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GK TEST (20 marks)
Q.1) What is the full form & where are HeadQuarters of N.A.T.O. located?
a) Naval Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels
b) Northern Arctic Treaty Organization, Bern
c) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels
d) Naval Arctic Treaty Organization, Bern
Q.2) To which crop/plant does Pink Revolution refer to?
a) Onion
b) Rose
c) Raddish
d) Dragonfruit
Q.3) What is the minimum reservation for women in Lok Sabha & Vidhan Sabha?
a) 30%
b) 23%
c) 20%
d) 33%
Q.4) Identify the three tier government system in India in ascending order ?
a) State > Union > Municipality
b) Union > State > Panchayat
c) Panchayat > State > Union
d) Municipality > Union > State
Q.5) Norman Borlaug is known as the father of the Green Revolution in India. Is the statement:
a) True
b) False
Q.6) Who of the following discovered the part of an atom called proton?
a) J Chadwick
b) Ernest Rutherford
c) Hayes Rutherford
d) JJ Thompson
Q.7) In what context is the Grey Revolution referred to?
a) Fertilizers
b) River cleaning
c) Pesticides
d) Smoke pollution
Q.8) The "M" in the name of the political party CPI-M is an abbreviation to which of the
Q.9) Parakram Divas is celebrated in honor of which Indian revolutionary and when?
a) Chandrashekhar Azad, 23 March
b) Subhash Chandra Bose, 23 January
c) Bhagat Singh, 23 November
d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy, 23 Feb
Q.10) Who is famously known as the Father of Engineering in India?
a) C.V. Raman
b) A.P.J Abdul Kalam
c) M. Visvesvaraya
d) S. Sivan
Q.11) Which 2 neighboring countries of India went through elections recently?
a) Pakistan, Afghanistan
b) Maldives, Sri Lanka
c) Sri Lanka, Afghanistan
d) Bangladesh, Bhutan
Q.12) What is the theme of Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2024?
a) Gateway to the Future
b) Gateway to the A.I.
c) World without nuclear weapons
d) Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Q.13) Which of the following parties has not lost its National Party status?
a) CPI
b) NCP
c) CPI-M
Q.14) What is the minimum age in order to stand for the post of the President of India?
a) 30
b) 35
c) 40
d) 45
Q.15) When is Constitution Day celebrated?
a) 26 October
b) 26 November
c) 26 December
d) 26 January
Q.16) Where has Oil been recently found in India?
a) Krishna - Godavari Basin
b) Mumbai High
c) Gujarat
d) Assam
Q.17) When is World Tiger's Day celebrated? From a global perspective, what is the population
of Tigers found in India?
a) 29 August, 78%
b) 23 August, 75%
c) 23 July, 78%
d) 29 July, 75%
Q.18) India has been elected as the Vice Chair of which organization?
c) WHO
Q.19) A cheetah brought to India from Namibia in September 2022, recently died in which
National Park?
a) Kuno National Park, M.P.
b) Panna National Park, M.P.
c) Kanha National Park, M.P.
d) Bandhavgarh National Park, M.P.
Q.20) Who is the chief guest of Republic Day 2024?
a) Abdul Fatah El Sisi, Egypt
b) Emmanuel Macron, France
c) Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil
d) Rishi Sunak, U.K.