PARA USO EXCLUSIVO DEL ICE ANSI/TIA-607-D-2019 APPROVED: JULY 29, 2019 Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises TIA-607-D (Revision of TIA-607-C) Copyright Telecommunications lndustry Association Provided by lHS under license with TIA July 2019 Order Number: W21TT784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,201 9-08-2621 :58:09 VTC NOTICE TIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for their particular need. The existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of TIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications. 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(From Project No. ANSI/TIA-PN-607-D, formulated under the cognizance of the TIA TR-42 Telecommunications Cabling Systems, TR-42.3 Subcommittee on Commercial Building Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces (569). Published by TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Standards and Technology Department 1320 N. Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 U.S.A. PRICE: Please refer to current Catalog of TIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION STANDARDS AND ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS or call IHS, USA and Canada (1-877-413-5187) International (303-397-2896) or search online at All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT This document is copyrighted by TIA. Reproduction of these documents either in hard copy or soft copy (including posting on the web) is prohibited without copyright permission. For copyright permission to reproduce portions of this document, please contact the TIA Standards Department or go to the TIA website ( for details on how to request permission. 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ANSI/TIA-607-D Generic Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding (Earthing) for Customer Premises Table of Contents FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................. viii 1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 1 3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS OF MEASURE .................................. 2 4 5 6 3.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 2 3.3 Acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................................ 7 3.4 Units of measure .......................................................................................................... 8 REGULATORY ..................................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 National requirements .................................................................................................. 9 4.2 Local code requirements .............................................................................................. 9 OVERVIEW OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS BONDING AND GROUNDING SYSTEMS .................. 10 5.1 General .......................................................................................................................10 5.2 Overview of the telecommunications bonding infrastructure........................................10 5.2.1 General ................................................................................................................10 5.2.2 Primary bonding busbar (PBB) ............................................................................12 5.2.3 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC)....................................................12 5.2.4 Telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) ....................................................13 5.2.5 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) ........................................................................13 5.2.6 Secondary bonding conductor (SBC) ...................................................................13 5.2.7 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) ....................................................................13 TELECOMMUNICATIONS BONDING COMPONENTS .................................................................... 14 6.1 General .......................................................................................................................14 6.2 Busbars ......................................................................................................................14 6.2.1 Primary bonding busbar (PBB) ............................................................................14 6.2.2 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) ........................................................................14 6.2.3 Rack bonding busbar (RBB) ................................................................................15 6.3 Conductors .................................................................................................................15 6.3.1 General ................................................................................................................15 6.3.2 Sizing the telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) .....................................15 6.3.3 Sizing the telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) ....................................16 i 7 6.3.4 Sizing the backbone bonding conductor (BBC) ....................................................16 6.3.5 Sizing the secondary bonding conductor (SBC) ...................................................16 6.3.6 Use of structural metal .........................................................................................16 General .........................................................................................................16 Connections to the PBB/SBB ........................................................................17 6.4 Connectors .................................................................................................................17 6.5 Identification................................................................................................................17 6.5.1 Conductors ..........................................................................................................17 6.5.2 Labels ..................................................................................................................17 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 18 7.1 General .......................................................................................................................18 7.1.1 Telecommunications entrance room or space ......................................................18 7.1.2 Distributor rooms .................................................................................................18 7.1.3 Computer rooms ..................................................................................................19 7.1.4 Cabinets and racks ..............................................................................................19 7.1.5 Metallic pathways ................................................................................................20 7.1.6 Structural metal....................................................................................................20 7.2 Primary bonding busbar (PBB)....................................................................................21 7.2.1 General ................................................................................................................21 7.2.2 Bonds to the PBB ................................................................................................21 7.2.3 Connections to the PBB .......................................................................................22 7.3 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) ...............................................................................22 7.3.1 General ................................................................................................................22 7.3.2 Bonding to the TBB ..............................................................................................22 7.3.3 Bonds to the SBB ................................................................................................22 7.3.4 Connections to the SBB .......................................................................................23 7.4 Rack bonding busbar (RBB) .......................................................................................23 7.4.1 General ................................................................................................................23 7.4.2 Bonds to the RBB ................................................................................................23 7.4.3 Connections to the RBB.......................................................................................23 7.5 Conductors .................................................................................................................23 7.5.1 General ................................................................................................................23 7.5.2 Bend radius and included angle ...........................................................................23 7.5.3 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC)....................................................24 ii --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ANSI/TIA-607-D ANSI/TIA-607-D 7.5.4 Telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) ....................................................24 7.5.5 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) ....................................................................25 7.5.6 Coupled bonding conductor (CBC) ......................................................................25 7.5.7 Bonding conductors for connections to the mesh-BN or RBB ..............................25 7.5.8 Telecommunications equipment bonding conductor (TEBC) ................................26 Separation ....................................................................................................27 Bonding equipment cabinets/equipment racks to the TEBC ........................................27 7.7 Structural bonding of equipment cabinets/equipment racks ........................................28 7.8 Supplementary bonding networks ...............................................................................29 7.8.1 Mesh-BN..............................................................................................................30 7.8.2 Mesh-IBN.............................................................................................................31 7.8.3 Bonding conductor for connections to the supplementary bonding network .........32 Administration .............................................................................................................32 EXTERNAL GROUNDING ................................................................................................................. 33 8.1 Grounding resistance ..................................................................................................33 8.1.1 Minimum requirements ........................................................................................33 8.1.2 Enhanced requirements .......................................................................................33 8.2 9 General .........................................................................................................26 7.6 7.9 8 Grounding electrode system design ............................................................................33 8.2.1 General ................................................................................................................33 8.2.2 Soil resistivity testing............................................................................................33 8.2.3 Low resistance .....................................................................................................33 8.2.4 Potential equalization ...........................................................................................34 8.2.5 Design configuration ............................................................................................34 PERFORMANCE AND TEST REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 35 9.1 Two-point ground/continuity testing .............................................................................35 9.2 Grounding electrode system testing ............................................................................35 9.2.1 Three-pole fall-of-potential method ......................................................................35 9.2.2 Clamp-on test meter ............................................................................................37 9.3 Soil resistivity testing...................................................................................................38 9.3.1 General ................................................................................................................38 9.3.2 Four-point method ...............................................................................................38 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- General .........................................................................................................38 Test procedure..............................................................................................39 iii ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex A (norrmative) BONDING IN MULTI-TENANT BUILDINGS ........................................................ 42 A.1 General .......................................................................................................................42 A.2 Common bonding infrastructure ..................................................................................42 A.2.1 General ................................................................................................................42 A.2.2 Common bonding busbar (CBB) ..........................................................................42 A.2.3 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC)....................................................42 A.2.4 Common telecommunications bonding backbone (CTBB) ...................................44 A.2.5 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) ........................................................................44 A.2.6 Secondary bonding conductor (SBC) ...................................................................44 A.2.7 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) ....................................................................44 A.3 Tenant bonding infrastructure .....................................................................................44 A.3.1 General ................................................................................................................44 A.3.2 Bonding of the primary bonding busbar................................................................44 A.3.2.1 Common bonding infrastructure present .......................................................44 A.3.2.2 Common bonding infrastructure not present .................................................44 Annex B (informative) BONDING METHODS.......................................................................................... 45 Annex C (informative) GROUNDING ELECTRODES ............................................................................. 46 C.1 General .......................................................................................................................46 C.2 Ground rods ................................................................................................................46 C.3 Electrolytic ground rods ..............................................................................................47 C.4 Ground plate electrodes ..............................................................................................47 C.5 Wire mesh ..................................................................................................................47 C.6 Concrete encased electrode .......................................................................................48 C.7 Ground ring electrodes ...............................................................................................48 C.8 Ground radial electrodes .............................................................................................48 C.9 Enhanced grounding materials ...................................................................................49 C.10 Grounding conductors .............................................................................................50 Annex D (informative) TOWERS AND ANTENNAS ................................................................................ 51 D.1 General .......................................................................................................................51 D.2 Grounding electrode system .......................................................................................51 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- D.2.1 External grounding ...............................................................................................51 D.2.2 Bonding busbars ..................................................................................................51 D.2.3 Grounding systems ..............................................................................................52 D.2.3.1 Type 1 sites ..................................................................................................52 iv ANSI/TIA-607-D D.2.3.2 D.2.4 Type 2 sites ..................................................................................................53 Tower grounding ..................................................................................................53 D.2.4.1 Guyed metallic towers...................................................................................54 D.2.4.2 Self-supporting metallic towers .....................................................................56 D.2.4.3 Wooden structures (poles) ............................................................................57 D.2.5 Building/shelter and outdoor cabinet grounding ...................................................59 D.2.6 Rooftop sites grounding system ...........................................................................60 D.2.6.1 Down conductors ..........................................................................................63 D.2.6.2 Roof conductors............................................................................................63 D.2.7 Transmission line grounding at antenna locations ................................................63 D.2.8 Ancillary objects requiring bonding and grounding ...............................................64 D.2.8.1 Fence grounding ...........................................................................................64 D.2.8.2 Generators....................................................................................................66 D.2.8.3 Satellite dishes..............................................................................................67 D.2.9 Internal bonding and grounding ...........................................................................67 D.2.9.1 Components .................................................................................................67 D.2.9.2 Installation ....................................................................................................67 D.2.9.3 Bonding to the external ground electrode system .........................................68 Annex E (informative) TELECOMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICAL PROTECTION .................................. 69 Annex F (informative) ELECTRICAL PROTECTION FOR OPERATOR-TYPE EQUIPMENT POSITIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 71 Annex G (informative) CROSS REFERENCE OF TERMS...................................................................... 73 Annex H (informative) BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................. 74 List of Figures Figure 1 – Relationship between relevant TIA standards ............................................................x Figure 2 – Elements of generic cabling topology ........................................................................ 