This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. XACT ZD&T COOKBOOK 2020 PUBLIC PLANNING, INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION Page 1-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface Sixth edition (2016-2020) This document is developed by Xact Consulting A/S. Any use or copying should recognize this. This is not an IBM Redbook, but developed as an internal work document over several years and has always been a work-in-progress. Note that usage of many of the mentioned products and subsystems depend on your actual licenses and should be checked with your vendors. Use this document at your own responsibility solely. Some of the tools mentioned are owned and developed by Xact Consulting and should be licensed from Xact Consulting A/S or replaced by your own. Main authors: Michael Erichsen, Kim Holm Christensen, Allan Dinesen, Tina Fersner, Mads Zandersen, and Jens Elbæk. © This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Page 1-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface Table of Contents 1 Preface .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Implementation process ....................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Hardware and disk layout.................................................................................................................................... 1-1 2 Preparations .................................................................................................................. 2-4 2.1 Identify a committed team................................................................................................................................... 2-4 2.2 Implement pilot hardware .................................................................................................................................. 2-4 2.3 Install Linux operating system........................................................................................................................... 2-5 2.4 Establish connectivity and access..................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.5 License ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 2.6 Identify requirements............................................................................................................................................ 2-6 2.7 Pilot workshop ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-7 2.8 Requirements analysis report ............................................................................................................................ 2-9 2.9 Refined pilot estimate......................................................................................................................................... 2-10 2.10 Pilot stop/go decision ......................................................................................................................................... 2-10 3 Infrastructure and networking ....................................................................................... 3-1 4 ZD&T EE Tools................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.1 Boot ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Network ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3 Install an FTP server .............................................................................................................................................. 4-4 4.4 Web User Interface installation on Linux ...................................................................................................... 4-5 4.5 Running without LDAP.......................................................................................................................................... 4-6 4.6 Running with LDAP ................................................................................................................................................ 4-7 4.7 Creating desktop icons to start and stop the server .............................................................................. 4-10 4.8 Starting and using ................................................................................................................................................ 4-10 4.9 EE Tools configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 4-11 4.10 ZDT Host components installation on z/OS .............................................................................................. 4-15 4.11 Tools usage.............................................................................................................................................................. 4-16 5 ZD&T licenses ................................................................................................................ 5-1 5.1 License types ............................................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 License server hardware ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.3 Operating system..................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 5.4 Create System user ................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 Page 1-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface 5.5 Software license server program ...................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.6 Hardware license server program ................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.7 Check if license USB is attached ........................................................................................................................ 5-5 5.8 License client ............................................................................................................................................................. 5-6 5.9 License key renewal process .............................................................................................................................. 5-7 5.10 Local license............................................................................................................................................................... 5-7 6 VMWare Layer ............................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Cloning ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Compacting disk space .......................................................................................................................................... 6-6 7 Linux Layer .................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 Example tables.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-2 7.2 Operating system..................................................................................................................................................... 7-3 7.3 System boot commands ........................................................................................................................................ 7-3 7.4 Define the system user .......................................................................................................................................... 7-3 7.5 Linux file systems and directory structure ................................................................................................... 7-4 7.6 Networking ................................................................................................................................................................ 7-4 7.7 Linux renew ip command using dhcp ............................................................................................................. 7-5 7.8 Linux Software ....................................................................................................................................................... 7-13 8 z1090/z1091 Layer ......................................................................................................... 8-1 9 ADCD Layer.................................................................................................................... 9-1 9.1 Unpack zVolumes .................................................................................................................................................... 9-1 9.2 Remove unused volumes (optional)................................................................................................................ 9-1 9.3 Create device map ................................................................................................................................................... 9-3 9.4 Configure license client ......................................................................................................................................... 9-3 10 Create master image .................................................................................................... 10-1 10.1 VMWare activities ................................................................................................................................................ 10-1 10.2 Changes to network device names ................................................................................................................ 10-4 10.3 ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities ................................................................................................................ 10-5 11 Clone new active image ............................................................................................... 11-1 11.1 Before cloning, when upgrading an existing system ............................................................................. 11-1 11.2 Cloning ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11-2 11.3 After cloning ........................................................................................................................................................... 11-2 12 Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) ..................................................................................... 12-1 12.1 IPL Error................................................................................................................................................................... 12-1 12.2 Runzpdt error ........................................................................................................................................................ 12-1 Page 1-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface 12.3 OSA error ................................................................................................................................................................. 12-2 12.4 Warm JES IPL ......................................................................................................................................................... 12-1 12.5 SYS1.LOGREC.......................................................................................................................................................... 12-1 12.6 Initial configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 12-1 12.7 TCPIP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12-3 12.8 Shutdown console command........................................................................................................................... 12-6 13 Normal start IPL ........................................................................................................... 13-1 13.1 DHCP missing ......................................................................................................................................................... 13-1 13.2 Runzpdt does not clean up! .............................................................................................................................. 13-1 13.3 Basic z/OS configuration ................................................................................................................................... 13-1 13.4 Establish naming standards ............................................................................................................................. 13-2 13.5 Reallocate ZFS.ADCD22B.VAR......................................................................................................................... 13-2 13.6 Xact installation disks ......................................................................................................................................... 13-3 13.7 Create a specific user configuration disk and a user disk .................................................................... 13-3 13.8 Your personal admin user................................................................................................................................. 13-4 14 Create basic z/OS configuration ................................................................................... 14-1 14.1 Xact tools .................................................................................................................................................................. 14-1 14.2 Core tables ............................................................................................................................................................... 14-1 14.3 ISPF............................................................................................................................................................................. 14-6 14.4 VTAM ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14-7 14.5 Customize SYSID ................................................................................................................................................... 14-9 14.6 Symbols and aliases (optional) .................................................................................................................... 14-15 14.7 WLM ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14-16 14.8 SMS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14-16 14.9 RRS........................................................................................................................................................................... 14-18 14.10 STEPNAME and PROCSTEP in SDSF ..................................................................................................... 14-21 14.11 Spin syslog....................................................................................................................................................... 14-21 14.12 Health Checker .............................................................................................................................................. 14-21 14.13 SMF..................................................................................................................................................................... 14-24 14.14 LE/370 (Optional) ....................................................................................................................................... 14-24 14.15 SMP/E ............................................................................................................................................................... 14-25 14.16 z/OS MF ............................................................................................................................................................ 14-25 14.17 Java batch......................................................................................................................................................... 14-31 14.18 Symlink in USS (Optional) ........................................................................................................................ 14-31 14.19 AT-TLS .............................................................................................................................................................. 14-32 Page 1-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface 14.20 DB2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14-34 14.21 QMF .................................................................................................................................................................... 14-42 14.22 MQ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14-43 14.23 CICS .................................................................................................................................................................... 14-48 14.24 IMS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14-72 14.25 IBM Developer for z..................................................................................................................................... 14-92 14.26 ADFz................................................................................................................................................................. 14-117 14.27 Engineering Workflow Management (RTCz) 6.0.4....................................................................... 14-128 14.28 AD Connect.................................................................................................................................................... 14-135 14.29 Installation Manager ................................................................................................................................. 14-136 14.30 Liberty Server .............................................................................................................................................. 14-139 14.31 ICSF .................................................................................................................................................................. 14-142 14.32 zCX .................................................................................................................................................................... 14-144 14.33 OpenSSH......................................................................................................................................................... 14-148 14.34 Node.js ............................................................................................................................................................ 14-151 14.35 Zowe ................................................................................................................................................................ 14-153 14.36 EGL ................................................................................................................................................................... 14-158 14.37 IWS ................................................................................................................................................................... 14-159 14.38 SA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14-163 15 ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities .......................................................................... 15-166 15.1 DB2 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15-166 15.2 RACF...................................................................................................................................................................... 15-168 15.3 Backup.................................................................................................................................................................. 15-169 15.4 Linux image replacement ............................................................................................................................. 15-169 16 Integrate host data and applications ............................................................................ 16-1 16.1 Describe test cases ............................................................................................................................................... 16-1 16.2 Identify host data and applications for pilot ............................................................................................. 16-1 16.3 Create test image for user data and applications .................................................................................... 16-3 16.4 Implement migration server program and connectivity ............. Error! Bookmark not defined. 16.5 Migrate and mount test image ........................................................................................................................ 16-5 16.6 Create new SMS-managed user disk for DB2 user data ....................................................................... 16-6 16.7 Define and load databases ................................................................................................................................ 16-7 16.8 Configure applications........................................................................................................................................ 16-7 16.9 System test .............................................................................................................................................................. 16-7 17 Pilot test ...................................................................................................................... 17-1 Page 1-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface 18 Clean up ...................................................................................................................... 18-1 19 Design Long term system ............................................................................................. 19-1 20 Build long term system ................................................................................................ 20-1 20.1 Implement server farm ...................................................................................................................................... 20-1 20.2 Long term connectivity and access ............................................................................................................... 20-1 20.3 Cloning Images ...................................................................................................................................................... 20-1 20.4 Configuration ......................................................................................................................................................... 20-1 20.5 Procedure for the server configuration ...................................................................................................... 20-2 20.6 Procedure for a single user system ............................................................................................................... 20-3 20.7 Configuring the “golden” cloned system ..................................................................................................... 20-3 20.8 Develop processes and tools ............................................................................................................................ 20-5 20.9 Establish in-house support team ................................................................................................................... 20-5 20.10 Operating system and subsystem upgrades ........................................................................................ 20-5 20.11 Source control management ....................................................................................................................... 20-7 20.12 Deployment/provision ................................................................................................................................. 20-7 20.13 Host synchronization..................................................................................................................................... 20-7 20.14 Test data management .................................................................................................................................. 20-7 20.15 Quality assurance and reporting .............................................................................................................. 20-7 20.16 Scheduling .......................................................................................................................................................... 20-7 20.17 Automation ........................................................................................................................................................ 20-7 20.18 Security................................................................................................................................................................ 20-7 21 Hand-over ................................................................................................................... 21-1 21.1 Describe operations procedures .................................................................................................................... 21-1 21.2 Training .................................................................................................................................................................... 21-1 21.3 Coaching ................................................................................................................................................................... 21-1 21.4 Final acceptance .................................................................................................................................................... 21-1 22 Personal Edition........................................................................................................... 22-1 22.1 Operating system.................................................................................................................................................. 22-2 22.2 Network configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 22-5 Appendices ......................................................................................................................... 22-1 Appendix A. IPL procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 22-1 Appendix B. Stand-alone IPL...................................................................................................................................... 22-1 Appendix C. Shutdown procedure........................................................................................................................... 22-1 Appendix D. Xact scripts for Linux import and customization .................................................................... 22-2 Appendix E. Xact jobs for z/OS import and customization ........................................................................... 22-2 Page 1-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface Appendix F. Create a user disk ................................................................................................................................. 22-4 Appendix G. PDSUTIL.................................................................................................................................................... 22-8 Appendix H. XACONEDT ........................................................................................................................................... 22-10 Appendix I. XACLONE ............................................................................................................................................... 22-11 Appendix J. Parmlib processor ............................................................................................................................. 22-12 Appendix K. RACF migration .................................................................................................................................. 22-14 Appendix L. Useful Softlayer commands ........................................................................................................... 22-15 Appendix M. Useful z/OS commands ................................................................................................................... 22-16 Appendix N. Restarting Gnome .............................................................................................................................. 22-17 Appendix O. Restoring the master console ....................................................................................................... 22-17 Appendix P. Hints and tips ...................................................................................................................................... 22-18 Figures .............................................................................................................................. 22-20 Tables ............................................................................................................................... 22-21 Page 1-8 1 Preface This document is developed as an internal cookbook describing how to prepare and configure zPDT and ZD&T using Xact tools, templates and methods. It has been released for external use in 2020. 1.1 Implementation process This is the implementation process: Figure 1. Implementation process 1.2 Hardware and disk layout Each instance will look like this: Page 1-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Local User Volume Preface Local User Volume Local User Volume Local User Volume Instance Specific Configuration Volume Generic Configuration Volume Host data and applications zVolumes z1090 Linux Hardware Platform Figure 2. Hardware and disk layout An ZD&T farm will look like this: Page 1-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preface Server Farm License Server Master PoC Instance Future Instance Future Instance Future Instance Figure 3. Server farm layout A single active instance could look like this: IMS DB2 CICS Batch Flows Edit, compile, debug Figure 4. Active ZD&T instance Page 1-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preparations 2 Preparations Figure 5. Preparations process Preconditions for a customer workshop include: • • • • • User organization identified o Stakeholders o Users o Partners Pilot project identified Hardware platform decided and implemented Hardware and underlying Linux implemented with sufficient CPU, RAM, disk and connectivity o Root access for Xact staff needed o Linux 32-bit support configured Remote access established and tested 2.1 Identify a committed team This is probably the most important part of the preparations. The team must include developers, testers, architects, managers, and technical staff. And they must feel a compelling need for the ZD&T system. Xact can’t do this alone. 2.2 Implement pilot hardware This can be physical, virtual, e.g. VMWare, or cloud, e.g. IBM Softlayer. It includes a server for each ZD&T system and optionally a license server. Hardware platforms supported: • • 64-bit x86 Intel or compatible servers zEnterprise® BladeCenter® Extension Model 003 hardware (zBX version 3) Minimum processor rating: • Generation 3 Intel i7 2.6 GHz Quad-core or equivalent Processor core requirement: • At least 1 Linux core is required for each set of 3 z/OS cores implemented. Page 2-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • • Preparations For standard installations, the following is recommended: a 4-Core system with 1 core devoted to Linux and 3 cores devoted to z/OS. For Sysplex installations, the following is recommended: an 11-Core system with 3 cores devoted to Linux and 8 cores devoted to z/VM® and its guests. Memory requirement: • • • 2 GB to 4 GB of RAM required per emulated Central Processor (CP) for z/OS 1 GB per processor core allocated to Linux For those using the sysplex capability, 1 GB per coupling facility. Disk partitions (Minimum) • • • One for the root partition, containing all the normal root directories such as /usr, /lib, /home, /etc. This partition should be 10-20 GB. One for a swap partition for Linux. This partition should be 4 GB or larger. A large partition for emulated System z volumes and any other user data. (/z) Removable media requirements • • • If a license server is not being used, a suitable USB port must be available for the 1091 hardware key. Do not use an unpowered USB port expander when using zPDT. In particular, do not install the USB Hardware Device in an unpowered USB port expander A supported Linux system must be installed on this platform together with the tools listed later in this document – or the possibility to install them. 2.3 Install Linux operating system A supported Linux operating system must be installed, typically Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago). Linux 32 bit support must be installed to run the ZD&T installation. If it is not, you will get an error like: Error: required 32bit version of libstdc++ is not installed. Please install it and retry this install. RPM install is terminated. If so you need to install the 32-bit package from the RHEL6 distribution. Ask the package manager: $ rpm -q libstdc++ Answer could be: libstdc++-4.4.7-3.el6.x86_64 Then install the 32-bit version using $ rpm -ivh libstdc++-4.4.7-3.el6.ppc.rpm Page 2-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preparations If not available it can be downloaded from +-4.4.7-3.el6.i686.rpm.html If you are missing dependencies then use add/remove software, uncheck Filters --> uncheck Only Native Packages, search for libstdc++ and mark libstdc++ (i686). The system will automatic download dependencies. Alternatively use $ sudo yum install libstdc++.i686 2.4 Establish connectivity and access It is very important that Xact has connectivity and access to the Linux system. This includes either direct access from Xact workstations or a number of virtual desktops. The following ports need to be open: Table 1. TCP/IP ports on Linux Port Application Description 22 PuTTY SSH and Telnet emulator 5901 VNC Full screen interface 5902 VNC Full screen interface 5903 VNC Full screen interface … 2.5 License For a personal edition a single license dongle is sufficient for a pilot project. It must be acquired and connected to the hardware platform. Otherwise a license server must be provisioned and installed, so a software key can be requested from IBM. 2.6 Identify requirements Figure 6. Identify requirements process Page 2-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preparations 2.7 Pilot workshop Table 2. Sample pilot workshop agenda Day Start time Planned Title time Contents Participants Verify VPN connect / remote access to Server, Linux, ZD&T image etc. Verify Hardware and Software configuration incl. USB Plugged In Verify root (linux) and ibmsys1 (z/OS) access Service provider, Xact 1 09:00 2 Precondition verification 1 11:00 3 Define the success criteria (½ hour lunch break added) All involved 1 0 Identify optionally further implementation preconditions All involved 1 0 Decide naming standard model Identical to host? Local standard? ZD&T specifics? ALIASes? Affinities? Application people, data adm 1 0 Decide security and access model Identical to host? Everything open? Somewhere in between? All involved 1 14:30 0,5 Identify contact persons for implementation Project Managers 1 15:00 2 Identify usage patterns Knowledge transfer to Xact about applications, integration, operational procedures etc. Application people, data admin 2 09:00 1 Identification of included data, applications and dependencies Knowledge transfer to Xact Application people, data admin 2 10:00 1 Decide about file management Manual? Procedures? Application people, data admin Page 2-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preparations 2 11:00 1 Identify build procedures Compile, Link, Bind Property Group Mapping? Menu Manager? 3270? Application people, sysprog 2 11:30 0,5 Plan debugging Debug Tool? Integrated Debugger? Application people, sysprog 2 12 Lunch break 2 12:30 0,5 Decide about Easytrieve Is it needed? CA contact/contract? Application people, sysprog 2 13:00 2 Describe infrastructure, tools and subsystems (incl versions) COBOL REXX IMS TM IMS Connect IMS DM DB2 VSAM QSAM TCP/IP CICS MQ Sysprog 2 15:00 0,5 Precision of ZD&T package contents Anything missing? What can be disabled? CICS, MQ, IMS, WAS… Sysprog 2 15:30 0,5 Describe transfer of load modules and DBRM's DASD migration, XMIT, transfer, RECEIVE, BIND Sysprog 2 16:00 0,5 Identify DB2 artefacts Base configuration, DDL, exits, code pages... DB2 sysprog & adm 2 16:30 0,5 Identify IMS/CICS artefacts Base configuration, PSB's, DBD's, exits, IMS Connect IMS sysprog & adm 3 09:00 1 Describe creation or transfer of test data 3 10:00 1 Backup and restore on ZD&T Reload from z? VMWare snapshot? Disk level backup? File level backup? Data adm 3 11:00 1 Plan Data Management Data Studio? IMS/CICS/MQ Explorer? File Manager? 3rd party? Data adm 3 12:00 Lunch break Data adm Page 2-8 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preparations 3 12:30 1 Plan disk configuration System configuration, data, applications, logs, image copies Prepare for later ZD&T upgrades Storage adm 3 13:30 1 Decide about automation Manual? SA? 3rd party? Application people, operations 3 14:30 1 Wrap-up What have we found (broad outline) All involved Basis for refined estimate Outstanding issues Next steps 2.8 Requirements analysis report 2.8.1 Sample disposition $ Problem description $ Source system o Software development lifecycle o Source System Topology o SysPlexes and LPAR's o Subsystems o Software gap analysis ▪ Source system ▪ ZD&T package ▪ Target system o Programming Languages o User Interfaces o Test data management o Batch o Naming standards o Exits $ Long term target o Development tools o Testing tools o Data to be copied o Source control and build processes o Security o Test Data Management o Scheduling and Automation o Data copying mechanisms from host to ZD&T o Operating System Upgrade Strategies $ Pilot (short term) target Page 2-9 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Preparations o Application in scope ▪ On-line ▪ Batch o Data to be copied o Software in Scope ▪ IBM tools ▪ Vendor Software o Infrastructure ▪ Firewall openings ▪ Routing o End of Pilot project conditions $ Implementation plan 2.9 Refined pilot estimate A refined estimate must be produced, based on the report. Otherwise the risk is great that the scope of the pilot has crept upwards without the consent of those, who are responsible for the budget. 2.10 Pilot stop/go decision This must be made by the customer, based on the report and the refined estimate Page 2-10 3 Infrastructure and networking Network intervals on Xact in 1.2.3.*: 170-179 linux* 180-189 zOS* 191-199 zpdt0*linux 201-209 zpdt0*zos System zpdt01zos VMWare Vcenter01.domain.ext Exsvm04.domain.ext zOSLinuxPDT 2 CPU MAC 00:50:56:af:d9:02 1 Rainbow Sentinel USB Key Linux Version 7.6 (Maipo) Zoslinuxpdt.domain.ext Ethernet Virtual bridge Z1090 or z1091 Depending on zPDT or ZD&T license and package z/OS Not installed zosLicense VMWare Vcenter02.domain.ext zosLicense 2 CPU MAC 00:50:56:96:ff:8e 4 Rainbow Sentinel USB Keys Linux Version 6.6 (Santiago) Zoslicense.domain.ext Ethernet F0 eth2 Z1090 or z1091 Page 3-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration zOSLinux00 Infrastructure and networking ZD&T License manager VMWare Vcenter02.domain.ext zOSLinux00.domain.ext 4 CPU MAC 00:50:56:96:91:46 Linux Version 7.7 Zoslinux00.domain.ext F0 eth2 00:50:56:96:91:46 Z1091 1-9.53.04 ZD&T PE 12.0.4 20190502193838 z/OS Version 2.3 Zos00 XA00 Zos00.xact,dk zOSLinux01 VMWare Vcenter02.domain.ext zOSLinux01 4 CPU MAC 00:50:56:96:53:89 Linux Version 6.6 (Santiago) Ethernet F0 eth0 Z1090 OR Z1091 Z1090 z/OS Version 1.13 Zos0 S0W1 (Deprecated) zOSLinux02 VMWare Vcenter02.domain.ext zOSLinux02 4 CPU MAC 00:50:56:96:50:AE Page 3-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Infrastructure and networking Linux Version 7.6 (Maipo) Find_io F0 eth0 00:50:56:96:50:AE A0 tap0 00:50:56:AF:D9:02 Ifcfg-eth0 HWADDR=00:50:56:AF:D9:02 Z1091 z/OS Version 2.3 Zos02 XA02 zOSLinux03 VMWare Vcenter02.domain.ext zOSLinux03 4 CPU MAC 00:50:56:96:53:93 Linux Version 6.6 (Santiago) Ethernet F0 eth3 Z1090 OR Z1091 Z1091 z/OS Version 2.2 Zos03 XA03 zdttools VMWare Vcenter02.domain.ext zOSLinuxZDTEE 2 CPU MAC 00:50:56:a6:d7:3d Linux Version 7.7 Zdttools.domain.ext Ethernet F0 ens192 Page 3-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Infrastructure and networking iZ1091 Version 12.0.4 20190506160914 Example address table: Table 3. Names and IP addresses System Name DNS-address IP-address zoslicense.domain.ext ZD&T Linux zOSLinux02 zoslinux02.domain.ext ZD&T z/OS ZOS02 Zos02.domain.ext License server ports: Table 4. License server ports Port Description 1947 Sentinel Admin Control Center 9443 ZD&T EE Tools Web Interface 9450 License server 9451 UIM server ZD&T Linux server: Table 5. ZD&T Linux server ports Port Description 20 FTP 21 FTP 22 SSH 3270 Unique IP port number for aws3274 ZD&T: Table 6. z/OS ports Port APPLID Description 20 FTPD1 FTP Server (system-to-system) 21 FTPD1 FTP Server 22 SSHD* Secure Shell 23 TN3270 Telnet Server Page 3-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Infrastructure and networking 25 SMTP SMTP Server 80 HTTPD1 Web Server 443 HTTPD1 1023 NFSC 1024 INETD1 1080 IZUSVR1 ZOSMF 1416 CSQ9CHIN MQ 1490 CICSTS54 CICS CSMI 1495 CICSTS54 CICS Debug Tool 1496 CICSTS54 CICS Debug Admin 2006 CTGPROC CICS Transaction Gateway 2800 IPVSRV1 PD Tools Common Component 2980 CTGPROC CICS Transaction Gateway 3000 CICSTS54 CICS Socket 4035 RSED z/OS Explorer RSE daemon 4152 BLZISPFD RTC ISPF Client Daemon 4712 CICSTS54 CICS IPIC listener 5035 DBCGDIST DB2 5036 DBCGDIST DB2 5037 DBCGDIST DB2 5335 DBGMGR Developer for System z Integrated debugger 5336 DBGMGR Developer for System z Integrated debugger 5555 BLZBFA1 RTC Build Forge Agent 5556 CCURUNM EGL Build Server 5988 CFZCIM z/OS MF Common Information Model 6666 CCURUNU EGL Build Server 6715 JMON Developer for System z - JES job monitor 7999 CCSTART* IDz Code Coverage 8888 IMS15HWS IMS Connect ODBM 9999 IMS15HWS IMS Connect 10443 IZUSVR1 z/OS MF Network File System Client Page 3-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Infrastructure and networking Big iron: Port APPLID Description 21 FTPD1 FTP Server Page 3-6 4 ZD&T EE Tools 4.1 Boot /etc/rc.d/rc.local: Add iptables -I IN_public_allow -s -d -p tcp --dport 9443 -j ACCEPT 4.2 Network Page 4-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Page 4-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Page 4-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 4.3 Install an FTP server yum install vsftpd ftp Systemctl enable vsftpd.service Edit the vsftpd.conf file, and make sure that local_enable=YES, write_enable=YES, anonymous_enable=YES are mentioned and uncommented. The file is presented in the /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. systemctl start vsftpd.service iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT Page 4-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools 4.4 Web User Interface installation on Linux Download ZDT_Install_EE_V12.0.5.0.tgz from IaObnr2FvXoCWl04LnZfTVbMZywomarQZKEp6ptkadOZIgdX7aVXOSlxctDbLeRgAqHINAa19E4biUlH Rz-2FfRC3Gw2b3fKC-2F5LGGAHlf0Id8iihUZ0luLaR3zPXyAblfxg4M0wScU9v0b0-3Dsu This requires special permission. Refer to “IBM z Systems Development and Test Environment Tools.pdf” or cs/product_family_welcome.html Unzip the package to ZDT_Install_EE_V12.0.5.0.x86_64 and run this as root. You might need to do a /usr/z1090/bin/uimserverstop if updating. Select • • 1, ZD&T Enterprise Edition. Then 1, Install. You can break out of the line-for-line “less” display by typing “q”. To start IBM z Systems Development and Test Environment Tools server, you must use the root userid to issue the following command $ /opt/ibm/zDT/bin/startServer This script is written to ensure the server process runs under the zdt userid, which is created during the Tools installation. To stop the server, issue the command $ /opt/ibm/zDT/bin/stopServer Install a browser on Linux if not already there and open https://localhost:9443/ZDTMC to make all definitions. Make sure to point to a disk space with a lot of storage. • Iptables -L -n Page 4-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • ZD&T EE Tools Iptables -I IN_public_allow -s -d -p tcp --dport 9443 -j ACCEPT Userid: xxx Password: xxx 4.5 Running without LDAP You can switch from LDAP to Basic Authentication by editing /opt/ibm/zDT/Liberty/usr/servers/zDTServer/server.xml: Comment the following strings: <include location="${server.config.dir}/ldap-conf.xml" optional="true"/> 4.5.1 Add more users Find the encryption key that is specified by wlp.password.encryption.key in the /opt/ibm/zDT/Liberty/usr/servers/zDTServer/ Generate a new password: /opt/ibm/zDT/Liberty/bin/securityUtility encode --encoding=aes -key=<encryption_key_found_above> <new password value> Add an entry in the server.xml include file basicauth-conf.xml with the new user ID and the encrypted string that is generated. The .xml file is located at /opt/ibm/zDT/Liberty/usr/servers/zDTServer/basicauth-conf.xml Page 4-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools <!