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English as Lingua Franca in Diplomacy

Discuss the role of English as the contemporary lingua franca of the diplomatic world.
Easier to Learn - The forms and structures of the English language as the form of
writing and communication is easier to understand and compose. The position of the
verb and the subject are written or spoken in a very systematic manner making it a lot
easier to understand and comprehend.
It Is the Language of Business - Nowadays, most companies also require a certain
amount of proficiency in English to their possible employees in order for them to stay
at the top of the game.
English Is Widely Used in Academia - For people to adapt to certain situations,
learning English has become a necessity. This could also be the reason why English
has become the world’s lingua franca since it is already widely used in various
countries around the globe.
ELF in Politics and Other Global Matters - ELF is used globally in many ways, and
this includes important matters of politics and diplomacy. ELF is prominent in
international politics and diplomacy, international law, business, the media, and in
tertiary education and scientific research.
ELF in Local and International Settings - English operates as a lingua franca at a
number of different levels, including local, national, regional and international.