TEST CODE FORM TP 2OO9I2L OI247O3I MAY/JUNE2OO9 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATTONS COUNC IL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION TECHNICAL DRAWING OPTION - Paper 03/l BUILDING DRAWING - General Proficiency PRACTICAL 3 hours l0 minutes 07 MAY 2009 (a.m.) GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Each candidate should have the following for this examination: Two sheets of drawing paper (both sides may be used) Drawing instruments Drawing board and tee square Metric scale rule Computer-Aided Drafting Method A minimum of six sheets of size 8r1" r 11" OR three sheets size lL" x 17" paper Personal computer with monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer Computer-Aided Drafting software Nß. ALL solutions to questions attempted for this Option MUST be PRINTED for sutrmission. t All dimensions are given in millimetres 3. When first-angle or third-angle is not specifïed, the choice of projection is left to the candidate's discretion, in which case the type of projection used MUST be clearly stated. 4. The candidate should use his/her own judgement to supply any dimensions or other details not directly shown on the drawings. 5. The number of each question answered MUST be written next to the solution. 6. Each candidate MUST enter his/her school code and registration number in the appropriate space at the bottom right-hand corner of the drawing paper. unless otherwise stated. I I I I I I I I DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO Copyright @ 2OO7 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 0t24703uF 2009 @ BUILDING DRAWING This paper has TWO sections: Working Drawing, and Sketch and Design OR 3D Solid Model Design Drawing. Answer ONE question from Working Drawing, and ONE question from Sketch and Design OR 3D Solid Model Design Drawing. Candidates MAY use EITHER the Traditional Drawing Method OR the Computer-Aided Drafting Method. Working Drawing Answer ONE question from this section. Do NOT spend more than2 hours on this question. 1. Figure L shows the outline of a floor plan for a one bedroom cottage at a hotel resort. The outline of the roof of the cottage is shown in broken lines on the drawing, giving an indication of the design of the roof to be used. (a) Draw, to a scale of 1:50, the completed floor plan. The drawing should include: (Ð Internal and external walls (ii) All windows and doors (iiÐ Kitchen appliances, cupboards and cabinets (iv) Bathroom fixtures (v) Names of all rooms (vi) Closets (vii) 8 main external dimensions Print a suitable title and scale used at the base of EACH drawing. Dimensions not siven are left to the candidate's discretion. Note: Standard drawing practices and conventions for drawing floor plans and site plans are to be followed. Specifications: Walls: External - concrete blocks, 150 mm thick with 10 mm plaster both sides Internal - concrete blocks, 100 mm thick with 10 mm plaster both sides Doors: D, - Glass sliding, 1800 wide x 2100 high D, - Panel door,900 wide x 2000 high D, - Flush door,750 wide x 2000 high Windows: W, - Awning type, 1200 wide x 1200 high W, - Vertical sliding 600 wide x 600 high GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ol24703UF 2009 -32400 900 3600 w2 æ i*, lYl TOILì\AND BATH .\ wl ú \ '' \t / \ q | \..)\t \< \,^.."LosET Ë ôl Q \D, I \J I \ ,/ \ ./ w \\ I / ,/ \o (') ,/ \ LIVING/DINING BEDIOOM /-ROOF ourLrNE -\\ wr z Dl Dr I I N PORCH I i I I I I I I I _l ,4\ 'l/t\ I I FRONT FLOOR PLAN SCALE:- 1:50 Figure L GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -4(b) Draw, to a scale of 1:200, the completed site plan for the building. The site plan is given in Figure 2. The front of the building MUST be drawn parallel to the road. The completed site plan MUST include: (Ð Proposed building (ii) Road/driveway (iiÐ Septic tank, soakaway and sewer lines (iv) Distances from boundary lines (v) Dimensions of property lines (vi) North affow (vii) Trees and shrubs Print a suitable title and scale used at the base of EACH drawing. Dimensions not given are 1eft to the candidate's discretion' Note: Standard drawing practices and conventions for drawing floor plans and site plans are to be followed. (80 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -ll -5- HIBISCUS AVENUE Figure 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -62. The outline of a floor plan layout for a one bedroom cottage at a hotel resort is shown in Figure 3. The building is to be covered with a combination hip and shed roof as indicated in the drawing. (a) Dtaw , to a scale of 1 :50 , the complete roof framing plan for the building to show the main roof members. Label at least FOUR main roof members. The building outline MUST bC Shown. SINGLE LINE REPRESENTATION OF ROOF MEMBERS V/ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. (b) Draw, to a scale of 1:10, a typical roof detail at the eave to show CLEARLY an accepted method of roof anchorage, bearing in mind protection from hurricanes. Print a suitable title and scale used at the base of EACH drawins. Dimensions not given are left to the candidate's discretion. Note: Standard drawing practices and conventions for drawing roof plans are to be followed. Specifications: Walls Roof overhang covering Fascia board Rafters Hip rafters Ridge board Roof External - concrete blocks, 150 mm thick with 10 mm plaster both sides Internal - concrete blocks, 100 mm thick with 10 mm plaster both sides 600 mm Corrugated galvanized sheeting x 50 mm x 25 mm 150 mm hardwood 150 mm treated pitch pine 50 mm x 200 mm 50 mm x 200 mm (80 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2400 900 3600 w) wl ,"'l .,'/,1 ( ti ilæ iw" TOILì\AND BATH .\ w \ KITCHEN (J ,/ \ I ,,/ ,/ ..,r"\"LosET"À sôl I _l \D" .\ u ¡iI w1 ll*l / ,/ \o // (a BEDBOOM Ii LIVING/DINING wl z ôl -noor ourLrNE ll-'l Dl JI'\i Dr PORCH I I _l /4\ /l\ I I I FRONT FLOOR PLAN SCALE:- 1:50 Figure 3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -8Sketch and Design OR 3D Solid Model Design Drawing Answer ONE question from this section. 3. Make aneat,well-proportioned sectional sketch to show a typical reinforced concrete strip footing detail. Include hatching to show material representation. Label ALL main components. (20marks) 4. The drawing below represents a simple framed wooden partition layout, showing a door and window opening. Make neat, well-proportioned sketches to show the framing details at A and B. Window Opening FRAMED WOODEN PARTITION LAYOUT (20marks) END OF TEST 0124703UF 2009