3 Figure 3 – Illustrative example of a multi-story large building ....................................................11 Figure 4 – Illustrative example of a single story large building ...................................................12 Figure 5 – Illustrative example of a smaller building ..................................................................12 Figure 6 – Example PBB ...........................................................................................................14 Figure 7 – Example SBB ...........................................................................................................15 Figure 8 – Typical label for bonding and grounding conductors.................................................17 Figure 9 – Example of three methods to bond equipment and racks .........................................20 v --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Figure 10 – Illustration of bend radius and included angle .........................................................24 ANSI/TIA-607-D Figure 11 – Bonding to the service equipment (power) ground .................................................24 Figure 12 – Example TEBC to rack bonding conductor connection ...........................................26 Figure 13 – Example of a TEBC routed on cable tray................................................................27 Figure 14 – Illustration of connection point to a rack from a TEBC ............................................28 Figure 15 – Illustration of a bond connection from a cabinet to the cabinet door .......................29 Figure 16 – A mesh-BN with equipment cabinets, frames, racks and CBN bonded together ....30 Figure 17 – A mesh-IBN having a single point of connection.....................................................32 Figure 18 – Illustration of test instrument connections ...............................................................37 Figure 19 – Four-point method ..................................................................................................39 Figure 20 – Example of multiple test locations ..........................................................................40 Figure 21 – Recommended resistivity table layout ....................................................................41 Figure 22 – Illustrative example of a multi-tenant building .........................................................43 Figure 23 – Illustrative views of typical ground rods ..................................................................46 Figure 24 – Illustrations of a vertical and horizontal electrolytic ground rod ...............................47 Figure 25 – Illustrative view of a concrete-encased electrode ...................................................48 Figure 26 – Illustrative view of a ground radial electrode ...........................................................49 Figure 27 – Illustrative example of ground enhancement materials surrounding a grounding conductor and a ground rod ......................................................................................................50 Figure 28 – Illustrative example view of a site grounding electrode system ...............................51 Figure 29 – Illustration of a parallel ground rod installation ........................................................53 Figure 30 – Illustration of a guyed tower grounding example.....................................................55 Figure 31 – Illustration of guy wire grounding ............................................................................56 Figure 32 – Illustration of a monopole tower grounding example ...............................................57 Figure 33 – Illustrative view of a wooden pole grounding example ............................................58 Figure 34 – Illustrative view of a cabinet grounding system .......................................................60 Figure 35 – Illustrative rooftop tower example ...........................................................................61 Figure 36 – Illustrative view of roof-mounted antenna mast grounding with a supplemental grounding electrode system ......................................................................................................62 Figure 37 – Illustrative view of side-mounted antenna grounding using copper strap down conductor ..................................................................................................................................63 Figure 39 – Illustrative view of a fence fabric and deterrent wiring bonding example .................66 Figure 40 – Illustrative view of a generator grounding example .................................................67 Figure 41 – Electrical protection for operator-type equipment positions ....................................72 vi --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Figure 38 – Illustration of a fence bonding example ..................................................................65 ANSI/TIA-607-D List of Tables Table 1 – TBB/BBC conductor size vs length ............................................................................16 Table 2 – Stake distance...........................................................................................................36 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Table 3 – Cross reference of terms ...........................................................................................73 vii ANSI/TIA-607-D FOREWORD (This foreword is not considered part of this Standard) This Standard was developed by TIA Subcommittee TR-42.3. Approval of this Standard This Standard was approved by TIA Subcommittee TR-42.3, TIA Engineering Committee TR-42, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). ANSI/TIA reviews standards every 5 years. At that time, standards are reaffirmed, withdrawn, or revised according to the submitted updates. Updates to be included in the next revision should be sent to the committee chair or to ANSI/TIA. Contributing organizations More than 60 organizations within the telecommunications industry (including manufacturers, consultants, end users, and other organizations) contributed their expertise to the development of this Standard. Documents superseded This Standard supersedes ANSI/TIA-607-C dated November, 2015, and its addendum. Significant technical changes from the previous edition Significant changes from the previous edition include: • • • The contents of Addendum 1 (bonding in multi-tenant buildings) were incorporated. References were updated to conform with the 2019 edition of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Standards Style Guide for Engineering Committees. Definition of and requirements for secondary bonding conductor were added. Annexes There are seven annexes to this Standard. Annex A is normative and considered a part of this Standard. Annexes B through G are informative and not considered a part of this Standard. Relationship to other TIA standards and documents The following are related standards regarding various aspects of structured cabling that were developed and are maintained by Engineering Committee TIA TR-42. Figure 1 shows the schematic relationship between TIA telecommunications cabling standards. • • • • • • • Generic Telecommunications Cabling for Customer Premises (ANSI/TIA-568.0) Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard (ANSI/TIA-568.1) Balanced Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cabling and Components Standard (ANSI/TIA-568.2) Optical Fiber Cabling and Components Standard (ANSI/TIA-568.3) Broadband Coaxial Cabling and Components Standard (ANSI/TIA-568.4) Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces (ANSI/TIA-569) Residential Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard (ANSI/TIA-570) viii ANSI/TIA-607-D • • • • • • • • • • Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure (ANSI/TIA-606) Customer-owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard (ANSI/TIA-758) Structured Cabling Infrastructure Standard for Intelligent Building Systems (ANSI/TIA-862) Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers (ANSI/TIA-942) Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Industrial Premises (ANSI/TIA-1005) Healthcare Facility Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard (ANSI/TIA-1179) Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Educational Facilities (ANSI/TIA-4966) Standard for Sustainable Information Communications Technology (ANSI/TIA-4994) Telecommunications Physical Network Security Standard (ANSI/TIA-5017) Automated Infrastructure Management (AIM) Systems- Requirements, Data Exchange and Applications (ANSI/TIA-5048) ix ANSI/TIA-607-D Common Standards Premises Standards ANSI/TIA-568.0 (Generic) ANSI/TIA-568.1 (Commercial) ANSI/TIA-568.2 (Balanced twistedpair) ANSI/TIA-569 (Pathways and spaces) ANSI/TIA-570 (Residential) ANSI/TIA-568.3 (Optical fiber) ANSI/TIA-606 (Administration) ANSI/TIA-607 (Bonding and grounding [earthing]) ANSI/TIA-758 (Outside plant) ANSI/TIA-862 (Intelligent building systems) ANSI/TIA-942 (Data centers) Cabling & Component Standards ANSI/TIA-568.4 (Broadband coaxial) ANSI/TIA-1005 (Industrial) ANSI/TIA-1179 (Healthcare) ANSI/TIA-4966 (Educational) ANSI/TIA-4994 (Sustainability) ANSI/TIA-5017 (Security) ANSI/TIA-5048 (Automated infrastructure management) Figure 1 – Relationship between relevant TIA standards x --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`, ANSI/TIA-607-D Introduction Telecommunications, as used in this Standard, refers to the transmission of all forms of information (e.g., voice, data, video, security, audio, industrial, building control, remote power delivery). Telecommunications equipment used to support these wide varieties of systems that rely on the electronic transport of information require an effective building infrastructure. This infrastructure encompasses spaces, pathways, cables, connecting hardware, and a bonding and grounding system. For reliable operation of any telecommunications equipment or system, bonding and grounding (earthing) is essential – regardless of the cabling technology or media. This Standard focuses on the bonding and grounding portion of this infrastructure. NOTE – The North American term “grounding” that is used in this Standard is equivalent to the international term “earthing.” The bonding and grounding approach in this Standard is intended to work in concert with premises cabling, equipment, spaces and pathways specified within the TIA Engineering Committee TR-42. The requirements specified in this Standard in conjunction with a basic understanding of bonding and grounding concepts and methodologies will aid in achieving a reliable solution when applied to telecommunications installations. Several sources of bonding and grounding information exist within the telecommunications industry. For example, the NEC specifies requirements regarding the safety aspects of bonding and grounding of equipment and systems. Yet another example is that of ATIS 0600318, Electrical Protection Applied to Telecommunications Network Plant at Entrances to Customer Structures or Buildings, which provides information on bonding and grounding to support electrical protection considerations. Purpose The purpose of this Standard is to enable and encourage the planning, design, and installation of generic telecommunications bonding and grounding systems within premises with or without prior knowledge of the telecommunications systems that will subsequently be installed. While primarily intended to provide direction for the design of new buildings, this Standard may be used for existing building renovations or retrofit treatment. Design requirements and choices are provided to enable the designer to make informed design decisions. Stewardship Telecommunications infrastructure affects raw material consumption. The infrastructure design and installation methods also influence product life and sustainability of electronic equipment life cycling. These aspects of telecommunications infrastructure impact our environment. Since building life cycles are typically planned for decades, technological electronic equipment upgrades are necessary. The telecommunications infrastructure design and installation process magnifies the need for sustainable infrastructures with respect to building life, electronic equipment life cycling and considerations of effects on environmental waste. Telecommunications designers are encouraged to research local building practices for a sustainable environment and conservation of fossil fuels as part of the design process. See TIA TSB-5046 for sustainable processes for manufacturers and ANSI/TIA-4994 for planning sustainable information communications technology systems. xi ANSI/TIA-607-D Specification of criteria Mandatory criteria generally apply to protection, performance, administration and compatibility; they specify the minimally-compliant requirements. Advisory or desirable criteria are presented when their attainment will enhance the general performance of the cabling system in all its contemplated applications. A note in the text, table, or figure is used for emphasis or offering informative suggestions, or providing additional information. Metric equivalents of United States customary units The dimensions in this Standard are metric or United States customary with approximate conversions to the other. Life of this Standard This Standard is a living document. The criteria contained in this Standard are subject to revisions and updating as warranted by advances in building construction techniques and telecommunications technology. xii --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Two categories of criteria are specified; mandatory and advisory. The mandatory requirements are designated by the word "shall;" advisory requirements are designated by the words "should,” "may," or "desirable," which are used interchangeably in this Standard. ANSI/TIA-607-D 1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for a generic telecommunications bonding and grounding infrastructure and its interconnection to electrical systems and telecommunications systems. This Standard may also be used as a guide for the renovation or retrofit of existing systems. 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. ANSI and TIA maintain registers of currently valid national standards published by them. • • • • • • ANSI/TIA-606, Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure ATIS 0600321, Electrical Protection for Network Operator-Type Equipment Positions ATIS 0600334, Electrical Protection of Communications Towers And Associated Structures IEEE C2, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®) NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® (NEC®) NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 1 ANSI/TIA-607-D 3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS OF MEASURE 3.1 General For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions, acronyms, abbreviations and units of measure apply. 3.2 Definitions access floor: A system consisting of completely removable and interchangeable floor panels that are supported on adjustable pedestals or stringers (or both) to allow access to the area be­ neath. access provider: The operator of any facility that is used to convey telecommunications sig­ nals to and from a customer premises. administration: The method for labeling, identification, documentation and usage needed for installation, moves, additions and changes of the telecommunications infrastructure. backbone: A facility (e.g., pathway, cable or bonding conductor) for Cabling Subsystem 2 and Cabling Subsystem 3. backbone bonding conductor: A telecommunication bonding connection which interconnects telecommunications bonding backbones (formerly known as the grounding equalizer). bonding: The joining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path. bonding conductor: A conductor that joins metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path. bonding network (telecommunications): A set of interconnected conductive structures that provides a low impedance path for the associated telecommunications infrastructure. building backbone: 1) Pathways or cabling between telecommunications service entrance rooms, equipment rooms, telecommunications rooms, or telecommunications enclosures within a building. 2) Cabling for interconnecting telecommunications spaces from the telecommunica­ tions entrance facility to a horizontal cross-connect within a building. cabinet: A container that may enclose connection devices, terminations, apparatus, wiring, and equipment. cable: An assembly of one or more insulated conductors or optical fibers, within an enveloping sheath. cable sheath: A covering over the optical fiber or conductor assembly that may include one or more metallic members, strength members, or jackets. cabling: A combination of ali cables, jumpers, cords, and connecting hardware. Cabling Subsystem 1: Cabling from the equipment outlet to Distributor A, Distributor B, or Dis­ tributor C. Cabling Subsystem 2: Cabling between Distributor A and either Distributor B or Distributor C (if Distributor B is not implemented). Cabling Subsystem 3: Cabling between Distributor B and Distributor C. Note - See figure 2 below for an illustration of the generic cabling topology for Cabling Subsystem 1, Cabling Subsystem 2, Cabling Subsystem 3, Distrib- 2 Order Number: W21TT784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,201 9-08-2621 :58:09 VTC ANSI/TIA-607-D utor A, Distributor B, Distributor C, an optional consolidation point and the equipment outlet. Cabling subsystems do not include equipment cords. DC / ©.· / / - 1 -----.© �---� �0 1 - - DB 0/ ¡0 / DA DA r- --¡ 1 CP 1 ._____, .______, 1�; 7 0 0 r- -¡ 1 CP 1 EO 1��7 .___Eo___, Legend: � Distributor A � Distributor e @] � r---¡ 1 CP 1 L---- Di stributo r 8 Equ ipment o utlet Optional conso lidation po int Optiona l ti e cabling 0 Cabling Subsystem 1 cable 0 Cabling Subsystem 2 cable 0 Cabling Subsystem 3 cable NOTE -AII elements shown represent cables and connecting hardware, not spaces or pathways. Figure 2 - Elements of generic cabling topology campus: The buildings and grounds having legal contiguous interconnection. coaxial cable: A telecommunications cable consisting of a round center conductor surrounded by a dielectric surrounded by a concentric cylindrical conductor (shield) and an optional insulat­ ing sheath. common bonding busbar: A bonding busbar serving one or more common telecommunica­ tions bonding backbones in a multi-tenant building. common bonding network: The set of metallic components that are interconnected to form the principie means for effectively bonding equipment inside a building to the grounding electrode system. 3 Order Number: W21 TT784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resa1e,20, 9-0S.26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D common distributor room: A distributor room that services tenants in a multi-tenant building. common telecommunications bonding backbone: A conductor that interconnects the com­ mon bonding busbar of a multi-tenant building to the secondary bonding busbars for shared services and the primary bonding busbars in tenant spaces. compression connection: A means of permanently bonding a conductor to a connector by permanently deforming the connector using a compression tool. computer room: An architectural space whose primary function is to accommodate data pro­ cessing equipment. conduit: 1) A raceway of circular cross-section. 2) A structure containing one or more ducts. connecting hardware: A device providing mechanical cable terminations. consolidation point: A connection facility within Cabling Subsystem 1 for interconnection of cables extending from building pathways to the equipment outlet. cord: 1) An assembly of cord cable with a plug on one or both ends. 2) An assembly of optical fiber cable with a connector on each end. cord cable: A cable used to construct patch, work area, and equipment cords . customer premises: Building(s), grounds and appurtenances (belongings) under the control of the customer. Distributor A: Optional connection facility in a hierarchical star topology that is cabled between the equipment outlet and Distributor B or Distributor C. Distributor B: Optional intermediate connection facility in a hierarchical star topology that is ca­ bled to Distributor C. Distributor C: Central connection facility in a hierarchical star topology. distributor room: An enclosed architectural space designed to contain Distributor A, Distributor B or Distributor C. earth: See ground. earthing: See grounding. electromagnetic interference: Radiated or conducted electromagnetic energy that has an un­ desirable effect on electronic equipment or signal transmissions. entrance facility (telecommunications): An entrance to a building for both public and prívate network service cables (including wireless) including the entrance point of the building and con­ tinuing to the entrance room or space. entrance point (telecommunications): The point of emergence for telecommunications ca­ bling through an exterior wall, a floor, or from a conduit. entrance room or space (telecommunications): A space in which the joining of inter or intra building telecommunications cabling takes place. NOTE -An entrance room may also serve as a distributor room. equipment cord: see cord. equipment outlet: Outermost connection facility in a hierarchical star topology. 