Leong-Melethil | 1 Expanding the Real Economy for a Global Competitive Edge Melethil, Ammaar. Leong, Yiq Zhenn. Calgary, AB. 14 June 2022. 548 words. A democratic approach to government which cycles every four years insinuates the incentive for each party in power to secure re-election, neglecting the long-term implications of fiscal policies that result in huge government debt. China grew rapidly because CCP adopted the Five-Year Plan without any political interference. We are not suggesting to turn Canada into a communist state, but to reckon with the likely repercussion of a growing government debt, as cautioned by Ray Dalio1. The Canadian government ran a historic deficit of C$381.6bn2 in 2021, which downgraded our fitch rating3. Debt grew about 2.08% in March 2022, amounting to 1.14 trillion 4, which is 43.89% of GDP 5 . Therefore, in our economic model of medium-run equilibrium, the government should strengthen its financial position and expand the real economy. Our evaluation of the progressive approach has enumerated a reduction in consumption, investment, net exports, and savings while increasing the government budget deficit, contrary to the premise we are proposing. High taxes and government spending also lead to a Barro Misery Index (BMI) of about 2.5 percentage points higher than equilibrium. On the other hand, conservatives would vow for low taxes and government spending. Though the numbers are promising, an increased laissez-faire approach would be detrimental to subsidized sectors. Moreover, the increase in the wealth gap due to reduced progressive tax rate pegged by the philosophy of trickle-down economics would rupture social stability 6. We are proposing to reduce the tax rate to 18% to provide lower-income earners with more disposable income and expand the economy from bottom-up7. The progressiveness of the tax bracket will be set at 1.01 to reduce the wealthiest’s spending on luxury items and channel the money into investments. We advise reducing the government budget deficit to 0% of GDP, allowing the government to manage its debt. With this fiscal policy approach, our benchmark BMI will result in a 2.5% decrease, indicating a stronger economy. Consumption will increase by 0.2% in the short-run and the growth of the real economy is stimulated through higher investment, a gateway for Canada to become less reliant on commodities. The potential trade-offs of this policy in the short-run are reduced GDP by 1.7%, inflation running below the target rate by 0.43%, and an increased unemployment rate to 10.86%. Yet, in response to the increased exchange rate, Canada will be positioned to increase net exports. 1 Ray Dalio, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order (New York: Avid Reader Press, 2021). “Canada Unveils Largest Economic Relief Package since WW2,” BBC News, December 1, 2020, sec. US & Canada, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55139229. 3 Fitchratings.com, 2014, https://www.fitchratings.com/entity/canada-80442192#ratings. 4 “Central Government Debt (X 1,000,000),” Statcan.gc.ca, 2020, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1010000201. 5 Statistics Canada Government Of Canada, “Gross Domestic Product by Income Account – Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates,” www150.statcan.gc.ca, March 1, 2022, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220301/t001a-eng.htm. 6 Ray Dalio, “Why and How Capitalism Needs to Be Reformed,” The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, October 13, 2020, https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2020/10/13/why-and-how-capitalism-needs-to-be-reformed/. 7 Bob Simison, “How Sending Stimulus Checks to the Poor Can Boost the US Economy,” The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, accessed June 13, 2022, https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/how-sending-stimulus-checks-poor-can-boost-us-economy. 