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Digital PCR Counting Statistics: Fundamentals & Analysis

Chapter 3
Fundamentals of Counting Statistics in Digital PCR: I Just
Measured Two Target Copies–What Does It Mean?
Svilen Tzonev
Current commercially available digital PCR (dPCR) systems and assays are capable of detecting individual
target molecules with considerable reliability. As tests are developed and validated for use on clinical
samples, the need to understand and develop robust statistical analysis routines increases. This chapter
covers the fundamental processes and limitations of detecting and reporting on single molecule detection.
We cover the basics of quantification of targets and sources of imprecision. We describe the basic test
concepts: sensitivity, specificity, limit of blank, limit of detection, and limit of quantification in the context of
dPCR. We provide basic guidelines how to determine those, how to choose and interpret the operating
point, and what factors may influence overall test performance in practice.
Key words Statistics, Counting, Sensitivity, Specificity, Subsampling, Limit of detection, Limit of
blank, Poisson distribution, False positive, False negative, Performance characteristics
Digital PCR (dPCR) technology promises to change how genomic
markers are detected and quantified [1, 2]. It has been demonstrated to effectively count amplifiable targets at single molecule
resolution. This is possible because partitioning isolates the targets,
while end-point amplification allows highly reliable detection of the
reaction components in each partition.
This chapter will focus on the fundamental concepts of counting statistics as they apply to detection and quantification of targets
in dPCR tests. We will cover basic detection and quantification,
describe critical test performance parameters, and provide recommendations for choosing the test operating point.
We will first cover detection of single species and discuss detection and counting of generic target molecules.
George Karlin-Neumann and Francisco Bizouarn (eds.), Digital PCR: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1768, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7778-9_3, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018
Svilen Tzonev
Counting Molecules
In digital PCR the PCR reaction is first partitioned into independent, usually equal size, volumes (droplets or chambers on a device)
[3]. During a standard thermocycling protocol, amplifiable genomic target molecules will be replicated and their number will
increase exponentially. In a common format, hydrolysis probes
matching specific amplicon counterparts are used. The probes
have quencher and dye molecules attachments. When the polymerase enzyme cleaves the hybridized probes it releases unquenched
dye molecules into the reaction. Thus, the concentration of free dye
in the partition will increase exponentially with the PCR cycles. At
end-point, any partition that contained at the beginning an amplifiable target will contain detectable high concentration of fluorescent
dye and can be detected as “positive.” Any partition that did not
contain a target will remain “negative.” In practice, we have to deal
with damaged or otherwise poorly PCR-accessible target molecules
that may not amplify from cycle 1, nonspecific probe hybridization
that may lead to false positives, polymerase errors that may lead to
false positive or false negatives, and other complications. We will
cover such cases later.
First we will focus on an “ideal dPCR counting machine” that
can detect with 100% certainty and no confusion the presence or
absence of a target molecule in a partition.
Let us first consider a test that detects a single species of target
molecules. Even a perfect counting machine, which makes no mistakes of any kind, has to deal with the stochastic nature of many
molecular phenomena. In a typical experiment or test, we want to
measure the concentration of a particular biomolecule as it is
in vivo. In order to do this, we have to use a subsample of the
whole—a draw of blood or a tissue biopsy. We measure the subsample in vitro to estimate the state of the whole. In the following
we will use the liquid biopsy paradigm to illustrate the basic
A hypothetical patient has 5 L of blood. If we draw 10 ml of
blood at a time, we are subsampling 0.2% of the whole blood
volume. Let us say that there are 5000 copies of the target molecules of interest in the 5 L of blood. This corresponds to a concentration of 1 target/1 ml of blood. In any 10 ml draw, we expect to
collect on average 10 target molecules. Assuming perfect sample
processing with no losses of any kind, we would expect to load on
average 10 targets in our machine, which would detect all of them.
However, any individual 10 ml draw may contain 8 or 11 or
Counting Statistics
5 L of
8 copies
11 copies
10 copies
10 copies
3 different draws
Fig. 1 Subsampling process. A patient has 5 L of blood in which 5000 molecules
of interest are present. Any 10 ml draw of blood represents 0.2% of the total
blood volume. We would expect to see on average 10 target molecules.