4 Order Number: w21m54 Sold to:ICE [053809100001]. Not fer Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D equipotentíal bonding: equal potential. Bondíng between metallíc components to achíeve a substantially exothermic weld: A method of permanently bondíng two metals together by a controlled heat reaction resulting in a molecular bond. grid: A collection of adjacent cells. ground: A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical cir­ cuí! (e.g., telecommunicatíons) or equipment and the earth, orto sorne conducting body that serves in place of earth. grounding: The act of creating a ground. grounding electrode: A conductor, usually a rod, pipe or plate (or group of conductors) in di­ rect contact with the earth for the purpose of providing a low-impedance connection to !he earth. grounding electrode conductor: The conductor used to connect the grounding electrode to !he equipment grounding conductor, or to the grounded conductor of !he circuí! at !he service equipment, or at the source of a separately derived system. grounding electrode system: One or more groundíng electrodes that are connected together. infrastructure (telecommunications): A collection of !hose telecommunications components, excluding equipment, that together provide the basic support for the distribution of informatíon withín a building or campus. listed: Equipment included in a list published by an organization, acceptable to the authority having jurisdíction, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment, and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner. mechanícal connection: A reversible means of connecting a conductor to a connector through the use of a set screw or other bolt and nut device. mesh bonding network: A bonding network to which ali associated equipment (e.g., cabinets, frames, racks, trays, pathways) are connected using a bonding grid, which is connected to multiple points on the common bonding network. mesh isolated bondíng network: A mesh bonding network that has a single point of conneo­ tion to either the common bonding network or another isolated bonding network. patch cord: A cord used to establish connections on a patch panel. patch panel: A connecting hardware system that facilitates cable termination and cabling ad­ ministration using patch cords. pathway: A facility for the placement of telecommunications cable. prímary bonding busbar: A busbar placed in a convenient and accessible location and bond­ ed, by means of !he telecommunications bonding conductor, to the buildings service equipment (power) ground (formerly known as the telecommunications main grounding busbar). prímary protector: The protector located at the building telecommunications entrance point. prímary protector grounding conductor: The conductor connecting the primary protector to ground. protector: A device consisting of one or more protector units and associated mounting assem­ blies intended to limit abnormal voltages or currents on metallic telecommunications circuits. 5 Orcklf -..:'-"'"'OOr. W21777S4 Sold t❖:iCE !05380$-COwH Not fm Hem,lo,&1s-cs,25 2q;e,co UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D rack: Supporting frame equipped with side mounting rails to which equipment and hardware are mounted. rack bonding busbar: A busbar within a cabinet, frame or rack. rack bonding conductor: Bonding conductor from the rack or rack bonding busbar to the tele­ communications equipment bonding conductor. secondary bonding busbar: A common point of connection for telecommunications system and equipment bonding to ground, and located in the distributor room (formerly known as the telecommunications grounding busbar). Secondary bonding conductor: Bonding conductor from the secondary bonding busbar to the telecommunications bonding backbone. secondary protector: A device that protects against electrical transients passed through the primary protector or generated within the customer premises. sheath: See cable sheath. shield: 1) A metallic layer placed around a conductor or group of conductors. 2) The cylindrical outer conductor with the same axis as the center conductor that together form a coaxial trans­ mission line. sleeve: An opening, usually circular, through the wall, ceiling, or floor to allow the passage of cables. soil resistivity: The measure of a soil's ability to retard the conduction of an electric curren!. space (telecommunications): An area used for housing the installation and termination of tel­ ecommunications equipment and cable. splice: A joining of conductors, meant to be permanent. supplementary bonding grid: A set of conductors or conductive elements formed into a grid or provided as a conductive plate that is part of a bonding network. star topology: A topology in which telecommunications cables are distributed from a central point. telecommunications: The transmission and reception of information by cable, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems .. telecommunications bonding backbone: A conductor that interconnects the primary bonding busbar to the secondary bonding busbar. telecommunication bonding conductor: A conductor that interconnects the telecommunica­ tions bonding infrastructure to the building's service equipment (power) ground (formerly known as the bonding conductor for telecommunications). telecommunications equipment bonding conductor: A conductor that connects the primary bonding busbar, secondary bonding busbar or supplementary bonding network to equipment racks or cabinets, rack bonding busbars or rack bonding conductors. telecommunications infrastructure: See infrastructure (telecommunications). unit bonding conductor: A bonding conductor from equipment or a patch panel to a rack bonding conductor or a rack bonding busbar. wire: An individually insulated solid or stranded metallic conductor. 6 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001J, Not 1or Resale,2{)19-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D work area cord: See cord. 3.3 Acronyms and abbreviations ac alternating current ACEG alternating current equipment ground AHJ authority having jurisdiction ANSI American National Standards lnstitute ATIS Alliance fer Telecommunications lndustry Solutions AWG American Wire Gauge BBC backbone bonding conductor BN bonding network CBB common bonding busbar CBC coupled bonding conductor CBN common bonding network CP consolidation point CTBB common telecommunications bonding backbone de direct current EMI electromagnetic interference ENT electrical nonmetallic tubing EO equipment outlet ESO electrostatic discharge FCC Federal Communications Commission HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning IACS lnternational Annealed Copper Standard IBN isolated bonding network IEC lnternational Electrotechnical Commission ISO lnternational Organization fer Standards ITE infermation technology equipment ITU-T lnternational Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication sector mesh-BN mesh bonding network mesh-lBN mesh isolated bonding network NEC® Nationa/ Electríca/ Code® NECA National Electrical Contractors Association NESc® National E/ectrical Safety Code® NFPA National Fire Protection Association 7 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019·08·26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D NRTL nationally recognized testing laboratory PBB primary bonding busbar PDU power distribution unit RBB rack bonding busbar RBC rack bonding conductor RF radio frequency SBB secondary bonding busbar SBC secondary bonding conductor SBG supplementary bonding grid SPC single point connection TBB telecommunications bonding backbone TBC telecommunications bonding conductor TEBC telecommunications equipment bonding conductor TEF telecommunications entrance facility TIA Telecommunications lndustry Association UBC unit bonding conductor 3.4 Units of measure cm centimeter ft feet, foot in inch kcmil thousand circular mils km kilometer m meter mm millimeter ohms-cm ohms-centimeter V volt 8 Order Number: W21777B4 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not fer Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 4 REGULATORY 4.1 National requirements This Standard is intended to conform to the National E/ectrical Code® (NEC®; NFPA-70) and the National E/ectrical Safety Code® (NESC®; IEEE C2). 4.2 Local code requirements This Standard does not replace any code, either partially or wholly. Local code requirements shall be followed. The local code requirements should be reviewed with the local authority hav­ ing jurisdiction (AHJ). The review should confirm the currently adopted code and edition and any exceptions to the code that are adopted by the governing authority (the AHJ). lf no code has been adopted locally, consult with the fire marshal's office to determine what agency is respon­ sible for code enforcement in that geographic area. 9 Order Number. W2177764 Sold to: ICE [0538091 00001 ], Not far Resale,2019·08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 5 OVERVIEW OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS BONDING ANO GROUNDING SYSTEMS 5.1 General The basic principies, components, and design of telecommunications bonding and grounding infrastructure specified in this Standard shall be followed amongst buildings of differing designs and structures. NOTE - The requirements in this Standard differ from utility service provider re­ quirements, which are specified in ATIS 0600313. ATIS 0600313 specifications support a robust level of service appropriate to a service provider. Users of this Standard are encouraged to refer to ATIS 0600313 where robust service re­ quirements exist. Bonding and grounding systems within a building are intended to have one electrical potential. This is achieved to a large extent by following the requirements and guidelines in clauses 6 and 7 of this standard. For an enhanced bonding infrastructure that facilitates a greater degree of equipotential bonding, the supplementary bonding infrastructure specifications in clause 7.8 should be used. While the bonding and grounding of the electrical service entrance is outside the scope of this Standard, coordination between electrical and telecommunications bonding and grounding sys­ tems is essential for the proper application of this Standard. For example, electrical room and associated electrical panelboard(s) are not part of the telecommunications infrastructure, but they are depicted in this Standard because they are integral to the telecommunications bonding and grounding system. See 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 for more information regarding bonding to electrical panelboards. When installed, the lightning protection system should meet the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Where a tower or antenna is installed, the installation shall meet the bonding and grounding re­ quirements of ATIS 0600334. See annex B for information regarding bonding and grounding of towers and antennas. 5.2 Overview of the telecommunications bonding infrastructure 5.2.1 General Within a building (see illustrative examples figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5), the generic telecom­ munications bonding infrastructure originales at the electrical entrance facility ground and ex­ tends throughout the building. lt includes the following major components: a) primary bonding busbar (PBB); b) telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC); and may also include the following: c) d) e) f) telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB); secondary bonding busbar (SBB); secondary bonding conductor (SBC); and backbone bonding conductor (BBC). These telecommunications bonding components are intended to work with a building's tele­ communications pathways and spaces, installed cabling, and administration system. 10 Order Number: W21TT784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not lor Resale,2019·08·25 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Distributor - - - - - -room Distributor room 1 1 ,l--1-•::::::------+�upment J 1 SBB ¡-T I- - - J 1 1 1.r:-•----l-'Pathway,s-s 1 1 1 r.-1--=H----. Equpment J Electrical - entrance [ faci lity 1 1 1 Gt1 1 �- 1 Grounding 1 Electrode Conductor 1 - Grounding electrode system 1 1 1 1 �--◄ Equipment -l[_ - - - / Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) � I T-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 boodiog baddmoe (TBB) � Telecommunications 1 1 ( - ..L.!1 - -1 entrance facility (TEF) i 1 1 - - 1 1 Distributor room 1 1 Telecommunications 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1-TI- __ J 1 1 111 _ji.!._ - 1 1 1 1 1 111 -'-- _ o·1stn'b utor room SBB 1 I___ J 1 1 m Secondary bonding conductor (SBC) 1 1 1 1 �IT- - ------i.J__ n 1 1 1 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) J1 1 í_JL __ : Secondary bonding conductor (SBC) 1 1 1 BB (SBB) d ) Prima ry bord ng busb� P( ) Se c no a ry b no d b ar ing bus-__ _ _ __ - _ ----_ _� - - -- - _ _ _- _ _ _ _ LEG END - � l_ - - � Structural metal Busbar Service equipment Panelboard Building spaces Bonding oonductor as labeled Figure 3 - lllustrative example of a multi-story large building 11 Sol to:ICE 1053809100001). No! for d Resale.2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC Order Number: W2177784 ANSI/TIA-607-O Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) Electrical entrance 1 r · facility ·1.. __ ,,, Secondary bonding b usbar (SBB) Primary bonding busbar (PBB) 11 I; 1 v_l 1 1 1 1 1 1 -41�� 11 1 1'-----1 1 1 1 1 '--r r - - - - - - - • 1 1 i /: 1 ------------\ r-1 1 Telecommunications entran ce facility (TEF) '-r r--------- , ______________________ Telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) / 1 Pathways - / '-------------- LEGEND � 1 1 1 1 1 1 Distrib utor room 1 Equipm�J Panelboard B usbar Buil ding spaces Bonding cond uctor as l abel ed Service equi p ment Figure 4 - lllustrative example of a single story large building Electrical entrance ----- ----facílity r : 1 1 1 --- ¿ 1 Grounding electrode system ""'F" 1 r- 1 �1 1 1 1 __¡__ , LEGEND A Telecommunications - entrancefacility (TEF) : ----------'---11 : 1/ 1 1 �--------L ________ _ Grounding: electrode : conductor 1 ---------------- ---------- - - :q��.:� J (PBB) Prirrary bondhg busbar 1 1 ----------------------------- 1 elecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) ¡j ¡,.a r 7' 1/ 1 ¡, _J Structural metal Busbar Service equipment Panelboard Building spaces Bonding conductor as labeled Figure 5 - lllustrative example of a smaller building 5.2.2 Primary bonding busbar (PBB) The PBB serves as the dedicated extension of the building grounding electrode system for the telecommunications infrastructure. The PBB also serves as the central attachment point for the TBB(s) and equipment. See 6.2.1 and 7.2. 5.2.3 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) The TBC bonds the PBB to the service equipment (power) ground. See 6.3.3 and 7.5.3. 12 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE (0538091000011, No! for Aesale,2019-08·26 21:58:09 UTC ANSl!TIA-607-D 5.2.4 Telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) The TBB is a conductor that interconnects ali SBBs with the PBB. The intended function of a TBB is to reduce or equalize potential differences. A TBB is not intended to serve as a ground fault curren! return path. The TBB originates at the PBB, extends throughout the building using the telecommunications backbone pathways, and connects to the SBBs in distributors. See 6.3.2 and 7.5.4. 5.2.5 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) The SBB is the bonding connection point for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by a distributor. See 6.2.2 and 7.3. 5.2.6 Secondary bonding conductor (SBC) Where the SBB is not bonded directly to the TBB, the SBC is used to bond the SBB to the TBB. See 6.3.5 and 7.3.2. 5.2.7 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) When there are multiple TBBs, the BBC is employed to interconnect them through the associat­ ed busbars, either on the same floor in a multi-story building or in the same general area of a single story building. See 6.3.4 and 7.5.5. 13 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not lc>r Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 6 TELECOMMUNICATIONS BONDING COMPONENTS 6.1 General This clause specifies components of the telecommunications bonding infrastructure. 6.2 Busbars 6.2.1 Primary bonding busbar (PBB) The PBB shall: a) be a busbar provided with holes for use with correctly matched listed lugs and hardware; b) be made of copper, or copper alloys having a mínimum of 95% conductivity when an­ nealed as specified by the lnternational Annealed Copper Standard (IACS); e) have mínimum dimensions of 6.35 mm (0.25 in) thick x 100 mm (4 in) wide and variable in length; and, d) be listed. See 7.2.1 for installation requirements. Figure 6 illustrates an example of a PBB. Hole spacing, size and pattern may vary. 16 mm (5/8 in) ty p 100mm (4 in) Min. L��-+-1 13 mm (½ in) 11 mm dia. (7/16 in), typ 25 mm (1 in) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o l----.f----l,-----"".;:.-----=----7"''-----50mm (2 in) 11 mm dia (7/16 in) Mounting hales, typ o o o o 29 rr/ o o o o o o o (1-1/8 in) typ Figure 6 - Example PBB 6.2.2 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) The SBB shall: a) be a busbar provided with holes for use with correctly matched listed lugs and hardware; b) be made of copper, or copper alloys having a mínimum of 95% conductivity when an­ nealed as specified by the IACS; e) have mínimum dimensions of 6.35 mm (0.25 in) thick x 50 mm (2 in) wide and variable in length; and, d) be listed. See 7.3.1 for installation requirements. Figure 7 illustrates an example of an SBB. Hole spacing, size and pattern may vary. 14 Order Number: W2177784 $old to:ICÉ [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:08 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 8mm 11 mm (5/16 in) dia t o 50mm (2 in) 'I' (7/16in) 11 mm (7/16 in) dia. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o rff_: l o mounting hales 29mm (1-1/8 in) Figure 7 - Example SBB 6.2.3 Rack bonding busbar (RBB) The RBB shall: a) have a mínimum cross-sectional area equal to a 6 AWG wire; and, b) be listed. See 7.4.1 for installation requirements. See figure 9 for examples of the use of rack bonding busbars. 6.3 Conductors 6.3.1 General Ali bonding conductors shall be copper and may be insulated. When conductors are insulated, they shall be listed for the application (e.g., plenum). The bonding conductors shall not decrease in size as the bonding path moves closer to the termination point of the grounding electrode sys­ tem. 6.3.2 Sizing the telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) The mínimum TBB conductor size shall be a 6 AWG. The TBB should be sized at 2 kcmil per linear foot of conductor length up to a maximum size of 750 kcmil. See table 1. lmproved bonding performance at high frequencies can be achieved by using structural metal in place of or in addition to a TBB as sized in this clause. See 6.3.5. 15 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE [053609100001), Not to, Resale.2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Table 1 - TBB/BBC conductor size vs length 6.3.3 TBB/BBC linear length m (ft) Conductor size (AWG) less than 4(13) 6 4-6 (14-20) 4 6-8 (21-26) 3 8-10(27-33) 2 10-13 (34-41) 1 13-16(42-52) 1/0 16 - 20 (53-66) 2/0 20-26 (67 -84) 3/0 26-32(85-105) 4/0 32- 38 (106-125) 250 kcmil 38 - 46 (126-150) 300 kcmil 46-53 (151 -175) 350 kcmil 53- 76 (176-250) 500 kcmil 76-91 (251 - 300) 600 kcmil Greater than 91 (301) 750 kcmil Sizing the telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) The TBC shall be, as a mínimum, the same size as the largest TBB. 6.3.4 Sizing the backbone bonding conductor (BBC) The BBC shall be, as a mínimum, the same size as the largest TBB to which it is connected. 6.3.5 Sizing the secondary bonding conductor (SBC) The mínimum SBC size shall be the greater of 6 AWG or the largest conductor bonded to the associated SBB. See 7.3.2. 6.3.6 Use of structural metal General When structural metal is bonded to the building's grounding electrode system it may be used in place of a TBB, a BBC or both. Before utilizing structural metal in place of a TBB or a BBC, building plans (including as-builts as applicable) and specifications shall be reviewed to ensure the structural metal is electrically continuous or can be made so. Additionally, the two point con­ tinuity test as described in 9.1, or equivalent, should be performed on the structural metal to ver­ ify electrical continuity and acceptable resistance along the paths used as bonding conductors. Concrete reinforcing steel shall not be used as a TBB or a BBC. 16 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE {053809100001], No1 for Rssale,2019--08"26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Connections to the PBB/SBB The bonding conductor from the structural metal to the PBB or SBB shali be sized according to table 1. Additionaliy, this conductor should be no smalier than any conductor that comprises the telecommunications bonding backbone system. Bonds to structural metal shall be made using listed exothermic welding, listed compression connections, or listed mechanical connectors and shali be accessible. Bonds to the PBB or SBB shali be made as specified in 7.2.2 and 7.3.2, respectively. Components to be connected to the PBB or SBB shali be as specified in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2, respectively. 