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MCE-R/MCH Condensing Unit Use & Maintenance Manual

Rev. 1 03/09
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... pag. 2
1.1 Manual content ... ....................................................................................................................................
1.2 Safety marks ...........................................................................................................................................
1.3 Referring standards ... .............................................................................................................................
1.4 Warranty ... ..............................................................................................................................................
1.5 Readers of the Manual ... ........................................................................................................................
pag. 2
pag. 2
pag. 2
pag. 2
pag. 3
2. MAIN SAFETY RULES .............................................................................................................. ... pag. 3
2.1 Main warnings ... .....................................................................................................................................
2.2 Allowed use ... .........................................................................................................................................
2.3 Forbidden use ..........................................................................................................................................
2.4 Dangerous areas ... .................................................................................................................................
pag. 3
pag. 3
pag. 3
pag. 4
3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... . pag. 4
3.1 Chillers features and interpreting key ... ...............................................................................................
3.2 Main components ... ................................................................................................................................
3.3 Cooling circuit ... ......................................................................................................................................
3.4 Technical specification ... ........................................................................................................................
3.5 Dimensional drawings ... .........................................................................................................................
3.6 Main accessories ....................................................................................................................................
pag. 4
pag. 5
pag. 7
pag. 9
pag. 9
pag. 9
4. INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... .. pag. 11
4.1 Identification tag ... ..................................................................................................................................
4.2 Reception and inspection ... ....................................................................................................................
4.3 Handling ... ..............................................................................................................................................
4.4 Arrangements and placing ......................................................................................................................
4.5 Cooling connections ... ............................................................................................................................
4.6 System vacuum and charge execution.....................................................................................................
4.7 Electric connections.................................................................................................................................
pag. 11
pag. 11
pag. 12
pag. 14
pag. 18
pag. 19
pag. 21
5. OPERATION ... ............................................................................................................................ .. pag. 24
5.1 First check ... ...........................................................................................................................................
5.2 First startup .............................................................................................................................................
5.3 Microprocessor setting ... ........................................................................................................................
5.4 Fault alarm and display system ..............................................................................................................
5.5 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................
5.6 Routine maintenance ..............................................................................................................................
5.7 Precautionary planned maintenance ......................................................................................................
5.8 Special maintenance ... ...........................................................................................................................
pag. 25
pag. 25
pag. 25
pag. 25
pag. 25
pag. 26
pag. 28
pag. 35
6. DISMANTLING ... ........................................................................................................................ . pag. 35
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
1.1 Manual content
The present handbook, originally written in Italian, was completed in compliance with the “Machinery Directive”. It
contains all the necessary information for carrying out without any risk transportation, installation, startup, operation,
setting, maintenance and dismantling of the air cooled condensing units of series MCE – R / MEH.
Should you have any doubt on the correct understanding of these instructions, please contact the Manufacturer in order to
get further explanations.
1.2 Safety marks
The following safety marks are used in this manual to draw attention to all useful information in order to avoid any dangerous
situation which could be unsafe and harmful for people, could damage equipment and environment besides breaking the unit.
It means operation and behaviour not allowed.
It means danger or risk to people, things or environment.
It means an electrical danger.
It means a warning about important functions or useful information. Pay the maximum attention to the
paragraphs marked with this symbol.
1.3 Referring standards
The units of MCE – R / MEH series are designed and manufactured in compliance with the relevant European
Directives and in particular, they meet the “Essential Safety Requirements” as set out in the European Directive
89/392/CEE, and further amendments, as attested by the CE mark that is on each unit.
As a matter of fact, the units are certified by the manufacturer and are provided together with the CE Declaration of
Conformity which is attached to the present manual.
Where applicable, the units mentioned in this handbook are in conformity with the directive 97/23/CE (PED), concerning the
pressure devices.
1.4 Warranty
The manufacturer warrants the air cooled water chillers and heat pumps according to what stated on his general sales
terms or according to what else explicitly agreed.
The Manufacturer Warranty is void in case the guidance of this manual has not been carefully respected.
The manufacturer refuses all responsibility for any damage to people, animals, things or environment, caused by incorrect
installation, maintenance or setting or misuse of the machine. It is considered as “misuse” of the machine any use not
explicitly allowed in this manual.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
Warning: on the first startup, duly fill in the relevant report attached to this manual and
send a copy to Emicon A.C. (Customer Service), in order to make the warranty valid.
1.5 Readers of the Manual
This manual and all its attachments are supplied with the described unit. The manual must be kept by the machine’s
owner in a proper place. To this end, a plastic bag where to store the manual has been placed inside the machine so that
it can be always easily accessible for consultation and at the same time, it can be preserved in a good state.
All people authorized to operate with the unit, in particular, all technicians assigned to the unit maintenance, must
know all information and instructions contained in this manual.
In case the manual is lost or deteriorated, a new copy must be requested directly to the manufacturer.
2.1 General warnings
Read carefully the whole handbook before performing any operation on the unit. Only qualified
and trained technicians must perform any operation on the machine.
Do not touch the machine if with bare feet or with humid or wet parts of the body.
Do not perform any cleaning operation before the main switch is “OFF” and power line disconnected.
Do not spread, leave unattended or to the reach of children any packaging material (carton box,
staples, plastic bags, etc.) as they may be a source of danger.
2.2 Allowed use
MCE – R / MEH: condending unit intended for cooled air or water production if connected to evaporating unit to be
used both in air-conditioning and/or industrial systems. They are designed for external installation (units with axial
fans) or for internal installation (units with centrifugal fans).
2.3 Forbidden use
Do not use the machine:
For other use than that described in paragraph 2.2;
When it is exposed to rainfall, especially when the unit is designed for internal installation;
in atmosphere with high risk of fire or explosion;
in spaces with corrosive atmosphere;
to heat or cool aggressive fluids for copper, carbon steel and stainless steel.
