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Professional Education Exam Coaching: 150 Items

D. every homeroom day of the week
6. Which of the following is an example of formative
assessment of students?
A. Psychological test
1. Which one goes with the view that a teacher's job
satisfaction is positively related to his/her
B. Final exam
A. A licensed teacher is a productive teacher and a
happy teacher.
D. Quizzes
C. Placement evaluation
B. "A productive teacher is a happy teacher."
7. Teacher Ian wants to conduct a research about
dolphins on the Web. Which tool should he use to find
information on the internet?
C. An unlicensed teacher is an unproductive teacher
and an unhappy teacher.
A. Wireless network
D. "A happy teacher is a productive teacher."
B. Search engine
2. Which is a good attention getter in introducing a
C. Instant messenger
A. Relate lesson with anecdotes
B. Reading lesson objectives
C. Assigning reading before the class
D. Email
8. David came to class without his assignment. When
asked to why, he answered, "I have no one to ask for
help. My parents leave for office very early in the
morning and come home past midnight when I am
already asleep". As his teacher, what can you do?
D. Revealing lesson conclusions
3. Learner actively builds knowledge in the process of
social interaction. Which learning theory Is explained?
A. Write David’s parents about their responsibilities in
helping him with school work.
B. Warn the parents that the child will fail if unaided.
A. Constructivism
B. Cognitivism
C. Behaviorism
C. Meet his parents and discuss how home and
school can partner to assist David.
D. Advise David to talk to his parents for muchneeded help.
D. Progressivism
4. Teacher Nikka wants to determine students'
knowledge on the use of laboratory equipment. Which
assessment procedure will be most appropriate and
9. What are equivalent to standards under the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A. Levels of qualifications
B. Certificates of training
A. Oral test to identify different laboratory equipment.
C. Accreditations of schools
B. Requiring students to draw and label the laboratory
D. Cost of higher education
C. Observation of students' use of laboratory
equipment while doing experiments.
10. This refers to the motivation that comes from
outside the learner such as reinforcement.
D. Paper-and-pencil test that requires students to
enumerate the do's and don'ts' in the use of laborator
A. External motivation
5. The task of setting up routine activities for effective
classroom management is a task that a teacher
should undertake ___.
C. Extrinsic motivation
A. as soon as the students have adjusted their
B. on the very first day of school
C. every first hour of each class session
B. Internal motivation
D. Intrinsic motivation
11. Which the equivalent of self-awareness which is
basic to social-emotional growth among learners.
A. Trust
17. The government's educational program on made
the Philippine Education Placement Test accessible
for adults and out of school youth.
B. Altruism
A. equitable access
C. Integrity
B. quality
D. Ego-esteem
C. quality and relevance
12. Which one should teacher avoid to produce an
environment conducive for learning ?
A. Games
D. relevance
B. Individual competition
18. What is the primary advantage of active learning
techniques (disgussion, role play, gaming, etc.) in
C. Seat plan
A. Higher thinking
D. Tests
B. Problem solving
13. For music appreciation of different musical
epochs, which of the following is a most effective
instructional instrument?
C. Student engagement
A. Discussion
19. Which promotes independent learning?
B. Audio recording
A. Solving math drills
C. Modules
B. Participating in group activities
D. Photos
C. Guided learning
14. In standardized tests, which is commonly describe
as beginning/did not meet expectations.
D. Doing researches
A. below 65%
D. Focus on questions, not answers
20. Regardless of the transition period, how many
credit units for CPD is required of professional
teachers every three years for renewal of license?
B. below 75%
A. 10 credit units
C. below 70%
B. 45 credit units
D. below 50%
C. 15 credit units
15. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. What does
this imply? The test item must be _____.
A. Moderate in difficulty
D. 30 credit units
21. What is a tool for assessment of linguistically
intelligent learners?
B. Very difficult because only 1 got the item correctly
A. Building a model
C. Very easy because everybody got the item
B. Music listening
D. Neither difficult nor easy
C. Book report
16. Teacher Jhane asked her class to provide
feedback on each other's learning. Which form of
assessment was used?
D. Oral field observation
22. Which of the following is the initial task in
preparing a research study?
