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Developmental Summary-Analysis: Jaden's Progress

Developmental Summary-Analysis
Child’s name: Jaden
DOB: August 16th, 2004
Date of Analysis: February first, 2024
Completed By: Melissa Medeiros
1. Social Development
Summary Statement
Root Skills Being Demonstrated
Jaden has shown the ability to work in a small group with 1.5 Interacting Positively and Respectfully
peers and during circle time, and also the ability to listen to
others; he is developing the ability to take turns.
Jaden had shown increased interest in playing with other 1.1 Making Friends
children, seeking out others to play with, and sometimes
sharing toys and roles.
Jaden has shown the ability to express what he wants, and 1.2 Conflict Resolution and Social Problem-Solving
what he is feeling and thinking when dealing with conflicts. Skills
Despite sometimes using his body to express that, he has
constantly developed positive ways to deal with disputes.
He has been learning how to be attentive to other’s 1.4 Helping Skills
emotions, asking them how they are feeling.
Jaden has been showing an increased ability to share 1.7 Empathy
emotions, communicate, and express feelings with adults and
Jaden looks for support and security in educators; he also 1.9 Interacting with Adults
demonstrated interest in engaging with adults during play.
Analysis of Strengths:
Jaden has demonstrated the ability to respectfully work with other children in small groups, and work with educators
during circle time, which demonstrates his root skills of interacting positively and respectfully (Preschool Kindergarten;1.5,
ELECT, 2007). His social abilities are also shown in his elevated curiosity to play with other children, either in parallel or
cooperative play, which is essential for the skill of making friends (Preschool Kindergarten; 1.1, ELECT, 2007).
Jaden has been working hard on expressing feelings and desires when in conflict with other children, a key aspect for
the development of his conflict resolution skills (Preschool Kindergarten; 1.2, ELECT, 2007). He has also been more attentive to
other’s feelings.
Analysis of Emerging skills or Needs:
Jaden can benefit from developing turn-taking skills, to fully develop his ability to make friends and have a stronger
conflict resolution capability. He also requires assistance to recognize other’s feelings and to be able to offer assistance to
2.Emotional Development
Summary Statement
Root Skills Being Demonstrated
Jaden has demonstrated initiative to play, to follow routines 2.1 Self-concept
(especially the ones related to self-help skills), to follow
instructions, and to see himself as capable of accomplishing
the results he wants. He also recognized his name, which
shows his sense of self.
Jaden can recognize his abilities; he demonstrated insistence 2.3 Self-esteem
on his goals several times when playing and praised himself
when accomplishing them.
He has shown the ability to focus on activities for an extended 2.5 Regulating Attention, Emotions and Behaviour
period of time, especially when playing with activities that
captivate his interest.
Jaden can express satisfaction and joy when accomplishing 2.6 Positive Attitudes towards Learning
tasks and goals.
He demonstrated autonomy when talking with others, using 2.5 Autonomy
sentences such as “dat’s mine!”
Development (ELECT¸2007)
Analysis of Strengths:
Jaden has shown great development in the areas that affect his self-esteem and self-concept (2.1 Self-concept, Preschool
Kindergarten: Emotional Development, ELECT¸2007). He can focus on his activities/moments of play for an extended period,
which shows he is able to regulate his attention.
Analysis of Emerging skills or Needs:
Kindergarten: Emotional Development, ELECT¸2007). He also needs to develop the ability to cope positively with
disappointment and challenges (2.5 Regulating Attention, Emotions and behavior, Preschool Kindergarten: Emotional Development,
Jaden is still developing the ability to express his negative emotions in ways that do not harm others (2.4 Recognizing and Expressing Emotions,
3.Communication, Language & Literacy Development
Summary Statement
Root Skills Being Demonstrated
Jaden can communicate with peers and educators using both
verbal and non-verbal communication. He can express himself
using gestures, matching his facial expression with the tone of
the conversation. He is starting to engage in more complex
conversations with peers and adults, increasing the quantity
of words he says.
He is also starting to understand other’s non-verbal
He has demonstrated the ability to ask questions to further
his curiosity and further his vocabulary.
Jaden has increasingly used more complex sentences to
communicate with both peers and educators.
Jaden has shown constant development in his expressive
language skills, using short sentences to ask questions,
describe things, and express himself. He is able to use 2 to 10
words sentences.
He can listen to others attentively and follow oral instructions
from educators.
Jaden has demonstrated interest in expressing himself
through scribbles. His choices of colors and materials seem
deliberate, which shows he can express himself and
understand that scribbles can have meaning.
Jaden has shown the ability to identify sounds in his
environment, such as traffic noises, and mimic them.
3.1 Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
3.3 Vocabulary
3.4 Conversing with Peers and Adults
3.5 Using Descriptive Language to Explain, Explore and
3.6 Listening to Others
3.8 Using and Understanding the Power of Literacy
3.10 Phonological Awareness
Jaden demonstrated interest in scribbling and using drawing 3.12 Understanding of Orientation and Familiar
Conventions of Print: scribbles
He has started to make the connection between the spoken 3.13 Matching Spoken Words with Written Ones
word and the written one, by asking the educators to write
his name and being able to recognize his name in print.