Any operation on the unit must be carried out in compliance with local technical standards.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
2.4 Dangerous areas
On the unit there are dangerous areas for electric risk and hot temperatures.
The unit can be closed by case panels; in this case the dangerous parts inside the unit are not accessible
from outside. Only qualified and trained personnel can remove the covering panels. The unit is supplied with the
cooling circuit already charged with pressure gas and therefore it is necessary to pay the maximum attention in order
to avoid accidental release of the gas in the atmosphere.
3.1 Characteristics of the condensing units MCE – R / MCH
The units of series MCE – R / MCH are supplied with nitrogen charged cooling circuit; they are functionally
tested at the factory.
Interpreting key for the initials used to mark the units:
MC = aircooled
condensing unit
E = hermetic scroll
H = screw
R = remote control
S = semi-hermetic
None= axial (standard)
C = Centrifugal
None= standard
S = Silenced
U = Ultrasilenced
E 160 2 C
K = R 407C
Ka = R 134A
Kc = R 410A
None = R22
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
3.2 Main components
The units of MCE / H / R series are made of the following main components:
Ø The housing is made of galvanized and painted pressure bended steel plate or housing made of aluminium
Ø Compressors, installed on rubber vibration dampers and equipped with oil sump heater,
Ø Weld-brazed plate evaporator or shell & tube evaporator with heat insulation;
Ø Heat exchange coil made of aluminium fins and copper pipes;
Ø Cooling circuit composed of: thermostatic expansion valve, sight glass, dehydrating filter, safety device, anti-freeze
thermostat, high and low pressure switches;
Ø Electric panel in compliance with CE norms and provided with main disconnecting switch; thermal and
amperometric protections, contactors, auxiliary low voltage circuit, terminal board;
Ø The control microprocessor allows to manage the unit operation and its alarms.
Condensing unit version MCE / R
Picture 1
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Condensing unit version MCE CENTRIFUGAL
Picture 2
Condensing unit version MCH
Picture 3
Picture 3
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Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
1) Electric panel
2) Compressor
3) Heat exchange coil
3.3 Cooling circuit
Picture 4
Use and Maintenance Manual
Picture 5
Picture 6
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
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Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
3.3.1 Cooling circuits key
3.4 Technical specification
The main technical features of the units are shown in the attachments.
3.5 Dimensional drawings
The drawing of the unit, here attached, shows the unit dimensions and the connections diameter.
3.6 Main accessories
1M: higher available pressure for fans
2M: higher available pressure for fans
A: Amperometer
AE: Power supply different from the nominal power.
BF: Operation at low external air temperatures (-20°C) with constant fan speed regulation by means of inverter
BFa: Operation at low external air temperatures (-20°C) with constant fan speed regulation by means of inverter (with option
BFb: Operation at low external air temperatures (-20°C) with constant fan speed regulation by means of inverter (with option
BT: Operation at low external air temperatures (-20°C) with constant fan speed regulation
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCHRev. 1 del 03/09
BTa : Operation at low external air temperatures (-20°C) with constant fan speed regulation ( with options 1M and 2M)
CF: Soundproofed compressors cabinet with standard material
CFU: Soundproofed compressors cabinet with lead material or similar
CI: Soundproofing jackets on compressors
CS: Compressor inrush counter
DS: Star/Delta compressors startup
GP: Protection grid for condensing coil
GP1: Protection grid for the technical section (compressors, pump group)
HG: Hot gas by-pass.
IG: Watch card
IH: Serial interface RS485.
IM: Seawood packing
LI: Liquid injection
MF: Phase monitor
MP: Oversized microprocessor
MT: High and low pressure gauges
M6: Modulating capacity control for 4-circuit units
M8: Modulating capacity control for 3-circuit units
M12: Modulating capacity control for 2-circuit units
M25: Modulating capacity control for 1-circuit units
OS: Safety oil flow switch
PA: Rubber vibration dampers
PM: Spring-type vibration dampers
PW: Part-winding compressors startup
PQ: Remote microprocessor
QR: El. Board on opposite side ( available from model 842 ).
RF: Power factor correction system cos = 0,9
RH: Shut-off valve on compressor suction side
RL: Compressors overload relays.
RM: Condensing coil with fins in marine alloy
RP: Partial heat recovery
RR: Condensing coil with copper/copper fins
RT: Total heat recovery.
RV: Personalised RAL paint
SC: Soundproofed compressors housing with standard material (already included in the Ultra-silenced versions)
V: Voltmeter.
VS: Solenoid valve.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
4.1 Identification tag
The data for the identification of the unit are marked on a permanent tag (Picture 7).
Picture 7 – Identification tag
The correct unit identification by means of the serial number is essential for the execution of any
operation to carry out on the unit. The serial number must be always advised whenever submitting
a request of technical service support.
4.2 Reception and inspection
It is very important to check the packing integrity immediately upon delivery. In case the packing is found damaged, it is
necessary to accept the goods “with reservation” and indicate on the consignment note the state of the received goods
and let the driver countersign it. Any claim concerning the delivered material must be sent to the manufacturer by fax or
by registered letter within 8 days from the receiving date. It is advisable to unpack the unit only when the installation
begins and possibly after the unit has been moved to the location where it must be installed.
It is forbidden to stack units, even if they are packed. If the unit is stored after receiving, it must be not
exposed to weather agents, even if packed.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
4.3 Handling
The handling of the unit must be carried out by expert personnel, equipped with appropriate equipment in relation to the weight
and to the dimensions of the machine. During the handling operation, the machine must be always kept upright.
The weight of some models is unbalanced: check the unit stability before starting to handle it.
