OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT EXAM 1 PREP JONATHON FITE PRESIDENT – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE LECTURER - UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS MANAGING PARTNER: KMF INVESTMENTS OPSM 3830 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS REVIEW: SCHEDULE 2 SYLLABUS REVIEW: SCHEDULE (TR) 3 EXAM 2 OVERVIEW 20 Questions, 80 Minutes; Laptop provided, Open Note: • 1 Logistics Tradeoff Question • 2 Core Competency / Operating Strategy Questions • 2 Productivity Questions • 2 Moat / Competitive Forces Questions • 2 Regression / Forecasting Problems • 5 Forecasting Interpretation Questions • 2 Project Management Questions • 2 Article/Podcast/Class Observation Questions • 2 Reliability and Warranty Problems (one each) 20 total questions 4 QUIZ 1 RECAP MW TR 5 QUIZ 1 RECAP 6 QUIZ 1 RECAP Transportation Costs Inventory Costs Facility (Warehouse) Costs Labor Costs 7 QUIZ 1 RECAP 8 QUIZ 1 RECAP 9 QUIZ 1 RECAP 10 QUIZ 1 RECAP 11 QUIZ 1 RECAP 12 QUIZ 1 RECAP 13 Quiz 2 Review 14 Quiz 2 Review 15 CORE COMPETENCY & STRATEGY ALIGNMENT T3 - Comparison of Efficient and Responsive Supply Chains PRIMARY GOAL: Efficient Responsive Lowest cost Quick response Product design strategy Minimize product cost Modularity to allow postponement Pricing strategy Lower margins Higher margins Manufacturing strategy High utilization Capacity flexibility Inventory strategy Minimize inventory Buffer inventory Lead time strategy Reduce but not at expense of greater cost Aggressively reduce even if costs are significant Supplier selection strategy Cost and low quality Speed, flexibility, quality Transportation strategy Greater reliance on low cost modes Greater reliance on responsive (fast) modes 16 Quiz 2 Review Productivity = Output / Input Crew 2 (a) Crew 2 (b) Avg = 790 / 2 = 395 = 796 / 2 = 398 = 396.5 Crew 3 (a) Crew 3 (b) Avg = 1219 / 3 = 406 = 1143 / 3 = 381 = 393.3 Crew 4 (a) Crew 4 (b) Avg = 1298 / 4 = 324.5 = 1278 / 4 = 319.6 = 322.05 17 QUIZ 2 - Review 150 Productivity = Output / Input = Output/ (Labor + Materials + Overhead) = (392)(150) (5 x 40 x 16) + (10 x 2720) + 2500 + (0.5 x 5 x 40 x 16) = 58,800 3200 + 27200 + 2500 + 1600 = 49000 / 34500 = 1.70 Do Same Thing For Week #2 and then Average Two Results… 18 Quiz 2 Review 19 Quiz 2 Review 20 T4 LOW COST PRODUCER MOAT - Competitive Assessment Framework: Porters 5 Forces - Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants • • • Moats? High Barriers to Entry • Monopoly • Regulations • Capital Sustained high margins • • • • • • Power of Suppliers • • • • • Moats? Stable COGS as a % of Revenues ? Commodity? Unions Component Constraints • • • • Moats? Stables Revenues Stable Pricing Stable Gross Margins Pricing Power!!! Intensity of Competition • Moats? Monopoly / Market Share Growing Revenues High & Sustained Gross / Net Margins Capital Efficient (ROE/ROA) Management Impact Threat of Substitutes • • Moats? Logic Key Moat combats this threat, Company with Moat Wins Sometimes moat combats this threat Moat not relevant against this threat 21 T4 BRAND MOAT - Competitive Assessment Framework: Porters 5 Forces - Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants • • • Moats? High Barriers to Entry • Monopoly • Regulations • Capital Sustained high margins • • • • • • Power of Suppliers • • • • • Moats? Stable COGS as a % of Revenues ? Commodity? Unions Component Constraints • • • • Moats? Stables Revenues Stable Pricing Stable Gross Margins Pricing Power!!! Intensity of Competition • Moats? Monopoly / Market Share Growing Revenues High & Sustained Gross / Net Margins Capital Efficient (ROE/ROA) Management Impact Threat of Substitutes • • Moats? Logic Key Moat combats this threat, Company with Moat Wins Sometimes moat combats this threat Moat not relevant against this threat 22 T4 PATENTS MOAT - Competitive Assessment Framework: Porters 5 Forces - Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants • • • Moats? High Barriers to Entry • Monopoly • Regulations • Capital Sustained high margins • • • • • • Power of Suppliers • • • • • Moats? Stable COGS as a % of Revenues ? Commodity? Unions Component Constraints • • • • Moats? Stables Revenues Stable Pricing Stable Gross Margins Pricing Power!!! Intensity of Competition • Moats? Monopoly / Market Share Growing Revenues High & Sustained Gross / Net Margins Capital Efficient (ROE/ROA) Management Impact Threat of Substitutes • • Moats? Logic Key Moat combats this threat, Company with Moat Wins Sometimes moat combats this threat Moat not relevant against this threat 23 T4 MONOPOLY / LICENSE MOAT - Competitive Assessment Framework: Porters 5 Forces - Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants • • • Moats? High Barriers to Entry • Monopoly • Regulations • Capital Sustained high margins • • • • • • Power of Suppliers • • • • • Moats? Stable COGS as a % of Revenues ? Commodity? Unions Component Constraints • • • • Moats? Stables Revenues Stable Pricing Stable Gross Margins Pricing Power!!! Intensity of Competition • Moats? Monopoly / Market Share Growing Revenues High & Sustained Gross / Net Margins Capital Efficient (ROE/ROA) Management Impact Threat of Substitutes • • Moats? Logic Key Moat combats this threat, Company with Moat Wins Sometimes moat combats this threat Moat not relevant against this threat 24 T4 SWITCHING COST MOAT - Competitive Assessment