6.4 Connectors Ali bonding connectors shall be listed for the application. NOTE - Connectors are listed for the application (e.g., above ground, direct bur­ ied}. The surface of ali bonding connectors used on a PBB and an SBB shall be of a material that provides an electro-chemical potential of <300 mV between connector and bonding busbar. 6.5 ldentification 6.5.1 Conductors Where insulated, the TBC and each TBB, BBC, TEBC, SBC, RBC and UBC, shali be green, green with yellow stripe, or marked with a distinctive green color. 6.5.2 Labels Labels shali include the information depicted in figure 8, or similar language. IF THIS CONNECTOR OR CABLE IS LOOSE OR MUST BE REMOVED, PLEASE CALL THE BUILDING TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Figure 8 - Typical label for bonding and grounding conductors 17 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not tor Res.ale.2019·013-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 7 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 7.1 General Metallic sheaths of outside plant cables entering a facility shall be bonded to ground as close as practica! to the point of entrance according to manufacturer's instructions. Where the building backbone telecommunications cabling incorporales a shield or metallic member, this shield or metallic member shall be bonded to the primary bonding busbar (PBB) or the secondary bonding busbar (SBB) where the cables are terminated or where pairs are "bro­ ken out" from the cable sheath. When secondary protection is provided, the secondary protector grounding conductor (or termi­ nal) shall be connected to the nearest PBB or SBB using the shortest practica! path. Grounding through the equipment alternating curren! (ac) power cord does not mee! the intent of this Standard. lt is intended that the information technology equipment (ITE) be provided a supplementary and specific ground path for the equipment over and above the required ac or direct curren! {de) power ground path. While the ac powered equipment typically has a power cord that contains a grounding/bonding wire, the integrity of this path to ground cannot be easily verified. Rather !han relying wholly on the power cord grounding/bonding wire, it is desirable that equipment be grounded in a verifiable "supplementary" manner as described in this Stand­ ard. NOTE - Many types of equipment do not require individual bonding conductors and as such do not have an attachment point for bonding conductors. Equipment that does not have attachment points for bonding conductors may be bonded ei­ ther through the equipment rail or the power cord. Refer to the manufacturer's documentation for guidelines. Metallic pathways under 1 m (3 ft) in length (e.g., wall and floor sleeves, J-hooks) are not re­ quired to be bonded. See ANSI/NECA/BICSl-607 for installation information on telecommunications bonding and grounding. 7.1.1 Telecommunications entrance room or space The telecommunications entrance room or space is the entrance point within a building where: a) the telecommunications facilities enter; b) the joining of campus and building backbone facilities takes place; and, e) the grounding of these facilities is accomplished. The entrance room or space may also include antenna cable entrances (see annex B), and electronic equipment serving telecommunications functions. lt is desirable that ali utilities enter the building in close proximity to each other. 7.1.2 Distributor rooms Each distributor room shall contain either a PBB or a mínimum of one SBB. The PBB and the SBB shall be located within the distributor room so as to provide the greatest flexibility and ac­ cessibility for telecommunications system bonding (minimizing practica! lengths and number of bends of bonding conductors to the SBB). 18 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE {053809100001], Not for Resale,2019·08·26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 7.1.3 Computer rooms Each computer room shall contain a SBB (or PBB when specified in the design) and should also contain a supplementary bonding network that is bonded to the SBB or PBB. This supplemen­ tary bonding network may be in a ferm as identified in 7.8 but is typically a mesh-bonding net­ work (mesh-BN). The ITE may also be arranged into certain segregated "functional system blocks" of either mesh-BN, mesh isolated bonding network (mesh-lBN), or other ferm of bonding network (BN), within the same room. The supplementary bonding conductor network shall be bonded to the room's PBB or SBB. The BN may also provide fer electromagnetic shielding in varying degrees based upen its design and installation. A recommended augmentation to a BN (especially a mesh-BN) is a supplementary bonding grid (SBG). Upen installation and connection of the SBG to the BN (primary components are cabi­ nets, racks and frames), the SBG becomes part of the overall BN. The SBG typically covers the entire computer room or a local area within a room. The mínimum density of the bonding grid shall be 3 m (1 O ft) centers or ene that corresponds to the computer room cold-or-hot aisles and the aisles running perpendicular to the cold-and-hot aisles. Fer better high-frequency performance or lower impedance a mínimum spacing of 0.6 m (2 ft) is recommended. 7.1.4 Cabinets and racks Metallic enclosures, including telecommunications cabinets and racks, shall be bonded to the mesh-BN, SBB, or PBB using a mínimum sized conductor of 6 AWG. Cabinets, racks, and other enclosures shall not be bonded serially; each shall have their own dedicated bonding conductor to the mesh-BN, SBB, PBB or TEBC. Equipment containing metallic parts and patch panels fer shielded cabling in cabinets and racks shall be bonded to the telecommunications bonding system in accordance with the manufactur­ er instructions. Where instructions are not given, all bonding conductors that connect these in­ stalled products shall be a mínimum sized conductor of 12 AWG. Rack bonding busbars (RBBs) are recommended fer cabinets and racks that need to support multiple unit bonding conductors. There are three methods to bond the equipment located in the equipment rack or cabinet to the telecommunications bonding system, see figure 9. When an RBB is used as the bonding means within a rack or cabinet, the rack or cabinet shall be bonded to the RBB. When there is no RBB, and the equipment is bonded through individual unit bonding conductors to an RBC, the rack or cabinet shall be bonded to the RBC. Rack isolation pads should be provided when racks are installed on conductive surfaces (e.g., steel-reinferced concrete slabs). Cabinets and racks with DC powered equipment may require that the RBB be isolated from the cabinet. In this case, the cabinet/rack and RBB would each have their own 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to the mesh-BN, SBB, or PBB. 19 Order Number. w21m64 Sold to: ICE (0538091 00001 ], Not for Resale,2019,08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D r- ToPB8/SBB lrreversi�e cr-:p connedor __/ "I Top-mounted RBB "I . / "/� Rack bonding conductors- A11 conductors routed to PBB/S88 Un� bonding conductors Individual equipment bonding conductors from each pieoe of equipment and rack to the rack bonding conductor Rack bonding conductor extended to bottom of rack to accorrmodate future growth Rack isolation pads (� applicable) Telerommunications equipment bonding conductor (TEBC) ----.. / / 1 1 � -J - � "- / Un� bonding ronductors -- Vertically­ mounted RBB Individual equipment grounding terminal (typical each pieoe of equipment) � 1 Example "A" Example "B" Example "C" Figure 9 - Example of three methods to bond equipment and racks 7.1.5 Metallic pathways In arder to limit the potential difference between telecommunications pathways or between tele­ communications pathways and power pathways, all metallic telecommunications pathways shall be bonded to the PBB or SBB. Additionally, to achieve the objectives of potential equalization, cable tray sections shall be bonded together and shall be bonded to the PBB or SBB. NOTE - The bonding of cable tray sections can be accomplished with the use of approved mechanical bonds (e.g., the belting of sections together). 7.1.6 Structural metal Where structural metal is accessible and in the same room as the PBB/SBB, the PBB/SBB shall be bonded to structural metal using a mínimum sized conductor of 6 AWG. When practica!, be­ cause of shorter distances and where horizontal steel members are permanently electrically bonded to vertical column members, the PBB/SBB may be bonded to these horizontal members in lieu of the vertical column members. When the structural metal is externa! to the room, but readily accessible, it should be bonded to the PBB/SBB using a mínimum sized conductor of 6 AWG. Structural metal should be tested to verify its conductivity to the building's electrical grounding electrode. See 9.1. 20 Order Number: w211n64 So!d to:ICE (053809100001], Not fer Resale,2019-08·26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D NOTE - Modern building construction techniques will bond structural metal to the main ac power entrance or another grounding source. Ensure that when working in existing buildings that the structural metal is bonded to a suitable ground source (e.g., electrical power grounding electrode[s], building ground ring). 7.2 Primary bonding busbar (PBB) 7 .2.1 General The length of the PBB is not specified within this Standard. lt is desirable that the busbar be electrotin-plated for reduced contact resistance. The busbar shall be cleaned and an anti­ oxidant should be applied prior to fastening connectors to the busbar. The desirable location of the PBB is in the telecommunications entrance room or space. Typi­ cally, there should be a single PBB per building. NOTE - For buildings with more than one electrical service entrance, each of which serves telecommunications equipment, the user is urged to consult with a licensed engineer for guidance on locating the PBB. The PBB shall be as close as practica! to the panelboard (electrical power panel) and shall be installed to maintain clearances required by applicable electrical codes. A practica! location for the PBB is to the side of the panelboard (where provided). The vertical location of the PBB should be determined by considering whether the bonding conductors are routed in an access floor or overhead cable support. lts placement should provide for the shortest and straightest practica! routing of the telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) and the primary protector grounding conductor (see annex C for more information on telecommunications electrical pro­ tection - primary protector grounding). Additionally, the PBB shall be insulated from its support using an insulator that is listed for the purpose. A mínimum of 50 mm (2 in) separation from the wall is recommended to allow access to the rear of the busbar. When a panelboard for telecommunications equipment is not installed in the telecommunica­ tions entrance room or space, the PBB should be located near the backbone cabling and asso­ ciated terminations. In addition, the PBB should be located so that the TBC is as short and straight as practica!. The PBB should serve telecommunications equipment that is located within the same room or space. The PBB serves as the central bonding busbar for the telecommunications bonding in­ frastructure. lt also serves as the bonding busbar for equipment located in the telecommunica­ tions entrance room or space. 7.2.2 Bonds to the PBB When a panelboard is located in the same room or space as the PBB that panelboard's alternat­ ing curren! equipment ground (ACEG) bus (when equipped) or the panelboard enclosure shall be bonded to the PBB. The primary protector grounding conductor shall be connected to the PBB. This conductor is intended to conduct lightning and ac fault currents from the telecommunication primary protec­ tors. A mínimum of 0.3 m (1 ft) separation shall be maintained between this conductor and any de power cables, switchboard cable, or high frequency cables, even when placed in metal con­ duit. 21 Order Numt,er. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019--08·26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D When the outside plant cables in the telecommunications entrance room or space incorporate a cable shield isolation gap, the cable shield on the building side of the gap shall be bonded to the PBB. Ali metallic pathways for telecommunications cabling located within the same room or space as the PBB shall be bonded to the PBB. However, for metallic pathways containing bonding con­ ductors where the pathway is bonded to the bonding conductor, no additional bond to the PBB is required. 7.2.3 Connections to the PBB The connections of the TBC and the telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) to the PBB shall utilize exothermic welding, listed compression two-hole lugs, or listed exothermic two-hole lugs. The connection of conductors for bonding telecommunications equipment and telecommunica­ tions pathways to the PBB shall utilize exothermic welding, listed compression two-hole lugs, or listed exothermic two-hole lugs. 7.3 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) 7.3.1 General The length of the SBB is not specified within this Standard. lt is desirable that the busbar be electrotin-plated for reduced contact resistance. The busbar shall be cleaned and an anti­ oxidant should be applied prior to fastening connectors to the busbar. The SBB shall be as close as practica! to the panelboard and shall be installed to maintain clearances required by applicable electrical codes. A practica! location for the SBB is to the side of the panelboard (where provided). The vertical location of the SBB should be determined by considering whether the bonding conductors are routed in an access floor or overhead cable support. Additionally, the SBB shall be insulated from its support using an insulator that is listed for the purpose. A mínimum of 50mm (2 in) separation from the wall is recommended to allow access to the rear of the busbar. When a panelboard for telecommunications equipment is not installed in the same room or space as the SBB, that SBB should be located near the backbone cabling and associated ter­ minations. Multiple SBBs may be installed within the same Distributor to aid in minimizing bonding conduc­ tor lengths and minimizing terminating space. 7.3.2 Bonding to the TBB The TBB may be bonded directly to the SBB. Alternately, an SBC may be used between the two. The SBC shall be continuous and routed in the shortest practica! straight-line path. 7.3.3 Bonds to the SBB Where a panelboard is located in the same room or space as the SBB that panelboard's ACEG bus (when equipped) or the panel board enclosure shall be bonded to the SBB. When a panelboard for telecommunications equipment is not in the same room or space as the SBB, that SBB should be bonded to the panelboard that feeds the distributor. 22 Order Number. W217TT84 Sold lo:ICE {053809100001], Not for Resale,2019·08"26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-O The TBBs and other SBBs within the same space shall be bonded to the SBB with a conductor the same size as the TBB. In all cases, multiple SBBs within a room shall be bonded together with a conductor the same size as the TBB or with splice bars. Where a backbone bonding conductor (BBC) is required, it shall be bonded to the SBB. AII metallic pathways for telecommunications cabling located within the same room or space as the SBB shall be bonded to the SBB. However, for metallic pathways containing bonding con­ ductors where the pathway is bonded to the bonding conductor, no additional bond to the SBB is required. 7.3.4 Connections to the SBB The connection of the TBB or SBC to the SBB shall utilize exothermic welding, listed compres­ sion two-hole lugs, or listed exothermic two-hole lugs. The connection of conductors for bonding telecommunications equipment and telecommunica­ tions pathways to the SBB shall utilize exothermic welding, listed compression two-hole lugs, or listed exothermic two-hole lugs. 7.4 Rack bonding busbar (RBB) 7.4.1 General The length of the RBB is not specified in this Standard. The busbar shall be cleaned and a compatible anti-oxidan\ should be applied prior to fastening connectors to the busbar. The RBB shall be installed horizontally or vertically on the rack using insulators which provide a mínimum of 19 mm (0.75 in) separation. 7.4.2 Bonds to the RBB The RBB shall be bonded to either the rack bonding conductor or to the telecommunications equipment bonding conductor and to the rack. 7.4.3 Connections to the RBB The connection of the rack bonding conductor or the telecommunications equipment bonding conductor to the rack shall utilize exothermic welding, listed compression two-hole lugs, or listed exothermic two-hole lugs. The unit bonding conductor should be connected to the RBB using a listed compression con­ nection and to the grounding post of the telecommunications equipment if provided. 7.5 Conductors 7.5.1 General Bonding conductors for telecommunications should not be placed in ferrous metallic conduit. lf it is necessary to place bonding conductors in ferrous metallic conduit the conductors shall be bonded to each end of the conduit using a grounding bushing or using a mínimum sized con­ ductor of 6 AWG at both ends of the conduit. 7.5.2 Bend radius and included angle Bends of bonding conductors terminating at the PBB or SBB shall have a mínimum inside bend radius of 200 mm (8 in). At other locations, bends in bonding conductors should be made with 23 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not fc>r Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-O the greatest practica! inside bend radius. A mínimum bend radius of 1 O times the bonding con­ ductor diameter is recommended. In ali cases, a minimum included angle of 90º shall be used. See figure 10 for illustrations of bend radius and included angle. 90 º mínimum Figure 10 - lllustration of bend radius and included angle 7.5.3 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) The TBC shall bond the PBB to the service equipment (power) ground. Figure 11 schematically depicts this connection to the service equipment (power) ground. Electrical e ntrance , facility �� �r equipment 1 I _I + l 1 1 1 fuG � - � 1 Grounding electrode 1 s yste m + 1 - - - Telecommunications - e ntrance facility TBB , / 1 � - 1 � --... / t ' � �quipment .J I � �B J - - Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) - - Outside the scope of this Standard / --- Within the scope ofthis Standard Figure 11 - Bonding to the service equipment (power) ground 7.5.4 Telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) The type of building construction, building size, general telecommunications requirements, and the configuration of the telecommunications pathways and spaces should be considered when designing the TBB. Specifically, the design of a TBB shall: a) be connected to the PBB; 24 Order Number. W2177784 Sold 10:ICE {053809100001), Not for Resale.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSlfflA-607-D b) be consisten! with the design of the telecommunications backbone cabling system (e.g., follow the backbone pathways); c) permit multiple TBBs as necessary (e.g., multiple distributors per floor; see figure 2); d) be continuous from the PBB to the furthest SBB to which it is connected (i.e., not be dai­ sy-chained from busbar to busbar); and, e) minimize, to the extent practica!, the lengths of the TBB(s). TBB conductors shall be protected from physical and mechanical damage. The TBB conductors should be installed without splices, however, where splices are necessary, the number of splic­ es should be minimized. Splices shall be accessible and be located in telecommunications spaces. Joined segments of a TBB shall be joined by means of a listed exothermic weld, listed compression connections, or equivalen!. AII joints shall be adequately supported and protected from damage. Metallic cable shield{s) or any metal pathway for cable (e.g., conduit) shall not be used as a TBB nor shall water piping systems be used as a TBB 7.5.5 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) Whenever two or more TBBs are used within a multistory building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a BBC at the top floor and at a mínimum of every third floor in between to the low­ est floor level (see figure 3). Whenever two or more TBBs are used within a large single-story building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a BBC at the location farthest from the PBB and at a maximum distance of every 1 O m (33 ft) back to the PBB. 7.5.6 Coupled bonding conductor (CBC) CBCs provide protection against electromagnetic interference (EMI) through clase proximity and may be integral to the cabling system. The CBC: a) may be part of a cable's shield; b) may be separate conductors that are tie wrapped to communication cables; and, c) are typically sized at 1 O AWG, although 6 AWG is recommended. 