However, in any actual 10 ml drawn, we may see different numbers of targets
molecules due to the stochastic nature of molecule distribution in the 5 L of
10 actual target molecules. Our ability to make confident statements about the whole is still limited by the subsampling problem.
See Fig. 1.
How variable is the number of actual targets per draw? When
we are drawing a tiny fraction of the whole and, as long as we can
assume that the targets are all independent and equally likely to be
sampled, we can describe the probability to draw exactly k actual
targets with the Poisson distribution:
Probability ðto draw k molecules; given expected number molecules is μÞ
e μ
where μ is the expected or average number drawn; in our case it is
¼ μk
10. Note that k must be an integer—we may draw 0, 1, 2, etc.
molecules, while μ can be a noninteger number—the average may
be 1.5 molecules. Figure 2 illustrates the Poisson distribution for
μ ¼ 3, 10, and 100. As we can see, when μ is small, there is
significant variability of how many targets will be subsampled in a
draw relative to the expected number. Note how in the case of three
expected molecules, there is about 5% probability that the draw
would contain no targets at all! This observation will form the basis
of the fundamental bound on the limit of detection, this is discussed later. Note also that for large μ the relative uncertainty
shrinks as the distribution becomes more concentrated around
the average. It also becomes more like the familiar normal or
Gaussian distribution.
Svilen Tzonev
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
Number of molecules drawn
Fig. 2 Poisson distribution. Poisson distribution for three different values of the expected number of molecules
drawn, μ ¼ 3, 10 or 100. Probability (to draw k molecules, given expected number molecules is μ ¼ μk ek ! ).
The height of each bar for particular integer k represents the probability to draw k molecules. Note how for
small μ, the distribution shape is skewed and becomes increasingly more symmetrical and concentrated
around the maximum for larger values of μ. For each case, the probability to draw exactly zero molecules is
also shown
Multiple Occupancy and Partitioning
The original concept of dPCR assumed a limiting dilution regime,
i.e., each partition would not contain more than one target with
any significant probability. Most of current commercial systems
[4–7] allow robust measurement of target copies even when multiple molecules can occupy the same partition with a significant
probability. Quantification is possible under the assumption that
Counting Statistics
the targets are allocated to a partition independently and with equal
probability. (Such assumptions would be violated if the targets are
in some way “entangled” or if the partitions are of different
volumes.) It turns out that the appropriate statistical framework is
also based on the Poisson distribution, since each partition is
similar to a blood draw from the previous example—each partition
is a small subsample of a larger whole. For specific details see [8, 9];
here we will only focus on how the target concentration is
A positive partition may have contained one or more targets.
There is no way to be certain. A negative partition, on the other
hand, must have contained exactly 0 targets, otherwise it would be
positive. Once we have counted all partitions (positive and negative), Ntot, and all negative partitions, Nneg, we can use this formula
to estimate the average target occupancy per partition, λ:
N neg
λ ¼ ln ðN tot Þ ln N neg ¼ ln
N tot
The total number of targets, T, present at the beginning of the
reaction is then simply
T ¼ λ N tot
The value of λ calculated in this way is the “most likely value.”
We cannot be sure of the exact number in reality since we do not
know the precise distribution of targets into partitions.
To arrive at the target concentration, we divide λ by the partition volume:
½T ¼
V partition
Consider a given reaction mix with a fixed number of targets in
it. If we perform multiple thought partitioning experiments we can
understand the variability of the results around the most likely
values. For each partitioning, depending on the exact (stochastic)
pattern of target distribution into the partitions, we may see different number of negative partitions. This would lead us to estimate
slightly different values of the target copies. We are again subject to
the inevitable stochastic nature of how molecules “choose” their
Figure 3 illustrates the concept of partitioning uncertainty. We
have partitioned the same reaction volume with the same number
of molecules, T, three times into the same number of partitions of
equal volume. Since the molecules are distributed stochastically
into the partitions, the patterns in each realization will be different.
