Pulse Swallow Divider Mohamed Tohamey AGENDA: • TSPC pre scalers with extended operating frequency. • P Counter & related gates. • S Counter & related gates. • Whole divider schematic. Pre scaler: Conventional Implemented High Frequency and low power: Implementation: DFF Test bench: Division accuracy Waveforms: Min DC vs Amplitude DC VAlue Min amplitude 0 800m 100m 700m 200m 600m 300m 500m 400m 400m 500m 300m 600m 200m 700m 100m P Counter: Note: The order of connection is important. XNOR gate AND Gate Test Bench S counter: SR Latch NOR: Divider Schematic: N=2 P=34 S = 2 to 32 Division by 100: Division by 70: Division by 75: References: • https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/627d/0a3b1d2664bf4a327fa69cd93 5799e852d0a.pdf • (2020) Design of CMOS PLLs_ from circuit level to architecture level_Razavi (1) • Behzad Razavi - RF Microelectronics (2011, Prentice Hall) • Different implementation: https://www.emo.org.tr/ekler/51054713b963049_ek.pdf