For any unit handling, please follow the instructions shown in Pictures 11, 12 and 13. In case the fork lift is employed,
the forks must be spaced out to the maximum allowed by the pallet size. In case the machine is moved by means of
a crane, it is important to avoid that cables and belts exert a too high tractive effort on the packing that might damage
Angle must not be greater than 30°; the pictures are just as an indication.
Pict. 8 – Lifting of MCE / MCR 41 - 822
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Picture 9 – Lifting of centrifugal units
Picture 10 – Lifting of MCE 752 - 3172
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Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
Picture 11 – Lifting of MCH 2102 - 8802
In case the manufacturer lifting kit (option) is not employed, make sure that the lifting
equipment used, the cables and the belts are in compliance with the relevant local regulation.
The overall dimensions of the units, packaging included, are indicated in the packing list sent by e-mail in order to
organise the loading.
4.4 Arrangements and placing
The installation of the machine is under the responsibility of the installer who must supervise the execution operations.
The execution of a correct installation presupposes that a plan has been drawn up by an expert and that is
carried out by skilled and trained technicians.
In the following paragraphs there are some tips and information to keep in mind when planning and
executing the machine installation.
The unit installation must comply with local existing laws.
Before placing the unit, the following points must be checked:
Ø Connections for electric and hydraulic circuits must be done;
Ø Enough room must be left around the unit to allow the routine and the special maintenance, such as
compressors and heat exchangers replacement. The dimensions of this free space is represented by the
dashed area as shown in Pictures from 12 to 19, for units with single and multi-scroll compressors and for units
with screw compressors.
Ø The floor where the machine is positioned can bear the total unit weight under normal operation
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Picture 12 – Service Area for MCE / MCR 41 - 101
Picture 13 – Service Area for MCE 131 - 822
MCE version C 131 - 181
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Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Pict. 14 – Service area version MCE 752 - 3172
Pict. 15 – Service area version MCH TWIN 2102 – 8802
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Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Pict. 16 – Service area version C MCE 201 – 822
Pict. 17 – Service area version C MCE 842 – 2602
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Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
Picture 18 – Distances in case of coverings
Before starting to handle the unit to position it, it is necessary to identify the best way to arrive to the place,
taking into consideration the unit overall dimensions and weight, the available lifting equipment and any
optional accessory dimensions. All units described in this manual do not need any special foundation, since
they can be simply laid down on the chosen surface, just placing rubber gaskets or spring-type vibration dampers
(options) underneath. Make sure that the unit features indicated in the attached technical data sheets match those
required for the undertaken project.
4.5 Cooling connections
These units are supplied with nitrogen charge (20 bar). Discharge pressure carefully only before carrying out the
cooling connections. Copper pipes must be employed for the connections to their ventilated condenser units which are
installed outdoor Only expert refrigeration technicians are allowed to perform the hydraulic connections and in
conformity with local regulations. The following general instructions must be followed:
Even if refrigerant is not classified as a toxic substance, pay the maximum attention during the
refrigerant charge operation and strictly follow the security requirements in compliance with law by
decree 81/08 ; in particular, the appropriate and necessary equipment must be worn to avoid
contact, inhalation and ingestion.
If any of the above mentioned cases occurs, it is advisable to consult the security specifications for the
operations of first aid and emergencies concerning the employed refrigerant.
In case it is necessary to go to the doctor, it is advisable to bring these refrigerant security
specifications with you.
The pipe installation must be performed by a skilled refrigeration technician.
The piping path must be as shortest as possibile in order to reduce the quantity of refrigerant gas and oil circulating and to
reduce the pressure drop. If copper pipes have to cross electric wires, it is advisable to isolate the tubes in order to avoid the
danger of inducted current. Lines must be realised with copper tubes, specifically conceived for cooling systems and they must
have an appropriate diameter, as shown in the attached drawing.
It is here reminded that the total piping length is the result of its geometrical calculation plus the length of valves, bents and
fittings present on the line itself. If failing to have more accurate information, you can obtain the total length by multiplying the
geometrical length of the line by 1,5 or 2.
Copper pipes must be adequately supported by brackets so as to make them secure and fasten, and at the same time
allow thermal expansion of the copper tubes.
If the discharge pipes go through rooms where people normally live, it is advisable to install rubber vibration dampers and a
sound attenuator as nearest as possibile to the compressor
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
The piping insulation, except for special requirements, can be applied on the following parts only:
Suction pipes ;
Discharge pipes, where pipes can be accessibile to unauthorized people so that any damage or skin burn
can be avoided.
During the piping installation, the refrigerant tubes must be sealed to prevent humidity and dirt go inside. The piping
arrangement must consider easy access for operations like bracket insertion, tube welding and inspection.
Once pipes are placed, before carrying out the connections to the unit, the system must be leak tested by means of
pressurized nitrogen. It is recommended to mark the pressure test value on a pressure gauge.
Do not exceed 20 bar when pressing with nitrogen.
The nitrogen also enables the circuit to dry up. If the circuit pressure drops, this means that the circuit is not sealed off.
It is, then, necessary to let in a small quantity of refrigerant so that it is possible to locate any leak by means of
appropriate detectors. If a leak is detected, after the repair, a new leak test must be carried out again.
Finally, the vacuum and the charge of the system can be executed following the instructions as described in par. 4.6
4.6 Vacuum and charge execution of the system
4.6.1 General warnings
For a correct and reliable operation of the system, once the connection lines between the indoor and the outdoor units
are carried out, it is extremely important to clear the circuit of any air, humidity, non-condensable gas and, in general, of
any polluting substance presence before executing the refrigerant charge. The presence of solid particles like metal
dust, welding debris and dirt of small dimensions that cannot be detected by the mechanical filters can cause serious
damages to the surfaces in movement and involve a reduction in efficiency and of compressor life
Do not perform any holes in the cooling circuit, the complete rescue of metal
particles produced would be then prevented
If excessive humidity persists inside the cooling circuit, negative consequences can arise. Humidity can freeze
inside the thermostatic valve and can even clog it up, causing the unit stop because of the low-pressure alarm. A
significant amount of humidity can saturate the filter drier in a very short time and it will be necessary to replace it
(with consequent operating interruption of the system). Humidity chemically interacts with the refrigerants and
especially with polyester lubricant oils (normally employed with refrigerant type R407C, R134a, R404A, etc.). This
interaction creates acid substances that, if present in fair amount, can damage the compressor electric motor insulation
provoking motor burns and rusted copper pipes that can generate solid impurity.