The observed number of partitions with no molecules will also vary
between realizations. In fact, the number of actual negative partitions is a variable that also follows a Poisson distribution, given the
expected number of negative partitions. We can then use similar
Svilen Tzonev
20 negatives
17 negatives
19 negatives
Fig. 3 Partitioning uncertainty. A thought experiment where a reaction volume with fixed number of molecules
is partitioned three times. Exact location of each molecule in the resulting partitions is stochastic. This leads to
a different number of partitions with no molecules at all—negative partitions are highlighted. This will result in
somewhat different “most likely estimate” of the number of molecules in the reaction. The number of negative
partitions is itself a variable that follows a Poisson distribution
math as above to describe how uncertain the estimate of λ is going
to be even when we know the exact number of molecules, T, in the
total volume.
Total Poisson Uncertainty
So far, we saw how subsampling and partitioning variability limit
our ability to estimate precisely the number of target molecules
in vivo even with a perfect counting machine. When we combine
the two sources of variability, we arrive at the frequently described
dPCR uncertainty curve, shown also Chap. 2. When only a small
number of targets is drawn (provided we have enough partitions),
the total uncertainty is dominated by the subsampling processes. In
other words, it does not matter if we put, five actual targets in
20,000 or 20,000,000 partitions, we will know with high confidence that there were five targets in the reaction we measured and
approximately five targets per blood draw, if these were repeated
multiple times. When the number of targets increases relative to the
number of partitions (average occupancy λ is larger), at some point
there will be too few negative partitions. Since the actual number
of negative partitions is a stochastic variable, the uncertainty of λ
increases and, thus, the uncertainty of T.
Figure 4 illustrates the contributions from subsampling and
partitioning errors to the total Poisson statistical error. For low
occupancy numbers, λ, (number of targets is much less than the
number of partitions), total uncertainty is dominated by subsampling. While for large occupancy numbers (number of targets much
larger than the number of partitions), total uncertainty is dominated by partitioning. The lowest overall uncertainty is reached at
λopt 1.6. For 10,000 partitions even when λ ¼ 6, the coefficient of
Partitioning error
CV, %
Counting Statistics
Total Poisson error
Subsampling error
Average targets per partition, λ
Fig. 4 Total Poisson Error ¼ Subsampling + Partitioning Errors, expressed as %
CV, as a function of average targets per partition, λ. The black curve shows the
subsampling error. The blue curve shows the total Poisson error. The distance
between the curves is due to the partitioning error. For small λ, the subsampling
error dominates, while the partitioning error is small. For large λ, the
subsampling error is small, while the partitioning error dominates. The total
Poisson error is minimized at λ_opt 1.6. Values for %CV are calculated for
10,000 partitions. Increasing the number of partitions brings all curves lower
(smaller %CV) but does not change the general shapes. Optimum stays at 1.6
targets per partition
variation of λ and T is ~3%, i.e., sufficiently low to allow accurate
and precise quantification in most cases.
A few words about the concept of confidence intervals. When
we estimate experimentally some unknown variable we talk about a
point estimate and a confidence interval around it. The point
estimate is the most likely value of the variable; this is what is usually
reported. A 95% confidence interval, around the point estimate,
describes the range between a minimum and a maximum value of
the variable, between which the true value of it will lie 95% of the
time. In other words, if we knew the exact value of the variable and
repeated the estimation experiment many times, 95% of the time it
will indeed lie in the stated confidence interval. Most commercial
dPCR systems report both point value estimates and 95% confidence intervals for target copies and concentrations.
False Positives and False Negatives
So far, we have discussed an idealized case where our perfect system
makes no mistakes of any kind. In practice, we have to deal with
false positive and false negative reporting. In the simplest case, we
can define a false positive or negative at the level of the partitions—a
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partition that should have been detected as a negative is reported as
a positive and vice versa. The rates of such false reporting per
partition define a false positive rate, FPR, and a false negative rate,
FNR. Which of these is more important depends on the test and
how much we care about each kind of error.
For example, when false (positive and negative) rates are small
and there is a small number of targets, the FNR is usually not
important in absolute terms, as we only have a few true positive
partitions that may be converted into a false negative. In this case,
the FPR is more significant as there is a large number of true
negative partitions, each of which may turn into a false positive.
In the opposite case—a large number of targets—it is the positive
partitions that are numerous and thus FNR matters more, in absolute terms, than the FPR per partition.
In both cases, the prevalence of the state or condition measured
plays a role in determining which false rate is more important. This
is true at the patient or sample level as well, in the sense of the
prevalence of the condition we are trying to measure with our test.
