follows: 1. Building a sense of bonds and friendship among the team leaders. 2. 1. In the event the action to plan the training workshop course and start the execution process. 3. Make sure that team members are successfully planning and communicating with one another. As a class deliver my roles and responsibilities are as follows: 1. Use formal language 2. Make sure everyone is attentive and is understanding what is being taught 3. Be clear with the speech. Role of Aliya as a technical support 1. Verify that the projector and laptop are operating properly. 2. Verify that every computer in the computer lab is operational. 3. Verify that the necessary software is loaded and operational on each device. 4. Address any potential technical problems Anil's role in managing the event 1. Create a thorough plan of events, including the opening and closing ceremonies. 2. Arrange and decorate the classrooms. 3. Make event flyers. 4. Take pictures for the training report. Page | 30 5. Offer hospitality services. Prakisha's role as the organizer and manager of logistics 1. Oversee training supplies and office supplies. 2. Oversee the provision of transportation services. 3. Generate handouts and additional training materials in duplicate. 4. Manage appointments and correspondence. 5. Work together with the principal of the school. Training Evaluation Form Date of presentation: Presenter's Name: Aanand Chaudhary Topic: Two days training package on Conflict Resolution University: ISMT College, Biratnagar Participant's Name: _______________________________ Contact: ________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Page | 31 Tick YES/NO Criteria Yes No Training was relevant to my need Presenter was Effective The training program was good Questions were encouraged Team building activity was helpful Content was well Organized Length was sufficient 1.0 Dynamics of Working Within A team 1.1 What is Team? Two or more people working together to achieve a common purpose or aim is what is known as a group. Tasks that need a variety of difficult or specialized skills and knowledge that one person can undertake are completed by teams. 1.2 What is Team Dynamics? As a result, hidden psychological factors known as team dynamics affect how a team behaves and performs. Understanding a team member's unique tasks and actions and how they impact other team members and the team as a whole is possible via team dynamics. When members of a team have mutual trust, the team has positive dynamics. They can cooperate to achieve group Page | 32 goals. Because they have an effect on output, efficiency, and creativity, team dynamics are important. The five stages of team development: 1. Forming: The group is gathering, delegating responsibilities, and gathering data. 2. Storming: throughout this process, team members learn more about one another, including behaviours and performances. Connections are established. 3. Norming: As team members gain self-assurance and become aware of one another's talents, collaborative work continues. 4. Performing: All participants are in sync and moving at full tilt in the direction of the ultimate objective. 5. Adjourning: This signifies the conclusion of the team's meeting. (MasterClass, 2022) 1.3 Working in a group Why working in a group? Working in a team is a great way to learn, and it is well suited for both workplace and workplace types. Advantages of working in a group Disadvantages of working in a group More productive Unequal participation More resources Conflict occurs More reliable No individual thinking Learn things Decision making takes time New method Easy to avoid work Information exchange Loss of creativity Page | 33 Team commitment Time consuming Working as a team promotes more teamwork and increases discussion, which generates more ideas. As a result, it supported me in ending different jobs and fixing difficult issues. Teamwork improved my speaking skills. I got the chance to get along well with other team members when I was working on the team. Individuals with different skills and capacities made my team. I was able to improve my skills as a result. When working as a team, each person gave their all to produce high-quality work. I could thus give it my all. Our team's total power grows as new members are added. Furthermore, every new person's experience is added. If I had worked alone, I would not have the help of others in the group. Everyone has the chance to add their own thoughts and ideas when working as a team, which opens the door to creative ways to finish the job at hand. It was possible for everyone to add to the mission's success. Given the size of the group, several unique ideas were present. This added to the event's happy end. 1.4 Analyzing Team Dynamics We got to know each other the first day in our group. I and my team started a group on whatsapp for the project. We will discuss it, if there is any question. The first day, as a group, “what is the purpose of our project, time plan, when are we going to do the webinar, what are personal responsibilities” we talked. We had open contact. Team members were ready to talk issues and problems throughout a project. Everybody did their best. Thus, the group had a sense of competition. Through the group effort, we were able to get to know everyone. We found their benefits and drawbacks. Everybody had Page | 34 different goals, views, and likes. As a result, we needed to work as a team. Every team member showed a strong level of dedication to the project and was eager to provide their ideas for growth. 