Uploaded by haniaismail111

Why I Love Swimming: Benefits & Personal Experience

Why do I love Swimming?
Swimming is a healthy activity and is a great way
of keeping fit and staying healthy. You can do
swimming at any age. I love swimming because it
finishes my stress and helps to maintain my
weight. It strengthens my muscles and improves
my flexibility. I also prefer it because it is a good
exercise for a sunny day and I enjoy doing it very
much. I do know some swimming recreational
techniques. I can do freestyle swimming, back flips
and front flips. Swimming can be done by anyone
at any age. There is a lot much difference between
swimming in pool and in river. In pool you can
change the temperature knob or close by seeing
the weather conditions .but that’s not with
swimming in a river. The temperature cannot be
changed and the waves are moving all over which
does not keeps you balanced. I like swimming
because it can be done anytime and anywhere
depending on the pools conditions. I also like
swimming because there are many friends to play
with and you can enjoy in that cold water. The
equipment’s that you should have