-- user authentication --> <basicRegistry id="zDT" realm="zDT"> <user name="ibmsys1" password="{aes}ADyd9FuUtHaHFm+mJc/9hVI3e0I7MvLdnzn7U0kA9nMi" id="favourite_password"/> <user password="{aes}AETM4aV1eezG6VepmxUI1yiubGGjByEx4Ikx4aGOsfN2" name="USER1" id="USER1"></user> <user password="{aes}AH/3WjMfW9sror/pv75DUmdub78oSW1T8J9o9NBwjJpr" name="USER3" id="USER3"></user> <user password="{aes}AAeE1KJuK/gZizt53eqK4bA5mp68llsgoKTNU8V9P5PF" name="USER2" id="USER2"></user> Log in to the web server with the old user ID and password. Then, go to Configure > Users, and add the user. 4.6 Running with LDAP Add the appSecurity-2.0 Liberty feature. /opt/ibm/zDT/Liberty/usr/servers/zDTServer/ldap-conf.xml <ldapRegistry id="ldap" realm="XactLdapADRealm" host="srv-dc01.domain.ext" port="389" ignoreCase="true" baseDN="cn=users,dc=xact,dc=dk" bindDN="cn=testuser,cn=users,dc=xact,dc=dk" bindPassword="xxx" ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory" sslEnabled="true" sslRef="LDAPSSLSettings"> <activedFilters userFilter="(&amp;(sAMAccountName=%v)(objectcategory=user))" groupFilter="(&amp;(cn=%v)(objectcategory=group))" userIdMap="user:sAMAccountName" groupIdMap="*:cn" groupMemberIdMap="memberOf:member" > </activedFilters> </ldapRegistry> Page 4-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools <ssl id="LDAPSSLSettings" keyStoreRef="LDAPKeyStore" trustStoreRef="LDAPTrustStore" /> <keyStore id="LDAPKeyStore" location="${server.config.dir}/LdapSSLKeyStore.jks" type="JKS" password="{xor}xxx=" /> <keyStore id="LDAPTrustStore" location="${server.config.dir}/LdapSSLTrustStore.jks" type="JKS" password="{xor}xxx=" /> … On windows: nslookup set type=all _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain.ext Server: srv-dc01.domain.ext, … Add ldapEntityType elements to define LDAP object classes. Add the ObjectClass attributes or ObjectCategory attributes for your person or group entities. The defined ObjectClass or ObjectCategory are added to the user or group filter on searches. Examples of ObjectClass include inetOrgPerson or groupOfNames. <ldapEntityType name="PersonAccount"> <objectClass>ePerson</objectClass> </ldapEntityType> <ldapEntityType name="Group"> <objectClass>groupOfNames</objectClass> </ldapEntityType> <!-- Licensed Material - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019 - All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. --> <server description="IBM Z Development and Test Environment Enterprise Edition LDAP authentication registry for testing"> Page 4-8 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools <featureManager> <feature>ldapRegistry-3.0</feature> </featureManager> <!-- Define your LDAP configuration in this file as per: .wlp.doc/ae/twlp_sec_ldap.html?view=kc --> <ldapRegistry id="ldap" realm="XactLdapADRealm" host="srvdc01.domain.ext" port="389" ignoreCase="true" baseDN="cn=users,dc=xact,dc=dk" bindDN="cn=testuser,cn=users,dc=xact,dc=dk" bindPassword="xxx" ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory" sslEnabled="true" sslRef="LDAPSSLSettings"> <activedFilters userFilter="(&amp;(sAMAccountName=%v)(objectcategory=user))" groupFilter="(&amp;(cn=%v)(objectcategory=group))" userIdMap="user:sAMAccountName" groupIdMap="*:cn" groupMemberIdMap="memberOf:member"> </activedFilters> <ldapEntityType name="PersonAccount"> <objectClass>ePerson</objectClass> </ldapEntityType> <ldapEntityType name="Group"> <objectClass>groupOfNames</objectClass> </ldapEntityType> </ldapRegistry> <ssl id="LDAPSSLSettings" keyStoreRef="LDAPKeyStore" trustStoreRef="LDAPTrustStore" /> Page 4-9 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools <keyStore id="LDAPKeyStore" location="${server.config.dir}/LdapSSLKeyStore.jks" type="JKS" password="{xor}xxx=" /> <keyStore id="LDAPTrustStore" location="${server.config.dir}/LdapSSLTrustStore.jks" type="JKS" password="{xor}xxx=" /> </server> 4.7 Creating desktop icons to start and stop the server Create a file called “StartServer.desktop” on the desktop: [Desktop Entry] Name=Start Server Comment=Start the EE Tools Liberty Server Exec=/opt/ibm/zDT/bin/ Icon=/home/ibmsys1/Liberty.png Terminal=true Type=Application You need to place the icon there yourself. Fecth from Do the same for stopServer. 4.8 Starting and using To start IBM z Systems Development and Test Environment Tools server, you must use the root userid to issue the following command • /opt/ibm/zDT/bin/startServer This script is written to ensure the server process runs under the zdt userid, which is created during the Tools installation. To stop the server, issue the command • /opt/ibm/zDT/bin/stopServer Install a browser on Linux if not already there and open https://localhost:9443/ZDTMC to make all definitions. Make sure to point to a disk space with a lot of storage. • Iptables -L -n Page 4-10 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • ZD&T EE Tools Iptables -I IN_public_allow -s -d -p tcp --dport 9443 -j ACCEPT Userid: xxx Password: xxx 4.9 EE Tools configuration Page 4-11 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Page 4-12 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Page 4-13 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Page 4-14 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Copy all ADCD volumes to the volumes subdirectory. Needed for dataset extraction: /zAppliance/ImageStore/zos/zos03.domain.ext/datasets /zAppliance/ImageStore/zos/zos03.domain.ext/volumes 4.10 ZDT Host components installation on z/OS After the installer ZDT_Install_EE_V12.0.5.0.tgz run on a Linux machine to install the web user interface, the directory /opt/ibm/zDT/zSystem contains the IBM® Z components, the program directory file HALMC04.pdf, and other files, including the jar file zDTMainframeSFTP.jar. For the installation instructions of IBM Z component, refer to the details in HALMC04.pdf, specifically in section 6.0 "Installation Instructions". Transfer /opt/ibm/zDT/zSystem/zDTMainframeSFTP.jar to the USS folder /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt that is located at the source z/OS. Upload F1, F2, F3 and SMPMCS as binary FB 80 to z/OS. Page 4-15 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T EE Tools Run an SMP/E installation. PARMLIB(BPXPRMBP): MOUNT FILESYSTEM('FEUC03.ZFS') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/') In Unix System Services command shell, run with UID(0), enter the following commands : $ $ $ $ $ $ mkdir -p -m 755 /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt ln -e FEUCLI /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feucli.el touch /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feuc chmod 755 /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feuc touch /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feuexec chmod 755 /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feuexec Edit /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feuc to STEPLIB='dsprefix.SFEUAUTH' /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feucli.el "$@" Edit /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt/feuexec to tso exec "'dsprefix.SFEUEXEC($1)' '$2'" Transfer /opt/ibm/zDT/zSystem/zDTMainframeSFTP- to the USS folder /usr/lpp/IBM/zdt that is located at the source z/OS. APF authorize SFEUAUTH. Add to PROGA2 SETROPTS CLASSACT(DASDVOL) GENERIC(DASDVOL) RACLIST(DASDVOL) Define the relevant volumes and set permissions. 4.11 Tools usage The tools can install z1090, ADCD and user data and configurations. It is, however, still a work in progress. Page 4-16 5 ZD&T licenses 5.1 License types There are five license types as far as the USB hardware device is concerned: • AUSI • RVU (no parallel sysplex) • RVU (parallel sysplex) • Token (no parallel sysplex) • Token (parallel sysplex) Thus, we would need two USB devices and two license servers, if we had both AUSI licenses and RVU based ones. You can generate each update file with only one license type. That update file defines the capability configuration for the device. 5.2 License server hardware Get underlying hardware: $ less /proc/cpuinfo $ less /var/log/dmesg $ sudo dmidecode | less $ free -m Get Linux version: $ cat /etc/*-release $ uname -mrs Display filesystem command: $ df -h Table 7. License server hardware Component Value Virtual CPU’s 2 RAM 4GB Processors Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2665 0 @ 2.40GHz BIOS [TCE128J-2.32]- 01/30/2017 Hardware LENOVO System x3650 M5: -[8871EJG]-/01KN179 Page 5-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T licenses Table 8. License server file structure File system Size Mount point /dev/mapper/vg_zoslinux01-lv_root 50G / tmpfs 1.9G /dev/sh m /dev/sda1 477 M /boot /dev/mapper/vg_zoslinux01-lv_home 140G /home //snasx2.domain.ext/software/IBM/License_keys/z1091/Keys20 18 8.1T /mnt 5.3 Operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago) Linux 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64 x86_64 If 32-bit support needs to be added: $ sudo yum install libstdc++.i686 Table 9. License server Linux directories Directory Description /opt/IBM/LDK License key /usr/z1090/bin Z1090, UIM /usr/z1090/uim Uimclient.db /usr/z1090/bin uimcheck /opt/safenet_sentinel/common_files/sentinel_keys_server/loadserv restart /usr/z1090/bin/Z1091_token_update -status Uimreset -l 5.4 Create System user $ $ $ $ $ groupadd zpdt useradd -g zpdt ibmsys1 Passwd ibmsys1 [prompt] chroot_local_user=YES chroot_list_enable=YES Page 5-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T licenses $ chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list $ cd /etc $ touch vsftpd.chroot_list 5.5 Software license server program Directory Member Desscription /u/ibmsys1 .profile export PATH=/usr/z1090/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/z1090/bin;$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export MANPATH=/usr/z1090/man:$MANPATH Edited by doing “mv .profile profile” before and “mv profile .profile” after 5.5.1 License server software installation Copy installation image ZDTE_v10.0.1_INSTALL_EMG.iso to the license server. $ $ $ $ $ $ sudo mkdir /mnt (if not existing) sudo mount -o loop /data/ZDTInst/ ZDT_zSYS_V10.0.1_INSTALL_EMG.iso /mnt cd /mnt sudo bash -l chmod 777 * ./ First install Installation Manager. Then continue to install ZD&T. When you get a choice between the license manager and the full package, then select only the license manager, You might need some $ Sudo chmod 777 * In various directories. As root: $ echo ibmsys1 > /etc/cron.allow As ibmsys1: $ /usr/z1090/bin/uimserverstart Then you can open a browser to http://zosLicense.domain.ext:1491 to see license usage. It will be empty until you IPL a ZD&T system. After that it will look like this: Page 5-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T licenses Figure 7. License server display As root: $ $ $ $ $ $ Cd /opt/IBM/LDK ./request_license Cd ~ Cp /tmp Cd /tmp Chmod 777 * Mail the file to IBM and wait for a license file to be returned. The returned file,, must be unzipped. $ ./update_license zosLicense_1496998006_update.v2c Response: Opened zosLicense_1496998006_update.v2c Read The license update was successful Restart the license server daemon: $ systemctl restart aksusbd.service Check by: $ ps -A | grep -i ‘aksusbd’ And $ netstat -a | grep ‘9450’ 5.6 Hardware license server program Install the license server software using Installation Manager. License server hardware platforms supported • • 64-bit x86 Intel or compatible servers zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension Model 003 hardware (zBX version 3) Minimum processor rating • 2.0 GHz or higher Intel Core 2 Duo, Generation 1 Intel i3, or equivalent processor required Memory requirement • 2 GB of RAM is required. Hard Disk requirements Page 5-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • ZD&T licenses 0 GB of disk space is required. Removable media requirements • • • A suitable USB port must be available for the 1091 hardware key. Do not use an unpowered USB port expander when using zPDT. In particular, do not install the USB Hardware Device in an unpowered USB port expander Note that there can only be one dongle connected to the license server at a time, when Z1091_token_update is executed, i.e. you have to disconnect og connect ”USB / Rainbow Sentinel Hardware Key” one by one for update. $ Uimserverstart 5.7 Check if license USB is attached $ sudo lsusb Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 04b9:8000 Rainbow Technologies, Inc. Bus 002 Device 003: ID ffff:0248 Bus 002 Device 007: ID 04C3:4010 IBM Corp. 5.7.1 Update license key The license file must be uploaded to the license server, directory /keys by KKP. When z1091 is installed: $ $ $ $ $ Su (if you are not root) cd /usr/z1090/bin ./Z1091_token_update -u ./Z1091_token_update -status (to check) /opt/safenet_sentinel/common_files/sentinel_keys_server/loadserv restart (if restart is needed) 5.7.2 Restarting Sentinel Daemon and Sentinel Keys Server As root, restart Sentinel Daemon and Sentinel Keys server: $ cd /opt/safenet_sentinel/common_files/sentinel_usb_daemon $ ./ restart $ cd /opt/safenet_sentinel/common_files/sentinel_keys_server $ ./loadserv restart Page 5-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T licenses 5.8 License client The LDK-SL client (and server) requires a 32-bit version of the Linux glibc library and the client installation process automatically accesses several Internet sites to obtain the latest version of this library, if your Linux subscriptions are in place. After checking your Internet connectivity, and working as root, issue this command: $ /usr/z1090/bin/ Thereafter the LDK-SL client is started automatically when the client Linux system is booted. If the LDK-SL server is on your subnet this is all that is needed. If the LDK-SL server is not on your subnet start a Linux browser to localhost:1947. (Do this while zPDT is not active!) The browser should display the Sentinel Admin Control Center. On the left-hand list select Configuration . On the following page select Access to Remote License Managers. On this page enter the IP address or domain name of your LDK license server in the Remote License Search Parameters box. When a ZD&T client has been IPL’ed for the first time you can find it with a browser on port 9451 on the license server: Figure 8. License server browser display 5.8.1 Setting up computers to access the product license server The computers that authenticate from a product license server instead of a locally attached USB hardware device can be set up by running the clientconfig program as root. This process assumes that your product license server is using all of the default ports. 1. Log in to each computer that runs the emulator with authentication from a product license server. 2. Enter the following commands: 3. su (enter root password when prompted) 4. cd /usr/z1090/bin ./clientconfig Page 5-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T licenses 5. A window prompts you for the License ContactServer. Enter the full DNS name or IP address of the product license server. If you have another product license server that is used for failover, you can supply the hostname link in the client config utility. 6. Press Enter twice. 5.8.2 License key Useful files and commands on the client side: /usr/z1090/uim/uimclient.db $ /usr/z1090/bin/sntlconfig.xml $ clientconfig $ (Local serial number information) (License Server information – needs customization) (Updates and loads a new client configuration) 5.9 License key renewal process Must be implemented. 5.10 Local license If there is no separate license server, the license key is connected directly to the underlying Linux server. Useful files and commands on the client side: $ /usr/z1090/uim/uimclient.db (Local serial number information) $ /usr/z1090/bin/sntlconfig.xml (License Server information – needs customization) $ clientconfig (Updates and loads a new client configuration) Page 5-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T licenses 5.10.1 Check if license USB is attached $ sudo lsusb Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0e0f:0003 VMware, Inc. Virtual Mouse Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0e0f:0002 VMware, Inc. Virtual USB Hub Bus 002 Device 004: ID 04b9:8000 Rainbow Technologies, Inc. 5.10.2 Update license key Upload the license file When z1091 is installed: $ $ $ $ $ Su (if you are not root) cd /usr/z1090/bin ./Z1091_token_update -u ./Z1091_token_update -status (to check) /opt/safenet_sentinel/common_files/sentinel_keys_server/loadserv restart (if restart is needed) Page 5-8 6 VMWare Layer 6.1 Cloning Make sure you are using thin provisioning for the file implementing the /zAppliance folder. In most cases 1TB should be sufficient. Get the MAC Address of the network adapter. Disks Page 6-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Page 6-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Power off zOSLinux0 2 Write down the MAC-address ! (In this case it is 00:50:56:96:50:AE) Move the disk, mounted on /zApplian ce to a Work in Storage, San01 ds1, files, zosLinux02 The virtual diskname is zOSLinux02_01.vmdk in this case VMWare Layer Page 6-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer temporary directory Delete Virtual Machine zOSLinux0 2 Create Virtual Machine zOSLinux0 2 Shut down source VM Move the saved disk back Work in Storage->Files The virtual diskname is zOSLinux02_01.vmdk in this case Move it to the zOSLinux02 directory Clone as a copy of zOSLinuxPDT using the New Virtual Machine wizard If it is already there, then it is cloned from zOSLinuxPDT and should be deleted first Define new disk to the virtual machine In machine settings, use New device->Existing Hard Disk Provided that this is only disk number two on the machine, it will be mounted on /zAppliance CPU Settings Page 6-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Memory Settings Hard disk 1 Hard disk 2 (from old machine) Network settings Please note, the MAC address is changed to manual and the address of the old machine is entered. Page 6-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer 6.2 Compacting disk space Back up the /zAppliance directory to \\snasx2 Shut down the VMWare instance Delete the disk (number 2) in VMWare Page 6-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Redefine the disk: Page 6-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Page 6-8 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Page 6-9 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Page 6-10 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Page 6-11 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Restart the VMWare instance and Linux. There will be errors due to the missing disk. Give root password. Chek with df -h. Then define the device and mount the disk. Press ENTER after the mount message (WRITE SAME failed). Page 6-12 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Then reboot again (shutdown -r now) Change /zAppliance: Restore /zAppliance. Page 6-13 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration VMWare Layer Repeat the chmod command. IPL and check that it is working as before. Page 6-14 7 Linux Layer Figure 9. Install ZD&T server baseline system process Get underlying hardware: $ $ $ $ less /proc/cpuinfo less /var/log/dmesg sudo dmidecode | less free -m Get Linux version: $ cat /etc/*-release $ uname -mrs Display filesystem command: $ df -h Identify potential OSA ports: $ find_io FIND_IO for "ibmsys1@zoslinux02.domain.ext" Path Address Interface Current MAC IPv4 Name State Address Address ---------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- F0 eth1 UP, RUNNING fe80::250:56ff:fe96:50ae%eth1 ---------------- 00:50:56:96:50:ae IPv6 ------ . A0 tap0 DOWN 02:a0:a0:a0:a0:a0 * * A1 tap1 DOWN 02:a1:a1:a1:a1:a1 * * Page 7-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer A2 tap2 DOWN 02:a2:a2:a2:a2:a2 * * A3 tap3 DOWN 02:a3:a3:a3:a3:a3 * * A4 tap4 DOWN 02:a4:a4:a4:a4:a4 * * A5 tap5 DOWN 02:a5:a5:a5:a5:a5 * * A6 tap6 DOWN 02:a6:a6:a6:a6:a6 * * A7 tap7 DOWN 02:a7:a7:a7:a7:a7 * * Interface Path MTU** Current Settings Name RxChkSum ---------------------------F0 1500 TSO GSO GRO LRO ---------------- ----------------- eth1 On* On* On* RX VLAN ---------------- On* Off ------ On* . * Enabling these functions may lead to poor zPdt Performance, please refer to your zPdt documentation for details. ** To Enable Jumbo Frame Support, this MTU value and the MTU value for the Host Operating System must be set to > 1500. End of FIND_IO 7.1 Example tables Table 10. ZD&T server hardware Component Value Virtual CPU’s 4 RAM 32GB Processors Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2665 0 @ 2.40GHz BIOS Phoenix Technologies LTD Version: 6.00 Release Date: 09/21/2015 VMWare VMware Virtual Platform Table 11. ZD&T server file system structure Filesystem Size Mounted on /dev/mapper/rhel_zoslinuxpdt-root 50G / devtmpfs 16G /dev tmpfs 16G /dev/shm Page 7-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer tmpfs 16G /run tmpfs 16G /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sdb 2.0T /zAppliance /dev/sda1 1014M /boot /dev/mapper/rhel_zoslinuxpdt-home 42G /home tmpfs 3.2G /run/user/42 tmpfs 3.2G /run/user/1000 7.2 Operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.6 (Maipo)" Linux 3.10.0-957.5.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 32-bit support added: $ sudo yum install libstdc++.i686 7.3 System boot commands Add to /etc/rc.d/rc.local script: ethtool -K eth0 lro on dhclient -r dhclient Commands like iptables -I IN_public_allow -s -d -p tcp --dport 9443 -j ACCEPT 7.4 Define the system user $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ groupadd zpdt useradd -g zpdt ibmsys1 Passwd ibmsys1 xxx chroot_local_user=YES chroot_list_enable=YES chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list cd /etc touch vsftpd.chroot_list Directory Member Desscription /u/ibmsys1 .profile export PATH=/usr/z1090/bin:$PATH Or export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/z1090/bin;$LD_LIBRARY_PATH .bashrc Page 7-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer export MANPATH=/usr/z1090/man:$MANPATH 7.5 Linux file systems and directory structure ZD&T is installed in /zAppliance If needed, a symbolic link is created as $ sudo ln -s /data/z ./z from the root directory. In this case /data is the physical directory with all user data. You can create subdirectories using “Make Bin”. Table 12. Linux subdirectories Subdirectory Description Devmaps Hardware configuration Z24A zVolumes from IBM, including xxCFG1 with generic configurations XA00_config Specific configuration disk and Xact installation support disk XA00_local Local user disks XA00_migr Migrated disks from host backup Local backup 7.6 Networking Ethernet configuration is located in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<*>, where <*> is the name of the interface, e.g. eth0 or ens192. Use $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Find_io /etc/init.d/network restart systemctl restart network ip addr show ifconfig -a ifconfig /flushdns ifconfig /displaydns ip route show netstat -rn iptables -L -n hostnamectl uuidgen /etc/resolv.conf Page 7-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer Nameserver domain /etc/hosts Ethernet configuration /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 7.6.1 Addenda In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 if you edit an ifcfg file, NetworkManager is not automatically aware of the change and has to be prompted to notice the change. If you use one of the tools to update NetworkManager profile settings, NetworkManager does not implement those changes until you reconnect using that profile. For example, if configuration files have been changed using an editor, NetworkManager must read the configuration files again. To ensure this, enter as root to reload all connection profiles: ~]# nmcli connection reload Alternatively, to reload only one changed file, ifcfg-ifname: ~]# nmcli con load /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ifname 7.7 Linux renew ip command using dhcp The -r flag explicitly releases the current lease, and once the lease has been released, the client exits. For example, open terminal application and type the command: $ sudo dhclient -r Now obtain fresh IP address using DHCP on Linux: $ sudo dhclient … If you do not decide to use the method when you run the installer, the network configuration still can be installed by running the scripts in the /opt/ConfigGuideSample. Run the following script to create firewall definitions. ./ 7.7.1 Changes to network device names In some RHEL versions, the Network Manager automatically assigns names to the network devices. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, the naming convention for network interfaces has been changed, as explained in Chapter 11, Consistent Network Device Naming. Specifying the hardware or MAC address using HWADDR directive can influence the device naming procedure. In our case one of the network adapters ended up with the name ens192. This name is not compatible with ZD&T. Another indication to this problem is that the create_devmap script Page 7-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer only recognized the TAP0-adapter, not the ens192-adapter. Here is the guide how to rename the adapters : Edit NAME and DEVICE parameters in ifcfg file to new Network Interface name File /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 changed to : TYPE=Ethernet PROXY_METHOD=none BROWSER_ONLY=no BOOTPROTO=dhcp DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV6INIT=no NAME=eth1 UUID=5ecab864-6ec6-4586-b672-c71af4b8b5e9 DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes ZONE=work HWADDR=00:50:56:AF:D9:02 PEERDNS=yes PEERROUTES=yes Rename ifcfg file mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 Edit file /etc/default/grub and add net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 to line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX Result : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rhgb quiet" Update grub config grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg Reboot Check adapter name with ifconfig command The Network Manager may change the adapter name back. If this happens, here is an (untested) script to disable the Network Manager : systemctl disable NetworkManager 7.7.2 Network Manager Start network manager by $ Nm-connection-editor Page 7-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer Page 7-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer Page 7-8 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer Page 7-9 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer 7.7.3 Ethernet configurations XA00 Page 7-10 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer XA01 XA02 Generated by NM: Page 7-11 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer Updated manually to: XA03 Page 7-12 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer 7.8 Linux Software Table 13. Linux systems software Product Description Firefox or alternative Web Browser FTP1 File transfer to Linux Gedit Full screen text editor X Windows Full screen interface to Linux X3270 Client Master console and channel attached terminal interface to z/OS 7.8.1 Network Time Client $ yum install ntp Edit /etc/ntp.conf: Change servers to server iburst server iburst server iburst server iburst Activate: $ systemctl start ntpd $ systemctl enable ntpd 1 File Transfer Protocol. Page 7-13 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Linux Layer $ systemctl status ntpd Validate after a few minutes: $ ntpq -p $ date -R 7.8.2 Firefox $ yum install firefox 7.8.3 FTP $ yum install vsftpd 7.8.4 Gedit $ yum install gedit 7.8.5 X Windows $ yum groupinstall "X Window System" "Desktop" "Desktop Platform" if systemctl get-default returns then systemctl set-default reboot Changed the startup script for X for user ibmsys1 to start gnome, by editing /home/ibmsys1/.vnc/xstartup to comment out the tvm line at the bottom, and add the gnome line: #twm & gnome-session& 7.8.6 X3270 client $ yum install x3270 $ yum install x3270-x11 Page 7-14 8 z1090/z1091 Layer Get and run $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.5.x86_64 chmod -R 777 /usr/z1090/bin/* /usr/z1090/bin/aws_sysctl /usr/z1090/bin/aws_bashrc /usr/z1090/bin/z1090instcheck chown 0:0 /usr/z1090/bin/eDMosa chmod 4755 /usr/z1090/bin/eDMosa Page 8-1 9 ADCD Layer 9.1 Unpack zVolumes After copying ADCD disks to /zAppliance/Z24A, change auth to root and unpack the disks with commands: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ chown -R ibmsys1 * chgrp -R zpdt * LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/z1090/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH cd /zAppliance/Z24A /usr/z1090/bin/Z1091_ADCD_install A4RES1.ZPD A4RES12 /usr/z1090/bin/Z1091_ADCD_install SARES1.ZPD SARES1 Ignore LIC hasp code 33, but wait until the command returns. Remove *.ZPD $ gunzip -v *.gz $ sudo chmod -R 777 * $ sudo chown -R ibmsys1 /zAppliance 9.2 Remove unused volumes (optional) Table 14. System disk volumes Disk name Disk Addr. File location Contents Neede d A4BLZ1 /zAppliance/Z24A RTC 6.0.6 Yes A4C541 /zAppliance/Z24A CICS 5.4 Yes A4C551 /zAppliance/Z24A CICS 5.5 Yes A4CFG1 /zAppliance/Z24A Generic configuration. All USER.* data sets and FEU.* data sets Yes A4DBB1 /zAppliance/Z24A DB2 V11 No A4DBB2 /zAppliance/Z24A DB2 V11 No A4DBC1 /zAppliance/Z24A DB2 V12 Yes A4DBC2 /zAppliance/Z24A DB2 V12 Yes A4DBAR /zAppliance/Z24A DB2 Archive Logs etc. (Esoteric: DBARCH) Yes A4DIS1 /zAppliance/Z24A MVS SMP/E Distribution libraries Yes You may have to ignore this message: “Communication error between API and local Sentinel License Manager code=33” 2 Page 9-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ADCD Layer A4DIS2 /zAppliance/Z24A MVS SMP/E Distribution libraries Yes A4DIS3 /zAppliance/Z24A MVS SMP/E Distribution libraries Yes A4IME1 /zAppliance/Z24A IMS V14.1 Yes A4IMF1 /zAppliance/Z24A IMS V15.1 Yes A4INM1 /zAppliance/Z24A Installation Manager 1.8.9 Yes A4KAN1 /zAppliance/Z24A Omegamon 5.5.1 Yes A4PAGA /zAppliance/Z24A Paging Yes A4PAGB /zAppliance/Z24A Paging Yes A4PAGC /zAppliance/Z24A Paging Yes A4PRD1 /zAppliance/Z24A IBM products Yes A4PRD2 /zAppliance/Z24A IBM products Yes A4PRD3 /zAppliance/Z24A IBM products Yes A4PRD4 /zAppliance/Z24A IBM products Yes A4RES1 /zAppliance/Z24A Base software to IPL Yes A4RES2 /zAppliance/Z24A Base software to IPL Yes A4INM1 /zAppliance/Z24A IBM Installation Manager 1.4.3 Yes A4SYS1 /zAppliance/Z24A System control datasets, master catalog, etc. Yes A4USR1 /zAppliance/Z24A Empty Yes A4USS1 /zAppliance/Z24A zFS Yes A4USS2 /zAppliance/Z24A zFS Yes A4W901 /zAppliance/Z24A WebSphere V9.0 Yes A4W902 /zAppliance/Z24A WebSphere V9.0 Yes SARES1 /zAppliance/Z24A Stand alone IPL Yes ZDTRKT /zAppliance/Z24A Rocket Open Source Languages and Tools for z/OS Yes PXA020 /zAppliance/&SYSNAME. Instance Specific USER.** _config Yes URDTXX /zAppliance/&SYSNAME. XACT Utilities _config Yes UXA021 /zAppliance/&SYSNAME. Misc. datasets _user Yes Page 9-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ADCD Layer 9.3 Create device map Copy script from /opt/ConfigGuideSample/ to /zAppliance/scripts $ PATH=/usr/z1090/bin:$PATH $ export PATH $ perl /zAppliance/scripts/ /zAppliance/Z24A –h zos00.domain.ext > /zAppliance/devmaps/XA00devmap 9.4 Configure license client Run as superuser $ /usr/z1090/bin/clientconfig Change UIM contact server: Figure 10. License client configuration 9.4.1 Check the installation Run $ /usr/z1090/bin/z1090instcheck Page 9-3 10 Create master image 10.1 VMWare activities Activity Comment Power off zOSLinux0 0 Write down the MAC-address ! (In this case it is 00:50:56:96:91:46) Move the Work in Storage->Files disk, The virtual disk name is zOSLinux00_01.vmdk in this case mounted Vcenter02.domain.ext, san01 ds1, zOSLinux00,… on /zApplian ce to a temporary directory Delete Virtual Machine zOSLinux0 0 Create Virtual Machine zOSLinux0 0 Shut down the source VM Move the saved disk back Work in Storage->Files The virtual diskname is zOSLinux00_01.vmdk in this case Move it to the zOSLinux00 directory Define new disk to the virtual machine In machine settings, use New device->Existing Hard Disk Cloned as a copy of zOSLinuxPDT zOSLinuxPDT -> Clone -> Clone to virtual machine… Provided that this is only disk number two on the machine, it will be mounted on /zAppliance Page 10-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create master image CPU Settings Memory Settings Hard disk 1 Page 10-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create master image Hard disk 2 Network settings Please note, the MAC address is changed to manual and the address of the old machine is entered. Power on the machine Change hostname hostnamectl set-hostname zoslinux02.domain.ext dhclient -r dhclient Test IP address Ifconfig Ip addr Ip route Disable Virtual Bridge Systemctl disable libvirtd.service Change Chown -R ibmsys1 /zAppliance ownership Chgrp -R zpdt /zAppliance on Page 10-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create master image /zApplian ce Uninstall old z1091 /home/ibmsys1/Downloads/ZD&T_Installl_PE_V12.0.5.x86_64 Select uninstall 10.2 Changes to network device names In some RHEL versions, the Network Manager automatically assigns names to the network devices. In our case one of the network adapters ended up with the name ens192. This name is not compatible with ZD&T and that made our connection to the zOS very unstable. Another indication to this problem is that the create_devmap script only recognized the TAP0-adapter, not the ens192-adapter. Here is the guide how to rename the adapters : Activity Comment Edit NAME and DEVICE parameters in ifcfg file to new Network Interface name File /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 changed to : TYPE=Ethernet PROXY_METHOD=none BROWSER_ONLY=no BOOTPROTO=dhcp DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV6INIT=no IPV6_AUTOCONF="yes" IPV6_DEFROUTE="yes" IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL="no" IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE="stable-privacy" NAME=eth1 UUID=5ecab864-6ec6-4586-b672-c71af4b8b5e9 DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes ZONE=work HWADDR=00:50:56:96:50:AE PEERDNS=yes PEERROUTES=yes Rename ifcfg file mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens192 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 Edit file /etc/default/grub and add net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 to line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX Result : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rhgb quiet" Update grub config grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg Reboot Check adapter name with ifconfig command Page 10-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create master image The Network Manager may change the adapter name back. If this happens, here is an (untested) script to disable the Network Manager: systemctl disable NetworkManager rm '/etc/systemd/system/' rm '/etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service' rm '/etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' 10.3 ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities This section describes the activities for upgrading the XA02 ZD&T Personal Edition and ADCD Activity Comment Copy ZD&T software to some directory /home/ibmsys1/Downloads used Run ZD&T upgrade From /home/ibmsys1/Downloads as root: • • • Install ADCD disks to /zAppliance/Z24A directory Create devmap with ADCD disks IPL • chmod 755 ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.5.tgz tar -xzvf ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.5.tgz ./ZDT_Install_PE_V12.0.5.x86_64 Select 2 for update Passwd ibmsys (prompt) • /usr/z1090/bin/clientconfig After copying ADCD disks to /zAppliance/Z24A, change auth and unpack the disks with commands : • • • • • chown -R ibmsys1 * chgrp -R zpdt * chmod -R 755 * gunzip -v *.gz /usr/z1090/bin/Z1091_ADCD_install /zAppliance/Z24A/A4RES1.ZPD /zAppliance/Z24A/A4RES1 • Same for SARES1.ZPD3 • Remove *.ZPD • Chmod 755 * perl /opt/ConfigGuideSample/ /zAppliance/Z24A –h zos00.domain.ext > /zAppliance/devmaps/XA00devmap Cp /opt/ConfigGuideSample/runzpdt /zAppliance/runcoldzpdt Edit location and name of device map You may have to ignore this message: “Communication error between API and local Sentinel License Manager code=33” 3 Page 10-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Continue as described, but… Create master image Make all changes in USER.Z24A.* datasets. Leave P*0, U*1 and U*2 disks empty. Page 10-6 11 Clone new active image 11.1 Before cloning, when upgrading an existing system 11.1.1 DB2 Create an ALIAS for ADBS on PXA030. List all DB2 databases that will survive. Generate DDL for the DB2 databases. • • • USER.DB2.EXPORT.FOYER USER.DB2.EXPORT.SEB USER.DB2.EXPORT.CUSTOMER Unload DB2 databases. HLQ Disk 4LQ ADBS PXA030 DGEP600 ADBS PXA030 CUSTOMERDB 11.1.2 RACF Unload RACF database. • IBMUSER.IRRDBU00.OUTPUT1 List all RACF userids and ALIASes that will survive. Use ISPF RACF panels to list users. Use an IDCAMS job to list ALIASes. • • • • • • LISTCAT ALIAS CATALOG(CATALOG.Z24A.MASTER) LISTCAT USERCATALOG CAT(CATALOG.Z24A.MASTER) LISTCAT ALIAS CATALOG(USERCAT.VPXA030) LISTCAT ALIAS CATALOG(USERCAT.VURDTXX) LISTCAT ALIAS CATALOG(USERCAT.VUXA031) LISTCAT ALIAS CATALOG(USERCAT.VUXA032) 11.1.3 SMS Copy/etc/rd ACS source dataset to PXA030. Hardcopy or note customized classes and groups. Do a LISTVOL line command for all SMS storage groups and save the result to be able to reapply them after upgrade. 11.1.4 Configuration XACLONE or rename USER.* to IBMUSER.USER.*. Page 11-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Clone new active image Make sure that USERXA03 is unused. 11.1.5 User data Clean up user disks for unneeded data sets. Use VOLMOVE and XACLONE. Also check any datasets on A4SYS1 and A4DBAR to survive. Make sure that user catalogs for non-SMS user disks are located on those (surviving) disks. Shut down z/OS cleanly and do an awsstop. Copy device map and copy compressed z/OS disks to //snasx2: PXA030, UXA031, UXA032. 11.2 Cloning Note the existing MAC address in VMWare. Delete old VMWare image from disk. Clone zOSLinux00 image. 11.3 After cloning 11.3.1 VMWare Set MAC address back. 11.3.2 Linux Change host name on Linux: • • • hostnamectl set-hostname zoslinux02.domain.ext dhclient -r dhclient 11.3.3 ZD&T Remove cloned /usr/z1090/uim/uimclient.db Restart Linux. 11.3.4 Restart z/OS Do a runzpdt IPL of the cloned z/OS system to see that it can run. Page 11-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Clone new active image Reply • 00,i Shut down z/OS. Copy surviving disks back from //snasx2 while retaining XA00 disks. Rename folders from XA00_ to XA03_ Edit the device map and add the surviving disks to it. IPL again. 11.3.5 Surviving disks Import user catalogs for surviving disks. • USER.Z24A.JCL(RDT1IMP1) 11.3.6 WLM Extract definition from couple datasets. Save as ISPF tables in USERXA03.ISPTLIB 11.3.7 SMS Set up SMS classes and groups and ACS’es. • • • • • Create SGSPEC as copy of SGBASE and add PXA030 Create SCSPEC as copy of SCBASE Add UXA031 to SGBASE Add UXA032 to SGDB2 Change ACS to point USERXA03 and ADBS to SGSPEC: USER.SMS.CNTL(STORCLAS and STORGRP) Page 11-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Clone new active image FILTLIST XACT_HLQ INCLUDE(XACTRDT.**) FILTLIST SPEC_HLQ INCLUDE(USERXA03.**, ADBS.**) WHEN (&DSN = &XACT_HLQ) DO SET &STORCLAS = '' EXIT CODE(0) END WHEN (&DSN = &SPEC_HLQ) DO SET &STORCLAS = 'SGSPEC' EXIT CODE(0) END WHEN (&STORCLAS = 'SCSPEC') DO SET &STORGRP = 'SGSPEC' EXIT CODE(0) END Translate, validate end activate. Define ALIAS for ADBS on PXA030 and catalog all ADBS datasets on PXA030. Catalog IBMUSER datasets on PXA030 and move them to UXA031. Define ALIASes for datasets on PXA030 and UXA031. Use USER.Z24A.JCL(DELETVVR) to delete orphan USER.* datasets on PXA030. Use DELETENVR to delete uncataloged USERXA03 datasets. Convert PXA030 and UXA031 to be SMS-managed. You can convert previously-used, non-SMS-managed volumes using the CONVERTV command of DFSMSdss. Simulate: //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //DVOL1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=PXA030,DISP=OLD Page 11-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Clone new active image //DVOL2 DD UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=UXA031,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * CONVERTV SMS DDNAME(DVOL1,DVOL2) – TEST /* Convert: //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //DVOL1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=PXA030,DISP=OLD //DVOL2 DD UNIT=SYSDA,VOL=SER=UXA031,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * CONVERTV DDNAME(DVOL1,DVOL2) SMS INCAT(CATALOG.Z24A.MASTER) SELECTMULTI(FIRST) CATALOG /* Create USERXA03.* datasets on PXA030 using XACTRDT.JCL(CLONUSER). Update IPLPARMS, MSTJCL00 and JES2 with USERXA03.PARMLIB and .PROCLIB. Create new SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADAX). Change runzpdt accordingly.. Compare members in USER.* from XA00 with IBMUSER.USER.* from XA03 and copy to USERXA03.* as needed, starting with TCPIP. IPL to activate new TCPIP definitions. 11.3.8 RACF Define administrative users using CLIST ADMUSER. Import RACF database. Delete all DELETE and RDELETE statements in the ALTFILE2 REXX EXEC before running. 11.3.9 DB2 Apply DDL to DB2. Edit volume names and run using SPUFI: IBMUSER.DB2.EXPORT.FOYER Page 11-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Clone new active image IBMUSER.DB2.EXPORT.SEB IBMUSER.DB2.EXPORT.CUSTOMER Then define Image Copy GDG’s, run image copy, reorg, runstats and rebind. Load databases. 11.3.10 ISPF USERXA03.PROCLIB(ISPFPROC) USERXA03.PARMLIB(XACTMAIN) 11.3.11 Change SYSID As below. 11.3.12 Subsystems Follow the description below, but only change what is specific to the cloned image. Page 11-6 12 Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) Use this procedure for the first configuration effort. Only the master console and a channel attached terminal are available at this point. Create folder /home/ibmsys1/z1090/logs Copy Runzpdt copied from /opt/ConfigGuideSample as /zAppliance/runcoldzpdt Change • • DEVMAP=devmaps/&SYSNAME.devmap LOADPARM=CS During IPL you might need to: WTO IXC420D; Reply 00,I When the system is running, you can log on to the terminal as IBMUSER, password IBMUSER, and change the password to xxx. Console F6 to see outstanding WTO's F10 to see what is running D O for options D IPLINFO Shut down using the procedure in Appendix C (Console command S SHUT00). You might need to P HZR Then take a backup copy of A4CFG1 and A4SYS1. 12.1 IPL Error An issue with the cold start. It refused to start VTAM due to a non-APF concatenation. SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=NET621.SCNMLNK1,VOLUME=A4PRD3 Then S VTAM 12.2 Runzpdt error If you get an error in runzpdt like this when running as bash -x runzpdt: $'\r': command not found Page 12-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) Then the line feed has been corrupted. It can be fixed with $ sed -i 's/\r$//' runzpdt 12.3 OSA error If you get AWSSTA052E Initialization of OSA failed, RC=-4 msgInfo awssta052e: A system limit may have been exceeded Run as root: $ chown root:root eDMosa $ chmod 4755 eDMosa Useful Linux commands for setup verification: $ $ $ $ $ $ ulimit -a (display various limits for this user session) ipcs -l (lower-case l; shared memory limits) /sbin/sysctl -a (many kernel and other system parameters) /sbin/ifconfig (LAN status) find_io ifconfig Some Linux distributions already have acceptable values for shmmax, msgmnb, msgmax, and core_uses_pid, but other distributions may need to have all these values set. $ gedit /etc/sysctl.conf (the following lines should begin in column 1) kernel.core_pattern=core-%e-%p-%t kernel.core_uses_pid=1 kernel.msgmax=65536 kernel.msgmnb=65536 kernel.msgmni=512 (change for large number devices) kernel.shmmax=18000000000 (17+ GB or more) kernel.shmall=12000000 (12M pages or more) kernel.sem=250 32000 250 1024 (include this only if needed) net.core.rmem_max=1048576 net.core.rmem_default=1048576 $ /sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf Page 12-2 12.4 Warm JES IPL After the first cold start we IPL a basic system with a warm started JES2. Create a script called runwarmzpdt with LOADPARM=WS. Start z/OS using the new script. Then configure TCP/IP using the recommendations in the device map. You can investigate the Linux configuration using $ ifconfig $ netstat -r USER.Z24A.PARMLIB datasets contents are copied from the ADCD.* datasets using DDLIST ➔ PARMLIB and modified. Validate with command HOMETEST in TSO after setting SYSTCPD DD card in USER.Z24A.PROCLIB(ISPFPROC). 12.5 SYS1.LOGREC Note that you can edit IEASYSxx members (in PARMLIB) to say LOGREC=IGNORE to avoid the LOGREC full problems. 12.6 Initial configuration Shutdown z/OS and add user volumes to the device map, e.g. PXA020 and UXA021 before reIPL. Step Dataset 1 Shutdown z/OS 2 Copy URDTXX from XA00 3 /zAppliance/devmaps 4 New Warm JES IPL 5 XACTRDT.JCL on URDTXX Member Comment Store in XA02_migr XA02devmap Add user volumes RDT0IMP1 Import user catalogs into master catalog Edit to include all user disks 12.6.1 Master image When building the master image we will update USER.Z24A.PARMLIB and PROCLIB. Page 12-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) 12.6.2 Active image When building an active image we will first change the SMS ACS routines and then create and update system specific libraries called USERXA02.PARMLIB and PROCLIB. Step Dataset Member Comment 1 ISPF ISMF Panels ISMF Profile User mode 2 (Exit and re-enter ISMF) User Mode Selection 2 ISPF ISMF Panels Automatic Class Selection Display ‘ACTIVE’ 3 ISPF ISMF Panels Find sources for active definitions, e. g. SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.CNTL members DATACLAS, STORCLAS and STORGRP Automatic Class Selection Edit ‘ACTIVE’ 4 SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.CNTL STORCLAS FILTLIST XACT_HLQ INCLUDE(USERXA03.