Government College of Pharmacy, Karad Pharmaceutical Chemistry [2020-21] Title : SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR THEORY EXAMINATION, APRIL-MAY 2021, F.Y. M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) (Sem II), Advanced Spectral Analysis (70682) Subject : Advanced Spectral Analysis - Theory Faculty : Manoj Shrawan Charde Year : First Year - Second Semester Date : Mon 25 Oct, 2021 Marks : 50 Duration : 60 Minutes 1 ] Question : Multiple grating system is used in Raman spectroscopy [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) To isolate the selected wavelength from polychromatic source 2 ) It has multiplex advantage 3 ) To disperse the light emitted by source 4 ) To separate weak Raman lines from other radiations Explanation : Bloom's Level: Apply 2 ] Question : Loss of water of crystallization will be represented in DSC plot as [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Downward slope 2 ) Upward slope 3 ) Downward peak 4 ) Upward peak Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand 3 ] Question : Base value for the given compound is [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) 230 nm 2 ) 250 nm 3 ) 246nm 4 ) 217 nm Explanation : Bloom's Level: Evaluate 4 ] Question : Metastable ions are easily recognized in the mass spectrum due to its characteristics [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) they show broad peaks than normal ion 2 ) they show relatively more abundance 3 ) stable peaks 4 ) uniform peaks Explanation : Bloom's Level: Apply 5 ] Question : Which of the following is used to confirm the presence of HIV infection in individuals who are antibody-positive by ELISA? [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Western blot 2 ) Hemagglutination 3 ) Ouchterlony test 4 ) Complement fixation Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Apply 6 ] Question : In the application of DTA and DSC which of the following parameters is measured for the glasses? [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Concentration of the glass 2 ) Solubility of the glass 3 ) Cooling temperature 4 ) Transition temperature Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Apply 7 ] Question : Which of the following proton has more chemical shift in NMR [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Alcohols 2 ) Carboxylic acid 3 ) Ketone 4 ) Vinylic Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Apply 8 ] Question : The approximate value of methyl proton in NMR is [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) 1.5 2 ) 0.9 3 ) 2.1 4 ) 4.5 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand, Evaluate 9 ] Question : How many NMR signals appear in the 1H NMR spectrum of (CH3)4C? [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1) 1 2)2 3)3 4)4 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Apply 10 ] Question : DSC curve is plot of [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Differential temperature vs temperature of furnace 2 ) Differential temperature vs time 3 ) Differential temperature vs temperature of reference 4 ) Heat flow against temperature Explanation : Bloom's Level: Apply 11 ] Question : Number of signals for Benzaldehyde in NMR are [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1)1 2)2 3) 3 4)4 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand 12 ] Question : McLafferty Rearrangement is shown by ----- [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) aldehyde 2 ) ketone 3 ) alcohol 4 ) all of above Explanation : Bloom's Level: Apply 13 ] Question : Which of the following statements regarding NMR is wrong? [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) NMR signals towards the left of spectral chart correspond to larger chemical shifts 2 ) Chemical shifts are larger when the frequencies of the radiation which induces the nuclear transitions are higher. 3 ) Chemical shifts are larger when shielding effects are greater 4 ) A hydrogen signal splits into n + 1 rule peaks by spin-spin coupling when the number of equivalent hydrogen atoms on adjacent atom is n, and no other neighboring atoms are involved Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Analyze 14 ] Question : 2-Heptanone undergoes McLafferty rearrangement with release of _____ [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) ethane 2 ) propene 3 ) isobutene 4 ) 1-butene Explanation : Bloom's Level: Apply 15 ] Question : Molecular ion peak is also known as _____ [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Daughter Peak 2 ) Metastable Peak 3 ) Parent ion 4 ) Base Peak Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Evaluate 16 ] Question : The number of peaks given by the proton NMR spectrum of 2- methyl -1-pentene are [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1)4 2) 5 3)6 4)3 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Evaluate 17 ] Question : The number of peaks by diethyl ether in NMR spectrum are as--------------- [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1)4 2) 2 3)1 4)5 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand 18 ] Question : In Mass Spectroscopy, a cation with 100% abundance is known as [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Parent ion 2 ) Base peak 3 ) Fragment ion 4 ) Radical cation Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand, Analyze 19 ] Question : DTA can be used for which of the following process [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Line positions of the crystals 2 ) Mechanical properties of the crystals 3 ) Phase Diagrams 4 ) Catalytic properties of enzymes Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Apply 20 ] Question : Which is working principle of ELISA? [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Ag-Ab neturalization 2 ) Ag-Ab complex 3 ) (A) and (B) 4 ) None of the above Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Analyze 21 ] Question : Tropylium ion shows peak at m/e [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) 91 2 ) 77 3 ) 90 4 ) 89 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand, Evaluate 22 ] Question : Bioassays are carried out to --------. [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) Measure the pharmacological activity of a drug 2 ) Avoid clinical trials for new drugs 3 ) Detect the impurity in given drug 4 ) Screen for phramacogenetic influences of new drugs Explanation : Bloom's Level: Evaluate 23 ] Question : Nitriles show absorbance at wavelength_______. [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) 2250 cm-1 2 ) 2950 cm-1 3 ) 2800 cm-1 4 ) 1800 cm-1 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Understand, Evaluate 24 ] Question : How many peaks this compound may give in NMR spectroscopy? C6H5-CH2-CH2-CH3 [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1) 4 2)3 3)2 4)1 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Remember, Apply 25 ] Question : Finger print region is characteristic of the organic compound. Identify it. [Single Correct] [2 Marks] 1 ) 3300-1400 cm-1 2 ) 3000-1200 cm-1 3 ) 1400-666 cm-1 4 ) 2800-1000 cm-1 Explanation : Bloom's Level: Apply, Create Marks distribution as per Bloom's level Bloom's Level Linked Question Count Marks Percentage Create 1 2 4.00 Evaluate 7 14 28.00 Analyze 3 6 12.00 Apply 12 24 48.00 Understand 7 14 28.00 Remember 9 18 36.00 NOTE : Percentage for each Bloom's level is calculated using following formula Percentage = ( Marks per Bloom's level / Total marks of all questions ) * 100