1.5 My Role and Contribution In this task, I led the team and gave the lesson. I ensured that there was unity and team communication. In addition, I guaranteed that each person was performing their given tasks. Since everyone in my team took their roles and did them to the best level, I am sure that I gave the right people the roles they needed. I verified that our team had good relations. First of all, I made the proper choices for my team. My guys were all very focused and good speakers. Anil and Aliya had worked on similar projects in the past as well. My friends were all friendly and encouraging. Having all previously worked in teams, they knew the true meaning of teamwork. Our productivity was further improved by our teamwork. I ensured that we worked as a team instead of as individuals. I followed the program carefully, as did my group, and it proved to be incredibly efficient. We would have needed a lot longer time to finish our job if we hadn't made the plan or right schedule. Our group had great contact, and I called each day to see how everyone was doing. We all agreed that doing the most of the planning should be done at home. I showed my computer screen with my friends and suggested that we use Microsoft Teams. In addition to our planning days, we also committed a few days to solo study and Viber discussion of our thoughts. We didn't always disagree on authority. As a boss, I made an effort to put everyone's ideas into the job and successfully talked about their demands. Everyone handled the fight peacefully and went on. To ensure that my students knew what I was saying in class, I spoke in a serious tone and with basic language. As I was speaking, I asked the crowd to nod when they understood and to ask questions. For better understanding of what we were teaching, we also utilized graphic communication. To ensure that everyone knew, I used PowerPoints and wrote on the board. Page | 35 1.6 Critical Evaluation: What went well and, what could have been improved? Feedback to the Training and Development Manager: The team creation and training workshop design were greatly helped by the Training and Development Manager. Having worked in public relations for a long time, he was familiar with every part of every team member. His knowledge allowed me to quickly gather the team. Possessing strong relationship skills, he could obtain program comments from a varied group of subject matter experts. He alone made it possible for so many players and partners to be involved in the training workshop's design. The training workshop expertly mixed scholarly and practical activities. Throughout the job, the logistics handling was great. His ability to speak clearly also strikes me. He is quite open to any helpful feedback. Within the training course itself was a reporting system. To be more precise, he invited helpful feedback on both the training program and its performance from all affected parties. Utilizing his reform-oriented thought, he was able to find the root causes and affects of every problem that showed itself. In order to handle the problems before they worsened, I saw that he was highly watchful. He may receive highly good reviews because of his excellent listening skills. However, he finished much of his goals thanks to his persuading skills. Despite all these qualities, I found a few limits in him. Some of the actions or results, I think, could have been better if he had paid proper attention in time. I think the training program was quite busy. The training day was quite long for the attendees. The class work was performed from 10 am to 5:30 pm. It had just one break for thirty minutes. There was no time allocation for refreshment or other leisure activities. Self-Evaluation of My Performance: In my job as a team leader, I carried out the tasks of driver, guide, team builder, and general manager. I could put together a clear team to promote mutual trust. Open-ended talks and helpful problem-solving meetings were pushed by me. I made sure that each team member had a clear job. They were not at odds with one another's jobs. Page | 36 I believe I made a big difference in the team members' ability to get along with one another. I could promise that every team member would stay active throughout the project in order to effectively finish the goals. I was a problem solver as well. I was ready at all times to reply to any questions our team members had. In cases when team members were unsure about their jobs and concepts like problem-solving methods and team relations, I was quick to offer conceptual clarification and practical answers. Overcoming obstacles and building a sense of confidence and togetherness inside our team was, in my view, one of the most important efforts we could make to successfully engage the members of the team. We could have done better, in my view, if we had a reasonable plan in place before we started, after giving some thought to how we created and carried out the training session. The project plan was, in my view, too narrow to carry out in a productive and efficient way. Too little time was given for picking members. Likewise, it was not possible for us to take into account the high school kids' degree of computer understanding. A lot of them fought to understand it since they lacked understanding and skill with computer software. In my opinion, my control also led the team members to give up real rights. Instead of limiting myself to the actual jobs, as a team boss I should have spent more time building my leading skills. If we had planned ahead of time, taking into account the load of each training class and group exercise, I could have done a better job of applying the ideas of team relations and interpersonal and problem-solving skills. 