A. Summative
A. Gathering of evidences
B. Objective
B. Analysis of findings
C. Peer
C. Definition of terms
D. Self
D. Formulation of a problem
23. Teacher John is talking about "grading on the
curve" in a teachers' assembly. This means that his
tests are:
A. Cumulative method
28. What should you do if a parent who is concerned
about a grade his child received compared to another
student's grade, demands to see both students'
B. Norm-referenced
A. Refuse to show either record.
C. Criterion-referenced
B. Show both records to him.
D. Averaging method
24. What is the basis for ascertaining that a teacher
succeeds in her work of educating individual
A. Their getting out of school
C. Refuse to show any record without expressing
permission from principal.
D. Show only his child's records.
29. Which is NOT a part of grassroots approach of
Hilda Taba?
B. Their getting a diploma
A. Selection of learning content
C. Their acquired competencies
B. Selection of learning environment
D. Their being praised by parents
C. Selection of learning experiences
25. What is the appropriate role of teachers in the
community with respect to their examples and
D. Selection of technology
I. Superior
30. The curriculum is defined as the total learning
experiences of the children in school. Which part of
the curriculum assures these experiences?
II. Role Model
A. Curriculum planning
III. Community Organizer
B. Curriculum designing
IV. Elder
C. Curriculum evaluation
A. I only
D. Curriculum implementation
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. I, II and III
26. Taba's model allows the curriculum to be
designed around students needs. The first step of the
model is to ___.
31. On the variety of learning dispositions, what is one
work of a learner who can study the relationship
between plants, animals and the environment?
A. To be an ecologist
B. To be an ophthalmologist
C. To be an economist
A. Formulating a design
D. To be a globalist
B. Organizing curriculum experiences
C. Diagnosing students needs
32. How can you exhibit referent power on the first
day of school?
D. Defining the school agenda
A. By taking them the importance of good grades.
27. All of the following are Max Scheler's hierarchy of
values, except one:
B. By making them feel you know what you are talking
C. By giving your students a sense of belonging and
A. Emotional Values
B. Vital Values
C. Pleasure Values
D. Spiritual Values
D. By reminding your students of your authority over
them again and again.
C. Unity
D. Gender sensitivity
33. By and large educational authorities agree that
character is "caught" and not "taught". What is the
rationale for this?
39. Values are caught not taught. Which of the
following sources may NOT be helpful in value
formation of our students?
A. Character is generally dependent on reasoning and
intelligent thinking
A. Biographies of saints and heroes
B. Well-delivered lectures by philosophy experts
B. Character is inborn and therefore it resists changes
C. Character is generally dependent on what are seen
and experienced
D. Character is developed through the process of trial
and error
34. In the K-12 basic education curriculum, how are
science concepts taught in grades 1 to 2?
C. Living examples of leaders in the church and
D. Modeling by parents and teachers in the
40. What numerical grade corresponds to the
discriptor “Advanced”?
A. 78%
A. By the use of science modules
B. 88%
B. Through the science clubs
C. 76%
C. Integrated with English
D. 95%
D. Integrated in math subjects
35. Which program directly embodies both the preservice and in-service programs for teachers?
A. Teacher Education Development Program (TEDP)
41. Which instructional process will be most
appropriate, if Teacher Olive wants maximum student
interaction in her class of fifty students?
A. After her lecture, she divides the class into small
groups to share their reaction to identifled issues.
B. Basic Education Curriculum (BEC)
C. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA)
B. She identifies students to do class presentation
and interrogates the presenters after as class listens.
D. K-12 Program
C. After her lecture, she conducts an open forum.
36. ___ was the 1980’s foremost educational issue.
D. She makes them research on an assigned topic
then requires them to share their findings in class.
A. Bilingual Education
B. Values Education
42. Which of the following is practiced in a
brainstorming situation?
C. Accountability
A. Suggestions must have merit
D. Mainstreaming
B. Only good ideas are allowed
37. This refers to the process in which children
become participating and functioning members of
society by fitting into an organized way of life.
C. No objection to ideas
A. Assimilation
B. Accommodation
43. Following the principles for punishing students,
which of the following is the LEAST desirable strategy
for classroom management?
C. Acculturation
A. Punishing while clarifying why punishment is done
D. Socialization
B. Punishment while angry
38. What does the Madrasah program of the K-12
Curriculum prove?
