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Natural Selection in a Population of Darwin's Finches
Author(s): B. R. Grant and P. R. Grant
Source: The American Naturalist , Mar., 1989, Vol. 133, No. 3 (Mar., 1989), pp. 377-393
Published by: The University of Chicago Press for The American Society of Naturalists
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2462126
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Vol. 133, No. 3 The American Naturalist March 1989
Department of Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Submitted December 21, 1987; Accepted June 26, 1988
After surveying a large number of studies of natural selection, Endler (1986)
found few in which the reason for selection was known. In this paper, we describe
episodes of natural selection under natural and changing environmental conditions. Moreover, we combine functional and ecological aspects of trait variation in
a population of Darwin's finches to demonstrate an interpretable fitness advantage
in terms of survival to individuals with certain beak shapes. The focus of our study
is a population of the large cactus finch, Geospiza conirostris, on Isla Genovesa,
Beak size and shape were chosen for consideration because they vary substantially. Moreover, these characters have been identified as important in the evolu-
tionary diversification of Darwin's ground finches, since species differ adaptively
from each other in beak dimensions, whereas other traits, such as plumage
coloration and behavioral characteristics associated with reproduction, are similar
or identical (Orr 1945; Lack 1947; Ratcliffe and Grant 1983; P. Grant 1986).
Mechanical analyses have shown that the efficiency of the beak in performing
different tasks is related to its shape (Bowman 1961). A relatively short and deep
beak allows a powerful crushing force to be applied at the base of the bill, whereas
a relatively long and shallow bill is better suited to probing. Therefore, fitness is
probably related to bill size and shape (P. Grant et al. 1976; B. Grant 1985). A
correspondence between beak size and shape on the one hand and diet on the
other has been shown by analysis of stomach contents (Snodgrass 1902; Bowman
1961; Downhower 1976; P. Grant and Grant 1980) and by quantitative observations in the field on the Galapagos Islands, where 13 of the species live (P. Grant et
al. 1976; Abbott et al. 1977; Smith et al. 1978; P. Grant and Grant 1980; P. Grant
1981; B. Grant and Grant 1982; Schluter 1982; Schluter and Grant 1982, 1984a,b;
Boag and Grant 1984; B. Grant 1985; Price 1987), and on Cocos Island, where the
fourteenth species occurs (Smith and Sweatman 1976; Werner and Sherry 1987).
Investigating selection requires variation in the character. Coefficients of variation for the three major bill dimensions of G. conirostris on Genovesa are
relatively high, in the range of 6.1%-7.7% of the mean (P. Grant et al. 1985), and
are reliably estimated because measurement errors are low (P. Grant 1983).
Typical coefficients for continental passerine birds range from 3% to 5% (P. Grant
Am. Nat. 1989. Vol. 133, pp. 377-393.
? 1989 by The University of Chicago. 0003-0147/89/3303-0005$02.00. All rights reserved.
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