2 ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 2 The increase in exports, savings and investments will reduce the leverage foreign powers have on us, thus strengthening Canadian national security in wake of the end of globalization 8. In the response to deflation, the Bank of Canada will reduce the policy rate by 2% in the medium-run to bring the economy back to equilibrium. In anticipation of the zero lower bound, a 3% leeway is at Bank of Canada’s discretion in response to crises in the future. All economic metrics in the medium-run still point towards a positive economic outcome. While there are some drawbacks in the immediate term that are directly felt by the working class, the economic shock of fiscal consolidation is still manageable. With good public communication, consumer and business confidence will increase, helping to absorb the impact on unemployment and inflation rate. Hence, fiscal consolidation cum monetary expansion will make the Canadian economy stronger in the medium-run. Larry Fink, “Larry Fink’s Letter to CEOs | BlackRock,” BlackRock, 2021, https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/investor-relations/larryfink-ceo-letter. 8 ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 3 Appendix Ray Dalio’s Country Power Score for Canada ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 4 Table 1.1 Comparative Statics for Progressive Approach Equilibrium t1 t2 x epsilon e1 0.2 1 0.02 0 e2 0.22 1.01 0.03 0 e3 0.22 1.01 0.03 0.0225 Metrics e1 Consumption Tax Revenue Investment Government Expenditure Income Interest Rate Net Exports Exchange Rate Inflation Unemployment Rate Barro Misery Index Investment Relative to Income Government Budget Trade Deficit Change in Consumption Saving - Investment ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report e2 1110 400 450 440 2000 0.05 0 1.3 0.02 0.1 0.17 0.225 -40 0 0 0 e3 1069.57 484.41 442.08 545.62 2040.29 0.0675 -16.98 1.2777 0.025 0.09 0.2026 0.2167 -61.2087 -16.9771 -0.0364 -57.4094 1047.36 475.22 431.6 535.28 2001.98 0.0734 -12.27 1.2703 0.0202 0.0995 0.1941 0.2156 -60.0594 -12.2686 -0.0564 -74.9068 Leong-Melethil | 5 Table 1.2 Comparative Statics for Conservative Approach Equilibrium t1 t2 x epsilon e1 0.2 1 0.02 0 e2 0.18 0.99 0.01 0 e3 0.18 0.99 0.01 -0.0225 Metrics e1 Consumption Tax Revenue Investment Government Expenditure Income Interest Rate Net Exports Exchange Rate Inflation Unemployment Rate Barro Misery Index Investment Relative to Income Government Budget Trade Deficit Change in Consumption Saving - Investment ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report e2 1110 400 450 440 2000 0.05 0 1.3 0.02 0.1 0.17 0.225 -40 0 0 0 e3 1144.57 327.8 457.2 347.44 1964.57 0.0344 15.35 1.3207 0.0155 0.1089 0.1411 0.2327 -19.6457 15.3498 0.0311 49.9235 1167.97 333.83 467.78 353.84 2001.09 0.028 11.49 1.3293 0.0201 0.0997 0.1484 0.2338 -20.0109 11.492 0.0522 69.4661 Leong-Melethil | 6 Table 1.3 Comparative Statics for Proposed Approach Equilibrium t1 t2 x epsilon e1 0.2 1 0.02 0 e2 0.18 1.01 0 0 e3 0.18 1.01 0 -0.02 Metrics e1 Consumption Tax Revenue Investment Government Expenditure Income Interest Rate Net Exports Exchange Rate Inflation Unemployment Rate Barro Misery Index Investment Relative to Income Government Budget Trade Deficit Change in Consumption Saving - Investment ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report e2 1110 400 450 440 2000 0.05 0 1.3 0.02 0.1 0.17 0.225 -40 0 0 0 e3 1112.54 381.75 456.91 381.75 1965.95 0.035 14.74 1.3198 0.0157 0.1086 0.1422 0.2324 0 14.7437 0.0023 17.2825 1132.74 388.13 466.31 388.13 1998.46 0.0293 11.29 1.3274 0.0198 0.1004 0.1487 0.2333 0 11.2854 0.0205 34.0239 Leong-Melethil | 7 Graphs ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 8 Experiments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:51:20 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1110.00 02 Tax Revenue: 400.00 03 Investment: 450.00 04 Government Exp.: 440.00 05 Income: 2000.00 06 Interest Rate: 0.0500 07 Net Exports: -0.00 08 Exchange Rate: 1.30 09 Inflation: 0.0200 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.1000 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.20 1.00 0.02 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.1700 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2250 03 Government Budget: -40.0000 04 Trade Deficit: -0.0000 05 Change in Consumption: 0.0000 06 Saving - Investment: -0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:51:29 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1069.57 02 Tax Revenue: 484.41 03 Investment: 442.08 04 Government Exp.: 545.62 05 Income: 2040.29 06 Interest Rate: 0.0675 07 Net Exports: -16.98 08 Exchange Rate: 1.28 09 Inflation: 0.0250 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.0900 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.22 1.01 0.03 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.2026 