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ADAAG: Restaurant & Cafeteria Accessibility Guidelines

ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
Revised as of January 1998
Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
5.1* General. Except as specified or modified in this section, restaurants and cafeterias shall comply with the
requirements of section 4. Where fixed tables (or dining counters where food is consumed but there is no
service) are provided, at least 5 percent, but not less than one, of the fixed tables (or a portion of the dining
counter) shall be accessible and shall comply with 4.32 as required in 4.1.3(18). In establishments where
separate areas are designated for smoking and non-smoking patrons, the required number of accessible fixed
tables (or counters) shall be proportionally distributed between the smoking and non-smoking areas. In new
construction, and where practicable in alterations, accessible fixed tables (or counters) shall be distributed
throughout the space or facility.
5.2Counters and Bars. Where food or drink is served at counters exceeding 34 in (865 mm) in height for
consumption by customers seated on stools or standing at the counter, a portion of the main counter which is 60
in (1525 mm) in length minimum shall be provided in compliance with 4.32 or service shall be available at
accessible tables within the same area.
5.3 Access Aisles. All accessible fixed tables shall be accessible by means of an access aisle at least 36 in (915
mm) clear between parallel edges of tables or between a wall and the table edges.
5.4 Dining Areas. In new construction, all dining areas, including raised or sunken dining areas, loggias, and
outdoor seating areas, shall be accessible. In non-elevator buildings, an accessible means of vertical access to the
mezzanine is not required under the following conditions: 1) the area of mezzanine seating measures no more than
33 percent of the area of the total accessible seating area; 2) the same services and decor are provided in an
accessible space usable by the general public; and, 3) the accessible areas are not restricted to use by people
with disabilities. In alterations, accessibility to raised or sunken dining areas, or to all parts of outdoor seating
areas is not required provided that the same services and decor are provided in an accessible space usable by
the general public and are not restricted to use by people with disabilities.
5.5 Food Service Lines. Food service lines shall have a minimum clear width of 36 in (915 mm), with a
preferred clear width of 42 in (1065 mm) to allow passage around a person using a wheelchair. Tray slides shall
be mounted no higher than 34 in (865 mm) above the floor (see Fig. 53). If self-service shelves are provided, at
least 50 percent of each type must be within reach ranges specified in 4.2.5 and 4.2.6.
5.6 Tableware and Condiment Areas. Self-service shelves and dispensing devices for tableware, dishware,
condiments, food and beverages shall be installed to comply with 4.2 (see Fig. 54).
5.7 Raised Platforms. In banquet rooms or spaces where a head table or speaker's lectern is located on a
raised platform, the platform shall be accessible in compliance with 4.8 or 4.11. Open edges of a raised platform
shall be protected by placement of tables or by a curb.
5.8 Vending Machines and Other Equipment. Spaces for vending machines and other equipment shall
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
comply with 4.2 and shall be located on an accessible route.
5.9 Quiet Areas. (Reserved).
6.1 General. Medical care facilities included in this section are those in which people receive physical or medical
treatment or care and where persons may need assistance in responding to an emergency and where the period
of stay may exceed twenty-four hours. In addition to the requirements of section 4, medical care facilities and
buildings shall comply with 6.
(1) Hospitals - general purpose hospitals, psychiatric facilities, detoxification facilities - At least 10
percent of patient bedrooms and toilets, and all public use and common use areas are required to
be designed and constructed to be accessible.
(2) Hospitals and rehabilitation facilities that specialize in treating conditions that affect mobility, or
units within either that specialize in treating conditions that affect mobility - All patient bedrooms and
toilets, and all public use and common use areas are required to be designed and constructed to be
(3) Long term care facilities, nursing homes - At least 50 percent of patient bedrooms and toilets,
and all public use and common use areas are required to be designed and constructed to be
(4) Alterations to patient bedrooms.
(a) When patient bedrooms are being added or altered as part of a planned
renovation of an entire wing, a department, or other discrete area of an existing
medical facility, a percentage of the patient bedrooms that are being added or altered
shall comply with 6.3. The percentage of accessible rooms provided shall be
consistent with the percentage of rooms required to be accessible by the applicable
requirements of 6.1(1), 6.1(2), or 6.1(3), until the number of accessible patient
bedrooms in the facility equals the overall number that would be required if the facility
were newly constructed. (For example, if 20 patient bedrooms are being altered in the
obstetrics department of a hospital, 2 of the altered rooms must be made accessible.