1.7 Conclusion All of these ideas, however, are easier said than done in the real world. These ideas are made to come to pass through open management, an environment that values frank conversation and goal-oriented participation, and other factors. Self-evaluation and thinking on what we did and how we did it help us in constantly better both our individual and group performance. Page | 37 Activity 3 Continuing Professional Development: Personal Plan For people to improve their knowledge, skills, and capabilities at work, continuing professional development, or CPD, is important. It's important for inspiration in general, job growth, and personal development. CPD may improve your learning and drive in a number of ways when it comes to making and showing a meeting plan to a customer. Motivational theories stress the importance of human growth in promoting drive, such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory. By offering chances for job growth and self-improvement, CPD is consistent with these ideas. You may improve your drive and work happiness by making a growth plan and setting specific goals for yourself. You can actively join in CPD events that stress teamwork, leadership, and communication skills to improve your input and team involvement. By taking part in workshops or classes on these topics, you can acquire the skills you need to work well with your team and make a positive effect on its success. There are several ways to measure how CPD is changing your goals. Their ratings and insights can prove the effectiveness of your CPD efforts and offer useful information about areas that need development. Evidence factors showing the benefits of CPD must be taken into account while measuring its effectiveness. These standards might consist of: 1. use of newly acquired information and abilities in the job that is evident. 2. increased productivity and performance at work. 3. positive comments from clients, managers, or coworkers. 4. reaching particular performance goals or targets. 5. heightened motivation and job satisfaction. 6. chances for promotion or career progress. Page | 38 7. involvement with pertinent professional communities or networks. You may evaluate the success of your CPD initiatives and make defensible choices regarding your future development strategies by evaluating these evidence criteria. In summary,. Contribution and team engagement may be enhanced by active participation in CPD activities, well-defined development objectives, and evaluation of results. The success of CPD may be ascertained and future development plans can be directed by evaluating evidence criteria. 7.0 What is CPD? In order to achieve professional objectives and roles, learning and professional development are continuous processes that uphold, update, and improve knowledge and skills as well as foster a positive mindset. Therefore, ongoing professional development needs a period of time to learning and growth in order to better fulfill a profession's duties and responsibilities. It is far more than just growing one's own job because it is an essential part of skill building and company growth. Because of this, the money spent on ongoing career growth is an investment rather than cost. (Anon., 2024) CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It’s a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. The term is generally used to mean a physical folder or portfolio documenting your development as a professional. Some organizations use it to mean a training or development plan, which I would argue is not strictly accurate. This article is about Continuing Professional Development as a process of recording and reflecting on learning and development. Varied professional bodies have varied definitions of continuing professional development (CPD), thus it's important to understand that there are variations in this definition. The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills, and the Page | 39 development of personal qualities necessary for execution of professional and technical duties throughout the individual’s working life." (IFAC, 2008) Don't forget CPD is not just about doing training classes or prizes. It might require some workshadowing, reading some information in a book or on a website, or talking to others about how they handled something difficult. The key thing is to reflect on your learning and think about how it will impact your job or part in the future. You may wish to talk to your boss to see if they would consider paying you to do a study or a qualification. (nottinghamshire, 2024) 7.1 Basic Characteristics The features of CPD are as follows: 1. Activities for CPD include preparation, documentation, and reflection. 