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01 Handout 1(17)

Computer Organization Basics
Languages and Compilers
A computer programming language expresses a set of detailed instructions
or standard form of commands, containing unique keywords and syntax, which
are compiled to perform a specific task by the central processing unit (CPU) of
a computer. Numerous programming languages have been developed, but
each language has its specific purpose (JavaTpoint, n.d.). Programs and
applications are created through computer programming languages to control
the behavior and output of a computing machine that uses different algorithms.
Computer programming languages can be classified based on the level of
abstraction. It can either be a low-level or high-level language. Low-level
languages require programmers to manage in detail all the computer's
distinctive features relative to data storage and operations. On the contrary,
high-level languages provide notations that can be easily written and read by
programmers (Hammendinger, 2021).
• Low-Level Languages – These are programming languages that deal
with a computer's hardware components and constraints, and work to
manage a computer's operational semantics. Low-level language is also
referred to as the computer's native language. Hence, it is usually
represented in the form of zeros and ones. This category of computer
programming language provides very little to no abstraction at all. Their
primary function is to operate and manage the computing hardware and
components. Thus, programs and applications written in low-level
language are directly executable on the computing hardware without any
interpretation or translation (Techopedia, n.d.).
o Assembly language – It is a low-level language that uses short
human-readable instructions, also known as mnemonic codes, which
allow programmers to introduce names for block of memory that hold
data. Assembly language is designed to be easily translated into
machine language. However, it still requires detailed knowledge of the
internal computer architecture, and does not provide more
(Hammendinger, 2021). Example: mov, add, jmp, and clr
o Machine language – It is a low-level language composed of a set of
executable instructions that are in binary formal, also known as
numeric code. Machine language is also referred to as machine code.
Machine language is difficult to read and write, since it does not exhibit
the conventional mathematical notation or human language. Example:
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High-Level Languages – These are programming languages that enable
program development through user-friendly programming context, which
are generally independent of the computer's hardware architecture. Highlevel language has a higher level of abstraction from the computer's native
language semantics, and focuses on the programming logic rather than
the underlying hardware components. The style and context of languages
under this category are easier to understand and implement. Thus, they
are considered as close-to-human language. However, every single
program written in a high-level language must still be interpreted into a
machine language before being executed by the computer (Techopedia,
n.d.). Example: Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby
A compiler is a computer software that translates (compiles) source codes
written in high-level language into a set of low-level language instructions that
can be understood by a computer's CPU. The formal output of the compilation
process is called object code or object module. The term compiler was coined
by Grace Hopper, an American computer scientist who designed one of the
first compilers in the early 1950s (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2021).
Major phases in a compiler (Chakraborty. 2021):
• Scanning – The scanner reads the characters in the source code, from
left to right, and groups it to have a collective meaning.
• Lexical Analysis – The compiler converts the groups of characters into
series of characters known as tokens. Tokens are characterized by regular
expressions which can be recognized and understood by a lexical
analyzer. The lexical analyzer uses a symbol table to store the words in
the source code that corresponds to the generated tokens.
• Syntactic Analysis – The compiler checks the proper arrangement of the
tokens as per their usage in the corresponding source code grammar.
Syntax pertains to the correct order of a set of tokens, or sometimes
referred to as keywords, that leads to the desired results. The process of
syntax analysis is also known as parsing, which generates a parse tree.
• Semantic Analysis – This phase involves several intermediate
processes. In general, this examines whether the constructed parse tree
complies with the rules of the language. The meaning of the structured
tokens are then interpreted by the interpreter and analyzer component to
finally generate an intermediate code, known as the object code.
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Assembler and Object Code
• It is a program that translates assembly language into machine codes that
can be executed by the computer (Stallings, 2019).
• This bridges the symbolically coded instructions written in assembly
language and the computer processor, including memory and other
computational components, by assembling and converting assembly
codes into object codes that are composed of zeros and ones.
• It generally allows software and application developers to access, operate,
and manage a computer's hardware architecture and components.
• Assemblers are classified based on the number of times it takes to read
the source code before translating. There are single-pass and multi-pass
assemblers, and there are some high-end assemblers that provide
enhanced functionality by enabling the use of control statements, data
abstraction services, and support for object-oriented programming
structures (Techopedia, n.d.).
Object Code
• It is the machine language representation of a programming source code
wherein it encompasses a sequence of statements in binary form that are
generated after compiling a particular source program.