If, within the same hospital, 20 patient bedrooms are being altered in a unit that
specializes in treating mobility impairments, all of the altered rooms must be made
accessible.) Where toilet/bathrooms are part of patient bedrooms which are added or
altered and required to be accessible, each such patient toilet/bathroom shall comply
with 6.4.
(b) When patient bedrooms are being added or altered individually, and not as part of
an alteration of the entire area, the altered patient bedrooms shall comply with 6.3,
unless either: a) the number of accessible rooms provided in the department or area
containing the altered patient bedroom equals the number of accessible patient
bedrooms that would be required if the percentage requirements of 6.1(1), 6.1(2), or
6.1(3) were applied to that department or area; or b) the number of accessible patient
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
bedrooms in the facility equals the overall number that would be required if the facility
were newly constructed. Where toilet/bathrooms are part of patient bedrooms which
are added or altered and required to be accessible, each such toilet/bathroom shall
comply with 6.4.
6.2 Entrances. At least one accessible entrance that complies with 4.14 shall be protected from the weather by
canopy or roof overhang. Such entrances shall incorporate a passenger loading zone that complies with 4.6.6.
6.3 Patient Bedrooms. Provide accessible patient bedrooms in compliance with section 4. Accessible patient
bedrooms shall comply with the following:
(1) Each bedroom shall have a door that complies with 4.13.
EXCEPTION: Entry doors to acute care hospital bedrooms for in- patients shall be
exempted from the requirement in 4.13.6 for maneuvering space at the latch side of the door
if the door is at least 44 in (1120 mm) wide.
(2) Each bedroom shall have adequate space to provide a maneuvering space that complies with
4.2.3. In rooms with 2 beds, it is preferable that this space be located between beds.
(3) Each bedroom shall have adequate space to provide a minimum clear floor space of 36 in (915
mm) along each side of the bed and to provide an accessible route complying with 4.3.3 to each
side of each bed.
6.4 Patient Toilet Rooms. Where toilet/bath rooms are provided as a part of a patient bedroom, each patient
bedroom that is required to be accessible shall have an accessible toilet/bath room that complies with 4.22 or
4.23 and shall be on an accessible route.
7.1 General. In addition to the requirements of section 4, the design of all areas used for business transactions
with the public shall comply with 7.
7.2 Sales and Service Counters, Teller Windows, Information Counters.
(1) In areas used for transactions where counters have cash registers and are provided for sales or
distribution of goods or services to the public, at least one of each type shall have a portion of the
counter which is at least 36 in (915mm) in length with a maximum height of 36 in (915 mm) above
the finish floor. It shall be on an accessible route complying with 4.3. Such counters shall include,
but are not limited to, counters in retail stores, and distribution centers. The accessible counters
must be dispersed throughout the building or facility. In alterations where it is technically infeasible
to provide an accessible counter, an auxiliary counter meeting these requirements may be provided.
(2) In areas used for transactions that may not have a cash register but at which goods or services
are sold or distributed including, but not limited to, ticketing counters, teller stations, registration
counters in transient lodging facilities, information counters, box office counters and library checkout areas, either:
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
(i) a portion of the main counter which is a minimum of 36 in (915 mm) in length shall
be provided with a maximum height of 36 in (915 mm); or
(ii) an auxiliary counter with a maximum height of 36 in (915 mm) in close proximity to
the main counter shall be provided; or
(iii) equivalent facilitation shall be provided (e.g., at a hotel registration counter,
equivalent facilitation might consist of: (1) provision of a folding shelf attached to the
main counter on which an individual with a disability can write, and (2) use of the
space on the side of the counter or at the concierge desk, for handing materials back
and forth).
All accessible sales and service counters shall be on an accessible route complying with 4.3.
(3)* In public facilities where counters or teller windows have solid partitions or security glazing to
separate personnel from the public, at least one of each type shall provide a method to facilitate
voice communication. Such methods may include, but are not limited to, grilles, slats, talk-through
baffles, intercoms, or telephone handset devices. The method of communication shall be accessible
to both individuals who use wheelchairs and individuals who have difficulty bending or stooping. If
provided for public use, at least one telephone communication device shall be equipped with
volume controls complying with 4.31.5. Hand-operable communications devices, if provided, shall
comply with 4.27.
(4)* Assistive Listening Systems. (Reserved).
7.3* Check-out Aisles.
(1) In new construction, accessible check-out aisles shall be provided in conformance with the table
Total Check-out Aisles of
Each Design
Minimum Number of Accessible Check-out Aisles (of
each design)
8 - 15
over 15
3, plus 20% of additional aisles
EXCEPTION: In new construction, where the selling space is under 5000 square feet, only one
check-out aisle is required to be accessible.