**, USER1.**, USER2.**, USER3.**, IBMUSER.**) WHEN (&DSN = &XACT_HLQ) DO SET &STORCLAS = '' EXIT CODE(0) END 5 Console D SMS 6 ISPF ISMF Panels Automatic Class Selection To identify the active SCDS, e.g. SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.SCDS Translate and Validate ‘ACTIVE’ 7 ISPF ISMF Panels Control Data Set Validate and activate 8 USER.Z24A.JCL DEFALIAS CDS Name: E. g. SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.SCDS XACTRDT on URDTXX Page 12-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) Note that USERXA03 must be in the master catalog 9 XACTRDT.JCL CLONUSER Define USERXA03 datasets 10 SYS1.IPLPARMS LOADAX Copy from LOADWS Add PARMLIB USERXA03.PARMLIB 11 USERXA03.PARMLIB MSTJCL00 Add USERXA03.PROCLIB to IEFPDSI 12 USERXA03.PROCLIB JES2 Add USERXA03.PROCLIB to PROC00 13 /zAppliance/runzpdt 14 IPL with runzpdt IPL with LOADPARM AX 12.7 TCPIP Table 15. z/OS TCP/IP configuration. Data set Member Parameters /web/httpd1/co nf httpd.conf ServerName ZOS00.DOMAIN.EXT:80 PARMLIB FTPSDAT A Copy from TCPIP.FTP.DATA PARMLIB IEASYS00 LOGREC=IGNORE, PARMLIB IEASYSAL LOGREC=IGNORE, PARMLIB IEASYSCS LOGREC=IGNORE, PROCLIB FTPD Copy from ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB JESINTERFACELEVEL 2 SYSFTPD USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(FTPSDATA) SYSTCPD USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) PROCLIB ISPFPROC Copy from ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB SYSTCPD USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS (TCPDATA) Beware of FMNCICS DD CARD PROCLIB PORTMA P SYSTCPD USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS (TCPDATA) Page 12-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) PROCLIB RESOLVE R SETUP USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS(RESOLVER) PROCLIB TCPIP PROFILE USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS(PROFILE) SYSTCPD USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) TCPPARMS IPNODES Copy from devmap4 zos02 zos02.domain.ext LINUX LOCALHOST TCPPARMS PROFILE5 Copy from ADCD.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS Correct include for zosconnect AUTOLOG FTPD PAGENT PORTMAP ; DEVICE PORTB MPCIPA LINK ETH0 IPAQENET PORTB HOME ETH0 ; DEVICE PORTA MPCIPA LINK TAP0 IPAQENET PORTA HOME TAP0 ; ; Routes section BEGINROUTES ROUTE = TAP0 MTU 1492 ROUTE = ETH0 MTU 1492 ROUTE DEFAULT ETH0 MTU 1492 ENDROUTES ; 4 Use Options ➔ Toggles ➔ Paste with left margin and then File ➔ Save changed options to paste normally. 5 z/OS address must be first to be primary. Test using NETSTAT HOME. Page 12-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) START PORTB START PORTA TCPPARMS RESOLVE R GLOBALTCPIPDATA('USER,&SYSVER..TCPPARMS(TCPDA TA)') GLOBALIPNODES('USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS(IPNODES)' ) COMMONSEARCH TCPPARMS TCPDATA Copy from ADCD.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS TCPIPJOBNAME TCPIP HOSTNAME zos02 DOMAINORIGIN domain.ext DATASETPREFIX TCPIP ; Define name servers with NSINTERADDR x.x.x.x NSINTERADDR NSINTERADDR RESOLVEVIA UDP LOOKUP LOCAL DNS RESOLVERTIMEOUT 10 RESOLVERUDPRETRIES 1 ALWAYSWTO NO Check after re-IPL with the same loadparm with • TSO HOMETEST And • NETSTAT HOME If you choose a HOSTNAME or DOMAINORIGIN arbitrarily, be sure that the DOMAINORIGIN is not a real domain name or that the combination of the HOSTNAME and DOMAINORIGIN does not constitute an existing DNS name. Use the Linux ping or nslookup commands to ensure that your choice of names is not found by your DNS server. Identifying your computer as another computer, or as a member of an existing but incorrect domain, may cause problems that are unusual and difficult to diagnose, like timeouts, pauses, and connection failures in many areas, including 3270 connections and Developer for System z. Some systems, including components of Developer for System z, require that z/OS can locate itself by name. If you cannot use a Domain Name Server (DNS) to resolve IP addresses of other systems or of the z/OS system, you can create a local hosts file and refer to it with a GLOBALIPNODES Page 12-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Cold Start IPL (Out-of-the-box) statement. The setup of this file is described in detail in the Redbook TCP/IP implementation volume 1: Base functions (SG24-7798). You may also need to change the LOOKUP statement in the TCPDATA member to LOOKUP LOCAL DNS to force z/OS to look in the local hosts file before calling DNS services. Find the name server using $ dig your.server.address Or $ cat /etc/resolv.conf 12.8 Shutdown console command S SHUT00 Note: If you cannot log on to TSO/ISPF after having changed ISPFPROC, then you can use the ISPFLITE procedure and correct any JCL errors as reported in SDSF. Page 12-6 13 Normal start IPL Runzpdt copied from /zAppliance/runwarmzpdt to /zAppliance/runzpdt Change to LOADPARM=AL 13.1 DHCP missing If the licenses are not available after restarting linux: As root: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Dhclient -r dhclient Uimcheck Clientconfig Find_io to see the name of the active ethernet connection (F0), e.g. eth0 Cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Gedit ifcfg-eth0 (or similar): $ Dhclient -r $ Dhclient Perhaps only the dhclient commands are necessary? 13.2 Runzpdt does not clean up! You must uncomment this line: While ps -U $(id -un) |egrep “emily|aws.{3,5}” >/dev/null; do sleep 1;done To wait for system shutdown. 13.3 Basic z/OS configuration Table 22. Specific configuration members Page 13-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Normal start IPL Datasets Member Comment USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB IEASYM00 SYMDEF(&SYSP4.=’A4PRD4’) SYMDEF(&SPCFG=’PXA000’) USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB IZUPRMAS HOSTNAME('zos00.domain.ext') Start, and connect using Personal Communication for further configuration. Restart RSED to be able to access z/OS from IDz. 13.4 Establish naming standards Table 16. Systems naming standard on Xact. Network SYSID Role IP zLinux IP2 Remarks zos00 XA00 Master 180 zosLinux00 170 3 CP’s zos01 XA01 Old use 181 zosLinux01 171 3 CP’s zos02 XA02 z/OS 2.3 test 182 zosLinux02 172 3 CP’s zos03 XA03 Development & Test 183 zosLinux03 173 3 CP’s zos0x XA0x Reserved 18x zosLinux0x Reservations Name 17x Table 17. Configuration dataset naming standard. Datasets Location Comment USER.&SYSVER..* A4CFG1 System Volumes for use at installation on a new z/OS or customer USER&SYSNAME..* P<sysid>0 Specific configuration XACTRDT.* URDTXX Installation volume with required members and jobs * U<sysid>1 User data … 13.5 Reallocate ZFS.ADCD22B.VAR ZFS.S0W1.VAR, mounted as /var, should be reallocated much larger: • • • TSO ISH Create directory /varnew/ Create new zFS ZFS.S0W1.VAR.NEW o Aggregate name ZFS.S0W1.VAR.NEW o Owning Group SYS1 Page 13-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Normal start IPL o Permissions 777 o Primary cylinders 50 o Secondary cylinders 50 o Volume names A4USS1 A4USS2 Mount at /varnew/ TSO OMVS su cp -R /var/* /varnew (This takes some time. Note: Ignore that you cannot open files "/var/CEAServer" and "/var/wbem/cimxml.socket") chmod -R 777 /varnew/* Modify mount point /var/ in USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(BPXPRM01) to VAR.NEW IPL Delete ZFS.S0W1.VAR TSO ISH Redefine ZFS.S0W1.VAR and mount as /varnew/ TSO OMVS cp -R /var/* /varnew chmod -R 777 /varnew/* Check contents of /varnew Modify BPXPRM01 back again IPL Remove /varnew Delete obsolete datasets, when you dare 13.6 Xact installation disks All Xact ZD&T installation tools and prebuilt configurations are supplied on a disk called URDTXX. This should be uploaded into the <sysid>_import (XA00_import) directory of the underlying Linux system and added to the device map. Import and run alias jobs XACTRDT.JCL(RDT0IMP1 and 2). 13.7 Create a specific user configuration disk and a user disk Create user configuration disk P<sysid>0 in /zAppliance/<sysid>_config as 3390-3: • Alcckd P<sysid>0 -d3390-3 You can also use the script ’’. Handle as described in Appendix F. Create user data disk U<sysid>1… in /zAppliance/<sysid>_user as 3390-A. See Appendix F. Be careful to separate configurations, which are common to all future ZD&T instances in the long term from local specific configurations. Page 13-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Normal start IPL Local configurations have the HLQ called USER<sysid>, which MUST NOT be defined as an ALIAS. It MUST be in the master catalog. Create user catalogs for each. You can use XACTRDT.JCL(RDT1SYS2) If you are creating an SMS-managed disk, then remember STORAGEGROUP parameter when running INIT job. 13.8 Your personal admin user Copy TSO-command NEWUSER from XACTRDT.CLIST to USER.Z24A.CLIST. Change last line to USERCAT.VUXA001. (Note: Requires that the catalog is connected to the master catalog) Alter USER.Z24A.CLIST(ISPFCL) from A4SYS1 to UXA001 Create copy as ADMUSER and edit: /* Rexx * Add a user id and omvs segment. Review carefully before */ /* Running this exec!! */ default_password = "xxx" omvsuid = AUTOUID defaults = "OMVS() RACF(SPECIAL,OPERATIONS) PROC(ISPFPROC)" Parse Upper Arg input Parse Value input "." defaults With new_userid . "PROC("logon_proc")" Parse Value input "." defaults With . "OMVS("AUTOUID")" Parse Value input "." defaults With . "RACF("SPECIAL")" If new_userid = "IBMUSER" Then /* Just in case! */ Exit 20 If new_Userid = "." Then Do Say "A new user id was not supplied." Parse source . . me . Say "Syntax:" me " userid <OMVS(uid)>", "<PROC(logon-proc)> <RACF(altuser-attrs)>" Exit End If wordpos("DELETE",input) > 0 Then Do Page 13-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Normal start IPL Say new_userid 'will be deleted if you type "yes".' Say "Are you sure you want to delete "new_userid"?" Pull ans If ans = "YES" Then Do "deluser "new_userid Say Say "The DELUSER command was issued for"new_userid"." Say "/u/"new_userid" and MVS files were NOT deleted." Say "If these exist, you need to delete them manually." Say "You may also need to delete the "new_userid , "catalog alias." End Else Say new_userid "was NOT deleted." Exit 0 End Signal On Novalue new_userid = translate(new_userid, , "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", , "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Say "Creating userid "new_userid" with AUTOUID..." Say "User:" new_userid Say "OMVS:" omvsuid Say "PROC:" logon_proc Say "RACF:" special "AU ("new_userid")", "TSO(ACCT(ACCT#) PROC("logon_proc") SIZE(2096128) ", Page 13-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Normal start IPL "COMMAND(ISPF NOLOGO)) ", "OMVS(HOME('/u/"new_userid"') PROG('/bin/sh') AUTOUID) ", "SPECIAL OPERATIONS" "PERMIT ACCT# CLASS(ACCTNUM) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ) " "PERMIT "logon_proc" CLASS(TSOPROC) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" "PERMIT ACCT "PERMIT JCL CLASS(TSOAUTH) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" CLASS(TSOAUTH) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" "PERMIT OPER CLASS(TSOAUTH) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" "PERMIT BPX.SUPERUSER CLASS(FACILITY) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" "PERMIT GIM.* CLASS(FACILITY) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" "PERMIT IZUDFLT CLASS(APPL) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" "PERMIT MVSADMIN.* CL(FACILITY) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(UPDATE)" “PERMIT BPX.FILEATTR.APF CL(FACILITY) ID("new_userid") ACCESS(READ)" “PERMIT MVS.VARY.* CL(OPERCMDS) ID(“new_userid”) ACCESS(CONTROL)” "SETROPTS RACLIST(TSOPROC ACCTNUM TSOAUTH FACILITY APPL OPERCMDS) REFRESH" "ALTUSER "new_userid" PASSWORD("xxx") EXPIRE " special "OSHELL /bin/mkdir /u/"new_userid "OSHELL /bin/chown "new_userid" /u/"new_userid "DEFINE ALIAS (NAME('"new_userid"') RELATE('USERCAT.VUXA001') )" Sign on and change password from xxx In SPUFI or similar: • GRANT SYSADM TO USER1; Page 13-6 14 Create basic z/OS configuration The current version of ADCD includes these products: Table 18. IBM systems software Product Host ZD&T Target Version version version COBOL 6.2 DB2 11, 12 DB2I, DB2A 11, 12 Fault Analyzer 14 File Manager 14 IBM Debugger 14 IDz Host Components 14 IMS TM, DM, Connect 14, 15 MQ 8.0, 9.1 Node.js 6.0 PL/I 5.2 RTC Build Agent 6.0.6 SWIFT 4.0.1 z/OS 2.3 z/OS Explorer 3.0 14.1 Xact tools As soon as possible you should install the Xact tools. Copy from XACTRDT.CLIST, ISPPLIB and ISPSLIB to USER.&SYSVER..* Volmove. Use TSO VOLMOVE or ISPF panel XA. XaClone. Use TSO XACLONE or ISPF panel XA. Xaconedt. Use TSO XACONEDT or ISPF panel XA. 14.2 Core tables Table 19. Core tables at normal start. Ste p Dataset Member Parameters 1 Console D IPLINFO SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADAX) Page 14-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration IEASYM 00 IEASYS AL 2 SYS1.IPLPARM LOADAX IODF 99 SYS1 SYSCAT CATALOG.Z24A.MASTER SYSPARM AL IEASYM 00 PARMLIB USERXA03.PARMLIB PARMLIB USER.Z24A.PARMLIB PARMLIB FEU.Z24A.PARMLIB PARMLIB ADCD.Z24A.PARMLIB PARMLIB SYS1.PARMLIB SYSPLEX ADCDPL 3 USERXA03.PARMLIB IEASYM00 SYMDEF(&SPCFG.='PXA030') 4 SYS1.IPLPARM IEASYM01 Copy from IEASYM00 5 USERXA03.PARMLIB LOAD01 Copy from IPLPARMS(LOADAX) Edit the IEASYM statement to: IEASYM 01 6 Console 7 USERXA03.PARMLIB SETLOAD 01,IEASYM,DSN=USERXA03.PARMLIB PROGAB APF USERXA03.VTAMLIB &SPCFG APF USERXA03.LINKLIB &SPCFG 8 Console SET PROG=AB 9 ADCD.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB 10 ADCD.&SYSVER..PRO VTAM CLIB MSTJCL00 IEFPDSI USERXA02.PROCLIB USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB FEU.&SYSVER..PROCLIB ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB, SYS1.PROCLIB VTAMLST USER.&SYSVER..VTAMLST FEU.&SYSVER..VTAMLST ADCD.&SYSVER..VTAMLST SYS1.VTAMLST VTAMLIB USER.&SYSVER..VTAMLIB FEU.&SYSVER..VTAMLIB ADCD.&SYSVER..VTAMLIB, SYS1.VTAMLIB 11 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB FTPSDATA Copied from TCPIP.FTP.DATA JESINTERFACELEVEL 2 UNITNAME SYSDA Page 14-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration VOLUME UXA021 12 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB FTPD SYSFTPD USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(FTPSDATA) SYSTCPD USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) 13 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB TCPIP PROFILE USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS 14 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB VTAMALL PARMLIB USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(&M) 15 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB SHUTALL PARMLIB USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(&M) 16 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB VTAMALL Removed unused, ASCH BUZAGNT ZOSCSRV? 17 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB SHUTALL Remove unused SYSTCPD USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) BUZAGNT? ZOSCSRV? CICS? IMS? MQ? Don’t shut CICS IMM before the end, but try normal first! 18 19 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB IEASYSAL USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB IEFSSNDB LOGREC=IGNORE, Change OMVS, PROG and SCH members to what is needed Remove unused SUBSYS SUBNAME() Old DB2: DBCG DJBG Old MQ: CSQ8 20 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB CLOCK00 Finland: NOPROMPT E.02.00.00 (Winter) 03 (Summer) Denmark: NOPROMPT E.01.00.00 (Winter) 02 (Summer) 21 22 23 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB BPXPRMBP USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB BPXPRMDB USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB BPXPRMIM Remove unneeded CSQ8, Urbancode, z/OS connect Remove unneeded DB2 11 Remove unneeded Page 14-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 24 Create basic z/OS configuration USER.&SYSVER..CLIS T ISPFCL PROC 0 VOL(<volser>) e. g. UXA001 25 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB ISPFPROC SYSTCPD USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) 26 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB JES2 HASPPARM USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(&MEMBER) 27 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB JES2PARM Copy from ADCD 28 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB NFSC //SYSTCPD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS (TCPDATA) 29 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB NFSS //SYSTCPD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.&SYSVER..TCPPARMS (TCPDATA) 30 /web/httpd1/conf Httpd.envvars TZ=CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3 31 /etc Profile TZ=CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3 32 /web/httpd1/conf Postinst.prope rties SERVERNAME=zos00.domain.ext PROFILE NOMODE MSGID PROMPT INTERCOM WTPMSG PREFIX(&SYSUID.) JOBCLASS STC change OUTDISP from PURGE to KEEP Page 14-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Figure 11. ZD&T configuration structure Page 14-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 14.3 ISPF Table 20. ISPF configuration. Dataset Member Parameters USER.&SYSVER..CLIST ISPFCL PROC 0 VOL(UXA001) CONTROL NOMSG NOFLUSH PROFILE NOMODE MSGID PROMPT INTERCOM WTPMSG PREFIX(&SYSUID.) USER.&SYSVER..ISPPLIB XACTMAIN Copy from XACTRDT 13 ISPCCONF ISPF Configuration Utility 13,'CMD(%ISPCCONF)' USER.&SYSVER..ISPPLIB ISR@PRIM Copy from ADCD A Xactmain Additional IBM and Xact Products A,'PANEL(XACTMAIN)' USER.ISPF.KEYWORDS Create LIBRARY, VB, LRECL 255 TSO ISPCCONF Run to set LOG process options, command line position and possibly ISPCTLx options. Keyword File Data Set Data Set . . . 'USER.ISPF.KEYWORDS' Member . . . . ISPCFIGU Create a USER.ISPF.KEYWORDS member and convert it into a load module called ISPCFIGU. Optionally, you can use the same file to create a load module called ISPCFIGV for VSAM support. The converted load module must be placed in USER.&SYSVER..ISPLLIB, which must be present in ISPFPROC For File Manager; VSAM_EDIT_ENABLED VSAM_EDIT_COMMAND FMNINV DSE / VSAM_EDIT_LIMITED VSAM_BROWSE_ENABLED VSAM_BROWSE_COMMAND FMNINV DSB / VSAM_BROWSE_LIMITED VSAM_VIEW_ENABLED = YES = = NO = YES = = NO = YES Page 14-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration VSAM_VIEW_COMMAND FMNINV DSV / VSAM_VIEW_LIMITED = = NO VSAM_RESTRICTED_BROWSE_DATASET = NONE VSAM_RESTRICTED_EDIT_DATASET NONE = VSAM_RESTRICTED_VIEW_DATASET NONE = 14.4 VTAM Use Xaconedt: XACONEDT Option ===> __________________________________________________________________ JCL Dataset information: JCL dataset ===> ADCD.Z24A.PROCLIB___________________________ (No Quotes) Member ===> VTAM____ DDName ===> VTAMLST_ Work DDName ===> XACT0001 Hit ENTER to execute or END KEY to Exit Dataset Member Comment USER.Z24A.VTAMLST ATCCON00 Removed DBBGLU, IMS14APL, A01APPLS USER.Z24A.VTAMLST NSNA70X Member VTAMLST(NSNA70X) contains members LCL701 to LCL 71F. Device map only contains the first four. This gives a lot of VTAM messages with sense code 081C003C. Page 14-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Remove from LCL705 and downwards. 14.4.1 USSMSG10 Screen You can use the Xact tool called dk.xact.em.Ussmsg10Generator to generate assembler code for the company logo for the USSN member. Example: Figure 12. Example company logo image This will be generated into assembler source that creates this 3270 image: Figure 13. 3270 company logo for sign on screen Severe warning: If there are any errors in USSN, then you cannot log on to VTAM. Dataset Membe r Parameters USER.&SYSVER..JCL USSNJC L //ASM EXEC PGM=ASMA90,REGION=1024K,PARM='NODECK,OBJ ECT' //LKED EXEC PGM=HEWLH096,COND=(0,LT), // PARM=('SIZE=(1000K,100K),NCAL,XREF,LET,LIST') Page 14-8 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //SYSLMOD DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..VTAMLIB,DISP=SHR USER.VTAM.SOURCE USSN Copied from another system CICS USSCMD CMD=CICS,REP=LOGON,FORMAT=BAL USSPARM PARM=APPLID,DEFAULT='CICSTS54' USSPARM PARM=LOGMODE USSPARM PARM=P1,REP=DATA … DC C' ===> Examples: "L TSO" or "CICS", OR "IMS"' … Generate or hand stitch a company logo to replace “z/OS” USER.&SYSVER..PROCL IB TN3270 //STEPLIB DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..VTAMLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=ADCD.&SYSVER..VTAMLIB,DISP=SHR 14.5 Customize SYSID The IBM supplied image is called S0W1. For an active image create USERXA02 directories in disk PXA020 for • • • • • • • • • • • CLIST ISPPLIB ISPTLIB JCL LINKLIB LPALIB PARMLIB PROCLIB TCPPARMS VTAMLIB VTAMLST You can use job XACTRDT.JCL(CLONUSER). Create a new LOADPARM SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADAX) if this is not the master image. Change devmaps accordingly. Change concatenations in IPLPARM(LOADAX), PROCLIB(VTAM) and PROCLIB(TCPIP) and wherever else needed to add USERXA02 in front of USER.&SYSVER., FEU.&SYSVER., ADCD.&SYSVER. and SYS1. Page 14-9 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Use XACONEDT: XACONEDT Option ===> __________________________________________________________________ JCL Dataset information: JCL dataset ===> SYS1.IPLPARM________________________________ (No Quotes) Member ===> LOADAX__ DDName ===> PARMLIB_ Work DDName ===> XACT0001 Hit ENTER to execute or END KEY to Exit Please ensure that all data sets in the MSTJCL and VTAM are either cataloged in the Master Catalog or are directly pointed to by their DD statement via the specification of both a UNIT and a VOL=SER parameter. Table 21. Specific configuration members Datasets Member USER.&SYSVER..JCL HZSALLCP Comment //HZSALLCP JOB //* //HZSALLCP EXEC PGM=HZSAIEOF,REGION=4096K,TIME=1440 //HZSPDATA DD DSN=USER.HZSPDATA,DISP=(NEW,CATLG), // SPACE=(4096,(100,400)),UNIT=SYSDA, // DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=4096) //SYSPRINT DD DUMMY SYS1.IPLPARM LOADAX PARMLIB USERXA02.PARMLIB PXA010 PARMLIB USER.Z24A.PARMLIB A4CFG1 PARMLIB FEU.Z24A.PARMLIB PARMLIB ADCD.Z24A.PARMLIB PARMLIB SYS1.PARMLIB USERXA02.PARMLI B BPXPRM0 1 A4CFG1 A4SYS1 A4RES1 Change all &SYSNAME. to S0W1 Page 14-10 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration USERXA02.PARMLI B BPXPRMR T Change all &SYSNAME. to S0W1 USERXA02.PARMLI B COMMND AL COM='DD NAME=SYS1.S0W1.&SYSVER..DMP&SEQ' USERXA02.PARMLI B GRSRNL00 RNLDEF RNL(EXCL) TYPE(SPECIFIC) QNAME(SYSDSN) RNAME(SYS1.S0W1.LOGREC) RNLDEF RNL(EXCL) TYPE(SPECIFIC) QNAME(SYSDSN) RNAME(SYS1.S0W1.STGINDEX) USERXA02.PARMLI B IEASYM00 USERXA02.PARMLI B IEASYSAL SYSNAME(XA02) SYMDEF(&SPCFG.=’PXA010’) PAGE=(SYS1.S0W1.PLPA.PAGE, SYS1.S0W1.COMMON.PAGE, SYS1.S0W1.LOCALA.PAGE, SYS1.S0W1.LOCALB.PAGE, SYS1.S0W1.LOCALC.PAGE,L), VIODSN=SYS1.S0W1.STGINDEX, USERXA02.PARMLI B IGDSMS00 ACDS(SYS1.S0W1.ACDS) COMMDS(SYS1.S0W1.COMMDS) MAXGENS_LIMIT(100) USEEAV(YES) • SET SMS=00 USERXA02.PARMLI B IZUPRMAS HOSTNAME('zos02.domain.ext') USERXA02.PARMLI B JES2PARM NODE(1) NAME=XA02 USERXA02.PARMLI B LPALSTCI USERXA02.LPALIB(PXA010), USERXA02.PARMLI B MSTJCL00 IEFPDSI USERXA02.PROCLIB USERXA02.PARMLI B PROGAB APF USERXA02.VTAMLIB VOLUME(&SPCFG) APF USERXA02.LINKLIB VOLUME(&SPCFG) Page 14-11 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration USERXA02.PARMLI B PROGLB LNKLST USERXA02.LINKLIB VOLUME(&SPCFG) USERXA02.PARMLI B SMFPRM0 0 DSNAME(SYS1.S0W1.MAN1, USERXA02.PARMLI B VTAM00 S RRS,SUB=MSTR,GNAME=S0W1 USERXA02.PARMLI B VTAMALL USERXA02.PROCLI B HZSPROC //HZSPDATA DD DSN=USER.HZSPDATA,DISP=OLD USERXA02.PROCLI B JES2 HASPPARM USERXA02.PARMLIB(&MEMBER) SYS1.S0W1.MAN2) S EZAZSSI,P=XA01 S RRS,SUB=MSTR,GNAME=S0W1 S EZAZSSI,P=XA01 //PROC00 DD DSN=USERXA02.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR, // USERXA02.PROCLI B ISPFPROC VOL=SER=PXA010,UNIT=SYSDA SYSPROC USERXA02.CLIST USERXA02.PROCLIB ISPPLIB USERXA02.ISPPLIB SYSTCPD USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) USERXA02.PROCLI B TCPIP USERXA02.PROCLI B VTAM PROFILE USERXA02.TCPPARMS(PROFILE) SYSTCPD USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) VTAMLST USERXA02.VTAMLST VTAMLIB USERXA02.VTAMLIB USERXA02.TCPPAR IPNODES MS zos00 zos00.domain.ext USERXA02.TCPPAR TCPDATA MS HOSTNAME USERXA02.CLIST HWSSTOP ISFSYSID="XA00" USERXA02.CLIST IMSSTOP ISFSYSID="XA00" USERXA02.CLIST IMSWARM ISFSYSID="XA00" USERXA02.CLIST IMSCOLD ISFSYSID="XA00" JES2 Console USS Symbolic links zos00 DOMAINORIGIN domain.ext ÅT NODE(S0W1),NAME=XA01 Delete and define new links in TSO ISH: /ÅSYSNAME/dev ➔/S0W1/dev Same for etc, tmp and var Page 14-12 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration In OMVS you would use $ Unlink /ÅSYSNAME/dev UNIX System Services ISPF Shell Enter a pathname and do one of these: - Press Enter. - Select an action bar choice. - Specify an action code or command on the command line. Return to this panel to work with a different pathname. More: + /tmp EUID=0 Create a New File Pathname: More: + /tmp ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Permissions . . 777 (3 digits, each 0-7) File type File source for regular file 4 1. Directory __ 1. Edit... 2. Regular file 2. Copy file... 3. FIFO 3. Copy data set... 4. Symbolic link... 5. Hard link... View and set attributes . . . N Select Type of Symbolic Link 1 1. Symbolic link... 2. External link to a data set... 3. External link to a pathname... Enter the Pathname Change this to the pathname of the symbolic link: More: + /S0W1/tmp Page 14-13 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 14.5.1 Activate PDS/E Version 2 Find current parmlib member (typically 00): $ D SMS,OPTIONS Also create SYS1.PARMLIB(IGDSMS00): SMS ACDS(SYS1.S0W1.ACDS) COMMDS(SYS1.S0W1.COMMDS) MAXGENS_LIMIT(100) $ SET SMS=00 You might need to reaffirm COMMDS name on the console. Define USER.COMMDS as a linear data set like SYS1.S0W1.COMMDS: (Member JCL(COMMDS)) //STEP EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(USER.COMMDS) LINEAR VOL(A4CFG1) TRK(1 1) SHAREOPTIONS(3,3)) DATA(NAME(USER.COMMDS.DATA)REUSE) /* $ SETSMS COMMDS(USER.COMMDS) 1. Go to the ISMF panels in ISPF. (This is option M.2 in recent AD-CD systems.) 2. Ensure that you are in Administrator mode. If you can see option 8 (Control Data Set) in the panel, then you are in Administrator mode. If not, select option 0 (Profile), then option 0 (User Mode), then option 2 (Administrator). Then, exit completely out of ISMF (using PF3s) and restart it. 3. Select option 8 (Control Data Set). 4. Set CDS name to ‘SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.SCDS' at the top of the panel. 5. Select option 3 (Alter). 6. Page (PF8) to second panel. 7. Specify option 1 (Add), specify System Name XA02 8. Exit this panel (PF3). 9.Select option 4 (Validate the SCDS) and look for SUCCESSFUL VALIDATION. 10.Select option 5 to activate the CDS. Enter / (forward slash) to request activation. Page 14-14 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 11.You should see an ACTIVATION SCHEDULED message and the MVS console should have a NEW CONFIGURATION ACTIVATED message. 12.Use PF3 to exit from ISMF. If at IPL you get a Console message: PLEASE ENTER NAME OF COMMDS TO BE USED Use USER.COMMDS If asked to CONFIRM MEMBER(002) NAME=<SYSID> IS TO BE ADDED 01 ÅHASP870 REPLY 'Y' TO CONFIRM, 'N' TO REFUSE OR 'T' TO TERMINATE Reply $ 01,y If you get this error at logon: ISPI003 Following file was not preallocated: ISPPROF Then try to logon using profile ISPFLITE to have it created. 14.6 Symbols and aliases (optional) Table 22. System symbols table Dataset Member USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB IEASYM00 Parameters SYSNAME(<sysid>) SYMDEF(&SPCFG.='P<sysid>0') Console D SYMBOLS Displays symbols Configure system, so a versioned dataset name can be aliased into an unversioned name You can install Parmlib Processor, see Appendix J. Both real dataset and alias must reside in the same user catalog. • • DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(TEST100) RELATE(USERCAT.VUXAC11)) DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(TEST) RELATE(USERCAT.VUXAC11)) This works fine, but is static: • DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(TEST.TESTLIB) RELATE(TEST100.TESTLIB)) Update IAESYM00 to include • SYMDEF(&TESTVER.='TEST100') This can be dynamically activated, if you are at z/OS 2.1 • • Copy IEASYM00 to IEASYM01 Copy PARMLIB(LOAD01) from IPLPARMS(LOADAX) and edit the IEASYM statement to: IEASYM 01 Page 14-15 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Then issue the console command $ SETLOAD 01,IEASYM,DSN=USER.Z24A.PARMLIB Now you can do $ DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(TEST.TESTLIB2) SYMBOLICRELATE(&TESTVER..TESTLIB2)) 14.7 WLM Extract definition from couple datasets. Save as ISPF tables in USERXA03.ISPTLIB 14.8 SMS How to find the source of the current SMS ACS routines: ISPF M.2 ISMF 7 Automatic Class Selection 5. Display “Source Data Set ACS Routine Translated from” and “Member Name” SYS1.SMS.CNTL ACSSTORD, DB2STORC and DB2STORG. Save in USER.SMS.CNTL, translate, validate and activate in Control Dataset. At Z24A SMS has been expanded. SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.CNTL(STORCLAS) updated with FILTLIST XACT_HLQ INCLUDE(USER1.**, USER2.**, USER3.**, IBMUSER.**) and WHEN (&DSN = &XACT_HLQ) DO SET &STORCLAS = '' EXIT CODE(0) END SCDS validated and activated. 14.8.1 Example structure Definitions in 'SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.SCDS. Disks VOLUME SERIAL PHYSICAL STATUS Page 14-16 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration A4CFG1 NONSMS A4USR1 CONVERT PXA030 CONVERT UXA031 CONVERT UXA032 CONVERT Storage classes and groups STORCLAS STORGRP Volumes NAME NAME SCBASE SGBASE A4USR1 SCSPEC SGSPEC PXA030 SCUSER SCUSER UXA031 UXA032 Automatic Class Selection Dataset Member Statements SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.CNTL STORCLAS FILTLIST XACT_SPEC ADBS.**) INCLUDE(USERXA03.**, FILTLIST XACT_USER INCLUDE(USER2.**,USER1.**,USER3.**, PVI.**,MSM.**,IBMUSER.**, JFH.**,CUSTOMER.**,XACTCON.**) WHEN (&DSN = &XACT_USER) DO SET &STORCLAS = 'SCUSER' EXIT CODE(0) END WHEN (&DSN = &SPEC_HLQ) DO SET &STORCLAS = ‘SCSPEC’ EXIT CODE(0) Page 14-17 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration END WHEN (&DATACLAS = 'DCEXTEAV') DO SET &STORCLAS = 'SCEXTEAV' EXIT CODE(0) END OTHERWISE DO SET &STORCLAS = 'SCBASE' EXIT CODE(0) END SYS1.S0W1.DFSMS.CNTL STORGRP WHEN (&STORCLAS = 'SCUSER') DO SET &STORGRP = 'SGUSER' EXIT CODE(0) END WHEN (&STORCLAS = 'SCSPEC') DO SET &STORGRP = 'SGSPEC' EXIT CODE(0) END 14.9 RRS If you get this error: DSNA679I DSNA6BUF THE ADMIN SCHEDULER DBCGADMT CANNOT ACCESS TASK LIST SYSIBM.ADMIN_TASKS, REASON=DB2 CODE X'00F30091' IN IFI IDENTIFY Then it is an RRS problem. Delete all existing datasets in IXGLOGR.ATR.S0W1.* Submit the following job by using the user ID IBMUSER. //RRSADCD JOB (72,FB3),DESCRIPTION, Page 14-18 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration // Create basic z/OS configuration CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=H,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* //LOGST EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(YES) DELETE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.ARCHIVE) DELETE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.DELAYED.UR) DELETE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.MAIN.UR) DELETE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.RESTART) DELETE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.RM.DATA) DELETE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.RM.METADATA) /* //LOGST EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(YES) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.RM.DATA) MAXBUFSIZE(65532) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(3000) STG_SIZE(3000) HLQ(IXGLOGR) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) LOWOFFLOAD(0) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.MAIN.UR) MAXBUFSIZE(65532) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(3000) STG_SIZE(3000) HLQ(IXGLOGR) Page 14-19 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration HIGHOFFLOAD(80) LOWOFFLOAD(0) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.DELAYED.UR) MAXBUFSIZE(65532) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(3000) STG_SIZE(3000) HLQ(IXGLOGR) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) LOWOFFLOAD(0) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.RESTART) MAXBUFSIZE(65532) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(3000) HLQ(IXGLOGR) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) LOWOFFLOAD(0) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.ARCHIVE) MAXBUFSIZE(65532) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(3000) STG_SIZE(3000) HLQ(IXGLOGR) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) LOWOFFLOAD(0) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(ATR.S0W1.RM.METADATA) MAXBUFSIZE(65532) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(3000) STG_SIZE(3000) HLQ(IXGLOGR) Page 14-20 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration HIGHOFFLOAD(80) LOWOFFLOAD(0) Re-IPL the machine, or restart the RRS by using the following console command. S RRS,SUB=MSTR,GNAME=S0W1 14.10 STEPNAME and PROCSTEP in SDSF If STEPNAME and PROCSTEP are not displayed in SDSF, you must install an SMP/E USERMOD for IEFACTRT. A job is available in XACTRDT.JCL(INSTCTRT). You must edit REWORK date and FMID to the current system as found in MVS.GLOBAL.CSI through the SMP/E panels (currently HBB77B0). It requires read access to RACF FACILITY GIM.* You might need to go to the SMP/E panels, select administration of “MVS.GLOBAL.CSI’, then global zone definitions, where you can delete missing CSQ versions. It also needs some intermediary data sets, SYS1.UMODOBJ and SYS1.UMODSRC. Both are PO, FB 80 32720 LIBRARY and can be removed afterwards. 14.11 Spin syslog To avoid SYSLOG and the JES SPOOL running full we added a started task called USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB(SPINSYSL) and added it to USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(VTAMALL): /*ÅTA WLOG,T=23.58,I=86400,'ÅVS,''W L''' /*ÅTA WLOG,T=23.59,I=86400,'ÅP JQ,A>1,Q=PPU,PROTECT' 14.12 Health Checker Table 23. Health checker configuration Dataset Member Comments USERXA02.JCL HZSALLCP Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB HZSPDATA DD DSN=USER.HZSPDATA VOL=SER=A4CFG1 USER.&SYSVER..PROCLI B HZSPROC HZSPDATA=USER.HZSPDATA HZSPRM=’AD’ when updating HZSPRM=’PREV’ when stable (default) RACF Give user HCUSER read authority to FACILITY class IRR.RADMIN.RLIST Page 14-21 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration SDSF Create basic z/OS configuration CK USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI HZSPRMA B D Sort status and find entries with EXCEPTION. Decide whether to fix or to suppress ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(38) UPDATE CHECK(IBMCICS,CICS_CEDA_ACCESS) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(39) UPDATE CHECK(IBMRACF,RACF_BATCHALLRACF) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(40) UPDATE CHECK(IBMRACF,RACF_JESJOBS_ACTIVE) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(41) UPDATE CHECK(IBMRACF,RACF_JESSPOOL_ACTIVE) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(41) UPDATE CHECK(IBMRACF,RACF_PASSWORD_CONTROLS) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) Page 14-22 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(43) UPDATE CHECK(IBMOCE,OCE_XTIOT_CHECK) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(44) UPDATE CHECK(IBMXCF,XCF_TCLASS_CLASSLEN) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(45) UPDATE CHECK(IBMRACF,RACF_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATI ON) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190820,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(46) UPDATE CHECK(IBMCICS,CICS_JOBSUB_SPOOL) SEVERITY(LOW) DATE(20190822,NOCHECK) INACTIVE REASON('ADCD - Test/Development env') … ADDREPLACE POLICY STATEMENT(46) UPDATE CHECK(IBMCICS,CICS_JOBSUB_TDQINTRDR) Page 14-23 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Restart HZSPROC using $ S HZSPROC 14.13 SMF Table 24. SMF configuration Dataset Member Parameters USERXA02.PARMLIB SMFPRM00 STATUS(240000) SET SMF=00 14.14 LE/370 (Optional) Check if any CEE*OPT exits need to be migrated from the host to ZD&T. Use the $ /D CEE command to display the values that were set in the current CEEPRMxx parmlib members and by the SETCEE command. Use the $ CLER transaction in CICS to display or modify the region values. Table 25. OP LE/370 configuration Dataset Member Parameters USER.&SYSVER..PARML IB CEEPRM0 0 CEEDOPT( ALL31=((OFF),OVR), COUNTRY=((FI),OVR), NATLANG=((UEN),OVR), STACK=((128K,128K,BELOW,KEEP,512K,128K),O VR), TERMTHDACT=((UADUMP,,0),OVR), TRAP=((ON),OVR), ) CEECOPT( CBLPSHPOP=((OFF),OVR), COUNTRY=((FI),OVR), NATLANG=((UEN),OVR), Page 14-24 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration STORAGE=((00,NONE,NONE,0K),OVR), TERMTHDACT=((UATRACE,,0),OVR), TRAP=((ON),OVR), ) SET CEE=00 USER.&SYSVER..PARML IB IEASYSAL CEE=00 Syntax check: $ EX 'CEE.SCEECLST(CEEPRMCK)' 'MEMBERS(00) DSN(''USER.Z24A.PARMLIB'')' 14.15 SMP/E Define zFS USER.SMPNTS.ZFS with (50,50) at A4USS1 and A4USS2. Mount at /u/smpe/smpnts/ Add to BPXPRMBP: MOUNT FILESYSTEM('USER.SMPNTS.ZFS') NOAUTOMOVE MOUNTPOINT('/u/smpe/smpnts') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) PARM('AGGRGROW') For MVS: Delete ZONE entries for non-existing MQ versions. You might need reject PTF UQ99324 for Library server if you have issues with SEPH* datasets. 14.16 z/OS MF At Z24A: RACF PROFILE IZUINSTP.* (G) IN THE STARTED CLASS needed STDATA INFORMATION -----------------USER= IZUSVR GROUP= IZUADMIN TRUSTED= NO PRIVILEGED= NO TRACE= YES Page 14-25 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration z/OS MF is running as started tasks IZUSVR1 and IZUANG1. Also uses Common Information Model, started task CFZCIM, and Common Event Adapter, started task CEA. Table 26. z/OS MF configuration Ste p Dataset Member Parameters 1 USERXA02.PAR MLIB IZUPRM AS HOSTNAME('zos02.domain.ext') JAVA_HOME(’/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64’) PLUGINS( ISPF)6 2 TSO OMVS Chmod -R 777 /var/zosmf Chown IZUSVR /var/zosmf 3 USER.&SYSVER.. JCL IZURACF PERMIT IZUDFLT CLASS(APPL) ID(USER1) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT CFZAPPL CLASS(APPL) ID(USER1) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF CLASS(ZMFAPLA) ID(USER1) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.*.izuUsers CLASS(EJBROLE) ID(USER1) ACCESS(READ) RDEFINE ZMFCLOUD IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.** UACC(NONE) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.** CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(USER1) ACCESS(READ) RDEFINE SERVAUTH CEA.CEATSO.TSOREQUEST UACC(NONE) PERMIT CEA.CEATSO.TSOREQUEST CLASS(SERVAUTH) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(READ) CONNECT USER1 GROUP(IZUNUSER) CONNECT USER1 GROUP(IZUADMIN) SETROPTS CLASSACT(ZMFCLOUD) GENERIC(ZMFCLOUD) RACLIST(ZMFCLOUD) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.RESOURCE_MANAGE MENT.IYU CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IYU IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) 6 Unless you want to use e.g. zospt. Then add all of them: PLUGINS( INCIDENT_LOG, COMMSERVER_CFG, WORKLOAD_MGMT, RESOURCE_MON, CAPACITY_PROV, SOFTWARE_MGMT, SYSPLEX_MGMT, ISPF) Page 14-26 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration CONNECT IBMUSER GROUP(IYU) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.RESOURCE_MANAGE MENT.IYU0 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IYU IYU0 IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.RESOURCE_MANAGE MENT.IYU000 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IYU000) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.RESOURCE_POOL.WLM.IYU0 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IYU0RPAW IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.RESOURCE_POOL.WLM.IYU0 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.RESOURCE_POOL.WLM.IYU0 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.RESOURCE_POOL.NETWORK.IYU0 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IYU0RPAN IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.RESOURCE_POOL.NETWORK.IYU0 CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(ZMFAPLA ZMFCLOUD SERVER) REFRESH SETROPTS RACLIST(APPL EJBROLE SERVAUTH) REFRESH 4 USERXA02.JCL IZUSEC Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB and edit 5 USERXA02.PAR MLIB VTAMAL L Remove IZUANG1 and IZUSVR1, as they are now started by the IPL procedure 6 USERXA02.JCL IZUGCSE C Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB and edit 7 USERXA02.JCL IZUCASE C Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB and edit 8 USERXA02.JCL IZURMS EC Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB and edit 9 USERXA02.JCL IZUWMS EC Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB and edit Connect with https://zos02.domain.ext:10443/zosmf Page 14-27 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Figure 14. z/OS MF Screen Shots 14.16.1 ZOSMF Tuning java -Xshareclasses:cacheDir=/var/zosmf/data/logs/.classCache,name=libertyIZUSVR,printStats Page 14-28 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration AOT bytes Create basic z/OS configuration = 4251136 Reserved space for AOT bytes Maximum space for AOT bytes Ste p Dataset = -1 = 4194304 Member Comment /var/zosmf/configur local_overrid ation/ e.cfg JVM_OPTIONS=” is=300000\n-Xshareclasses:name=zosmfsc\nXscmx256M\n-Xscmaxaot30M\nXquickstart\n-Xms256m\n-Xmx512m\nXlp:objectheap:pagesize=1m,warn,pageable\nXlp:codecache:pagesize=1m,pageable” PARMLIB LFAREA=(1M=(15%,0%),NOPROMPT), IEASYSAL RACF: RDEFINE EJBROLE + RDEFINE EJBROLE + PERMIT + + CLASS(EJBROLE) ID(IZUUSER IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT + CLASS(EJBROLE) ID(IZUUSER IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IRR.RUSERMAP CLASS(FACILITY) ID(IZUUSER IZUADMIN) + ACCESS(READ) PERMIT HWI.APPLNAME.HWISERV CLASS(FACILITY) ID(IZUADMIN) + ACCESS(READ) PERMIT MVSADMIN.WLM.POLICY CLASS(FACILITY) ID(IZUGUEST IZUSVR ) + ACCESS(UPDATE) PERMIT IRR.DIGTCERT.LISTRING CLASS(FACILITY) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(UPDATE) PERMIT SYSPLEX.OPERLOG CLASS(LOGSTRM) ID(USER1 USER2 USER3) ACCESS(READ) Page 14-29 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration PERMIT IZUSVR.IZUKEYRING.IZUDFLT.LST CLASS(RDATALIB) ID(IZUSVR) + ACCESS(READ) PERMIT SUPERUSER.FILESYS.MOUNT CLASS(UNIXPRIV) ID(IZUUSER IZUADMIN) + ACCESS(UPDATE) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.WORKFLOW.EDITOR CLASS(ZMFAPLA) + ID(ADCDMST IBMUSER USER1 USER2 USER3 IYU IYU0 IZUADMIN IZUUSER) + ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT CLASS(ZMFAPLA) + ID(IBMUSER ADCDMST IYU IYU0 IZUADMIN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.SOFTWARE_SERVICES CLASS(ZMFAPLA) + ID(IYU0RPAN ADCDMST IBMUSER USER1 USER2 USER3 IYU IYU000 IYU0RPAW IYU0 + IZUADMIN IZUUSER) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.SECURITY.ADMIN CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) + ID(IBMUSER USER1 USER2 USER3 IZUSECAD) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.PROVISIONING.RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT.IYU000 + CLASS(ZMFCLOUD) + ID(ADCDMST IBMUSER USER1 USER2 USER3 IYU000 IZUADMIN IZUUSER) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(ZMFAPLA ZMFCLOUD SERVER UNIXPRIV) REFRESH SETROPTS RACLIST(APPL EJBROLE SERVAUTH RDATALIB LOGSTRM) REFRESH 14.16.2 Dynamic parse function If not available: IRR52100I Processing terminated. Dynamic parse is not active. Contact your system programmer. Run PROCLIB member IRRDPTAX. 14.16.3 Account numbers If needed then RACF define Class ACCTNUM , profiles IBM, <customer> and XACT. 14.16.4 User ID’s Install REXX Newuser. When you have run NEWUSER, go into ISPF option M.3, RACF, and select • 4 USER PROFILES AND YOUR OWN PASSWORD Change owner to SYS1 and add name. Page 14-30 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • Create basic z/OS configuration s TSO PARAMETERS ACCTNUM= ACCT# PROC= ISPFPROC SIZE= 02096128 COMMAND= ISPF NOLOGO Edit logon_proc ISPFPROC, account, and user catalog USERCAT.&SYSVER..USER. Change owner to SYS1, add names and TSO COMMAND ISPF in the RACF panels. 