7.5.7 Bonding conductors for connections to the mesh-BN or RBB Bonding conductors used to bond components to the mesh-BN or RBB shall: a) be stranded copper conductors; b) be neatly routed and no longer than practica! to bond the componen! to the mesh-BN or RBB; c) be secured at no greater than 0.9 m (3 ft) intervals; d) not be routed so as to create a tripping hazard or impair access to equipment; e) not be attached with any method that could damage the conductors; f) be listed as suitable for bonding applications; g) be available for use in the space in which they will be placed; h) have a green jacket or green jacket with yellow stripe, or where uninsulated conductors are deployed, they shall be supported by standoff insulators at intervals no greater than 0.6 m (2 ft) or be contained in electrical nonmetallic tubing (ENT). Uninsulated bonding conductors shall not be in contact with metallic surfaces or other conductors that are not part of the telecommunications bonding system; 25 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICÉ [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D i) j) 7.5.8 be installed using low-emission listed exothermic welds, where exothermic welds are specified and within a room with electronics; and, where placed in ferrous metallic conduit that is greater than 0.9 m (3 ft), be bonded to each end of the conduit using a grounding bushing or with a minimum sized conductor of 6AWG. Telecommunications equipment bonding conductor (TEBC) General The TEBC connects the PBB/SBB to equipment racks/cabinets. More than one TEBC may be installed from the PBB/TBG (e.g., a separate TEBC per rack). The TEBC shall be a continuous copper conductor that is sized not less than a 6AWG or as the largest size equipment ground­ ing conductor in the branch power circuit(s) serving the racks/cabinet lineup. NOTE - Cable shields, metal conduit, cable runway or ladder, or any other me­ tallic cable pathway do not satisfy the requirements for a TEBC. Connections to the TEBC shall be made with listed compression connections, suitable for multi­ ple conductors, and with the rack bonding conductors (RBCs) routed toward the PBB/SBB, see figure 12. The TEBCs may be routed within cable trays, on the outside of ladder rack tray (supported at no greater than 0.9 m [3 ft] intervals), or along equipment platforms, see figure 13. Examples of acceptable means of supporting the TEBCs include the use of lay-in lugs, cable brackets, and other brackets designed for this purpose. An alternative method to running TEBCs overhead is to route them under an access floor. AII requirements set forth for running the bonding conductors specified in this Standard shall apply. Compression connection ·1111111= TEBC (Telecom munications equipment bonding conductor) Rack bo nding conductor Figure 12 - Example TEBC to rack bonding conductor connection 26 Order Number. W2177784 Sold 10:ICE !053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08·26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Cable tray bondi ng conductor. Typical at ea::h section connection poi ni Telecommunications equipment bonding conductor (TEBC) To PBB/SBB Figure 13 - Example of a TEBC routed on cable tray Separation TEBCs shall be separated a minimum of 50.8 mm (2 in) from conductors of other cable groups such as power or telecommunications cables. Far example, TEBC's may be suspended 50 mm (2 in) under or off the side of a cable tray. An exception may be when conductors are grouped together to enter or exit a cabinet or enclosure. Grouping only at this point is acceptable, pro­ vided the conductors are suitably separated on either side of the opening. TEBCs shall be separated from ferrous material by a distance of at least 50 mm (2 in) where achievable, or be effectively bonded to the ferrous material. 7.6 Bonding equipment cabinets/equipment racks to the TEBC The TEBC shall be connected to the cabinets/equipment racks, to an RBC or to a verti­ cal/horizontal RBB. Each cabinet or equipment rack shall have a suitable connection point to which the bonding conductor can be terminated. Properly sized listed two-hole compression connections or listed terminal blocks with two interna! hex screw or equivalent torque character­ istics shall be used at this connection point. See figure 14. 27 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE (053809100001], NO! for Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Figure 14 - lllustration of connection point to a rack from a TEBC 7.7 Structural bonding of equipment cabinets/equipment racks Far a welded cabinet/equipment rack, the welded construction serves as the method of bonding the structural members of the cabinet/rack together. Far a bolted cabinet/equipment rack, bonding continuity cannot be assumed through the use of normal frame bolts used to build or stabilize equipment cabinets and racks. Bonding hardware, such as bolts, washers, nuts and screws, specifically designed to accomplish integral bonding of the cabinet and rack assembly, frame and support, and tested to meet applicable NRTL re­ quirements are an acceptable bonding means. However, if bolts, nuts and screws far cabinet and rack assembly and support are not specifically designed far bonding purposes, the paint shall be removed from ali bonding contact areas. In any case, removal of the paint from all bonding contact areas is recommended. Ali detachable, metallic parts of equipment cabinets (e.g. frame, door, side panel, top panel) shall be bonded, either directly by means of bonding jumpers or through the cabinet frame, to the connection point on the cabinet where the cabinet bonding conductor connects to the cabi­ net. When a detachable, metallic part of an equipment cabinet is connected by a bonding jumper, the jumper shall be a mínimum sized conductor of 12 AWG stranded, high strand count, insulat­ ed copper conductor with green or green with yellow stripe jacket or a flat braided copper con­ ductor with an equivalen! cross-sectional area. Also, the bonding jumper should have an easily visible quick connect to facilitate detaching and attaching the panel or door. See Figure 15. 28 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE [0538{)9100001]. Not for Resals,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANS I/TIA-607-D Figure 15- lllustration of a bond connection from a cabinet to the cabinet door 7.8 Supplementary bonding networks The supplementary bonding network is in addition to the infrastructure bonding network speci­ fied in clause 6. The supplementary bonding network provides for a greater degree of equipo­ tential bonding to that provided by the required bonding conductors. Supplementary bonding networks are always bonded to the CBN within the building. Equipotential bonding may help mit­ igate issues caused by steady-state and transient voltages and currents generated by lightning, power systems, power circuit ground faults and EMI. Supplementary bonding networks are described in detail in ITU-T K.27, ATIS 0600333 and IEEE 1100 and identified for ITE as the following primary topologies: a) mesh-BN - Generally, the default topology as most ITE has intra/inter intentional and unintentional metallic interconnections. A mesh-BN augments the CBN by increasing the local density of conductors and functions by attempting to diversify and limit the radio frequency (RF) capture-loop area of the current paths such that the current density on any conductor or conductive loop is reduced to an acceptable level. NOTE - 1 EEE 1100 uses the terms "mesh common bonding network" (M-CBN) "signa! reference grid" (SRG) and "mesh-BN" as somewhat interchangeable, de­ pending on application and context. However, within this Standard, the term mesh-BN is used. b) mesh-isolated bonding network (IBN) - Generally can be described as a mesh-BN func­ tional system block that is arranged into a single point bonding entity that is isolated from the CBN except for at one controlled location - a single point connection (SPC). The IBN topology is known to provide high robustness to building lightning and power fault cur­ rents. The star topology is amenable to "current mapping" for troubleshooting within the IBN. The IBN topology functions by attempting to block extraneous currents (such as 29 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001), Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D lightning) from flowing within the CBN and then entering and traversing through the IBN. This topology is especially robust to transients occurring in the CBN. e) Star IBN -An IBN deployed into a star network instead of a mesh network. 7.8.1 Mesh-BN A mesh-BN is a bonding network to which all associated equipment cabinets, frames and racks and cabling pathways are bonded together as well as at multiple points to the CBN (see figure 16). / ¡_.d ., .,.,� .,.,., / / L. / ., ., ., , ., ., ., / I 1 ., I I ., ., 1/1 / .,., .,., / .,., / .,., / .,., / , / / / / / / / / / / / / / ., ., ., ., / / ., ., ., ., ., I / , / / ., / .,., / / / / , / / 1/ / ., / ., ., I / ., I ., / ., ., I / / / ., ., / ., / ., ., / / ., ., , ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I / ., ., r7 / ., I / / ., / / .,., / / / / / / / / / / / / / ,, / / ., / / / / / ., ., ., .,., / / / / ., ., ., / / / / / / / / / / / / ., / , / / / � ., ., ., / 1/ / � L'. -::;¡ ,, / / / / / / / / / ,,,. / / / ,, / / / ., ., I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ., ., ., ., / '7 V / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Figure 16 - A mesh-BN with equipment cabinets, trames, racks and CBN bonded together lf the mesh-BN is constructed from flat conductors, the mesh-BN should be prefabricated of mínimum 0.4 mm (0.0159 in; 26 gauge) x 50 mm (2 in) wide copper strips with all crossings and joined sections properly welded. 30 Order Number. W21777B4 Sold to:ICE !053809100001], Not to, Resale,2019-08-2$ 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Where the mesh-BN is constructed from uninsulated round wire, the conductors shall be a mín­ imum sized conductor of 6 AWG copper conductors joined together via exothermic welding, brazing, listed compression connections, or listed grounding clamps at each of the crossing points. lf the mesh-BN is constructed using the access-floor pedestals, the flooring system shall be electrically continuous. The mesh-BN shall be bonded together no further than every 3.7 m (12 ft) (approximately 6 pedestals) in each direction using a mínimum sized conductor of 6 AWG copper and listed pedestal grounding clamps. Bonding is recommended at least every 2.4 m (8 ft) (approximately 4 pedestals) in every direction. The mesh-BN shall have the following connections: a) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to the PBB or SBB in the computer room: b) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to each ITE cabinet and rack - cabinets and racks shall not be bonded serially; c) A bonding conductor to the ground bus for each power distribution unit (PDU) or panel board serving the room, sized per NEC 250.122 and per manufacturers' recommenda­ tions; d) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment - Each piece of HVAC equipment shall be bonded individually to the mesh­ BN; e) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to each structural metal column in the computer room; f) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to each metallic cable tray and cable runway in the room - they may be bonded in series; g) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to each metallic conduit, water pipe, metallic air duct in the room - they may be bonded in series; h) 6 AWG or larger bonding conductor to every fourth to sixth access floor pedestal in each direction. 7.8.2 Mesh-lBN A mesh-lBN is a mesh-topology bonding network that has a SPC to either the CBN or another IBN (see figure 17). The mesh-lBN is typically limited to a restricted area within a building such as in a computer room. The mesh-lBN is not typical (but can be utilized) for a commercial envi­ ronment or computer room but is recognized and sometimes utilized in the access provider cen­ tral office and computer room. The primary benefit of the IBN is the blocking of building currents, such as lightning and power faults, from entering into the IBN. NOTE - Other topological versions of IBNs (such as "star'' and "sparse-mesh") are described in ITU-T K.27 and IEEE 1100. The mesh-lBN components such as associated equipment cabinets, frames, racks and cabling pathways are insulated from the CBN except for one controlled SPC location to the CBN. The SPC location applies to ali bonding conductors (including power circuits) entering or exiting the mesh-lBN. Due to isolation from the CBN, except at the controlled SPC, the mesh-lBN is said to be "isolated" from the CBN. For a mesh-lBN under an access floor, the SBG is typically only directly connected to the serv­ ing PBB or SBB in order to not violate the isolation requirements for the mesh-lBN. An above 31 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resele,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D cabinet/rack SBG can be more easily incorporated where desirable into the mesh-lBN by means of insulating devices between the bonding grid and any nearby CBN components. To PBB orSBB Figure 17 - A mesh-lBN having a single point of connection 7.8.3 Bonding conductor for connections to the supplementary bonding network Bonding conductors used to bond components to the supplementary bonding network shall: a) be copper conductors; b) be neatly routed in as straight a line as practica! and be no longer than required to bond the componen! to the supplementary bonding network; c) be secured at no greater than 0.9 m (3 ft) intervals; d) not be routed so as to create a tripping hazard or impair access to equipment; e) not be attached with any method that could damage the conductors; f) be listed as suitable far bonding/grounding applications; g) as available far use in space in which they will be placed, have a green jacket or green jacket with yellow stripe, or where uninsulated conductors are deployed, they shall be supported by standoff insulators at intervals no greater than 0.6 m (2 ft) or be contained in electrical non-metallic tubing (ENT). Uninsulated bonding conductors shall not be in contact with metallic surfaces that are not part of the telecommunications bonding sys­ tem; h) be installed using low-emission listed exothermic welds, where exothermic welds are specified and within a room with electronics; and, i) where placed in ferrous metallic conduit that is greater than 0.9 m (3 ft), be bonded to each end of the conduit using a grounding bushing or with a mínimum 6 AWG conductor. 7.9 Administration Each telecommunications bonding conductor shall be labeled at its points of termination. Labels shall be located on conductors as clase as practica! to their points of termination in a readable position. Refer to ANSI/TIA-606 far additional labeling requirements. 32 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not ior Resale.2019-08·26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 8 EXTERNAL GROUNDING 8.1 Grounding resistance 8.1.1 Mínimum requirements The requirements of this clause are met by the use of an NFPA 70 compliant grounding elec­ trode system. The grounding electrode system shall be designed to have a resistance of 25 ohms or less far a single grounding electrode. lf 25 ohms cannot be achieved or maintained throughout the year with a single grounding electrode, then the grounding electrode shall be augmented by at least one additional grounding electrode. One should take into account the soil resistance due to seasonal fluctuations. lt is recommended to use two grounding electrodes as the mínimum in­ stallation, even if 25 ohms is achieved with a single grounding electrode. 8.1.2 Enhanced requirements The grounding electrode system far siles that are critica! in nature (e.g., public safety facilities, military installations, data centers, web hosting facilities, central offices) shall be designed to have a resistance of 1 O ohms or less, preferably 5 ohms or less. The grounding electrode sys­ tem design should take into account seasonal fluctuations such as moisture and temperature. 8.2 Grounding electrode system design 8.2.1 General A telecommunications grounding electrode system is supplemental and connected to the struc­ ture's electrical grounding electrode system. Whereas the primary purpose of the electrical grounding electrode system is safety, the telecommunication's grounding electrode system is intended to provide enhanced equipment protection and system performance. Adequate design measures should be taken to obtain a low resistance grounding electrode sys­ tem. Poor soil conditions or limited space may make this difficult to achieve. Potential equaliza­ tion is of greater importance than low resistance. Proper design methods should focus on estab­ lishing an equal potential ground plane, which has the lowest practicable ground resistance. 8.2.2 Soil resistivity testing Soil resistivity tests shall be conducted far all sites prior to the design of the grounding electrode system. See 9.3. 8.2.3 Low resistance The single largest factor impacting grounding electrode system resistance is soil resistivity. Therefare, it is imperative to have this measurement befare designing the grounding electrode system. Of secondary importance are the soil physical characteristics and the area available far installation. Soil resistivity varíes with the composition of the soil (e.g., clay, sand, gravel), depth of the soil (e.g., stratification of soil compositions), soil temperature, and the amount of moisture content in the soil. Once the soil resistivity values have been determined using the 4 point test­ ing method (see 9.3.2), and the soil physical characteristics and area available have been de­ termined, an effective grounding electrode system can be designed. lt is possible to estímate ground resistance by performing simple calculations. However, software design tools are the 33 Order Number: W217TT84 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not lor Resale,2019-08·26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D most common means of designing grounding electrode systems due to their ability to model soil conditions in detail. 8.2.4 Potential equalization Where telecommunications equipment is distributed throughout a structure and may be inter­ connected by metallic links, the minimally required grounding system (Section 3.1.2) may not be adequate. Facilities with advanced requirements (see Section 3.1.3) or distributed equipment will benefit from the addition of a building perimeter ground loop. The ground loop shall be: a) constructed with a mínimum of a 2 AWG salid tinned copper conductor (4/0 AWG stranded is preferred); b) buried at leas! 75 cm (30 in) deep, and at leas! 15 cm (6 in) below the frost line; and c) located at leas! 1 m (3 ft) from the building wall, preferably beyond the drip line. Ground rods used in conjunction with the building perimeter ground loop shall be listed, at leas! 3 m (10 ft) in length, and at leas! 16 mm (0.625 in) nominal in diameter. Ground rod spacing be­ tween any two ground rods should be at leas! the sum of their driven lengths. The ground loop shall be connected to steel columns around the perimeter of the structure at intervals averaging not more !han 18 m (60 ft). Where separately derived electrical systems are present, they should be bonded to the same ground ring electrode. Test wells should be provided to give access to the ground loop for future ground testing pur­ poses. 