There are cases where the danger of misdiagnosis at the clinical level
influences greatly the relative importance of FPR and FNR. For
example, in a prenatal screening test for Down syndrome, most
patients are expected to have normal pregnancies. Due to the large
number of individuals screened, even a small test FPR will produce
a large number of false positive results that would require additional
procedures. On the other hand, a false negative result is also very
damaging as the overall cost to the patient is significant, since the
fetus would be incorrectly classified as normal.
We can think of false positive and false negative rates at the level
of a well, test (multiple wells) or sample (if multiple tests are
performed). It is important to keep in mind which of these concepts is being used. The combination of the sample preparation
protocol, detection assay and dPCR measurement system will be
subject to the limitations imposed by both stochastic molecular
processes and the FP/FN detection rates.
A few common examples of processes that can lead to false
results include:
Nonspecific primers and/or probe hybridization
Polymerase errors
Fluorescent dust particles
Contamination and cross-contamination
Inappropriate thresholding algorithms
In practice, these should be recognized and controlled at the
assay design level, periodic equipment maintenance, robust laboratory practices, and frequent specific process monitoring.
Counting Statistics
Basic Test Concepts and Their Interpretation in dPCR
We distinguish two major types of tests—qualitative and quantitative. A qualitative test can only categorize an unknown sample as
positive or negative (in some case there is also a third, uncalled
category). A quantitative test will produce a value for the measurand of interest in an unknown sample when possible or perhaps
produce an out-of-reportable-range result. For dPCR, quantification is most often as target counts or copies in the test or concentration of target copies in the test. There may be other derivative
measures that are based on combinations of such measurements,
for example a ratio of two concentrations or similar.
dPCR essentially always produces a direct estimate of the target
copies in the reaction. Thus, it is by nature quantitative. To call a
sample negative or positive, an analytical call cutoff value is
applied—any sample with detected copies higher than or equal to
the cutoff is declared as positive; any sample with fewer copies than
the cutoff is declared as negative. In some cases, there may be a
“grey zone” where no call is produced. We will focus on the simpler
binary version of sample positive/negative determination.
Three fundamental parameters determine the performance of a
given dPCR test: FPR, FNR, and the choice of analytical cutoff
value (if needed for a qualitative test).
Next, we will define additional important test descriptors and
discuss how they are influenced by these fundamental parameters in
the context of counting assays in dPCR. Looking ahead at Fig. 5,
discussed below, will help the reader visualize the concepts.
For a qualitative test the sensitivity is defined as the probability that a
truly positive (as determined by a prior test or clinical criterion)
sample is measured as positive by the test. 100% sensitivity means
that all truly positive samples do come out as positive by the test.
Sensitivity may be less than 100% when the FNR per test is higher
than zero or if the call cutoff value is set too high and truly positive
samples are called as negatives. Intuitively, if we challenge the test
with strongly positive or strongly negative samples, we can achieve
better performance (See below on the concept of limit of detection).
For a qualitative test, specificity is defined as the probability that a
truly negative sample is measured as negative by the test. Again,
100% specificity means that the test is never wrong when negative
Svilen Tzonev
Call cut-off
negative control
positive controls
Detected positive events per test
Fig. 5 Relationship between sensitivity, specificity, and call cutoff (a). Classic description and definition of
these test concepts. Horizontal axis—signal measured by the test (in dPCR this is detected targets/events).
Vertical axis—probability of a particular level to be measured. Left curve—the test response to a negative/
blank control, Right curves—the test response to two positive samples at different levels. Depending where
we choose the value of the call cutoff, the areas under the curves to the right and to the left of the cutoff
determine the values of specificity (β level) and sensitivity (α level), respectively. Sensitivity ¼ 1 α.
Specificity ¼ 1 β. Moving the cutoff to the right will decrease β and increase α , thus, increase specificity
but decrease sensitivity. The opposite is true when moving the cut-off to the left. The value of the measurand
for which α0 ¼ 5%, determines the 95% confidence level limit of detection of the test (indicated as the peak of
the corresponding positive control curve, or most likely value). For increased Sensitivity, α1 < 5%, the
corresponding LOD will be greater than the LOD at 95%. When we use blank samples for the negative control,
the cutoff value corresponds to the limit of blank at 1β level. (b). Same concepts as they apply in dPCR.
