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English 5 Lesson Plan: Adjectives & Hometowns

Prepared by: Claren S. Tayag (Teacher II)
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are able to:
 Build vocabulary through pictures presented.
 Practice proper way of reciting a poem.
 Interpret meaning of a poem through pictures.
 Identify adjectives used in the poem.
 Use adjectives in describing their hometown.
II. Subject Matter
Pointing out adjectives in the poem, “The Town Where I Lived” by A. J. Gil
 PELC (Philippine Elementary Learning Competency)
 English For You and Me, Language Textbook for Grade Four, pages 147 – 158
 Pictures of different places
 Paper Strips
 Post Cards
 Mock-up/model of parts of a letter
Pupils will develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
D. CONCEPTS (Grammar Integration)
 Adjectives are words that describe nouns and pronouns.
 Adjectives tell about the number, kind, and color of a person, animal, or thing.
 Appreciation of God’s creatures.
 Appreciation of home.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activities
Pupils’ Activities
A. Opening Activity
1. Building Rapport
Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
How are you today?
Oh! I’m glad you are fine today!
2. Review
Okay. Before we start our new Lesson, let us have a Our lesson yesterday was about verbs.
short review first. Okay class? Who can recall
about our lesson yesterday?
Thank you! Now who can give me a sentence?
Anne eats the apple.
Very good! Now, go to the board and underline the
verb in the sentence.
Thank you! Now please tell us what’s the reason
why you underlined the word ‘eats’.
I underlined the
word “eats” because it tells what Anne does,
therefore, it is a verb.
Very good, my dear! Since you already mastered
verbs, let us have our new lesson for today.
3. Motivation
Class, have you been to other places?
No ma’am. / Yes ma’am.
What places have you been to?
The pupils have various answers.
What places have you been to?
I’ve been to other places, just last summer, my
family and I went to Boracay!
Wow! What are your unforgettable experiences in
your summer vacation?
My Family and I had a 3 day vacation there. We
were happy and we enjoyed it very much.
Wow! Thank you very much for your
Sharing of experience, darling!
Okay children, do you want to go to
other places?
Yes ma’am!
Yes ma’am!
Do you want also to travel abroad?
Okay, very good! Now, sit back, and relax, for
today, I
will bring you to other places! We will travel
around the Philippines and we will go abroad!
(picture parade)
Class, in which of these places would you prefer to
have a house?
Answers may vary
Do you think you will be happy living in this place?
Yes, Teacher.
B. Developmental Activity
4. Vocabulary Building
Torrents, Puddles Shimmers
(picture analysis)
Teacher presents pictures of the
words to unlock the difficulty, to give
The teacher will ask what the
pupils see in the picture, let them describe
And through those pictures, gradually,
the teacher lets the pupils form their own
understanding of the picture. And then,
the teacher gives concrete definition of the
difficult words.
For comprehension check,
the teacher lets the pupils use the difficult
words in a sentence.
5. Lesson Proper
Okay class, since we have already
gone to other places, now let us come to
our own, let us go home.
I have here a poem, I’ll read the poem first, and
then, I want you all to read it after me. Okay?
Yes ma’am.
Okay let us start.
The Town Where I Lived
By A. J. Gil
Oh, the town where I lived –Now that is a town.
A river runs through it, now sparkling, now brown.
There the rain falls in torrents and low bend the
And puddles delight us, the ducks, and the geese.
And the summer sun blazes, hot and around,
‘till the haze shimmers above the ground,
Then night her portals fast unbars,
Releasing a zillion starting stars.
Now my heart aches all day for my town far away
Where life is sweet and tidy and neat.
(After the teacher reads the poem,
the whole class reads it, then reading
by pair, then individual.)
6. Comprehension Questions for Discussion
• What is the poem about?
The poem is about a town.
• What are the things you can see in the town where
the speaker lives?
Trees, ducks, geese, and stars are seen in the
speaker’s hometown.
• To what does the speaker refer to when he/she
says, “blazes, hot and around, ‘till the haze
shimmers above the ground”?
The speaker refers to the summer sun when he/she
says, “blazes, hot and around, ‘till the haze
shimmers above the ground.
• What are the words that the speaker describes
about life he/she has in the town where he/she
The speaker said that his/her life in the town
where she lives is sweet, tidy, and neat.
• How does the speaker describe his/her hometown? There could be rainy and sunny days.
• What do you think is the kind of place where the
speaker lives?
The speaker lives in a clean, peaceful place.
• How does the speaker feel or thinks in the poem?
The speaker misses his/her place.
• Where do you think is the speaker now?
The speaker is away from his/her place.
• What made you think that way?
The speaker said that he’s away from his/her
hometown in the line, “My heart aches all day, for
my town far away”.
• Who do you think is the Persona or the speaker
in the poem?
• What are his/her qualities as a person? Why?
• How will you describe your hometown, your
The speaker in the poem can either be a boy or a
girl who misses his/her home because he is away
from it.
He/she is home-loving, kind, and appreciative
Answers may vary
• Who are you living with?
Answers may vary
• Are you happy living in that kind of place?
C. Closing Activity
7. Enrichment Activity
Class, on a piece of bond paper, illustrate, or draw
the town where the speaker lives.
Yes/ No, Teacher.
8. Language Focus: Adjectives
Focus on some sentences on the poem:
 A river runs through it, now sparkling,
now brown.
 Where life is sweet, and tidy, and neat.
Class, what is being described by the words:
sparkling, brown, sweet, tidy, and neat?
What other lines in the poem? Include words
describing a person, place, or thing?
The word being described by sparkling and brown
is river, and town for the words; sweet, tidy, and
For lines:
3 – low, describing the bending of the tees
5 – hot and around describing the summer sun
7 – fast, describes the unbarring of portals
8 – zillion and staring, describes stars
9 – far (away), describes the town.
IV. Evaluation
I. Use the following words in the sentence, and then underline the word or group of words being described.
II. Read each sentences carefully. Select the word that describes the person, place or thing referred to in these
sentences. Copy the sentences first, and then write your answer on the sheet of paper.
1. I received a beautiful gift from my mother.
My Mother is _____________ (selfish, thoughtful, forgetful).
2. My brother lost my favorite bag.
My brother is ________ (thoughtless, unthinking, careless).
3. Mario found a peso bill I the room. He picked it up and gave it to the teacher.
Mario is ________ (honest, touching, sweet).
4. I recited a poem in the class, but I forget the second stanza. My classmates laughed at me.
My classmates are __________ (insensitive, thoughtless, unkind).
5. My mother praised me for helping do the house chores.
My mother is _________ (appreciative, proud, beautiful).
V. ASSIGNMENT (Skills Development)
On your assignment notebook, write a paragraph describing your hometown on a one whole sheet of paper.