C. Punish the erring student rather than the entire
A. Exclusivity
D. Give punishment sparingly
B. Inclusivity
D. Opinions must meet counter opinions
A. Analytical
B. Imagination
C. Judgment
44. Which of the following is not deliberately taught in
the lesson but will influence the curriculum?
A. Use of methodologies
D. Logical thinking
50. Advance organizers use ___ to make connections
among various pieces of information for efficient
B. Use of assessment instruments
A. Rehearsal
C. Learning peers
B. Organization
D. Statement of outcomes
C. Visual imagery
45. After a 200-hour sewing course, what is an
appropriate outcome for assessment?
A. Hours completed
D. Elaboration
51. How is the technology behind virtual or cyber
learning be best described?
B. Labelling of sewing machine parts
A. Mechanical technology
C. Pattern of product
B. Analogue technology
D. Product sewn
C. Psycho-motor technology
46. What primary response factor is considered by
Essay questions?
A. Originality
D. Digital technology
B. Factual information
52. When the industrial age introduced empirical
research, what became valuable as basis of objective
C. Wide sampling of ideas
A. Customs and traditions
D. Less time for construction and scoring
B. Observable and measurable evidence
47. What should a teacher do when he/she falls in
love with his/her student?
C. Church doctrine and morals
D. Authoritative rules and norms
A. Court the student at home.
B. Propose and marry the student.
53. It is good to give students creative learning tasks
because ___.
C. Wait till the student is no longer under his/ her
A. Development is the individual's choice
B. Development is aided by stimulation
D. Act normally as if nothing happens and the student
does not exist.
48. Which of the following statements is NOT true
about the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
A. The teacher must select which information to keep
B. The teacher must demonstrate full commitment
and devotion to duty
C. The development of individuals is unique
D. Development is affected by cultural changes
54. Under the 21st Century Life and Career Skills,
which enables a person to respond to the change of
A. Flexibility and Adaptabilty
B. Social and Cross-Cultural skills
C. The teacher must manifest pride in the nobility of
the teaching profession
D. The teacher must make no prejudice or
discrimination against any learner
49. Which is regarded by scholars as the faculty of
intelligence linked to creative thinking among
C. Leadership and Responsibility
D. Productivity and Accountability
55. What level of the cognitive process is required in
writing an essay on the personality of a fellow
A. Analyzing
B. Applying
B. Student's Handbook
C. Creating
C. Orientation
D. Recalling
D. Principal's memorandum
56. The teacher provides the learning context and the
student choose the technology tools.
62. Teacher Ana found that one item in her
achievement test has a difficulty index of 1. This
means that ___.
A. Adoption
A. The item is very difficult.
B. Adaptation
B. The item is very easy.
C. Entry
C. The item was missed by everyone.
D. Infusion
D. The item has high discriminating power.
57. Which of the following demonstrates that a
teacher is competent in content knowledge and
63. Orientation sessions for new teachers are
important. Why?
A. Research-based teaching
I. Be attuned to the school environment
B. Teacher-centered teaching
II. Be familiar with the rules
C. Concept-based teaching
III. Get to know the people in the community
D. Rote and drill-teaching
A. Il and III
58. Of subcategories’ of movement behavior, what is
happening when the teachers ends an activity
B. I and II
A. Thrust
D. I, Il and III
B. Truncation
64. The most important feature of existentialism is the
recognition of the individual and his ___.
C. I only
C. Stimulus-bounded
A. Willingness to follow given orders
D. Dangle
B. Ability to make own choices or reference
59. A class is composed of academically poor
students. The distribution will most likely to be ___.
C. Obedience to what has been dictated
A. Leptokurtic
D. Awareness to imitate what others do
B. Skewed to the left
C. Skewed to the right
65. Which main quality exemplifies the honesty of
school heads towards everyone in school and in the
D. Symmetrical
A. Sensitivity
60. What is the very psychological principle or
purpose of employing multi-cultural instruction?
B. Humility
C. Integrity
A. Achieve high standards
D. Wisdom
B. Develop cognitive skills
C. Recognize individual differences
66. At what instance is the teacher a writer in the
D. Promote motivation in learning
A. Preparing lesson plans
61. In order to assist new Teachers,which is the
MOST EFFECTIVE way to clarify the school's goals
and responsibilities early in the first year?