Continuous curves are replaced by histograms as dPCR reports integer values for the targets detected. Blue:
histogram of possible copies for a negative sample, Red: histogram of possible copies for a positive sample.
Moving the cutoff value is only possible in discrete ways, which results in jumps of possible values of
sensitivity and specificity (α and β levels not shown)
Counting Statistics
samples are measured. Any value higher than zero for the FPR per
test will lead to specificity that is less than 100%. Alternatively, a
cutoff that is set too low, causing truly negative samples to be called
as positives, will also cause specificity of less than 100%.
Figure 5 illustrates the inherent trade-off between sensitivity
and specificity. Note how by moving the cutoff value, one changes
both the specificity and sensitivity of a given test, increasing one
while decreasing the other. These change in opposite directions.
For tests that produce integer values (molecules detected in test)
cutoff values can only be discrete, which leads to a set of possible
combinations of sensitivity/specificity values.
Limit of Blank (LOB)
The limit of blank, LOB, at a particular confidence level, usually
95%, is a critical concept. The formal definition, according to CLSI
guidelines [10], is the maximum value of the analyte that may be
reported 95% of the time when we measure a true blank sample. In
dPCR we report counts of target molecules, thus the LOB must be
an integer—0, 1, 2, etc. counts per test. When we say that the LOB
for a test is 1 copy, we mean that 95% of the time when we measure
a negative/blank sample we will report at most one copy. This is
equivalent to stating that we will report 2, 3, or more copies at most
5% of the time (See Fig. 5).
The LOB is closely related to the specificity of the test and the
underlying FPR per partition or per test. When we measure a blank
sample, each partition should be reported as negative. However,
when the FPR per partition is not 0, some truly negative partitions
may be reported as false positives. In most tests we will still report
0 positive partitions and, thus, 0 target copies. But for some samples, we may report 1, 2 or more copies. These will all be false
positive counts.
The robust way to experimentally measure LOB of a test is to
run multiple blank samples, record the number of targets reported
and rank order the results. When we draw a line at the 95% percentile, the value where this happens is the 95% LOB. It is good
practice to verify the assumed Poisson distribution of the counts
by fitting a model. Theory predicts that these counts will also follow
a Poisson distribution, as long as each negative partition may be
independently misreported as positive. The average number of false
positive target counts per test will equal the FPR per partition times
the number of partitions per test. If the counts per test do not
appear to follow a Poisson distribution, we may still use the LOB
number, but need to be aware there are other effects playing a role,
other than unreliable detection of negative partitions. These may
point to additional assay variability or inadequate lab practices.
Svilen Tzonev
Limit of Detection (LOD)
The limit of detection, LOD, at a particular confidence level,
frequently 95%, is another critical concept. The formal definition,
according to the CLSI guidelines, is the minimum level of the
analyte in a sample that will be reported as detected with this
same 95% probability. The LOD level depends on the analytical
call cutoff threshold and FPR and FNR values. An increase of the
FPR per partition will lead to an increase of the false positives and
will cause the system to report on average higher counts than truth,
pushing the apparent LOD lower if the cutoff is held constant (see
below). An increase of the FNR has the opposite effect—it may
cause positive partitions to appear as negative, effectively reporting
a lower value for the analyte than truth. This will increase the LOD,
if we hold the cutoff threshold constant.
The lowest possible value for the call cutoff is 1 copy per test,
i.e., if we see a single copy of the target we will call the sample
positive. Even if FPR and FPN are exactly zero, we already saw how
subsampling puts a fundamental limit on what target levels we can
detect confidently. Recall when we expect to draw on average three
target copies, there is a 5% probability that any individual draw will
contain no copies at all—there would be nothing to detect! This
observation sets a critical level of three copies as the natural LOD of
molecular counting assays like in dPCR when subsampling is a
factor (see exceptions in “Finite Subsampling” section below).
This limitation applies to any other counting based methods, like
versions of next generation sequencing, that detect individual target molecules. Choosing a higher level for the call cutoff will
produce a higher LOD value. Table 1 illustrates the LOD 95%
values for different cutoff values.