Reduce as least as possible the exposure of the circuit and its part to the
atmosphere, especially if compressors are charged with polyester oil.
If non-condensable gases are not eliminated accurately from the circuit, they can gather inside the condenser and
the liquid receiver. If gases are in the condenser, they can cause a reduction of the useful thermal exchange
surface, meaning a condensing temperature increase and, consequently, a reduction of the energy efficiency and
of the system reliability. In worst cases, the unit can be stopped by the activation of the high-pressure switch.
Big amounts of non-condensable gases gathered in the liquid receiver can cause the malfunctioning of the
thermostatic valve, in case a mixture of refrigerant and non-condensable vapor replaces liquid refrigerant. If this
happen, there will be a strong reduction of the evaporating temperature up to the activation of the low-pressure
switch, in worst cases, thus involving a reduction of the unit cooling capacity and a reduction of the system
efficiency and life
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Picture 19
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Picture 20
4.6.2 Vacuum execution
Once the cooling lines are completed and checked that no leaks are present, the vacuum must be executed as described
here below (see Par. 4.5).
The indoor unit is normally leak tested by the manufacturer by cooling circuit pressurization
The unit is supplied with nitrogen pressure (20 bar). Therefore, if during the installaton it results that the cooling circuit is
not pressurized, this means that there is a leak. It is necessary to detect it and repair it before going on with the
installation operations.
Before starting the circuit vacuum operation, make sure all nitrogen contained in the liquid receiver has been
a) Connect a vacum pump (a two-stage pump able to keep a pressure of 0,04 mbar - Picture 19) to the system employing
the charge connections present on suction (Picture 20) and on liquid lines. The vacuum pump must have a suitable water flow
capacity for the circuit size.
Do not use the compressor for carrying out the vacuum inside the cooling circuit.
Make sure all valves are open in order to avoid that some circuit parts result cut off.
b) Let the vacuum pump work until the pressure shown on the appropriate vacuum meter (Picture 19) does not go below 10
c) Isolate the pump from the circuit by means of the appropriate cut-off valves and wait for 30 min.
d) If pressure goes on increasing during the pump stop period or if it is impossible to reach the desired pressure value, it
means there is a leak in the circuit. It is necessary to detect and repair the leak, and after that, a new procedure must be
performed again starting from step b).
e) If pressure goes up until it reaches a climax value, it means the circuit contains a big amount of humidity. In this case, it
is necessary to let in nitrogen in the circuit (up to about 2 bar) and then repeat steps b), c) and e) for at least twice, then
proceed with step f).
f) If pressure stabilizes after a short increase, it means the circuit is leak proof and reasonably dried. Start up again the pump
after the shut-off valves are open and let it operate for 2-4 hours according to the circuit size after pressure has returned
below 10 mbar.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
Do not operate the compressor nor emply a megahom meter while the circuit is vacuum
4.6.3 Refrigerant charge execution
Once vacuum is completed, the circuit must be charged with the exact quantity of refrigerant and, if necessary, of antifreeze oil.
Avoid any refrigerant gas release in the environment during the charge operations.
a) Connect a full up refrigerant gas cylinder to the circuit employing the charge connections present on the liquid line.
Make sure the refrigerant you are going to use for the circuit charge is the same as shown in the unit
identification tag. In case of discrepancies, contact the manufacturer.
b) Open the cylinder valve and charge the refrigerant until the circuit pressure reaches the same pressure as in the
cylinder (if needed, repeat the operation with additional gas cylinders).
If the refrigerant is a mixture compounds, make sure to let enter the circuit in a liquid state in order to avoid
compounds separation. On this purpose, cylinders are provided with two distinct valves: one for the vapor and one for
the liquid.
c) Shut off the cylinder valve, disconnect it from the liquid line and connect it to the suction line (possibly prior to the evaporator).
d) Start up the unit, open the cylinder liquid valve and complete the charge (if needed, use more cylinders) until the
sight glass located immediately after the filter drier becomes clear and does not present foam or gas bubbles during the
operation in nominal conditions.
In order to facilitate the charge operation, the following tables show, as an indication, the necessary amount of refrigerant
to charge the different types of indoor units and the corresponding connecting pipes. For a correct calculation of the
refrigerant quantity, it must be also taken into account the volume of the outdoor unit cooling circuit and of any other
component installed (such as additional liquid receivers, oil separators, etc.). In case the cooling lines are very long or in
case oil separators are installed on the compressors discharge, a fair quantity of anti-freeze oil must be added
Check if the employed oil is compatible with the one charged in the compressor (check it out in
the compressor’s identification tag).
In case oil separators are employed, add the lubricant quantity suggested by the manufacturer.
If cooling lines are longer than 30 m, charge about 0,2 kg of oil every 10 m of piping (beyond 30 m). In any case, check the
correct oil charge by checking the oil level through the compressor sight glass after about 30 minutes of standard operation
An overload oil charge can lead to a system efficiency drop and to compressor breaking
4.7 Electric connections
Check the electric circuits have not been damaged during transportation. Check all terminals screws are tight. Make sure
the power tension and frequency match the same data as specified on the unit identification tag.