Communication, language
and literacy (ELECT¸2007)
Analysis of Strengths:
Jaden exhibits strong communication skills, using both verbal and non-verbal expressions when interacting with peers and educators; he
responds to educators and follows oral instructions, which shows he has strong receptive language. He is engaging in more complex conversations,
expanding his vocabulary, and early literacy abilities. Through his moments of play and interactions, it is possible to see he has increased
phonological awareness. He displays an interest in expressing himself through drawing utensils and connecting spoken and written words.
Analysis of Emerging skills or Needs:
Jaden could benefit from moments with books to increase his literacy skills; he also requires more opportunities with activities such as drawing and scribbling
with a variety of media.
4.Cognitive Development-(thinking and learning)
Summary Statement
Root Skills Being Demonstrated
Jaden can use some level of self-regulation by identifying
rules and instructions to regulate himself. He has also shown
increased attention span.
Jaden started experimenting with actions and their outcomes,
and he also started to connect his actions to their
consequences. He also experiments with trial and error.
He has demonstrated interest in working with drawing
utensils to express ideas and feelings.
Jaden started to observe children, materials, educators and
situation in order to get a better understanding of them.
Jaden has demonstrated interest in experimenting with cause
and effect using several toys such as blocks and playdough.
He has also developed some ability to predict outcomes in his
moments of play and interactions with others. This is also
shown by his ability to follow routines.
He has been more interested and inventive in fantasy play. He
has also demonstrated the ability to use loose parts toys as
symbolic representations of other things.
4.1 Self-regulation
4.2 Problem-Solving
4.3 Representation
4.5 Observing
4.7 Reflecting and Reaching Conclusions
4.9 Reasoning Logically (Causality)
4.7 Symbolic Thought, Representation and Root Skills TODDLER
of Literacy
Jaden is able to count and determine small quantities by 4.13 Determining Quantity
matching objects to oral counting.
Analysis of Strengths:
Jaden exhibits growing self-regulation skills by identifying and following rules and instructions. He has been developing his problem-solving,
reflecting and casualty skills when playing and interacting with others. His representation skills are expanding, both for root literacy skills and
pretend play. In play, he engages in experimenting with cause and effect demonstrating a developing ability to predict outcomes.
Analysis of Emerging skills or Needs:
It would advantageous for Jaden to develop math skills such as counting, patterns, comparison and number representation. His
self-regulation abilities are still emerging, specially when it comes to take another’s point of view to regulate attention and behaviour (Preschool
Kindergarten; Cognition, 4.1, ELECT, 2007).
He would also benefit from more opportunities to work with dramatic play, to increase his representation root skills.
5.Physical Development
Summary Statement
Root Skills Being Demonstrated
Jaden has the ability to endure several physical 5.1 Increasing Levels of Activity, Endurance,
activities, exploring indoor and outdoor Variation in Types of Activity and Skills
environments to challenge himself physically. He
plays with balls and bicycles; he can walk, run,
and go up steps.
Jaden’s gross motor skills are strong, as he is 5.2 Gross motor skills
able to run, jump, balance, climb, crawl, and hop
using both feet and pedal riding toys; he can
consistently catch and throw balls.
Jaden has also shown he has control over his
large body muscles, and he uses them to express
himself when interacting with peers and
Jaden has strong fine motor skills. He can get dressed and put 5.3 Fine Motor Skills
shoes on by himself, and he is developing the ability to use a
He can use scissors, draw circles and squares, and he has a
constant tripod pencil grip.
He uses pincer and palmer grasp when playing with small
objects such as blocks.
Jaden shows eye hand coordination abilities
when playing with small toys, such as when
stacking a tall tower of blocks.
5.3 Senses (sensory motor integration)
Analysis of Strengths:
Jaden has strong fine and gross mother skills, which are shown in his daily tasks like dressing up and playing.
Jaden has the
capability and interest to engage in various physical activities, both indoors and outdoors.
Analysis of Emerging skills or Needs:
Jaden needs more opportunity to engage in Movement and Expression activities (5.2, Preschool
Kindergarten, ELECT¸2007), such as listening to
music, and playing with musical instruments. He would also benefit from learning how to use eating utensils regularly.
Summary of Interests:
Blocks; transportation toys; riding toys; sensory activities such as playdough; books; drawing; rough and tumble play; games
using balls; dramatic play; wild animals.
Conclusion Paragraph
The observations and running records provided were clear in their writing and interpretation. It was possible to identify the child’s developmental skills, abilities,
and interests through them. The checklists also assisted in creating a child’s summary analysis. However, I believe that even with detailed written information
about the child and their abilities/skills, a complete analysis would be better done by educators who have daily contact with the child and are present at simple
daily tasks that demonstrate more skills than observations/checklists can.
In my opinion, more data and work samples would be required to fully assess the child’s level of development for his cognitive abilities related to drawing,
writing, and emergent literacy skills. Moreover, little data were provided on the child’s math abilities.
Tools such as learning stories, videos, and charting would help to create a full assessment of the child, as it would detail his interests, daily routines, different
moments of play, etc.