Uploaded by Michael Gnapp

Fortunato Killed Himself

Michael Gnapp
Professor Laura Wingler
English II
“It Was Fortunato’s Own Faults That Ultimately Led Him to His Death”
From The Cask of Amontillado, it was overall Fortunato’s own fault that led him to his
death. This is because he created bad relations with Montresor, he misplaces his trust with
Montresor, and his alcoholism led him to terrible decisions. But although it was mainly his faults
that got him murdered, it was not entirely his fault. Obviously, a good amount of blame is on
Montresor for committing the murder. But Fortunato could have easily avoided this entire
situation when it comes down to it, he decided the risk for reward path instead of safety.
Although the name Fortunato indicates one who is fortunate, he had a very very
unfortunate ending to his life. His first mistake in the story would be offending the wrong person.
“Montressor is a manipulative and vengeful person. These characteristics lead to the death of
Fortunato, a man who has wronged him” (Anderson). Although there was no way Fortunato
could have known this before insulting Montresor it is still not a good idea to go around insulting
people, because you don’t know if they’ll hold a grudge against you. The reason to why he may
have insulted Montresor could be that he was jealous of him for the things that he had like,
wealth, a large home, and servants. Fortunato basically threw a bunch of insanely harsh insults at
Montresor causing him to have a vengeful grudge against Fortunato. This is a direct case of
cause and effect. If Fortunato did not insult him to begin with there would be no hard feeling
between them. Upon closer look into Montresor’s character and what made him have this grudge
to begin with, one can see that Montresor may be struggling with a self-perception issue which
made it very easy for Fortunato to get under his skin. “While we all may fall into holding an
occasional grudge, some people may be more prone to hanging on to resentments or anger than
other people. Sometimes, holding grudges—and blaming others—may be a form of selfprotection. In the same vein, some people may be more cognizant that they are stoking feelings
of bitterness than others, who may be unaware of the role they play in keeping their anger alive.
Lasting bitterness can grow from a variety of issues—large and small—as well” (Vanbuskirk).
Fortunato may have thought that insulting wouldn’t result in any backlash towards him or that
may just have been the way Fortunato jokes around with people he meets in order to become
friends with them. We see this a lot more now in today’s society with youth friends hanging out
with each other. Teens use this now to joke around with their friends or just to make
conversation, and as long as both sides of the friendship understand this conversation structure
nobody will get hurt. Unfortunately, this was not the case for Fortunato. Even though we do not
know the true intentions of Fortunato, he still has done wrong to Montresor and eventually was
punished for doing so. This was his first mistake that he had made which led to his death.
His second mistake was placing too much trust in Montresor. After insulting Montresor
to the highest degree, when offered drinks at Montresor’s place Fortunato did not turn down the
offer and decided to go. This could be because of many reasons, he could have thought that
Montresor wanted to make up and become friends with him, it could have been that he just
wanted someone to hang out with and gave Montresor a chance. But realistically I believe that it
is because he just wanted free booze from someone he did not like and didn’t have enough
common sense to think it through before going. Overall, I think this is because Fortunato does
not have a good sense of who he puts his trust into. “Trust is an issue in this story. Fortunato,
whom had been insulting and offending Montresor to the highest degree, decides to foolishly
trust him and accept his offer to go to his house and drink with him. This action of Fortunato, to
me, seems absurd. If it were I that insulted a man and then was invited to his home to drink
together, "[we] to your long life," I would not trust him.” (Wanamaker). It is this lack of
common sense and a bad sense of who to put his trust into that led him to make these terrible
decisions such as following the person he has insulted into “the most remote end of the crypt”.
