Student Name (First and Last Names) 1. 2. Circle the codes corresponding to the courses you wish to take. Print circled course codes and titles in the box at the far right of the form. Students must select two English courses for Grade 10 and 12. Grade 11 students must take ELA20 and may choose a second English elective. Grade Next Year GRADE 10 GRADE 11 ENGLISH ENGLISH ELA10 ELB10 English LA A 10 Regular English LA B 10 Regular SOCIAL STUDIES HIS10 NAT10 HIS10F History 10 Regular Indigenous Studies 10 History 10 (French Immersion) SCIENCE SCI10 SCI10F 4. 5. 6. 7. Grade 9 & 10 students must take 10 courses. Grade 11 students must take at least nine courses. Grade 12 students must take at least nine courses unless they have special permission from the Principal. Most students take 10 courses in a school year. MFP10 MWA10 FLT10 MFP10F “*” following a course indicates that the course does not require a prerequisite (There are no prerequisites for Grade 9 courses). PRACTICAL APPLIED ARTS Courses with low enrolment may be cancelled by the school at which time students that are affected may change their requests. “NS” indicates that a course is non-Semestered. These courses are taught every other day for the entire year. “NC” indicates a non-credit course. NON CREDIT COURSES DRI10-N RESX RE2X Driver’s Education (NC) SEM 1 Resource Room (NC) SEM 2 Resource Room (NC) EAL1 EAL2 SEM 1 English as an Additional Language SEM 2 English as an Additional Language Math 10 Foundations & Pre-Calculus Math Workplace & Apprenticeship Financial Literacy Foundations/Pre-Calc (French Imm) PHYS. ED WLF10 WLM10 WLL10 WLL10-N WLL10-B CAC10 CLO10 DRC10 FOO10 INF10 PHO10 RBA10 CWE10 CWE10-B Girl’s Wellness 10 Boys’ Wellness 10 All Inclusive Wellness 10 Wellness 10 (NS) Band Students Only Wellness 10 (Softball Academy) Construction & Carpentry 10* Clothing 10* Drafting 10* Food 10* Information Processing 10* Photography &Graphic Design 10* Robotics and Automation 10* Career & Work Exploration 10* Car/Work Exploration (Ball Academy) DRA10 GUI10 JAZ10 VAR10 Art Education 10 (musical theatre) Band 10 (NS) Choral 10 * DAN10 Dance 10* Drama 10* Guitar 10* Jazz 10 Visual Arts 10* LANGUAGES FRE10 FRA10F English LA 20 Regular Creative Writing 20 SOCIAL STUDIES HIS20 NAT20 HIS20F History 20 Regular Indigenous Studies 20 History 20 (French Immersion) CSC20 ESC 20 HSC20 PSC20 Computer Science 20 Environmental Science 20 Health Science 20 Physical Science 20 MATH MAF20 MAF20F MPC20 MWA20 Math 20 Foundations Foundations of Math 20 (French) Math 20 Pre-Calculus Math 20 Apprenticeship PHYS. ED PED20R PED20-F HPP20L PED20-B Physical Education 20 Phys Ed 20 (Female Only) High Performance & Psychology 20 Phys Ed 20 (Softball Academy) PRACTICAL APPLIED ARTS CAC20 DRC20 PAA20 INF20 PHO20 RBA20 CWE20 CWE20-B Construction & Carpentry 20* Drafting 20* Intermediate Woodworking* Information Processing 20 Photography & Graphic Arts 20 Robotics and Automation 20* Car/work Exploration2 Car/work Exploration 20 (Ball Academy) FINE ARTS FINE ARTS ARE10 BAN10-N CHO10 ELA20 ELW20 SCIENCE Science 10 Regular Science 10 (French Immersion) MATH 3. Date French 10 Francais 10 BAN20-N CHO20-N DAN20 DRA20 ARE20 JAZ20 VAR20 GUI20 Band 20 (NS) Choral 20 (NS) Dance 20 Drama 20 Art Education 20 (Musical Theatre) Jazz 20 Visual Arts 20 Guitar 20 LANGUAGES FIA20F FIB20F FIA20F FRE20 French Int A20 French Int A30 French Immersion Language French 20 NON CREDIT COURSES RESX RE2X SEM 1 Resource Room (NC) SEM 2 Resource Room (NC) EAL1 EAL2 SEM 1 English as an Additional Language SEM 2 English as an Additional Language Courses Selected CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . COURSE TITLE GRADE 12 FINE ARTS ENGLISH ELA30 ELB30 ELA30P ELB30P CRW30 English A 30 Regular English B 30 Regular English A 30 (AP) English B 30 (AP) Creative Writing 30 SOCIAL STUDIES HIS30 NAT30 LAW30 PSY30 HIS30N PSY30G or GEO30B PSY30N or HIS30N SOC30F History 30 Regular Indigenous Studies 30 Law 30 Psychology 30 History 30 (Band NS) Psychology 30 or Geography 30 (Softball Academy) Psychology 30 or History 30 (Band Students) Social Studies 30 (French Imm) SCIENCE BIO30 CHE30 CSC30 ESC30 PHY30 BIO30P/ BIO30PL Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Computer Science 30 Earth Science 30 Physics 30 Biology 30 (AP) Select both classes MATH CAL30 MAF30 MPC30 MWA30 MAF30F Band 30 (NS) Choral 30 Dance 30 Drama 30 Guitar 30 Jazz 30 Visual Arts 30 Art Education 30 (Musical Theatre) Jazz Studies 30 LANGUAGES FRE30 FRA30F French 30 Francais 30 PRACTICAL APPLIED ARTS CWA30/ CWB30 CLO30 PAB30/PAG DRF30 FLT30 FOO30 INF30 INT30 LTR30 PHO30 RBA30 Car/Work Exp. 30 A/B* (Select both) Clothing 30 Electric Guitar Construction Drafting 30 Financial Literacy 30 Food Studies 30* Information Processing 30 Interior Design 30* Life Transitions 30* Photography & Graphic Arts 30 Robotics and Automation 30* NON CREDIT COURSES Calculus 30 Math 30 Foundations Math 30 Pre-Calculus Math 30 Apprenticeship Foundations of Math 30 (French) PHYS. ED PED30 PED30-F PED30-B BAN30-N CHO30 DAN30 DRA30 GUI30 JAZ30 VAR30 ARE30 JAZ30 Physical Education 30 Phys Ed 30 (Female Only) Phys Ed 30 (Ball Academy) RESX RE2X SEM 1 Resource Room (NC) SEM 2 Resource Room (NC) EAL1 EAL2 SEM 1 English as an Additional Language SEM 2 English as an Additional Language