EXCEPTION: In alterations, at least one check-out aisle shall be accessible in facilities under 5000
square feet of selling space. In facilities of 5000 or more square feet of selling space, at least one of
each design of check-out aisle shall be made accessible when altered until the number of accessible
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
check-out aisles of each design equals the number required in new construction.
Examples of check-out aisles of different "design" include those which are specifically designed to
serve different functions. Different "design" includes but is not limited to the following features length of belt or no belt; or permanent signage designating the aisle as an express lane.
(2) Clear aisle width for accessible check-out aisles shall comply with 4.2.1 and maximum adjoining
counter height shall not exceed 38 in (965 mm) above the finish floor. The top of the lip shall not
exceed 40 in (1015 mm) above the finish floor.
(3) Signage identifying accessible check-out aisles shall comply with 4.30.7 and shall be mounted
above the check-out aisle in the same location where the check-out number or type of check-out is
7.4 Security Bollards. Any device used to prevent the removal of shopping carts from store premises shall not
prevent access or egress to people in wheelchairs. An alternate entry that is equally convenient to that provided
for the ambulatory population is acceptable.
8.1 General. In addition to the requirements of section 4, the design of all public areas of a library shall comply
with 8, including reading and study areas, stacks, reference rooms, reserve areas, and special facilities or
8.2 Reading and Study Areas. At least 5 percent or a minimum of one of each element of fixed seating, tables,
or study carrels shall comply with 4.2 and 4.32. Clearances between fixed accessible tables and between study
carrels shall comply with 4.3.
8.3 Check-Out Areas. At least one lane at each check-out area shall comply with 7.2(1). Any traffic control or
book security gates or turnstiles shall comply with 4.13.
8.4 Card Catalogs and Magazine Displays. Minimum clear aisle space at card catalogs and magazine
displays shall comply with Fig. 55. Maximum reach height shall comply with 4.2, with a height of 48 in (1220
mm) preferred irrespective of approach allowed.
8.5 Stacks. Minimum clear aisle width between stacks shall comply with 4.3, with a minimum clear aisle width
of 42 in (1065 mm) preferred where possible. Shelf height in stack areas is unrestricted (see Fig. 56).
(1) Except as specified in the special technical provisions of this section, accessible transient lodging
shall comply with the applicable requirements of section 4. Transient lodging includes facilities or
portions thereof used for sleeping accommodations, when not classed as a medical care facility.
9.1 Hotels, Motels, Inns, Boarding Houses, Dormitories, Resorts and Other Similar Places of
Transient Lodging.
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
9.1.1 General. All public use and common use areas are required to be designed and constructed to comply
with section 4 (Accessible Elements and Spaces: Scope and Technical Requirements).
EXCEPTION: Sections 9.1 through 9.4 do not apply to an establishment located within a building that
contains not more than five rooms for rent or hire and that is actually occupied by the proprietor of such
establishment as the residence of such proprietor.
9.1.2 Accessible Units, Sleeping Rooms, and Suites. Accessible sleeping rooms or suites that comply with
the requirements of 9.2 (Requirements for Accessible Units, Sleeping Rooms, and Suites) shall be provided in
conformance with the table below. In addition, in hotels, of 50 or more sleeping rooms or suites, additional
accessible sleeping rooms or suites that include a roll- in shower shall also be provided in conformance with the
table below. Such accommodations shall comply with the requirements of 9.2, 4.21, and Figure 57(a) or (b).
Number of Rooms
Accessible Rooms
Rooms with Roll-in Showers
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
4 plus 1 for each additional 100 over 400
501 to 1000
2% of total
1001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000
9.1.3 Sleeping Accommodations for Persons with Hearing Impairments.
In addition to those accessible sleeping rooms and suites required by 9.1.2, sleeping rooms and suites that
comply with 9.3 (Visual Alarms, Notification Devices, and Telephones) shall be provided in conformance with
the following table:
Number of Elements
Accessible Elements
1 to 25
26 to 50
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1000
2% of total
1001 and over
20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000
9.1.4 Classes of Sleeping Accommodations.
(1) In order to provide persons with disabilities a range of options equivalent to those available to
other persons served by the facility, sleeping rooms and suites required to be accessible by 9.1.2
shall be dispersed among the various classes of sleeping accommodations available to patrons of
the place of transient lodging. Factors to be considered include room size, cost, amenities provided,
and the number of beds provided.
