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Industrial Engineering Vacation Training Report

Student’s Information
Vacation Training Certificate
This report presents a comprehensive overview of industrial engineering vacation training completed
from the 8th of January to the 26th of January at Babylonstoren in Klapmuts. The purpose of this
internship was the practical application of theoretical knowledge gained during the Industrial
Engineering degree thus far. Babylonstoren’s background is discussed in the beginning of this report,
followed by a detailed description and analysis of the three projects there was worked on. The
technical and non-technical aspects of the projects are considered. Finally, the results and findings of
the projects are presented and discussed.
A report on Vacation Training completed at
Mia Decinti
The Department of Industrial Engineering, Stellenbosch
6 February 2024
Student’s Information ............................................................................................................................. 1
Vacation Training Certificate .................................................................................................................. 2
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 0
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
General background for Babylonstoren.......................................................................................... 4
2.1 Historical background ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Present size and location .............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Divisions and departments ........................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Available transport and services ................................................................................................... 5
Project 1: Packing Station Standardisation and Industrial Worker Ergonomics ............................. 6
3.1 Technical ....................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Non-technical ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Summary of results ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Discussion of results and recommendations ................................................................................ 6
Project 2: Internal Delivery Schedule .............................................................................................. 6
4.1 Technical ....................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Non-technical ................................................................................................................................ 6
4.3 Summary of results ....................................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Discussion of results and recommendations ................................................................................ 6
Project 3: SOPs for New Warehouse............................................................................................... 6
5.1 Technical ....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Non-technical ................................................................................................................................ 6
5.3 Summary of results ....................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Discussion of results and recommendations ................................................................................ 6
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 6
References ...................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1 Sources .......................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2 Appendix 1: Project 1 .................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Appendix 2: Project 2 .................................................................................................................... 7
7.4 Appendix 3: Project 3 .................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction
This report aims to give a detailed account of a three week industrial engineering internship completed
at Babylonstoren. The purpose of this internship was to immerse oneself into a company culture and
experience the practical applications of the principles that were taught during the Industrial
Engineering degree thus far. The internship involved active participation with current problems that
leading industry players, such as Babylonstoren, are experiencing with the operation of an upscale
business such as theirs. It allowed for the implementation of studied material. The experience gained
will serve as a motivational guide for the remaining period of the degree.
The focus of this report is on the three minor projects that were completed during the three week
internship. The first project focused on the ergonomic-focused optimisation of warehouse packing
stations; the second project focused on designing a delivery schedule for the internal farm deliveries;
the third project aimed to create Standard Operating Procedure templates (SOPs) for the procedures
followed in the respected divisions at the Babylonstoren Warehouse. Project discussions in this report
will have a focus on the problem statement, a methodology description as well as the findings.
The information in this report is structured as follows: firstly, background on Babylonstoren as a
company will be given. This will include information about the company’s historic background, their
present size and location, their divisions as well as the services which they offer. Then, each project
will be discussed from a technical and non-technical perspective, after which the findings and result
will be presented. These findings will then be discussed respectively. Finally, a conclusion will follow
about the gained experience and the internship as a whole.
2. General background for Babylonstoren
2.1 Historical background
Babylonstoren is a Cape Dutch Farm situated in Klapmuts, Winelands and dates back to the 17th
century (established in 192 by Pieter van der Byl). The estate is surrounded by lush gardens inspired
by Company’s Garden in Cape Town. These gardens are well known for their large and botanically
diverse collections.
In the 20th century the farm fell under the ownership of Ida Dalene Beyers, who was responsible for
majour renovations to the farm’s aesthetic and laid the foundation for the abovementioned gardens
for which Babylonstoren is famous for today (Babylonstoren, 2024).
In recent years, the farm underwent significant changes under ownership of Koos Bekker and his wife,
Karen Roos. Many aspects of the farm have been redeveloped, improved and restored to create an
overall holistic experience for its clients with a specific emphasis on the extravagant
gardens(Babylonstoren, 2024).
Patrice Taravella is the visionary behind these gardens and is also responsible for Babylonstoren’s
sister branch in England, The Newt in Somerset (also owned by Karen Roos) as well as Vignamaggio in
Tuscany, Italy. Babylonstoren sells products of both these estates as well and continuously works
alongside them (Miami Living, 2023).
Babylonstoren is now a fully operational farm which is open to the public. It has a fruit and vegetable
garden, a botanical garden, different restaurants, fine wine and various luxury acconomdation.
Babylonstoren harbours a sustainable approach to farming and gardening, whilst maintaining the
historic character of the estate and preserving its landscape. They currently offer different services
and are open to the general public seven days a week.
2.2 Present size and location
Babylonstoren’s address is situated on Klapmuts Road, Simondium in the Cape Winelands. The farm
is 200 hectares big, and the company employs nearly a thousand people (Babylonstoren, 2024).
2.3 Divisions and departments
2.4 Available transport and services
There are many different services that are currently being offered at Babylonstoren. The farm aims to
offer clients a thorough taste of the region. These include:
Botanical exhibitions available to the public.
Farm experience guided tours to the garden, the distillery, the cellar and in the food
production rooms.
Products available for purchase in the shops, including the Milk Room, Farm Shop, Bakery,
Butchery, Sweet Room.
Delivery services for online pantry and fresh orders in the Cape Winelands and Johannesburg.
Wine tasting
Fine dining experience at Babel restaurant
Lunches and coffee offered at Glaskas restaurant
Spa treatments
Luxury accomodation
There are currently transport services being offered for staff members coming from the surrounding
rural areas.
Transport for clients is not directly offered, but the Franschhoek Wine Tram does stop at
Babylonstoren’s tasting room. Alternatively, clients can make use of third-party transportation
services to get to Babylonstoren.
3. Project 1: Packing Station Standardisation and
Industrial Worker Ergonomics
3.1 Technical
3.2 Non-technical
3.3 Summary of results
3.4 Discussion of results and recommendations
4. Project 2: Internal Delivery Schedule
4.1 Technical
4.2 Non-technical
4.3 Summary of results
4.4 Discussion of results and recommendations
5. Project 3: SOPs for New Warehouse
5.1 Technical
5.2 Non-technical
5.3 Summary of results
5.4 Discussion of results and recommendations
6. Conclusion
7. References
7.1 Sources
7.2 Appendix 1: Project 1
7.3 Appendix 2: Project 2
7.4 Appendix 3: Project 3