B. Presenting class lessons
A. School curriculum
D. Checking lesson exams
C. Assessing lesson outcomes
B. Behaviorism
C. Cognitivism
D. Constructivism
67. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must
be done?
72. In Bandura’s social learning theory, what is selfcontrol over one’s functioning and over events, such
when students maintain their honor and grades?
A. Explain how the grades were computed.
A. Creativity
B. Console parents whose children are nonperforming by telling them that nobody fails.
B. Innovation
C. Announce names of students who need to help.
C. Efficiency
D. Rank the Report Cards from highest to lowest then
distribute the same according to rank.
D. Self-efficacy
68. What could be a fitting realization on the research
finding? "A majority of the respondents strongly
agreed that teachers help develop the moral
character of the children."
A. I should impose discipline in all my learning
73. Which of the following is the equivalent of selfawareness which is basic to social-emotional growth
among learners?
A. trust
B. altruism
C. ego-esteem
B. I should model the values to children because
"values are caught."
D. integrity
C. I will ask students to research about social issues
and problems.
74. This act is discouraged in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.
D. My syllabus should have a listing of values
intended for integration.
A. drunkenness
69. What is the reason behind the line "philosophy is
deductive, rather than an inductive science"?
A. It starts from the real to the mental.
B. It relates external reality to mental reality.
C. It starts with the real outside the mind.
D. It starts from prior ideas in the mind.
70. Which of the following is TRUE of the final grade
of students?
A. The sum of the grades of learning areas are added
B. General average is computed from learning areas
with equal weight.
C. Separate grades for learning areas and, general
D. Different weights for each learning aroas and for
general average.
71. The learner's mind takes in information, processes
that information, then uses that information for
learning. Which learning theory is explained?
A. Progressivism
B. joining a fraternity
C. online selling
D. taking a Master's Degree
75. Mrs. Lim wants to generate as many ideas as she
can as the class is about to embark on a community
outreach program. Which of the following will she
A. Simulation
B. Brainstorming
C. Brainwashing
D. Role playing
76. Authentic performance assessment refers to ___.
A. demonstration of skillful activity
B. role-play sessions with students
C. summative assessment skillful activities
D. tasks related to real-world activities
77. Which type of test best measure the higher order
of cognitive learning?
A. Achievement
B. Essay
C. Objective
D. Multiple Choice
78. These are examples of scaffolds that the teacher
can use to facilitate learning especially for those who
falter or fall behind in class discussions, but NOT to
include ___.
83. Researchers on the brain tell that brain is more
"plastic" in younger children and potentially more
malleable for re-routing neural circuits. What is an
implication on reading disabilities?
A. Questions
I. Early identification of reading disabilities is very
B. Cues
C. Drills
II. Remediation for reading disablilties must be given
as early as possible.
D. Prompts
III. Reading disabilities in late childhood are beyond
79. If I have to use the most authentic method of
assessment, which of these procedures should I
A. Traditional Test
B. I only
B. Written Test
C. I and II
C. Performance-based Assessment
D. III only
D. Objective Assessment
84. Among standardized tests, which reveals
strengths and weaknesses for purposes of placement
and formulating an appropriate instructional program?
80. Which is the most critical consideration when
choosing an instructional material?
A. II only
A. Personality Tests
A. Learning content
B. Achievement Tests
B. Learning outcomes
C. Diagnostic Tests
C. Durability
D. Competency Tests
D. Aesthetic appeal
81. Teacher Jacob brought a white mouse in the class
during a discussion about mammals. The white
mouse is a device commonly known as realia.
Teacher can bring realia only when it is ___.
85. Does quarterly assessment have the same weight
for all the subject areas in Grades 11 and 12?
A. Yes
B. No
A. available
C. For the academic tracks
B. feasible
D. It depends on schools
C. affordable
D. workable
82. Teacher Marc is searching for an appropriate
mobile app that he can use in his history class.
86. To be an effective classroom manager, what
should be coupled with a friendly attitude?
A. Supervision skills
B. Caring attitude
A. accuracy
C. Confidence
B. authenticity
D. Tolerance
C. objectivity
D. all of these
87. Give the most fitting tagline for the slogan on
cultural diversity which says “different roads
sometimes lead to the same castle.”
A. Unity in cultural diversity
B. Cultural diversity
C. Cultural norm
94. Among the following research instruments, one
does not belong to the group. Which is it?