A word of caution, the reader should not confuse the concepts
of Sensitivity and Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of a test. The
Table 1
LOD 95% values for different test cutoff values (copies per test). FPR ¼ 0,
FNR ¼ 0
Call cutoff (positive sample)
copies per test
LOD 95% copies
per test
Counting Statistics
Sensitivity, again, relates to the probability that the test will call a
positive sample as positive, while PPV inverts the logic—it defines
the probability that a sample that is called positive by the test is
indeed positive in reality.
Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
For quantitative tests the limit of quantification (LOQ) of a test is
defined as the minimum level of an analyte that can be measured
within a predefined level of uncertainty. The uncertainty is typically
expressed by the standard deviation or the coefficient of variation
based on multiple measurements of a given sample at the LOQ
level. The preferred imprecision level depends on the situation,
typical numbers include 20%, 35%, or higher and depend on the
requirements of the application.
By definition, the values of the three parameters must be
For any test the LOD must be higher than the LOB, and the
LOQ cannot be lower than the LOD. At the lowest LOD achievable, three copies, the minimal possible coefficient of variation is
CV min ¼ pffiffiffi 58%
In practice, the observed CV at this level will usually be higher
as other sources of variability will inevitably add to this theoretical
minimum. There are dPCR tests with remarkably low levels of
LOB, LOD, and LOQ, which reach very close to the theoretical
limits of single molecule detection levels.
Why and How Do These Performance Characteristics Matter
The concepts discussed above describe the overall performance of a
test of interest. This is expressed in the context of “absolute truth”
on the analytical side or a prior method of measurement of what
matters on the clinical side. For example, if a patient has ten viral
particles per 10 ml of blood (for a total of 5000 in the circulation),
is this clinically significant? Should this be viewed as a positive or a
negative patient? Typically, one chooses the clinical cutoff level on a
population basis based on criteria relevant to patient health or
The relationships between the test performance characteristics
and the clinical cutoff level determine the ultimate utility of the test.
Svilen Tzonev
Table 2
Clinical and test concepts meaning and context
When known
How known or chosen relative to test
Applies to
Is a patient considered clinically Based on external
positive or negative
clinical knowledge
Before the test
is performed
When the test reports positive or Chosen to satisfy test
negative result
Before the test
is performed
Maximum value (95%
probability) that may be
reported on a blank sample
Determined during test Before the test
is performed
development and
Level of analyte that can be
reliably (95% probability)
detected by the test
Determined during test Before the test
development and
is performed
Test result
Sample + Test What the test measured for a
given sample
By performing a test on After the test is
a sample
The meaning of and the context of selected concepts are summarized in Table 2.
In general, a test is suitable for determining patient status
when its LOD matches the clinical cutoff and does not produce too
many false positive results. But there may be cases where higher
specificity is preferred and the LOD differs from the clinical cutoff.
Table 2 also illustrates why it may be acceptable to report below a
stated LOD: the LOD is what we know about the test before we
have measured any particular sample. The test result is what we
know about the combination of test and sample—after we have
performed a measurement (see “Reporting below LOD” below).
Effects of False Positives, False Negatives, and Call Cutoffs
When a test has a finite (nonzero) FPR or FNR values, the values of
LOB, LOD, and LOQ will be different than when the FPR and
FNR are zero. In general, higher rates of false positive partitions
will lead to higher values of LOB for a fixed specificity. Since the
cutoff values must be integers, in practice there is a quantization
effect in this relationship.
As an illustration, let us consider first a test with zero FPR and
FNR. In this case the LOB will be zero copies per test at 100%
specificity level, the LOD will be three copies per test at the 95%
sensitivity level for a call cutoff of one copy per test. (The LOB will
of course also be zero at 95% specificity level.) The LOQ could be
11 copies per test at 30% CV, or perhaps, five copies per test at 45%
CV. These are the best possible performance characteristics of any
Counting Statistics
test based on counting single molecules, no matter what technology
is used.
Now let us increase the FPR to 0.01 copies per test. The LOB is
zero copies but at 99% specificity level, the LOD will be 2.99 copies
at 95% sensitivity. As we increase further the FPR per test, we can
keep LOB at zero but will lose specificity; at the same time LOD
will keep going lower for a fixed sensitivity level. We are still keeping
the cutoff value at one copy per test. Refer to Fig. 5b. At some value
of the FPR per test, the specificity may become unacceptably low
and we may be forced to choose a different cutoff—to the next
integer up. When we do this, we regain higher specificity, but have
to jump to a different zone for the LOD value—as a result, there
will be a significant change in the LOD value. This happens because
the specificity, sensitivity, and cutoff values are interrelated, and in
digital we must use an integer value for the cutoff. This “integerness” requirement leads to specific zones of operation for any
digital test.