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2167 03 Government Budget: -61.2087 04 Trade Deficit: -16.9771 05 Change in Consumption: -0.0364 06 Saving - Investment: -57.4094 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 9 Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:52:07 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1044.91 02 Tax Revenue: 474.21 03 Investment: 430.45 04 Government Exp.: 534.14 05 Income: 1997.76 06 Interest Rate: 0.0740 07 Net Exports: -11.75 08 Exchange Rate: 1.27 09 Inflation: 0.0197 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.1006 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.22 1.01 0.03 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.1932 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2155 03 Government Budget: -59.9327 04 Trade Deficit: -11.7481 05 Change in Consumption: -0.0586 06 Saving - Investment: -76.8344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:52:33 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1042.47 02 Tax Revenue: 473.20 03 Investment: 429.30 04 Government Exp.: 533.01 05 Income: 1993.54 06 Interest Rate: 0.0747 07 Net Exports: -11.23 08 Exchange Rate: 1.27 09 Inflation: 0.0192 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.1016 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.22 1.01 0.03 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.1922 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2153 03 Government Budget: -59.8063 04 Trade Deficit: -11.2281 05 Change in Consumption: -0.0608 06 Saving - Investment: -78.7587 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:52:40 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1047.36 02 Tax Revenue: 475.22 ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 10 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Investment: 431.60 Government Exp.: 535.28 Income: 2001.98 Interest Rate: 0.0734 Net Exports: -12.27 Exchange Rate: 1.27 Inflation: 0.0202 Unemployment Rate: 0.0995 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.22 1.01 0.03 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.1941 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2156 03 Government Budget: -60.0594 04 Trade Deficit: -12.2686 05 Change in Consumption: -0.0564 06 Saving - Investment: -74.9068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:53:35 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1144.57 02 Tax Revenue: 327.80 03 Investment: 457.20 04 Government Exp.: 347.44 05 Income: 1964.57 06 Interest Rate: 0.0344 07 Net Exports: 15.35 08 Exchange Rate: 1.32 09 Inflation: 0.0155 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.1089 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.18 0.99 0.01 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.1411 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2327 03 Government Budget: -19.6457 04 Trade Deficit: 15.3498 05 Change in Consumption: 0.0311 06 Saving - Investment: 49.9235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:54:07 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1167.97 02 Tax Revenue: 333.83 03 Investment: 467.78 04 Government Exp.: 353.84 05 Income: 2001.09 06 Interest Rate: 0.0280 07 Net Exports: 11.49 ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report Leong-Melethil | 11 08 Exchange Rate: 1.33 09 Inflation: 0.0201 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.0997 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.18 0.99 0.01 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 0.1484 02 Investment Relative to Income: 0.2338 03 Government Budget: -20.0109 04 Trade Deficit: 11.4920 05 Change in Consumption: 0.0522 06 Saving - Investment: 69.4661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following are the results of the simulation that ended on 06/10/2022, 16:54:33 *** Endogenous Variables *** 01 Consumption: 1132.74 02 Tax Revenue: 388.13 03 Investment: 466.31 04 Government Exp.: 388.13 05 Income: 1998.46 06 Interest Rate: 0.0293 07 Net Exports: 11.29 08 Exchange Rate: 1.33 09 Inflation: 0.0198 10 Unemployment Rate: 0.1004 *** Parameters *** 01 t1: 02 t2: 02 x: 0.18 1.01 0.00 *** Benchmarks *** 01 Barro Misery Index: 02 Investment Relative to Income: 03 Government Budget: 04 Trade Deficit: 05 Change in Consumption: 06 Saving - Investment: ECON 303 Spring 2022 Project Report 0.1487 0.2333 0.0000 11.2854 0.0205 34.0239