14.17 Java batch Copy the member from each of the following proclibs to USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB. Edit //* LIBRARY='<HLQ>.JZOS.LOADLIB', < STEPLIB FOR JVMLDM module To point to the corresponding loadlib: Table 27. JVM batch procedures Version Proclib Loadlib 71 JVA710.PROCLIB JVA710.SIEALNKE 77 JVB710.PROCLIB JVB710.SIEALNKE 80 JVA800.PROCLIB JVA800.SIEALNKE 86 JVB800.PROCLIB JVB800.SIEALNKE 14.18 Symlink in USS (Optional) A symbolic link, also termed a soft link, is a special kind of file that points to another file, much like a shortcut in Windows or a Macintosh alias. Unlike a hard link, a symbolic link does not contain the data in the target file. It simply points to another entry somewhere in the file system. This difference gives symbolic links certain qualities that hard links do not have, such as the ability to link to directories, or to files on remote computers networked through NFS. Also, when you delete a target file, symbolic links to that file become unusable, whereas hard links preserve the contents of the file. To create a symbolic link in Unix, at the Unix prompt, enter: ln -s source_file myfile Replace source_file with the name of the existing file for which you want to create the symbolic link (this file can be any existing file or directory across the file systems). Replace myfile with the name of the symbolic link. The ln command then creates the symbolic link. After you've made the symbolic link, you can perform an operation on or execute myfile, just as you could with the source_file. You can use normal file management commands (e.g., cp, rm) on the symbolic link. Page 14-31 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Note: If you delete the source file or move it to a different location, your symbolic file will not function properly. You should either delete or move it. If you try to use it for other purposes (e.g., if you try to edit or execute it), the system will send a "file nonexistent" message. 14.19 AT-TLS At Z24A only needed: >su >cd /tmp/ >chown PAGENT pagent.* 1 /etc services syslog 514/udp 2 /etc syslog.conf # /etc/syslog.conf - control output of syslogd # 1. all files with will be printed to /tmp/syslog.auth.log auth.* /tmp/syslog.auth.log # 2. all error messages printed to /tmp/syslog.error.log *.err /tmp/syslog.error.log # 3. all debug and above messages printed to /tmp/syslog.debug.log *.debug /tmp/syslog.debug.log # The files named must exist before the syslog daemon is started, # unless -c startup option is used 3 /etc Rc # Start the SYSLOGD daemon for logging # (clean up old logs) sed -n '/^#/!s/.* \(.*\)/\1/p' /etc/syslog.conf | xargs -i rm {} # (create new logs and add userid of message sender) _BPX_JOBNAME='SYSLOGD' /usr/sbin/syslogd -cuf /etc/syslog.conf & sleep 5 4 USER.TCPPARMS PROFILE TCPCONFIG RESTRICTLOWPORTS TTLS AUTOLOG [stanza] add: PAGENT ; POLICY AGENT, required for AT-TLS 5 USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB PAGENT Copy from TCPIP.SEZAINST(PAGENT) 6 RACF USERID PAGENT 7 RACF STARTED PAGENT.* USERID(PAGENT) 8 RACF SERVAUTH EZB.INITSTACK.* UACC(READ) 9 RACF SERVAUTH EZB.PAGENT.* UACC(READ) 10 RACF FACILITY BPX.DAEMON PAGENT READ 11 /etc Pagent.conf #/usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/pagent_TTLS.conf can be used as inspiration # TCPIP Policy Agent Configuration # LogLevel statement # ... SYSERR, OBJERR, PROTERR, and WARNING messages are logged. LogLevel 15 Page 14-32 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration TcpImage TCPIP FLUSH PURGE TTLSConfig //'USER.TCPPARMS(TCPPOLS)' FLUSH PURGE 12 USER.TCPPARMS TCPPOLS ## ## TCP/IP Policy Agent AT-TLS configuration information. ## ##----------------------------TTLSRule X { LocalPortRange 9876 Jobname X Direction Inbound TTLSGroupActionRef grp_X TTLSEnvironmentActionRef act_X } ##----------------------------TTLSEnvironmentAction act_X { HandshakeRole Server TTLSKeyRingParms { Keyring X.KEYRING # Keyring must be owned by the X } TTLSEnvironmentAdvancedParms { ## TLSV1.2 only for z/OS 2.1 and higher # TLSV1.2 On # SSLv3, TLSv1 & TLSv1.1 are on by default } } ##----------------------------TTLSGroupAction grp_X { TTLSEnabled On Trace 3 # Log Errors to syslogd & IP joblog #Trace 254 # Log everything to syslogd } 13 RACF PERMIT IRR.DIGTCERT.LIST CLASS(FACILITY) ACCESS(READ) ID(X) PERMIT IRR.DIGTCERT.LISTRING CLASS(FACILITY) ACCESS(READ) ID(X) 14 RACF RACDCERT ID(X) GENCERT SUBJECTSDN(CN('Xact X') OU(’X') O(’Xact’) L('ANB68A') SP('Hvidovre') C('DK')) NOTAFTER(DATE(2020-12-31)) KEYUSAGE(HANDSHAKE) WITHLABEL('X') 15 RACF RACDCERT ID(X) ADDRING(X.KEYRING) 16 RACF RACDCERT ID(X) CONNECT(LABEL('X') RING(X.KEYRING) USAGE(PERSONAL) DEFAULT) 17 RACF RACDCERT ID(X) LISTRING(X.KEYRING) Page 14-33 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 14.20 DB2 14.20.1 DB2 reinstall to change subsystem name Ste Dataset p 1 ISMF panels 1 USER.DB2.JCL 2 USER.DB2.JCL 3 USER.DB2.JCL 4 USER.DB2.JCL Member Parameters SMS Managem ent Class MCNULL DSNTIJSS Everything NONE, NO, STANDARD or blank INITDISK DSNTIJR W RACFWL M1 5 USER.DB2.JCL RACFWL M2 6 USER.DB2.JCL RACFWL M3 7 USER.&SYSVER..PAR PROG* MLIB SMS definitions Default Management Class: STANDEF Storage group DB22SG, volume U<SYSID>3 Storage class DB22SC Data class DB22DC ACS HLQ DB22 NB: Added 3LQ DSNOPTDB for job DSNTIJSG ➔ SETSMS SCDS() Initialize disk with storage group parameter WLMNAMES: DB22WAC1, DB22WAC2, DB22WAC3, DB22WAD1, DB22WAJ1, DB22WAM1, DB22WAR1, DB22WAU1, DB22WAW1, DB22WAX1, DB22WIC1 SERVER DSNR DSNR PROGRAM Remove V9 APF DB22.SDSNEXIT LNKLST DB22.SDSNEXIT 8 USER.&SYSVER..PAR PROG* MLIB 9 USER.&SYSVER..PAR IEFSSNDB SUBSYS SUBNAME(DB22) INITRTN(DSN3INI) MLIB INITPARM('DSN3EPX,-DB22,S') SUBSYS SUBNAME(DJ22) 10 DB22.SDSNSAMP DSNTIJCA User catalog USERCAT.DB22 STORAGEGROUP Alias DB22 11 DB22.SDSNSAMP DSNTIJIN HLQ DB22 Catalog DB22 VOL U<SYSID>2 for non-SMS-datasets Page 14-34 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 12 Defined manually 13 DB22.SDSNSAMP Create basic z/OS configuration DSNTIJUZ DB22.SDSNEXIT DSN6SPRM ADMTPROC=DB22ADMT, CATALOG=DB22, CATDDACL=DB22DC, CATDSTCL=DB22SC, CATXDACL=DB22GC, CATXSTCL=DB22SC, FCCOPYDDN=DB22.&&DB..&&SN..N&&DSNUM..& &UQ., IRLMPRC=DB22IRLM, IRLMSID=DJ22, SYSADM=IBMUSER, SYSADM2=IBMUSER, SYSOPR1=K844241, SYSOPR2=K844241, DSN6ARVP ARCPFX1=DB22.ARCHLOG1, ARCPFX2=DB22.ARCHLOG2, ARCRETN=8, UNIT=3390, DSN6LOGP MAXARCH=30, DDF LOCATION=DALLASC, LUNAME=DB22DRD, RESPORT=5203, PORT=5202, SECPORT=0 DSN6SYSP WLMENV=DB22WSC1 DSNHDECM ASCCSID=858, AMCCSID=65534, AGCCSID=65534, SCCSID=1143, MCCSID=65534, GCCSID=65534, USCCSID=367, Page 14-35 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 14 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJID 15 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJIE 16 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJIF UMCCSID=1208, UGCCSID=1200, ENSCHEME=EBCDIC, APPENSCH=EBCDIC, DATE=ISO, DECIMAL=COMMA, DELIM=APOST, SQLDELI=APOST, DSQLDELI=APOST, SSID=DB22, LC_CTYPE=FI_FI Job DSNTIJID records the active log data set names to the BSDS, formats the active log data sets, and initializes the DB2 directory table spaces and indexes. Job DSNTIJIE initializes the DB2 catalog table spaces and indexes (through the SYSGRTNS table space). Job DSNTIJIF initializes the remaining DB2 catalog table spaces and indexes. 17 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJEX 18 USER.&SYSVER..PAR PROG* MLIB Authorization exit routines LNKLST DSNC10.SDSNLINK, DB22.SDSNEXIT, DSNC10.SDSNLOAD 19 USER.TCPPARMS 5202 TCP DB22DIST 5203 TCP DB22DIST 5204 TCP DB22DIST LIB='DB22.SDSNEXIT’ PORTS 20 USER.&SYSVER..PRO DB22AD CLIB MT DB22DB M1 DB22DIS T DB22IRL M DB22MST R DB22WL M DB22WL MC DB22WL MD DB22WL MG DB2SSID=DB22 ADMTDD1 DB22.TASKLIST IRLMNM=DJ22 BSDS1 DB22.BSDS01 APPLENV=DB22ENVx Page 14-36 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 21 Start DB2 22 USER.DB2.JCL 23 Restart DB2 Create basic z/OS configuration DB22WL MJ DB22WL MM DB22WL MP DB22WL MR DB22WL MU DB22WL MW DB22WL MX DB22WL M1 DSNHAS M DSNHC DSNHCPP DSNHCPP S DSNHCPP 2 DSNHCS DSNHFOR DSNHICO B DSNHPLI DSNHSQL DSNUPRO C S DB22IRL M -DB22 START DB2 DSNTIJTC RESOURCE with REASON 00C900A6 and DDF abnormal completion can be ignored at this moment Job DSNTIJTC invokes the CATMAINT utility to tailor your Version 11 catalog, which you must do to fully install DB2. DSNTIJTC performs sitespecific tailoring of the catalog. -DB22 Stop and restart DB2 to pick up catalog STOP DB2 maintenance Page 14-37 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 24 USER.DB2.JCL Create basic z/OS configuration -P DB22AD MT -P DB22IRL M -DB22 START DB2 DSNTIJT M 25 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJSG 26 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJRT 27 USER.DB2.JCL 28 USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJRV DSNTIJIC 29 USER.&SYSVER..PRO IMS2CTL CLIB 30 USER.&SYSVER..PRO IMS2DB2 CLIB 2 31 USER.&SYSVER..PAR SHUTALL MLIB 32 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB 33 USER.DB2.JCL 34 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB 35 USER.DB2.JCL VTAMALL Create default storage group, define temporary work files, and bind DB2 REXX Language Support bind DB2-supplied packages and plans, initialize the DB2 communications database, and create user-managed databases for the DB2 resource limit facility (RLF), Data Definition Control support, and query optimization. DB2 supplied routines. Rerun with only INSTALL parameter. Note that empty lines between statements means that you should not run it from IDz, but from ISPF DB2 supplied routines For backup purposes, create a copy of the DB2 directory and catalog. Changed TAPE to U<SYSID>2 SSM=DB22 DFSESL DFSF10.SDSFRESL DSNC10.SDSNLOAD SST=DB2,SSN=DB22,LIT=SYS1,ESMT=DSNMIN10, REO=R,CRC=F DB22ADMT,APPL=SHUTDOWN -DB22 STOP DB2 -DB22 START DB2 DSNTEJ1L DSNTEP2 DSQ1DEF SSID = "DB22" S LOCATION = "DALLASC" VCATNAME = "QMFC10" VOLUMES = "U<SYSID>2" QMFPLNAME = "QMF1210" DSQ1BSQ // QMFTPRE='QMFC10', L // DB2EXIT='DB22.SDSNEXIT', // DB2LOAD='DSNC10.SDSNLOAD' SSID, LOCATION Page 14-38 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 36 USER.DB2.JCL DSQ1BLN I 37 USER.DB2.JCL DSQ1BV W DSQ1BPK G DSQ1BIN Same R DSQ1STGJ Same DSQ1EIVS Same 38 USER.DB2.JCL 39 USER.DB2.JCL 40 USER.DB2.JCL 41 USER.DB2.JCL %DSQ1INST QMFBSQL SSID(DB22) LOCATION(DALLASC) VCATNAME(QMFC10) VOLUMES(U<SYSID>2) %DSQ1INST QMFBSQL SSID(DB22) LOCATION(DALLASC) %DSQ1BPKB DB22 DALLASC Clean up to reinstall: • • • • P LLA SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE Delete DB22.* Restart at DSNTIJIN 14.20.2 Normal DB2 configuration Table 28. DB2 configuration Dataset Member Parameters USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B PROGLD LINKLST DSNC10.SDSNLINK DSNC10.DBCG.SDSNEXIT DSNC10.SDSNLOAD Console -DBCG STOP DB2 ADBC10.SADBTLIB ADBTPAR M Copy from ADBC10.CUSTOM.SADBTLIB ADBC10.SADBCLST ADBL PROD('ADBC10') USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJUZ Copy from DSNC10.NEW.SDSNSAMP(DSNTIJUZ) DSN6ARVP ARCRETN=8, DSN6LOGP MAXARCH=30, USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJUA Copy from DSNC10.NEW.SDSNSAMP DSNHDECM ASCCSID=5348, SCCSID=1142, DATE=EUR, DECIMAL=COMMA, DELIM=APOST, SQLDELI=APOST, Page 14-39 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration SSID=DBCG, TIME=EUR, LC_CTYPE=DA_DK USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJUM DSNHMCIM SCCSID=1142 USER.DB2.JCL LISTMEMB Find highest used RBA USER.DB2.JCL CRESTART Create a cold start bootstrap record using the highest used RBA rounded op to nearest 99999000 as both startrba and endrba DDF LOCATION=DALLASC CRESTART CREATE,STARTRBA=00000000000112F96000, ENDRBA=00000000000112F96000, FORWARD=NO,BACKOUT=NO USER.DB2.JCL DELCCSID DELETE CCSIDS USER.DB2.JCL LISTMEMB Run again with parameter MEMBER * to verify that all CCSID’s have been deleted and are set as 0 Console -DBCG Answer Y on console to cold start DB2 START DB2 USER.DB2.JCL LISTMEMB ISPF DB2I SPUFI or DB2A Run again with parameter MEMBER * to verify that all CCSID’s have been fixed SELECT GETVARIABLE('SYSIBM.SYSTEM_EBCDIC_CCSID' ) FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1; SELECT CURRENT DATE FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1; USER.&SYSVER..ISPPLIB XACTMAIN 3,'CMD(EXEC ''ADBC10.SADBCLST(ADBL)'')' USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B IEFSSNDB Remove old versions USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B PROGAD Remove old versions PROGLD USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB ISPFPROC STEPLIB GDDM.SADMMOD SYSPROC DSNC10.NEW.SDSNCLST, DSNC10.SDSNCLST ISPMLIB DSNC10.SDSNSPFM ISPPLIB DSNC10.SDSNSPFP, DSNC10.SDSNPFPE Page 14-40 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ISPSLIB DSNC10.SDSNSPFS The database location is called DALLASC for DB2 version 12 (hex C). 14.20.3 DB2 Archive Log Deletion DSNJU004 lists the bootstrap dataset: //DSNJU004 JOB (XACT),'XACT',NOTIFY=&SYSUID,REGION=0M, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //* //RUNUTIL EXEC PGM=DSNJU004 //GROUP DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSNC10.DBCG.BSDS01 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * MEMBER * Archive logs are found as ARCHIVE LOG COPY 1 DATA SETS START RBA/TIME END RBA/TIME DATE/LTIME DATA SET INFORMATION ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------- -------------------00000000000082C80000 00000000000084E3FFFF 2014.184 DSN=DSNC10.DBCG.ARCLOG1.D14184.T0746053.A0000063 2014.184 12:45:59.0 2014.184 12:46:05.3 7:46 PASSWORD=(NULL) VOL=VPARC1 UNIT=3390 CATALOGUED ... You have to stop DB2 to delete in the Bootstrap dataset. /-DBCG STOP DB2 Run DSNJU003 to delete entries in the bootstrap dataset: //DELARCLG JOB (XACT),'XACT',NOTIFY=&SYSUID,REGION=0M, // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) Page 14-41 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //* //RUNUTIL EXEC PGM=DSNJU003 //SYSUT1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSNC10.DBCG.BSDS01 //SYSUT2 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSNC10.DBCG.BSDS02 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * DELETE DSNAME=DSNC10.DBCG.ARCLOG1.D14218.T1111162.A0000065, COPY1VOL=VPARC1 DELETE DSNAME=DSNC10.DBCG.ARCLOG1.D14218.T1111225.A0000066, COPY1VOL=VPARC1 Then they can be deleted manually in ISPF 3.4, if they have expired. Then restart DB2 /-DBCG START DB2 14.20.4 DBRMMTCH Install XACT tool DBRMMTCH. Table 29. DBRMMTCH configuration Dataset Member Parameters USER.&SYSVER..CLIST DBRMMTCH Edit SCHEMA USER.&SYSVER..CLIST DBRMREPT Edit SCHEMA USER.&SYSVER..CLIST DBRMUNBD Edit SCHEMA USER.&SYSVER..CLIST DBRMXAC None USER.DB2.SQL DBRMDDL Edit SCHEMA and possibly DATABASE Run to create tables for DBRMMTCH We had to rebind a lot of programs to DB2. It was an issue to have the right DBRM and the right LOAD module with the same DB2 consistency token (encoded timestamp). 14.21 QMF Dataset Member Parameters USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB ISPFPRO C //SYSPROC // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQCLTE //SYSEXEC // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQEXCE //ISPMLIB // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQMLBE Page 14-42 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //ISPLLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=GDDM.SADMMOD // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQEXIT // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQLOAD //ISPPLIB // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQPLBE //ISPSLIB // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=QMFC10.SDSQSLBE //***************************************************** ************* //* QMF/GDDM DATA SETS * //***************************************************** ************* //ADMGGMAP DD DSN=QMFC10.SDSQMAPE,DISP=SHR //ADMCFORM DD DSN=QMFC10.SDSQCHRT,DISP=SHR //ADMCDATA DD DSN=GDDM.SADMDAT,DISP=SHR //ADMGDF DD DSN=GDDM.SADMGDF,DISP=SHR //ADMSYMBL DD DSN=GDDM.SADMSYM,DISP=SHR //***************************************************** ***** //* DATA SETS USED BY QMF * //***************************************************** ***** //DSQPNLE DD DSN=QMFC10.DSQPNLE,DISP=SHR //DSQPRINT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=(RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133,BLKSIZE=13 30) //DSQDEBUG DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=(RECFM=FBA,LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=12 10) //DSQUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=(RECFM=VBA,LRECL=125,BLKSIZE=16 32) USER.&SYSVER..ISP PLIB XACTMA IN 4,'PGM(DSQQMFE) NEWAPPL(DSQE) PASSLIB PARM(DSQSSUBS=DBCG)' 14.22 MQ 14.22.1 MQ Security Definitions Data set Member CSQ911.CSQ9.SCSQPROC CSQ4INP1 Parameters Change ALTER SECURITY TIMEOUT( 54 ) INTERVAL( 12 ) To INTERVAL( 0) Page 14-43 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration USER.&SYSVER..JCL Create basic z/OS configuration CSQRACF RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.CONNECT.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.CMD.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.CMD.RESC.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.QUEUE.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.PROCESS.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.NLIST.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.TOPIC.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.CONTEXT.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.NO.ALTERNATE.USER.CHECKS UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) RDEFINE MQADMIN CSQ9.RESLEVEL UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) SETROPTS RACLIST(MQADMIN) REFRESH • Ensure that no generic profiles exist in the MQADMIN or MXADMIN class that can apply to CSQ9.RESLEVEL. Define an CSQ9.RESLEVEL profile for the required queue manager or queue sharing group and ensure that no users or groups have access to it. Page 14-44 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.22.2 Create basic z/OS configuration Enable MQ Explorer Data set Member Parameters USER.&SYSVER..JCL CSQ4ZPRM Copy from CSQ911.SVSC.CUSTOM.INSTALL CSQ6LOGP OFFLOAD=NO MQ Explorer Add Remote Queue Manager CSQ9 Connect directly Zos01 1416 SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN Do not enable user identification From CSQ9MSTR: There are additional system objects for other functions, whose definitions are in other sample data sets: ... - Channel Authentication: CSQ4INSA ... These objects should be defined the first time a queue manager is started. This can be done by including this data set in the CSQINP2 DD concatenation in the queue manager started task procedure. Once successfully defined, there is no need to define the objects again on subsequent queue manager starts, so this data set can be removed from the CSQINP2 DD concatenation. If it is not removed, the DEFINEs will fail with an error message saying the object already exists. Alternatively, you can add the keyword REPLACE to each command if the definitions are to be reset for each startup. 14.22.3 Code page change to Finnish (278). The code page number is located in a load module called CSQZPARM and must be changed there. CSQZPARM consists of three object modules, all generated by assembler macros. We are interested in CSQ6SYSP which you will find in USER.CSQ9.SCSQPROC(CSQ4ZPRM) You change the parameter QMCCSID to QMCCSID=278 and run the assembler and link. Just submit the JCL (after changing any ++keyword++ to your needs). The resulting loadmodule CSQZPARM will end up in //SYSLMOD DD DSN=USER.CSQ9.SCSQAUTH,DISP=SHR Page 14-45 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration In order to be used by MQ USER.CSQ9.SCSQAUTH must be concatenated into STEPLIB on CSQ9MSTR Started Task. The JCL will be in USER.Z24A.PROCLIB(CSQ9MSTR) and SCSQAUTH dataset will be at the front on the concatenation in Steplib //STEPLIB DD DSN=USER.CSQ9.SCSQAUTH,DISP=SHR All datasets in Steplib must be APF-authorized so USER.CSQ9.SCSQAUTH must be added to the list of APF-authorized datasets in USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(PROG*) as APF ADD DSNAME(USER.CSQ9.SCSQAUTH) VOLUME(S1CFG1) Please note, that the volume name is important. You are now ready to activate the APF-settings. That can be done by the MVS-command SET PROG=(BP) Where BP is the suffix of the PROG-member in USER.Z24A.PARMLIB. MVS should reply with IEE252I MEMBER PROG* FOUND IN USER.Z24A.PARMLIB CSV410I APF FORMAT IS NOW DYNAMIC You are now ready to restart the MQ Master (CSQ9MSTR). You can check your code page change by entering the MQ panels at “M.12” and display “Object Name “ MANAGER and find Coded character set ID . . : 278 14.22.4 RTVS Host Installation (Optional) The MQ support for RTVS is supplied as a zip file with Rational Test Control Panel. Log in to Rational Test Control Panel, open the Tools page and download the required package. Alternatively, copy the package from Rational Test Control Panel installation directory/tools directory at • C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalTestControlPanel\tools\IBM\WebSphereMQ\z\ • As The zip file contains three XMIT images: • • • RIT.AUTH.XMIT RIT.LINK.XMIT RIT.PROC.XMIT Use FTP to transfer the files to z/OS in binary format as FB 80. RECEIVE them as • USER.RIT.AUTH Page 14-46 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • • Create basic z/OS configuration USER.RIT.LINK USER.RIT.PROC Dataset Member USER.Z24A.PARMLIB PROG* Parameters APF FORMAT(DYNAMIC) DSNAME(USER.RIT.AUTH) VOLUME(S1CFG1) LNKLST ADD NAME(LNKLST14) DSN(USER.RIT.LINK) VOLUME(S1CFG1) USER.Z24A.PARMLIB LPALSTCI USER.RIT.LINK(S1CFG1) USER.Z24A.PROCLIB RITRUN Remove jobcard //RIT PROC QM=CSQ9 //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CSQ911.SCSQANLE // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CSQ911.SCSQAUTH // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.RIT.AUTH //SYSMDUMP DD SYSOUT=* Issue from console: • • SET PROG=BP SETPROG LPA,ADD,MODNAME=RITMQF,DSNAME=USER.RIT.LINK MQ definitions Object type Name Parameters Local queue COM.GREENHAT.COMMAND.QUEUE Put enabled Y Get enabled Y Usage N Storage class SYSVOLAT Dynamic queue type N Default persistence Y Default priority 5 Message delivery sequence F Permit shared access Y Default share option E Index type N Maximum queue depth 100 Maximum message length 1000 Namelist COM.GREENHAT.INTERCEPT Namelist type N Page 14-47 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Namelist 14.23 Create basic z/OS configuration RIT.DIVERT.RULES Namelist type N CICS The factory-made system contains CICS TS versions 5.4, and 5.5. Only the newest release is activated and configured. It is configured in single CICS mode, i.e. without CICSPlex SM. 14.23.1 Installation Table 30. CICS Installation Step Dataset Member Comment 1 USER.SDFHLOAD Define as PDSE 2 RACF ADDUSER CICSUSER NAME(CICS SYSTEM USER) OWNER(SYS1) DFLTGRP(STCGROUP) ADDUSER STCCM02 NAME(CICSPLEX SM USER) OWNER(SYS1) DFLTGRP(STCGROUP) ADDUSER STCWU02 NAME(CICSPLEX SM USER) OWNER(SYS1) DFLTGRP(STCGROUP) RDEFINE STARTED CICSTS56.* STDATA(USER(CICSUSER) TRUSTED(YES)) SETROPTS CLASSACT(CCICSCMD) GLOBAL(CCICSCMD) GENCMD(CCICSCMD) STATISTICS(CCICSCMD) RDEF CCICSCMD ** UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEF CONSOLE ** UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEF FACILITY DFHAPPL.* UACC(UPDATE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEF FACILITY DFHDB2.** UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEF SURROGAT *.DFHINSTL UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEF SURROGAT *.DFHSTART UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEF TCICSTRN ** UACC(READ) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) RDEFINE STARTED CMAS02.* STDATA(USER(STCCM02) TRUSTED(YES)) RDEFINE STARTED WUINCM02.* STDATA(USER(STCWU02) TRUSTED(YES)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH SETROPTS CLASSACT(CPSMOBJ) GENERIC(CPSMOBJ) GENCMD(CPSMOBJ) Page 14-48 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration RDEF CPSMOBJ ** UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) PERMIT ** CLASS(CPSMOBJ) ID(USER1) ACCESS(ALTER) PERMIT ** CLASS(CPSMOBJ) ID(USER3) ACCESS(ALTER) RDEF FACILITY EYUWUI.** UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) PERMIT EYUWUI.** CLASS(FACILITY) ID(USER1) ACCESS(ALTER) PERMIT EYUWUI.** CLASS(FACILITY) ID(USER3) ACCESS(ALTER) PERMIT EYUWUI.** CLASS(FACILITY) ID(STCWU02) ACCESS(UPDATE) RDEFINE STARTED BBGZANGL.* UACC(NONE) STDATA(USER(STCWU02)) RDEFINE SERVER BBG.ANGEL UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) PERMIT BBG.ANGEL CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(STCWU02) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(STCWU02) RDEFINE SERVER BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.PRODMGR UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.PRODMGR CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(STCWU02) SETROPTS RACLIST(SERVER) REFRESH RDEFINE SERVER BBG.ANGEL.DFHANG1 UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) PERMIT BBG.ANGEL.DFHANG1 CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(STCWU02) PERMIT CONFIG.DEF.CMAS02 CLASS(CPSMOBJ) ACCESS(READ) ID(CICSUSER) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED CPSMOBJ) REFRESH 3 /u/smpe/smpnts cics56.lic.pax.Z Upload cicsts56.isv.contr ol.blocks.pax.Z cicsts56.pax.Z 4 USER.&SYSVER..C LIST DFHWEDIT 'newname' 'volume=UXA021 newname' ØacctØ ACCTÆ ØcmacvolØ UXA021 Page 14-49 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ØcmasnameØ CMAS02 ØcmssysidØ CM02 ØcopyprgØ IEBCOPY ØcsysnameØ CMAS02 ØdnameØ DFH560D ØdownhlqØ DFH560 ØdsindexØ DFH560.CICS ØdsnloadØ DSNC10.SDSNLOAD ØdsunitØ SYSDA ØdsvolØ UXA021 ØdvolØ UXA021 Øhfs_prefØ /u/smpe/smpnts Øhfs1dsnØ DFH560.ZFS ØhfsvolØ UXA021 ØhlqcssØ SYS1 ØhlqgzoneØ DFH560.GLOBAL ØhlqispfØ ISP ØhlqleØ CEE ØhlqØ DFH560 ØhlqscsfØ CSF ØhlqtcpipØ TCPIP Øjava_dirØ java/J8.0_64 ØmaclibØ SYS1.MACLIB ØmodgenØ SYS1.MODGEN ØnewdrepØ DFH560.EYUDREP.CMAS02 'ØpathprefixØ' '' ØregnameØ TS56 ØsmpeoptionsØ OPTIONS ØsmptlibhlqØ DFH560.GLOBAL ØsmpvolØ UXA021 ØtargvolØ UXA021 ØtemplibØ DSNAME ØthlqØ DFH560 ØthlqØ.CICS.ØtqualØ DFH560.CICS ØtimezoneØ B ØtnameØ DFH560T Page 14-50 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ØtqualØ ’’ ØtvolØ UXA021 ØussdirØ cicsts56 ØwuinameØ WUINCM02 ØwuiØ YES ØwuiplexØ CSYPLX02 ØwuisysidØ WU02 5 USER.CICS.JCL READMELC cics56.lic.readme.txt Add jobcard and run DFHWEDIT c all 'newname=' 'volume="UXA021" newname=' 6 DFH560.TDFHLIN S DFHLSMPS Uncomment VOLUME(UXA021) - 7 DFH560.TDFHLIN S DFHLALOC 8 DFH560.TDFHLIN S DFHLRCVE 9 DFH560.TDFHLIN S DFHLDDEF Uncomment VOLUME 10 DFH560.TDFHLIN S DFHLAPLY Run with and without CHECK 11 DFH560.TDFHLIN S DFHLACPT Run with and without CHECK 12 USER.CICS.JCL README56 Run DFHWEDIT Uncomment VOL=SER Uncomment VOL=SER Long running: 15 min 13 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHIHFS1 14 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHISMKD 15 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHALLOC First give 777 to /usr/lpp/cicsts Uncomment VOL=SER= When reinstalling Before: /P LLA /SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE After: /SETPROG LNKLST,ALLOCATE /S LLA Page 14-51 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 16 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHDDDEF 17 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHRECVE 18 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHAPPLY Run with and without CHECK 19 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHACCPT Run with and without CHECK 20 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHIJVMS Needs zFS file to be read/write 21 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHIFTGS 22 USERXA02.PARM LIB PROGAC SDFHAUTH SDFHEXCI SDFHLIC SDFHLINK SDFHLPA SEYUAUTH SEYULINK SEYULPA 23 Console 24 USERXA02.PARM LIB 25 Console 26 DFH560.TDFHINS T SET PROG=AC LPALSTCI DFH560.CICS.SDFHLPA(UXA021), DFH560.CPSM.SEYULPA(UXA021) SETPROG LPA,ADD,MODNAME=DFHCSVC,DSNAME=DFH560.CICS .SDFHLPA DFHCSVCJ PARM='SVC216=DFHCSVC' Remove JES3-ONLY lines Needs console reply 27 Clean up Delete all RELFILE's and pax files 28 DFH560.CICS.SDF HSAMP DFH$CAT1 EXEC 'DFH560.CICS.SDFHSAMP(DFHÅCAT1)' LIST 29 USERXA02.PARM LIB PROGLC LNKLST SDFHLINK SEYULINK SDFHEXCI 30 USERXA02.PARM LIB PROG99 LNKLST DEFINE,NAME=LNKLST01,COPYFROM=CURRENT Page 14-52 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=DFH560. SDFHLINK,VOL=UXA021 LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=DFH560. SEYULINK,VOL=UXA021 LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=DFHG560. SDFHEXCI,VOL=UXA021 LNKLST ACTIVATE,NAME=LNKLST01 Console SET PROG=99 31 USERXA02.PARM LIB BPXPRMCI MOUNT FILESYSTEM('DFH560.ZFS') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(READ) MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts56') Remove unused versions 32 USERXA02.VTAM LST CICSAPPL CICSTS56 APPL 33 Console 34 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHCOMDS Remove JES3 statements 35 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHDEFDS Remove JES3 statements 36 DFH560.TDFHINS T DFHCMACI Remove JES3 statements USER.CICS.JCL EYUJHIST 37 USER.CICS.JCL CACHEDEF DFH560.TCPIP.CACHE 38 USERXA02.PROC LIB DFHAUPLE Copied from DFH560.CICS.SDFHINST 39 USERXA02.PARM LIB DFHPLTSD DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=EZACIC20 and IDIPLT 40 USERXA02.PARM LIB DFHPLTSI DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=EZACIC20, IDIPLT and XSYDUMP (<5.6) 41 USER.CICS.JCL EZACICCT Rename files, remove unused listeners 42 USER.CICS.JCL EZACICFG Rename files APPLID=CICSTS56, ERRORTD=CSMT PORT=3001 V NET,ACT,ID=CICSAPPL Remove SMP/E DFH560.TCP.CONFIG 43 USER.CICS.JCL LOGOFF Xact provided program 44 USER.CICS.JCL PONG IBM provided program 45 USER.CICS.JCL PONGLONG IBM provided program Page 14-53 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 47 USERXA02.PARM LIB Create basic z/OS configuration DFHÅSIP6 Copied from DFH560.SYSIN AICONS=YES APPLID=(CICSTS56,CICSTS56), DB2CONN=YES, DEBUGTOOL=NO, CPSMCONN=LMAS, 7 DSRTPGM=EYU9XLOP, Distributed START routing pgm DTRPGM=EYU9XLOP, Dynamic routing program DFLTUSER=CICSUSER, GNTRAN=CESD, GMTEXT='WELCOME TO CICS TS 5.6 ON XA02', GMTRAN=CESN, GRPLIST=(XYZLIST), INITPARM=(DFHD2INI='DBCG'), IRCSTRT=YES, ISC=YES, MQCONN=YES, PGAIPGM=ACTIVE, PLTPI=SI, PLTSD=SD, SEC=YES, TCPIP=YES, XCMD=NO, XDCT=NO, XFCT=NO, XJCT=NO, XPCT=NO, XPPT=NO, XPSB=NO, XRES=NO XRF=NO, XTRAN=NO, XTST=NO Removed TRTABSZ= 48 7 USERXA02.PROC LIB CICSTS56 Copied from DFH560.TDFHINST(DFHSTART) SIP=6 SYSIN USERXA02.PARMLIB(DFH$SIP&SIP) STEPLIB DFH560.CPSM.SEYUAUTH DFHRPL USER.SDFHLOAD DFH560.CPSM.SEYULOAD TCPIP.SEZATCP CSQ911.SCSQLOAD CSQ911.SCSQANLE CSQ911.SCSQCICS CSQ911.SCSQAUTH SYSTCPD USER.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA) SYSTCPT SYSOUT TCPDATA SYSOUT //EYUPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&INDEX5..PARMLIB(EYULMS0P) Set system initialization parameter CPSMCONN=NO for CICS Explorer to connect to a CMCI standalone region. Page 14-54 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //EYUHISTA DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFH560.CICS.CPSM.CMAS02.EYUHISTA //EYUHISTB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFH560.CICS.CPSM.CMAS02.EYUHISTB Remove SDFHJAUTH 49 USER.TCPPARMS PORTS 1401 TCP CICSTS56 ; CICS CSMI 3000 TCP CICSTS56 ; CICS SOCKETS 3041 TCP WUINCM02 ; CICSPlex SM WUI 3042 TCP WUINCM02 ; CICSPlex SM CMCI 4711 TCP CICSTS56 ; CICS IPIC LISTENER 6000 TCP CICSTS56 50 Console ; CICS 5.6 DEBUGGE VARY TCPIP,,SYNTAXCHECK,USERXA02.TCPPARMS(PORTS) VARY TCPIP,,OBEY,USERXA02.TCPPARMS(PORTS) Needs CONTROL for MVS.VARY.TCPIP.OBEYFILE CL(OPERCMDS) Check with D TCPIP,,NETSTAT,PORTLIST 51 USER.CICS.JCL 52 ISPF MQ Panels 53 USER.VTAM.SOU RCE XACTCSD APPEND LIST(DFHLIST) TO(XYZLIST) DELETE GROUP(XACÅDB2) COPY GROUP(DFHÅDB2) TO(XACÅDB2) DELETE DB2CONN(RCT1Å) GROUP(XACÅDB2) DEFINE DB2CONN(DBCG) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE LSRPOOL(LSRPOOL1) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE TRANSACTION(LOGO) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE MQCONN(CSQ9) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE TCPIPSERVICE(CTGIPIC) GROUP(XACTCUST) ADD GROUP(XACTCUST) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(DFHLGMOD) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(DFHÅWU) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(DFHTERMC) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(XACÅDB2) LIST(XYZLIST) Define queue CICS56.INITQ like CICSA.INITQ USSN CICS56 USSCMD CMD=CICS56,REP=LOGON,FORMAT=BAL USSPARM PARM=APPLID,DEFAULT='CICSTS56' USSPARM PARM=LOGMODE USSPARM PARM=P1,REP=DATA DC C' ===> Examples: "L TSO", "CICS52", "CICS53", ' DC C'"CICS54", "CICS56", "IMS", or "CPSM"' 54 USER.JCL USSNJCL Page 14-55 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 55 USERXA02.PROC LIB Create basic z/OS configuration CMAS02 Copied from SDFHINST EYUCMASP Edit substitution points ACTHLQ='DFH550', 56 USERXA02.PROC LIB WUINCM02 Copied from EYUWUIP Edit substitution points ACTHLQ='DFH550', 57 USERXA02.PARM LIB EYUCMS0P NAME(CMAS02) SEC(YES) SECLOGMSG(ALL) 58 USERXA02.PARM LIB EYUCMSSP APPLID=CMAS02, SYSIDNT=CM02, ICVR=50000, PGAIPGM=ACTIVE AICONS=YES, First start must have START=INITIAL in SIT 59 USERXA02.PARM LIB EYULMS0P CICSPLEX(CSYPLX02) CMASSYSID(CM02) Remove NAME parameter to default to CICS APPLID 60 USERXA02.PARM LIB EYUWUI0P NAME(WUINCM02), CICSPLEX(CSYPLX02), CMASSYSID(CM02) 61 USERXA02.PARM LIB EYUWUIIN Copy from DFH560.CICS.SDFHINST(EYUWUIIN) TCPIPHOSTNAME(ZOS02.DOMAIN.EXT) TCPIPPORT(3041) CMCIPORT(3042) CMCIAUTH(NO) CMCISSL(NO) DEFAULTCMASCTXT(CMAS02) DEFAULTCONTEXT(CSYPLX02) DEFAULTSCOPE(CSYPLX02) AUTOIMPORTDSN is required only when importing view sets from a data set. Use it when starting the WUI for the first time or when importing new or modified view sets. AUTOIMPORTDSN(DFH560.CPSM.SEYUVIEW) Page 14-56 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration AUTOIMPORTMEM(EYUEA*) 62 USERXA02.PARM LIB EYUWUISP APPLID=WUINCM032 SYSIDNT=WU02, ICVR=50000, EDSALIM=1200M, JVMPROFILEDIR=/var/cicsts/JVMProfiles, PGAIPGM=ACTIVE AICONS=YES, First start must have START=INITIAL in SIT 64 USER.CICS.JCL EYUCMSDS CICS Plex name, OLD-DREP NEW-DREP 65 USER.CICS.JCL EYUCSYDS For each CICS ØinsertØ statement 66 USER.CICS.JCL EYUJWREP 67 USER.CICS.JCL EYUWUIDS 69 USER.CICS.JCL EYUÅWDEF 70 USER.VTAMLST CMAS CMAS VBUILD TYPE=APPL CMAS02 APPL AUTH=(ACQ,VPACE,PASS,SPO),EAS=10,PARSESS=YES,A PPC=NO,ACBNAME=CMAS02,VPACING=5 WUINCM02 APPL AUTH=(ACQ,VPACE,PASS,SPO),EAS=10,PARSESS=YES,A PPC=NO,ACBNAME=WUINCM02,VPACING=5 71 USER.VTAMLST ATCCON00 Add CMAS 72 Console ØinsertØ EYUJWREP V NET,ACT,ID=CMAS D NET,MAJNODES D NET,E,ID=CMAS 73 USERXA02.PROC LIB CICSTS** INDEX3='DFH560.CPSM.CMAS02', //EYUPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.PARMLIB(EYULMS0P) //EYUHISTA DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&INDEX3..EYUHISTA //EYUHISTB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&INDEX3..EYUHISTB 74 75 USERXA02.PARM LIB USER.CICS.JCL DFHÅSIP* CPSMCONN=LMAS, DSRTPGM=EYU9XLOP, routing pgm DTRPGM=EYU9XLOP, CMASCSD Distributed START Dynamic routing program XACTCSD, but not TCPIPS, DB2, MQ You might need first to do UPGRADE Page 14-57 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration DELETE LIST(XYZLIST) APPEND LIST(DFHLIST) TO(XYZLIST) 76 USER.CICS.JCL WUINCSD XACTCSD, but not TCPIPS You might need first to do UPGRADE DELETE LIST(XYZLIST) APPEND LIST(DFHLIST) TO(XYZLIST) 77 USER.CICS.JCL DEFLOGS DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(CICSUSER.CICSTS56.DFHLOG) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(1000) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(500) LOWOFFLOAD(40) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) OFFLOADRECALL(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(CICSUSER.CICSTS56.DFHSHUNT) DASDONLY(YES) LS_SIZE(1000) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(500) LOWOFFLOAD(0) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) OFFLOADRECALL(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(CICSUSER.CICSVR.DFHLGLOG) MODEL(NO) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) LS_SIZE(1000) STG_SIZE(500) LOWOFFLOAD(0) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) OFFLOADRECALL(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(STCCM02.CMAS02.DFHLOG) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(STCCM02.CMAS02.DFHSHUNT) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(STCWU02.WUINCM03.DFHLOG) Page 14-58 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(STCWU02.WUINCM03.DFHSHUNT) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(STCWU02.WUINCM02.MODEL) MODEL(YES) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(3000) LOWOFFLOAD(40) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) 78 CICS Explorer SM System Administration CICS systems are not connected to CPSM, before they have been defined, either using the WUI Web interface or the CICS Explorer Add system definitions for each CICS in the CICSPlex Explorer View, New, Other…, System Definition 79 USERXA02.PARM LIB VTAMALL S CMAS02 PAUSE 5 S WUINCM02 PAUSE 5 S CICSTS56 80 USERXA02.PARM LIB SHUTALL F WUINCM02,COVC STOP PAUSE 10 F CMAS02,COSD PAUSE 20 81 WLM ISPF Panels (M.15) 4. Service Classes Message EYUCL0023W CMAS00 The MVS image is running in workload management goal mode but the CMAS is not defined to the service class, SYSSTC. Handle as follows: First time on a system: 2. Extract definition from WLM couple data set. Afterwards: 1. Read saved definition Copy SRVHIM, SRVLOM and SRVMDM to CICSHIM, CICSLOM and CICSMDM 82 WLM ISPF Panels 6. Classification Rules Modify STC: Add CMAS02 before ‘*’ Type TN, Service SYSSTC Modify CICS and IMS by setting default to CICSLOM and others to CICSMDM 84 WLM ISPF Panels Main Panel File –> Save in USER.Z24A.ISPTLIB Utilities -> Validate definition Utilities -> Install definition Utilities -> Activate service policy Page 14-59 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Needs UPDATE access to FACILITY ‘MVSADMIN.WLM.POLICY’ 85 CICS CEDA Copy files DFHDPFMB and P from DFHDPVSL to XACTCUST, add DSNAMES DFH560.CICS.CICSTS56.DFHDPFMB and P to both 86 /var/cicsts/JVMP rofiles EYUCMCIJ.jvmpr ofile Copy from /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts56/JVMProfiles/ WORK_DIR=/tmp OSGI_FRAMEWORK_TIMEOUT=300 Need to set zFS R/W first 87 USERXA02.PROC LIB WUINCM02 Copy from DFH560.CICS.SDFHINST(EYUWUIP) //JVMOUT DD SYSOUT=*,LRECL=1024 //JVMERR DD SYSOUT=*,LRECL=1024 //JVMTRACE DD SYSOUT=*,LRECL=1024 //MSGLOG DD SYSOUT=*,LRECL=1024 88 USERXA02.PROC LIB BBGZANGL Copy from /usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts56/wlp/templates/zos/procs/bb gzangl.jcl BBGZANGL PROC PARMS='',COLD=N,NAME='DFHANG1',SAFLOG=N SET ROOT='/usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts56/wlp/' 89 90 START BBGZANGL USERXA02.CLIST EYU$ANGL RACF. Copy from DFH560.CPSM.SEYUSAMP SET WUI_REGION_USERID = STCWU02 SET ANGEL_NAME 90 /var/cicsts/dfhco nfig 91 Browser groupfeaturetogg = DFHANG1 http://zos02.domain.ext:3042/graphiql/ 92 SHUTALL P BBGZANGL 93 VTAMALL S BBGZANGL 94 Console F BBGZANGL,DISP LAY,SERVERS,PI D 95 USERXA02.CLIST EYU$CMCI Copy from SEYUSAMP SET WUI_REGION_USERID = STCWU02 SET WUI_APPLID = WUINCM02 SET PROFILE_PREFIX = EYUCMCIJ Page 14-60 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration SET CMCIUSER_ACCESS_LIST = SYS1 USERXA02.CLIST 14.23.2 Configuration Table 31. CICS configuration. Dataset Member USER.SDFHLOAD USER.&SYSVER..PROCLI B Parameters Allocate on A4CFG1 like DFH540.CICS.SDFHLOAD DFHAUPLE Copy from DFH540.CICS.SDFHINST //DFHAUPLE PROC ASMBLR=ASMA90, // LNKED=HEWL, // INDEX='DFH540.CICS', // INDEX2='USER', //* SMPPGM=ØsmpprgØ, //* GZONE='ØgzonecsiØ', //* ZNAME=ØtnameØ, //* OPTIONS=ØsmpeoptionsØ Remove steps ZNAME, SMP and DELTEMP USER.CICS.JCL CACHEDEF DFH540.USER.CACHE VOLUMES() USER.CICS.JCL DEFLOGM Define system log streams DEFLOGS USER.&SYSVER..PROCLI B DFHPLTSD DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=EZACIC20 USER.&SYSVER..PROCLI B DFHPLTSI DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=EZACIC20 and XSYDUMP USER.CICS.JCL EZACICCT After execution /F CICSTS54,CEDA I G(SOCKETS) USER.CICS.JCL EZACICFG Rename files and disk volume APPLID=CICSTS54, ERRORTD=CSMT PORT=3000 USER.CICS.JCL LOGOFF Xact provided program Page 14-61 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration USER.CICS.JCL PONG IBM provided program USER.CICS.JCL PONGLON G IBM provided program USER.CICS.JCL XACTCSD Change DB2 SSID to DBCG and MQ to CSQ9 DELETE GROUP(XACÅDB2) COPY GROUP(DFHÅDB2) TO(XACÅDB2) DELETE DB2CONN(RCT1Å) GROUP(XACÅDB2) DEFINE DB2CONN(DBCG) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE LSRPOOL(LSRPOOL1) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE TRANSACTION(LOGO) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE MQCONN(CSQ9) GROUP(XACTCUST) DEFINE TCPIPSERVICE(CTGIPIC) GROUP(XACTCUST) ADD GROUP(XACTCUST) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(DFHLGMOD) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(DFHÅWU) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(DFHTERMC) LIST(XYZLIST) ADD GROUP(XACÅDB2) LIST(XYZLIST) USER.CICS.JCL XSYDUMP Xact provided program USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B BPXPRMCI CICS 5.3 removed USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B DFH$SIP4 Copied from DFH540.SYSIN AICONS=YES APPLID=(CICSTS54,CICSTS54), DB2CONN=YES, DEBUGTOOL=NO, DFLTUSER=CICSUSER, GMTEXT='WELCOME TO CICS TS 5.4 ON XA01', GMTRAN=CESN, GRPLIST=(XYZLIST), INITPARM=(DFHD2INI='DBCG'), IRCSTRT=YES, ISC=YES, MQCONN=YES, PGAIPGM=ACTIVE, PLTPI=SI, PLTSD=SD, SEC=YES, TCPIP=YES, XCMD=NO, XDCT=NO, Page 14-62 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration XFCT=NO, XJCT=NO, XPCT=NO, XPPT=NO, XPSB=NO, XRES=NO XRF=NO, XTRAN=NO, XTST=NO USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B EYULMS0P USER.&SYSVER..PARMLI B IEFSSNDB CICSPLEX(WUIPCM00) CMASSYSID(CM00) SUBSYS SUBNAME(CICS) INITRTN(DFHSSIN) INITPARM(DFHSSICI) Dynamic activation: /D SSI /SETSSI ADD,S=CICS,I=DFHSSIN,P=DFHSSICI USER.&SYSVER..PROCLI B CICSTS54 SYSIN USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(DFH$SIP&SIP) DFHRPL USER.SDFHLOAD DFH540.CPSM.SEYULOAD TCPIP.SEZATCP CSQ911.SCSQLOAD CSQ911.SCSQANLE CSQ911.SCSQCICS CSQ911.SCSQAUTH //SYSTCPD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDAT A) //SYSTCPT DD SYSOUT=* //TCPDATA DD SYSOUT=* Remove other steps than DFHSIP and the symbols DUMPTR and RUNCICS and the COND parameter USER.TCPPARMS PORTS 1540 TCP CICSTS54 ; CICS CSMI 3000 TCP CICSTS54 ; CICS SOCKETS 4711 TCP CICSTS54 ; CICS IPIC LISTENER 14.23.3 CICS Logger and warm start The CICS log should display something like: CICS startup is Warm. … +DFHLG0104I CICSTS42 002 002 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has ended. Log stream Page 14-63 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 002 START2.CICSTS42.DFHLOG is connected to structure ****************. 10.35.34 STC05261 +DFHLG0103I CICSTS42 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has started. 10.35.34 STC05261 +DFHLG0104I CICSTS42 008 008 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has ended. Log stream 008 START2.CICSTS42.DFHSHUNT is connected to structure ****************. 10.35.34 STC05261 +DFHLG0102I CICSTS42 Log manager domain initialization has ended. Console command /DISPLAY LOGGER,L should display something like: START2.CICSTS42.DFHLOG *DASDONLY* 000001 IN USE SYSNAME: S0W1 DUPLEXING: STAGING DATA SET GROUP: PRODUCTION START2.CICSTS42.DFHSHUNT *DASDONLY* 000001 IN USE SYSNAME: S0W1 DUPLEXING: STAGING DATA SET GROUP: PRODUCTION START2.CICSVR.DFHLGLOG *DASDONLY* 000001 IN USE SYSNAME: S0W1 DUPLEXING: STAGING DATA SET GROUP: PRODUCTION /* CEDA ADD G(DFHLGMOD) LIST(XYZLIST) Defined log models with <SYSID> as prefix: //LOGDEFN EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(<SYSID>.DFHLOG.MODEL) MODEL(YES) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(3000) LOWOFFLOAD(40) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(<SYSID>.DFHSHUNT.MODEL) MODEL(YES) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) Page 14-64 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration STG_SIZE(3000) LOWOFFLOAD(40) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(<SYSID>.CICSVR.MODEL) MODEL(YES) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(3000) LOWOFFLOAD(40) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) CICS Procedure change PROC START='AUTO', Region Logs CICSTS54 START1.CICSTS54.DFHLOG START1.CICSTS54.DFHSHUNT CICSTS54 START1.CICSTS54.DFHLOG START1.CICSTS54.DFHSHUNT CMAS02 STCCM02.CMAS02.DFHJ01 STCCM02.CICSVR.DFHLGLOG STCCM02.CMAS02.DFHLOG STCCM02.CMAS02.DFHSHUNT WUINCM03 STCWU02.WUINCM03.DFHJ01 STCWU02.CICSVR.DFHLGLOG STCWU02.WUINCM03.DFHLOG STCWU02.WUINCM03.DFHSHUNT 14.23.4 CICSPlex SM Installation of a CMAS and a WUI and the related CICS definitions. St Dataset ep 1 Memb er USER.&SYSVER CMAS ..PROCLIB 02 Parameters Copied from EYUCMASP Add to STEPLIB DSN=DFH550.SDFHLIC,DISP=SHR Page 14-65 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 2 3 4 Create basic z/OS configuration USER.&SYSVER WUIN ..PROCLIB CM02 Copied from EYUWUIP USER.&SYSVER EYUC ..PARMLIB MS0P NAME(CMAS02) USER.&SYSVER EYUC ..PARMLIB MSSP APPLID=CMAS02, Add to STEPLIB DSN=DFH550.SDFHLIC,DISP=SHR SEC(YES) SYSIDNT=CM02, First start must have START=INITIAL 5 6 USER.&SYSVER EYUL ..PARMLIB MS0P CICSPLEX(WUIPCM02) USER.