Uploaded by Ayaan Tyagi

Overfishing: A Serious Threat to Our Oceans

The Oceans are
in Danger:
Overfishing as
a Serious
Threat By- Ayaan Tyagi
Imagine, you are Sally, a
humble farmer living by
the coast, your only
income is whatever you
make out of selling fish,
what do you think will will
happen in the future ?
Common Perspective 1 :
Be sure to think Common
about the
Perspective 2 :
Growing global
Resource Issues !
1. The Global Resource Problem:
Bringing back the Basics.
The global resource problem is that people consume without
any limitation, and deplete the reserves of natural elements of
the planetary ecosystem; This includes problems such as Air
Pollution, Over-fishing, Deforestation etc..
2. Overfishing : An Overview
Overfishing happens when more fish are caught than
the population can replace through natural
reproduction, leading to a decline in fish stocks and
ecosystem health.
Overfishing. (n.d.). Drishti IAS. Retrieved November 5, 2023, from https://www.drishtiias.com/mains-practice-question/question1625#:~:text=Overfishing%20refers%20to%20the%20practice
3. Overfishing : In Depth
Lets analyse the following video, as to gain a deeper understnad of of overfishing
and its impact towards the Fishes over the years.
4. Causes for Overfishing
Overfishing is caused by a number of factors, including:
Ineffective fisheries management policies and regulations
Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing
Economic or bioeconomic overfishing
Bycatch - discarding of animals Fishermen do not want, cannot sell, or are not
allowed to keep
Other causes of Overfishing include: Habitat loss, Introduction of invasive species,
Ocean pollution, Ocean acidification, Ocean warming.
5. Consequnces of Overfishing
Overfishing come with a number of consequences, including:
Removal of Essential Predators
Poor Coral Reef Health and in turn the growth of Algae.
Uninted Catches
Threats to local Food Sources
Financial Losses
An Utter Imbalance of the local Marine Systme
Rise of Endangered Species
Improper Aquaculture (controlled breeding, raising, and harvesting of aquatic
6. What can we do to help ?
Eventhough we study about such presing issues it is important to understand what
we can do to help, hence few way to Stop Over - Fishing and Conserve Marine
Life have been mentioned here.
1. Adopt Rights-Based Fishery Management.
2. Apply Regulations on Fishing Nets.
3. Protect Essential Predator Species.
4. Increase Marine Protected Areas and Enhance Controls.
5. Require Traceability Standards.
6. Impose A Ban on Fishing in International Waters.
7. Activity 1 : Picutre Analysis
We had now discussed various components of overfishing such as their causes and
consequences, hence apply the knowledge gained to analyse the given image and
state which component of Overfishing it is and its Impact categorising it as a longterm imapct or a short-term impact.
7. Activity 2 : Rewind to the Intial Poll
Let us now go back the the descions we mad at the initial Poll and give another poll of the
Case study, using the newly aqquired knowledge.
Imagine, you are Sally, a humble
farmer living by the coast, your only
income is whatever you make out of
selling fish, what do you think will
will happen in the future ?
8. Activity 2 : Rewind to the Intial Poll
Let us now go back the the descions we mad at the Initial Poll and give another poll of the Case study,
using the newly aqquired knowledge.
Common Perspective 1 :
Be sure to think Common
about the
Perspective 2 :
Growing global
Resource Issues !
9. Bibiography
A Big Thank you to all these resources for allowing me Present my Project . :)
1. Research
Overfishing. (n.d.). Drishti IAS. Retrieved November 5, 2023, from https://www.drishtiias.com/mainspractice-question/question-1625#:~:text=Overfishing%20refers%20to%20the%20practice
2. Presnetation
Thank You.
I hope you Enjoyed and Learnt from this Presentation !