8.2.5 Design configuration There are multiple grounding electrode system configurations available to the designer such as ground loop conductors, radials and ground grids. Soil resistivity, soil physical characteristics and area will be the determining factor when choosing the configuration. Ground rods are the most common form of electrode because they can be driven into the earth with limited excava­ tion and backfilling. However, there are also different types of electrodes that can lower the re­ sistivity of the grounding electrode system such as electrolytic ground rods and low resistance backfill material. lt is common to combine these different options, depending upon the soil con­ ditions, in an electrode system installation. See Annex C for details related to the different types of electrodes available. Annex D provides grounding details specific to towers and antennas. Regardless of the grounding design configuration, all grounding electrodes for a given facility shall be bonded into a single grounding electrode system. In addition, underground metallic pip­ ing within 2 m (6 ft) of the building perimeter shall be bonded according to the requirements of the AHJ. 34 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not far Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 9 PERFORMANCE AND TEST REQUIREMENTS 9.1 Two-point ground/continuity testing This procedure will help determine if there is an acceptable leve! of resistance between any point in the telecommunications bonding system and the building's electrical grounding elec­ trode system. The test is performed using an earth ground resistance tester that is configured for a continuity test, otherwise known as a two-point test or a "dead earth" test. The earth ground resistance tester generales a specific alternating curren! (ac) test curren!; this curren! is less susceptible to the influences of stray currents in the grounding system. This makes the ground resistance test a more accurate testing device than a standard volt-ohm­ milliammeter. Prior to two-point ground testing, a visual inspection shall be performed to verify that the bond­ ing system is installed according to the guidelines in this Standard. Due to the possibilities of ground faults traveling through the telecommunications bonding system, a voltage test should be performed prior to conducting the two-point continuity test and verified with the test equip­ ment manufacturer's instructions. Consult with other contractors to ensure other electrical work does not interfere with this test. The test is typically performed by connecting one test lead to the nearest building's electrical grounding electrode and the other test lead to a specific point on the telecommunications bond­ ing system such as the PBB. This same test can also verify continuity between any two points of the telecommunications bonding system such as between the PBB and a SBB. lt is recommended that this test be performed in the following areas: a) b) c) d) PBB/SBB to the electrical ground in Distributors PBB/SBB to the structural metal (if present) PBB to SBB Structural metal (if present) to the electrical ground. In order for this test to be valid it should be done before the telecommunications equipment is installed otherwise parallel paths may invalidate test results. The recommended maximum value for resistance between any point in the telecommunications bonding system and the building's electrical grounding electrode system is 100 milliohms. In the case of long TBB and BBC conductor runs, the resistance of the conductor shall be factored into the total resistance. For example 1 km of a 3/0 AWG conductor has a resistance of 0.2028 ohms. (0.06180 ohms per 1000 ft). 9.2 Grounding electrode system testing 9.2.1 Three-pole fall-of-potential method The three-pole fall-of-potential measurement method measures the ability of an earth ground system, or individual electrode, to dissipate energy from a site. The test instrument manufactur­ er's instructions shall be followed when making a three-pole fall-of-potential resistance meas­ urement. Typically, the measurement method involves disconnecting the earth electrode from its connec­ tion to the site, placing two earth stakes in the soil in a direct line away from the earth electrode and connecting the test instrument cords. 35 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not tor Resale,2{)19-08·26 21:58;09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D WARNING - Connecting and removing connections to a bonding and grounding system could be hazardous if an alternate ground path is not present. The distance between the stakes and the ground electrode may vary depending upon the test instrument instruction. A general stake distance is given in table 2and illustrated in Figure 18. A known energy potential is generated by the instrument between the outer stake and the earth electrode. The drop in potential is measured between the inner stake and the earth electrode. To test the accuracy of the results, and to ensure that the ground stakes are outside the spheres of influence, reposition the inner stake (probe) 1 m (3 ft) in either direction and take a fresh measurement. lf there is a significan! change in the reading (30 %), increase the distance between the ground rod under test, the inner stake (probe) and the outer stake (auxiliary ground) until the measured values remain fairly constan! when repositioning the inner stake (probe). Table 2 - Stake distance Depth of ground electrode (A) 2m 3m 6m 10m Distance to inner stake (B) 15m Distance to the outer stake 20m 25m 30m 36 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], No! for Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC (C) 25m 30m 40m 50m ANSI/TIA-607-D <( Figure 18 - lllustration of test instrument connections 9.2.2 Clamp-on test meter The manufacturer's instructions shall be followed when using the clamp-on test instrument when making a ground resistance measurement. The instrument has a transmitter and receiver built into a split core head that allows the instrument to clamp onto the ground under test. The in­ strument can be used in multi-grounded systems without disconnecting the ground under test. However, the clamp-on test instrument should not be used in the following situations: a) to commission new grounds, as they will not likely be connected to the utility power sup­ ply, and hence no return path exists for the test current; 37 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE j053B09100001], Not lar Resale.2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D b) to measure soil resistivity (electrical conductivity properties of the soil); this requires the use of a four-terminal !ester (see 9.3.2); c) to test any complex ground system where a metallic loop exists; test curren! will return through metal and not be forced into the soil. These include systems such as ring grounds, counterpoise, substation grounds, and various other multiple interconnected ground systems; and d) to perform any test where a client or third party require conformance to a reference standard; the clamp-on test method has not been incorporated into any independent standard. Before taking a clamp-on ground resistance measurement, ensure that the meter is calibrated. Once calibrated, attach the clamp to the electrode to be measured and read the ground re­ sistance from the display. 9.3 Soil resistivity testing 9.3.1 General Soil resistivity testing measures a volume of soil to determine its conductivity. The soil composi­ tion, moisture content, and temperature affect soil resistivity. Additionally, the resistivity of the soil will vary geographically, and at different soil depths. There are several testing methods that can be utilized to measure soil resistivity from taking soil samples for lab testing to a number of different methods that provide the best indication of con­ ditions at the site. The most common method utilized for measuring soil resistivity is the four­ point method using the equally spaced Wenner arrangement. 9.3.2 Four-point method General The manufacturer's instructions shall be followed when using the four-point test instrument when making a soil resistivity measurement. The test instrument uses four terminals to make this measurement. Four stakes are driven into the earth, all at depth B and spaced (in a straight line) at equal distance intervals A. The test curren! 1 is passed between the two outer stakes (C1 and C2), and the potential V is measured between the two inner stakes (P1 and P2). The re­ sistance can then be calculated using Ohm's law. Figure 19 shows an example of the four-point method. 38 Order Numtmr. W2177764 Sold \o:ICE {053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08·26 21 :58;09 UTC ANS I/TIA-607-D ', ' �A 0 N <i:11 C0 I I ►I◄ ►I◄ A ,_[ A� Figure 19 - Four-point method Test procedure The conditions at the site should be noted including weather and soil conditions. The weather history for the three days prior to testing should also be included in the test documentation. A series of readings should be taken at various stake spacings and locations around the site (see figure 20). The test results should be reported in a data table format as represented in figure 21. This will provide a set of resistivity values which, when plotted against pin spacing, indicates whether there are distinct layers of different soil or rock; and gives an idea of their respective resistivities and depth. The results can be used to develop a model of the soil resistivity at the site. Many designers take an average of the readings and use formulas for uniform soil to calculate the resistance of a ground electrode system design. Computer programs are available to the designer that can create more sophisticated multi-layer soil models for analysis of the ground electrode system. 39 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001), Not for Resa\e.2019·08·26 21 :SS:09 UTC ANSlfTIA-607-D Second loca n ------7 : � • First location Figure 20 - Example of multiple test locations 40 Order Number: W21777B4 Sold !o:ICE [053809100001], No! tor Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANSI/TIA-607-D Soil Resistivity Data Site: Date: Signature: Probe Spacinc in Feet 20 10 30 Test Loc:ations Test Loc:ation 1 Test Loc:ation 2 Test Loc:ation 3 Test Loc:ation 4 Total• Avera¡¡¡e Figure 21 - Recommended resistivity table layout 41 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019·0B·25 21:58:09 UTC 40 ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex A (norrmative) BONDING IN MULTI-TENANT BUILDINGS This annex is normative and is part of this Standard A.1 General The telecommunications bonding infrastructure in a multi-tenant building consists of the com­ mon bonding infrastructure and the tenant bonding infrastructures. Figure 22 shows the rela­ tionship between the two. A.2 Common bonding infrastructure A.2.1 General The common bonding infrastructure in a multi-tenant building provides potential equalization for shared services (e.g., building automations systems, intelligent building systems, distributed an­ tenna systems). In addition, it may provide the bonding infrastructure to which the tenant bond­ ing infrastructures are connected. lf common services are present in a building a common bonding infrastructure as described in this annex shall be provided. lf no common services are present a common bonding infrastruc­ ture should be provided. NOTE - Common equipment is typically housed in a common distributor room. lf present, the common bonding infrastructure includes the following major components: a) common bonding busbar (CBB); b) telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC); and c) common telecommunications bonding backbone (CTBB). and may also include the following: d) secondary bonding busbar (SBB); e) secondary bonding conductor (SBC); and f) backbone bonding conductor (BBC). These telecommunications bonding components are intended to work with a building's tele­ communications pathways and spaces, installed cabling, and administration system. A.2.2 Common bonding busbar (CBB) The CBB serves as the dedicated extension of the building grounding electrode system for the telecommunications infrastructure. The CBB also serves as the central attachment point for the CTBB(s) and equipment. As such, it serves as the primary bonding busbar (PBB) for the entire multitenant building and shall meet the requirements for a PBB of 6.2.1 and 7.2. A.2.3 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) The TBC bonds the CBB to the service equipment (power) ground. See 6.3.3 and 7.5.3. 42 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], No\ 1or Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Common distributor room ,----------------- Tenant space 1 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) SBB '--------¡ 1 1 1 1 1 1 .J · ,- ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /-------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : Equipment 1 1 1 1 --,.- ,--------7 ---7-r--------- ✓ l 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 J_l,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pathways------j•"' .J r·¡-1"'1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 t____ J_!._ ___ l :__: _____ ;1i : �-/ 1 1 1 1 --- - t ____ Grounding: Electrode : Conductor1 1 Grounding electrode system , 1 1 1 1 1 ----..' _ Common telecommunications backbone (CTB ) Telecommunications �-,--r --------,1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 : 1 : : 1 1 : bonding : 1 1 1 1 , 11 1 1 1 1 7t-----J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PBB - __,_..J.. ___----- --' Tenant space 1 1 1 /1 11 / 11 / 1 ¡ 1 / __ _j j ( 1 Telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) Tenant space r---------- !.. _ - entrance facility (TEF) --r- _ _________ _ _ � l Equipment 1 PBB Electrical entrance facility 1 1 1 1 1 1 : -------r ----,--r---------) 1 1 1 1 1 1 J PBB ¡----------- ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -------- 1 ' 1 1 I 1 1 1 ,. '¡í¡-. 1 111 1 111 1 111 111 1 1 11 l ! 111 1 11 1 1 111 , __ !._ 1_1 _________1 Tenant space =-L------4' Equipment : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : Equipment 1 Co mmon � - - b - o ndn i BB ' (C g bu• : • - _ _ _ _ _ _ LEGEND _ __ _ _ _ Structural metal - - -_- - _-_�-�-�-�-�-�-�__i t___ __ ) ____ _ _ b • •-- -:_ "_�g : ¡_ _ _� � _ - - -�- _ -_ _ __, b --,. 1 ¡ I1 ¡ I1 1 / 1 _..J ¿ Busbar Service equipment Order Number: W21 TT784 Sold o t :ICE [053809100001]. Not tor Resa!e.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC _ _ Panelboard Building spaces Bonding conductor as labeled Figure 22 - lllustrative example of a multi-tenant building 43 _ ANSI/TIA-607-D A.2.4 Common telecommunications bonding backbone (CTBB) The CTBB is a conductor that interconnects all SBBs with the CBB. The intended function of a CTBB is to reduce or equalize potential differences far equipment providing shared services. In addition, the CTBB interconnects all primary bonding busbars (PBBs) in tenant spaces to the CBB. The CTBB shall meet the requirements far a TBB of 6.3.2 and 7.5.4. A.2.5 Secondary bonding busbar (SBB) The SBB is the bonding connection point far shared telecommunications systems and equip­ ment in the area served by a common distributor room. The SBB shall meet the requirements of 6.2.2 and 7.3. A.2.6 Secondary bonding conductor (SBC) Where the SBB is not bonded directly to the CTBB, the SBC is used to bond the SBB to the CTBB. See 6.3.5. A.2.7 Backbone bonding conductor (BBC) When there are multiple CTTBs, the BBC is employed to interconnect them through the associ­ ated busbars, either on the same floor in a multi-story building or in the same general area of a single story building. BBCs shall meet the requirements of 5.2.6. A.3 Tenant bonding infrastructure A.3.1 General The tenant bonding infrastructure shall meet the requirements of this Standard with the excep­ tion described in A.3.2. A.3.2 Bonding of the primary bonding busbar The PBB of a building serving a single tenant is bonded to the service equipment (power) ground using a TBC. In a multi-tenant building the bonding of the PBB depends upon whether a common bonding infrastructure is present. A.3.2.1 Common bonding infrastructure present lf a common bonding infrastructure is present the tenant PBBs shall be bonded to the CTBB. This bonding shall meet the requirements far bonding of SBBs to the TBB of 7.2. A.3.2.2 Common bonding infrastructure not present lf a common bonding infrastructure is not present each tenant PBB shall be bonded to the equipment (power) ground of the tenant's main electrical panel. The conductor used to provide this bond shall meet the requirements far a TBC of 5.2.3. 44 Order Number, w21n784 Sold to:ICÉ [053809100001]. Not for Resale,2011:1-08-26 21 :58:09 VTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex B (informative) BONDING METHODS This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. Bonding connections are made by means of listed exothermic welds, listed compression con­ nections, or listed mechanical connectors. Exothermic welding is a method of making permanent welded electrical connections without ex­ terna! power, such as electricity or gas. lt is an exothermic chemical reaction (exothermic means to release heat). The temperature of the molten metal created during the reaction is sufficient to fuse the metal of the conductors, resulting in a welded molecular bond. Exothermic welding can be used to produce welded connections of copper to copper and copper to steel. The advantage of exothermic connections over compression and mechanical connections is that exothermic connections produce a molecular bond with ali the strands of the conductors, while compression or mechanical connections do not. A listed compression connection is made by using specific fittings and a high tonnage compres­ sion tool. These connections are considered maintenance free; however they may not be when used underground. When making a listed compression connection, ali surfaces should be properly cleaned and the components properly sized for the conductors being bonded. Mechanical connections are only to be used above ground and in areas where it is impractical to use either an exothermic or compression connection. When making a mechanical connection, ali surfaces should be properly cleaned and the components tightened to the correct torque rat­ ing of the hardware. Additionaliy, the correct material is used so as not to form a galvanic cou­ ple. 45 Order Number: W21TT784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex C (informative) GROUNDING ELECTRODES This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. C.1 General Grounding electrodes connect electrical systems and equipment to earth. Grounding electrodes may be ground rods, metal plates, concrete encased electrodes, ground rings, electrolytic ground rods, the metal frame of the building or structure, and metal underground water pipes. Metallic underground gas piping is not used as a grounding electrode. C.2 Ground rods Ground rods should be constructed from copper ciad steel, salid copper, hot-dipped galvanized steel or stainless steel and be listed for the purpose. Ground rods should not have a non­ conductive coating. Typical ground rods are illustrated in figure 23. Figure 23 - lllustrative views of typical ground rods 46 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [0S3809100001], No! lor Resale,201 9-08-2621 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D C.3 Electrolytic ground rods Electrolytic ground rods are available in vertical and horizontal configurations (see figure 24) and in various lengths, typically 3 m (10 ft) to 6 m (20 ft) but may be longer. Electrolytic ground rods are constructed of 54 mm (2.125 in) or larger diameter hollow (tube) copper or stainless steel. This tube is filled with a mixture of hygroscopic electrolytic salts; typically 60-percent sodi­ um chloride and 40-percent calcium chloride. Electrolytic grounds rods help lower soil re­ sistance by absorbing moisture out of the air and forming an electrolytic solution within the tube, then leaching out the rod into the surrounding soil. Additionally, the rod is encased in a conduc­ tive non-corrosive carbon based backfili material. Usted electrolytic ground rods should be considered for use where standard ground rods do not produce an acceptable grounding electrode system resistance. Unacceptable grounding elec­ trode system resistance may be found at siles where there is high soil resistivity, (i.e., above 25 000 ohms-cm), areas with limited space or areas where the grounding electrode system is covered by non-porous materials such as concrete or asphalt. In ali cases, manufacturer rec­ ommendations should be foliowed when instaliing electrolytic ground rods. . . Fmished grade"· _ .-;7�::-. . s.: ·� ---"'-... . · . -�, . "" ,..,. �-' --"':..-,,~·· ··1- --:..•. -. _,��:_ , ',� 1'.::_:::-· ·--· Breather _ -�:::'/:_,;( � '°� ��=� �-.• ·,•�. -,� Exo::��ic -,__ Covered test well . - -;;,;=::=-�·-�' / ·-_,k,:. . -'�-;;,-. --,,,,r+ Fm1shed · __j grade �----�-:� � � 2 AWG minimum -•-•-•-'•c�::-,..�t,,.,; , "--.\;",�· .· 1--·••.j•.-"."r."·.•_.· ,. _ _ connection -- :·�·::_�• {..· \ -,·. . . .• ... 8 � •• - i:i· :•�-: ~•• copper conductor Breather hales 1 Exothermic connection .. 2 AWG m1rnmum copper conductor ='-·.- . . � _,- -_ _,--Ht -. . · � �, ·." · ·."•.·.·.·•.··. ". ··¡,ii . . . -. =.� 0 �f_ ---·_"-_ �:c;c: .:·< • . .. . _:,;;;�:;t . . •··•·•• � ;:-= .. ��... -�,· .º')- Weep �·•� "holes . .•. .• Backfill · � ;G?ii"').11'��')," Figure 24 - lllustrations of a vertical and horizontal electrolytic ground rod C.4 Ground plate electrodes Ground plate electrodes are constructed from copper having a mínimum thickness of 1.5 mm (0.06 in) or from steel having a mínimum thickness of 6.35 mm (0.25 in). A listed ground plate electrode should be installed a mínimum of 0.75 m (2.5 ft) below grade and below permanent moisture level if practica!. lf soil conditions do not allow the ground plate elec­ trode to be buried at this depth, they should be buried as deep as practical. Ground plate electrodes should only be used if soil conditions prohibit the use of standard ground rods, or they are specifically engineered into the grounding electrode system. C.5 Wire mesh Wire mesh is typicaliy fabricated from solid copper or copper ciad steel wire, ranging from 6 AWG to 12 AWG. The wires are brazed together in a grid form with spacing between conduc­ tors ranging from 50 mm (2 in) through 1.2 m (4 ft). Ali joints should be silver brazed or equiva­ len!. Usted wire mesh should be used where ground rod electrodes cannot be driven or are ineffec­ tive because of soil conditions or where it is desirable to establish a superior ground plane. 