D. Cultural identity
A. Interview
B. Checklist
88. There are several components that make up a
morally mature person. Which shows that a teacher
applies moral principles (e.g. the Golden Rule) when
making moral judgement?
A. Encourages others to share their ideas
C. Test
D. Procedure
95. Which of the following best exemplifies the
application of Gestalt theory on insight learning?
B. Takes into account the opinion of others
A. Teacher uses powerpoint to teach history
C. Reflects on moral choices
B. Teacher relates past history to present events
D. Embraces change
C. Teacher focuses on people who make history
89. Tests should be non-threatening, but which of the
following actually threatens students?
A. Self-record of test scores
B. Submission of report
C. Scheduled exam
D. Surprise exam
D. Teacher gives quizzes after each history lesson
96. The following are the specific strategies for
memory enhancement. Which one is not?
A. Sleep before studying
90. What is the active learning strategy to promote
friendly competition and an atmosphere of fun in
A. Games
B. Debate
C. Fishbowl
D. Case study
B. Distribute, study and practice new materials
91. How can teachers make parents find reporting of
grades of their children meaningtul?
A. RA 7160
C. Use mnemonic devices
D. Overlearn the material
97. What is the legal basis of shared governance in
basic education?
B. RA 10533
A. By comparing grades of individual students.
C. RA 9155
B. By distributing grade report cards.
D. RA 7836
C. By telling parents the limitations of their children.
D. By explaining grades and performance of students.
98. What does basic education in the Philippines
92. Students are actively engaged in using technology
as a tool rather than passively receiving information
from the technology.
I. Kindergarten
A. Goal directed
III. Alternative learning systems for out-of-school
learners and those with special need
II. Elementary and secondary education
B. Active
A. II only
C. Authentic
B. I, II and III
D. Collaborative
C. II and III
93. What does it mean when a misdemeanor had a
“ripple effect” on the class?
A. That misbehavior will end
B. That the class will know the misbehavior
C. That it can affect the whole class
D. That the class is to be blamed for the misbehavior
D. I and II
99. Only those with an average rating of 70 to 74
deployed as ___.
A. professional teachers
105. Students use technology tools to link learning
activities to the world beyond the instructional setting
rather than working on discontextualized
B. substitute teachers
A. Entry
C. para-teachers
B. Infusion
D. school teachers
C. Authentic
100. From Classroom management strategies applied
of erring students, which of the following should NOT
be done?
D. Goal directed
A. Surprise quiz
B. Communicating problem to parents
C. Shaming erring student before the class
106. Which of the following best describes the test
scores of students in an achievement test, which is
said to be leptokurtic?
A. A greater portion of the distribution concentrates
around the central tendency.
D. Parent-principal conference
B. There is little concentration around the central
101. How are transition activities best handled?
C. The scores are negatively skewed.
A. By surprising students on activity transition
D. The distribution of scores is skewed to the right.
B. By simply enforcing the next activity
107. Teacher Marriane ensures that students are
ready for their quarterly assessment as she teaches
and assesses students regularly prior to the
summative assessment. What principle reflects such
C. By clustering students in group
D. By setting instructions for the next activity
102. What is the lowest mark that can be reflected in
the report card?
A. Content principle
A. 60
B. Equity principle
B. 65
C. Learning principle
C. 70
D. Product principle
D. 75
108. What is the most preferable ratio of students for
peer tutoring?
103. In the learning areas TLE and MAPEH
performance tasks are given the largest weight
because ___.
A. 1:10 student-students ratio
A. It's purely psychomotor without cognitive aspect.
B. Both have no affective component.
C. Objective assessment cannot be performed.
D. Both are non-academic subjects.
104. Which among these terms is the most
encompassing in the context of applying technology in
the teaching-learning process?
B. 1:1 student-student ratio
C. 2:1 students-students ratio
D. 2:2 students ratio
109. Teachers use examples and content from a
variety of cultures and groups to illustrate key
concepts, generalizations, and issues within their
subject area or disciplines. What is described?
A. Demo teaching
A. Information Technology
B. Subject focus
B. Instructional Technology
C. Content integration
C. Educational Technology
D. Cultural changes
D. Technology in Education
D. Integrated approach
110. The most basic principle in Mastery Instruction is
high ___.