Before starting the electric connection, it is advisable to check the wiring diagram contained in the unit
electric panel.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
4.7.1 Power supply connection
The unit can be powered with a 5-pole cable (3 poles+N+ T), if the power supply tension is 400V/3F/50Hz. In case the
power supply tension is 230V/3F/50Hz, the supply cable is a 3-pole cable. On demand, it is possible to supply units
with arrangements for special power supply tension (check the identification tag and the wiring diagram).
Connect the phases and the neutral to the terminals of the main switch and the earth wire to its corresponding
terminal. Use a power supply cable of adequate cross section and of moderate length to avoid voltage drops.
Protect the power supply cable by means of an automatic switch of appropriate size and features.
For the cross section of the power supply cable, the size of the automatic switch and the
characteristics of the electric components, check the wiring diagram attached to the present
4.7.2 Warning in case of connection to the terminal board when optional “ TE” is installed
In case the unit connected to the condensing unit is provided with optional TE (electronic thermostatic valve),
check the presence of pressure switches on the cooling circuit.
4.7.3 User’s terminal board connection
A user terminal board (Picture 22) is available with free contacts designed for:
Generic alarm state (1);
Unit remote ON/OFF (2).
Check the wiring diagram for the exact correspondence of the terminals numbers
Picture 21
Picture 22
U2: open contact
30: closed contact
U9: usually open
U10: common
U11: usually closed
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
4.7.4 Instructions for the electric connection
The electric connection must be carried out by skilled personnel. The power cable input is shown in the attached
dimensional scheme.
Picture 23
The power cable conductors must be connected to the free terminals upstream the main disconnecting switch, while
the grounding conductor must be connected to the appropriate terminal PE or to the ground bar.
On the lateral side of the unit, a hole must be performed to introduce the electric power cable and to arrange its
corresponding cable connection.
Picture 24
Picture 25
If the power cable comes from the top wiring box, perform a bend on the cable (Picture 25)
before plugging it into the cable connection as illustrated in the example on the top on the right.
If the water circulating pump is not controlled by the unit microprocessor, it is recommended to connect an auxiliary
contact of the pump electromagnetic switch to the remote ON/OFF terminals preset in the electrical panel (see
attached wiring diagram), so that the unit can start only when the pump is working.
On its cover, the electrical board has the programming panel of the unit microprocessor. For the controls
management, its functions and for the microprocessor use, see Chapter 8 “Unit control and start-up” of the present
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Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
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Picture 26
Phases sequence in the power supply line
The rotation direction of all electric motors installed on the unit (compressors, fans, pumps) are checked and
harmonized during the operational test performed by the manufacturer (at the exception of units supplied with
arrangements for special power supply tension). In case of three-phase power supply, when connecting the unit to
the power supply, it is necessary to check that the phases are connected in the correct sequence. On this purpose,
make sure that all electric motors rotation is right: for pumps and fans, refer to the information indicated on the
component itself; for scroll compressors, follow the instructions as described at Par. 5.1.
If the rotation of any component is wrong, two out of three phases must be inverted in the terminals of the main
switch (do not unplug the neutral). If some components go on rotating in the wrong direction, check the conductors
sequence of each 3-phase component and correct it, if needed.
5.1 First check
Before starting the unit, make sure that:
All security conditions are respected;
The unit is placed correctly on the floor;
The service area is respected;
The electric connections are performed correctly;
The electric tension ranges within a tolerance of 10% compared to the unit nominal tension;
The connection to ground is performed correctly;
All electric and hydraulic connections are tight properly.
If a 3-phase scroll compressor is installed on the unit, when starting, check the rotation is correct. If the compressor
rotates in the opposite direction, it produces a higher noise level, it causes a pressure difference between
discharge and suction and its electric absorption is lower than scheduled; after few minutes of operation with the
reversed rotation, the internal heat protection can be enabled. If necessary, reset the correct rotation direction by
inverting two out of three phases in the input terminals of the main switch.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.2 First startup
The first startup must be performed by a skilled refrigeration technician. The oil heaters must be energized for at
least 3 hours before the unit startup, and for 6 hours in case of screw compressors. Check the shut-off valves on
compressor and on the cooling circuit are open. Make sure all points described in the previous paragraph have
been checked.
To start the unit:
Turn the main switch to “ON” position.
Press the ON/OFF button on the microprocessor keyboard.
Compressors startup time-delay has a default value equal to 1 minute and it can be re-set. Check
all safety and control devices are working properly.
To stop the unit:
Press the ON/OFF button on the microprocessor keyboard;
If the unit must not work for more than 24 hours, turn the main switch to OFF position.
5.3 Microprocessor setting
Make sure the desired parameters are set on the microprocessor.
If the preset parameters need to be changed, proceed as described in the microprocessor manual (here
The standard units are designed to work with an outlet cooled water temperature higher than 5°C; for
operation at lower temperatures, use anti-freezing solutions having adequate properties. If necessary,
set the anti-freeze set point.
5.4 Fault alarm and display system
The troubleshooting is realized by the microprocessor, which activates an alarm and shows on its
display the type of fault occurred (see also the attached microprocessor manual).