Table 3 illustrates the critical values of various parameters for
selected specificity and sensitivity levels and the zones defined by
the choice of cutoff level. Here is how to read it: The first column
contains the value of the call cutoff. Column 2 contains the maximum value of the FP counts per test allowed so we can operate at
95% specificity. Column 3 contains the corresponding value for the
LOD at 95% sensitivity (given the cutoff value and the max FPR).
All units are copes per test. The last column repeats the numbers
from Table 1 and illustrates the LOD level if we were operating at
exactly zero FPR.
Let us look at the row for cutoff of 1. If we need to have
specificity of at least 95% and use this cutoff, our test cannot have
FPR of higher than 0.05 copies per test. At this FPR level, the LOD
at 95% sensitivity will be 2.94 copies per test.
Table 3
Critical levels of cutoff value, FPR, and LOD for selected specificity and
sensitivity values
Spec 95%, Sens 95%
Call cutoff
(positive sample)
max FPR copies
per test
LOD 95%
LOD 95%
at 0 FPR
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For a test with FPR of 0.1 copies per test, in order to keep
specificity above 95%, we must choose a cutoff of 2. For this cutoff,
maximum FPR is 0.36 copies per test and the LOD at this FPR will
be 4.39 at 95% Sensitivity (row 2). Actual specificity for a test with
0.1 FPR and cutoff of 2 copies will be higher than 95% and we can
estimate the LOD 95% by subtracting 0.1 from 4.74 to get 4.64.
The careful reader will notice that the values of columns 2 and
3 add up to the value of column 5 for any given cutoff value (subject
to rounding effects). Intuitively, this roughly translates to the statement that “all positive calls are either a true or a false positive for any
given cutoff level.”
Our last example will be a test with a FPR of one copy per test
and also negligible FNR. Since we cannot choose a cutoff between
three and four, we have to go to four. A sample is positive when we
see at least four copies. In this case the LOB is three copies (at a
level higher than 95% but we have no choice) per test. The 95%
LOD is approximately 6.75 copies per test (7.75–1.00). In this
framework, we call a sample positive when we measure four copies
and we will correctly call a sample as positive when the expected
number of copies in our test is 6.75 as drawn from the larger whole.
We need to emphasize once more that these relationships
between the critical values are governed by fundamental counting
statistics considerations. As long as we are trying to ascertain something about the sample in vivo based on small representative subsample drawn from it, they will always apply. Subsampling at the
molecular level is governed by Poisson statistics and no technology
or approach can do better. dPCR technology and its commercial
implementation do allow us to reach very close to these physical
limitations, indeed.
Additional Considerations
15.1 Selecting
the Operating Point
We saw that the value of call cutoff, sensitivity, and specificity are
interrelated. How one chooses where to operate depends on the
requirement of the test: Is it more acceptable to call false positives
or false negatives? A commonly used scheme is to first select the
specificity level required. Together with the measured FPR (and
related LOB), this will determine the choice for the analytical cutoff
value. Then we evaluate the sensitivity required, which will finally
determine the LOD level for the test.
Referring to Fig. 5a, we first measure the distribution of results
on blank samples (left curve). We choose desired specificity, (1 β),
which sets the value of the call cutoff (area under the curve to the
right of the cutoff). We next select the desired Sensitivity, (1 α).
To do so, measure multiple replicates of samples at different levels
of positivity to generate a family of response curves (see Fig. 5a).
The curve (i.e., level of positivity) for which α% of the curve area is
Counting Statistics
to the left of the cutoff value determines the LOD at α%. Again, for
quantized measurements, we may be forced to settle on particular
values for specificity and sensitivity, since the cutoff must be an
15.2 Finite
There are circumstances where subsampling is minimal and we
therefore do not subsample a very small fraction of the whole. For
example, if experiments are performed on a single cell level and
most of the biological material is actually assayed. In such cases we
will not suffer the subsampling penalties to the same level. We need
to deal with hypergeometric distributions instead of Poisson, but
such details go beyond the scope of this chapter. In the extreme
case where we do measure the whole, “what we see is what was
there” principle applies and the only uncertainty would come from
partitioning variability and any dead volume in the system.
