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Zero Equipment Workout: World-Class Results with ATG

World-Class Results With ZERO Equipment - ATG Online Coaching
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This workout is not on the app, rather: it’s right here! That’s because it’s one session, or you can just choose bits and pieces of it. Point is: THIS
is not something you want to have to remember. By knowing these 3 exercises in your sleep, you can make REAL progress towards your
transformation from ANYWHERE, without ANY equipment…
The first exercise is the Tibialis Raise against the wall. By simple progression of standing further and further from the wall (which makes it
tougher), and then re-building closer to the wall but ONE LEG AT A TIME, and gradually working your way back out, you can achieve
superhuman tibialis from ANYWHERE, and the tibialis is THE first line of defense for your ankles, shins, and knees when decelerating or
planting to jump!
Hold on one second…
Boom! Just did 5 sets of 5 per leg.
I like a straight set of 25 when starting out, but once it’s getting easy on two legs, I like a “cluster-set” of sorts: performing 5 maximally tough
reps per leg, back and forth, 5 sets each (25 total reps per leg).
I can’t even count how many people have had miraculous results relating to foot pain, heel pain, shin splints, and knee pain, JUST from this
simple exercise!
Here’s what it looks like…
Tibialis Raise
The next exercise is the L-Sit. Not everyone can do an L-Sit off the floor, and that’s ok! Watch the video below to see how to train one leg at a
time, which again and again has proven to build up your ability till you can fully hold of the floor. I like either a straight set of 50 per leg,
alternating legs (counting upwards to 100 is the easiest way to do it). Then once you can do it fully, simple have fun practicing it! 30 seconds is
what I believe to be adequate for most sports.
Hold on one minute. Actually I don’t even need a minute, 30 seconds will do…
Phew! That was tough. Just got a world-class hip-flexor workout!
L Sit
World-Class Results With ZERO Equipment - ATG Online Coaching
And finally we have the KOT Squat!!! Couch cushions work great. So do pool toys. So does uphill sand. You can use anything really, as long as
it stops your knees when your shins are about parallel to the floor, and as long as you’ve got really comfortable padding. The comfortable
padding is KEY. The first target is being able to do a straight set of 25, but if you can’t hold technique for that – NO WORRIES: just make your
setup higher. The higher it is, the easier it is. Once you can do 25 consecutive to shins parallel, you’ll see a new wave of transformation by
working one leg at a time! This puts twice the weight through your big toe and thus activates the VMO even harder! Instead of 25 straight, I like
a 5 x 5 “cluster-set” just like the Tibialis Raise: 5 on one side, 5 on the other, back and forth until you’ve done 25 on each leg. That’s worldclass! But if 25 on two legs is easy, but one foot at a time is too tough, NO WORRIES: once again just made your pad even higher and
gradually progress your way back down, as you get stronger.
Hold on a sec. Just give me a couple minute. I’m in my hotel room. Lemme see what I got…
Quads are feeling JUICY. Just got a WORLD-CLASS knee bulletproofing AND jump potentiating workout!
KOT Squat
That is how it’s done! What’s cool is: these are three areas you can never be “too strong” in. Meaning: the stronger your tibs get, the better! The
stronger your VMOs get, the better! The tibialis and VMO are shock absorbing muscles, so not matter how strong they get, they will never
throw your body out of balance: they will just give you greater and greater abundance of protection!!! And with the hip-flexors, again it is hard to
run into trouble from being “too strong” – conversely if your glutes are super powerful but your hip-flexors and rectus femoris are not, it’s easy to
create more power into your stride than you hip-flexors and rectus femoris can handle, causing strains to your hip-flexors or rectus femoris
when you try to reach your top speed. So having an abundance of hip-flexor and retus femoris strength can help bulletproof you against injury
when you run, and can ensure that you actually maximize your true top-speed potential!
World-Class Results With ZERO Equipment - ATG Online Coaching
Now you’re equipped with the most badass exercises on the planet to create superhuman joint protection and athleticism, when you don’t have
access to equipment!
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