2. Secondly, it is a calculated strategy to career advancement. 3. Third, in order to make sure we are headed in the proper direction, ongoing development and recurrent performance evaluations of our work are necessary. 4. CPD calls for certain aims and objectives as well. 5. In a similar vein, ongoing professional development requires self-reflection. Benefits of CPD: Both an organization and a person can gain from continuing professional growth. It improves a person's personal traits and ability to carry out jobs and obligations at work. By improving one's ability to carry out the tasks and responsibilities given to them, it lessens the chance that an individual may experience worry. Additionally, it improves one's image, work happiness, self-worth, and confidence. It improves one's place professionally. It cultivates applicable skills. The creation of high-quality human resources ensures better teaching as well as knowledge and experience updates. It helps in handling training needs. It supports more self-assurance among the main leaders who manage the learning and development processes. It inspires the important players and improves the learning setting. CPD improves Page | 40 organizational ability, which helps in meeting workplace goals. Employees have current, real professional skills that are helpful to the involved business. It supports the idea of a learning group. (Smith, 2008) Career Development Cycle: There are several CPD models. Since discussing any of these models would go beyond the parameters of our study, we won't do it here. Any model we choose will generally go through these four stages: preparation, action, outcomes, and reflection. A career plan is first created. The plan is then put into action. The following stage involves analyzing and evaluating the findings in light of the goals and purposes of the career development plan. Lastly, for an overall assessment and potential future improvements, the strategy, procedure, and outcomes are examined and considered. A crucial component of the professional development cycle is reflection. According to Friedman, "Reflective practice is often viewed as the hallmark of professionalism." There are various levels of reflection, including dialogic reflection, which aims to delve deeper into self-reflection by exploring various potential reasons, critical reflection from historical, ecological, and contextual perspectives, and descriptive reflection, which offers reasons based on personal judgment or literature review. (Smith, 2008) My Career and Personal Goal: The work also needs building systems and computers. A Full Stack Developer's tasks and responsibilities also include project management and customer service. I have to be able to simultaneously build new information and technology systems and turn customer needs into the general design. Writing core code in Ruby, Python, Java, and PHP is also a part of it. I have to be able to build HTML and JavaScript front end code that is ideal. I have to understand, create, and show database-related questions. In order to check that the program meets customer wants, I must additionally write test code. Monitoring the operation of online apps and the IT system is another need of the job. In the tough world of IT companies, I need to have the skills necessary to fix web applications quickly and correctly. Page | 41 Continuing Personal Development (CPD) Needs: Considering that I am currently in my first year of BSc. IT, my career objective may seem lofty. But using the continuous professional growth strategy would enable me to achieve this objective. As previously said, this is a very tough profession. I don't really have the broad variety of skills needed for it right now. I currently know a little bit about UI/UX design and SQL Server. But the majority of the skill set I'll need to advance in my Full Stack Development profession will be addressed in the upcoming years of my BSc in IT. I understand that in order to become an expert in the subject, I will need to complete further professional courses that are offered both online and offline in the nation. 1. Front-End Technology: Mastery of fundamental front-end technologies, such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, is part of it 2. Database and Cache: It covers expertise in a range of database management system technologies 3. Language Development: Need to know at least one server-side programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, .Net etc. 4. Basic Design Ability: It covers the fundamentals of both UI/UX and prototype design. 