Even though Fortunato may have been lacking in these traits there was another factor that was
involved in these terrible decisions, this key factor was the alcohol that he had consumed that
Alcohol is a very serios mind-altering substance that is still a serios problem for many
people today. “Alcohol also decreases some of the activity of the prefrontal cortex. This part of
the brain is what helps you to think clearly and rationally, and it is involved in your decision
making abilities. When you drink, alcohol makes it harder for the prefrontal cortex to work as it
should, disrupting decision-making and rational thought. In this way, alcohol prompts you to act
without thinking about your actions.” (Alcohol.org). We see this as an example in many different
stories today. A major issue that is widely talked about today is date rape. This is when someone
is forced to engage in unwanted forced sexual activity. A common story that is heard around the
world today is a guy spoon-feeding a girl that he is into copious amounts of alcohol to the point
where she cannot think for herself and is then raped. Using alcohol to manipulate and influence
other’s decisions is commonly used today in many different cases. “Adam Oakes, a 19-year-old
student at Virginia Commonwealth University, died in February after being told to drink a bottle
of Jack Daniel’s whiskey, family members say.” (Medina). In almost the same way Fortunato is
made to drink a good amount of wine and is then led to make the bad decision of following
Montresor into a deep dark crypt. The main issue here is Fortunato’s alcoholism, because he is
addicted and wants the bottle of wine really badly, he went through these great lengths to obtain
it. Even though Fortunato is made to look like he lacks common sense, one can argue that it is
not entirely his fault and Montresor is to blame.
When it comes down to analyzing Montresor’s character, we can assume some things
like, he is obsessive, holds onto a grudge, and manipulative. Montresor, in order to keep his
pride, wanted to get revenge on his “friend” for the thousands of insults that he has been given.
Even though he wanted this revenge there could have been many other ways to accomplish this
and resolve this issue that he has. Instead, he goes way overboard and plots out a murder, which
is usually not the first thing everyone thinks of when it comes to revenge. Especially when the
offense against him was something as small as some insults that were thrown at him. In his mind
it was, sticks and stones can break my bones but if you insult me I’ll bury you alive under my
home. It may be the case that if Fortunato did not insult him Montresor would have still found a
reason to dislike and then murder him. “We see things only through Montresor’s ironic,
obsessional mind, and he is not interested in reasons for his revenge if any indeed exist, but only
in how he carries it out.” (Sarkar). It is quite strange that Montresor only briefly mentions that he
was insulted and doesn’t really go into depth of what Fortunato said exactly about him, he only
says that he was insulted to the highest degree and that was it. So, in the end it may not have
been Fortunato’s fault but instead just Montresor’s obsessive manipulative personality and just
wanted to get a little power trip out of Fortunato’s death.
Fortunato’s death was mostly his own fault, and his actions lead to his own death like
creating bad relations with Montresor, misplacing his trust with Montresor, and his alcoholism
leading him to terrible decisions. In the end Fortunato’s death is a direct cause from both
characters in the story, but Fortunato is mostly at fault for his death. The whole situation could
have easily been avoided if Fortunato made the correct decision at any point in the story. But
instead of changing his ways or even thought his actions out logically, he decided to stay
stubborn and fall for Montresor’s scheme. It was because of this lack of common, alcoholism,
and overall rudeness towards Montressor that got him killed. Therefore, Fortunato had basically
killed himself and Montresor just an incident waiting to happen.
“Work Cited”
Wanamaker, Christopher. “An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's 'the Cask of Amontillado'.”
Owlcation, Owlcation, 13 June 2011, https://owlcation.com/humanities/An-Analysis-ofEdgar-Allen-Poes-The-Cask-of-Amontillado.
Anderson, William. “Cask of Amontillado: Characterization of Montressor.” SchoolWorkHelper,
Sarkar, Somnath. “The Cask of Amontillado Characters, Summary, Setting, Analysis, Theme,
Plot.” All About English Literature, 5 July 2021, https://www.engliterature.com/2021/01/cask-amontillado-summary-characters-analysis.html.
Vanbuskirk, Sarah. “The Mental Health Effects of Holding a Grudge.” Verywell Mind,
Alcohol.org “Why Alcohol Lowers Inhibitions and Leads to Bad Decisions.”,
Medina, Eduardo. “11 Arrested in Fraternity Pledge's Alcohol-Poisoning Death, Police Say.” The
New York Times, The New York Times, 25 Sept. 2021,