Framework: Porters 5 Forces - Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants • • • Moats? High Barriers to Entry • Monopoly • Regulations • Capital Sustained high margins • • • • • • Power of Suppliers • • • • • Moats? Stable COGS as a % of Revenues ? Commodity? Unions Component Constraints • • • • Moats? Stables Revenues Stable Pricing Stable Gross Margins Pricing Power!!! Intensity of Competition • Moats? Monopoly / Market Share Growing Revenues High & Sustained Gross / Net Margins Capital Efficient (ROE/ROA) Management Impact Threat of Substitutes • • Moats? Logic Key Moat combats this threat, Company with Moat Wins Sometimes moat combats this threat Moat not relevant against this threat 25 T4 NETWORK EFFECT MOAT - Competitive Assessment Framework: Porters 5 Forces - Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants • • • Moats? High Barriers to Entry • Monopoly • Regulations • Capital Sustained high margins • • • • • • Power of Suppliers • • • • • Moats? Stable COGS as a % of Revenues ? Commodity? Unions Component Constraints • • • • Moats? Stables Revenues Stable Pricing Stable Gross Margins Pricing Power!!! Intensity of Competition • Moats? Monopoly / Market Share Growing Revenues High & Sustained Gross / Net Margins Capital Efficient (ROE/ROA) Management Impact Threat of Substitutes • • Moats? Logic Key Moat combats this threat, Company with Moat Wins Sometimes moat combats this threat Moat not relevant against this threat 26 QUIZ 2 - Review 27 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS 28 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS 29 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS 30 MEASURING FORECAST ERROR - Measures of Forecast Accuracy and Bias - Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD): Mean Squared Error (MSE): Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE): These assess accuracy Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): Mean Deviation (MD): Mean Percent Error (MPE): Tracking Signal (TS): 31 MEASURING FORECAST ERROR - Measures of Forecast Accuracy and Bias - Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD): Mean Squared Error (MSE): Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE): Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): Mean Deviation (MD): Mean Percent Error (MPE): These assess bias Tracking Signal (TS): 32 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS 33 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS MAD = 4.1 / 8 = 0.5125 34 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS TS = Bias / MAD = 3.7 / 0.5125 = 7.22 35 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS 36 QUIZ 3 – FORECASTING BASICS 37 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 38 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 39 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 40 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 41 LINEAR REGRESSION REGRESSION TEST SUMMARY sε Test #1: If ≤ 5%, All good y Test #2: If F-test ≤ 5%, All good Test #3: If P-test ≤ 5%, All good Test #4: If t-test Outside window, All good Good Good Bad! -1.984 0 1.984 42 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 43 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 44 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 45 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 46 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED F = [Level + (Time x Trend)] x Seasonal factor = [3612 +26(264)] x 1.90 = 19904 47 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 48 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 49 QUIZ 4 – FORECASTING APPLIED 50 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 51 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT Rule 1: 98% x 90 % = 88% Rule 2: 98% +(1-98%)x 98% = 99.96% 52 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT Rule 2: 95% +(1-95%)x 75% = 98.75% Rule 2: 99% +(1-99%) x 80% = 99.8% Rule 3: 1 – [ (1 - 95%) x (1 - 90%) x (1 - 60% ) ] 1 – [ (0.05) x (0.10) x ( 0.40) ] 1 – [ (0.002) ] = 99.8% Rule 1: 98.75% x 99.8 % x 99.8% = 0.9835 = 98% 53 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT Time = 25 MTBF = 30 T / MTBF = 25 / 30 = 0.833333 Prob (it lives) is a little over 40% Or more than 40% but less than 60% 54 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT MTBF Availability = MTBF + MTR 200 30 = 200 30 ++10.5 .5 9524 = .99.75% 55 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 5 + 4 + 7 = 16 5 + 6 + 3 + 7 = 21 5 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 19 6 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 24 6 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 22 56 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 5 + 4 + 7 = 16 5 + 6 + 3 + 7 = 21 5 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 19 6 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 24 6 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 22 57 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 5+4+7 = 16 + 3 = 19 5 + 6 + 3 + 7 = 21 + 3 = 24 5 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 19 + 3 = 22 6 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 24 6 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 22 + 3 = 25 58 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 59 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 60 QUIZ 5 – RELIABILITY & PROJECT MGMT 61