116. The students are expected to construct
knowledge and meaning out for what they are taught
by connecting them to prior experience.
A. corrects instruction e.g. alternative instructional
A. Learner-centered approach
B. enriches instruction, e.g. independent study
B. Constructivist approach
C. adapts to the learner rather than the learner to
C. Interactive approach
D. Collaborative approach
D. assesses instruction e.g: use rubrics
111. The third gender ideology identified by Hockchild
is ___.
117. What kind of display should be placed on bulletin
boards of schools?
A. Decorative
A. transmittal
B. Informative
B. transformational
C. Colorful
C. transitional
D. Cognitive
D. transcendental
112. The concept of self-efficacy was introduced by
118. ___ supports equitable access but on the other
hand, quality might be compromised.
A. Open admission
A. Carl Rogers
B. School accreditation
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Deregulated tuition fee
C. Howard Gardner
D. Selective retention
D. Albert Bandura
113. What are characteristics of a good management
119. On age period of development, at what age
should the school teach knowledge and appreciation
of career and professional values?
A. It's prepared by learners
A. From birth to about 18 months
B. It is approved by parents
B. About 18 months to 6 years
C. It comes from the principal
C. About 45 to 65 years
D. It's clear and simple
D. About 17 to 45 years
114. What Republic Act punishes any person who
practices the teaching profession in the Philippines
without having first a license as a professional
120. In the delivery of distance education, what
computer application is used to organize instructions
and track students' records and progress?
A. Computer-based Multimedia
A. RA 1006
B. Computer-assisted Instruction
B. RA 7796
C. Computer-mediated Education
C. RA 7836
D. Computer-managed Instruction
D. RA 7722
115. The teaching process brings the learner to the
process of thinking about thinking. The learner
reflects on what he learn and on his/her way of
A. Metacognitive approach
B. Problem-based approach
C. Individualistic approach
121. Which should be presented first prior to
discussing a lesson on Florante at Laura?
A. Lesson sequencing
B. Lesson method of learning
C. Lesson learning outcomes
D. Lesson assessment tools
122. Which of the following is not an example of
verbal-linguistic skills?
127. Which of the following can best encourage
participation by learners on the issue of family
A. Journal writing
A. Graphs and charts
B. Debates
B. Power-point presentation
C. Discussion
C. Role playing
D. Computations
D. Photos
123. Which of the following is an example of
summative assessment of students?
A. Final Exam
128. The concept of globalization came about in
recent years because the world has become
borderless primarily due to ___.
B. Quizzes
A. Advances in technology
C. Checklists
B. Teacher exchange programs
D. Observation
C. Use of English as a medium of teaching
124. What kind of sources do critical thinking rely on
for attaining truth resolving problems?
D. ASEAN integration
A. biased
129. Which of the following best implements
research-based learning?
B. credible
A. Information data gathering
C. opinionated
B. Whole class lecture
D. vested interest
C. Powerpoint instruction
125. What kind of research is appropriate to
determine the effectiveness instruction in
Mathematics in a grades three, four, five and grade
six classes?
D. Intensive seat work
130. Since Millennial Learners and immersed in
cellphones, computers, Goodling, etc. the use of ___
is critical for use by modern teacher.
A. Sequential
A. audiovisuals
B. Experietial
B. media
C. Cross sectional
C. digital tools
D. Longitudinal
D. bulletin board displays
126. Which statement is TRUE of society's demand
from the professional teacher?
A. The professioral teacher is concerned only with
classroom teaching.
131. “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.” This means that pupils learn
best when they ____.
A. take active part in the learning process
B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the
professional teacher.
B. learn independently
C. Because the professional teacher' is expected to
be highly enlightened, he is expected to campaign for
the good cardidate during election time.
C. watch television
D. The professioral teacher is not expected to lead in
community affairs in order not to jeopardize her
132. One cognitive advancement in adolescence is
metacognition, what does metacognition mean?
D. work with groups
A. Ability to do problem solving
B. Ability to recall and explain
C. Ability to analyze and synthesize
D. Ability to identify one's own thinking process and
A. Tests and quizzes
139. Teacher Elena stopped giving group work after
she observed group members leave the work to group
leaders. What specific principle of learning should
urge teacher Elena to revive and guide students on
group activities?