&SYSVER EYUW ..PARMLIB UI0P NAME(WUINCM03), CMASSYSID(CM02) CICSPLEX(WUIPCM02), CMASSYSID(CM02) 6 USER.&SYSVER EYUW ..PARMLIB UIIN TCPIPHOSTNAME(ZOS02.DOMAIN.EXT) TCPIPPORT(3041) CMCIPORT(3042) DEFAULTCMASCTXT(CMAS02) DEFAULTCONTEXT(WUIPCM02) DEFAULTSCOPE(WUIPCM02) 7 USER.&SYSVER EYUW ..PARMLIB UISP APPLID=WUINCM02, SYSIDNT=WU02, EDSALIM=1200M, First start must have START=INITIAL 8 USER.&SYSVER PROG* ..PARMLIB 9 USER.CICS.JCL APF ADD DSNAME(DFH550.CPSM.SEYULPA) VOLUME(UXAC11) EYUC MSDS 10 USER.CICS.JCL EYUCS YDS 12 USER.CICS.JCL EYUJ WREP For each CICS Page 14-66 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 13 USER.CICS.JCL Create basic z/OS configuration EYUW UIDS 14 RACF Create RACF USERIDs STCCM02 and STCWU02 • • • RDEFINE STARTED CM02.* STDATA(USER(STCCM02) TRUSTED(YES)) RDEFINE STARTED WUINCM03.* STDATA(USER(STCWU02) TRUSTED(YES)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH 15 USER.VTAMLS T CMAS CMAS VBUILD TYPE=APPL CMAS02 APPL AUTH=(ACQ,VPACE,PASS,SPO),EAS=10,PARSESS=YES,APPC =NO,ACBNAME=CMAS02,VPACING=5 WUINCM03 APPL AUTH=(ACQ,VPACE,PASS,SPO),EAS=10,PARSESS=YES,APPC =NO,ACBNAME=WUINCM03,VPACING=5 16 USER.VTAMLS T ATCCO Add CMAS N00 17 Console 18 USER.TCPPAR MS • • • • PORTS 19 USER.&SYSVER CICST ..PROCLIB S** V NET,ACT,ID=CMAS D NET,MAJNODES D NET,E,ID=CMAS SET PROG=BP 3041 TCP WUINCM03 ; CICSPlex SM WUI 3042 TCP WUINCM03 ; CICSPlex SM CMCI //EYUPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB(EYULMS0P) //EYUHISTA DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFH550.CPSM.EYUHISTA //EYUHISTB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFH550.CPSM.EYUHISTB 20 USER.&SYSVER DFHÅS CPSMCONN=LMAS, ..PARMLIB IP* DSRTPGM=EYU9XLOP, pgm DTRPGM=EYU9XLOP, Distributed START routing Dynamic routing program CICS Explorer SM Administration perspective Definitions Systems groups: <SYSID> System definitions: CICSTS54, CICSTS54 Open systems group and add members CMAS user needs an OMVS segment Page 14-67 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Needed logstream models SEC=YES in both address spaces Cold start CEDA ADd Group(DFHTERMC) List(XYZLIST) Program LOGOFF added to XACTCUST SIT: AICONS=YES, PGAIPGM=ACTIVE, RACF activate class CPSMOBJ, add profile ** Defining the CICSPlex SM transactions for a WUI For Web User Interface (WUI) regions that are capable of running with an external security manager (ESM) such as RACF, it is necessary to define the CICSPlex SM transactions that run in the region to the ESM. Before you begin This is necessary when transaction attach security is active in the WUI region, where SEC=YES and XTRAN=YES system initialization parameters are specified. Procedure Create the same definitions as you would for a MAS region. See Defining the CICSPlex SM transactions in a managed CICS region. Define READ access to the COVG and COVC transactions for the following user IDs: The region user ID All user IDs that are specified on the PLTPIUSR system initialization parameter for the region All WUI system administrators. Define READ access to the COVE, COVP, and COVU transactions for the WUI default user ID. Define READ access to the COVA transaction for all WUI users. A list of these transactions is also contained in the CSD group EYU$WDEF. Page 14-68 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration RACF FACILITY: EYUWUI.WUINCM03.MAP.* (G) EYUWUI.WUINCM03.MENU.* (G) EYUWUI.WUINCM03.VIEW.* (G) ICH408I USER(STCCM02 ) GROUP(SYS1 ) NAME(CICSPLEX SM CMAS ) 703 /var/cicsts/WUIPCM02/XatzPlatformProject/platform/XatzPlatfor mProject/META-INF/platform.xml CL(DIRSRCH ) FID(E5D7E9C6E2C3001A0000000000690112) INSUFFICIENT AUTHORITY TO STAT ACCESS INTENT(--X) ACCESS ALLOWED(OTHER ---) EFFECTIVE UID(0002785924) EFFECTIVE GID(0000000000) If the UNIXPRIV class is active, the userid under which the TWSz E2E SERVER started task executes must have at least READ access to the SUPERUSER.FILESYS profile, or it will not be able to create any USS processes. 14.23.5 CICS Transaction Gateway Table 32. CICS Transaction Gateway Configuration. Dataset 1 Member Parameter changes RACF DEFINE USERID STCCTG GROUP(STCGROUP) DEFINE STARTED CTGPROC.* USER STCCTG PERMIT FACILITY BPX.SMF READ PERMIT FACILITY MVSADMIN.* ALTER DEFINE SURROGAT *.DFHEXCI PERMIT SURROGAT *.DFHEXCI READ SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH SETROPTS RACLIST(facility) REFRESH SETROPTS RACLIST(SURROGAT) REFRESH 2 /usr/lpp/cicstg/ctg92 0 3 /etc/ctg920 Mount File System CTG920.ZFS ctg.ini Mkdir Copy from /usr/lpp/cicstg/ctg920/samples/configuration/ct gsamp.ini SECTION PRODUCT Page 14-69 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Applid = CTGAPPLD ApplidQualifier = CTGAPQAL DefaultServer = CICSTS54 ENDSECTION SECTION GATEWAY TFile = /tmp/ctg920/gateway.trc protocol@statsapi.handler = protocol@statsapi.parameters = bind=; connecttimeout=2000;maxconn=5; port=2980; protocol@tcp.handler = protocol@tcp.parameters = bind=;connecttimeout=2000;idletimeout=600000; pingfrequency=60000;port=2006; solinger=10; ENDSECTION SECTION IPICSERVER = CICSTS54 Description = IPIC Server Hostname = Port = 4711 TcpKeepAlive = Y ConnectTimeout = 60 ECITimeout = 0 ENDSECTION 4 /tmp/ctg920/ 5 USER.&SYSVER..PARM LIB mkdir CTGENV Copy from CTG920.SCTGSAMP CICSCLI=/etc/ctg920/ctg.ini PATH=/bin:/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/bin TMPDIR=/tmp/ctg920/ _BPX_SHAREAS=YES DFHJVSYSTEM_00=CICSTS54-Default CICS Region STEPLIB=DFH540.CICS.SDFHEXCI CTG_PIPE_REUSE=ALL AUTH_USERID_PASSWORD=NO Page 14-70 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration COLUMNS=80 TZ=CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3 6 7 USER.&SYSVER..PARM LIB BPXPRM CI USER.&SYSVER..PROCL CTGPRO IB C MOUNT FILESYSTEM('CTG920.ZFS') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/cicstg/ctg920') Copy from CTG920.SCTGSAMP SET CTGHOME='/usr/lpp/cicstg/ctg920' SET CTGHLQ='CTG920' SET CTGUSR='USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(CTGENV)' SET LEOPTS='/' 8 USER.&SYSVER..PARM LIB SHUTAL L P CTGPROC 9 USER.&SYSVER..PROCL VTAMAL IB L S CTGPROC 1 0 USER.&SYSVER..TCPPA PORTS RMS 2006 TCP CTGPROC Gateway Statistics ; CICS Transaction 2980 TCP CTGPROC Gateway TCP handler ; CICS Transaction CICS CEDA: CEDA def g(xactcust) tcp(CTGIPIC) URM ==> DFHISAIP PORTNUMBER==> 04711 STATUS ==> OPEN PROTOCOL ==> IPIC TRANSACTION ==> CISS CTG Explorer: Use port 2980. Page 14-71 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.24 Create basic z/OS configuration IMS Table 33. IMS region and control block structure Page 14-72 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.24.1 Create basic z/OS configuration Installation The CBPDO package is too big for one zFS !?! Remove PTF’s from SMPPTFIN and edit GIMFAF.XML accordingly. It must be installed in its own zone. Modified X JCL. SREL must be P115 (IMS) FMID HDYW110 is in the IMS CSI, but not on disk, and the REWORK date is higher that the package. 14.24.2 IMS Simple Configuration Table 34. IMS simple configuration St ep Dataset Memb er Parameters 1 USER.&SYSVER..P IMSCO ROCLIB LD //SYSEXEC DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..CLIST,DISP=SHR 2 USER.&SYSVER..P IMSST ROCLIB OP //SYSEXEC DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..CLIST,DISP=SHR 3 USER.&SYSVER..P IMSWA ROCLIB RM //SYSEXEC DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..CLIST,DISP=SHR 4 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB CR1 RGSUF=IV1,PARM1='RRS=Y,DFSDF=000', PARM2='SSM=DBCG,OTMA=Y,PSBW=640’ //PROCLIB8 DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR //DFSESL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSNC10.SDSNLOAD 8 Use this PROCLIB concatenation in all IMS procedures. Page 14-73 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CSQ911.SCSQAUTH // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CSQ911.SCSQANLE 5 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB DLI PROCLIB (as above) 6 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB HWS Clean up PROC call USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB ODB Copy from PROCLIB(CSLODBM) 7 PROCLIB (as above) RESLIB='DFSF10.SDFSRESL', BPECFG=BPECONFG, ODBMINIT=001, PARM1='RRS=N,ARMRST=N' PARM='BPECFG=&BPECFG,BPEINIT=CSLDINI0,ODBMIN IT=&ODBMINIT,&PARM1' PROCLIB 8 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB OM1 PARM=('BPECFG=BPECONFG','BPEINIT=CSLOINI0','OMI NIT=000', 'ARMRST=N','CMDSEC=N','OMNAME=OM1') PROCLIB 9 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB RM1 RESLIB='DFSF10.SDFSRESL', BPECFG=BPECONFG, RMINIT=000, PARM1= PARM='BPECFG=&BPECFG,BPEINIT=CSLRINI0,RMINIT= &RMINIT,&PARM1' PROCLIB 10 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15S PARM=('BPECFG=BPECONFG','BPEINIT=CSLSINI0','SCII ROCLIB CI NIT=000', 'ARMRST=N','SCINAME=SCI1') PROCLIB 11 USER.&SYSVER..P BPXPR ARMLIB MIM Remove old version 12 USER.&SYSVER..P CSLDC ARMLIB 001 ODBM(NAME=IMS15O DATASTORE(NAME=IVP1 ALIAS(NAME=IVP1) Page 14-74 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 13 USER.&SYSVER..P CSLDI0 ARMLIB 01 Create basic z/OS configuration ODBMNAME=IMS15O IMSPLEX(NAME=PLEX1) ODBMCFG=001 14 USER.&SYSVER..P CSLOI0 ARMLIB 00 OMNAME=OM1, IMSPLEX(NAME=PLEX1), Remove AUDITLOG=SYSLOG.OM2Q01.LOG 15 USER.&SYSVER..P DFSDF ARMLIB 000 Copied. Change autoimport from auto to AUTOIMPORT=MODBLKS, While initializing CSL, then back to AUTO Add RDDSERR=NOIMPORT Change IMS15 CR1 parameters to PARM1='RRS=Y,DFSDF=000', Cold start IMS 16 USER.&SYSVER..P DFSPBI ARMLIB V1 Remove parameters CPLOG and WADS 17 USER.&SYSVER..P HWSCF ARMLIB ODB HWS=(ID=IMS15HWS,XIBAREA=100,RACF=N,RRS=Y) TCPIP=(HOSTNAME=TCPIP,PORTID=(9999),TIMEOUT= 5000) DATASTORE=(GROUP=IVPXCFGN,ID=IMS150,MEMBER =IMS15HWS,DRU=HWSYDRU0, TMEMBER=IVP1) ODACCESS=(ODBMAUTOCONN=Y,IMSPLEX=(MEMBER= IMS15HWS,TMEMBER=PLEX1), DRDAPORT=(ID=8888,PORTTMOT=6000),ODBMTMOT =6000) 18 USER.&SYSVER..P IVP1D ARMLIB BCG SST=DB2,SSN=DBCG,LIT=SYS1,ESMT=DSNMIN10,REO= R,CRC=-,RTT=DBCGRTT RTT= Identifies an optional one to eight character alphanumeric name of the user-generated resource translation table (RTT). This table maps the IMS application names into Db2 plan names. If this entry is omitted, the Db2 plan name is the IMS application load module name. 19 USER.&SYSVER..P PROGA ARMLIB I Remove old version Page 14-75 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 20 Create basic z/OS configuration USER.&SYSVER..P SHUTA ARMLIB LL S IMSSTOP P IMS15RL1 F IMS15SCI,SHUTDOWN CSLLCL 21 USER.&SYSVER..P VTAMA S IMS15RL1 ARMLIB LL S IMS15SCI S IMS15OM1 S IMS15RM1 S IMS15CR1 S IMS15ODB S IMS15HWS S IMSWARM 22 USER.&SYSVER..C IMSCO LIST LD Use our own 23 USER.&SYSVER..C IMSST LIST OP Use our own 24 USER.&SYSVER..C IMSWA LIST RN Use our own 25 USER.&SYSVER..C REXXS LIST POC Use our own 26 USER.&SYSVER..T PORTS CPPARMS 8888 TCP IMS15HWS ; IMS CONNECT ODBM 9999 TCP IMS15HWS ; IMS CONNECT 27 USER.IMS.JCL DEFRR DS Copy, change volser and version and run 28 USER.IMS.JCL REXXS POC Change proclib, version and IMS ID 29 ISPF A.9.1 Select Options > Preferences to display the IMS™ Single Point of Control Preferences panel. Set the default IMSplex value (this step is required): PLEX1 30 Optional 31 USER.IMS.JCL Remove other devices than A2 (3270-A02) from MFS source DFSUO LC //STEP1 EXEC DFSUOLC,FUNC=INI,ACBS=A,MDBS=A,FMTS=A,MDID=0 //SYSIN DD * /* Page 14-76 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 31 Create basic z/OS configuration USER.PROCLIB OLCUT L Copy from IMSxxx.PROCLIB and comment out MODBLKS, -A and -B and OLCLOCL and OLCGLBL USER.IMS.JCL OLCUT L Copy from ACBLIB or FORMAT staging datasets to the inactive copies with //STEP1 EXEC OLCUTL,TYPE=ACB,IN=S,OUT=G,SOUT=*,SYS= 32 Console Finally activate using /MODIFY PREPARE ACBLIB FMTLIB /MODIFY COMMIT 33 USER.IMS.JCL REXXS POC Job to run REXXSPOC 34 USER.IMS.JCL DBCGR TT About this task Note: RTT= resource translation table The application plan is identified by its plan name. Each IMS™ application is associated with a plan name. The default is to have the DB2 plan name the same as the IMS application program load module name. If you assigned a different name to the plan, you need a resource translation table (RTT). If you chose an error option different from the REO default, you also need an RTT. DB2 provides the DSNMAPN macro in prefix.SDSNMACS to generate an RTT. After it is assembled, the table must be link-edited as REENTRANT with RMODE=24 into any authorized library that is concatenated with the library from which IMS loads the DB2 IMS attach modules. The format of DSNMAPN macro is shown in the following table. DSNMAPN macro formatMacro Meaning DSNMAPN APN= ,PLAN= Option IMS application name Associated DB2 plan name [,OPTION=] Specific entry error option R, Q, or A. See REO in the SSM entry. Page 14-77 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration [,END=] NO is the default. Indicates last entry (YES/NO). 35 USER.&SYSVER..P DFSUO ROCLIB LC OLCSTAT DD DSN=USER.OLCSTAT,DISP=OLD 36 USER.&SYSVER..P ICJCL ROCLIB //IC%STPNO EXEC PGM=DFSUDMP0,PARM='DBRC=Y' //STEPLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.USER.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* %DELETE (%RCNDSN1 EQ '') //RECON1 DD DSN=%RCNDSN1,DISP=SHR %ENDDEL %DELETE (%RCNDSN2 EQ '') //RECON2 DD DSN=%RCNDSN2,DISP=SHR %ENDDEL %DELETE (%RCNDSN3 EQ '') //RECON3 DD DSN=%RCNDSN3,DISP=SHR %ENDDEL //IMS DD DSN=DFSF10.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR %SELECT DBDS((%DBNAME,%DBDDN)) %DELETE (%DBADSAV NE 'AVAIL') //%DBADDN DD DSN=%DBDSN,DISP=SHR %ENDDEL %DELETE (%DBADSAV NE '') //%DBDDN DD DSN=%DBDSN,DISP=SHR %ENDDEL %ENDSEL //%ICDDN1 DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // VOL=SER=A4CFG1,UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,5),RLSE ), // DSN=%ICDSN1 %DELETE (%COPIES EQ '1') //%ICDDN2 DD DISP=OLD,DSN=%ICDSN2 Page 14-78 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration %ENDDEL //SYSIN DD * %ICSYSIN /* 37 USER.&SYSVER..P IMS15 ROCLIB DL1 //PROCLIB DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.&SYS2.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR //IMSACBA DD DSN=DFSF10.&SYS2.ACBLIBA,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=USER.DEBUG.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR //IMSACBB DD DSN=DFSF10.&SYS2.ACBLIBB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=USER.DEBUG.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR 38 USER.&SYSVER..P ISPFPR ROCLIB OC //ISPLLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL 39 USER.&SYSVER..P MFSTE ROCLIB ST DEVCHAR=I 40 USER.&SYSVER..P MFSUT ROCLIB L DEVCHAR=I 41 USER.&SYSVER..P OLCUT ROCLIB L OLCSTAT DD DSN=USER.OLCSTAT,DISP=OLD 14.24.3 IMS Rename Table 35. IMSID renaming configuration Dataset Member Parameters DFSF10.PROCLIB DFSMPR For the debugger: RGN=0M //STEPLIB add // DD DSN=CEE.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=FELE20.SFEKAUTH,DISP=SHR DFSF10.PROCLIB IVP1DBC G Copied USER.IMS.JCL IMSMSG9 DFSF10.PROCLIB(IMSMSG) JCL for dependent regions to start with IMS15CR1 9 Name IMSMSG is hardcoded in IMS. Page 14-79 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Change to 2 MPR, no FP, No Java USER.&SYSVER..ISPP LIB XACTMAI N ISPF Menu: 13,'CMD(EX ''DFSF10.SDFSEXEC(DFSAPPL)'' ''HLQ(DFSF10)'')' USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB HWSCFO DB HWS=(ID=IMS15HWS) TCPIP=(HOSTNAME=TCPIP, PORTID=(9999), TIMEOUT=5000, MAXSOC=500) DATASTORE=(ID=IVP14O, GROUP=IMSXCFGN, MEMBER=IVP1, TMEMBER=IMS15HWS) IMSPLEX=(MEMBER=IMS15HWS, TMEMBER=PLEX1) ADAPTER=(XML=Y) ODACCESS=(DRDAPORT=(ID=8888,KEEPAV=60,PORT TMOT=600), ODBMAUTOCONN=Y, ODBMTMOT=600) RUNOPTS=() USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB PROGAI APF ADD DSNAME(DFSF10.PGMLIB) VOLUME(A4IME1) USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB SHUTALL P IMS15RL1 USER.&SYSVER..PAR MLIB VTAMAL L F IMS15SCI,SHUTDOWN CSLLCL S IMS15RL1 S IMS15SCI S IMS15OM1 S IMS15RM1 S IMS15CR1 S IMS15ODB S IMS15HWS USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB BCECFGH T Copy from BPECFGIV Page 14-80 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB Create basic z/OS configuration CSLDI001 ODBMNAME=IMS15O IMSPLEX(NAME=PLEX1) ODBMCFG=001 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB CSLOI000 OMNAME=OM1, IMSPLEX(NAME=PLEX1), Remove AUDITLOG=SYSLOG.OM2Q01.LOG), /* MVS LOG STREAM USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB DFSDF00 0 AUTOIMPORT=AUTO ➔ MODBLKS while initializing CSL Add RDDSERR=NOIMPORT to DFSDF00 USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB DFSMPR DFSESL DFSF10.SDFSRESL DSNC10.DSNLOAD USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB HWSEXIT 0 EXITDEF(TYPE=XMLADAP, EXITS=(HWSXMLA0),ABLIM=8,COMP=HWS) USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB IMS15CR 110 PROC RGN=64M,SOUT=A,DPTY='(14,15)', SYS=,SYS1=,SYS2=,RGSUF=IV1, PARM1='RRS=Y,DFSDF=000,GRNAME=IMSXCFGN', PARM2='SSM=DBCG,PSBW=640,AUTO=Y,OTMA=Y' PROCLIB USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB DFSF10.&SYS2.PROCLIB DFSESL DFSF10.SDFSRESL DSNC10.SDSNLOAD USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB IMS15H WS IMS15HWS PROC RGN=0M,SOUT=A, BPECFG=BPECFGHT, HWSCFG=HWSCFODB PROCLIB USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB IMS15OD B PROCLIB USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB DFSF10.PROCLIB IMS15OM 1 IMS15SCI USER.&SYSVER..PRO CLIB IMS15RD 1 IEFRDER USER.IMS.JCL(&MBR) USER.TCPPARMS PORTS 8888 TCP IMS15HWS 9999 TCP IMS15HWS 10 ; IMS Connect ; IMS Connect PRDR, IMSRDR proclib member name, defaults to IMS15RD1. Page 14-81 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.24.4 Create basic z/OS configuration IMS Transaction Isolation Table 36. IMS Transaction Isolation St ep Dataset 1 IMS SPOC Member Description Program name EQANBSWT BMPTYPE Y GPSB Y Y, N LANG 1 Assembler SCHDTYPE 1 Parallel Transaction name EQANBSWT AOCMD TRAN CLASS 1 MSGTYPE SNGLSEG PGM EQANBSWT RESP N 2 RACF ADDUSER EQANBSWT NOPASSWORD DFLTGRP(SYS1) PE ASS CLASS(CIMS) ID(EQANBSWT) ACC(UPDATE) PE DIS CLASS(CIMS) ID(EQANBSWT) ACC(UPDATE) PE STA CLASS(CIMS) ID(EQANBSWT) ACC(UPDATE) PE STO CLASS(CIMS) ID(EQANBSWT) ACC(UPDATE) SETROPTS RACLIST(CIMS) REFRESH UACC(READ) for FACILITY EQADTOOL.IMSTEMPCREATE and FACILITY EQADTOOL.IMSTRANISOADMIN 3 USER.IMS.JCL EQAWTIVS USER.DEBUG.EQATITBL USER.DEBUG.ACBLIB F1CFG1 4 USER.IMS.JCL EQAWTIM S // SET DTHLQ=FELE20 // SET IMSHLQ=DFSF10 UNIT=VIO SYSLMOD DD DSN=DFSF10.USER.SDFSRESL 5 USER.IMS.JCL EQAOPTS // SET GPFMLIB=FELE20.SEQASAMP Page 14-82 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration // SET GPFLMOD=DFSF10.USER.SDFSRESL EQAXOPT DOPTACBDSN,'USER.DEBUG.ACBLIB' EQAXOPT MAXTRANUSER,4 6 USER.&SYSVER.. PROCLIB IMSDALOC Remove DD DSN=DFSF10.&SYS2.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR 7 USER.IMS.JCL ACBMDA DFSMDA TYPE=IMSACBA and B Add DFSMDA TYPE=DATASET,DSNAME=USER.DEBUG.ACBLIB … END 8 USER.&SYSVER.. PARMLIB PROGIM/P ROGAI APF ADD DSNAME(USER.DEBUG.SDFSRESL) VOLUME(F1CFG1) 9 USER.&SYSVER.. PROCLIB IMS15CR1 //STEPLIB DD DSN=USER.DEBUG.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.USER.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=FELE20.SEQAMOD,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //EQATIVSM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.DEBUG.EQATITBL //EQAIMEXT DD DSN=USER.DEBUG.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR 10 USER.&SYSVER.. PROCLIB DFSMPR REGION=0M //STEPLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.USER.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.PGMLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=FELE20.SFEKAUTH,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=CEE.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR //PROCLIB DD DSN=USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB,DISP=SHR // 11 DFSF10.JOBS IMSMSG DD DSN=DFSF10.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR //DFSF10 JCLLIB ORDER=(USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB,ADCD.&SYSVER.. PROCLIB,DFSF10.PROCLIB) F12, F13, F14 and J11 removed Page 14-83 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 12 EQAE00.SEQATL IB Create basic z/OS configuration EQAZPROC USER.&SYSVER..PARMLIB USER.&SYSVER..PROCLIB ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB DFSF10.PROCLIB 13 EQAE00.SEQATL IB EQAZDFLT EQAE00.SEQATL IB EQAZDSYS 15 ISPF Debug Tool Reserve classes (002 ff.) 4.6 16 USER.IMS.JCL EQAWICRT 14 HLQ’s edited IGY610, IEL510, DSNC10, EQAE00, FMNE10, EQAE00, DFSF10 HLQ’s edited yb2iid1 = IVP1; // SET DTHLQ=FELE20 // SET IMSHLQ=DFSF10 READMASK IVP1 USER.DEBUG.SDFSRESL USER.DEBUG.EQARESDS USER.DEBUG.EQATY2DS 17 USER.IMS.JCL SPOCBCH //BATCH EXEC PGM=CSLUSPOC,PARM='IMSPLEX=PLEX1,F=BYCOL' //STEPLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DSN=USER.DEBUG.EQATY2DS,DISP=SHR 14.24.5 IMS Catalog Ste p Dataset Member Comment 1 USER.GLOBAL.OLCS TAT Define in ISPF Organization PS, Record format V, Record length 5204, Block size 5208 and a single track. 2 USER.IMS.JCL COPYRES Install the DBDs and PSBs for the IMS catalog from the IMS.SDFSRESL data set to the IMS.DBDLIB and IMS.PSBLIB data sets. //COPYRES EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SDFSRESL DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR Page 14-84 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //DBDLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.DBDLIB,DISP=OLD //PSBLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.PSBLIB,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * COPY OUTDD=DBDLIB,INDD=((SDFSRESL,R)),LIST=YES SELECT MEMBER=(DFSCD000,DFSCX000) COPY OUTDD=PSBLIB,INDD=((SDFSRESL,R)),LIST=YES SELECT MEMBER=(DFSCPL00,DFSCP000,DFSCP001,DFSCP002,D FSCP003) 3 4 DFSDF00 0 USER.IMS.JCL CATACB Code the CATALOG section of the DFSDFxxx member in the IMS PROCLIB data set, but do not yet enable the IMS catalog or the IMS management of ACBS. <SECTION=CATALOG> CATALOG=Y, ALIAS=DFSC Run the ACBGEN process for the catalog DBD and PSB members. //CATACB EXEC PGM=DFSRRC00,PARM='UPB' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //STEPLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //DFSRESLB DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //IMS // DD DSN=DFSF10.PSBLIB,DISP=SHR DD DSN=DFSF10.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR //IMSACB DD DSN=DFSF10.ACBLIB,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * BUILD PSB=(DFSCPL00) BUILD PSB=(DFSCP000) BUILD PSB=(DFSCP001) BUILD PSB=(DFSCP002) BUILD PSB=(DFSCP003) 5 USER.IMS.JCL COPYACB Activate the new IMS catalog ACB members in your IMS system. //STEPU EXEC OLCUTL,TYPE=ACB,IN=S,OUT=U,SOUT=*, // OLCLOCL='DUMMY,',OLCGLBL='',SYS= //* //* THEN DO AN /99,/MODIFY PREPARE ACBLIB //* AND AFTER A POSITIVE RESPONSE //* /99,/MODIFY COMMIT Page 14-85 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //* //* STATUS CAN BE DISPLAYED AS //* /99,/DIS MODIFY 6 JCL IV3E319J Create the catalog database with the Catalog Partition Definition Data Set utility (DFS3UCD0) and load it. The catalog partition definition data set is populated with the values specified with the HALDB and PART parameters of the utility. //CATDEF EXEC PGM=DFS3UCD0,REGION=0M //DFSRESLB DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //STEPLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //IMS DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=DFSF10.DBDLIB //DFSHDBSC DD DSN=DFSF10.CATDEF,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * HALDB=(NAME=DFSCD000) PART=(NAME=DFSCD000,PART=DFSD001, DSNPREFX=DFSF10.DFSCD000, KEYSTHEX=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) HALDB=(NAME=DFSCX000) PART=(NAME=DFSCX000,PART=DFSX001, DSNPREFX=DFSF10.DFSCX000, KEYSTHEX=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) 7 8 JCL USER.IMS.JCL DALOC DEFCAT Create a new DFSMDA member of the IMS.PROCLIB data set to dynamically allocate the catalog partition definition data set. //STEP EXEC IMSDALOC //SYSIN DD * DFSMDA TYPE=INITIAL DFSMDA TYPE=CATDBDEF,DSNAME=DFSF10.CATDEF DFSMDA TYPE=FINAL END Copied, edited and ran to define the catalog to DBRC //DEFCAT EXEC PGM=DSPURX00 //STEPLIB DD DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //IMS DD DSN=DFSF10.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * INIT.DB DBD(DFSCD000) TYPHALDB SHARELVL(3) INIT.PART DBD(DFSCD000) PART(DFSCD01) DSNPREFX(DFSF10.DFSCD000) KEYSTRNG(X'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF') Page 14-86 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration INIT.DB DBD(DFSCX000) TYPHALDB SHARELVL(3) INIT.PART DBD(DFSCX000) PART(DFSCX01) DSNPREFX(DFSF10.DFSCX000) KEYSTRNG(X'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF') 9 JCL??? CATALLO C DFSF10.CATDEF DFSF10.DFSCD000.A00001 DFSF10.DFSCD000.A00002 DFSF10.DFSCD000.B00001 DFSF10.DFSCD000.B00002 DFSF10.DFSCD000.C00001 DFSF10.DFSCD000.C00002 DFSF10.DFSCD000.D00001 DFSF10.DFSCD000.D00002 DFSF10.DFSCD000.L00001 DFSF10.DFSCD000.L00002 DFSF10.DFSCD000.X00001 DFSF10.DFSCD000.X00002 DFSF10.DFSCX000.A00001 DFSF10.HWSRCDR 10 JCL PARTINI T 11 JCL IV3E319J Use the HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0) to initialize HALDB partitions. //PINIT01 EXEC PGM=DFSRRC00,REGION=2048K, // PARM=(ULU,DFSUPNT0,DFSCD000,,,,,,,,,SYS3,,Y,N) Use the IMS Catalog Populate utility (DFS3PU00) to perform an initial load of an IMS catalog: //CATLOAD EXEC PGM=DFS3PU00, // PARM=(DLI,DFS3PU00,DFSCPL00,,,,,,,,,,,N,N,,,,,,,,,,,,'DFSDF= CAT') Specify the enabling parameters for the IMS catalog and the IMS management of ACBs in the <CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx member in the IMS PROCLIB data set: CATALOG=Y and ACBMGMT=CATALOG. 12 PARMLIB DFSDF00 0 13 JCL CATLOA D2 14 JCL GENJCLIC //DBRC EXEC PGM=DSPURX00 //SYSINP DD * DUPLIST ISRTLIST MANAGEDACBS=SETUP //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFSF10.SDFSRESL Page 14-87 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //JCLPDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.Z24A.PROCLIB // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFSF10.PROCLIB //JCLOUT DD SYSOUT=(A,INTRDR) //IMS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFSF10.DBDLIB //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * GENJCL.IC DBD(DFSCD01) ONEJOB 15 Console 16 PROCLIB After the population of the IMS catalog is complete, shut down and restart IMS IMS15CR 1 Remove the DD statements for the ACB libraries from the control region and DLISAS region JCL. IMS15DL I 17 DFS3UAC B Replace ACBGEN with DFSUACB0 utility 18 IV30260J Report job 19 DFS3PU1 0 Housekeeping utility 14.24.6 IMS Explorer Figure 15. IMS Connect configuration 14.24.7 Issues Remove other devices than A2 (3270-A02) from MFS source 14.24.8 Management Console SMP/E installed. A zip file downloaded and installed on Windows using Installation Manager. RACF: • FACILITY IRR.DIGTCERT.LISTRING READ USER(START1) DBD/PSB imported to Explorer using zosmf and dataset DFSF10.SDFSISRC Page 14-88 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.24.9 Create basic z/OS configuration Import macro changes to RRDS USER.JCL DFSURST0 ELASTG1 Allocate ELA601.DFSURST0.MODBLKS and ELA601.DFSURST0.OPTIONS In STG2 deck: c all vendor.proclib USER.Z24A.PROCLIB and run Run USER.JCL DFSURCM0 Finally import using IMS SPILOT 14.24.10 Executing programs ICH408I USER(USER1 ) GROUP(SYS1 ) NAME(ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ FOR CL(CIMS ) INSUFFICIENT ACCESS AUTHORITY FROM ** (G) ACCESS INTENT(READ ) ACCESS ALLOWED(NONE ) DFS064 11:54:27 DESTINATION CAN NOT BE FOUND OR CREATED, DEST=imstest1 One of the jobs in the IMS.JOBS data set contains the message region JCL. Parameters on the JCL EXEC statement define the transaction classes that are eligible for processing in the region. You can define more than one set of JCL if necessary. The default job name is IMSMSG. After you start a message region, transactions associated with the transaction classes supported by the region can be scheduled. You can change these classes using the /ASSIGN TRAN or UPDATE TRAN SET(CLASS(new_class_number)) command after you have started the region. Specifies either the classes of transactions that a message processing region can schedule or the message processing class of a transaction. The /ASSIGN CLASS cls# (TO) REGION reg# command can include up to four class parameters and replaces the class values that existed previously. Valid class parameters are numeric values from 1 to 999. For static transactions, the CLASS parameter (cls#) is initially set by system definition using the TRANSACT macro statement. For CPI communications driven transactions, the initial value is obtained from the TP profile. /ASSIGN CLASS 5 TO REGION 3 /ASSIGN TRAN APPLE TO CLASS 5 IMS15M11 EXEC PROC=DFSMPR,TIME=(1440), NBA=6, Page 14-89 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration OBA=5, SOUT='*', SYSOUT CLASS CL1=001, TRANSACTION CLASS 1 CL2=000, TRANSACTION CLASS 2 CL3=000, TRANSACTION CLASS 3 CL4=000, TRANSACTION CLASS 4 Use SPILOT IMSGEN features to import definitions 14.24.11 • • • • • • • IVP part AN960C10 dspalli AN960C10 dspinv AN960C10,28009126 addpart AB960C10,RIVET,74 addinv AB960C10,80091260 dspinv AB960C10,80091260 /for ivtno 14.24.12 IMS Operations Cleanup USER.IMS.JCL RCNLIST List Recon dataset Find “SSYS” record Look for ABNORMAL TERM=ON|OFF and RECOVERY STARTED=YES|NO USER.IMS.JCL RCNCHANG Console S IMS15CR1 Console reply <number>,/NRE CHECKPOINT 0 . CHANGE.SUBSYS SSID(IVP1) NORMAL (if ABNORMAL) ENDRECOV (if RECOVERY STARTED) Cold start or emergency restart Or <number>,/ERE OVERRIDE . Or • • • Ere Ere override Ere format all bldq . Page 14-90 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration • Ere coldsys Some IMS operations hints When starting cold • 00,/nrestart checkpoint 0. (remember the dot) When starting warm • 00,/nrestart . (remember the dot) Disaster restart • • • • • Ere Ere override Ere format all Ere coldsys ERE CHECKPOINT 0 BLDQ . Get rid of a hanging conversational transaction • /EXIT Logoff • /RCL Shutdown • • • • 00,CLOSEHWS 00,/checkpoint freeze P IMS15rl1 F IMS15SCI,SHUTDOWN CSLLCL Restart a region • • • /DIS A /STO REGION 9999 /STA REGION IMS15M11 JOB IMS15M11 Hanging transactions -------- ----------------------IVP1 TRAN IVP1 IMSTEST1 IVP1 IVP1 CLS ENQCT 1 2 QCT LCT PLCT CP NP LP SEGSZ SEGNO PARLM 2 65535 65535 1 1 1 0 0 NONE PSBNAME: IMSTEST1 *15337/172652* The /DISPLAY TRAN command displays the transaction name, class (CLS), current priority(CP), normal priority (NP), local priority (LP), local enqueue queue count (ENQCT), local queue count (QCT), limit count (LCT), processing limit count (PLCT), parallel limit count Page 14-91 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration (PARLM), the number and size of output segments for a specified transaction code (SEGSZ, SEGNO), and the number of regions the transaction is currently scheduled in (RC), all on the first line. STOP TRAN IMSTEST1 QUEUE TRAN NAME(IMSTEST1) OPTION(DEQALL) START TRAN IMSTEST1 14.25 IBM Developer for z 14.25.1 Preparation for updates ADCD Z24A is missing a number of SMP/E libraries. They can be created using job FEL1SMPE. SMPPTS must be reallocated to CYLS(100,100). ZFS datasets are mounted as read-only. TZONE SYSUT1 is too small. It contains these CSI’s and FMID’s: CSI FMID’s FELE20.GLOBAL.CSI HAKGE20 HALG310 HHOPE20 HADRE20 HVWR180 FMNE10.GLOBAL.CSI HADLE10 JADLE12 JADLE14 JADLE16 IDIE10.GLOBAL.CSI HADQE10 Download from s/aqua/idz/ Linked from Table 37. IDz installation support members Dataset Member Contents USER.JCL DEFALIAS Define ALIAS for FELE20 USER.Z24A.CLIST FELWEDIT Edit macro for install jobs Page 14-92 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration USER.IDZ.JCL USER.IDZ.JCL Create library JOBCARD RACF Customizable JOB CARD READ access to FACILITY BPX.FILEATTR.APF READ access to FACILITY BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL If USS paths are already used by an earlier version then the zFS file systems must be renamed. 14.25.2 Installation Installer need READ access to BPX.FILEATTR.APF CL(FACILITY). Table 38. Explorer installation Ste p Dataset Member 1 2 Contents Upload pax.z to /u/smpe/smpnts USER.IDZ.JCL HALG310 Upload from readme.txt from installation packages, Unpack installation package Change newname= to storclas="SCBASE" newname= 3 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK* Copy F1 to USER.IDZ.JCL 4 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK1SMP E Edit this and the following by adding the job card and running FELWEDIT 5 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK2RCV E //SMPTLIB DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(50,50)),VOL=SER=U XA021 6 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK3ALO C 7 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK4ZFS FELE20.ZFS ➔ FELE20.ALG.ZFS Change mount point to /usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310 8 USER.IDZ.JCL FEKMKDI R Change mount point to /usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310 9 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK5MK D Change SYSEXEC to USER.IDZ.JCL 10 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK6DDE F FEK. ➔ FELE20. Change mount point to /usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310 Change VOLUME(UXA021) to STORCLAS(SCBASE) Page 14-93 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 11 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK7APL Y Run with and without CHECK 12 USER.IDZ.JCL FEK8ACP T Run with and without CHECK 13 USERXA02.PARM LIB BPXPRMR MOUNT FILESYSTEM('FELE20.ZEXPL.ZFS') Z TYPE(ZFS) PARM('AGGRGROW') MODE(RDWR) MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310') Table 39. Explorer Extensions Installation Step Dataset Member 1 2 Contents Upload pax.z to /u/smpe/smpnts USER.IDZ.JCL HHOPE20 Upload from readme.txt from installation packages, Unpack installation package Change newname= to storclas="SCBASE" newname= 3 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL* Copy F1 to INST.JCL 4 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL2RCVE Edit this and the following by adding the job card and running FELWEDIT 5 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL3ALOC 6 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL4ZFS 8 USER.IDZ.JCL FELMKDIR 8 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL5MKD Change SYSEXEC to USER.IDZ.JCL 9 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL6DDEF FEL. ➔ FELE20. FELE20.ZEE.ZFS Change SYSEXEC to USER.IDZ.JCL Change VOLUME(UXA021) to STORCLAS(SCBASE) 10 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL7APLY Run with and without CHECK 11 USER.IDZ.JCL FEL8ACPT Run with and without CHECK 12 USERXA02.PARMLIB BPXPRMRZ MOUNT FILESYSTEM('FELE20.ZEE.ZFS') MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/IBM/zee') Page 14-94 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration MODE(RDWR) TYPE(ZFS) PARM('AGGRGROW') Table 40. z/OS Source Code Analysis Step Dataset Member 1 2 Contents Upload pax.z to /u/smpe/smpnts USER.IDZ.JCL HAKGE20 Upload from readme.txt from installation packages, Unpack installation package Change newname= to storclas="SCBASE" newname= 3 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG* Copy F1 to USER.IDZ.JCL 4 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG2RCVE Edit this and the following by adding the job card and running FELWEDIT 6 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG3ALOC USER.IDZ.JCL AKG4ZFS 7 7 FELE20.ZFS ➔ FELE20.AKG.ZFS Create an SMS-managed disk and add it to SCBASE, since it is huge Change VOLUME(UXA021) to STORCLAS(SCBASE) 8 USER.IDZ.JCL AKGMKDIR 9 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG5MKD 10 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG6DDEF Change AKG. to FELE20. 11 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG7APLY Run with and without CHECK 12 USER.IDZ.JCL AKG8ACPT Run with and without CHECK 13 USERXA02.PARMLIB BPXPRMRZ MOUNT FILESYSTEM('FELE20.AKG.ZFS') Change SYSEXEC to USER.IDZ.JCL MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/IBM/akg') MODE(RDWR) TYPE(ZFS) PARM('AGGRGROW') Table 41. ADFz Common Component installation Step Dataset Member Contents Page 14-95 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 1 USER.IDZ.JCL Upload pax.z to /u/smpe/smpnts 2 USER.IDZ.JCL HVWR180 Upload from readme.txt from installation packages, Unpack installation package Change newname= to storclas="SCBASE" newname= 3 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWACPT Copy members from F2 to USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWALOC IPVWAPLY IPVWDDEF IPVWRECV IPVMKDIR 4 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWRECV //SMPPTFIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FELE20.IBM.HVWR180.SMPMCS Add RFPREFIX(FELE20) 5 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWALOC VOL A4USR1 6 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVMKDIR 6 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWDDEF Change VOLUME(UXA021) to STORCLAS(SCBASE) 7 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWAPLY 8 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVWACPT Run with and without CHECK Run with and without CHECK Table 42. IBM Debugger installation Step Dataset 1 USER.IDZ.JCL 2 USER.IDZ.JCL Member Contents Upload pax.z to /u/smpe/smpnts HADRE20 Upload from readme.txt from installation packages, Unpack installation package Change newname= to volume=’UXA001’ newname= 4 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWACPT Copy F1 to USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWALOC EQAWAPLY EQAWDDEF EQAWMKD Page 14-96 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration EQAWMKDR EQAWRECV EQAWZFS 5 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWRECV Edit this and the following by adding the job card and running FELWEDIT 6 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWALOC 7 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWZFS 8 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWMKDR 9 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWMKD //SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.IDZ.JCL 10 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWDDEF Remove UNIT and VOLUME from SCEELKED, CSSLIB and SEZATCP Change VOLUME(UXA021) to STORCLAS(SCBASE) 11 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWAPLY Run with and without CHECK 12 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWACPT Run with and without CHECK 13 USERXA02.PARMLIB BPXPRMRZ MOUNT FILESYSTEM('FELE20.DEBUG.ZFS') MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/IBM/debug') MODE(RDWR) TYPE(ZFS) PARM('AGGRGROW') 14.25.3 Explorer Configuration Ste p Dataset Member Parameters 1 USER.IDZ.JCL FEKSETUP Copy from FELE20.SFEKSAMP. Create zFS paths as below SET HLQ=FELE20 SET CUST=FELE20.ÆCUST SET DISP=NEW SET VOLSER=UXA021 SET BASE='/usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310' BASE=/usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310 CNFG=/etc/zexpl310 DATA=/var/zexpl310 Page 14-97 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration WORK=/var/zexpl310 2 3 4 5 6 USERXA02.PARM LIB VTAMALL USERXA02.PARM LIB SHUTALL USERXA02.PARM LIB LPALSTCI USERXA02.PARM LIB PROGA2 S RSED S JMON P JMON P RSED FELE20.SFEKLPA(UXA021) • FELE20.SFEKAUTH • USERXA02.PROCL JMON IB SETPROG LPA,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SFEKLPA,M ASK=* SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SFEKAUTH, SMS Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB HLQ=FELE20, CFG=USERXA02.PARMLIB(FEJJCNFG) 7 8 USERXA02.PARM LIB FEJJCNFG Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PARMLIB TZ=CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3 USERXA02.PROCL RSED IB Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB CNFG='/etc/zexpl310', HOME='/usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310' 9 USER.IDZ.JCL FEKRACF Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.JCL Edit for FEK -> FELE20 10 /etc/zexpl310 Rse.env _RSE_RSED_PORT=4035 _RSE_JMON_PORT=6715 RSE_LOGS=/var/zexpl310/logs RSE_HOME=/usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl310 JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 CGI_ISPHOME=/usr/lpp/ispf RSE_HLQ=FELE20 _RSE_JAVAOPTS="Å_RSE_JAVAOPTS Dsingle.logon=false" _RSE_JAVAOPTS="Å_RSE_JAVAOPTS Dsearch.server.limit.MaxFilterResults=0" Page 14-98 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration CGI_CEATSO=TRUE CGI_CEATSO_KEEPALIVE=FALSE TZ=CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3 LANG=C TMPDIR=/tmp PD_SERVER_PORT=2800 11 /etc/zexpl310 ISPF.conf sysproc=ISP.SISPCLIB,FELE20.SFEKPROC 12 /etc/zexpl310 Pushtoclient.proper ties config.enabled=true product.enabled=true reject.config.updates=true reject.product.updates=true accept.product.license=false primary.system=false pushtoclient.folder=/var/zexpl310/pusht oclient RACF RALTER STARTED (CEA.**) STDATA(TRUSTED(YES)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH RDEFINE SERVAUTH (CEA.CEATSO.TSOREQUEST) UACC(NONE) PERMIT CEA.CEATSO.TSOREQUEST CLASS(SERVAUTH) ID(*) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(SERVAUTH) REFRESH 14.25.4 Explorer Extensions Configuration Ste p Dataset Membe r Parameters 1 USER.IDZ.JCL FELSET UP Copy from FELE20.SFELSAMP SET HLQ=FELE20 SET CUST=FELE20.ÆCUST SET DISP=MOD SET VOLSER=UXA021 SET BASE='/usr/lpp/IBM/zee' Page 14-99 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration BASE=/usr/lpp/IBM/zee CNFG=/etc/zexpl310 2 USERXA02.PARM IFAPRD LIB 01 PRODUCT OWNER(’IBM CORP’) NAME(’IBM IDz EE’) ID(5655-AC5) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(*) STATE(ENABLED) • 3 4 USER.Z24A.PAR MLIB LPALST CI USERXA02.PARM PROGL2 LIB SET PROD=01 FELE20.SFELLPA(UXA021) • SETPROG LPA,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SFELLPA,MASK=* LNKLST FELE20.SFELLMOD LNKLST FELE20.SFELLOAD LNKLST FELE20.SFELLPA 5 USERXA02.PARM PROG99 LIB LNKLST DEFINE,NAME=LNKLST01,COPYFROM=CURRENT LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=FELE20.SFELLMOD,VOL=UXA 021 LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=FELE20.SFELLOAD,VOL=UXA0 21 LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=FELE20.SFELLPA,VOL=UXA02 1 LNKLST ACTIVATE,NAME=LNKLST01 • 6 USERXA02.PROC LIB ELA* SET PROG=99 Copied from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB Edit ELAXF: SET FEL='FELE20' SET EQA='FELE20' SET IPV='FELE20' SET IGY='IGY620' SET IBMZ='IEL520' Page 14-100 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration SET DFH='DFH540.CICS' SET DSN='DSNC10' SET DSNRUN='DSNC10.DBCG.RUNLIB.LOAD' SET DFSRESL='DFSF10' SET DFSREFER='DFSF10' SET DFSPROC='DFSF10' Uncomment DD cards for CICS and DB2 7 USERXA02.PROC LIB ELAXFS P //SYSTSIN DD * DSN S(DBCG) R(1) T(1) RUN PROGRAM(DSNTIAD) PLAN(DSNTIA11) 8 USERXA02.PROC LIB ELAXFS QL //SYSTSIN DD * DSN S(DBCG) R(1) T(1) RUN PROGRAM(DSNTEP2) PLAN(DSNTEP11) 9 USER.IDZ.JCL FELRAC F Copy from FELE20.#CUST.JCL 10 /etc/zexpl310 Zee.env FEL_HOME=/usr/lpp/IBM/zee FEL_HLQ=FELE20 _RSE_JAVAOPTS="Å_RSE_JAVAOPTS Dinclude.c=/etc/zexpl310/include.conf" _RSE_JAVAOPTS="Å_RSE_JAVAOPTS Dinclude.cpp=/etc/zexpl310/include.conf" FEL_EDIT_MACRO_DSN=USERXA02.CLIST FEL_EDIT_MACRO=FELEDTMC 11 USERXA02.CLIST FELEDT MC Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.CNTL 12 USERXA02.PROC LIB AZUZUN IT Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB FEL='FELE20', EQA='FELE20', DSN='DSNC10', 13 USERXA02.PROC LIB AZUZUD B2 Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB FEL='FELE20', EQA='FELE20', DSN='DSNC10', Page 14-101 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14 15 16 Create basic z/OS configuration USERXA02.PROC LIB FEKZUN IT Copy from FELE20.SFELPROC USER.Z24A.PROC LIB CICS**** //DFHRPL USER.IDZ.JCL AZUCSD NB: Is a REXX EXEC?!? // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FELE20.SFELLMOD Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.JCL Edit with FELWEDIT DFH550.CICS.SDFHLOAD DFH550.CICS.DFHCSD PORTNUMBER(7998) CONFIGFILE(/usr/lpp/cicsts/cicsts56/samples/pipeli nes/jsonnonjav* aprovider.xml) SHELF(/var/cicsts) WSDIR(/usr/lpp/IBM/zee/lib/wsbind) LIST(XYZLIST) 17 USERXA02.TCPP ARMS PORTS 7998 TCP CICSTS54 ; zUnit REST Interface 18 USER.IDZ.JCL IRZCSD Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.JCL Edit with FELWEDIT 19 USER.IDZ.JCL AZUALL OC Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.JCL Generate datasets for submitting user Uncomment VOL=SER= 14.25.5 Source Code Analysis Configuration Ste p Dataset Member Parameters 1 USER.IDZ.JCL AKGSETU P Copy from SAKGSAMP SET HLQ=FELE20 SET CUST=FELE20.ÆCUST SET DISP=MOD SET VOLSER=UXA021 SET BASE='/usr/lpp/IBM/akg' BASE=/usr/lpp/IBM/akg Page 14-102 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration CUSTOM=/var/akg 2 USERXA02.PROCLI B AKGCC Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB Change HLQ to FELE20 //JAVA DD PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY),PATH='/usr/lpp/java/J8. 0_64' 3 USERXA02.PROCLI B AKGCR Copy from FELE20.ÆCUST.PROCLIB Change HL to FELE20 //JAVA DD PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY),PATH='/usr/lpp/java/J8. 