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School Vaccinations: What to Expect

What to expect
1 What's first?
A nurse will shortly call you over for your vaccinations.
Your nurse will ask you a few questions to confirm your
identity, such as:
 Your name
 Date of birth
 Home address
2 What's next?
Your nurse will then ask you questions about your health:
 Are you feeling well today?
 And for female students only:
Are you pregnant or do you
 Do you have any allergies or
think you might be pregnant?
any past reactions to vaccines?
(This may seem a silly question,
 Have you received any vaccines
but some vaccines should not
in the last 12 months?
be given during pregnancy.)
Your nurse will explain what vaccine/s you will receive today
3 But does it hurt?
Your nurse will describe:
 What you may feel
 How best you can relax your arm and
 Tips on how to distract yourself
4 Congratulations - You did it!
 Sit with your nurse while a record
of your vaccination is completed
(should only take a minute)
 Tell a nurse or teacher if you’re
feeling unwell
 You will be given a Time of
Vaccination sticker – wear it with
 Support your fellow class mates
 Join your class mates sitting
quietly in the recovery area for 15
minutes before returning to class
 Eat and drink well during the day
 Remember to keep moving your
arm/s throughout the day
In most instances, unless you give permission, health workers cannot share your health information, however there are a few situations
where we might need to talk to other people. For example if we have any concerns about your safety, welfare or wellbeing.
 Year 7 students https://www.health.gov.au/resources/videos/getting-your-hpv-dtpa-vaccinations-at-school-what-to-expect?language=en
 Year 10 students https://www.health.gov.au/resources/videos/getting-your-meningococcal-acwy-vaccination-at-school-what-to-expect?language=en
Western Sydney
Local Health District
Photographic images courtesy of the Australian Government’s National Immunisation Program
Afterwards you can tell the nurse how it felt