Since the alarm state is very often generated by an unfitted electric contact, in case of fault make sure all wiring
connections are plugged in the corresponding terminals. In case of fault, consult the attached microprocessor
manual to check the parameters setting has been done properly
5.5 Troubleshooting
The electric panel is not powered or the contact is
The external impulses fail
A) The unit does
not work
Compressor delay timer
Lack of impulse from the service thermostat
Lack of impulse from the antifreeze thermostat
Intervention of the fans’ thermal relais
Lack of impulse from a safety device
Burnt or seized compressor
B) Compressor does
not start
De-excited compressor switch
Power circuit open
Check the tension and close the contacts
Check the operation of the flow switch.Vent the
system and check more external impulses
Wait for the set time
System in temperature, lack of demand; check the
setting and the operation
Check the setting and the operation
See point F
See point D - E
Replace compressor
Check the tension at compressor coil’s heads and
the continuity of the coil itsself
Search the cause of protection intervention; close
compressor automatic switch
Use and Maintenance Manual
C) the compressor does not
start due to the intervention of
the max pressure switch
D) the compressor does not
start due to the intervention of
the min pressure switch
D1) compressor starts and
stops again and again
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Pressure switch failure
Exceeding refrigerant charge
Air Condenser obstructed. Lacking airflow
Candenser fans failure
Condenser fans rotating in opposite direction
Presence of un-condensable gas in the refr. circuit
Pressure switch failure
Unit totally discharged
Clogged filter
Shut off valve on liquid line not completely open
Thermostatic expansion valve does not run properly
Ice on evaporating coil
Ice on evaporator
De-excited electromagnetic switch of fans motors
F) fans do not run
Intervention of fans motors thermal relais
Not set or damaged speed regulator
G) Lack of gas
H) unit runs always without
I) unit runs properly but with
insufficient capacity
Leakage in the refr. circuit
Lack of refrigerant gas
Wrong setting of the operating thermostat
Exceed thermal load
Compressor does not gice expected cooling capacity
Obstructed liquid filter
Thermostatic expansion valve not properly operating
Poor refrigerant charge
Humidity in the refr. circuit
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Check and replace
Recover exceeding gas
Clean with compressed air
See point F
See paragraph “electric connections”
Charge the circuit after discharging it and vacuum
Check and replace
See point G
Check and replace
Check and open completely
Check, clean or replace
See point L
Check thermostat and thermostatic valve
Check the tension at electromagnetic switch coil’s
heads and the continuity of the coil itsself
Check insulation between windings and between
them and earth
Check the setting of the regulator or replace it
Check the refr. circuit with a leak detector after
putting the circuit under pressure at approx 4 bar.
Repair, make the vacuum, and charge
See point G
Check setting and replace
Reduce thermal load
Check, replace or review
Clean or replace
Check, clean or replace
See point G
Replace filter and dry and charge circuit
5.6 Routine maintenance
5.6.1 Type and frequency of periodical checks
Before acceding any component inside the unit, turn the main switch of the power supply to OFF position.
Then, also turn the unit main switch to OFF position.
Only trained technicians are alllowed to perform operations with powered electrical panel and with
open panel board, since some functions of the system fail.
It is recommended to carry out periodical checks in order to make sure the unit works properly. Only authorized and
skilled technicians are allowed to perform this kind of operations, included any maintenance operation.
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Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.6.2 Operations on the cooling circuit
Every time an operation involves the cooling circuit discharge, the gas must be collected by means of the appropriate
gas recovery for environmental safety reasons.
Once the repair on the cooling circuit is performed, carry out the following operations:
Ø Leak detection;
Ø Vacuum and dehydratation;
Ø Refrigerant charge.
Charge the cooling circuit with the gasous refrigerant up to reach a pressure of 1 bar. Then, add anhydrous nitrogen by
means of cylinders with reducer up to reach a pressure of 15 bar.
Look for possible leakage and, if present, discharge the cooling circuit before welding (with phosphorus copper
alloy with a minimum of 2% of silver).
Discharge completely the cooling circuit before welding in order to avoid explosions.
Do not use oxigen instead of nitrogen in order to avoid explosions.
To obtain a good level of vacuum, an appropriate pump must be used (1,4 mbar of absolute pressure, 30 l/min.
of water capacity). If the circuit has been open only for short time, by using this pump, only one vacuum
operation is usually enough to reach the absolute pressure 1,4 mbar. If such a vacuum pump is not available or if
the circuit has been open for long time, it is highly recommended to perform the vacuum three times by breaking the
vacuum by means of the refrigerant. This method is also suitable when there is a high quantity of moisture in the
circuit. The vacuum pump must be connected to the charge connections on high and low pressure side of the circuit.
Follow this procedure:
Ø Discharge the circuit up to an absolute pressure of 35 mbar, then charge the cooling circuit with
refrigerant gas up to reach a pressure of about 1 bar;
Ø Repeat again the operation as described above reaching an absolute pressure of 35 mbar;
Ø Repeat the above operation for the third time reaching the minimum absolute pressure as possible.
This operation allows to remove up to 99% of the polluting substances.
Follow this procedure:
Ø Connect the refrigerant gas cylinder to the male charge connection 1/4” SAE placed on the liquid line,
letting some gas go out to remove the air in the connection pipe;
Ø Turn the cylinder upside down and charge the liquid up to reach 75% of the total charge;
Ø Now connect to the charge connection on the suction line and, keeping the cylinder upright, complete
the charge till the temperature of the liquid pipe before the filter is lower than 7-8°C for the chiller (4°C
for the heat pump) compared to the temperature shown on the refrigerant manometer for the discharge
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Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.7 Precautionary planned maintenance
List of operations
Every 6 months
Check of cooling lines and of their insulation
Compressor noise level check
Electric connection tightening check
Contactors status check
Check of conductors insulation status
Liquid sight glass check
Electric absorption check
Working pressures check
Unit general conditions check
Probes setting check
Every year
Set parameters check
Refrigerant filter pressure drop check
Safety valve check
Safety pressure switch check
Electric protections check
Check of air presence in the hydraulic circuit
Check of condenser cleaning condition
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Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.7.1 Coils cleaning (on the floor and under coverings)
Use a stiff-bristle brush and the necessary equipment; the use of an industrial vacuum cleaner may facilitate this
a. Disconnect the unit from the power supply by opening the main switch,
b. Remove the protection grid from the coil (if present),
c. Brush the coil from the top to the bottom, being careful not to damage the fins.
d. Accompany the brushing with the hoovering.
e. Remove the dust and the down gathered.
Do not use compressed air (it might damage the fins) or water (it might cause scale).