0_64' 4 USER.IDZ.JCL AKGCRAD D JCL to add third-party code to code review Mkdir /var/akg/cr Mkdir /tmp/akg/cr Remount ZFS FELE20.AKG.ZFS RDWR 5 USERXA02.PARML IB 14.25.6 PROGA2 APF FELE20.SFELLPA • SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SFELLPA,SMS Debugger Configuration Note that module CEEEVDBG used by the debugger might also reside in ADCD.Z23B.LINKLIB. If so it should be deleted from there, and an “F LLA,REFRESH” be done. Ste p Dataset Member Parameters 1 USERXA02.PARM LIB LPALSTC I FELE20.SEQALPA(UXA021), 1 USERXA02.PARM LIB PROGA0 APF FELE20.SEQAAUTH SMS APF FELE20.SEQAMOD SMS APF FELE20.SEQABMOD SMS • • • SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SEQAAUTH,SMS SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SEQAMOD,SMS SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=FELE20.SEQABMOD,SMS Page 14-103 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 2 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWIS VC Copy from SEQASAMP 3 FELE20.SEQAEXE C EQADTS VC Execute 4 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAWIV PT Copy from SEQASAMP SET LNGPRFX=IGY620 SET DTPRFX=FELE20 5 USER.IDZ.JCL EQARAC F RDEFINE FACILITY EQADTOOL.AUTHDEBUG UACC(READ) SETROPTS GENERIC(FACILITY) ADDUSER STCDBM DFLTGRP(STCGROUP) NOPASSWORD NAME(’DEBUG MANAGER’) OMVS(AUTOUID HOME(/tmp) PROGRAM(/bin/sh) ) DATA(’IBM z/OS Debugger’) RDEFINE STARTED DBGMGR.* DATA(’DEBUG MANAGER’) STDATA(USER(STCDBM) GROUP(STCGROUP) TRUSTED(NO)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH PERMIT BPX.SERVER CLASS(FACILITY) ACCESS(UPDATE) ID(STCDBM) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH RALTER PROGRAM ** UACC(READ) ADDMEM(’SYS1.LINKLIB’//NOPADCHK) RALTER PROGRAM ** UACC(READ) ADDMEM(’SYS1.CSSLIB’//NOPADCHK) RALTER PROGRAM ** UACC(READ) ADDMEM(’CEE.SCEERUN’//NOPADCHK) RALTER PROGRAM ** UACC(READ) ADDMEM(’CEE.SCEERUN2’//NOPADCHK) RALTER PROGRAM ** UACC(READ) ADDMEM(’FELE20.SEQAAUTH’//NOPADCHK) SETROPTS WHEN(PROGRAM) REFRESH ADDUSER STCEQA DFLTGRP(STCGROUP) NOPASSWORD NAME('DEBUG PROFILE SERVICE') OMVS(AUTOUID HOME(’/tmp’) PROGRAM(’/bin/sh’)) DATA(’IBM z/OS Debugger’) Page 14-104 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration RDEFINE STARTED EQAPROF.* STDATA(USER(STCEQA) GROUP(STCGROUP) TRUSTED(NO)) DATA('DEBUG PROFILE SERVICE') SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH PERMIT BPX.SERVER CLASS(FACILITY) ID(STCEQA) ACCESS(UPDATE) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH PERMIT BPX.SRV.** CLASS(SURROGAT) ID(STCEQA) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(SURROGAT) REFRESH RDEFINE FACILITY EQADTOOL.DTCNCHNGEANY UACC(NONE) PERMIT EQADTOOL.DTCNCHNGEANY CLASS(FACILITY) ID(USER1) ACCESS(UPDATE) PERMIT EQADTOOL.DTCNCHNGEANY CLASS(FACILITY) ID(USER2) ACCESS(UPDATE) PERMIT EQADTOOL.DTCNCHNGEANY CLASS(FACILITY) ID(USER3) ACCESS(UPDATE) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH 6 USERXA02.PARM LIB PROGL0 LNKLST FELE20.SEQAMOD FELE20.SEQABMOD PROG99: LNKLST DEFINE,NAME=LNKLST012,COPYFROM=CURRENT LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST012,DSN=FELE20.SEQABMOD,VOL=U XA021 LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST012,DSN=FELE20.SEQAMOD,VOL=UX A021 LNKLST ACTIVATE,NAME=LNKLST012 • 7 USERXA02.PARM LIB VTAMAL L SET PROG=99 S DBGMGR S CCSTART S EQAPROF 8 USERXA02.PARM LIB SHUTALL S CCSTOP Page 14-105 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration P DBGMGR P EQAPROF 9 USERXA02.PROCL IB DBGMGR Copy from SEQASAMP(EQAZPCM) TZ=’CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3’, HLQ=FELE20 10 USERXA02.TCPPA RMS PORTS 6000 TCP CICSTS54 ; CICS 5.4 Debugger 5335 TCP DBGMGR 5336 TCP DBGMGR 7999 TCP CCSTART 11 12 ; Code coverage 8105 TCP EQAPROF ; REST Shutdown 8180 TCP EQAPROF ; REST http listener 8143 TCP EQAPROF ; REST https FELE20.SEQAEXE C EQASTAR Inst_DT_ShpHLQ T Inst_CC_ShpHLQ FELE20.SEQATLI B EQAZDFL IGY620 T DSNC10 = 'FELE20'; = 'FELE20'; DFH540.CICS IEL520 FMNE10 13 FELE20.SEQATLI B EQAZDSY IGY620 S DSNC10 DFH540.CICS IEL520 FMNE10 14 USER.IDZ.JCL EQACCSD Copy from SEQASAMP Edit VSAM Dataset names /F CICSTS54,CEDA I G(EQA) 15 FELE20.SEQAEXE C EQAJCL Inst_DT_SHPHLQ = 'FELE20'; 16 USERXA02.PROCL IB CICS**** //DFHRPL CICS CEDA 17 // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FELE20.SEQAMOD TCpipservice : DEBUGGER Page 14-106 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration GROup : EQA Urm : EQADCAN0 POrtnumber STatus : 06000 : Open PROtocol : Http TRansaction : CWXN Backlog : 00030 Host : ANY Ipaddress : ANY SOcketclose : No MAXPersist MAXDatalen SSl : No : 032768 : No AUthenticate : Basic GRPcritical : No 19 USERXA02.PARM LIB 20 21 USERXA02.PROCL IB DFH$SIP 1 DEBUGTOOL=NO DFHPLTS I DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=DFHDELIM CCSTART //CCSTART PROC INITPARM=(DFH2INI='DBCG',EQA0CPLT='NLE,STK, NWP,STG') DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=EQA0CPLT //* //CCSTART EXEC PGM=BPXBATSL,REGION=0M,TIME=NOLIMIT,PARM DD=PARMIN //PARMIN DD * PGM /usr/lpp/IBM/akg/bin/codecov -startdaemon -port=7999 -zipresult -savesource -output=/var/zexpl310/logs/CC /* //STDENV DD * Page 14-107 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration HOME=/var/zexpl310/logs/CC JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 //STDOUT DD SYSOUT=* //STDERR DD SYSOUT=* // 22 USERXA02.PROCL IB CCSTOP PEND //CCSTOP EXEC PGM=BPXBATSL,REGION=0M,TIME=NOLIMIT, // PARMDD=PARMIN //PARMIN DD * PGM /usr/lpp/IBM/akg/bin/codecov -stopdaemon /* //STDENV DD * HOME=/var/zexpl310/logs/CC JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 //STDOUT DD SYSOUT=* //STDERR DD SYSOUT=* 23 24 USERXA02.PROCL IB DFSMPR RGN=0M STEPLIB FELE20.SFEKAUTH FELE20.SEQASAM EQAWTI P MS Optional Debug Tool IMS Transaction Isolation: Stop all IMS subsystems that are set up to use IMS Transaction Isolation. Install the new SVCs. Re-link the DFSMSCE0 user exit. Re-start the affected IMS subsystems. 25 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAOPS Optional code page change Copy from FELE20.SEQASAMP(EQAUMODE) Update using SMP/E: EQAXOPT CODEPAGE,277 EQAXOPT MDBG,YES EQAXOPT NAMES,EXCLUDE,LOADMOD,USERMOD1 EQAXOPT NAMES,EXCLUDE,LOADMOD,USERMOD7 EQAXOPT NODISPLAY,QUITDEBUG Page 14-108 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration SYSLMOD FELE20.SEQAMOD 26 USERXA02.PROCL IB DBCGWL M* STEPLIB FELE20.SEQAMOD 27 USERXA02.ISPPLI B XACTMAI FELE20 N 28 USER.IDZ.JCL EQAPRFS U Copy from SEQASAMP Run as IBMUSER 29 /etc/debug dtcn.port s CICSTS54:1495 30 /etc/debug/ eqaprof.e nv java_dir="/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64" 31 USERXA02.PROCL IB EQAPRO F Copy from SEQASAMP 32 33 chmod -R 777 /usr/lpp/IBM/debug/* USER.IDZ.JCL 14.25.7 EQAWCR VS FELE20.SEQASAMP(EQAWCRVS) DFH560. EQADPFMB ADFz CC Configuration Latest PTF: UI65018 Ste p Dataset Member Comment 1 USERXA02.PAR MLIB PROGA2 APF FELE20.SIPVMODA 2 USERXA02.PAR MLIB LPALST CI 3 USERXA02.PAR MLIB PROGL2 LNKLST FELE20.SIPVMODA 4 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVRAC F FELE20.SIPVLPA1(UXA021) ADDUSER STCIPV DFLTGRP(STCGROUP) NOPASSWORD NAME(‘PD TOOLS CC’) OMVS(AUTOUID HOME(/tmp) PROGRAM(/bin/sh) ) DATA(’IBM Z/OS PD TOOLS CC’) RDEFINE PROGRAM IPV* ADDMEM(’FELE20.SIPVMODA’//NOPADCHK) UACC(READ) RDEFINE PROGRAM UIPVMSGT ADDMEM('FELE20.SIPVMODA'//NOPADCHK) UACC(READ) Page 14-109 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration RDEFINE PROGRAM IPVSRV ADDMEM('FELE20.SIPVMODA'//NOPADCHK) UACC(READ) SETROPTS WHEN(PROGRAM) SETROPTS WHEN(PROGRAM) REFRESH PERMIT BPX.SERVER CLASS(FACILITY ) ACCESS(READ) ID(STCIPV) RDEFINE STARTED IPVSRV1.* DATA(‘PD TOOLS CC’) STDATA(USER(STCIPV) GROUP(STCGROUP)) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY STARTED) REFRESH 5 USERXA02.PAR MLIB IPVCON FG Copy from FELE20.SIPVSAM1 $IPVHLQ=FELE20 $FMNHLQ=FMNE10 * Common Component * FM - File Manager $DTHLQ=FELE20 * DT - Debug Tool $MQHLQ=CSQ911 be used by FM) * MQ - Websphere MQ (may ******************************************************** *************** * Default ******************************************************** *************** CONFIG=DEFAULT * Mandatory Server section SSL_REQUIRED=NO * Uncomment to not use SSL MIXEDCASEPASS=YES pw used * Uncomment if mixed case WORKDIR=/etc/ipv/v18/ipvsrv1 * SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION SPAWN_DD=IPVTRACE=SYSOUT=A suit * Alter class to ******************************************************** *************** * File Manager ******************************************************** *************** Page 14-110 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration CONFIG=FM identifier * Mandatory File Manager SPAWN_PROGRAM=FMNCSEP not change * Entry Program do SPAWN_STEPLIB=$FMNHLQ.SFMNMOD1 * File Manager library SPAWN_REGIONSZ=40 * Region Limit in MB * SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION SPAWN_DD=SYSPRINT=SYSOUT=A * Change to suit SPAWN_DD=FMNTRC=SYSOUT=A * Change to suit SPAWN_DD=SYSTSPRT=SYSOUT=A * Change to suit SPAWN_DD=FMNLIB=$FMNHLQ.SFMNMODA: $MQHLQ.SCSQAUTH: * Websphere libraries $MQHLQ.SCSQANLE: hlq as needed * Uncomment and adjust $MQHLQ.SCSQLOAD: DFH550.CICS.SDFHEXCI: SYS1.SASMMOD1: * CICS interface library * HLASM library $IPVHLQ.SIPVMOD1 SPAWN_DD=FMNCOB=IGY620.SIGYCOMP specific compiler * To use SPAWN_DD=FMNCICS=FMNE10.CONN.LIST SPAWN_DD=FMNEXEC=$FMNHLQ.SFMNEXEC * adjust hlq above SPAWN_DD=IPVPLIB=$FMNHLQ.SFMNPENU: * adjust hlq above $IPVHLQ.SIPVPENU: $FMNHLQ.SFMNMENU: * adjust hlq above * adjust hlq above $IPVHLQ.SIPVMENU: * adjust hlq above $FMNHLQ.SFMNSLIB * adjust hlq above SPAWN_DD=SYSEXEC=$FMNHLQ.SFMNEXEC * adjust hlq above SPAWN_DD=SYSPROC=$FMNHLQ.SFMNCLIB * adjust hlq above Page 14-111 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration SPAWN_DD=IPVTLIB=$FMNHLQ.SFMNTENU: * adjust hlq above $IPVHLQ.SIPVTENU * adjust hlq above ******************************************************** *************** * Debug tool ******************************************************** *************** CONFIG=DT identifier * Mandatory Debug Tool SPAWN_PROGRAM=EQACMINT SPAWN_STEPLIB=$DTHLQ.SEQAMOD remove if linklisted * Change hlq or * SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION ******************************************************** *************** * Fault Analyzer ******************************************************** *************** CONFIG=FA identifier * Mandatory Fault Analyzer SPAWN_PROGRAM=IDIGMAIN SPAWN_REGIONSZ=200 SPAWN_JOBNAME=IDISVRF * SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION ISPF_PROF_DSN=&USERID..ISPF.ISPPROF * ISPF profile dataset naming ISPF_APPL=IDI used * Change if a different ISPF appl id is SPAWN_DD=STDOUT=SYSOUT=A SPAWN_DD=STDERR=SYSOUT=A SPAWN_DD=SYSPRINT=SYSOUT=A SPAWN_DD=SYSTSPRT=SYSOUT=A Page 14-112 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ******************************************************** *************** * Code Coverage ******************************************************** *************** CONFIG=CC SPAWN_PROGRAM=EQACCINT SPAWN_STEPLIB=ÅDTHLQ.SEQAMOD * SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION ******************************************************** *************** * Load Module Analyzer ******************************************************** *************** CONFIG=LM SPAWN_PROGRAM=EQALMINT SPAWN_STEPLIB=$DTHLQ.SEQAMOD * SPAWN_PARMS_SECTION SPAWN_DD=EQASYSPF=$DTHLQ.SEQATLIB(EQALMPFX ) SPAWN_DD=EQAPGMNM=$DTHLQ.SEQATLIB(EQALMP GM) 6 USER.IDZ.JCL IPVMKD Copy from FELE20.SIPVSAM1 IR OWNER='STCIPV 7 PORTS 2800 TCP IPVSRV1 8 Rse.env PD_SERVER_PORT=2800 IPVSRV 1 Copy from FELE20.SIPVSAM1 9 USERXA02.PRO CLIB REGION=0M SET IPV=FELE20 CONFIG USERXA02.PARMLIB(IPVCONFG) 10 USERXA02.PAR MLIB VTAMA LL S IPVSRV1 Page 14-113 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 11 USERXA02.PAR MLIB 12 USS 14.25.8 Create basic z/OS configuration SHUTAL P IPVSRV1 L Did chown STCIPV and chmod 1777 on the work directories IDz RTC Integration Table 43. IDz RTC integration Step Dataset Member Comment 1 /etc/zexpl Idzrtc.env CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0 CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH/buildsystem/buildtoolkit/* LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0 LIBPATH=$LIBPATH/buildsystem/buildtoolkit SCM_WORK=/tmp/rdz _RSE_JAVAOPTS="$_RSE_JAVAOPTS" 2 Installation Manager 3 IBM Rational Team Concert Integration feature Build definition 14.25.9 Verification Step Dataset Member Comment 1 DA Running tasks: TSO SDSF DBGMGR EQAPROF IDISS IPVSRV1 JMON RSED 2 IDz Host ADFz 2800 Connections FTP 21 Remote System 4035, PD Tools 2800 3 SDSF APF DIT130.SDITMOD1 FELE20.SEQAAUTH Page 14-114 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration FELE20.SEQABMOD FELE20.SEQAMOD FELE20.SFEKAUTH FELE20.SFELLPA FELE20.SIPVMODA FMNE10.SFMNMOD1 FMNE10.SFMNMODA IDIE10.SIDIAUT2 IDIE10.SIDIAUTH 4 SDSF LNK DIT130.SDITMOD1 FELE20.SEQABMOD FELE20.SEQAMOD FELE20.SFELLOAD FELE20.SFELLPA FELE20.SIPVMODA FMNE10.SFMNMOD1 IDIE10.SIDIAUT2 IDIE10.SIDIAUTH IDIE10.SIDIMOD1 5 SDSF LPA FELE20.SEQALPA FELE20.SFEKLPA FELE20.SFELLPA FELE20.SIPVLPA1 IDIE10.SIDIALPA IDIE10.SIDILPA1 6 TSO NETSTAT DBGMGR 00000050 DBGMGR 00000051 EQAPROF 00000076 EQAPROF 0000007C EQAPROF 00000075 IPVSRV1 0000005F JMON 00000059 RSED 00000074 Page 14-115 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 7 TSO ISPF FA 8 TSO ISPF FM, FM/DB2, FM/IMS, FM/CICS, FM/MQ 9 IDz Remote Systems View FM tabs: CICS, DB2, IMS, MQ: CEDA E L Groups: 10 CICS Error: Cancelled AZUGROUP EQA FA FMNCICS FMNCONN IRZ 11 CICS CEMT I TCPIPS Tcpips(AZUREST ) Ope Por(07997) Http Nos Tra(CWXN) Con(00000) Bac( 00001 ) Maxd( 016000 ) Urm( DFHWBAAX ) Tcpips(DEBUGGER) Ope Por(01495) Http Nos Tra(CWXN) Bas Con(00000) Bac( 00030 ) Maxd( 000032 ) Urm( EQADCAN0 ) 12 CICS FM 13 CICS DTCN 14 CICS AZUM 15 CICS CFA 16 IDz Remote debug Parameter: GETLOGLEVEL ENVAR("EQA_DBG_SYSDEBUG=USER1.RDZ.SYSDEBUG") In the CICS subsystem, you can specify an environment variable using ENVAR (as shown in the previous text, except remove any //) in one of the following ways: v In DTCN, specify the environment variable in the Any other valid Language Environment options field of the z/OS Debugger CICS Control - Menu 2 menu. 17 Browser eqaprof http://zos02.domain.ext:8180/api/v1/profile/dtcn Page 14-116 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.26 ADFz 14.26.1 File Manager Create basic z/OS configuration Latest PTF’s: UI65026 UI65029 UI65032 UI65035. Had to reallocate all SFMN* datasets. Had to remove temporarily from USERXA02.PROCLIB(ISPFPROC). They were held by LLA and XCFAS. Console before: P LLA SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE After SETPROG LNKLST,ALLOCATE S LLA During the customization of file manager, we made the following decision: • File Manager Base auditing not implemented Table 44. File Manager configuration Ste p Dataset Member Parameters 1 USERXA02.PARMLI B PROGA0 APF IGY620.SIGYCOMP 2 USERXA02.PARMLI B PROGA2 APF FMNE10.SFMNMOD1 3 USERXA02.PARMLI B PROGL2 LNKLST FMNE10.SFMNMOD1 4 USERXA02.PARMLI B PROGLC LNKLST DFH540.CICS.SDFHEXCI 5 USERXA02.PARMLI B IFAPRD01 PRODUCT OWNER(’IBM CORP’) APF FMNE10.SFMNMODA NAME(’IBM FILE MANAGER’) ID(5655-Q12) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(’IBM-FM’) STATE(ENABLED) /SET PROD=01 Page 14-117 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 6 USER.IDZ.JCL Create basic z/OS configuration FMNRACF RDEFINE FACILITY DFHAPPL.* UACC(UPDATE) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.BASE.UPDATE UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.CICS.BASE UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.CICS.DB2 UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.CICS.IMS UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.CICS.UPDATE UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.DB2.UPDATE UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.DISK.* UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.DISK.FULLPACK UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.IMS.RDONLY UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.IMS.UPDATE UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.LOADMOD.UPDATE UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.OAM.* UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.OTHER.ALL UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.TAPE.* UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.TAPE.BLP UACC(READ) RDEFINE FACILITY FILEM.VSAM.* UACC(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH 7 USERXA02.PROCLI B ISPFPROC SYSPROC FMNE10.SFMNCLIB – remove SFMNEXEC SYSEXEC FMNE10.SFMNEXEC ISPMLIB SFMNMENU ISPPLIB SFMNPENU ISPSLIB SFMNSLIB ISPTLIB SFMNTENU Page 14-118 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ISPLLIB CSQ911.SCSQAUTH CSQ911.SCSQLOAD FMNCICS //FMNCICS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FMNE10.CONN.LIST //FMNTERM DD DUMMY 8 SPUFI 9 USERXA02.PARMLI B FMN0POPT Copy from SFMNSAM1 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN0POP H Copy from SFMNSAM1 FMNVERIF Installation Verification Program 10 GRANT SELECT ON TABLE SYSIBM.SYSCOLAUTH TO PUBLIC Optional Optional 11 JCL 12 FMNE10.TEMPLAT E Define as PDS 13 File Manager ISPF option 7.7.1 Define FMNE10.REPOSTRY 100 USERXA02.PARMLI B FMN1POPT Copy from FMNE10.SFMNSAM1 Change all to FMNE10 and DFSF10 FMN1POPI SSID=IVP1, Remove BDY= until highest PTF 101 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN1POP H Copy from FMNE10.SFMNSAM1 Change all to FMNE10 102 FMNE10.SFMNSLIB FMN1FTEX Edit STEPLIB 103 FMNE10.SFMNSLIB FMNFTEXC Edit STEPLIB 200 USERXA02.PARMLI B FMN2POPT Copy from FMNE10.SFMNSAM1 SFMNMOD1=FMNE10.SFMNMOD1, FMN0POPI FMN2SSDM SSID=DBCG FMN2SSDM SSID=DEFAULT Remove BDY= until highest PTF 201 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2POP H //SYSLIB DD DSN=FMNE10.SFMNMAC1,DISP=SHR SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.IDZ.JCL(FMN2POPT) Page 14-119 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FMNE10.SFMNMOD1(FMN2POP T) 202 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2BN2 K Same as above SET DB2HLQ1=DSNC10.DBCG SET DB2HLQ2=DSNC10 SET FMNDBRM=FMNE10.SFMNDBRM SET SSID=DBCG SET TIADPLN=DSNTIA11 Do grants manually in SPUFI 203 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2BN2P Same as above 204 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2GSC2 SET DB2HLQ1=DSNC10.DBCG SET DB2HLQ2=DSNC10 SET SSID=DBCG SET TIADPLN=DSNTIAD Run as IBMUSER or using SPUFI if needed 205 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2GV22 Same as above 206 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2GVW 2 Same as above 207 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN2VERC Verification 208 FMNE10.SFMNSLIB FMN2FTEX 209 FMNE10.SFMNSLIB FMN2FTSL 300 USERXA02.PARMLI B FMN3POPT Copy from FMNE10.SFMNSAM1 FMN0POPI SFMNMOD1=FMNE10.SFMNMOD1 FMN3POPI CONN=FMNC, START=TASK, PORT=2800, Remove BDY= 301 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN3POP H //SYSLIB DD DSN=FMNE10.SFMNMAC1,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.PARMLIB(FMN3POP T) Page 14-120 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FMNE10.SFMNMOD1(FMN3POP T) //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=FMNE10.SFMNMOD2(FMN3POP T) 302 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN3INST SET CICSHLQ=DFH540.CICS SET LEHLQ=CEE SET CSD=DFH540.CICS.DFHCSD SET FMHLQ=FMNE10 SET FMPROF=FMNE10.CICS.PROFILE SET FMPROFD=USERXA02.PARMLIB(FMN3PRFD) Æfm.conn.list ➔ FMNE10.CONN.LIST ADD GROUP(FMNCICS) LIST(XYZLIST) VOLUME(A4CFG1) … JVMPROFILE IS AN OBSOLETE KEYWORD. IT IS IGNORED. HOTPOOL IS AN OBSOLETE KEYWORD. IT IS IGNORED. 303 Console 304 USER.IDZ.JCL F CICSTS54,CEDA I G(FMNCICS) FMNCCON N Æcicshlq ➔ DFH540.CICS Æcee ➔ CEE Æcsddsn ➔ DFH540.CICS.DFHCSD ADD GROUP(FMNCONN) LIST(XYZLIST) 305 Console 306 USERXA02.PROCLI B CICSTS54 USERXA02.PROCLI B FMN3CICB FMNE10.CONN.LIS T Define 307 308 F CICSTS54,CEDA I G(FMNCONN) DFHRPL FMNE10.SFMNMOD2 FMNRDR SYSOUT=(,INTRDR) Edit FMN, IPV, CSQ, DSN //SYSTCPD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.TCPPARMS(TCPDAT A) PS FB Page 14-121 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 80 27920 CICSTS54 Production CICS system 400 401 USERXA02.PARMLI B FMN4POPT Copy from FMNE10.SFMNSAM1 USER.IDZ.JCL FMN4POP H FMN4POPI REPOS=FMNE10.REPOSTRY SET SLIB=USERXA02.PARMLIB(FMN4POPT) SET HLQ=FMNE10 SET TLIB=&HLQ..SFMNMOD1 Note: The system allocated a profile dataset (userid.IPV.IPVPROF) as F 80, which should have been FB 80. Got an error inside FM/CICS on CICS about invalid profile dataset format. 14.26.2 Fault Analyzer Latest PTF: UI65017 UI63650 Had to shut down IDISS and CICS. Console before: P LLA SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE After SETPROG LNKLST,ALLOCATE S LLA and reallocate: IDIE10.SIDIAUTH IDIE10.SIDIDOC1 IDIE10.SIDIDOC2 IDIE10.SIDIEXEC IDIE10.SIDILPA1 IDIE10.SIDIMAPS IDIE10.SIDIMLIB IDIE10.SIDIPLIB IDIE10.SIDISAM1 Page 14-122 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration IDIE10.SIDISLIB Needed: //SMPWRK6 DD UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(100,100,300)),DCB=BLKSIZE=3200, // VOL=SER=UXA021 Table 45. Fault Analyzer configuration Ste Dataset p Membe r Parameters 1 USERXA02.PA RMLIB DFHPLT SD DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=IDIPLT 2 USERXA02.PA RMLIB DFHPLT SI DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=IDIPLT 3 USERXA02.CLI ST IDISISP F IDIE10 USERXA02.PA RMLIB IDICNF0 IDIDOC (IDIE10.SIDIDOC1) 0 IDIVSENU(IDIE10.IDIVSENU) 4 FMNE10 IDIHIST (IDIE10.HIST) IDIMAPS (IDIE10.SIDIMAPS) 5 USERXA02.PA RMLIB IFAPRD 01 PRODUCT OWNER(’IBM CORP’) NAME(’FAULT ANALYZER’) ID(5655-Q41) VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) FEATURENAME(’FAULT ANALYZER’) STATE(ENABLED) • 6 USERXA02.PA RMLIB LPALST CI IDIE10.SIDIALPA(A4PRD1), IDIE10.SIDILPA1(A4PRD1), • • 7 USERXA02.PA RMLIB /SET PROD=01 /SETPROG LPA,ADD,MOD=(IDICSRBL,IDICSVCR,IGX00053),D SN=IDIE10.SIDIALPA /SETPROG LPA,ADD,MOD=IDIDA,DSN=IDIE10.SIDILPA1 PROGA2 APF (IDIE10.SIDIAUTH IDIE10.SIDIAUT2) If z/OS>= 2.2 Page 14-123 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration EXIT ADD EXITNAME(IEAVTABX_EXIT) MODNAME(IDIXDCAP) 8 USERXA02.PA RMLIB PROGL2 LNKLST IDIE10.SIDIAUTH IDIE10.SIDIAUT2 IDIE10.SIDIMOD1 11 USERXA02.PR OCLIB IDISS //* Fault Analyzer Subsystem */ //IDISS PROC //IDISSTEP EXEC PGM=IDISAMAN,REGION=0M,TIME=NOLIMIT //IDIDOC2 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IDIE10.SIDIDOC2 //DB2DBCG DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSNC10.SDSNLOAD 9 USERXA02.PA RMLIB SHUTAL L F IDISS,STOP 10 USERXA02.PA RMLIB VTAMA LL S IDISS 13 SMP/E MVS Remove old MQ zones in Global zone definitions -> zone index CEE.AEDCSRC6 and SYS1.AGENLIB cataloged on volume A4DIS2, but residing on A4DIS2 TCPIP.AEZAMAC1 and TCPIP.AEZAMAC2 & TCPIP.AEZAMAC3 A4DIS2 -> A4DIS3 CEE.SCEERUN ran out of space. There are times when you may want to remove the XCFAS ENQ. Use the SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE system command 14 USER.IDZ.JCL CEEWC EXT Copied from CEE.SCEESAMP //SMPCSI DD DSN=MVS.GLOBAL.CSI, HLE77B0 CEEXAHD ,User exit header CEEXART TERMXIT=IDIXCCEE CEEXAST ,Terminate the list SET BDY(MVST). • 15 USER.IDZ.JCL CEEWD EXT /F LLA,REFRESH Copied from CEE.SCEESAMP //SMPCSI DD DSN=MVS.GLOBAL.CSI, CEEXAHD ,USER EXIT HEADER CEEXART TERMXIT=IDIXCEE Page 14-124 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration CEEXAST ,TERMINATE THE LIST SET BDY(MVST). • 16 17 USER.IDZ.JCL USER.IDZ.JCL /F LLA,REFRESH IDICSSV C //IDICSSVC EXEC PGM=IDICZSVC IDISCIC S //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFH540.CICS.SDFHLOAD • /SETPROG LPA,ADD,MOD=IDICSVCR,DSN=IDIE10.SIDIALPA //DFHCSD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DFH540.CICS.DFHCSD ADD G(FA) L(XYZLIST) 18 USER.IDZ.JCL IDISHIS T IDI. ➔ IDIE10. 19 USER.IDZ.JCL IDISVEN DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(IDIE10.IDIVSENU) U VOLUME(U&SYSNAME.1) DATA(NAME(IDIE10.IDIVSENU.DATA) INDEX(NAME(IDIE10.IDIVSENU.INDEX)) //SYS01 DD DSN=IDIE10.SIDIDOC2(IDIVSENU),DISP=SHR //IDIVSENU DD DSN=IDIE10.IDIVSENU,DISP=SHR USER.IDZ.JCL IDITAB D Kun hvis z/OS < 2.2 ++USERMOD(IDITABD) REWORK(2016199) . ++VER(Z038) FMID(HBB7790) . ++ HOLD(IDITABD) SYS FMID(HBB7790) REASON(ACTION) DATE(16199) VER 012C 9101,B0EF VER 0134 9101,B0F3 VER 013C 9101,B0F7 VER 0144 9680 VER 036A 9180,71C2 VER 036E A774 REP 0144 9600 REP 036E 4700 SET BOUNDARY(MVST) . • USER.IDZ.JCL IPL IDITABX //SMPCSI DD DSN=MVS.GLOBAL.CSI, Kun ++USERMOD(IDITABX) REWORK(2016199) . Page 14-125 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 20 USER.IDZ.JCL Create basic z/OS configuration hvis z/OS < 2.2 ++VER(Z038) FMID(HBB7790) . IDIVPAS M IVP program after IPL SET BOUNDARY (MVST). IDI. ➔ IDIE10. Note that it is intended to abend, so you can find it in the FA ISPF panel 21 USER.IDZ.JCL IDIWTS EL //SMPCSI DD DSN=MVS.GLOBAL.CSI, ++USERMOD(IDITSEL) REWORK(2018226) . ++VER(Z038) FMID(HBB77B0) . SET BOUNDARY (MVST) . • 12 USERXA02.PR OCLIB CICSTS5 4 IPL DFHRPL IDIE10.SIDIAUTH RACF: Installation user needed READ to FACILITY GIM.CMD.SET, GIM.CMD.RECEIVE and GIM.CMD.APPLY. • • RDEFINE PROGRAM IDI* ADDMEM('IDIE10.SIDIAUTH'//NOPADCHK) UACC(READ) SETROPTS WHEN(PROGRAM) REFRESH /SETPROG LPA,ADD,MOD=(CEEPIPI,CEEBINIT,CEEBINSS,CEEBPICI),DSN=CEE.SCEERUN 14.26.3 Application Performance Analyzer Order package as a ServicePac from IBM ShopZ. Upload to /u/smpe/smpnts/ Define alias CAZ. Installl ServicePac Installation panels using an edited version of the LOADRIMS job from the download site. Run the ALLOCDS job. Add the Installation panels to the XACTMAIN panel. Run the installation panels process to install APA. Add the APA panels to the XACTMAIN panel. Edit CAZ.SCAZEXEC(CAZØSPF) Edit CAZ.SCAZEXEC(CAZISPS) Page 14-126 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration PARMLIB BPXPRMR X MOUNT FILESYSTEM('OMVS.SCAZROOT') MOUNTPOINT('/var/Service/usr/lpp/IBM/apa/v14r2') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) NOAUTOMOVE PARMLIB PROGA2 PARMLIB PROGL0 PARMLIB PROGA0 PARMLIB VTAMALL EXIT ADD EXITNAME(BPX_POSPROC_INIT) MODNAME(CAZ00991) LNKLST ADD NAME(LNKLST00) DSN(CAZ.SCAZLINK) VOLUME(UXA021) APF ADD DSNAME(CAZ.SCAZAUTH) VOLUME(UXA021) APF ADD DSNAME(CAZ.SCAZLINK) VOLUME(UXA021) S CAZ0 PARMLIB SHUTALL P CAZ0 PARMLIB IPVCONFG ÅAPAHLQ=CAZ Analyzer * APA - Application Performance … PARMLIB CAZCNFG 0 CONFIG=APA * do not change SOCKETFIONBIO * do not change SPAWN_JOBNAME=CAZZCS * optional SPAWN_PROGRAM=CAZLCS01 * do not change SPAWN_DD=COMMANDS=SYSOUT=A * specify the class SPAWN_DD=CONFIG=ÅAPAHLQ.SCAZSAMP(CAZCFGCA) * change Æhlq SPAWN_DD=ISPMLIB=ÅAPAHLQ.SCAZMENU * change Æhlq SPAWN_DD=SYSABEND=SYSOUT=A * specify the class SPAWN_DD=SYSPROC=ÅAPAHLQ.SCAZEXEC * change Æhlq SPAWN_DD=SYSTSPRT=SYSOUT=A * specify the class SPAWN_STEPLIB=ÅAPAHLQ.SCAZAUTH * change Æhlq CONFIG BASIC CDS=(ENABLED,'.CDS') CheckpointDSN='.CHKP' HLQ=CAZ MaxReq=09999 StcId=CAZ0 Security=None TZ="CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3” ; CONFIG SAMPLE CICSI=YES Page 14-127 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration DB2Explain=(*,D,Y) DB2I=(YES,SMF=YES,CONTROLSMF=YES, ABENDSTOP=YES) DB2IMaxTraceSize=(100000,N) DB2PlanName=CAZPLAN1 DB2X=YES ErrMsgStatus=OFF MemObjSize=10 WLMI=YES ; CONFIG LOGFILE LogToFile=NO ; CONFIG OPER DiagLevel=1 ; PROCLIB CPPCSAM P Edit HLQ PROCLIB CAZ0 USER.APA.JC L DEFGDG //CAZ0 PROC //CAZ0 EXEC PGM=CAZ00001,REGION=0M,TIME=1440 //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CAZ.SCAZAUTH // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=DSNC10.SDSNLOAD //CONFIG DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.PARMLIB(CAZCNFG0) //CONFIGSO DD SYSOUT=* //COMMANDS DD SYSOUT=*,DCB=(BLKSIZE=133,LRECL=133,RECFM=F,DSORG =PS) //SYSMDUMP DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG),DSN=CAZ.SYSMDUMP(+1), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(100,100),RLSE),FREE=CLOSE, // LRECL=4160,RECFM=FBS //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEFINE GDG(NAME(CAZ.SYSMDUMP) LIMIT(2) NOEMPTY SCRATCH) Update WLM for STC CAZ0. 14.27 Engineering Workflow Management (RTCz) 6.0.4 Page 14-128 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ADCD.&SYSVER..PROCLIB Create basic z/OS configuration BLZBFA //BLZBFA PROC CNFG='/apps/jazz/v6.0.5/etc/ccm' //* //BLZBFA EXEC PGM=BPXBATSL,REGION=0M,TIME=NOLIMIT, // PARM='PGM &CNFG./' apps/jazz/v6.0.5/etc/ccm 14.27.1 Installation package Available at Documentation: • • Program Directory for IBM Rational Team Concert V06.00.05 Program Number 5724-V04 for Use with z/OS The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management Installation Guide for z/OS Version 6.0.5 14.27.2 SMP/E Installation 14.27.3 Packages to be installed The following FMID’s of Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management need to be installed: HRBT605 Rational Team Concert - Build System Toolkit HRBA605 Rational Build Agent 11 Install this FMID if you plan to run any of the following functions on z/OS: • Enterprise builds • Jazz Build Engine • Enterprise gateway • Mass import tool • Promotion • Packaging and deployment • Integration with Rational Developer for System z • ISPF Client? Install this FMID if you plan to run Enterprise Extensions, JCL, or command line builds on z/OS. You need to have registered as a user on Page 14-129 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration HRCC605 Rational Common Components Create basic z/OS configuration This FMID is a prerequisite for the other FMIDs and must always be installed. It includes the SMP/E JCL and several utilities that other FMIDs share. Note that APPLY and some of the zFS jobs needs superuser authority, like IBMUSER, and that their storage allocation should be changed down to 9750 and 20010 tracks. Add the mount statement to your BPXPRM PARMLIB member. 14.27.4 Host Configuration12 Dataset Member Parameters /etc/jazz605/ccm bfagent.conf Copy from /usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/buildagent/ activity_log activity_log /var/jazz605/bfagent.log disable_telnet_support enable_credential_retention job_monitor_port 6715 no_pty port 5555 tmpdir tmpdir /var/jazz605 update_path /usr/local/bin/bfagent xstream_listen_randomize /etc/jazz605/cc m ispfdmn.con f Copy from /usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/ispfclient/conf/ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 _ISPF_REGISTRY_DIR=/var/jazz605 export SCM_WORK=/var/jazz605 export _CEE_DMPTARG=/var/jazz605 _ISPF_DAEMONCONFIG_DIR=/var/jazz605/eclipse/con figuration/daemonconfig /etc/jazz605/ccm Copy from /usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/buildsystem/buildtoolkit/examples/start bfa/ export _CMDSERV_BASE_HOME=/usr/lpp/ispf export SCM_WORK=/var/jazz605/build BLD_SYSTEM=/usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/buildsystem export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 12 All port numbers, names and paths are just examples. Page 14-130 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration export JAZZ_AUTH_METHOD=USERNAME_PASSWORD_P OLICY export JAZZ_USER=STCBFA export JAZZ_PASSWORD_FILE=/etc/jazz605/ccm/BLZ602.PA SSWORD export STEPLIB=DSNC10.SDSNLOAD:SYS1.LINKLIB:CEE.S CEERUN:BLZ602.SBLZLOAD /usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/buildagent/bfagent -s -f /etc/jazz605/ccm/bfagent.conf /etc/jazz605/ccm Copy from /usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/buildsystem/buildtoolkit/examples/ispf gateway LOG_ISPF=/var/jazz605/LOGISPF.$$ /etc/zexpl ISPF.conf ispllib=BLZ602.SBLZLOAD:ISP.SISPLOAD ispmlib=BLZ602.SBLZMENU:ISP.SISPMENU USER.Z24A.PAR MLIB BPXPRM00 MAXASSIZE(2147483647) USER.Z24A.PAR MLIB IKJTSO00 AUTHPGM NAMES( BLZPASTK USER.Z24A.PAR MLIB PROG* APF BLZ602.SBLZAUTH IPL LINKLIST BLZ602.SBLZAUTH /SET PROG=BP USER.Z24A.PAR MLIB SHUTALL C BLZBFA3 USER.Z24A.PAR MLIB VTAMALL S BLZBFA USER.Z24A.PRO CLIB BLZBFA Copy from BLZ602.SBLZSAMP USER.Z24A.PRO CLIB BLZISPFD Copy from BLZ602.SBLZSAMP USER.Z24A.PRO CLIB BLZISPFS Copy from BLZ602.SBLZSAMP USER.&SYSVER ..ISPPLIB &SYSNAM E.MAIN 14,'CMD(EX ''BLZ602.SBLZEXEC(BLZ)'' ''BLZ602'') NOCHECK' tmp=/var/jazz605 Page 14-131 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.27.5 Create basic z/OS configuration Log locations Create directories for the following logs. /var/jazz605/LOGISPF.$$ /var/jazz605/bfagent.log /var/jazz605/ccm/.jazz-scm/logs/scm*.log /var/jazz605/logs/ISPF_log*.log.* /var/jazz605/rdz/eclipse/configuration/scmtools/*.log CLASS=STARTED NAME=BLZBFA.* (G) STDATA INFORMATION USER= STCBFA GROUP= STCGROUP TRUSTED= NO PRIVILEGED= NO TRACE= NO 14.27.6 RACF Password PROD.BLZ602.JCL(BLZBPASS) - 01.00 ===> Colu S ***************************** Top of Data ************** //CREAPASS EXEC PROC=JVMPRC76,VERSION='76',LOGLVL='+T', // JAVACLS='org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main' //MAINARGS DD * -createPasswordFile '/etc/jazz60/ccm/BLZ602.PASSWORD' //STDIN DD * xxx //STDENV DD * export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 export JZOS_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib/ext Page 14-132 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration BLD_TOOLKIT=/usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5 BLD_TOOLKIT="ÅBLD_TOOLKIT"/buildsystem/buildtoolkit CLASSPATH="/usr/lpp/jazz/v6.0.5/buildsystem" CLASSPATH="ÅCLASSPATH/buildengine/eclipse/plugins" CLASSPATH="ÅCLASSPATH/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher" CLASSPATH="ÅCLASSPATH"_"1.1.1.R36x_v20101122_1400.jar" CLASSPATH="ÅCLASSPATH":"ÅæBLD_TOOLKITå/ibmjzos.jar" Page 14-133 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.27.7 CHECKLIST 14.27.8 Procedure Create basic z/OS configuration Complete these general installation tasks: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use SMP/E to install the required components. Review the additional considerations for system programmers. Set up the JZOS batch launcher. Review the security considerations for CLM products on z/OS. Complete these installation tasks, which are specific to installing Jazz Team Server and the CLM applications on z/OS: 5. 6. 7. 8. Tailor and run BLZCP* sample jobs to create and customize additional directories. If you are running Tomcat on z/OS, tailor and run BLZCPOPT. If you are running WebSphere Liberty Profile on z/OS, tailor and run BLZCPWLP. If you are creating a DB2® database on z/OS, set up DB2 (general DB2 information). a. Create high-level DB2 objects. b. Tailor the file for DB2 for z/OS. c. Run BLZCREDB to create DB2 for z/OS tables. 9. Run Jazz Team Server and the CLM applications on one of the following application servers: a. Run Jazz Team Server and the CLM applications on Tomcat . ▪ Tailor and submit the BLZSRVD sample member. b. Run Jazz Team Server and the CLM applications on WebSphere for z/OS or WebSphere Liberty profile on z/OS. If you are installing the Build System Toolkit on z/OS, including the ISPF client, context-aware search, and the SCM command line, complete these tasks: 10. Tailor and run BLZCPBTK. 11. If you are running Enterprise Extensions builds, promotions, or deployments, configure the ISPF gateway. The Enterprise Extensions builds, promotions, and deployments depend on the installation and configuration of the Rational Build Agent, as described later in this section. After you install the Build System Toolkit, you can set up an ISPF client, the Jazz Build Engine, the Rational Developer for System z® integration feature, the context-aware search engine, and the Rational Build Agent. For instructions, see the following sections. 12. If you plan to use the ISPF client, complete these steps: a. Set up ISPF client security. b. Define the ISPF client daemon-started tasks. c. Configure the ISPF client daemon. d. Start the ISPF client daemon. e. Start the ISPF client. Page 14-134 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 13. If you plan to use Jazz Build Engine on z/OS, set up the engine. 14. If you plan to use the Rational Developer for System z integration feature, configure the integration feature. 15. If you plan to use the context-aware search engine on z/OS, configure the search engine. 16. If you plan to run builds, promotions, or deployments on z/OS with the Rational Build Agent, complete these tasks: a. Tailor and run BLZCPBFA. b. If you are using a port other than 5555, modify the bfagent.conf file. c. If you are using Ant with Enterprise Extensions, complete these tasks: i. Modify the file. ii. Create a password file by using the sample BLZBPASS job. d. Start the Rational Build Agent as a started task, inetd task, or shell command. 17. After you install the Rational Build Agent, if you plan to run JCL-based builds and need to install a new Job Monitor, set up the Rational Build Agent and Job Monitor. 14.27.9 What to do next After your installation and configuration is complete on your z/OS system, complete the following tasks: 1. Review tips for installing and setting up CLM products on z/OS. 2. Review deployment and installation considerations for components installed on other systems. 3. Install a Rational Team Concert™ client and other optional components. 4. Consider running the Rational Team Concert Installation verification process (IVP) for z/OS 14.28 AD Connect Step Dataset Member Comment 1 PARMLIB PROGA0 APF IAY510.SIAYAUTH A4PRD3 2 PROCLIB IAYLSTNR Copy from SIAYSAMP //STEPLIB DD DSN=IAY510.SIAYAUTH,DISP=SHR STEPLIB: DSNC10.SDSNLOAD DFSF10.SDFSRESL CSQ911.SCSQAUTH 3 TCPPARMS PORTS 46000 IAYLSTNR 4 RACF USER STCIAY Must have an OMVS segment Page 14-135 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 5 RACF STARTED IAYLSTNR.* STDATA(USER(STCIAY)) 6 PARMLIB VTAMALL S IAYLSTNR 7 PARMLIB SHUTALL P IAYLSTNR An issue: It requires CICS SDFHLOAD to extract CSD information in STEPLIB, but SDFHLOAD is not APF-authorized. 14.29 Installation Manager Get Installation Manager for z/OS, if it is not already present on the system. St e p Data set Member Comment 1 agent.installer.zos.motif.s3 90_1.9.0.20190715_0328.z ip 2 /u/smpe/smpnts 3 /usr/lpp/InstallationMan ager/V1R4 Create directory 4 USER.INSTMGR.ZFS Create a ZFS and mount it at /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/ V1R4 Download an Installation Manager kit for z/OS from ss?rs=0&uid=swg27025142 agent.installer.zos.motif.s390_1.9.0. Copy the Installation Manager kit in binary to your z/OS system. USER.INSTMGR.ZFS SYS1 SYS1 777 50 50 B2USS2 5 USER.XA03.PARMLIB BPXPRM00 MOUNT FILESYSTEM('USER.INSTMGR.Z FS') MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/Install ationManager/V1R4/') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) Page 14-136 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 6 /usr/lpp/InstallationMan ager/V1R4 7 8 /usr/lpp/InstallationMan ager/V1R4 Create basic z/OS configuration jar -xf /u/smpe/smpnts/agent.installer.zo s.motif.s390_1.9.0.20190715_0328. zip Unzip chmod -R 755 /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V1R 4 Set permissions ./ Set extended attributes for the installation files Error FOMF0303I /usr/local/bin/ssh-socket-info: chattr() error: rv=-1, errno=8B, rsn=0924041A caused by missing READ ACCESS to FACILITY BPX.FILEATTR.APF. Also needs BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL (0924041B) and BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB (092404C7) 9 USER.JCL GIN$SAMP Download the Installation Manager sample jobs IM185.sampjobs.txt by following the instructions on the Sample jobs for Installation Manager on z/OS page: atsmastr.nsf/WebIndex/TD106 391 1 0 USER.IM185.SAMPJOBS GIN2ADMN ADDGROUP IMGROUP OMVS(AUTOGID)) ADDUSER IMADMIN OMVS(AUTOUID) 1 1 /var/InstallationManager Create the directory 1 2 USER.GINZFS Create ZFS and mount at /var/InstallationManager 1 3 USER.XA03.PARMLIB BPXPRM00 MOUNT FILESYSTEM('USER.GINZFS') MOUNTPOINT('/var/Installatio nManager') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) 1 4 Install Installation Manager in group mode by editing and submitting the GIN2INST sample job using command groupinstc Page 14-137 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 1 5 You can verify that Installation Manager is correctly installed by editing and submitting the GIN2CMD sample job. Alternatively, you can log in to the UNIX System Services shell under the user ID that created Installation Manager, and run the Installation Manager imcl command from /var/InstallationManager/bin/e clipse/tools imcl -version 1 3 Authorizing additional users to a group-mode Installation Manager: To allow additional users to access a group-mode Installation Manager, make sure that they meet the requirements listed in the first step of the procedure, and then connect them to the owning group for the Installation Manager by using the TSO CONNECT command: RACF CONNECT user2 GROUP(IMGROUP) 1 4 /var/InstallationManager /repo Create directory 1 5 USER.GINREP Create and mount and update BPXPRM00 14.29.1 Configure Installation Manager from ADCD HLQ on Z24A is GIN143, located on disk A4INM1. Ste p Data set 1 GIN143.PCODE.ZFS Member Comment Mount at /usr/lpp/InstallationMana ger Add to BPXPRMWA 2 RACF FACILITY BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB UNIXPRIV SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHANGEPE RMS Define like BPX.FILEATTR.APF and SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHO WN Page 14-138 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 3 4 /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V 1R4 chmod -R 755 /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V 1R4 Set permissions ./ Set extended attributes for the installation files Error FOMF0303I /usr/local/bin/sshsocket-info: chattr() error: rv=-1, errno=8B, rsn=0924041A caused by missing READ ACCESS to FACILITY BPX.FILEATTR.APF. Also needs BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL (0924041B) and BPX.FILEATTR.SHARELIB (092404C7) 5 GIN143.SGINJCL Change to ADDGROUP IMGROUP OMVS(AUTOGID) GIN2ADMN ADDUSER IMADMIN DFLTGRP(IMGROUP) OMVS(AUTOUID HOME('/u/imadmin') PROGRAM('/bin/sh')) NOPASSWORD 6 14.30 /var/InstallationManager Create the directory Liberty Server Create a Liberty server instance Ste p Data set Member Comment 1 WAS900.PCODE.ZLIBER TY.ZFS MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R0') 2 /var/wlp/ Create directory 3 /usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R 0/bin/ Make sure that USERXA02.PARMLIB(IEASYSAL) includes OMVS=…WA… WLP_USER_DIR=/var/ wlp Export WLP_USER_DIR _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON Page 14-139 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration Export _BPXK_AUTOCVT server create bogServer 4 /usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R 0/bin/ server start bogServer 5 /usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R 0/bin/ server stop bogServer 6 /var/wlp/ Chmod -R 777 * 7 /var/wlp/servers/bogS erver/ server.env Add: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64 WLP_USER_DIR=/var/wlp _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ON 8 /var/wlp/servers/bogS erver/ server.xml <server description="bogServer"> <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" host="*"/> 9 USERXA02.PROCLIB BOGSRV1 Copy from /usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R0/templates/zos/proc s/ bbgzsrv.jcl //BOGSRV1 PROC PARMS='bogServer' // SET INSTDIR='/usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R0' // SET USERDIR='/var/wlp' 10 http://zos02.domain.ex t:9080/ 11 USERXA02.TCPPARMS 12 RACF Validate after log message CWWKF0011I: The server bogServer is ready to run a smarter planet. PORTS 9080 TCP BOGSRV1 BoG ; Liberty Server for 9443 TCP BOGSRV1 BoG ; Liberty Server for RDEFINE SERVER BBG.ANGEL.BOGANG1 UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) NOTIFY(IBMUSER) PERMIT BBG.ANGEL.BOGANG1 CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMGROUP) RDEF STARTED BOGSRV1.* UACC(NONE) STDATA(USER(IMADMIN) GROUP(IMGROUP) PRIVILEGED(NO) TRUSTED(NO) TRACE(YES)) Page 14-140 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration PERMIT BBG.ANGEL.IZUANG1 CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.ANGEL.DFHANG1 CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.ANGEL.BOGANG1 CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.SAFCRED CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.ZOSWLM CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.TXRRS CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.ZOSDUMP CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.LOCALCOM CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.WOLA CLASS(SERVER)ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.PRODMGR CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSAFM.ZOSAIO CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSCFM CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) PERMIT BBG.AUTHMOD.BBGZSCFM.WOLA CLASS(SERVER) ACCESS(READ) ID(IMADMIN) 13 /var/wlp/servers/bogS erver/ Page 14-141 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14 Create basic z/OS configuration USERXA02.PROCLIB Copy from /usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R0/templates/zos/proc s/bbgzangl.jcl BOGANG1 BOGANG1 PROC PARMS='',COLD=N,NAME='BOGANG1' SET ROOT='/usr/lpp/zLiberty/V9R0' 15 16 START BOGANG1 F BOGANG1,DISPLAY,SE RVERS Console 14.30.1 Deployment Either use a dropin or configure server.xml Dropins Copy application WAR file to /dropins Remove it again as needed Config Edit server.xml: After featureManager stanza: <application location= “/<path>/<servlet>.war” /> 14.31 ICSF Table 46. ICSF configuration. Ste p Dataset Member 1 /zAppliance/dev maps XA02_devm [adjunct-processors] ap crypto 0 2 IPL z/OS 3 USER.Z24A.PARM LIB PROGAB USER.Z24A.PARM LIB PROGLB 4 Parameters APF CSF.SCSFSTUB • SETPROG APF,ADD,DSNAME=CSF.SCSFSTUB,VOLUM E=A4RES1 LNKLST CSF.SCSFSTUB Page 14-142 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 5 Create basic z/OS configuration PROG99 LNKLST DEFINE,NAME=LNKLST01,COPYFROM=CURRENT LNKLST ADD NAME=LNKLST01,DSN=CSF.SCSFSTUB,VOL=A4RE S11 LNKLST ACTIVATE,NAME=LNKLST01 • 6 IKJTSO00 SET PROG=99 AUTHPGM NAMES( + CSFDPKDS + AUTHTSF NAMES(+ CSFDPKDS + • 7 USERXA02.JCL CSFTKDS SET IKJTSO=00 Copy from SYS1.SAMPLIB CSFTKD2 CSF.SCSFTKDS 8 USERXA02.PARML CSFPRM00 IB Edit and add 9 USERXA02.PROCL IB CSF CSFPARM USERXA02.PARMLIB(CSFPRM00) 10 USERXA02.PROCL IB ISPFPROC //SYSPROC DD DSN=CSF.SCSFCLI0,DISP=SHR TKDSN(CSF.SCSFTKDS) //ISPPLIB DD DSN=CSF.SCSFPNL0,DISP=SHR //ISPMLIB DD DSN=CSF.SCSFMSG0,DISP=SHR //ISPSLIB DD DSN=CSF.SCSFSKL0,DISP=SHR // ISPTLIB DD DSN=CSF.SCSFTLIB,DISP=SHR 11 Console S CSF 12 ISPF ICSF panels Option 1 This panel verifies that the coprocessor is active. 