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Parenting Styles Survey: Childhood & Adulthood Impact

Research Topic:
The Effect and Consequences of different parenting styles on a
Person's Childhood and Adulthood
1) What is your age?
a) 18-22
b) 23-27
c) 28-32
d) 33-37
2) What is your gender?
a) Male
b) Female
c) Prefer not to say
3) What is you status?
a) Single/ Parent
b) Married/ Child
c) Prefer not to say/ both
4) What do you understand by parenting style?
a) Parenting style is just a combination of strict action that help to discipline the child
b) Parenting style refers to term parenting practices, which are used to raised the child
c) Parenting style is a combination of different behavior patterns and approaches, that
are being used to interact with the child and raise them (c is the correct answer)
d) Parenting style is defined by a parent’s personality, which cannot be changed over
5) Do you have idea about the different kinds of parenting style (Authoritative, Authoritarian,
Permissive, Neglectful)?
a) Not at all
b) Moderate Idea
c) Somewhat moderate idea
d) Yes, I do have clear idea
6) According to you how was your parents parenting style?
a) It was high in warmth and high in control- Authoritative
b) It was low in warmth and high in control- Authoritarian
c) It was high in warmth and low in control- Permissive
d) It was low in warmth and low in control- Neglectful
7) As you grew up,
a) Your parents always supported you and your dreams
b) If you shared your needs or opinion your parents dismissed those
c) The only way to be admired by your parents was being obedient to them
d) Though your parents supported financially, academically, they could not provide you
the emotional support you needed
8) How did your parents punish you upon your mistakes?
a) They used to punish physically
b) They used to verbally abuse (yelling, mocking, cursing) to make me feel guilty
c) They used to give me the silent treatment
d) They used to calmly state their disappointment and give minor punishments such
as, grounding for few days (during this time all positive reinforcement was restricted.)
9) As an adult what would you say about how well your emotional well-being was taken care of?
a) Not at all
b) Somewhat moderate
c) Moderate
d) Always
10) How much do you think your adulthood is affected by your childhood?
a) Not at all
b) Somewhat moderate
c) Moderate
d) Extreme
11) Which statements do you find relatable due to your childhood trauma?( multiple answers)
a) I find it hard to create social bonds and maintain those bonds
b) I suffer from anger issues.
c) I isolate myself when I feel stressed rather than dealing with the situation
d) Its difficult for me to express my feelings
e) I like to keep myself busy for 24/7 and rarely allow myself to take a break
f) The feeling of not good enough haunts me quite often
12) As an adult, have you ever taken any kind help related to your childhood experience?
a) I shared with my family to resolve the problems I was facing
b) I sought emotional support from my friend by sharing my problems
c) Yes, I have taken professional help
d) I did not need any
13) As an adult how you feel about your parent’s parenting style?
a) Grateful
b) Not as grateful
c) Mixed feelings
d) Neutral
14) Creating awareness about parenting style,
a) Will increase chaos between parents and children
b) Will help to create a strong bond between the child and parents
c) Parents will be aware about the consequences of how they treat their child
d) May not have any impact at all