5.7.2 Check of lubricant leaks – lubrication oil pressure
A lubricant oil leak in a cooling circuit is always accompanied by a refrigerant leak, therefore this check allows to detect
possible leaks in advance. The inspection is visual-type and it is sufficient to light the areas to be checked by means of
a good electric torch. All piping fittings and joints (welded and not welded) must be checked since they are more
subject to vibration; if some oil is detected, contact the closest After Sale Centre for intervention. The lubrication oil
pressure must be checked through the appropriate manometer (when present); the oil pressure must always be at
least 0,15 MPa (1,5 bar) higher than the value shown on the low pressure gauge (L.P.).
5.7.3 Vibrations check
The cooling circuit is composed of several rotating parts (fans, compressors, pumps, etc) equipped with bearings and
they are balanced at the beginning; excessive vibrations, scrapings, strikings, irregular noises such as whistles and
creakings are all signals of mechanical troubles which might even generate serious and dangerous damages. The
inspection must be performed while the unit is working and with the protection covers closed; in case of trouble,
contact the closest technical service centre.
5.7.4 Check of terminals tightening
The vibrations the unit housing is subject to (and the electric box by transmission) can loosen the electric terminals
thus causing malfunctionings; therefore, open the unit main switch and tighten all terminals screws; eventually, if it is
always the same terminals to be loosened, contact the After Sales Service of EMICON A.C. S.p.A to report the fact.
5.7.5 Check of the gaskets on the centrifugal fans discharge
The centrifugal fans discharge is connected to the external skirt by means of a flexible gasket; the gasket must not be
damaged and must not let air pass through. In this case, its replacement is necessary, therefore contact EMICON A.C.
S. p. A. After Sales Service.
Compressors oil level check
Both scroll and semi-hermetic compressors are equipped with sigth glasses to check the oil level.
Oil level must be checked while the unit is working in steady conditions (therefore, after at least 15-20 minutes of
operation). The oil level must be compared with the instructions shown on tags close to the sight glass; however, at
least a quarter on the bottom of the sight glass must show the oil. An excessive presence of foam means that the
thermostatic valves are not set up properly.
In case of trouble, contact EMICON A.C. S.P.A. After Sales Service.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.7.7 Insulation condition check
All low temperature parts are heat insulated by means of muffs or of shaped plates to eliminate or reduce any
heat leak which can cause a cooling capacity reduction as well as condensing phenomena or ice formation (which
can be dangerous since in some conditions they can cause mechanical breakings). The check is of visual type;
the insulation must not be damaged, detached from the supports or cracked. Bear in mind that in time the surface
of insulating materials tends to slightly flake off without jeopardizing the insulation feature. Cracks, cuts or
detachments must be repaired immediately by sticking or taping properly.
5.7.8 Supports and bearings check
While making the check, the unit main switch must be open (“0” position) and locked. The padlock
key must be kept by the person in charge of the check.
All rotating parts are equipped with supports and bearings. Usually these parts do not need any maintenance and/or
lubrication as they are a long-life type. A direct check of these parts is only possible on fans by rotating manually the
fan wheel: its movement must be fluid, with no blockings or creakings and it must not show any lubricant leak. If any of
the mentioned cases occurs, contact EMICON A.C. S.p.A. After Sales Service for repairing it.
5.7.9 Belts tension check – belts replacement
While making the check, the unit main switch must be open (“0” position) and locked. The padlock key
must be kept by the person in charge of the check.
Centrifugal fans belts must be checked at regular intervals and must be replaced every two years of operation.
Press firmly the belt in the middle between the two pulleys: it must give way no more than 5 mm; if it gives way more
than that, unblock the motor tightening screws, unscrew the belt-tensioner bolt after screwing the other belt tensioner
bolt on the opposite side of the motor. Tighten the belt correctly, make sure the pulley engine is aligned to the duct
(use the bolt on the opposite side of the belt tensioner to make it easier), overflow the motor on the base. To replace
the belt, loosen the motor tightening screws, screw completely the belt tensioner bolt and close the motor to the fan
housing, remove the belt from the pulleys, replace it with another belt having same form and size and tighten as above
mentioned explained. In case of belt replacement, re-check the belt tension after a couple of days of operation
5.7.10 Humidity check of cooling circuit
Humidity inside the cooling circuit can cause many troubles (ice formation inside the expansion valve, acidification of
compressors oil, etc.), therefore it is important to intervene immediately if this problem occurs. The cooling circuits are
equipped with a light able to signal when humidity is present in the circuit; the sensor material located at the centre or
on the border of the sight glass is bright green to signal a dry circuit or yellow to signal a wet circuit. On the sight glass
the two referring colours for each status (dry / wet) are shown. If foam or bubbles can be seen through the sight glass,
the refrigerant charge could be insufficient. This could be a sign for a refrigerant leak, then it is necessary to inform
EMICON A.C. S.p.A After Sales Service. If humidity is detected inside the circuit, contact immediately EMICON A.C.
S.p.A After Sales Service for repairing it.
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Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.7.11 Check of supply continuity to the crankcase heater
The unit main switch must be open (” O” position).
The compressors crankcase heater is essential to keep the oil free from refrigerant parts which otherswise
might lead to possible seizure of compressor; the check must be performed by a common continuity tester
checking there is supply continuity to the terminals after unplugging one of them from the terminal board. In
case a supply interruption is detected, contact immediately EMICON A.C. S. p. A. After Sales Service for
the shipment of the spare part of for the repair operation.
5.7.12 Regulation of overload protection relays
All electric motors are protected against overcurrent to prevent damage from over-loading the motor; for this reason, it
is possible to install a regulation system which can interrupt current in case of overload or damage.