B. Essay requirement
A. Learning is a discovery of ideas
C. Journal writing
B. Learning is an active process
D. Demonstration of skills
C. Learning is a collaborative process
134. Which is understood by an eye wink, simple
nooding of a head or wave a hand?
D. Learning starts with clear expectations
133. Which assessment tool will you use so that
performance results can be highly measurable?
B. Facial expression
140. While she is now teaching fourth grade students,
Teacher Niks mainly uses drills in order to advance
memory-building for higher test scores. What principle
of learning should teacher Niks aware of?
C. Verbal communication
A. Learning begins with expected outcomes
D. Body language
B. Learning is an active process
135. Considering that curriculum is a dynamic
process, this person put premium in the role of
teachers' participation in developing the curriculum is
C. Learning is discovery of meaning
A. Gesture
D. Learning is a collaborative process
141. Which is self-assessment?
A. Galen Saylor
A. Peers assess fellow students
B. Ralph Tyler
B. Students reflect on learning behavior
C. Hilda Taba
C. Assessment through mentors
D. William Alexander
D. Assessment through dialogue
136. The 4 pillars of learning correspond to the 3
domains of teaching cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. Is this statement TRUE?
142. Which of the following is the highest level of
A. No
A. relationships shown among concepts
B. Yes
B. an identification or classification
C. Perhaps
C. a description or definition
D. Depends on teacher
D. an explanation, a justification and interpretation
137. Which learning activities involve estimating,
calculating, budgeting and analyzing?
143. Which of the following correctly states an aspect
of effective reflective practice?
A. Numeracy
A. The reflection should be free of links to conceptual
frameworks that limit inquiry and problem solving.
B. Research
C. Literacy
D. Data gathering
138. This is a tool assessment for spatially intelligent
A. Writing inner thoughts
B. Written report
C. Landscape drawing
D. Oral demonstration enacting a movie scene
B. Teacher coaches should create an environment of
trust and build a context for reflection that is unique to
every learning situation.
C. Peer coaching should be done sparingly because it
can interfere with a coach's own reflective potential.
D. Reflective practice, to remain truly professional,
should exclude student input that challenges teaching
D. I, III and IV
144. Which kind of teacher planning establishes
general content and is often prepared by a committee
of experts?
A. Weekly planning
B. Unit planning
149. Which of the following situations depict a wellmanaged and learning-conducive class?
A. Students pursue their task without inhibition in Mr.
Raymundo's class.
B. The learners are controlled by their homeroom
teacher Ms. Nonato.
C. Term planning
D. Course mapping
C. There is blind obedience among Mrs. Quiambao's
145. Learning is an active process. Which one is an
application of this principle?
D. The learners are eager to reach their objectives,
especially in Mr. Montesa's music class.
A. Avoid drills which are out of context.
150. The score distribution of an achievement test
has some outliers. Which measure of variability would
be best to describe the dispersion of scores to the
B. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary
C. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer
by making them follow the steps.
D. Group students for work or project, in that way
project becomes less expensive.
146. These are values which are basic, urgent and
obligatory in character in man's life and activities:
A. Range
B. Inter-quartile range
C. Variance
D. Coefficient of variation
A. Religious values
B. Ethical values
C. Cultural values
1. A. A licensed teacher is a productive teacher
and a happy teacher.
D. Social values
2. C. Assigning reading before the class
147. The concept of Kindergarten school is drawn
from a ___ root word which means “children's
3. A. Constructivism
4. C. Observation of students' use of laboratory
equipment while doing experiments.
A. German
5. B. on the very first day of school
B. Italian
6. D. Quizzes
C. French
7. B. Search engine
D. English
8. C. Meet his parents and discuss how home and
school can partner to assist David.
148. After kindergarten and 12 years of schooling,
every K to 12 graduate will be ready for higher
education, employment, or entrepreneurship since he
is equipped with ___.
