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Albert Einstein Essay: Life, Relativity, and Impact

Albert Einstein
Kaylub brown
Delcastle Technical High School
Senior English
Mrs. Robinson
November, 10th 2023
Albert Einstein was born in Württemberg, Germany to two middle-class jewish parents.
He went on to study physics; he wasn't always in the scientific field but he knew that's where he
excelled. Einstein made many groundbreaking discoveries but his most popular by far being
nobel prize winning general relativity. It took him 8-9 years to fully perfect his theory but we’re
still doing things today to prove or disprove his theory. Albert Einsteins impact on the field of
science, as well as the average persons day to day life, is what makes him so important in
american history.
Background and Inspirations
Einstien was born on march 14,1879 in ulm Württemberg in germany as a middle class
jew, he lived with his mom dad and sister(The Most Infuential physicist, 2020, para. 2&5, ).
When he was 5 he was puzzled by the invisible forces that moved the needle in a compass. Then
at the age of twelve he started reading a book described as “the Geometry bible” (para. 6).
Einstein was no doubt smart and very knowledgeable, but these situations show his intelligence
was deeper than the knowledge he has obtained but as well as his desire to know things most
people wont think to learn. A person who greatly influenced einsteins early life is medical
student named max talmud who taught einstein about mathematics and philosophy, when
einstein was 16 talmud showed him a series of books by aaron bernstein, which led to him
asking himself the question that dominated his thinking for 10 years which is “what would a
beam of light look like if you could run alongside it?” ( paras. 6&7)
Proving his theory & why hes still relevant
In einsteins “miraculous year” he published four papers piloting the transition from classical to
modern physics, this affects our daily lives through myriads of applications, in 1915 he
formulated a new theory of gravitation, the beginning thoughts of his theory of general relativity.
(gutfreund, 2020, para. 3 ). His papers led us into the way we understand and do physics today.
Leading some experiments on his theory as well, in attempts to expand our understanding of his
theory as well as discover new evidence for or against the theory (greene 2015, paras. 31&32). In
science his work is still being debated 65 years later which is good for einstein, keeping not only
his work but him relevant (gutfreund, 2020, para 2). Einstein is still important in the scientific
field as well as being the star of new discoveries of how gravity works.
What is general relativity
General relativity isnt a paper explaining the relationship between space and time but instead a
series of equations that work for every aspect of gravity. Hubble discovered that all galaxies
aroumd us are moving away from us, british astronomer E.A. milne attempted to explain it by an
tremendous initial explosion in 1930, his analisis was a failure the only way to make sense of it
is to think of space as a dynamic thing, as einstein shows us (powell,2015,para. 6). He thought
differently from other astronomers at the time and this led to his discovery of the connection
between space and time. “We envision that clocks regardless of where they’re located, ticks at
the same rate. But einstein proposed that the nearer clocks are to a massive body, like earth, the
slower they will tick, reflecting a starting influence of gravity on the very passage of time.”
(greene , 2015, para 12). Einsteins mind went into a diffrent directions than the rest of the
scientists of his time. Einsteins equations also allow for antigravity, antigravity is the force that is
expanding space, it was a theory widely believed until it was proven in 1998 that the expansion
of the universe is accelerating, something that only makes sense alongside the theory of
relativity. (powell, 2015, para.8). New discoveries fall in line with what einstein and the science
field believes to be true.
What set/sets him apart from others
“It cumilated with einsteins radically new vision of the interplay of space, time, matter, and
gravity, a feat widely revered as one of humankinds greatest intellectual achievements” (greene,
2015, para.4) Einsteins mind was diffent from the astronomers around him and in his time, he
challanged what was understood as correct at the time just like hes having done to him today.
The difference being einsteins equations still end up explaining gravity. General relativity says
all parts of the universe are continuous, but in the case of a black hole outside and inside of the
event hirozion, also known as the point of no return some astronamers believe that is
contradictory. This has caused many new theories all based arounf einsteins understanding but
going on to expand it (powell, 2015, para. 12). Einstiens theory is still talked about as well as
expanded apon, being the constant throughout our new theories of gravity keeping einstiens
thought process alive and relavent. He wasnt only different in the way he thought but einstein
was a social outcast too, he dressed different from other people he did not fall in line with what
was accepted at the time socially. He took a very nonconformistand anti-athoritarian stance in
Albert Einstien left a huge impact on america as well as astronamers around the world. He
changed our understanding of gravity a force that plays part in every persons life. Alberts
nonconformist way of life also made him a memorable person.
Albert Einstein: The most influential physicist of the 20th century. (2022, April 18). Egypt Today,
NA. Retrieved from
Greene, B. (2015, October). Gravity's muse. Retrieved from
Hanoch Gutfreund & Jürgen Renn (2020, June). Why is Einstein still so alive?
Retrieved from https://press.princeton.edu/ideas/why-is-einstein-still-so-alive
Powell, C. S. (2015, November). Albert Einstein, landscape architect Retrieved From