47 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not lor Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D C.6 Concrete encased electrode A concrete encased electrode (commonly known as an Ufer ground) is an electrode encased by at least 50 mm (2 in) of concrete and located horizontally or vertically near the bottom of a con­ crete foundation or footing that is in direct contact with the earth. lt consists of at least 6 m (20 ft) of one or more bare or zinc galvanized or other electrically conductive coated steel rein­ forcing bars or rods of not less than 12.7 mm (0.5 in) diameter or of at least 6 m (20 ft) of unin­ sulated copper conductor not smaller than 4 AWG. (See figure 25). <;--- 4 AWG coppe, w;,e / 12.7 mm (0.5 in) steel reinforcing bar (typical) 6 m (20ft)­ minimum Sideview End view Figure 25 - lllustrative view of a concrete-encased electrode C.7 Ground ring electrodes Ground ring electrodes encircle the building or structure and are in direct contact with the earth. They should be installed to a mínimum depth of 0.75 m (2.5 ft) below grade or below the frost line, whichever is deeper. The ground ring conductor should be 2 AWG or larger uninsulated, solid copper conductor. For areas with high lightning events, larger conductors such as 1/0 AWG or larger should be considered. Stranded conductors should be used with these larger sizes; tinned conductors are recommended. Ground ring electrodes may also incorporate the use of driven ground rods. C.8 Ground radial electrodes Radial conductors should be a uninsulated tinned or untinned copper conductor, mínimum 2 AWG. There should be a mínimum of three conductors of different lengths; equally spaced from one another as much as practica!. The mínimum length of each radial should be 7.6 m (25 ft) and a maximum of 24.4 m (80 ft). Radial grounding conductors should be installed in direct con­ tact with the earth and should be installed to a mínimum depth of 0.75 m (2.5 ft) below grade or at least 15 cm (6 in) below the frost line, whichever is deeper. Radial grounding conductors may also incorporate the use of driven ground rods. Radial grounding conductors should be installed horizontally in the ground and radiate away from the building or structure (see figure 26). 48 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001]. Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 9 m (30 ft) mimimum between tower and building (preferred) Figure 26 - lllustrative view of a ground radial electrode C.9 Enhanced grounding materials Enhanced grounding materials are high conductivity materials, which lower ground system re­ sistance in high resistance soil conditions. These materials should be manufactured from a high quality relatively sulfur-free carbon source. Many lower grade carbons contain sulfur which is very corrosive especially when encased in concrete. Enhanced grounding materials should be environmentally safe and approved by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Enhanced grounding materials should be considered for use around ground rod electrodes and grounding electrode rings in high soil resistance conditions (see figure 27). 49 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001). Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-O Figure 27 - lllustrative example of ground enhancement materials surrounding a grounding conductor and a ground rod C.10 Grounding conductors Grounding conductors are used to connect equipment or the grounded circuit of a wiring system to a grounding electrode or a grounding electrode system. These conductors should connect grounding electrodes together, form buried ground rings and connect objects to the grounding electrode system. Grounding conductors may be solid, stranded, tinned, or un-tinned and may be uninsulated or insulated. Above ground conductors should be jacketed with green or green with yellow striping insulation. Unless otherwise stated, all below-ground ground electrode conductors should be a uninsulated solid copper conductor not smaller than 2 AWG. Uninsulated stranded copper conductor not smaller than 1/0 AWG, tinned conductors is recommended. When installing grounding electrode conductors, they should be installed in one continuous length without splices unless using listed exothermic connections or listed compression-type connections. The conductor runs should be as short and straight as practica!. Bends in the con­ ductor should be made toward the ground location. See 7.5.2 for information on minimum bend radii and included angles. 50 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE (053609100001], Not for Resale,2019·08·26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex D (informative) TOWERS AND ANTENNAS This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. D.1 General This clause describes specific electrical protection considerations for antenna support structures (towers). D.2 Grounding electrode system D.2.1 Externa! grounding Figure 28 illustrates an example view of a tower and antenna site grounding electrode system. Figure 28 - lllustrative example view of a site grounding electrode system D.2.2 Bonding busbars The purpose of a bonding busbar is to provide convenient bonding points for various elements of a telecommunications system and ancillary support apparatus. There are several types of bonding busbars: a) Externa! bonding busbar The purpose of the externa! bonding busbar is to provide convenient termination points for the sheath (shield) of antenna transmission lines and other telecommunications ca­ bles prior to their entry into a building or shelter. 51 -.-. ····• . ... •--- ··· . Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE (053809100001], Not for Resale.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D b) Interna! bonding busbar The purpose of the interna! bonding busbar is to provide convenient termination points on ali metallic items within a building or shelter in an effort to provide potential equaliza­ tion. c) Tower bonding busbar The purpose of the tower bonding busbar is to provide a convenient termination point on the tower for multiple transmission lines with metallic sheaths (i.e. coaxial cable). Bonding busbars are sized to meet immediate application requirements while taking into con­ sideration future growth. The externa! bonding busbar is installed at the point where the antenna transmission lines and other telecommunications cables enter the building or shelter. lt is connected directly to the grounding electrode system using 2 AWG or larger uninsulated, solid or stranded, tinned or un­ tinned copper conductor. This conductor is installed in a direct manner with no sharp bends or narrow loops. Larger conductor sizes such as 4/0 AWG are recommended in high lightning prone areas. Connection of the grounding electrode conductor to the externa! bonding busbar is by a listed exothermic connection or listed compression connection. The tower bonding busbar is installed below the transmission line ground kits, near the area of the tower at the point where the antenna transmission lines extend from the tower to the build­ ing or shelter. lt is connected to the tower grounding electrode system with a 2 AWG or larger uninsulated, solid tinned copper conductor. For reduced impedance to earth, the tower bonding busbar is directly bonded to the tower, thereby utilizing the tower as the down conductor. Care is also taken to select the proper materials so as to preven! a dissimilar metal reaction. To main­ tain equal potential between the transmission lines and the tower, busbars are installed at the top and bottom of the tower, providing termination points for bonding the transmission line cable shields to the tower. lf the tower is greater than 60 m (200 ft) in height, busbars are installed every 15 m (50 ft) and are bonded to the tower and to the transmission line cable shields. D.2.3 Grounding systems D.2.3.1 Type 1 sites Type 1 siles are considered non-critica! to the operation of the telecommunications system. NOTE - The owner of the telecommunications equipment or the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) determines whether the site is Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 siles may not have a tower on the site, may be located in a commercial office or resi­ dence, and may not be part of a larger system. Type 1 siles should have a grounding system resistance of 25 ohms or less. lf 25 ohms or less cannot be achieved with one grounding elec­ trode, another ground electrode should be installed no closer than 1.8 m (6 ft) (see figure 29). lt is recommended to install al least two grounding electrodes even if the 25 ohms objective is achieved with one. In the case of new construction the reinforcing steel in the foundation should be bonded to the grounding electrode system. 52 Order Number. w21m84 Soló to:ICE !053809100001], No! fo¡ Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 VTC ANSI/TIA-607-D <==:::::11 To Communication Site � Exothermic Welds or / Compression Connection e..... Not Less Than 1.8m (6ft) ..... Ground Rod ,, ,, Figure 29 - lllustration of a parallel ground rod installation D.2.3.2 Type 2 sites Type 2 sites are considered critica! to the operation of the telecommunications system. NOTE - The owner of the telecommunications equipment or the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) determines whether the site is Type 1 or Type 2. Type 2 sites may have a tower on the site, may have a telecommunications dispatch center, may have a base station/repeater site, and may be critica! to public safety or on a military instal­ lation. Type 2 sites should have a grounding system resistance of 5 ohms or less. NOTE - Equalpotential bonding and grounding is the most important considera­ tion when designing a grounding electrode system to protect against lightning events. D.2.4 Tower grounding The tower grounding electrode system helps disperse lightning energy before it is able to enter the associated telecommunications structure and its related equipment. See figure 30. There are several types of towers. Typical tower types include: a) Guyed metallic towers These are structures with upright support members (legs) mounted on a foundation or pier that require multiple anchors and down guys. b) Self-supporting metallic towers These are free-standing structures with upright support members (legs) mounted on a foundation or pier that need no other supporting elements. 53 Order Number: W21n784 Sold 10:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D c) Wooden structures (pales) These are either free-standing ar guyed structures either mounted on a foundation ar partially buried. The tower ground ring conductor should be an uninsulated tinned ar untinned copper conduc­ tors, mínimum 2 AWG, that is buried to a depth at least 0.75 m (2.5 ft) ar 150 mm (6 in) below the frost line, whichever is deeper. lt should be installed at least 0.6 m (2 ft) away from the tower base ar footing using at least two ground rods, 2.4 m (8 ft) mínimum length and 16 mm (0.625 in) diameter, driven to a depth such that the top of the rod is approximately at the depth of the ground ring and connected to that ground ring using listed exothermic connections ar listed compression connections. The ground rods should be made from copper, copper ciad steel, stainless steel ar galvanized steel and be listed far the purpose. The ground rods should be located at approximately equal intervals around the circumference of the ground ring. The tower ground ring should be bonded to the equipment building/cabinet ground ring at a míni­ mum if two separate places using the same size conductor and buried to the same depth as the tower and equipment building/cabinet ground ring. The tower's support piers (concrete footings) should have the reinforcing steel electrically connected to the tower holding bolts. D.2.4.1 Guyed metallic towers The bottom plate of a guyed tower should be bonded to the tower ground ring using three equal­ ly spaced conductors, or each leg should be bonded to the tower grounding ring using a con­ ductor of the same size as the tower ground ring (see figure 30). These conductors should be short and as straight as practica!. The connections to the tower should be made with listed exo­ thermic connections unless specifically directed otherwise by the tower manufacturer. The con­ nections to the ground ring should be made with listed exothermic welds or listed compression connections. 54 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Ground Ring Exothermic Welds or Compression Connections < Figure 30 - lllustration of a guyed tower grounding example A ground rod should be installed at each anchor point and connected to each guy wire using materials that help prevent the formation of a galvanic couple (See figure 31 ). 55 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to,ICE (053809100001], Not for Resale.2019·08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Figure 31 - lllustration of guy wire grounding D.2.4.2 Self-supporting metallic towers For towers not exceeding 1.5 m (5 ft) in base width (including monopoles), the tower ground ring should consist of at least two ground rods and grounding conductor and installed in accordance with Annex C. For towers equal to or exceeding 1.5 m (5 ft) in base width, the tower ground ring should consist of at least one ground rod per tower leg and a grounding conductor sized and installed in ac­ cordance with Annex C. Each tower leg should be connected to the tower ground ring using the same size conductor as the tower ground ring. These conductors should be installed to be as short and straight as practica!. The connections to the tower should be made with listed exo­ thermic connections unless specifically directed otherwise by the tower manufacturer. The con­ nections to the ground ring should be made with exothermic welds or listed compression con­ nections. For monopole towers equal to or exceeding 1.5 m (5 ft) in base width, the tower ground ring should consist of at least four equally spaced ground rods and a grounding conductor sized and installed according to Annex C. There should be four equally spaced bonding conductors con­ nected to the monopole tower and to the tower ground ring using the same size conductor as 56 Order Number: W217TT84 Sold to:ICE [053809100001), Not for Resale.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D the tower ground ring. These conductors should be installed to be as short and straight as prac­ tica!. The connections to the tower should be made with listed exothermic connections unless specifically directed otherwise by the tower manufacturer. The connections to the ground ring should be made with listed exothermic connections or listed compression connections (see fig­ ure 32). Means Ground Ring Exothermic Welds or Compression Conn ection s > Figure 32 - lllustration of a monopole tower grounding example D.2.4.3 Wooden structures (poles) Wooden poles should be installed using a 2 AWG or larger solid uninsulated tinned or un-tinned copper vertical down conductor for its entire length. This down conductor should be connected to two ground rods or a grounding radial conductor using listed exothermic welding or other fit­ tings that are listed for that purpose. These ground rods and conductors should be sized and installed according to Annex C (see figure 33). 57 ... .. ' ' "' Order Number: W2177784 Sold 10:ICE [053809100001 J. Not for Aesale.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D 2 AWG minimum bare copper wire routed from opposite side from transmission line Ground kits Ground rods ► Figure 33 - lllustrative view of a wooden pole grounding example Common bonding and grounding principies used on separate building and tower sites should also apply in this case. In addition, the following should apply to this type of installation. a) Any electric power conduit should extend and terminate above any telephone attach­ ment (cable, wire, or drop) at a point where the weatherhead is near the power circuit at­ tachments or warning light. 58 Order Number: W2i77784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale.2019·08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D b) The conduit from the weatherhead to the power meter should be at least 6 m (20 ft) long. This aids the operation of the power arrester at the weatherhead (pales). D.2.5 Building/shelter and outdoor cabinet grounding Ali dedicated telecommunications shelters and outdoor cabinets should have a properly in­ stalled externa! grounding electrode system that meet the ground resistance requirements listed in D.2.3.1 or D.2.3.2 depending on what type of structure it is. Figure 34 illustrates an example of a cabinet grounding system. The building/shelter and outdoor cabinet should be encircled by a ground ring consisting of an uninsulated solid tinned or un-tinned copper conductor, mínimum 2 AWG buried to a depth al least 0.75 m (2.5 ft) or 150 mm (6 in) below the frost line, whichever is deeper. lt should be in­ stalled at leas! 0.9 m (3 ft) away from the building. Ground rods, 2.4 m (8 ft) mínimum length and 16 mm (0.625 in) diameter should be driven to a depth such that the top of the rod is ap­ proximately at the depth of the ground ring and connected to that ground ring using listed exo­ thermic connections or listed compression connections. These ground rods should be con­ structed per C.2. There should be a mínimum of four grounding rods located at each comer of the building/shelter or outdoor cabinet. The building/shelter and outdoor cabinet ground ring should be bonded to the tower ground ring in at leas! two points using the same size conductor and buried to the same depth as the tower and equipment building/cabinet ground ring. Also, the building's foundation (concrete footings) should have the reinforcing steel electrically con­ nected to the building ground ring. 59 Order Number. W2177784 Sold 10:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019-0B-26 21:58:09 UTC ANS l{f lA-607-D •• oncrete-Encased Electrode (Ufer Ground) Ground Ring Exothermic Welds or Compression Connections Ground Rod Figure 34 - lllustrative view of a cabinet grounding system 0.2.6 Rooftop sites grounding system When the antenna support or tower is mounted on the roof of a building, a grounding system should be designed to: a) use regular lightning protection conductors and hardware following the recommenda­ tions of NFPA-780; b) place a wire ring (roof ring) around the antenna support or tower; c) connect the tower base footings to the: 1) tower ground ring; 2) waveguide, or coaxial, outer conductor; d) lighting alternating current (ac) branch circuit metallic conduit and green wire alternating current equipment ground (ACEG);.connect: 1) antenna metal members to the tower or antenna support structure; 2) antenna support structure to ring; 3) lightning protection system perimeter conductors; 4) ring to any other metallic object on the roof within flashover range. NOTE - Coordinate the lightning protection system of the building and the grounding system for the tower. 60 .. •,,,,•,,·••,·,•···· .. Ortler Number: w21n784 Sold 10:ICE [053809100001J, Not for Aesale,2019-08-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D See figure 35, figure 36, and figure 37 far examples of rooftop site grounding systems Main Roof Perimeter Lightning Protection Conductor /Tower Grounding Conductor 1 of 2 minimum Bonded Wlthin 610mm (24 in.) of the Grounding Down Conductor �--,;<::ri,/?" Building Ground Ring Part of the Complete Grounding Electrode System rounding Down Conductor 1 of 4 shown Figure 35 - lllustrative rooftop tower example 61 Order Number. w21m84 Sold to:ICE [053809100001]. Not tor Resale,2019-0B-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Transmission line ground kit 2 AWG mínimum bare copper conductors Antenna support structure / r----'""i"T--:-==:--r---, -:, Electlical servlre/ Grou nd rods ------ Figure 36 - lllustrative view of roof-mounted antenna mast grounding with a supple­ mental grounding electrode system 62 Order Number. W2H7784 Sold to:ICE [053009100001), Not for Aesale,2019.08·26 21 :58:09 lJTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Antenna mount 2 AWG mínimum bare copper conductor ◄◄t--- � Antenna Transmission line ground ki t Electrical service 2 AWG mínimum bare Copper conductor 50 mm (2 in) strap recommende d ,,--�-Groundrods Figure 37 - lllustrative view of side-mounted antenna grounding using copper strap down conductor D.2.6.1 Down conductors A roof-mounted tower or antenna mast of any size should have at least two down conductors from opposite sides of the roof ground ring down the building wall to connect to either a buried ground ring around the building (preferred), or two or more rods. Additional down conductors should be used far each 30 m (100 ft) of building length. NOTE - These down conductors are in addition to the ones used in the lightning protection system. D.2.6.2 Roof conductors Roof conductors should be supported every 0.9 m (3 ft) using listed fasteners or supports. D.2. 