9. A. Levels of qualifications
I. Life and career skills
11. D. Ego-esteem
II. Learning and innovation skills
12. B. Individual competition
III. Information, media and technology skills
13. B. audio recording
IV. Effective communication skills
14. B. below 75%
A. I and II
15. C. Very easy because everybody got the item
10. C. Extrinsic motivation
B. II and IV
16. C. Peer
C. I, II, III and IV
17. A. equitable access
18. C. Student engagement
50. B. Organization
19. D. Doing researches
51. D. Digital technology
20. B. 45 credit units
52. B. Observable and measurable evidence
21. C. Book report
53. B. Development is aided by stimulation
22. D. Formulation of a problem
54. A. Flexibility and Adaptability
23. B. Norm-referenced
55. C. Creating
24. C. Their acquired competencies
56. D. Infusion
25. B. II and III
57. A. Research-based teachers
26. C. Diagnosing students needs
58. B. Truncation
27. A. Emotional Values
59. C. Skewed to the right
28. D. Show only his child's records.
60. C. Recognize individual differences
29. D. Selection of technology
61. C. Orientation
30. D. Curriculum implementation
62. B. The item is very easy.
31. A. To be an ecologist
63. D. I, II and III
32. C. By giving your students a sense of
belonging and acceptance.
64. B. Ability to make own choices or reference
65. C. Integrity
33. C. Character is generally dependent on what
are seen and experienced
66. A. Preparing lesson plans
34. C. Integrated with English
67. A. Explain how the grades were computed
35. A. Teacher Education Development Program
68. B. I should model the values to children
because "values are caught."
36. A. Bilingual Education
69. C. It starts with the real outside the mind.
37. D. Socialization
70. A. The sum of the grades of learning areas are
added together.
38. B. Inclusivity
71. C. Cognitivism
39. B. Well-deserved lectures by philosophy
72. D. Self-efficacy
40. D. 95%
73. C. ego-esteem
41. A. After her lecture, she divides the class into
small groups to share their reaction to identified
74. A. Drunkenness
42. C. No objection to ideas
76. D. tasks related to real-world activities
43. B. Punishment while angry
77. B. Essay
44. C. Learning peers
78. B. Cues
45. D. Product sewn
79. C. Performance-base assessment
46. C. Wide sampling of ideas
80. B. Learning outcomes
47. C. Wait till the student is no longer under his/
her tutelage.
81. B. feasible
48. A. The teacher must select which information
to keep confidential
49. B. Imagination
75. B. Brainstorming
82. D. all of these
83. C. I and II
84. C. Diagnostic Tests
85. B. No
119. D. About 17 to 45 years
86. B. Caring attitude
120. B. Computer-assisted Instruction
87. A. Unity in cultural diversity
121. C. Lesson learning outcomes
88. C. Reflects on moral choices
122. D. Computations
89. D. Surprise exam
123. A. Final exam
90. Games
124. B. Credible
91. D. By explaining grades and performance of
125. C. Cross sectional
92. B. Active
126. B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of
the professional teacher.
93. C. That it can affect the whole class
127. C. Role Playing
94. D. Procedure
128. A. Advances in technology
95. B. Teacher relates past history to present
129. A. Information data gathering
130. B. media
96. D. Overlearn the material
131. A. take active part in the learning process
97. C. RA 9155
98. B. I, II and III
132. D. Ability to identify one's own thinking
process and strategies
99. C. para-teachers
133. D. Demonstration of skills
100. C. Shaming erring student before the class
134. A. Gesture
101. D. By setting instructions for the next activity
135. C. Hilda Taba
102. A. 60
136. B. Yes
103. D. Both are non-academic subjects
137. A. Numeracy
104. C. Educational Technology
138. C. Landscape drawing
105. C. Authentic
139. C. Learning is a collaborative process
106. A. A greater portion of the distribution
concentrates around the central tendency.
140. B. Learning is an active process
141. B. Students reflect on learning behavior
107. C. Learning principle
108. B. 1:1 student-student ratio
109. C. Content integration
142. D. an explanation, a justification and
110. C. adapts to the learner rather than the
learner to instruction
143. B. Teacher coaches should create an
environment of trust and build a context for
reflection that is unique to every learning
111. B. transformational
144. D. Course mapping
112. D. Albert Bandura
145. C. Let students learn the steps in opening a
computer by making them follow the steps.
113. D. It's clear and simple
114. C. RA 7836
115. A. Metacognitive approach
116. B. Constructivist approach
117. B. Informative
118. A. Open admission
146. B. Ethical values
147. A. German
148. C. I, II, III and IV
149. D. The learners are eager to reach their
objectives, especially in Mr. Montesa's music
150. B. Inter-quartile range