• It is the output file or program of a compiler or an assembler which can
then be transformed to another executable form by a linker (Stallings,
• Object codes are stored in object files. This includes instructions to be
executed by the computer. Note that object files may require intermediate
processing by the operating system (OS) before the hardware executes
the instructions. Some examples of object files are common object file
format (COFF) and an executable file with a .exe file extension.
Linker and Executable Code
• It is a utility program that combines one (1) or more object files from
separately compiled programs into a single file containing loadable or
executable codes (Stallings, 2019).
• The major tasks of a linker are to search and locate reference modules or
routines in a program, and to determine the memory location where the
codes will be loaded.
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Executable Code
• It is the output file, or program, of a linker that indicates tasks according to
the encoded instructions the central processing unit (CPU) can directly
execute (Stallings, 2019). Moreover, the code generated by a source code
language processor such as an assembler or a compiler can also be
considered as an executable code.
• Note that machine language files can directly be executable as a runnable
program, or may require linking with other object codes such as libraries
to produce a complete executable program.
Loader and Translator
• A loader is a major part of an operating system that is responsible for
loading executable files, including libraries, into the memory and executes
them. It calculates the size of the program and creates memory space for
it. It initializes various registers to initiate execution (Tutorialspoint, n.d.).
• The loading process for small programs is almost instantaneous, but for
large and complex applications with multiple and/or large libraries, such
as games and Computer-Aided Design (CAD), the loading process takes
a considerable amount of time (Techopedia, n.d.).
• It is the general term for a programming language processor that converts
a computer program from one (1) language to another. It takes a program
written in source code and converts it into machine code (Teach Computer
Science, n.d.).
• There are three (3) types of translator: the compiler, interpreter, and
assembler. Table 1 shows the summary of comparison among the three
(3) translators.
Translates high-level
language to low-level
It completes the
translation of the whole
program at a time
Reports the errors
detected after the
Translates high-level
language to low-level
It completes the
translation of the
program line by line
Reports the errors
detected while doing the
Translates assembly
language to machine
It completes the
translation in two (2)
Reports the errors during
the assembly
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The execution process is
Translated programs are
machine independent
Utilized by C, C++,
COBOL, and Pascal
The execution process is
Translated programs are
machine independent
Utilized by PHP, Python,
Ruby, and Perl
The execution process is
Translated programs are
machine dependent
Utilized by assembly
Process data: The execution of an instruction may require some
arithmetic or logical operation on data.
Write data: The result of an execution may require writing data to memory
or an I/O module.
Table 1. Summary of comparison of the different types of translator.
Processor Structure
A processor is an integrated electronic circuit that performs the calculations
that runs a computer. Processors can be found in different electronic devices,
such as smartphones, personal computers, printers, and even routers. The
purpose of a processor is to receive input as program instructions and execute
millions of calculations. Every operation performed on a computing device,
such as opening an application or duplicating a file, the processor interprets
program instructions (Techopedia, n.d.).
Logically distinct functional components of a processor (Ledin, 2020):
• Control Unit (CU) – This manages the overall operation of the processor.
It controls the movement of data and instructions in and out of the device,
including the operation of the arithmetic logic unit. The control unit of a
modern processor is a synchronous sequential digital circuit.
• Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – This is a combinational circuit that
executes the actual computations and bit manipulation operations in a
processor under the direction of the control unit. ALU requires input data
values, called the operands, and a specific code indicating the operation
to be performed.
• Register Set – This is a temporary internal storage that serves as source
and destination locations for instruction operations. Registers provide the
fastest data access in a processor, but are limited to a very small number
of locations. Note that the width of a register in bits is generally the same
as the processor word size.
Operations that are performed by a processor (Stallings, 2019):
• Fetch instruction: The processor reads the instruction from memory,
which can be a register, cache, or the main memory.
• Interpret instruction: The instruction is decoded to determine required
• Fetch data: The execution of an instruction may require reading data from
memory or an input/output (I/O) module.
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Figure 1. A simplified internal structure of a processor.
Source: Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance 11th edition, 2019 p. 656
Figure 1 shows the major components of a processor and specifies the data
transfer and logic control paths. The component labeled as Internal CPU bus
is needed to transfer data between various registers and the ALU. In addition,
the figure contains some basic elements in an ALU.