Picture 27
Picture 28
The pictures show two different types of remote control switches: the one shown on Picture 27 is equipped with a
detached protection, while the one shown on Picture 28 is equipped with an incorporated protection (automatic circuit
breaker). In both cases the regulation of the power-off switch value (maximum absorbed current per each motor
phase) is performed by rotating the small wheel shown inside the white circle by means of a screwdriver till the
referring triangle is in correspondence of the desired set value.
The maximum power-off value that can be set must not be higher than the absorbed current
When powered, the remote control switch can be opened by pressing the button indicated by the white arrow.
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Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.7.13 Replacement of protection fuses
Some parts of the unit circuits are protected by fuses enclosed in appropriate housings.
Cartridge fuses
To replace the fuses, open the fuse holder, pull straight out on the small black handle down, remove the fuse/s
and replace it/them with a new fuse having the same characteristics. Before replacing it, check the interrupting
current rating of the broken fuse.
Blade fuses
This kind of fuse is designed for higher interrupting ratings and it must be absolutely replaced by using an appropriate
device. Never try to replace it by using inappropriate devices: possible damage to the fuse holder and wounds to the
hands may happen. Proceed as per the following instructions:
Picture 29
Picture 30
1. Remove the fusebox cover.
2. Take the extractor tool “2” located inside the electrical panel.
3. Insert the puller into the fuse spring clips (see the white circle on Picture 29) and pull the extractor down till the clips
are released.
4. Pull the extractor horizontally and firmly towards you; (any different movement could detach the cover from the fuse
5. Press the button on the puller to remove the fuse (see Picture 32).
6. Insert the new fuse onto the puller and put it back into the fuse holder.
7. Release the puller by pressing the button.
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Picture 31
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Picture 32
5.7.14 Replacement of condensing fan motors
While making the check, the unit main switch must be open (“0” position) and locked. The padlock key must
be kept by the person in charge of the check.
There are two types of fans: axial and centrifugal. In case of axial fans, being external-rotor type, it is recommended to
replace completely the damaged fan after disconnecting the power supply (take due note of the original wiring). Mount the
fan on its supports and ensure the blades do not scrape the blade guard and the supports, re-connect the electric wirings,
check the rotation direction (if needed, reverse two phases). In case of centrifugal fans, after disconnecting the motor from
the power supply, unscrew the fixing screws and remove it in the same way as described for the belts replacement (see
par. 5.7.11); remove the pulley from the shaft by means of an extractor, after unscrewing the fixing dies.
The motor pulley is of adjustable type. If to unscrew the fixing dies the regulation must be changed, it is necessary to
mark the original position with an indelible felt-tip pen and count the turns of the mobile part so that it is possible to
restablish exactly the original regulation once the operation is completed. Remove the protection paint from the shaft
and from the new motor key (use a brush, solvent and some cloths); clean the inside part of pulley, lubricate with oil
and install the pulley on the new motor making sure not to force the coupling. Once the pulley is entered into the shaft,
insert it completely by means of a hard rubber mallet and block it definitely with the appropriate dies. Mount the motor
and if needed restablish the original pulley regulation and tighten the belt (see par. 5.7.11). Reconnect the motor and
check the rotation by a short impulse given to the remote control switch after energizing it. If necessary, change the
electric connection (inverting the connection of two phase cables) after disconnecting the power supply. Close the
protection covers.
5.7.15 Replacement of compressors crankcase heaters
While making the check, the unit main switch must be open (“ 0” position) and locked. The padlock
key must be kept by the person in charge of the check
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Picture 33
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
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Picture 34
The tubular heater must be replaced by unscrewing the fixing screws (position indicated by the arrow in the picture)
so that it can be easily removed; mount the new heater in the same position of the replaced one and push it against
the compressor housing. The cartridge heater must be replaced by removing it from its location and installing in its
place the new heater. In order to improve the heat transmission, use conductive paste or oil.
The cartridge must not stick out from its location; the protruding part may overheat and stop
5.7.16 Electrical cables check
The check is visual: the electrical cables must be not damaged or show abrasions, cuttings or overheating signs. In this
case, replace them immediately.
5.7.17 Contactors status check
This operation must be perfomed by an expert electrician able to dismantle and re-install the remote control switches
without damaging them. In case of blazed or blackened auxiliary switches or the whole remote control switch, make sure
the contactor interrupting power is adequate to the power it runs.
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Rev. 1 del 03/09
5.8 Special maintenance operations
The operations listed here below must be performed only by skilled service personnel equipped with the suitable
equipment and only when the unit is stopped and disconnected from the power supply.
Filling up of compressor oil
Replacement of crankcase oil
Check of cooling group performance
Setting of cooling group pressure switches
Replacement of cooling group pressure switches
Replacement of filter cartridge
Replacement of dehydrating filters
Setting of cooling circuit valves
Replacement of the cooling circuit valves
Filling up / replacement of refrigerant
Compressor replacement
Replacement of compressor lubricant pump
Heat exchanger replacement
Condensing coil replacement
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
when necessary
For all the above mentioned operations and for any other operations not completely described on this manual, it is
necessary to contact EMICON A.C. S.p.A. After Sales Service. To guarantee the unit a long operation life and to keep
it always in the best efficiency conditions and to increase its service reliability, it is highly recommended to contact
EMICON A.C. S.p.A. After Sales Service to draw up a maintenance contract.
Use and Maintenance Manual
Condensing units MCE-R / MCH
Rev. 1 del 03/09
When the unit has to be dismantled, drain the cooling circuit and collect the refrigerant gas by means of an adequate
receiver, in order to protect people and environment.
Never release the gas contained in the cooling circuit in the environment.
When dismantling the unit or when replacing the compressor, carefully collect the oil compressor and deliver it to
an authorized company for oil disposal.
Never release the oil compressor in the environment.
Emicon A.C. S.p.a. reserves the right to make changes to its products without any prior notice.
Emicon A.C. S.p.a. Via A.Volta 49 Meldola Tel. +39 0543 495611 Fax +39 0543 495612