7 Transmission line grounding at antenna locations Waveguide and coaxial cable shields should be bonded to the tower at the top and bottom of the tower. lf the tower is greater than 60 m (200 ft) in height, the waveguide or coax shield should also be bonded at the tower midpoint or every 15 m (50 ft). Where the waveguide or coaxial cable enters the building, the waveguide or coaxial shield should be bonded to the building's externa! grounding electrode system with a mínimum 2 AWG 63 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001 ]. Not for Resale,2019-0B-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D conductor. Once inside the building, the waveguide or coaxial cable shield should be bonded to the building's interior grounding electrode system, using a mínimum 6 AWG conductor, as close as practica! to the entrance. lf there is a metallic waveguide or coaxial cable entrance plate, the entrance plate should be bonded to both the exterior and interior grounding system with a mínimum 2 AWG conductor for the exterior bond and 6 AWG for the interior bond. The waveguide or coaxial cable shield should be bonded to the metallic entrance plate on both the outside and inside of the building with a mínimum 2 AWG conductor for the exterior bond and 6 AWG for the interior bond.. The coaxial cable should be protected by a lightning surge arrester, which is bonded to the exte­ rior grounding electrode system with the proper size grounding conductor specified by the man­ ufacturer. lf the tower is lighted, the conduit for the lighting power conductors should be bonded to ground as described for waveguide and coaxial cable shields. D.2.8 Ancillary objects requiring bonding and grounding D.2.8.1 Fence grounding lf there is a metal fence within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the building, the building ground ring should be bonded to the fence with a mínimum 2 AWG solid uninsulated copper conductor (tinned is rec­ ommended). Similar rules apply for bonding a monopole or satellite-mounting ground ring to the equipment building ground ring or fence (see figure 38 and figure 39). 64 Order Number: W21777ll4 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], No! fer Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Bonded at all comer fence posts Tower ground ring / Metallic fence --�- _i;:;;;; �===-- ::!◄ 11 Communication site Gate posts L - Bondi ng busbar ._ Externa 1 ground ring Gales bonded to gate posts Figure 38 - lllustration of a fence bonding example 65 Order Number. w21n784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001), Not for Resale.2019-08·26 21 :58:09 vrc ANSI/TIA-607-D . . ��� ?4µj: \J J _.·. · i 1 Exotherm1c weld connect,ons , / �4 Í\ . '·"'".! , /•.J , ¡:, -·•· ' "-J Fence fabric bonding clamp (1 of3) /'') J í · _ i-�' Soft drawn tinned solid �• copper conductor bonding ) fence fabric to grou nd -,¡-: Gate jumpers with exothermic welds Bonding conductor with exothermic weld \ /4 -t !i , JL -�411--�¡ L ;; '·( ')L " ,, .. /t"]f Connect fence bonding . .• .... conductors to grounding � / 1 . electrode system using / exothermic welds or irreversible • � high-compression connectors i , <,·· _ ____ NOTE - While exothermic welds to fence posts are preferred, listed pipe clamp bonds are permitted. Figure 39 - lllustrative view of a fence fabric and deterrent wiring bonding example D.2.8.2 Generators Generators installed outside and within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the structure should be bonded to the nearest point on the building's grounding electrode system using a mínimum 6 AWG copper conductor, see figure 40. lf this conductor is placed underground, then the mínimum conductor size shall be 2 AWG or larger. 66 Order Number. w21mB4 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not lor Resale,2019-06-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Generators installed more than 1.8 m (6 ft) away from the structure shall have a ground rod driven near the generator and bonded to the generator and to the building's grounding electrode system using a 2 AWG or larger uninsulated, solid, tinned or un-tinned copper conductor t�,/" ,,,./ r _;¡ � // 1 }==, Additional Ground Rod ,/ Generator More Than 1.8m (6 ft.) From Building Generator Less Than (6 ft.) From Building Figure 40 - lllustrative view of a generator grounding example D.2.8.3 Satellite dishes Satellite dish mountings should have a grounding electrode system consisting of a ground ring and ground rods. The metallic trame supporting a satellite dish should be bonded to the ground ring with a minimum 2 AWG conductor, which should be as short and straight as practica!. D.2.9 Interna! bonding and grounding D.2.9.1 Components D.2.9.2 lnstallation Radio equipment buildings with nonmetallic walls should have an interior ground ring consisting of a minimum 2 AWG conductor mounted, with nonmetallic connections, to the interior wall with­ in 0.3 m (1 ft) of the ceiling. Radio equipment buildings with metallic walls should have an interior ground ring consisting of a minimum 2 AWG conductor mounted directly to the interior wall within 0.3 m (1 ft) of the ceiling. 67 Order Number. W2177784 Sold to:ICE {053809100001 ), Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSl!TIA-607-D D.2.9.3 Bonding to the externa! ground electrode system The interior ground ring should be bonded to the exterior ground ring with a mínimum 2 AWG conductor, routed as straight as practica!, using listed exothermic connections or listed connect­ ors. 68 OrderNumber. W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053609100001], Not for Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex E (informative) TELECOMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICAL PROTECTION This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. Telecommunications circuit protectors are used in telecommunications facilities to mitigate volt­ age and current transients. There are three basic types of telecommunications surge protectors: a) primary protectors; b) secondary protectors; and, c) data and fire alarm protectors. The telecommunications infrasturcture is often subject to electrical disturbances arising from lightning and commercial alternating curren! (ac) power line disturbances. To help safeguard persons and property from the effects of these disturbances, primary telecommunications elec­ trical protection is placed at the telecommunications entrance to the building or structure by the network telecommunications utility access provider. The National Electrical Code (NEC®) speci­ fies the minimum primary protection requirements, and states that "the primary protector shall be located in, on or immediately adjacent to the structure or building served and as close as practical to the point at which the exposed conductors enter or attach." The network telecom­ munications utilities, in addition to conforming to the NEC® requirements, also provide primary telecommunications electrical protection where they deem their network plan! potentially ex­ posed to lightning or commercial ac power disturbances. An exception to this may be in urban areas where tall, steel-framed buildings may provide shielding from lightning, the large mass of underground metallic structures dissipates lightning energy, and power conductors are placed underground in conduit separate from telecommunications conductors. In such areas, primary telecommunications electrical protection is generally not necessary as there may be limited lightning or power exposure. A critical consideration when placing the primary protector is the length of the primary protector grounding conductor. The primary protector grounding conductor provides the grounding path between the primary protector ground terminal and the building or structure power grounding electrode system. During a lightning event to the network telecommunications plant, substantial voltages can be developed in the primary protector grounding conductor. The magnitude of the voltage is dependen! both on the waveshape of the disturbance and the impedance of the grounding conductor which is directly proportional to conductor length. For this reason, network telecommunications utility practices recommend: a) locating the telecommunications entrance as close as practicable to the power entrance to minimize the length of the primary protector grounding conductor. The NEC® empha­ sizes this by requiring a means for intersystem bonding between power and other sys­ tems, such as telecommunications systems. b) placing the primary protector to allow for the shortest and most direct routing of the primary protector grounding conductor. While the telecommunications network is only one means by which lightning voltages can be introduced into a building or structure (power phase conductors, the power neutral conductor, and a strike to the building itself are others), consideration should also be given to providing surge protection devices at the electrical entrance and direct strike lightning protection to the facility. The requirements for and the need to provide this broader protection is contained in NFPA-780. 69 Order Number: W2177764 Sold to:ICE [0S3809100001], Not lor Resale,2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Maximum effort should be made to keep the primary protector grounding conductor as short as practica!. This may be accomplished by locating the primary protector in clase proximity to the power service entrance at the building or structure. In addition to the primary protector ground­ ing conductor, the overall conductor path between the primary protector and the power service ground should be kept as short as practica!. This path may include the telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) as illustrated in figure 3 and figure 5 of this Standard. The length of the TBC may be minimized by locating the primary bonding busbar (PBB) as clase as practica­ ble to the electrical entrance facility. Requirements fer telecommunications electrical protection, bonding and grounding at building or structure entrances are contained in the NEC® , Chapter 8. Additional detailed electrical protec­ tion, bonding and grounding considerations and criteria are contained in ATIS 0600318. The reader is directed to these documents fer guidance regarding the primary protector, and the placement, routing, and length of the primary protector grounding conductor. Consideration should be given to installing secondary protectors and data and fire alarm protec­ tors. 70 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-O Annex F (informative) ELECTRICAL PROTECTION FOR OPERATOR-TYPE EQUIPMENT POSITIONS This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. Technology devices are increasingly being deployed at the equipment outlet (EO), including one or more computers, phones, printers, etc. In telecommunications-intensive operations, person­ nel may wear voice headsets connected to headset interface equipment in addition to the typical EO devices. At these locations, personnel use a variety of electronic equipment including a headset, headset interface equipment, other electronic equipment such as a computer keyboard and video display terminal, and the work station furniture. Frequently, workstations are arranged in clusters con­ sisting of several positions. These positions are typically used at reservation bureaus, telemar­ keting agencies, and such. Operator-type equipment positions (workstations) should be bonded to ground in accordance with ATIS 0600321. Electrical disturbances may appear at operator-type equipment positions arising either from electrostatic discharge (ESO), or from sources that are interna! or externa! to the building such as lightning or alternating curren! (ac) power disturbances. ATIS 0600321 covers new installations of network operator-type equipment positions in which personnel are required to access a computer terminal keyboard while continually wearing a headset. This standard presents measures that are intended to help control ESO in the network operator-type environment. ATIS 0600321 also presents additional measures that are intended to help minimize the effects of lightning, surges from commercial alternating curren! (ac) power lines, and power switching operations, both at the facility (building) level and at the network op­ erator-type equipment position. These measures provide for equipotential bonding and ground­ ing at the telecommunications entrance facility (TEF) and the power entrance facility, as well as for equipotential bonding and grounding, where necessary, and electrical protection at the net­ work operator-type equipment positions. Although ATIS 0600321 deals specifically with network locations, the measures outlined in the standard are applicable to non-network installations, as well as at existing installations. The electrical protection measures included in ATIS 0600321 are intended to minimize potential differences at the network operator-type equipment position (work station) but are not intended to guarantee against damage or injury that may result from ESO or other similar occurrences. Refer to figure 41. General electrical safety and protection requirements that may be applied to work areas are contained in the NEO'. 71 Order Number: w21m84 Sold to:ICE [053809100001). Not for Resale,201 9-06-26 21:58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Branch circuit oúlet bax .._ � :1 ' 1 1 : : :' 1 1 1 1 ca1 r- :---- r' 1 Position bonding terminal i 1 I Grounding: Electrode : Condcctor, 1 -L.. -=F Grounding electrode system Externa! su�ge __.,. protect1on device 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electrical �---enttance 1 �cility : 1 1 1 1 : ACEG provided in supply cords 1 : : : /: :r___ /1 : '----- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 {�-------------, , 1 1 ,1i : . . ¡ 1 , _____ _i ____ ________ 1 1 / ---------· I I . . . 1 1 1 1 Processcr/oontroller Distributor room ,------, 1 1 1 1 : EQulpment : rH-l=t--l---� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Headset interface --- ,-r------- __J -------- , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Telecommunicatiors bonding backbone (TBB) Externa! secondary protector 1 - Tefecommuni cations , _____1_!. 1---- L� - entrance facility (TEF) r--7. 1 1 ,, 1 Bond to structural metal 1 11 1 1 , 1 11 ' �----;q��:; 7 : 1 1 1 {__ J 1 1 1 Bond to fumiture i ng -�_�_ _�_-------------------------------------:� :_b:_i_(i_ ' _ _ ; --, � -- _ Teleoommunications bonding conductor (TBC) i LEG ENO n Structural metal - Busbar 1111 � 1--A 1 " 1, 1 ,, 1 ¿_ _J --------- Panelboard Outside scope of Standard Bonding oonduc1or Service equipment Figure 41 - Electrical protection for operator-type equipment positions 72 Order Number: W2177784 Sold to:ICE (053809100001], No! for Resale.2019-08·26 21 :58:09 LTTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex G (informative) CROSS REFERENCE OF TERMS This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. Table 3 provides a cross reference between terms used in this Standard and other, commonly­ used industry terms, including terms from previous editions of this Standard. Table 3 - Cross reference of terms Preferred terms used in this Standard Other industry terms backbone bonding conductor (BBC) grounding equalizer (GE) 1 horizontal equalizer primary bonding busbar (PBB) building principal ground (BPG) CO GRD Bus COG facility ground main earthing terminal (MET) master ground bar (MGB) OPGPB PANI bar PGP bus principal ground point (PGP) reference point O (RP0) telecommunications main grounding busbar (TMGB) 1 zero potential reference point rack bonding busbar rack grounding busbar1 secondary bonding busbar (SBB) approved floor ground extended reference point O (Extended RP0) floor ground bar (FGB) telecommunications grounding busbar (TGB) 1 telecommunications bonding backbone (TBB) equalizer equalizing conductor grounding equalizer (GE) vertical equalizer vertical ground riser telecommunications bonding conductor (TBC) bonding conductor for telecommunications (BCT) 1 Notes: 1. Term used in previous editions of this Standard. 73 Order Number. W21777B4 Sold to:ICE [053809100001], Not for Resale,2019--08•26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D Annex H (informative) BIBLIOGRAPHY This annex is informative and is not part of this Standard. The following documents contain requirements and guidelines relevant to the requirements of this Standard: • • • • ANSI/NECNBICSI 607, Standard far Telecommunications Bonding and Grounding Planning and lnstallation Methods for Commercial Buildings ANSI/TIA-4994, Standard for Sustainable lnformation Communications Technology ATIS 0600313, Electrical Protection for Telecommunications Central Offices and Similar Type Facilities ATIS 0600318, Electrica/ Protection Applied to Telecommunications Network Plant at Entrances to Customer Structures or Buildings • • ATIS 0600333, Grounding And Bonding Of Te/ecommunications Equipment EN 50310, Application Of Equipotential Bonding And Earthing In Buildings With lnformation Technology Equipment • • • FIPS PUB 94, Guideline on Electrical Power far ADP lnstallations IEEE 1100, Recommended Practice far Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment ITU-T Recommendation K.27, Protection against lnterference - Bonding Configurations and Earthing inside a Telecommunication Building MIL-HDBK-419A, Grounding, Bonding, And Shielding For Electronic Equipments And Facilities Basic Theory TIA TSB-5046, Process for Sustainable lnformation Communications Technology Manu­ facturers • • The organizations listed below can be contacted to obtain referenced information: ANSI American National Standards lnstitute 25 W 43rd St, 4th Floor New York, NY 10036 USA (212) 642-4900 ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications lndustry Solutions 1200 G Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 USA (202) 628-6380 74 Order Number: W21TT784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001!, Not for Aesale.2019-08-26 2, :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-O BICSI BICSI 861O Hidden River Pkwy Tampa, FL 33637 USA (813) 979-1991 FIPS Federal lnformation Processing Standards Publications National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) lnformation Technology Laboratory 100 Bureau Dr, M/S 8900 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8900 USA (301) 975-2900 IEC lnternational Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de Varembe PO Box 131 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland +41 22 919 02 11 IEEE IEEE 445 Hoes Ln Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA (732) 981-0060 ISO lnternational Organization for Standards 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse CP 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland +41 22 749 01 11 ITU lnternational Telecommunication Union Place des Nations 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland +41 22 730 5111 75 Order Number: w21n784 Sold to:ICE [053809100001). Not for Resale.2019-08-26 21 :58:09 UTC ANSI/TIA-607-D MIL Department of Defense Defense Standardization Program 8725 John J Kingman Rd Stop 5100 Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6220 USA (703) 767-6888 NECA National Electrical Contractors Association 3 Bethesda Metro Center Suite 1100 Bethesda, MD 20814 USA (301) 657-311O NFPA National Fire Protection Association 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 02169-7471 USA (617) 770-3000 TIA Telecommunications lndustry Association 1320 N Courthouse Rd Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22201 USA (703) 907-7700 76 Order Number: W21TT784 Sold to:ICE [0S3809100001J. Not for Resale.2019·08-26 21 :58:09 UTC THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION TIA represents the global information and communications technology (ICT) industry through standards development, advocacy, tradeshows, business opportunities, market intelligence and world-wide environmental regulatory analysis. Since 1924, TIA has been enhancing the business environment for broadband, wireless, information technology, cable, satellite, and unified communications. TIA members' products and services empower communications in every industry and market, including healthcare, education, security, public safety, transportation, government, the utilities. TIA is accredited by the American National Standards lnstitute (ANSI) . / . ADVANCING GLOBAL C0MMUNICATI0NS TELECOMMUHICATIOHS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Copyright Telecommunications lndustry Association Provided by lHS under license with TIA 1320 H. Courthouse Road, Suite 200 Arlington VA, 22201, USA Order Number: w21n784 Sold 10:ICE {053809100001 ]. Nol lor Aesale,2019-08·26 21 :58:09 UTC •1.703.907.7700 MAIH •1.703.907.7727 FAX