13 ISPF ICSF panels Option 6 Enter a pass phrase that is then automatically used to initialize the basic coprocessor master keys. Xact Consulting A/S Then exit ICSF 14 ISPF ICSF panels Option 1 Overtype the initial period in front of the 5C00 coprocessor name with the letter S and press Enter. You should see that the current master key for CKDS and PKDS is VALID. Page 14-143 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.32 Create basic z/OS configuration zCX Ste p Dataset Member Comment 1 USER.Z24A.TCPPARMS PROFILE IPCONFIG DYNAMICXCF 1 ;DEVICE IUTSAMEH MPCPTP ;LINK ZCXHOST MPCPTP IUTSAMEH ;HOME ZCXHOST VIPADYNAMIC VIPARANGE DEFINE ZCX ; ENDVIPADYNAMIC START IUTSAMEH 2 ZCX.FS.USER1 Define as zfs (100 100) A4ZCX1 STORAGECLASS CXROOTSC Mount at '/u/USER1' 3 USER.Z24A.PARMLIB BPXPRMBP MOUNT FILESYSTEM('ZCX.FS.U SER1') NOAUTOMOVE MOUNTPOINT('/u/USE R1') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) PARM('AGGRGROW') 4 Web Browser https://zos03.domain.ext:10443 /zosmf/ Logon using RACF credentials 5 Web browser Workflows, Actions, Create Workflows 6 /usr/lpp/zcx_zos/work flows/ provision.xml 7 /var/zxc_zos Copy from /usr/lpp/zcx_zos/prop erties and edit Page 14-144 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 8 System 9 Create basic z/OS configuration S0W1 Select the system that will provision the zCX instance Assign all steps to owner user ID 10 Workflow task UI panel Start with step 1 then continue through sequentially. To begin, click a step, then click Actions and select Perform. After step 1, all following steps can be automated by selecting the option to Automatically perform the selected step, and all subsequent automated steps 11 /var/zxc_zos Created by workflow 14 Deprovision.xml Workflow 12 start_instance.xml 13 stop_instance.xml RACF PERMIT ICH408I USER(USER1 ) GROUP(SYS1 ) MVS.VARY.TCPIP.OBEYFILE CL(OPERCMDS) ACCESS INTENT(CONTROL) When you define DynamicXCF, the EZAZCX interface is automatically set up. For this reason, you can check its status only when executing the operator command: D TCPIP,TCPIP,N,DEVL,INTFN=EZAZCX D TCPIP,,NETSTAT,VIPADCFG,IPADDR= Name Value ZCX_USER USER1 ZCX_INSTALL_DIR /usr/lpp/zcx_zos ZCX_INST_DIR /u/USER1/zcxinstdir ZCX_JOB_NAME ZCX0001 ZCX_REGISTRY_DIR /global/zcx_zos/instances ZCX_TEMP_DIR /u/USER1/zcxinstdir/tmp Page 14-145 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ZCX_INSTNAME ZCX0001 ZCX_HLQ USER.ZCX ZCX_SAVE_PROPERTIES /var/zcx_zos ZCX_ROOTMB 4000 ZCX_ROOTVOLSER UXA031 ZCX_ROOTSTORCLAS ZCX_ROOTDATACLAS ZCX_ROOTMGMTCLAS ZCX_ROOTACTIVE ROOT ZCX_CONFIGMB 2 ZCX_CONFIGVOLSER ZCX_CONFIGSTORCLAS ZCX_CONFIGDATACLAS ZCX_CONFIGMGMTCLAS ZCX_CPUS 1 ZCX_MEMGB 2 ZCX_ZFS_VOLUME ZCX_ZFS_GROUP_NAME ZCX_ZFS_FILESYSTEM_HLQ USER.ZCX ZCX_ZFS_ENCRYPT FALSE ZCX_ZFS_PRIMARY_MEGABYTES 4095 ZCX_ZFS_SECONDARY_MEGABYTES 1000 ZCX_ZFS_STORCLAS ZCX_ZFS_DATACLAS ZCX_ZFS_MGMTCLAS ZCX_CREATE_SWAP TRUE ZCX_SWAP_COUNT 1 ZCX_SWAP_START_COUNT 1 ZCX_SWAPMB 2000 ZCX_SWAPVOLSER ZCX_SWAPSTORCLAS ZCX_SWAPDATACLAS Page 14-146 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ZCX_SWAPMGMTCLAS ZCX_DATA_COUNT 1 ZCX_DATA_START_COUNT 1 ZCX_DATAMB 20000 ZCX_DATAVOLSER UXA031 ZCX_DATASTORCLAS ZCX_DATADATACLAS ZCX_DATAMGMTCLAS ZCX_DLOGS_COUNT 1 ZCX_DLOGSMB 1000 ZCX_DLOGSVOLSER UXA031 ZCX_DLOGSSTORCLAS ZCX_DLOGSDATACLAS ZCX_DLOGSMGMTCLAS ZCX_HOSTNAME zos03zcx ZCX_GUESTIPV4 ZCX_TCPIPNAME TCPIP ZCX_MTU 1492 ZCX_HOSTDNS1 ZCX_HOSTDNS2 ZCX_HOSTDNS_SEARCH domain.ext ZCX_DOCKER_LOGLEVEL Info ZCX_DOCKER_LOGDRIVER Journald ZCX_DOCKER_LOGDRIVEROPTS ZCX_INSECURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_IP ZCX_INSECURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT ZCX_SECURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_ENABLE FALSE ZCX_SECURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_IP ZCX_SECURE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT ZCX_DOCKER_REGISTRY_TLS_CA_CERT ZCX_DOCKER_ADMIN ADCDMST ZCX_DOCKER_ADMIN_SSH_KEY ssh-rsa …BZxUX ADCDMST@S0W1 Page 14-147 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration ZCX_SSHD_LDAP_ENABLE FALSE ZCX_SSHD_LDAP_CONF_PATH ZCX_SSHD_LDAP_ENABLE_TLS FALSE ZCX_SSHD_LDAP_TLS_CA_CERT ZCX_SSHD_REBUILD TRUE ZCX_CTRACE_NAME CTIGLZ00 ZCX_WORKFLOW Provision ZCX_WORKFLOW_VERSION 1.0.23 ZCX_ROLLBACK_INFO ZCX_CONFIGURE_PROXY FALSE ZCX_HTTP_PROXY ZCX_HTTPS_PROXY ZCX_NO_PROXY For example, you can use the following command to generate a private/public key pair on your client system: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "zos03@domain.ext“ Copy code Using ssh-rsa AAAAB3… UX ADCDMST@S0W1 from /etc/ssh/ You can optionally provide a passphrase to further secure private/public key access. 14.33 Step OpenSSH Dataset Member Comment Page 14-148 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 1 /etc/ssh Permission 777 Owner must have uid 0 2 /usr/sbin/sshd Permission 744 Owner must have uid 0, Extended attribs= ap— Extattr +ap /bin/scp Permission 744 Owner must have uid 0, Extended attribs= -p— /bin/ssh-proxyc Only for z/OS V2R4 or later ls -ld /etc/ssh /var/empty /var/run drwxrwxrwx 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 8192 Aug 31 2016 /etc/ssh drwxr-xr-x 2 OMVSKERN SYS1 Apr 9 11:07 /var/empty 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 OMVSKERN SYS1 8192 Apr 9 11:07 /var/run 3 ls -El /usr/sbin/sshd -rwxr--r-- ap-- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 8306688 Apr 10 2018 /usr/sbin/sshd 4 ls -El /bin/ssh* /bin/scp /b in/sftp -rwxr-xr-x -p-- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 6504448 Apr 10 2018 /bin/scp -rwxr-xr-x -p-- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 6643712 Apr 10 2018 /bin/sftp -rwxr-xr-x -p-- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 8040448 Apr 10 2018 /bin/ssh -rwxr-xr-x --s- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 6230016 Apr 10 2018 /bin/ssh-add -rwxr-xr-x --s- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 5914624 Apr 10 2018 /bin/ssh-agent -rwxr-xr-x --s- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 6455296 Apr 10 2018 /bin/ssh-keygen -rwxr-xr-x --s- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 6537216 Apr 10 2018 /bin/ssh-keyscan 5 ls -El /usr/lib/ssh drwxr-xr-x 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 8192 May 24 2017 IBM Page 14-149 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration -rwxr-xr-x -p-- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 5558272 Apr 10 2018 sftpserver -rwxr-xr-x --s- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 3907584 May 24 2017 sshaskpass -rwsr-xr-x ---- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 6877184 Apr 10 2018 sshkeysign -rwxr-xr-x aps- 2 OMVSKERN OMVSGRP 57344 May 24 2017 6 /var/empty Must be owned by root and not group or worldwritable 7 /etc/ssh Copy from /samples using UID(0). Permissions 644 on all cp -p moduli /etc/ssh cp -p ssh_config /etc/ssh cp -p sshd_config /etc/ssh cp -p zos_ssh_config /etc/ssh cp -p zos_sshd_config /etc/ssh 8 /etc/ssh 9 RACF ssh-keygen -A Response: ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA1 RSA DSA ECDSA ADDUSER SSHDAEM DFLTGRP(OMVSGRP) OMVS(UID(0) HOME('/') PROGRAM('/bin/sh') SHARED) NOPASSWORD RDEFINE FACILITY BPX.DAEMON UACC(NONE) PERMIT BPX.DAEMON CLASS(FACILITY) ID(SSHDAEM) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH ADDGROUP SSHDG OMVS(AUTOGID) ADDUSER SSHD DFLTGRP(SSHDG) OMVS(AUTOUID HOME(’/var/empty’) PROGRAM(’/bin/false’)) NOPASSWORD SETROPTS GENERIC(STARTED) Page 14-150 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration RDEFINE STARTED SSHD.* STDATA(USER(SSHDAEM) GROUP(OMVSGRP) TRUSTED(NO)) SETROPTS RACLIST(STARTED) REFRESH 10 PROCLIB SSHD 11 /etc/ssh with UID 0, permission 777 12 /etc syslog.conf 13 TCPPARMS PROFILE 14 Console S SSHD //SSHD PROC //SSHD EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,REGION=0M,TIME=NOLIMIT, // PARM='PGM /bin/sh -c /etc/ssh/' //STDERR DD SYSOUT=* #!/bin/sh export NLSPATH=$NLSPATH:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/ export _EDC_ADD_ERRNO2=1 nohup /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config & sleep 1 # log any messages to AUTH facility (sshd) auth.* /tmp/syslogd.auth.log -X AUTOLOG: SSHD Changed SSHDAEM to shared UID 0. Permissions 0777 for '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. Same for _dsa_ 14.33.1 Shut down Determine the address space ID (ASID) of the sshd process. Issue: D A,SSHD* The ASID of the SSHD daemon will be returned. Using the ASID obtained in Step 1, determine the process ID (PID) of the sshd process. Issue: D OMVS,ASID=aaaa where aaaa is the ASID obtained in Step 1. The PID of the daemon will be returned. Using the PID obtained in Step 2, stop the sshd daemon. Issue: F BPXOINIT,TERM=pppppppp where pppppppp is the PID obtained in Step 2. 14.34 Node.js ICSF must be configured and active. z/OS V2R3 needs the following PTFs installed, one at a time: UI61308 UI61747 Page 14-151 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Ste p Dataset 1 SMP/E 2 CEE.SCEESAMP 3 SMP/E Create basic z/OS configuration Member Comment Apply UI61308 CEEISMKD Execute the CEEMKDIR EXEC to create the necessary new directories needed for installing the next PTF Apply UI61747 with BYPASS ( HOLDERROR HOLDFIXCAT HOLDSYSTEM(ACTION,DEP) HOLDUSER ) 4 /reg/usen/signup?formid=urx-38045 ibm-trial-nodev8.16.1-os390s390x.pax.Z Download 5 USERXA02.JCL DEFALIAS Define an alias for NODEJS on XA021 6 /usr/lpp/nodejs Mkdir 7 NODEJS.ZFS Create and mount at /usr/lpp/nodejs 8 USERXA02.PARMLIB 9 /usr/lpp/nodejs 10 /etc BPXPRMIZ Add mount statement for NODEJS.ZFS pax -rf /u/smpe/smpnts/ibm-trialnode-v8.16.1-os390s390x.pax.Z -x pax profile NODE_HOME=/usr/lpp/nodej s/node-v8.16.1-os390-s390x export NODE_HOME export PATH=ÅNODE_HOME/bin:ÅP ATH Page 14-152 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 11 /u/USER1/.zowe_profile 11 node --version /u/USER1/.zowe_p export rofile NODE_HOME=/usr/lpp/nodej s/node-v8.16.1-os390-s390x To verify the installation Or SMS: HLQ NODEJS added to SGNYKR and SCNYKR, assigned to UXA022-24 Download from ibm-node-v12.15.0-os390-s390x_ptf2.pax.Z Copy to /usr/lpp/nodejs/ibm-node-v12.15.0-os390-s390x_ptf2.pax.Z and cd there pax -rf ibm-node-v12.15.0-os390-s390x_ptf2.pax.Z -x pax export PATH=/usr/lpp/nodejs/node-v12.15.0-os390-s390x/bin/:$PATH Export NODE_HOME=/usr/lpp/nodejs/node-v12.15.0-os390-s390x /etc/profile too Run the following command from the command line to verify the installation. node --version USERXA02.PARMLIB(BPXPRMIZ): MOUNT FILESYSTEM('NODEJS.ZFS') MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/nodejs') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) NOAUTOMOVE 14.35 Zowe Ste p 1 2 Dataset Memberlogon USER1 Comment USERXA02.jcl SYS1.SMS.CNTL DEFALIAS DB2STORC 3 SYS1.SMS.CNTL DB2STORG ZOWE for VUXA021 FILTLIST ZOWE_HLQ INCLUDE('ZOWE') WHEN (&HLQ = &ZOWE_HLQ) DO SET &STORCLAS = 'SCNYKR' EXIT END FILTLIST ZOWE_HLQ INCLUDE('ZOWE') WHEN (&HLQ = &ZOWE_HLQ) DO SET &STORGRP = 'SGNYKR' Page 14-153 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 4 5 6 7 ISPF ISMF ISPF ISMF ZOWE.ZFS PARMLIB Automatic Class Selection Control Data Set 8 Zowe-1.9.0.pax 9 10 11 12 13 /usr/lpp/zowe /usr/lpp/zowe /var/zowe ZOWE.VAR.ZFS PARMLIB Zowe-1.9.0.pax pax -ppx -rf zowe-1.9.0.pax 14 /usr/lpp/zowe/zowe1.9.0/install ./ -i /var/zowe/zowe-1.9.0 -h ZOWE 15 16 ZOWE.SZWESAMP /var/zowe/zowe1.9.0/bin ZWESECUR zowe-setup-certificates.env 17 19 /var/zowe/zowe1.9.0/bin /var/zowe/zowe1.9.0/bin /etc/zowe 20 TCPPARMS PORTS 18 BPXPRMIZ BPXPRMIZ -c /etc/zowe instance.env EXIT END Translate and Validate Activate Define and mount at /usr/lpp/zowe MOUNT FILESYSTEM('ZOWE.ZFS') MOUNTPOINT('/usr/lpp/zowe') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) NOAUTOMOVE Open your web browser and click the Zowe z/OS Components button on the Zowe Download Copy there Mkdir Define and mount at /var/zowe/ MOUNT FILESYSTEM('ZOWE.VAR.ZFS') MOUNTPOINT('/var/zowe') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) NOAUTOMOVE Edit and run HOSTNAME=zos02.domain.ext IPADDRESS= VERIFY_CERTIFICATES=false Run (Long running) Run Validate Note: KEYSTORE_DIRECTORY=/global/zo we/keystore 7552 TCP ZWE1AC ; Zowe API ML Catalog 7553 TCP ZWE1AD ; Zowe API ML Discovery Service 7554 TCP ZWE1AG ; Zowe API ML Gateway 8542 TCP ZWE1SZ1 ; Zowe ZSS Server 8544 TCP ZWE1DS1 ; Zowe Node.js instance for the ZSS server 8545 TCP ZWE1EJ ; Zowe Explorer API Jobs Page 14-154 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 21 PARMLIB SCHEDAL 22 22 Console PARMLIB SET SCH=AL PROGA0 23 Console 24 25 26 PARMLIB PROCLIB PROCLIB SETPROG APF,ADD,DSNAME=ZOWE.SZWE AUTH,SMS ZWESIP00 ZWESIS01 ZWESVSTC 27 28 29 30 PROCLIB CLIST PROCLIB PARMLIB ZWEAASTC ZOWESTOP ZOWESTOP VTAMALL 31 PARMLIB SHUTALL 32 RACF 8546 TCP ZWESVSTC ; Zowe JES Explorer 8547 TCP ZWE1EF ; Zowe Explorer API Data Sets 8548 TCP ZWESVSTC ; Zowe MVS Explorer 8550 TCP ZWESVSTC ; Zowe USS Explorer PPT PGMNAME(ZWESIS01) KEY(4) NOSWAP PPT PGMNAME(ZWESAUX) KEY(4) NOSWAP APF ADD DSNAME(ZOWE.SZWEAUTH),SMS Copy from ZWESAMP(ZWESISTC) //ZWESVSTC PROC INSTANCE='/etc/zowe' //STEPLIB DD DSNAME=ZOWE.SZWEAUTH,DISP= SHR //PARMLIB DD DSNAME=USERXA02.PARMLIB,DISP =SHR S ZWESIS01 S ZWESVSTC S ZOWESTOP P ZWESIS01 Create USER ZWESISTC USS, STCGROUP PERMIT CSFRNGL ACCESS(READ) CLASS(CSFSERV) ID(ZWESVUSR) SETROPTS RACLIST(csfserv) REFRESH CONNECT (userid) GROUP(ZWEADMIN) CONNECT (userid) GROUP(IZUUSER) Validate: RDEFINE STARTED ZWESIS*.* UACC(NONE) Page 14-155 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration /etc/zowe/workspace/ap p-server/serverConfig server.json STDATA(USER(IZUSVR) GROUP(STCGROUP)) RDEFINE FACILITY ZWES.IS UACC(NONE) CONNECT USER(IZUSVR) GROUP(STCGROUP) STARTED ZWESIS IZUSVR STCGROUP RDEFINE FACILITY ZWES.IS UACC(NONE) PERMIT ZWES.IS CLASS(FACILITY) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(READ) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH PERMIT ZWES.IS CLASS(FACILITY) ID(OMVSKERN) ACCESS(READ) PERMIT BPX.SERVER CLASS(FACILITY) ID(IZUSVR) ACCESS(UPDATE) SETROPTS RACLIST(FACILITY) REFRESH Enable FACILITY IRR.PROGRAM.SIGNATURE.VERIFIC ATION IZUSVR and IZUSVR UPDATE access to BPX.SERVER and BPX.DAEMON … PERMIT CIMSERV CL(WBEM) ID(userid) ACCESS(UPDATE) SETROPTS RACLIST(wbem) REFRESH //STEPLIB DD DSNAME=ZOWE.SZWEAUTH,DISP= SHR "logLanguage": "en" /usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/lib /security To avoid Cannot find module './assets/i18n/log/messages_undefi ned.json' Remove GCM from 33 34 35 36 Create basic z/OS configuration Chmod -R 755 /var/zosmf/data/ https://zos02.domain.ext :8544 jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, 3DES_EDE_CBC, DESede, EC keySize < 224, GCM Sign on with RACF userid Page 14-156 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 14.35.1 Create basic z/OS configuration Zowe CLI Step Dataset Member Comment 1 nodev12.16.1x64.msi Download and install 2 Npm –version 3 click the CLI Core button to download the core package. 4 C:\Program Files\Zowe Unzip here 5 npm install -g zowe-cli.tgz 6 zowe plugins install secure-credentialstore-for-zowe-cli.tgz 7 zowe plugins install cics-for-zowe-cli.tgz 8 zowe plugins install db2-for-zowe-cli.tgz 9 zowe plugins install zos-ftp-for-zowe-cli.tgz 10 zowe plugins install ims-for-zowe-cli.tgz 11 zowe plugins install mq-for-zowe-cli.tgz 12 zowe --help 13 zowe profiles create zosmf-profile xa02ibmuser --host zos02.domain.ext --port 10443 --user ibmuser --password xxx -reject-unauthorized false [--ow] Create a zosmf profile 14 zowe zosmf check status Test the profile 15 zowe zosmf check status --zosmf-profile xa02ibmuser 16 zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.*” -zosmf-profile xa02ibmuser Test the profile 17 zowe zosmf check status --host <host> -port <port> --user <username> --pass <password> Test the profile Validate installation Page 14-157 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration 18 zowe zos-files download data-set "SYS1.IPLPARMS(LOADAL)" -f "loadal.txt" -zosmf-profile xa02ibmuser 19 Files list etc uses port 9123 14.35.2 Test the profile Visual Studio Code 14.36 EGL Table 47. EGL configuration Dataset Member Parameters DFSF10.PROCLIB DFSMPR STEPLIB ELA601.SELALMD ELASNAP DD SYSOUT=* ELAPRINT DD SYSOUT=* DFSF10.PROCLIB IMSFP STEPLIB ELA601.SELALMD ELASNAP DD SYSOUT=* ELAPRINT DD SYSOUT=* ELA601.ELACLST ELACUSER ELA601.ELAJCL ELACJVP1 USER.CICS.JCL ELACJDCF USER.CICS.JCL ELAGENU USER.CICS.JCL ELAGRP USER.IMS.JCL ELACJPSB USER.IMS.JCL ELACJWKD USER.IMS.JCL ELADBRC USER.IMS.JCL ELAINITD USER.IMS.JCL ELAMDA USER.&SYSVER..ISPPLIB XACTMAIN USER.ISPSLIB CCUMVS USER.ISPSLIB CCUUSS USER.Z24A.PARMLIB PROG* USER.Z24A.PROCLIB CCURUNM USER.Z24A.PROCLIB CCURUNU IVP EXEC 'ELA601.SELACLST(ELACCUST)' 'ELAHLQ(ELA601)' APF ELA601.SELALMD Page 14-158 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration USER.Z24A.PROCLIB CICSTS54 USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDABCL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDABIND USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDABPTCL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDABTCL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDACL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDALINK USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDAMFS USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDAPCL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDAPTCL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB FDATCL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB ISPFPROC SYSPROC ELA601.ELACLST and ELA601.SELACLST USER.TCPPARMS PORTS 5556 TCP CCURUNM ; EGL Build Server 6666 TCP CCURUNU ; EGL Build Server 14.37 Added // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&ELAVER.ELA601.SELALMD to the RPL IWS Table 48. IWS configuration Dataset RACF Member Parameters RDEFINE APPL OCON UACC(READ) PERMIT OCON ID(SYS1) ACCESS(UPDATE) CLASS(APPL) SETROPTS RACLIST(APPL) REFRESH RDEFINE SURROGAT *.SUBMIT UACC(NONE) OWNER(SYS1) PERMIT *.SUBMIT CLASS(SURROGAT) ID(SYS1) ACC(READ) Define USER STCIWS STARTED OSER, OCON, OCOL and ODST with this user Page 14-159 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration TWS950.SEQQCLIB EQQJOBS Create basic z/OS configuration To be able to run EQQJOBS, allocate these libraries to the DD statements in your TSO session: • • • SEQQCLIB to SYSPROC SEQQPNL0 to ISPPLIB SEQQSKL0 and SEQQSAMP to ISPSLIB. USER.&SYSVER..ISP PLIB &SYSNAME.M AIN WS930.SEQQPENU(EQQOPCAP) NEWAPPL(EQQA) USER.Z24A.PARMLI B CONB BATCHOPT SUBSYS(OCON) USER.Z24A.PARMLI B CONP OPCOPTS CODEPAGE(IBM-037) USER.Z24A.PARMLI B DSCLEAN DSTUTIL DELSTRUC SEARCH1(OLDRDD5) USER.Z24A.PARMLI B EQQDSTP Started task parameters USER.Z24A.PARMLI B IEFSSNDB SUBSYS SUBNAME(OCON) INITRTN(EQQINITM) INITPARM('100,M') • USER.Z24A.PARMLI B IKJTSO00 SETSSI ADD,S=OCON,INITRTN=EQQINITM,INITPAR M='100,M' AUTHCMD NAMES( BACKUP BULKDISC JSUACT OPINFO OPSTAT SRSTAT WSSTAT AUTHTSF NAMES( EQQMINOM • SET IKJTSO=00 USER.Z24A.PARMLI B PROGA0 APF ADD DSNAME(TWS950.SEQQLMD0) VOLUME(&SYSP1) USER.Z24A.PARMLI B PROGLB LNKLST ADD NAME(LNKLST00) DSN(TWS950.SEQQLMD0) VOLUME(&SYSP1) USER.Z24A.PARMLI B SCHEDAL PPT PGMNAME(EQQMAJOR) NOSWAP USER.Z24A.PARMLI B SERP USER.Z24A.PARMLI B STDAR SERVOPTS SUBSYS(OCON) USERMAP(USERS) PROTOCOL(TCP) PORTNUMBER(445) CODEPAGE(IBM-037) AROPTS AUTHUSER(JCLUSER) ENDTIME(2359) EXCLUDECC(NOAR) EXCLUDERC(6) PREDWS(CPU*) STARTTIME(0000) USERREQ(NO) Page 14-160 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration USER.Z24A.PARMLI B STDEWTR USER.Z24A.PARMLI B USERS USER.Z24A.PROCLI B ISPFPROC TWS950.SEQQCLIB TWS950.SEQQMSG0 TWS950.SEQQPENU TWS950.SEQQPNL0 TWS950.SEQQSKL0 TWS950.SEQQTBL0 EQQMLIB TWS950.SEQQMSG0 USER.Z24A.PROCLI B OCON //OCON EXEC PGM=EQQMAJOR,REGION=64M,PARM='CONP',TIME=1440 //EQQMLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TWS950.SEQQMSG0 //EQQMLOG DD SYSOUT=* //EQQPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.Z24A.PARMLIB //SYSMDUMP DD DISP=MOD,DSN=USER.TWS.SYSDUMP //EQQDUMP DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.EQQDUMP //EQQCKPT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.CKPT //EQQBRDS DD SYSOUT=(A,INTRDR) //EQQEVDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.EV //EQQHTTP0 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.HTEV //EQQMONDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.MONDS //EQQEVD01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.EV01 //CPU2SURE DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.SU //EQQSCPDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.SCP //EQQWSDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.WS //EQQADDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.AD //EQQRDDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.RD //EQQSIDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.SI //EQQLTDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.LT //EQQJS1DS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.JS1 //EQQJS2DS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.JS2 //EQQOIDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.OI //EQQCP1DS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.CP1 //EQQCP2DS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.CP2 //EQQNCPDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.NCP //EQQXD1DS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.XD1 //EQQXD2DS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.XD2 //EQQNXDDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.NXD //EQQCXDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.CX //EQQNCXDS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.NCX //EQQJTARC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JTARC //EQQJT01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JT1 //EQQJT02 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JT2 //EQQJT03 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JT3 //EQQJT04 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JT4 //EQQJT05 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JT5 //EQQJTABL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JTABL //EQQLOGRC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.LOGRC //EQQJBLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JOBLIB //EQQPRLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JOBLIB //EQQJCLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.JCLIB EWTROPTS EWSEQNO(01) HOLDJOB(USER) STEPEVENTS(ALL) USER 'ADMINISTRATOR-NAME§REGION-NAME' RACFUSER(RACFIDD) Page 14-161 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //EQQINCWK DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.INCWORK //EQQSTC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.STC //EQQEVLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.EVLIB //* //ODST EXEC PGM=EQQFARCH,REGION=0M,PARM='EQQDSTP',TIME=1440 //EQQPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(EQQDSTP) //EQQMLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TWS950.SEQQMSG0 //EQQPKI01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.DS.PKI01 //EQQSKI01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.DS.SKI01 //EQQSDF01 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.DS.SDF01 //EQQSDF02 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.DS.SDF02 //EQQSDF03 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWSVSAM.DS.SDF03 //EQQMLOG DD SYSOUT=* //EQQDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //EQQDMSG DD SYSOUT=* //SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=* //OSER EXEC PGM=EQQSERVR,REGION=64M,TIME=1440 //EQQMLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TWS950.SEQQMSG0 //EQQMLOG DD SYSOUT=* //EQQPARM DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(SERP) //SYSMDUMP DD DISP=MOD,DSN=USER.TWS.SYSDUMPS //EQQDUMP DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.TWS.EQQDUMPS USER.Z24A.PROCLI B ODST USER.Z24A.PROCLI B OSER USER.Z24A.PROCLI B SMPPROC Created for EQQJOBS USER.TWS.JCL EQQJES2U SMP/E Exit USER.TWS.JCL EQQJES2V SMP/E Exit USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS01 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS02 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS04 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS06 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS07 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS09 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS11 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQPCS14 Dataset allocation USER.TWS.JCL EQQSMF SMP/E Exit // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TWS950.SEQQMAC0 //SYSIN DD DSN=TWS950.SEQQSAMP(EQQXIT74), Page 14-162 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration FMID HBB77A0 SET BDY(MVST) . //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=MVS.MVST.SMPMTS USER.TWS.OBJ 14.38 Allocated manually for SMP/E jobs SA Most members are copied from AUT410.SINGSAMP. Table 49. SA configuration. Dataset Member Changes USER.&SYSVER..ISPPLIB XACTMAIN 12 CUSTOMIZE - SA z/OS customization dialog 13 I/O-Ops - SA z/OS I/O Operations 12,'CMD(INGDLG SELECT(ADMIN) ALLOCATE(NO)' 13,'CMD(INGDLG SELECT(IOCONNECT) ALLOCATE(NO)' USER.Z24A.PARMLIB CTIHSAZZ None USER.Z24A.PARMLIB CTIIHVZZ None USER.Z24A.PARMLIB IEFSSNDB SUBSYS SUBNAME(SYSV) INITRTN(DSI4LSIT) USER.Z24A.PARMLIB LPALSTCI AUT410.SINGMOD3(S1PRD1) USER.Z24A.PARMLIB PROG* APF ADD DSNAME(AUT410.SINGMOD1) VOLUME(&SYSP1) APF ADD DSNAME(AUT410.SINGMOD2) VOLUME(&SYSP1) APF ADD DSNAME(AUT410.SINGMOD3) VOLUME(&SYSP1) LNKLST ADD NAME(LNKLST01) DSN(AUT410.SINGMOD1) VOLUME(&SYSP1) LNKLST ADD NAME(LNKLST01) DSN(AUT410.SINGMOD2) VOLUME(&SYSP1) USER.Z24A.PARMLIB SCHEDAL PPT PGMNAME(DSIMNT) NOSWAP PPT PGMNAME(HSAPINIT) NOSWAP PRIV PPT PGMNAME(IHVOINI) NOSWAP USER.Z24A.PROCLIB CNMSJ010 Copy from NET610.CNMSAMP Page 14-163 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration //CNMPSSI PROC SQ1='NET610', USER.Z24A.PROCLIB HSACTWR None USER.Z24A.PROCLIB HSAPIPLC As described in member USER.Z24A.PROCLIB INGEAMSA HLQCLB='CBC',HLQCEE='CEE' USER.Z24A.PROCLIB INGEIO //STEPLIB DD DSN=AUT410.SINGMOD1,DISP=SHR //HCDTRACE DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.XA00.HCDTRACE USER.Z24A.PROCLIB INGENVSA DOMAIN=XA00, PROG=DSIMNT, Q1='USERXA02', SQ1='NET610', SQ2='AUT410', VQ1='USERXA02', VQ2='USERXA02', USER.Z24A.PROCLIB INGPHOM As described in member USER.Z24A.PROCLIB INGPIPLC As described in member USER.Z24A.PROCLIB INGPIXCU As described in member USER.Z24A.PROCLIB ISPFPROC //AOFTABL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.CUSTOM.AOFTABL Also add AOFTABL to ISPTLIB //IHVCONF DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USERXA02.CUSTOM.SOCNTL USER.SA.JCL HSAJCTWR //CTRACE01 DD DSN=SYS1.HSAAM.XA00.CTRACE01, USER.SA.JCL INGALLC0 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGALLC1 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGALLC2 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGALLC3 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGALLC4 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGALLC5 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGALLC6 As described in JOB USER.SA.JCL INGEDLGA As described in JOB USER.Z24A.PARMLIB HSAPRM00 (Created by the allocation jobs) Page 14-164 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Create basic z/OS configuration CFGDSN=USERXA02.CUSTOM.SOCNTL LOGSTREAM=NO TAKEOVERFILE=USERXA02.TAKEOVER LPA needed an IPL. Enter the panel at A.12 Define user options for datasets (ISP for ISPF, and AUT410 for SA) Use option 4 to create a new policy database. If in doubt see ing_a_New_Policy_Database.html?lang=en Use option 2 to build the environment. Output dataset: ‘USERXA02.CUSTOM.SOCNTL’ Then • S INGEAMSA,TYPE=COLD Page 14-165 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities 15 ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities This chapter describes the activities performed to replace the Linux image on zOSLinux02, the ZD&T and ADCD version on XA02. 15.1 DB2 15.1.1 Customize DBADM Edit ADBB10.SADBSLIB(ADB2USUD): //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=&ASYSPN7, )ENDSEL // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),VOL=SER=B2CFG1, // DCB=(LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=0,RECFM=FB,DSORG=PS), // SPACE=(TRK,(5,5),RLSE), // UNIT=&ADBUNIT )ENDSEL )SEL &UTUUNLDD EQ &Z )SEL &LISTDEFU NE Y //SYSREC DD DSN=&ASYREC6, )ENDSEL )SEL &LISTDEFU EQ Y //SYSREC DD DSN=&ASYREC7, )ENDSEL )SET LPAREN = &Z )SET RPAREN = &Z )SET CUNITCNT = &Z )SEL &UNITCNT GT 1 )SET LPAREN = ( )SET RPAREN = ) )SET CUNITCNT = ,&UNITCNT )ENDSEL // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),VOL=SER=B2CFG1, Use IPSF 3.16 to edit ADBB10.SADBTLIB(ADBTPARM): EDIT ADBTPARM Extension Variables for Row 1 Row 10 to 14 of 14 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR Page 15-166 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities Extension variable values scrollable width: 65 S Name Value ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+ ADBJLB1 'USER.PROCLIB' 15.1.2 DB2 Catalog export Use DBADM option 1 - DB2 system catalog. List relevant databases. Line command GEN generates DDL for all listed objects. Set SQL DD card to a data set on Pxxxx0. //SQL DD DSN=USER.DB2.EXPORT,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80),VOL=SER=PXA020, // SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) Comment out JCLLIB statement. 15.1.3 DB2 Unload List relevant table spaces. General command UTIL or line command U.U Change output dataset names and store on Pxxx0 Or: Page 15-167 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities 15.1.4 Drop Drop databases and then DB2 storage groups to have the underlying datasets deleted. 15.1.5 After upgrade Catalog USER.* datasets on migrated disk. Edit volumes for storage groups and run USER.DB2.EXPORT from SPUFI. (A4DBC1 and A4DBC2) Error DSNT415I SQLERRP = DSNXODD2 SQL PROCEDURE DETECTING ERROR DSNT416I SQLERRD = 50 0 0 -1 0 0 SQL DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION DSNT416I SQLERRD = X'00000032' X'00000000' X'00000000' X'FFFFFFFF' X'00000000' X'00000000' SQL DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION Solution set current sqlid = 'USER1'; GRANT use of STOGROUP XACTSTG to xact; grant dbadm on database XACTDB to XACT; Create and run load jobs with //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.DBCG.CN.XACTDB.CARMODEL.PALL //SYSREC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.DBCG.UN.XACTDB.CARMODEL.PALL Run image copies for each table space using U.C command in DB2A. 15.2 RACF 15.2.1 Before upgrade Unload RACF database from current system • Run IRRDBU00 utility. Send output to Pxxxx0 15.2.2 After upgrade Import RACF data • Run IRRDBU00 utility on new system • Run DBSYNC1 • Check output scripts • Run DBSYNC2 See Appendix K. Page 15-168 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration ZD&T and ADCD Upgrade activities 15.3 Backup Clean up and consolidate user disks (Use VOLMOVE). Backup configuration disks xxCFG1 and PXAxx0 and the user disks. You can use XACLONE to clone USER.* to another disk. Use IBMUSER as new HLQ. Check disks xxSYS1 and xxDBAR for any data sets that might need saving. 15.4 Linux image replacement The Linux image is mounted at zOSLinuxPDT as /run/media/ibmsys1/RHEL-7.5 Server.x86_64. See chapter 6, VMWare Layer . Page 15-169 16 Integrate host data and applications Figure 16. Integrate host data and applications process 16.1 Describe test cases If the pilot is aimed at building a test environment, the customer must describe the test cases to be implemented in the pilot project. This can be batch and online, including CICS, IMS, and DB2 Stored Procedures. If the pilot is aimed at building a development environment, the customer must define the application or group of applications to be developed or maintained, including all dependencies and tools needed. 16.2 Identify host data and applications for pilot A host environment typically includes much more data, artefacts, and tooling than should be copied to the ZD&T environment. It is important to reduce the amount as much as possible and at the same time to secure the completeness and consistency, as required by the test cases. Besides the data, artefacts, and tooling the customer’s delivery from the host to the ZD&T system should include a "Table of contents" that describes what is where in the transfer package. It should also be stated whether there are hard coded affinities to system or subsystem names. These should be resolved before migration, if at all possible. Page 16-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Integrate host data and applications Table 50. Copy package contents Category Type z/OS PROCLIB Comment PARMLIB REXX EXEC’s and CLIST’s Physical and functional RACF user ids and names MQ MQ definition source Queue definitions need to be specified References to remote queues should be disabled by removing the IP addresses CICS CICS definitions source SIT, PLT, etc. Definitions in e.g. DEFINE, CREATE or CPSM format CTG parameters CICS JCL DB2 DSNZPARM source List of SQLID’s and needed GRANT’s IMS Exit load modules MDA source or load modules DBRC DB and DBDS registration source DBD source PSB source SPOC offload or program/transaction/database definitions 3rd party products SMP/E package or load libraries DBRMLIBs JCLLIBS, PROCLIBS, PARMLIBS etc. Including members in system libraries Installation instructions License or activation files Page 16-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Data DB2 DDL Integrate host data and applications Fieldprocs, Storage groups, Tablespaces, Databases, Tables, Indices, Plans, Bind processes, Views, Stored procedures DB2 unload datasets DB2 punched LOAD statements Description of name correlation between unload and punch datasets Bind information Tablespace partitioning What is the impact on disk space if we keep partitioning vs. how to remove it List of plans, package lists, collections and packages Applications Batch loadlibs and DBRMlibs Note that loadlibs and DBRMlibs must have corresponding timestamps. CICS loadlibs and DBRMlibs Note that loadlibs and DBRMlibs must have corresponding timestamps. IMS loadlibs and DBRMlibs Note that loadlibs and DBRMlibs must have corresponding timestamps. External stored procedures loadlib and DBRMlib Note that loadlibs and DBRMlibs must have corresponding timestamps. Native stored procedures source COBOL listings for debugging Exits Needed GDG and VSAM definitions 16.3 Create test image for user data and applications This is the responsibility of the customer. All data should be unloaded or copied into a pool of disks with a single high level qualifier in a separate SMS storage group. Data bases and persistent VSAM files must be unloaded. Data sets can be dumped using DFDSS, XMIT, TERSE or gzip (or combinations thereof). Page 16-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Integrate host data and applications If using DASD Migration there must be a user catalog on one of the disks with an ALIAS to the HLQ. 16.3.1 Download methods The usual downloads methods are: • • • DASD Migration from host z/OS to ZD&T underlying Linux (recommended) FTP from host z/OS to ZD&T z/OS o Possibly with a workstation as intermediary o Useful for ad hoc copying IND$FILE from host z/OS to workstation and then to ZD&T z/OS o Also useful for ad hoc copying 16.3.2 FEUVIMG Migration This is now the recommended method of copying. It is supplied by IBM as a zip file containing two datasets in XMIT format. • • • • • Upload both and RECEIVE them APF-authorize SFEUAUTH Activate RACF-class DADSVOL Give READ access to Class DADSVOL, profile <volser> for submitting user Edit and submit job SFEUSAMP(FEUVIMG) o // SET PRM=COMPRESS,SUF='.GZ',PATHSUF='.gz' will give a longer runtime, but a much smaller file 16.3.3 DASD Migration DASD Migration uses tools supplied with ZD&T. This will copy (migrate) entire volumes from z series z/OS to ZD&T underlying Linux. A host program called ZPDTMSRV must be APF13-authorized and runs as a batch job or a started task. It can only handle one client request at a time, and it terminates, if it has not received requests for 10 minutes. A client program called hckd2ckd runs on the Linux system underlying ZD&T, It contacts the server program on the host and asks for each volume to be received. 13 Authorized Program Facility. Page 16-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Integrate host data and applications Other datasets IMS DB2 Unload Unload Copy rename Read track by track MIGSERV Started Task Dedicated Storage Group TCP/IP request Linux Files Write track By track hckd2ckd Figure 17. DASD migration 16.4 Migrate and mount test image You will need the following information from the server: • IP-address of the server • Portnumber (default is 3990) • Volume name(s) The client program is called hckd2ckd and it is placed in /usr/z1090/bin/hckd2ckd An example of starting the migration: $ /usr/z1090/bin/hckd2ckd /zAppliance/xa00_migr/D91D9A –v D91D9A Page 16-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Integrate host data and applications Migrated host disks are located in /zAppliance/<sysid>_migr. They must be defined in the device map and added by an IPL. 16.5 Create new SMS-managed user disk for DB2 user data Create a disk (See appendix) Remember STORAGEGROUP parameter when running INIT job. Define Alias. Create STORAGEGROUP with VCAT. Created SMS definitions to store databases with HLQ CUSTOMERDB2 on volumes UZD012, UZD013 and UZD014. Table 51. DB2 SMS configuration Dataset Member Parameters ISMF panels Edited definitions to match existing definitions. Activated in ISMF option 8. ISMF panels Removed storage groups DBCLASS and SGEXTEAV USER.DB2.JCL CONVERTV For each disk: //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INVOL1 DD VOL=SER=UZD012,UNIT=3390,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * CONVERTV SMS DDNAME(INVOL1) USER.DB2.JCL DEFALIAS DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(CUSTOMERDB2) RELATE(USERCAT.Z22C.DB2VB)) CATALOG(CATALOG.Z22C.MASTER) ➔ SETSMS SAVESCDS(USER.DSNSMS.SCDS) USER.DB2.JCL DSNTIJSS USER.DSNSMS.ACSLIB DATACLAS Added definitions for STORGRP SGCUSTOMER, STORCLAS SCCUSTOMER and DATACLAS DCCUSTOMER with HLQ CUSTOMERDB2 IF &DSN(1) = 'CUSTOMERDB2' THEN IF &DSN(1) = 'DSNCB10' THEN USER.DSNSMS.ACSLIB STORCLAS INCLUDE('CUSTOMERDB2') INCLUDE('DSNCB10') INCLUDE('DSNCB') Page 16-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration USER.DSNSMS.ACSLIB STORGRP Integrate host data and applications INCLUDE('CUSTOMERDB2') INCLUDE('DSNCB10') INCLUDE('DSNCB') If you are using production DDL, then remember to reduce size definitions for the test system. 16.6 Define and load databases 16.6.1 Initial load If using DASD Migration the user catalog must be imported into the ZD&T master catalog, and an ALIAS for the HLQ defined in it. Aliases for the datasets to be created on local user disks by reload, restore, extract, etc. must be created in appropriate user catalogs. Databases must be defined in the DB2 and IMS subsystems on ZD&T, and data reloaded. Loadlibs must be APF-authorized, added to LPA or LINKLIST as needed. Please bear in mind that the migrated disks will be overwritten by later migrations, while the created datasets and databases will be preserved. 16.6.2 Reimport user data If the migration is not an initial load, follow this process: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Run job to EXPORT USERCAT DISCONNECT Shut down z/OS. Move old migrated disks to backup folder. Move new migrated disks to <SYSID>_migr folder. IPL z/OS. Run job to IMPORT OBJECTS ((USERCAT VOLUME(MIGVOL) DEVICETYPE(3390))) CONNECT CATALOG(CATALOG.&SYSVER..MASTER) 7) Run job to DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(HLQ) RELATE(USERCAT)) CATALOG(CATALOG.&SYSVER..MASTER) 16.7 Configure applications It is the responsibility of the customer to document what it needed. It can be the responsibility of the customer or of Xact to do the configuration, according to contract. 16.8 System test If possible, Xact will do a first system test to make sure that the test applications can run, and that the data can be accessed. Page 16-7 17 Pilot test Figure 18. Pilot test process This is primarily the responsibility of the customer with the assistance of Xact. This will probably need a number of iterations of data copying and reconfiguration, while the test is progressing. Page 17-1 18 Clean up After the pilot any unused references can be removed to simplify the following build of a master image. Table 52. Unused references Dataset Member Parameters Linux /zAppliance/devmaps xa00devicemap Remove unused disk volumes USER.JCL ZDT03UNC Disconnect unused user catalogs: • • • • • • • • • USER.VTAMLST ATCCON00 EXPORT USERCAT.&SYSVER..CICS420 DISCONNECT EXPORT USERCAT.&SYSVER..CICS510 DISCONNECT EXPORT USERCAT.&SYSVER..DB2VA DISCONNECT EXPORT USERCAT.&SYSVER..IMS12 DISCONNECT EXPORT USERCAT.&SYSVER..WAS800 DISCONNECT EXPORT USERCAT.&SYSVER..WAS850 DISCONNECT IMS? CICS? MQ? Remove unused references: • • • CICSAPPL? DBCBLU? IMS14APL? Page 18-1 19 Design Long term system Figure 19. Design long term system process Page 19-1 20 Build long term system Figure 20. Build long term system process 20.1 Implement server farm 20.2 Long term connectivity and access 20.3 Cloning Images 20.4 Configuration The license server should be a stand-alone server, so that it is not disturbed by recycling the installation server. The installation server is the instance, where ZD&T is installed. There is a file system, where the VMWare images are stored. This can be a separate box, a file server, or a file system on the installation server. Page 20-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Build long term system In the server configuration, there will be a number of cloned servers used for development and test. In the single user configuration, there will be a number of end user machines used for development and test. Figure 21. Cloning configuration There are two types of VMWare images: Installation image and “golden” image, both stored on the file system. You can create any number of images for development, test, separate versions, and specific needs. 20.5 Procedure for the server configuration • Install and configure the installation server • Shut down ZD&T on the installation server • Clean-up/remove temp files, back ups, unused zVolumes, etc. • Shutdown the underlying Linux • Assign new z/OS IP and name in DNS • Assign new Linux IP and name in DHCP (via fixed Mac Address in VMWare) Page 20-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Build long term system • Clone the installation VMWare image to the file system. Change the IP addresses of the Linux system and any other characteristics • Start the cloned image on the target server with Linux and check settings (avoid IP conflicts etc.) • Delete license data base /usr/z1090/uim/uimclient.db • Start ZD&T • Fix TCP/IP • Rename z/OS if desired • Shut down and restart the cloned and reconfigured z/OS to pick up changes • You can now restart ZD&T on the installation server, if you want to 20.6 Procedure for a single user system • Install and configure the installation server • Shut down ZD&T on the installation server • Clean-up/remove temp files, back-ups, unused zVolumes, etc. • Shutdown the underlying Linux • Clone the installation VMWare image to an image on the file system. Change the IP addresses of the Linux system and any other characteristics to what you need for a single user system ( etc.) • Start the cloned image on the installation server with Linux and check settings (avoid IP conflicts etc.) • Fix license data base (UIM?) • Start ZD&T • Fix TCP/IP with values for a single user system and any other characteristics • Restart the cloned z/OS to pick up changes • Shutdown z/OS and Linux and store the reconfigured, “golden” image • You can now restart the original image on the installation server, if you want to • Clone the “golden” VMWare image from the file system to the target single user system(s) • On each system fix license data base (UIM?) • Start ZD&T to validate that it can run 20.7 Configuring the “golden” cloned system Follow normal procedures: • Runcoldjes o Shut00 etc. Page 20-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • • • • • • Build long term system Runwarmjes o Configure TCP/IP o Shut00 etc. Runwarmjes o Check TCP/IP o Create USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(LPALSTCI PROG* PROGCI) from ADCD* and remove DFH540 o Create USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(IEASYSAL) from ADCD and remove WA from OMVS and SCH Runzpdt o Housekeeping ▪ 99,/nre . ▪ 99,/ che freeze ▪ C asch ▪ P IMS15rl1 o Shutall etc. Add URDTXX and PXA000 to devicemap. They will be automatically mounted Create any new user disks Runzpdt o Edit and run XACTRDT.JCL(RDT0IMP1) to import user catalog for URDTXX o Catalog datasets manually using “C” in ISPF 3.4 or edit and use RDT0IMP2 o Edit and run ZDT03UNC to remove unneeded user catalogs found, e.g. CICS510, CICS520, DB2VA, IMS14, WAS800, and WAS850. List them before removing!!! o Run RDT1SYS1 and RDT1SYS2 to initialize user disks and vary online o Copy and edit members in USER.