15.3 Nonstandard
We described above the cases where pure molecular stochasticity is
involved—the factors we know will be always present and that we
cannot control. In practice, there may be other sources of variability
that could extend uncertainty. Issues like inadequate lab practices,
contamination, reagent quality, and intermittent system performance may invalidate the rules described here. Regular monitoring
of predicted versus measured behavior is important. This is accomplished by running controls with any unknown samples and periodic evaluation of performance on such controls. Monitoring the
LOB on negative controls and verification of a Poisson distribution
of the false positives is helpful as well.
15.4 Multitarget
and Related-Target
A very common type of diagnostic tests is where a reference target is
measured together with the biomarker of interest. For example, the
number of wild-type genome copies detected is used as normalization for the number of mutant target copies. In this case a natural
quantity of interest is the Minor Allele Frequency (MAF), the ratio
of (mutant)/(mutant + wild type) copies. Clearly, samples with a
higher number of wild-type copies may show a higher number of
false mutant copies. The FPR per wild-type copy, then, becomes
the natural metric to watch. Careful estimation and monitoring of
this rate is important to develop and apply appropriate cutoff
criteria. The concepts of LOB, LOD, and LOQ, as described
above, are applicable for the MAF value. In many cases, the LOD
when expressed in MAF space, will still be determined by the
availability of actual mutant copies. As we saw, the critical value is
three mutant copies for 95% confidence, which, when divided by
the wild-type copies present, will establish the critical level for the
MAF at 95% confidence.
When a large number of wild-type copies are present, the
cluster of partitions with both wild-type and mutant copies, i.e.,
double-positives, becomes more diffuse and it may be harder to
Svilen Tzonev
select appropriate amplitude threshold values. One technique that
can minimize the false calls is to use only pure mutant partitions as a
reliable source of mutant copies and compare against the doublenegative partitions’ count, although this will somewhat diminish
the sensitivity of the test.
15.5 Reporting
Below LOD
Should we report a result which falls below the LOD? The nature of
dPCR allows us to do this with confidence, provided that certain
criteria are met.
Let us first consider what the LOD means. This is what we
know about the detection capabilities of our test before we have
performed an experiment on an unknown sample. At this stage we
usually know nothing about the sample—this is why it is called
unknown. After we have performed the measurement, we know
more about the sample. The LOD applies to the test, while actual
reported level applies to the sample.
Because dPCR essentially counts individual molecules, when
we know that the FPR is sufficiently low, we may reliably call sample
levels below formal LOD. Consider a test with FPR less than 0.05
per test and, thus, with 95% LOB of zero target copies. If we detect
one or two targets, we are 95% confident that these are real and can
be reported with such confidence, even though this is below the
95% LOD of three copies per test. Operating at very low FPR is
always desirable from a performance guarantee perspective and
allows one to report confidently below formal test LOD levels.
15.6 Increasing
the Measured Volume
Many of the limitations described above arise due to low levels of
target molecule counts. If we subsample a small volume of the
whole, we will always be limited by the molecular stochasticity
processes. One way to counteract that is to increase the subsampling volume so we do not operate so close to the fundamental limit
of three copies. In other words, increasing the expected number of
molecules to be detected will always help to improve test performance.
However, if preamplification is used, one has to watch for potential
biases and nonuniformity and accept the likely loss of absolute
quantification—a major benefit for dPCR.
Digital PCR technology and available commercial systems and
assays have reached the point where they are becoming mainstream
and preferred approaches when most precise and sensitive detection
of genomic targets is required. With increased availability of such
solutions, the field needs to understand the issues that are specific
to counting statistics so better tests can be developed, validated,
and put into practice for the benefit of science and patients alike.
Counting Statistics
While we cannot beat the fundamental limits due to molecular
stochasticity, dPCR technology allows us to operate at the best
possible mode.
Many thanks to my Bio-Rad colleagues George Karlin-Neumann,
Dianna Maar, Xitong Li, Lucas Frenz, and Francisco Bizouarn for
multiple suggestions on content and clarity of this chapter.
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