5. Server: Exposure to managing Apache or Nginx servers, as well as strong Linux knowledge and abilities that are beneficial for server administration 6. Version Control System (VCS): A version control system to record every modification made to the source code 7.2 My Career Development Plan 1. As pointed out in the previous part, a Full Stack Developer is a highly skilled technical job needing professional growth classes and an excellent education in information technology. I understand that it will take years of work, dedication, and suitable training. In a similar way, I recognize that I am far from skilled in any of the core skills needed for a Full Stack Developer job. However, I am really interested in improving my professional and personal job in this area, and I have the following career growth plan: 2. Academic Degree: My goal is to finish my two-year BSc IT study in Nepal and my last year in Australia. I'll join a job program for at least a year after becoming my BSc in IT to Page | 42 gain real knowledge and improve my skills in the area. I want to enter in a minimum of five virtual professional development courses in specific fields from famous schools and academic institutions via online learning platforms like Coursera and edx. I'll take part in courses and classes both locally and abroad. 3. Start Professional Career from Junior Level: I'm going to begin my professional career as a Full Stack Developer in order to obtain important knowledge about every aspect of computer software development. After working at a junior level for around three years, I will be completely prepared to move up to a higher position in a highly competitive global environment. 4. Study Core Fields: After completing my bachelor's degree for three years, I will enroll in a master's program with a focus on courses that closely correspond to my professional growth objective. 5. Focus on Continuous Development: Follow the latest developments, particularly in the Full Stack Developer core area, like: a) JAVA Script b) HTML c) CSS d) Python e) SQL f) Git g) Bootstrap 8.0 Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs The hierarchy of needs in Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation is widely recognized. Page | 43 Source: Dr. Saul McLeod, Human needs may once more be divided into three major groups, as seen in the above figure: fundamental necessities, psychological needs, and self-fulfillment needs. Self-fulfillment requirements are referred to as development needs, whereas fundamental and psychological needs are frequently referred to as insufficiency needs. Deficiency needs are a sign of deprivation, and as long as they are not satisfied, they will only get stronger. Maslow states that when people satisfactorily satisfy their deficiency requirements, they shift toward the growth needs. I purposefully use the term "reasonably" to emphasize that meeting all of the so-called deficiency needs that is, the psychological and fundamental needs is not required. People who don't have their basic needs met, however, are unable to achieve self-actualization. Consequently, not everyone reaches the point of self-actualization. On the other hand, as these are progressively satisfied until people achieve the maximum degree of self-actualization, the growth requirements get greater. People who are wealthy, for instance, are more driven to accumulate wealth. The graphic below shows the needs for growth and insufficiency. Page | 44 Source: Dr. Saul McLeod, Source: Dr. Saul McLeod, When Maslow first developed his hierarchy of requirements, there were just five different needs total, with just one development need self-actualization included. Maslow did, however, expand it to include a few additional requirements more precisely, the needs for growth in the latter stages. The graphic below, which displays an extended hierarchy of demands, is self-explanatory. (Mcleod, 2024) MASLOW'S MOTIVATION MODEL Page | 45 Source: Dr. Saul McLeod, 8.1 Herzberg's motivation Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, as it is commonly called, makes a clear distinction between the idea of the core motivation components that genuinely inspire people and the hygiene variables that do not directly motivate people but cause individuals to become demotivated when they are absent. It connects the idea of motivation to feelings of happiness and discontent. When people's needs for hygiene are not met, they become unsatisfied, which Page | 46 demotivates them. People are not unhappy when hygienic requirements are met, but this does not always translate into drive. Source: As the image illustrates, the key aspects that prevent individuals from being unsatisfied with their jobs once they are hired include salary, physical security, work security, status, connection with supervisor, and personal life. Hygiene elements include working environments, supervisory quality, peer and subordinate relationships, company policy and administration, and working conditions. That could lessen the degree of discontent, but it's not a given. People become less unhappy when they receive a wage naturally, but it still doesn't inspire them. (Hrzone, 2024) References - John Foster Dulles, F. U. S. o. S., n.d. s.l.:s.n. Anon., 2008. Continuing Professional Development, New York: IFAC. Page | 47 Anon., 2024. Colins et. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2024. Define CPD.. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2024. What is Communication Skills. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. [Online]. Boston, A., 1953. s.l.:Applied Imagination. Hrzone, 2024. Two-factor theory. 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