Uploaded by Karina Sanchez

Nebamun Tomb Paintings: Art & History

The painter uses warm colors like
orange or brown to signify that it is a
joyous event. Although small amounts
of dark blue and green are used for
jewelry or decoration, the painter adds
yellow and gold to the background that
it balances it out. Thin black lines are
used to make the figures and
decoration stand out especially
against the light colors. In the darker
colors, the lines are used to direct to
where one ends and other begins. The
painter conveys movement by how the
figures are posed and using directional
lines. For example, the first fragment
bottom half has movement because
the lines outline the two women are
curvy. The bending and placement of
the women shows that it was captured
in the middle of doing something.
This resource is relevant to my topic
because it is an article on the tomb-chapel
of Nebamun from where the fragments of
wall paintings were taken from. It gives The Tomb of Leopards is very similar to
more information about the paintings like Musicians and Dancers because it also has
who discovered it and when it was
artwork commemorating the dead people
approximately made. Dates are important that are buried inside. However, the items
because it can give readers a better
used are more domestic because the
understanding to the timeline of ancient Etruscans wanted to use that as a
Egyptian history. It also gives information connection between the houses of the
about Nebamun who was the person these dead and that of the living. The second
paintings were intended for. Knowing the example would be the Ionic Frieze from the
person can give the reader more insight to Parthenon because it most likely shows the
better understand the paintings.
Panathenaic Festival procession that
happened every four years which can be
compared to the paintings that showed
Nebamun’s life. However, the frieze is made
from marble and no longer retains any
color. The third example would be the
Warrior Vase from Mycenae, Greece which
depicts a woman waving goodbye to the
soldiers going to the war. Although the vase
is going more towards violence than
painting the good and peaceful times, it is
still showing what could have happened in
real life.
The top half of the first fragment is of two
women sitting down, 1 standing up, a man
sitting down, two women sitting, a man
sitting down, a woman sitting, and a man
sitting all facing the left. The women in the
first fragment are all dressed the same:
long striped dresses, golden bracelets
along their arms, and big necklaces with
the second women having a head band.
The servants are barely dressed with a belt
below their bellybutton, a necklace, and
bracelets on their arms. The man being
served is dressed elegantly in a long gown
with a big necklace, and one thick bracelet
on each wrist. The other two men are
dressed the same, but without the top.
The second fragment contains all women.
1. Top half- five women: the first two and
the last two are facing each other while
the third is facing the left all in black
Dressed-long striped golden gowns to
their ankles, big golden circle earrings,
golden bracelets on their arms, blue and
gold headbands and necklaces.
2. Bottom half- women two facing the
right and three facing the left.
Dressed- the same as the top half with
white headbands with a gold cone. Two
of the women seem to be carrying a
long instrument. On top of the women
heads are hieroglyphics.
By: Karina Sanchez