Actors are not required to memorize or translate sides for the purpose of auditioning. Talent may say all lines in English or choose Arabic where indicated (optional). 54. FOX That's without the girls. DYLAN Will they be a problem? Fox quiets, considering the family she left behind... FOX I'm not sure... I can't imagine they're thrilled with me... Suddenly a LOUD KNOCK on the door causes them to go quiet. They all look at each other, frozen. FRANKIE (whispered) Are you expecting anyone? He shakes his head no. YOUMNA (O.S.) (in Arabic) Dylan! DYLAN (in Arabic, calling back) Okay, m ama! START SCENE 1 71 EXT. DYLAN'S SUBURBAN HOUSE. FRONT DOOR. SUNSET. 71 Officer Corbett and Sgt. Breaker stand at the front door, the melodic Arabic music wafting through. SGT. BREAKER Christ, you brought us to some carpet-flying motherfucker's house. He shakes his head in disbelief. OFFICER CORBETT It's the address on file. Finally the door opens. DYLAN (in Arabic, over his shoulder) You don’t need to, I‘m sure they won’ t want to stay long! Dylan turns to face them, now wearing a tarboosh and heavy eyeliner. 55. OFFICER CORBETT Elie Abi Nader? DYLAN I go by Dylan, but yes. OFFICER CORBETT I'm Officer Corbett - We're here to ask you a few quesSgt. Breaker puts his hand out to quiet Officer Corbett. SGT. BREAKER (over-articulating, loudly) Do you speak English? Dylan looks at him, deadpan. DYLAN Of course, Officer. I speak three languages fluently. SGT. BREAKER (sarcastic) Wow. Einstein. (widening his stance) We're look ing for Frankie DiFranco. Do you know where she is? DYLAN (feigning innocence) No, I haven't seen her... Is something wrong? OFFICER CORBETT Would you mind if we took a look around? DYLAN Not at all... Please, come in. They enter, Dylan shutting the door behind them. 72 INT. DYLAN'S SUBURBAN HOUSE. CONTINUOUS. They scope the place out, slowly taking inventory of the space as they walk through it. SGT. BREAKER How long have you lived here for? DYLAN In America? 10 glorious years. 72 56. Officer Corbett notices 3 plates on the dining table. OFFICER CORBETT Do you live alone? DYLAN Uh, no. With my mom and my uncle. Sgt. Breaker nods as he fidgets with the Arabesque tchotchkes on the shelf. He leans in close to study a PICTURE of Frankie and the Abi Nassers in Beirut. OFFICER CORBETT And Frankie? DYLAN She kind of floats around. Used to have a spot down on Division but I think she moved out . OFFICER CORBETT When did you last see her? DYLAN I think it was a couple weeks ago? She came by my uncle's restaurant Sneaky Habibi Lounge & Cafe. OFFICER CORBETT (jotting down the name) H-a-b-i-b-i? Sgt. Breaker steps onto a Persian rug, looking down. SGT. BREAKER Nice carpet. A sound coming from nearby redirects his attention. CUT TO: END SCENE 1 73 INT. DYLAN'S SUBURBAN HOUSE. HIDING PLACE. SAME. 73 From behind a door, Fox watches as Sgt. Breaker suddenly turns towards her. Immediately recognizing him, she gasps, holding her breath... CUT BACK TO: 68. 95 INT. RANCH. LIVING ROOM. CONTINUOUS. 95 In the living room are Ricky and Minx, eyes glued to the TV as it plays The Dance World Championship 1986. Minx sports a gnarly black eye as she stares at the screen. ON TV: Christian Eder from Austria WIGGLES on the dance floor as the audience cheers him on. Ricky watches, trying to replicate the moves. Suddenly, car headlights flooding the living room announc e a visitor. She turns towards the front door. RICKY She's here. (to Minx) Keep watching. START SCENE 2 96 EXT. RANCH. GROUNDS. CONTINUOUS. 96 Dylan gets out of the Alfetta, holding a BLACK DUFFLE BAG. Domino shines a flashlight directly in his eyes. DYLAN (in a Mobster accent) Ey! What's this, an interrogation? Dylan squints, getting a look at his size as he approaches. DYLAN (CONT'D) Alright, big boy. I needa speak to your manager. Domino doesn't respond, but just then the door opens, Ricky appearing. RICKY Who's this asshole? DYLAN This asshole has a friend down at the station who said you boys are lookin' for somethin' that I just so happen to have. The Bruiser Twins look to each other, curious, then eye the duffle... CUT TO: 69. 97 BACK DOOR: 97 Frankie and Fox slip in the back door, creeping one slow foot in front of the other, scanning the surroundings. Fox nods upstairs to Frankie, who peels off. BACK TO: 98 FRONT DOOR: 98 Ricky nods towards the duffel. RICKY Let's see what's in the bag. DYLAN Hold your horses. You need to understand... I ain't no crook, alright? Not anymore. Ricky rolls her eyes, muttering about the waste of time. D ylan's eyes dart to see Fox creeping through. He chews the scenery to distract. DYLAN (CONT'D) I been a sinner, ma! An' I'm done livin the bad life. Y'all know what I mean? (Italian finger-pinching) I'm ready for spaghet and fazzoule in the sky. Ricky and Domino stare at Dylan, considering. Then: RICKY Never heard a wiseguy say y'all. Dylan blanches. END SCENE 2 LIVING ROOM: Crystal appears from the bathroom, her eyes nearly p opping out of her head as she spots Fox, sneaking. Foxy?! CRYSTAL WHIP TO: FOX (meekly) Hey...