SELF LOVE IS A NECESSITY ! 1 # E R YOU A WAYS TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF Embrace your individuality Develop the courage to face your fears Don't take anything personally, and accept that you can't please everyone Learn to say no and define your boundaries Practice mindfulness WAYS TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF We’re afraid of what may happen if we’re ‘found out’ regarding what we really think and believe, which ‘side’ we want to take on a key issue and the life we want to lead. Take your time. There is no rush Become aware of discrepancies between your actions and your beliefs. If you catch yourself making statements that you don’t really adhere to, ask yourself whether you believe the words you speak? Take everything as an opportunity to learn, be open about who you are to yourself, don’t lie to yourself, but face your strengths and weaknesses equally If we feel we have to continually hide or alter who we really are, and suppress what we believe, it’s a recipe for illness, depression and failure WHY IS IT HARD TO BE AUTHENTIC? IT TAKES The human brain is wired for staying safe (It takes conscious effort to override what might be an easier or known path and to choose authenticity over fitting in.) Living authentically means slowing down The world we live in is fast-paced, which means we don’t take the time to slow down to understand our true wants and needs. Many people’s early working lives can be about establishing a career and development path. Once on that path, it can be difficult — and scary — to put the brakes on in order to ask, “Is this what I really want?” Make a habit of regularly checking in with yourself on how you’re feeling about your goals and motivations. It might feel selfish to live authentically TIME! WORDS OF LOVE Remember you got this!! Don't you forget it! QUOTE #1 QUOTE #2 Finding your passion isn't just just about Careers and Money. It's about finding your authentic self. The one you've buries beneath other's needs. -Kristin Hannah Self-awareness is the first and most critical step for embracing authenticity as your way of life QUOTE #3 Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be, and instead EMBRACING WHO WE ARE -Brene Brown LIVING AUTHENTICALLY IS LIKE ANY LEARNING PROCESS: IT STARTS WITH REFLECTION TO PAUSE AND BECOME SELF-AWARE OF WHO YOU ARE