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IHC2 - The Role of Virgin Mary in the Church 24 July 2021

Prayer Before Catechism
All: In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Leader: Let us remember we are in the holy presence of God
All: And let us adore him
Leader: Let us Pray:
All: O my God, for love of you, I am going to listen during this catechism lesson. Give me the grace to know
you, to love you, to serve you and faithfully practice all that I learn. I will continue, O my God to do everything
for love of you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
The Virgin Mary
Catechism for First Holy Communion Year 2
24 July 20201
Duration: 2 Hrs.
Review of Last Week’s Class
Review of Last Week’s Homework
• Lead the Holy Rosary Prayer during your family prayer time
• Note the number of days you Lead the Rosary during family prayers
• Read Luke 1:48. How do we call Mary Blessed? Discuss with your parents
The Virgin Mary
Learning Objectives
Understand the role of Virgin Mary in the Church
Understand Devotions to Virgin Mary
To overcome criticisms against the Catholic Church
Build relationship with the blessed Virgin Mary through devotion to her and
imitating her virtues
Virgin Mary; Her Role in our Salvation
• The New Eve whose offspring crushed the head of
the Serpent Genesis 3:15
• The Mother of Jesus (God made man for us)
Luke 1: 26-38
• The Mother of all Christians. John 19: 26-27
• Our Intercessor John 2: 3-5
Key Teachings on Virgin Mary
• Immaculate Conception
• Perpetual Virginity
• Mother of God
• Assumption into Heaven
Do Catholics Worship Mary?
Devotion to Mary
• Love, Loyalty, Enthusiasm, Praise for Mary.
• Prayer or religious observance in honor of
• Acknowledge Mary’s special role in our
• Learn from her virtues and imitate her
Rosary – Hail Mary….
Bible Based Devotion to Mary – Vocal and Meditative
• Hail Mary Full of Grace the Lord is with you
…..Luke 1:28
• Blessed are you among women and blessed is the
fruit of your womb Jesus – Luke 1:42
• Holy Mary Mother of God Pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death – (Intercessory)
Meditation on the Mysteries of Christ and Mary’s life
The Seven Sorrows of Mary
• The Prophecy of Simeon: LK 2:25-35
• The Flight of Jesus, Mary and Joseph into Egypt: Mt
• The Loss of Jesus in the Temple: Lk 2:41-52
• Mary meets Jesus on the Way of the Cross: Lk 23:26-32
• Jesus dies on the Cross: Jn 19:17-30
• Mary receives the Dead Body of Jesus: Lk 23:50-56
• Jesus is placed in the Tomb Jn 19:38-42
Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a Call
to Imitate her
What is Virtue?
• Act of righteousness (Gen 15:6).
• Keeping God’s commandments, Deut 6:25
• Any act that is true, noble, good, pure and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8)’
Opposite of Virtue?
• Vice or the habitual inclination to do evil.
Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a Call
to Imitate her
• Deep Humility - Free from pride and arrogance; lowliness of mind.(Lk 1: 4655)
• Lively Faith – Submitting our will completely to God. “Blessed are those
who believe without seeing.” (Jn 20:29)
• Blind Obedience - The Annunciation—“Behold, I am the handmaid of the
Lord; be it done to me according to your word.” (Lk 1: 38); Lk2:22-24.
• Unceasing Prayer - “Mary pondered these things in her heart.” (Lk 2: 19 and
Lk 2:51…)
Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a Call
to Imitate her
• Love for God and Love for man –Helping Elizabeth with the daily chores Lk
• Heroic Patience – The 3 days search for Jesus
• Angelic Kindness and Heavenly Wisdom
• Purity - Free from sin; oneness of heart and mind in seeking God.
Wrap up and Questions
What is the Role of Mary in the Church?
What is a Devotion?
What is a Virtue?
Name 3 Virtues of Mary that we can imitate?
• Read, summarize and share learning on Luke Chapter 1
• Read, summarize and share learning on John Chapter 6
Closing Prayer
• In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen
• Our Father….
• We fly to your patronage…..
Back up
The Joyful Mysteries
Five Joyful Mysteries
Bible Reference
1st: The Annunciation
Luke 1:28
2nd: The Visitation
Luke 1:41-42
3rd: The Birth of Jesus
Luke 2:7
4th: The Presentation
Luke 2:22-23
5th: The finding of Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2: 46
The Luminous Mysteries
Five Luminous Mysteries
Bible Reference
1st: The Baptism of Jesus
Mk 3: 13-17
2nd: The Wedding Feast in Cana
John 2:1-12
3rd: The Proclamation of the Good news
Mk 1:15
4th: The Transfiguration
Luke 9: 1-8
5th: The Last Super
Luke 2:17-20
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Five Sorrowful Mysteries
Bible Reference
1st: The Prayer and Agony in the Garden
Luke 22:44-45
2nd: The Scourging at the Pillar
John 19:1
3rd: The Crowning with Thorns
Matt 27:28-29
4th: The Carrying of the Cross
John 19:17
5th: The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord
Luke 23:46
The Glorious Mysteries
Five Sorrowful Mysteries
Bible Reference
1st: The Resurrection
Mark 16:6
2nd: The Ascension
Mark 16:19
3rd: The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles
Acts 2:4
4th: The Assumption
cf: Judith 15:9
5th: The Coronation of our Blessed Mother as Queen of
Heaven and Earth
cf: Revelation 12:1