Цурупа Н. А. МАОУ СОШ №20 г. Южно С ахал инс к C R E AT I V E T H I N K I N G I N E N G L I S H C L A S S E S Креативное мышление. Общие сведения. Креативное мышление – это процесс, прежде всего процесс генерации идей. Поэтому компетенция «креативное мышление» = умение генерировать идеи. Креативность – не врожденное качество, а навык который можно и нужно развивать. Мы можем развивать креативное мышление в любом возрасте. Это такой же навык, как, например, навык коммуникации. Главный принцип креативности – взять то, что уже существует, и использовать это по-другому. Manhattan, aa very very important important business business part part of of the the city city isis an an island. Manhattan, island. In Manhattan north andand south, and most go In Manhattan avenuesavenues go northgo and south, most streets streets eastThey and west. haveornumbers or names. Both east andgo west. have They numbers names. Both avenues and avenues streets are usually straight. streets areand usually straight. Central Park is situated in Manhattan too. It is a very pleasant place, a green island in the middle of a busy city. There are some lakes and ponds, two skating rinks and a Fifth Avenue is popular with New Yorkers and tourists. It is famous for its shops where you can buy everything you want. The Metropolitan Museum is situated on Fifth Avenue as well. The museum has a wonderful collection of paintings and is the biggest museum in New York. New York is a city of skyscrapers. Some of them are not very beautiful, but some are wonderful and very modern. From some skyscrapers you can look at the city and enjoy its beauty. Everybody knows the Statue of Liberty, the famous symbol of the USA. It stands on Liberty Island not far from New York. The statue was a present from French people to Americans. Thank You!