I legendre's dual transformation Start with given Function F F Lu of variable we introduce a new we Vi Now we define a ⼆ new G⼆ As we express 器 U Un ⼀ function G 三 uivi ui interms G G Cu ⼆ un F we can express G in terms of Vi Vi un SG ⼆ 三 器 SVi uisvitrifuij 4⼆ in other hand SG⼆三 4 ⼆三 扎 it Lvi_ Since we of vi 点 ⼆ 無Hug get theform SGIUisv bghhtiut.in Ui 点 ⼆ This result remarkable dnaliy of Legendre's Fansformation expresses a Old System u un GCV We enlarge afunction The Un Vi un l F 三 FLU Vi ⼆ 岳 G ⼆ 三 Uivi F G New System 以 G Gw Ui ⼆ 1⼆ 三 Viui Flu 1 our transformation in a of two sets of variable ui are independent 無 of ui The atg transformation is symmetrical 以 G un further respect.Assume that Fisatndg EF cm my in thetransformation un Uh and do not participate of us and p p process oftransformation and get ndepen We had to the 2 all ui the uansl a new on relation 器 器 We n and vi the wire the the passive wi Legendre's transformation applied to the Lagrangian function L Lcq qi qn qi we qī and the pass in andqibeaetire in introduce pi a obtain 意 wwfwetion H⼆ thus ⼆ H 三 piqi_ L H Lq Gip ⼆ pniy called Hanlan function Hamilton function Lagrangian function pi legendre's transformation 点 q ⼆哥 1⼤ 三Pīqi_ L H L ⼆ 三 pi Hcp.irpniq quit L Lcq And the form of passive varih 蚩 是 器 ⼆ ⼀ 年 qiq in ⼀ it 3 Fansformation of the Lagrangian equations of motion By the definition of moment pi 莹⼀ pi ⼆ 点 According to legendre'stransformation 器 pi 器 器 the Lagrangian equations of motion have been replacedby a new see of differential equations called the canonical time of Hamilton Thus qi These wins 岩 ⼆⼀ 莹 entirely equivalent to the original Lagrangian wins mathematically newform Yet the equations are vastly are and are merely a superior to the originals 4 The i canonical integral