Living & Non-Living Things in Estuaries Worksheet

Directions: Clap if the picture is a living thing
and stamp if it is a non-living thing in
Unlocking of Difficulties
Mathematical Expressions
The intertidal zone is an
ecosystem found on marine
shorelines, where a multitude of
organisms living on the shore
survive changes between high and
low tides.
Intertidal zone is an area in the
estuary which is covered with water
during high tide and exposed to air
at low tide. Some organisms live in
different habitats or areas found in
intertidal zones.
Living factors in an ecosystem such
as the intertidal zone and estuary
are composed of all plants, animals,
and microorganisms living in it.
These organisms live in different
habitats found in intertidal zones
and estuaries. These include coral
reefs, salt marshes, mud flats, rocky
shores, and mangrove forests.
Coral reefs provide shelter to thousands of fish. The
corals themselves are animals that feed on
plankton. These corals form reefs that protect the
coast from strong waves and currents.
Living Things
Non-Living Things
Fish, corals, lobster, Air, water, sunlight, soil
sponges, and sea turtle and minerals
Salt marshes are areas that are filled with seawater
during high tides and drained during low tides.
Organisms found in salt marshes are clams, mussels,
oysters, crabs, snails, and shrimp. Plants found in salt
marshes are sea grasses and other plants that are
tolerant of saltwater.
Living Things
Non-Living Things
crabs, oyster, and many Water, air, nutrients and
species of fish
Mud flats or tidal flats are areas where mud from
the seas or rivers is deposited. Algae, like sea
lettuce, provide food for the herbivores in this
Living Things
Non-Living Things
sand Mud sand and sunlight
dollars, mussels, clams,
mollusks, shellfish, and
some fish
Sea Lettuce
Sand Dollar
Rocky shores are areas where solid rocks are found.
Mangrove forests are areas that are filled with mangrove
trees. These trees have adapted to saltwater.
Living Things
Non-Living Things
plankton, brittle stars, sea
stars, hermit crabs, barnacles, Water, sunshine, oxygen, soil,
mollusks, temperature level
periwinkles, shore crabs,
shrimp, and prawns
Brittle Star
Sea Star
Mangrove forests are breeding grounds for different
kinds of fish and shellfish. Like estuaries, abiotic
factors such as waves, salinity, amount of sunlight,
temperature, and type of soil affect the organisms in
intertidal zones.
Living Things
Non-Living Things
Snails, barnacles, worm, Water, mud, and, leaves,
isopods, shrimps, crabs and branches, rocks, soil, and
jelly fish.
Jelly Fish
Group Activities
Living at the Shoreline
Non-Living Things
Amazing Ecosystem
1. Who among you live near the seashore?
2. What are the living things and non-living things
in an intertidal zone?
3. What will you do to take care of them?
4. Are these living and non-living things important
to us? Why?
•1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: By
reducing waste, reusing items, and
recycling, you can help decrease the
amount of pollution that ends up in the
intertidal zones.
•2. Conserve Water: By using less water,
you can help reduce the amount of
runoff and wastewater that ends up in
these sensitive ecosystems.
•The living things in an ecosystem are
interdependent. This means that living
things depend on their interactions with
each other and with nonliving things for
•For example, sea lettuce or other sea
plants depend on sunlight for energy to
make their food through photosynthesis.
•The seawater is important for them to
leave and survive.
The intertidal zone is an ecosystem found on marine
shorelines, where a multitude of organisms living on the
shore survive changes between high and low tides.
Living Things
Non-Living Things
Crabs, starfish, sun dollars, Sunlight
jellyfish, shrimp, worms, Soil
isopods, snails, shells, fishes, Waves
whales, dolphins, crabs, and
birds and etc.
Directions: Write your answer in the proper
1. mollusks
6. rocks
2. shellfish
7. fish
3. corals
8. mussels
4. starfish
9. clams
5. amount of sunlight 10. waves
1.Make an album of living and nonliving things in the intertidal zone.
2.Draw the intertidal zone with the living
and non-living things found in it on one
band paper.