Number Systems Review
• A bit is the smallest unit of information in a digital computer. It represents
a discrete data element containing the value zero (0) or one (1). Bits are
marked individually within a binary number, with bit zero as the rightmost
and least significant bit (LSB).
• A byte is composed of eight bits placed together to form a single value. It
is the smallest unit of information that can be read from or write to a
computer memory by most modern processors. The following illustration
contains an example of a bit and a byte.
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In a positional number system, the ultimate numeric value is determined
by the position the number holds, and not by the number itself. The
placement of digits works through the use of a base number with a series
of exponents applied to the base. Note that the decimal number system
has a base of 10; the binary number system has a base of 2; and the
hexadecimal number system has a base of 16 (Coughlan, n.d.).
The binary number system, also known as the base-2 number system,
is a system that represents counting numbers by using the numerals 0 and
1. Any number of bits, n, can take on 2n values. Thus, 1byte, which
contains 8bits, can take on 28 or 256 different combinational values (Ledin,
2020). As an example, the binary 100112 below is equivalent to 1910 as a
decimal number.
The hexadecimal number system, also known as the base-16 number
system, encompasses binary numbers that are separated into groups of
4bits. Since there are 4bits in a hexadecimal group, the possible numbers
of binary combinations that a group can take on is 24 or 16. The first 10 of
these 16 numbers are assigned to the digits 0 to 9, while the last six (6)
numbers are assigned to the letters A to F (Ledin, 2020). As an example,
the hexadecimal number 2B9F16 below is equivalent to 1116710 in decimal
As an additional example, the binary 111010102 can be represented more
compactly by breaking it into two 4-bit groups (1110 and 1010) and write
them as the hexadecimal digits EA16. This only proves that the use of
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binary values in programming is less common, and the hexadecimal
number system is favored due to its compactness.
Binary complements are utilized by digital computers for the logical
manipulations and to simplify the addition and subtraction operation. There
are two (2) types of complements which are the following (Reddy, 2019):
o 1's complement – The only process involved in this operation is the
inversion of the given binary number. This operation is seldomly used
for representing signed (positive or negative) binary numbers since,
010 has two representations in 1's complement which are:
 -010 that is represented with 1s (e.g., 111112 in a 5-bit register);
 +010 that is represented with 0s (e.g., 000002 in a 5-bit register).
Example: The 1's complement of 1001 0011 is 0110 1100.
o 2's complement – The processes involved in this operation are the
inversion of the given binary number and the addition of 1 to the LSB.
This operation is highly utilized in representing signed (positive or
negative) binary numbers. The most significant bit (MSB) of a 2's
complement data value is the sign bit which can either be:
 0 that represents a positive value (+); and
 1 that represents a negative value (–).
Note that in 2's complement, 010 has only one (1) representation that
is always considered positive (e.g., 000002 in a 5-bit register)
Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia. (2021, May 4). Compiler. Retrieved on June 30, 2021 from Encyclopedia Britannica.
Chakraborty, K. (2021, February 22). Compiler. Retrieved on July 6, 2021 from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/3912/compiler
Coughlan, D. (n.d.). Positional number systems. Retrieved on July 12, 2021 from
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Hemmendinger, D. (2021, January 29). Computer programming language. Retrieved on June 30, 2021 from Encyclopedia Britannica:
JavaTpoint. (n.d.). What is a programming language?. Retrieved on June 30, 2021 from https://www.javatpoint.com/classification-ofprogramming-languages
Ledin, J. (2020). Modern computer architecture and organization. Packt Publishing
Reddy, A. ( 2019, February 21). 1's complement vs 2's complement. Retrieved on July 13, 2021 from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/1-scomplement-vs-2-s-complement
Stallings, W. (2019). Computer organization and architecture: Designing for performance (11th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Teach Computer Science. (n.d.). Translators. Retrieved on July 8, 2021 from https://teachcomputerscience.com/translators/
Techopedia. (n.d.). Assembler. Retrieved on July 6, 2021 from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/3971/assembler
Techopedia. (n.d.). High-level language (HLL). Retrieved on June 30, 2021 from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/3925/high-levellanguage-hll
Techopedia. (n.d.). Low-level language. Retrieved on June 30, 2021 form https://www.techopedia.com/definition/3933/low-level-language
Techopedia. (n.d.). Processor. Retrieved on July 9, 2021 from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/28254/processor
Tutorialspoint. (n.d.). Compiler design – overview. Retrieved on July 7, 2021 from
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