* as needed using XACTRDT.* XACTRDT.CLIST USER.Z24A.CLIST XACTRDT.ISPMLIB XACTRDT.ISPPLIB USER.&SYSVER..ISPPLIB XACTRDT.ISPSLIB XACTRDT.ISPTLIB USER.ISPTLIB XACTRDT.PARMLIB USER.Z24A.PARMLIB XACTRDT.PROCLIB USER.Z24A.PROCLIB XACTRDT.VTAM.SOURCE USER.VTAM.SOURCE XACTRDT.VTAMLST USER.VTAMLST o Edit each member according to information in this document and current version values Page 20-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Build long term system 20.8 Develop processes and tools Figure 22. Develop processes and tools process 20.9 Establish in-house support team 20.10 Operating system and subsystem upgrades The upgrade effort contains the following main parts: • • • • • Upload and prepare the new image Clean up and extract configuration and customization from the current system Install and configure new image Redo customizations and data and application setup Test the system 20.10.1 Detailed description The effort can be illustrated like this: Page 20-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Build long term system Figure 23. ZD&T system upgrade process The part before shutting down the current system can be done without disturbing the users. The part between the first IPL and the application test can be done in increments, while the users are not using the system, and the current system can then be restarted. This can be repeated until the users test the new system. Table 53. ZD&T upgrade tasks Activity Estimate Download image from IBM Upload image to target system Page 20-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Build long term system Install z1090 in separate directory and check license Unpack new zVolumes in separate directory Check and clean up user catalogs on current system Unload RACF database from current system Unload DB2 definitions from current system Copy and organize user disks in standard directory structure Create any missing standard disks Create new devmap with new system and existing user disks Mount Pxxxx0 dynamically on current system Copy rename USER datasets from old CFG1 to Pxxxx0 disk Shut down old system IPL New System Cold JES Fix TCP/IP on new system IPL New system warm JES Import user catalogs Install configurations from old USER disks to new USER disks on CFG1 IPL new full system Reload DB2 definitions on new system Check DB2 consistency Import RACF data Check and clean up configurations 20.11 Source control management 20.12 Deployment/provision 20.13 Host synchronization 20.14 Test data management 20.15 Quality assurance and reporting 20.16 Scheduling 20.17 Automation 20.18 Security Page 20-7 21 Hand-over Figure 24. Hand-over process 21.1 Describe operations procedures 21.2 Training 21.3 Coaching 21.4 Final acceptance Page 21-1 22 Personal Edition A possible machine landscape: Figure 25. PoC machine landscape Example. Table 54. Personal Edition hardware Component Value Virtual CPU’s 4 RAM 16GB Processors Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4765T CPU @ 2.00GHz BIOS VMWare Table 55. Personal Edition file structure File system Size Mount point /dev/sda3 190G / Page 22-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition tmpfs 7.3G /dev/shm /dev/sda1 283M /boot /dev/sdc 689G /z // 1.3T /kDrev 22.1 Operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.8 (Santiago) Linux 2.6.32-642.13.1.el6.x86_64 x86_64 Table 56. Personal Edition Linux subdirectories Subdirectory Description backup Volume backup devmaps Device maps install Installation package migrate Migrated data from Big Iron scripts Linux scripts uservol User data Z24A zVolumes Table 57. Persdonal Edition TCP/IP configuration Dataset Member USER.TCPPARMS IPNODES Parameters DT000492 DT000492.CUSTOMER LINUX LOCALHOST USER.TCPPARMS PROFILE DEVICE PORTB MPCIPA LINK ETH0 IPAQENET PORTB HOME ETH0 DEVICE PORTA MPCIPA LINK TAP0 IPAQENET PORTA HOME TAP0 Page 22-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition BEGINROUTES ROUTE = TAP0 MTU 1492 ROUTE = ETH0 MTU 1492 ROUTE DEFAULT ETH0 MTU 1492 ENDROUTES START PORTB START PORTA USER.TCPPARMS RESOLVER DEFAULTTCPIPDATA('USER.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA)') GLOBALTCPIPDATA('USER.TCPPARMS(TCPDATA)') DEFAULTIPNODES('USER.TCPPARMS(IPNODES)') GLOBALIPNODES('USER.TCPPARMS(IPNODES)') USER.TCPPARMS TCPDATA TCPIPJOBNAME TCPIP HOSTNAME DT000492 DOMAINORIGIN CUSTOMER USER.TCPPARMS PORTS 7 UDP MISCSERV 7 TCP MISCSERV 9 UDP MISCSERV 9 TCP MISCSERV 19 UDP MISCSERV 19 TCP MISCSERV 20 TCP OMVS NOAUTOLOG 21 TCP OMVS 23 TCP TN3270 25 TCP SMTP 53 TCP NAMESRV 53 UDP NAMESRV 69 UDP OMVS 80 TCP OMVS 111 TCP PORTMAP 111 UDP PORTMAP 135 UDP LLBD 161 UDP OSNMPD 162 UDP SNMPQE Page 22-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition 433 TCP OMVS 443 TCP OMVS 512 TCP RXSERVE 513 UDP OMVS 514 UDP OMVS 514 TCP RXSERVE 515 TCP LPSERVE 520 UDP OROUTED 580 UDP NCPROUT 750 TCP MVSKERB 750 UDP MVSKERB 751 TCP ADMØSRV 751 UDP ADMØSRV 1023 TCP OMVS 1023 UDP OMVS 1024 TCP OMVS 1080 TCP IZUSVR1 1416 TCP CSQ9CHIN 1490 TCP CICSTS54 1495 TCP CICSTS54 1496 TCP CICSTS54 2006 TCP CTGPROC 2800 TCP IPVSRV1 2980 TCP CTGPROC 3000 TCP CICSTS54 4035 TCP RSED 4152 TCP BLZISPFD 4712 TCP CICSTS54 5035 TCP DBCGDIST 5036 TCP DBCGDIST 5037 TCP DBCGDIST 5335 TCP DBGMGR 5336 TCP DBGMGR Page 22-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition 5555 TCP BLZBFA1 5988 TCP CFZCIM 6715 TCP JMON 10443 TCP IZUSVR1 22.2 Network configuration Hostname: USER1-linux.domain.ext Edit ➔ Virtual network editor ➔ VMnet0 Bridged Auto-bridging VMNet1 Host-only VMNet8 NAT NAT C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts USER1-zos.domain.ext 22.2.1 VMWare 22.2.2 Folder sharing In VMWare workstation menu bar: VM ➔ Settings ➔ Options ➔ Shared folders ➔ Add folder and enable folder sharing 22.2.3 VMnet By default these are the virtual networks VMware sets up: vmnet0 - bridge - connects to host's hardware NIC so can talk to machines outside of host has own unique IP address (and MAC address - not sure never looked at the MAC address used for a bridged connection). vmnet1 - host only - pure virtual LAN on the host, can only communicate with host and other VMs running on the host. vmnet8 - NAT (Network Address Translation) - connect to host's hardware NIC so can talk to machines outside of the host - uses the hardware MAC address, and shares the hosts IP address 22.2.4 DHCP on the NAT Network In order to make networking configuration easy, a DHCP server is automatically installed when you install VMware Workstation. Virtual machines running on the network with the NAT device can dynamically obtain their IP addresses by sending out DHCP requests. The DHCP server on the NAT network, which is also used in host-only networking configurations, dynamically allocates IP addresses in the range of <net>.128 through <net>.254, where <net> is the network number assigned to your NAT network. VMware Workstation always uses a Page 22-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Class C address for NAT networks. IP addresses <net>.3 through <net>.127 can be used for static IP addresses. IP address <net>.1 is reserved for the host adapter; <net>.2 is reserved for the NAT device. In addition to the IP address, the DHCP server on the NAT network also sends out additional configuration information that enables the virtual machine to operate automatically. This information includes the default gateway and the DNS server. In the DHCP response, the NAT device instructs the virtual machine to use the IP address <net>.2 as the default gateway and DNS server. This causes all IP packets destined for the external network and DNS requests to be forwarded to the NAT device. 22.2.5 Keyboard Change X3270 setting in /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/X3270 in Base keymap for 3270 mode Set nationality of keyboard in Linux. Use x3270.keymap.rlx as keymap. Logon USER1 Or: Remove <Key>Return <Key>Linefeed <Key>Backspace og insert <Key>Control_R: Enter()\n\ <Key>Control_L: Reset()\n\ <Key>Return: Newline()\n\ <Key>Pause: Clear()\n\ <Key>BackSpace: BackSpace() Delete()\n\ <Key>KP_Enter: Enter()\n\ <---optional <Key>End: EraseEOF()\n\ <-- optional <Key>Prior: PF(7)\n\ <-- optional <Key>Next: PF(8)\n\ <-- optional 22.2.6 File transfer through Linux Define the Windows library as a shared folder in Linux Virtual Machine Settings ➔ Options ftp to z/OS using Page 22-6 Appendices Appendix A. IPL procedure Log on to the VNC Viewer. Open a Linux terminal window. CD to the /z directory. Issue “./runzpdt” and let the system start. Appendix B. Stand-alone IPL If you cannot IPL with a cold or warm start due to configuration errors, you can resort to a stand-alone IPL. $ Ipl aa0 parm 0aa0sa Using disk SARES1 at address 0AA0. USER.* datasets will not be cataloged, but can be found and edited at disk A4CFG1. Shut down with • • S shutsa F omvs,shutdown After use Appendix C. Shutdown procedure Log on to the VNC Viewer. Find the z/OS master console, mstcon@localhost:3270. Issue command “S SHUTALL”. This starts a long running procedure to shut down all subsystems. It is finished, when SHUTALL has ended, when VTAM has ended, and when OMVS is shut down. You can check by issuing the command “D OMVS”. It should reply shut down, not shutting down! Hit F6 to see any outstanding operation messages and reply as needed. Hit F10 to see all running tasks. Only JES2 should be left. Otherwise you have to shut down, what might still be running. If IMS is still running, and you have tried 99,/CHE FREEZE, you might need to cancel the control region by • C IMS15CR1 That will shut down the other tasks as well When everything else is down, issue the command “$P JES2”, and wait for JES2 to end. Issue “Z EOD” to shut down SMF logging. Page 22-1 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Issue “QUIESCE” to stop the processors. Now close the terminals (mstcon and tso). From a Linux console issue “awsstop”, wait for two eDmosa.. messages, and hit enter to return to the prompt. Now you can back up any disks or do whatever housekeeping you need to do. Appendix D. Xact scripts for Linux import and customization Location Name Comment /home/ibmsys1 Allocate user disks /home/ibmsys1 Mounting and extracting iso files /home/ibmsys1 Genstart Master Restart master console /home/ibmsys1 Make Bin Create directories /home/ibmsys1 Set up zVolumes /home/ibmsys1 Check device map Appendix E. Xact jobs for z/OS import and customization Documentation of these jobs reside in XACTRDT.JCL(RDTAAAIX) The ZD&T Installation REQUIRES the 'URDTXX.BIN' file to Import. It MUST match the corresponding DEVMAP-definition. Category Job Comment Initial jobs RDT0IMP1 Import USERCAT.VURDTXX RDT0IMP2 Define Alias and Catalog the XACT ZD&T Install Datasets RDT01TST Verify that it is possible to run JOB's RDT02LST List from UserCatalogs and MasterCatalog RDT03UNC Remove any NOT existing UserCatalogs from the MasterCatalog RDT1IMP1 Import USERCAT.VPZOSXX and USERCAT.VPZOS00 RDT1IMP2 Define Alias and Catalog Datasets (USER*) RDT1IMP3 Copy the ZDT-Install Datasets (XACTRDT) to USER00.* before Customization System import jobs14 ALWAYS to be used if you have the PZOSXX.BIN and PZOS00.BIN files to Import. Otherwise use the ZDT1SYS* jobs. 14 Page 22-2 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition RDT1IMP4 Find members to be manually changed for TCPIP and Personal Communications in USER00.MEMBERS RDT1IMP5 Only Documentation: DO NOT RUN THIS JOB!!!! Changed members MANUALLY for TCPIP and Personal Communications in - USER00.MEMBERS and - SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADXX) – With USER* - SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADYY) – Without USER System initialize job15 RDT1IMP6 Copy the manually customized members for TCPIP and Personal Communications from USER00.MEMBERS to the System Datasets (USER.* and USER00.*) RDT1SYS1 Create/initialize the PZOSXX and PZOS00 Disk RDT1SYS2 Define UserCatalogs and Alias References RDT1SYS3 Create USER.* and USER00.* datasets to replace the USER.* datasets. RDT1SYS4 Copy the ZDT-Install Datasets (XACTRDT) to USER00.* before Customization RDT1SYS5 Find members to be manually changed for TCPIP and Personal Communications in USER00.MEMBERS RDT1SYS6 Only Documentation: DO NOT RUN THIS JOB!!!! Changed members MANUALLY for TCPIP and Personal Communications in - USER00.MEMBERS and - SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADXX) – With USER* - SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADYY) – Without USER* Product initialize jobs16 RDT1SYS7 Copy the manually customized members for TCPIP and Personal Communications from USER00.MEMBERS to the New System Datasets (USER.* and USER00.*) RDT2DFH1 Create/initialize a New IBM CICS V5.2 Disk RDT2DFH2 Define UserCatalog 15 ALWAYS Use ImportJobs if possible (ZDT1IMP*). ONLY to be used if you don’t have the *.BIN files to Import. 16 ONLY to be Used if you don’t have the *.BIN files to Import. Page 22-3 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration User initialize job17 Personal Edition RDT2DFH3 Define Alias Reference RDT2DSN1 Create/initialize a New IBM DB2 V11.0 Disk RDT2DSN2 Define UserCatalog RDT2DSN3 Define Alias Reference RDT3USR1 Create/initialize a New User/Customer Disk RDT3USR2 Define UserCatalog RDT3USR3 Define Alias Reference ICKDSF See the job in XACTRDT.JCL(RDT3USR1) INITDISK See the job in XACTRDT.JCL(RDT3USR1) JOBCARD Jobcard RDTAAAIX Index XACTCARD XACT Jobcard XACTMEMC Only Documentation: DO NOT RUN THIS JOB!!!! Jobs to import migrated disks from zos0 to zos118 Other members XACT ZD&T Create Members the first time without the 'URDTXX.BIN' file to Import ZIMP* See the Member Index Information => XACTRDT.JCL(ZIMPAAIX) Appendix F. Create a user disk 22.2.7 Before shutting down z/OS: HCD To display existing definitions: /D IPLINFO reveals the IPLPARM member: USED LOADAL IN SYS1.IPLPARM ON 00A82 This member relates the IODF: 17 ONLY to be Used if you don’t have the *.BIN files to Import. 18 See the Member Index Information => XACT.ZDT.JCL(ZIMPAAIX). Page 22-4 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition IODF 99 SYS1 ISPF option m.4 Make sure that this file is set: I/O definition file . . . 'SYS1.IODF99' Option 1. Define, modify, or view configuration data Option 5. I/O devices Select one or more devices, then press Enter. To add, use F11. ----------Device------ --Æ--- --------Control Unit Numbers + -------/ Number Type + CSS OS 1--- 2--- 3--- 4--- 5--- 6--- 7--- 8--_ 0ADA 3390 1 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Select 7. Work with single I/O devices 0ADA 3390 22.2.8 Before shutting down z/OS: ISMF Use ISMF (ISPF m.2.2.1) menu DASD Volumes to show all existing volumes. Double check volume names to avoid crating a duplicate. Also check the address you want to use from the console: • /D U,DASD,,<address>,16 Then shut down z/OS. 22.2.9 Linux file In Linux create the disk as a Linux file. Local configuration files should be placed in /zAppliance/<sysid>_config and volser should be P<SYSID>0: $ Alcckd <volser> –d3390-3 User disks should be big, placed in /zAppliance/<sysid>_user and volser should be U<SYSID>n: $ Alcckd <volser> -d3390-A 22.2.10 ZD&T device map Edit <sysid>devmap. Add to device map in stanza [manager]: Device <address> 3390 3390 /path/<volser> #3390-9 Check with Page 22-5 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition $ awsckmap <sysid>devmap 22.2.11 IPL IPL z/OS to activate new device map. 22.2.12 Initialize the volume XACTRDT.JCL(RDT3USR1) Create and run an ICKDSF job to initialize the volume: // EXEC PGM=ICKDSF,REGION=0M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * INIT UNIT(<address>) NOVERIFY VOLID(<volser>) VTOC(<vtoc>) INDEX(<index>) [STORAGEGROUP19] /* Answer console messages with “U” This table shows the relation between parameters: Table 58. Disk parameters Type Size Location Vtoc Local configuration 10017 /zAppliance/<sysid>_config 0,1,74 Index 5,0,30 Model 3 User data 10017 /zAppliance/<sysid>_local 0,1,74 5,0,30 60102 /zAppliance/<sysid>_local 0,1,2024 135,0,405 Model 9 User data Model A 22.2.13 • Vary disk online VARY <address>,ONLINE (on the z/OS console) 22.2.14 Define user catalog Run job ZDT3USR2 If it is an SMS-disk: DEFINE USERCATALOG (NAME(USERCAT1) - 19 SMS-managed disks. Page 22-6 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition VOLUME(VSER01) ICFCATALOG STRNO(3) DATACLAS(xxx) STORCLAS(yyy) MGMTCLAS(zzz)) 22.2.15 HCD To display existing definitions: /D IPLINFO reveals the IPLPARM member: USED LOADAL IN SYS1.IPLPARM ON 00A82 This member relates the IODF: IODF 99 SYS1 ISPF option m.4 Make sure that this file is set: I/O definition file . . . 'SYS1.IODF99' Option 1. Define, modify, or view configuration data Option 5. I/O devices Select one or more devices, then press Enter. To add, use F11. ----------Device------ --Æ--- --------Control Unit Numbers + -------/ Number Type + CSS OS 1--- 2--- 3--- 4--- 5--- 6--- 7--- 8--_ 0ADA 3390 1 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Select 7. Work with single I/O devices 0ADA 3390 Add new disk to esoteric SYSDA: option 1 (Operating System Configurations). Type '/' to select Config. ID OS390 option 5 (Work with EDTs) EDT# 00, by typing '/' option 4 (Work with esoterics) Select SYSDA Page 22-7 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Select option 4 (Assign devices) select the appropriate device or device range that you want to add to this esoteric. In the screenshot below, we are trying to add one additional device at address 0AA7. Change the status of 'Assigned' column from 'No' to 'Yes' across the device range that you want to add, and also specify the starting device address, and number of devices to add a range. Going back create a new work file Use main option option 2 (Activate or process configuration data) against the work IODF file that we just created. option 1 (Build production I/O definition file) The saved production IODF file must reside on same volume as IODF99 (xxSYS1) if you want to copy the changes to IODF99, take a backup of IODF99 using option 6 (Maintain I/O definition files) and then option 2 (Copy I/O definition file). After taking a backup, delete IODF99 file and repeat the same options 6 and 2 to copy IODF03 into IODF99. Finally change the IPLPARM member with the new IODF and IPL 22.2.16 Dynamic mount The awsmount command The awsmount command associates a Linux file with an emulated I/O device. It can also be used to perform various operations on emulated tapes, query device status, and make a device read-only or read-write. zPDT must be operational when using this command. Appendix G. PDSUTIL The pdsUtil command is a Linux command that reads (or rewrites) members of a z/OS partitioned data set. z/OS is normally not operational when this command is used. The target data set must be a PDS (not PDSE) with FB records. This command cannot change the length or number of records in the PDS member. Record length is not limited to 80 bytes. The general operation is to extract the PDS member (to Linux), edit the Linux file, and then overlay the original PDS member with the changed data. Automatic ASCII/EBCDIC translation is provided. The syntax is as follows: pdsUtil ckd-file-name PDS-name [(mem-name)|/mem-name] [Linux-file-name] [-e|-x|--extract] | [-o|--overlay|-r|-replace] | [-t|--trans|--translate <code>] [-l|--list] | [-m|--mbr|--member <mem-name>] Where: Page 22-8 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition ckd-file-name is the Linux name of the file containing the emulated volume. PDS-name is the z/OS name of the partitioned data set. mem-name is a member name in the partitioned data set. Linux-file-name specifies a Linux file to be created (for extract) or written to the PDS member (for overlay or replace). The default is mem-name.txt. code is 037/437 or 1047/437 for the code tables to be used for EBCDIC/ASCII conversion. 037/437 is the default; 1047/437 might work better for international characters. The PDS member name may be specified in any one of three ways. Using parenthesis around the member name requires that the parenthesis be escaped (so that the Linux shell does not try to process it). If a Linux file name for the member is not specified, the default Chapter 4. zPDT commands 73 name is the member name with a .txt suffix. The default name is uppercase or lowercase, depending on how the member name is specified in the command. (The same PDS member is accessed, regardless of case.) The PDS record length and the number of records in the member cannot change. Only F or FB records may be used. As is implied in the syntax, writing the member back to the PDS performs an update-in-place function. Examples of usage are as follows: $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/WORK02 rb.admin.lib --list (list the member names) $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/WORK02 rb.admin.lib/ICKDSF --extract (creates ICKDSF.txt) $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/WORK02 rb.admin.lib/ickdsf --extract (creates ickdsf.txt) $ gedit ickdsf.text (use Linux editor) $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/WORK02 rb.admin.lib/ickdsf --overlay (Since no Linux file was named, pdsUtil used ickdsf.txt) $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/WORK02 rb.admin.lib/ickdsf --overlay /tmp/myickdsf (This is valid, but a dangerous example. The specified Linux file, /tmp/myickdsf must be a valid overlay for the target member.) $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/rb.admin.lib\(ickdsf\) --extract (must “escape” parenthesis) $ pdsUtil /zAppliance/rb/admin/lib --extract --mbr ickdsf (another way to specify) Page 22-9 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Appendix H. XACONEDT Use the Xact tool to edit concatenated libraries called XACONEDT: Page 22-10 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Figure 26. XACONEDT Concatenation JCL Dataset Member DDName DFHRPL USER.Z24A.PROCLIB CICSTS53 DFHRPL IMS Proclib USER.Z24A.PROCLIB IMS15CR1 PROCLIB Panels USER.Z24A.PROCLIB ISPFPROC ISPPLIB Parmlib SYS1.IPLPARM LOADAL PARMLIB Proclib ADCD.&SYSVER..PARMLIB MSTJCL00 IEFPDSI VTAMLST USER.Z24A.PROCLIB VTAMLST Appendix I. VTAM XACLONE XaClone lister alle dataset der matcher mønsteret i ”Dataset Qualifier” og genererer jcl til sletning, oprettelse og kopiering af de valgte dataset. De nye dataset placeres på volume angivet i ”Target Volume”. Page 22-11 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Figure 27. XACLONE screen shot Navnene på de nye datasets: ”Dataset Prefix”.<originalt navn>.”Dataset Suffix” Altså: PROD.ZOS.CLIST bliver klonet til DSPREFF.PROD.ZOS.CLIST.DSSUFF Dataset Prefix og Suffix medtages kun hvis de er angivet. Commands: INCALL - Inkluder alle datasets i kloning XREF - Exkluder alle datasets fra kloning GO - Generer JC Linie Commands: E - Edit dataset B - Browse dataset I - Inkluder dataset X - Exkluder dataset Appendix J. Parmlib processor Install parmlib processor using • EX 'SYS1.SAMPLIB(SPPINST)' '''SYS1.SAMPLIB(SPPPACK)''' This creates Page 22-12 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • • • • Personal Edition <USERID>.PARMLIB.EXEC <USERID>.PARMLIB.MESSAGES <USERID>.PARMLIB.NOTES <USERID>.PARMLIB.PANELS Rename all datasets to USERXA02.PARMLIB.* and use TSOP VOLMOVE to move them to A4CFG1 Change panel XACTMAIN option 15 to • 15,’CMD(EX ‘’USERXA02.PARMLIB.EXEC(SYSPARM)’’ ‘’USERXA02.PARMLIB’’)’ Page 22-13 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Figure 28. Parmlib processor Appendix K. RACF migration Get the DBSYNC package from 22.2.17 Before upgrade Run job MIGRRACF with IRRDBU00 to produce a flat file representation of each database that you want DBSYNC to process //UNLOAD EXEC PGM=IRRDBU00,PARM=NOLOCKINPUT //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INDD1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.RACFDS //OUTDD DD DISP=(NEW,CATLG),DSN=USER.IRRDBU00.OUTPUT1, // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,5),RLSE),VOL=SER=F1CFG1, // LRECL=8188,RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=8192 Page 22-14 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration 22.2.18 Personal Edition After upgrade Upload the REXX EXEC. Run IRRDBU00 again on the current RACF database. Run the JCL from the doc.txt file. Use DBSYNC in CLIST and DBSYNC1 and DBSYNC2 in JCL. Change Group DUMMY0 to SYS1 before running the generated REXX EXECs as IBMUSER from job DBSYNC2. 1. You assign the sorted, unloaded databases to DD names INDD1 and INDD2 for processing by DBSYNC. 2. If you wish, you provide a control file (DD name OPTIONS) to tailor the processing of DBSYNC. Options you may specify are: o SET HSMBACK value1 o SET DUMMYGROUP value2 o SET SET_NOSET value3 o SET DASD_UNIT value4 o SET TAPE_UNIT value5 o SET DD1FMID fmid1 o SET DD2FMID fmid2 o INCLUDE classname o EXCLUDE classname 3. DBSYNC will create two sets of output files, with each set containing six (6) files. The first set (OUTREM1, OUTDEL1, OUTSCD1, OUTADD1, OUTALT1, and OUTCLN1) can be executed (in that order) to turn the database associated with file INDD1 into a copy of the database associated with INDD2, to the extent possible with this exec. The second set (OUTREM2, OUTDEL2, OUTSCD2, OUTADD2, OUTALT2, and OUTCLN2) can be executed (in that order) to turn the database associated with file INDD2 into a copy of the database associated with INDD1, to the extent possible with this exec. Unload RACF database from current system • Run IRRDBU00 utility. Send output to Pxxxx0 Import RACF data • • • • Run IRRDBU00 utility on new system Run DBSYNC1 Check output scripts Run DBSYNC2 Appendix L. Useful Softlayer commands If you get into problems with the graphical user interface through VNC, then try to restart VNC. This is done by: Login to server with Putty. Userid root, password Xxx. issue command : service vncserver stop Page 22-15 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration • Personal Edition issue command : service vncserver start If you reboot the server (command from root: "shutdown -r now") then the VNC server will not automatically start, so: • Login to server with Putty. Userid root, password Xxx. issue command : service vncserver start Appendix M. Useful z/OS commands 22.2.19 • • F CICSTS54,CEMT P SHUT S CICSTS54 22.2.20 • • • • Recycle CICS STOP IMS R xx,CLOSEHWS (IMS15HWS ENDED) R xx,/CHE FREEZE (*IMS READY* IVP1) P IMS15 RL1 (IMS15 RL1 ENDED) F CSLSCI,SHUTDOWN CSLLCL 22.2.21 If the SPOOL runs full Delete everything older than one day on the job queue: • $P JQ,A<1,Q=PPU,PROTECT 22.2.22 If BUFX runs full Console message: *11.34.23 *$HASP050 JES2 RESOURCE SHORTAGE OF BUFX - 100% UTILIZATION REACHED * A TOTAL OF 33 BUFX ARE CURRENTLY DEFINED, OF WHICH: * 33 (100%) ARE IN USE * 7 (21%) ARE BEING WAITED FOR * 0 PROCESSORS REQUESTED BUFX BUT DID NOT WAIT * THE LARGEST UNFULFILLED REQUEST WAS FOR 0 BUFX * A MINIMUM OF 40 BUFX IS REQUIRED TO SATISFY CURRENT DEMAND Command: • $tbufdef,extbuf=(LIMIT=100) Display: • $dbufdef 11.35.37 $HASP840 BUFDEF $HASP840 BUFDEF BELOWBUF=(LIMIT=26,WARN=80,FREE=26), Page 22-16 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration $HASP840 22.2.23 Personal Edition EXTBUF=(LIMIT=100,WARN=80,FREE=100) WTO buffer full IEA404A SEVERE WTO BUFFER SHORTAGE - 100% FULL It can be relieved by • • CONTROL Q KQ 22.2.24 • Clear messages CONTROL or K C,A,123,456 deletes within interval 22.2.25 Other commands $PQ $DA,ALL $DSPL $D JQ,SPOOL=(%>5) WL Appendix N. Restarting Gnome If you cannot access Linux from a VMWare console, it may be caused by Gnome hanging. In VMWare Remote Console press CTRL+ALT+F2 for command line interface. Type: $ killall -HUP gnome-shell Return to GUI interface with CTRL+ALT+F1 Appendix O. Restoring the master console If you have lost the master console, you can restore it. First create a x3270 terminal. If it is available as a menu item you can use that. Otherwise you can start one from a command line: $ x3270 & or $ x3270 v700 & If you have a running TSO session you can use the following commands from SDSF. • • • V 700,offline V 700,online,uncond V 700,console Otherwise use from a Linux command line: $ oprmsg 'v cn(*),activate' (activate the "hardware console" for commands) $ oprmsg 'v 700,offline' Page 22-17 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration $ $ $ $ Personal Edition oprmsg 'v 700,offline,force' (if the simple vary offline fails) oprmsg 'v 700,online,uncond' oprmsg 'v 700,console' oprmsg 'v cn(*),deactivate' (optional) Appendix P. Hints and tips Problemer med IPL pga. forkert Serie Nummer indtil følgende var slettet (kræver Root Useren) usr/z1090/uim/uimclient.db (indeholder det lokale Serie Nummer) Log på 3270 via VCenter med IBMUSER. Bemærk, at der er problemer med ’CUT’ og ’PASTE’ ibm. Linux x3270 / => Options => Toggles => ‘Paste with Left Margin’ skal sættes på If ISPFPROC has been corrupted then you can log on using ISPFLITE 22.2.26 Root access Sudo bash -l gives you su Passwd -u username Passwd username 22.2.27 Housekeeping When you log on to TSO it is a good habit to start in M.5 ➔ sr and see if there are any messages that need handling If there are dumps, that cannot be written then answer • 99,d If there is a shortage of space in the JES SPOOL you can use • $P JQ,A>1,Q=PPU,PROTECT “A>1” means age more than one day. It is a good habit to do this regularly in any case M.5 ➔ o will show any system logs that have been spun off and possibly can be deleted Then go into 3.4 and look for archived DB2 logs in the format DSNA10.DBAG.ARCLOG1.D16204.T1210292.A0001974 Or DSNC10.DBCG.ARCLOG1.D16204.T1210292.A0001974 Delete the oldest ones now and then. Twice a year you might want to change time. This is done by updating USER.Z24A.PARMLIB(CLOCK00) To standard or daylight saving time after IPL. Page 22-18 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition You can change it immediately from the console or SDSF using • SET CLOCK=HH.MM.SS 22.2.28 Set time from Linux #!/bin/sh oprmsg 'VARY CN(*),ACTIVATE' cur_date=`date +"%Y.%j"` cur_time=`date +"%H.%M.%S"` oprmsg "SET DATE=$cur_date" oprmsg "SET CLOCK=$cur_time" 22.2.29 More linux tools lslogins jdoe The login shell can be changed also with the chsh command: $ sudo chsh -s /bin/sh ibmsys1 $ grep ibmsys1 /etc/passwd $ ibmsys1:x:1006:1008:ibmsys1:/home/ibmsys1:/bin/sh Page 22-19 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Figures Figure 1. Implementation process ................................................................................................................................................................ 1-1 Figure 2. Hardware and disk layout ............................................................................................................................................................ 1-2 Figure 3. Server farm layout ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Figure 4. Active ZD&T instance ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Figure 5. Preparations process ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Figure 6. Identify requirements process .................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Figure 7. License server display .................................................................................................................................................................... 5-4 Figure 8. License server browser display ................................................................................................................................................... 5-6 Figure 9. Install ZD&T server baseline system process ........................................................................................................................ 7-1 Figure 10. License client configuration ...................................................................................................................................................... 9-3 Figure 11. ZD&T configuration structure ............................................................................................................................................... 14-5 Figure 12. Example company logo image ............................................................................................................................................... 14-8 Figure 13. 3270 company logo for sign on screen ............................................................................................................................... 14-8 Figure 14. z/OS MF Screen Shots ............................................................................................................................................................. 14-28 Figure 15. IMS Connect configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 14-88 Figure 16. Integrate host data and applications process ................................................................................................................. 16-1 Figure 17. DASD migration........................................................................................................................................................................... 16-5 Figure 18. Pilot test process .......................................................................................................................................................................... 17-1 Figure 19. Design long term system process .......................................................................................................................................... 19-1 Figure 20. Build long term system process ............................................................................................................................................. 20-1 Figure 22. Cloning configuration................................................................................................................................................................ 20-2 Figure 22. Develop processes and tools process ................................................................................................................................... 20-5 Figure 23. ZD&T system upgrade process ............................................................................................................................................... 20-6 Figure 24. Hand-over process ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21-1 Figure 25. PoC machine landscape ............................................................................................................................................................ 22-1 Figure 26. XACONEDT .................................................................................................................................................................................. 22-11 Figure 28. XACLONE screen shot ............................................................................................................................................................. 22-12 Figure 28. Parmlib processor .................................................................................................................................................................... 22-14 Page 22-20 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Tables Table 1. TCP/IP ports on Linux...................................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Table 2. Sample pilot workshop agenda .................................................................................................................................................... 2-7 Table 3. Names and IP addresses.................................................................................................................................................................. 3-4 Table 4. License server ports ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4 Table 5. ZD&T Linux server ports ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-4 Table 6. z/OS ports .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4 Table 7. License server hardware ................................................................................................................................................................. 5-1 Table 8. License server file structure........................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 Table 9. License server Linux directories .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 Table 10. ZD&T server hardware ................................................................................................................................................................. 7-2 Table 11. ZD&T server file system structure ............................................................................................................................................ 7-2 Table 12. Linux subdirectories ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7-4 Table 13. Linux systems software ............................................................................................................................................................... 7-13 Table 14. System disk volumes....................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1 Table 15. z/OS TCP/IP configuration. ...................................................................................................................................................... 12-3 Table 16. Systems naming standard on Xact. ........................................................................................................................................ 13-2 Table 17. Configuration dataset naming standard. ............................................................................................................................ 13-2 Table 18. IBM systems software .................................................................................................................................................................. 14-1 Table 19. Core tables at normal start. ...................................................................................................................................................... 14-1 Table 20. ISPF configuration. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14-6 Table 21. Specific configuration members ........................................................................................................................................... 14-10 Table 22. System symbols table ................................................................................................................................................................ 14-15 Table 23. Health checker configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 14-21 Table 24. SMF configuration ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14-24 Table 25. OP LE/370 configuration ........................................................................................................................................................ 14-24 Table 26. z/OS MF configuration ........................................................................................................................................................ 14-26 Table 27. JVM batch procedures .............................................................................................................................................................. 14-31 Table 28. DB2 configuration ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14-39 Table 29. DBRMMTCH configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 14-42 Table 30. CICS Installation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14-48 Table 31. CICS configuration. .................................................................................................................................................................... 14-61 Table 32. CICS Transaction Gateway Configuration. ....................................................................................................................... 14-69 Table 33. IMS region and control block structure ............................................................................................................................ 14-72 Table 34. IMS simple configuration ........................................................................................................................................................ 14-73 Table 35. IMSID renaming configuration ............................................................................................................................................ 14-79 Table 36. IMS Transaction Isolation ...................................................................................................................................................... 14-82 Table 37. IDz installation support members ....................................................................................................................................... 14-92 Page 22-21 Xact ZD&T Cookbook 2020 Public Installation and Configuration Personal Edition Table 38. Explorer installation ................................................................................................................................................................. 14-93 Table 39. Explorer Extensions Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 14-94 Table 40. z/OS Source Code Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 14-95 Table 41. ADFz Common Component installation ............................................................................................................................ 14-95 Table 42. IBM Debugger installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 14-96 Table 43. IDz RTC integration ............................................................................................................................................................14-114 Table 44. File Manager configuration .................................................................................................................................................14-117 Table 45. Fault Analyzer configuration ..............................................................................................................................................14-123 Table 46. ICSF configuration. ..................................................................................................................................................................14-142 Table 47. EGL configuration ....................................................................................................................................................................14-158 Table 48. IWS configuration ....................................................................................................................................................................14-159 Table 49. SA configuration. ......................................................................................................................................................................14-163 Table 50. Copy package contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 16-2 Table 51. DB2 SMS configuration ............................................................................................................................................................... 16-6 Table 52. Unused references ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18-1 Table 53. ZD&T upgrade tasks .................................................................................................................................................................... 20-6 Table 54. Personal Edition hardware ....................................................................................................................................................... 22-1 Table 55. Personal Edition file structure ................................................................................................................................................. 22-1 Table 56. Personal Edition Linux subdirectories .................................................................................................................................. 22-2 Table 57. Persdonal Edition TCP/IP configuration ............................................................................................................................. 22-2 Table 58. Disk parameters ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22-6 Page 22-22