(2) Equivalent Facilitation. For purposes of this section, it shall be deemed equivalent facilitation if
the operator of a facility elects to limit construction of accessible rooms to those intended for
multiple occupancy, provided that such rooms are made available at the cost of a single occupancy
room to an individual with disabilities who requests a single-occupancy room.
9.1.5. Alterations to Accessible Units, Sleeping Rooms, and Suites. When sleeping rooms are being
altered in an existing facility, or portion thereof, subject to the requirements of this section, at least one sleeping
room or suite that complies with the requirements of 9.2 (Requirements for Accessible Units, Sleeping Rooms,
and Suites) shall be provided for each 25 sleeping rooms, or fraction thereof, of rooms being altered until the
number of such rooms provided equals the number required to be accessible with 9.1.2. In addition, at least one
sleeping room or suite that complies with the requirements of 9.3 (Visual Alarms, Notification Devices, and
Telephones) shall be provided for each 25 sleeping rooms, or fraction thereof, of rooms being altered until the
number of such rooms equals the number required to be accessible by 9.1.3.
9.2 Requirements for Accessible Units, Sleeping Rooms and Suites.
9.2.1 General. Units, sleeping rooms, and suites required to be accessible by 9.1 shall comply with 9.2. 9.2.2
Minimum Requirements. An accessible unit, sleeping room or suite shall be on an accessible route complying
with 4.3 and have the following accessible elements and spaces.
(1) Accessible sleeping rooms shall have a 36 in (915 mm) clear width maneuvering space located
along both sides of a bed, except that where two beds are provided, this requirement can be met
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
by providing a 36 in (915 mm) wide maneuvering space located between the two beds.
(2) An accessible route complying with 4.3 shall connect all accessible spaces and elements,
including telephones, within the unit, sleeping room, or suite. This is not intended to require an
elevator in multi-story units as long as the spaces identified in 9.2.2(6) and (7) are on accessible
levels and the accessible sleeping area is suitable for dual occupancy.
(3) Doors and doorways designed to allow passage into and within all sleeping rooms, suites or
other covered units shall comply with 4.13.
(4) If fixed or built-in storage facilities such as cabinets, shelves, closets, and drawers are provided
in accessible spaces, at least one of each type provided shall contain storage space complying with
4.25. Additional storage may be provided outside of the dimensions required by 4.25.
(5) All controls in accessible units, sleeping rooms, and suites shall comply with 4.27.
(6) Where provided as part of an accessible unit, sleeping room, or suite, the following spaces shall
be accessible and shall be on an accessible route:
(a) the living area.
(b) the dining area.
(c) at least one sleeping area.
(d) patios, terraces, or balconies.
EXCEPTION: The requirements of 4.13.8 and 4.3.8 do not apply where it is
necessary to utilize a higher door threshold or a change in level to protect the
integrity of the unit from wind/water damage. Where this exception results in
patios, terraces or balconies that are not at an accessible level, equivalent
facilitation shall be provided. (e.g., Equivalent facilitation at a hotel patio or
balcony might consist of providing raised decking or a ramp to provide
(e) at least one full bathroom (i.e., one with a water closet, a lavatory, and a bathtub
or shower).
(f) if only half baths are provided, at least one half bath.
(g) carports, garages or parking spaces.
(7) Kitchens, Kitchenettes, or Wet Bars. When provided as accessory to a sleeping room or suite,
kitchens, kitchenettes, wet bars, or similar amenities shall be accessible. Clear floor space for a
front or parallel approach to cabinets, counters, sinks, and appliances shall be provided to comply
with 4.2.4. Countertops and sinks shall be mounted at a maximum height of 34 in (865 mm) above
the floor. At least fifty percent of shelf space in cabinets or refrigerator/freezers shall be within the
reach ranges of 4.2.5 or 4.2.6 and space shall be designed to allow for the operation of cabinet
and/or appliance doors so that all cabinets and appliances are accessible and usable. Controls and
operating mechanisms shall comply with 4.27.
(8) Sleeping room accommodations for persons with hearing impairments required by 9.1 and
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
complying with 9.3 shall be provided in the accessible sleeping room or suite.
9.3 Visual Alarms, Notification Devices and Telephones.
9.3.1 General. In sleeping rooms required to comply with this section, auxiliary visual alarms shall be provided
and shall comply with 4.28.4. Visual notification devices shall also be provided in units, sleeping rooms and suites
to alert room occupants of incoming telephone calls and a door knock or bell. Notification devices shall not be
connected to auxiliary visual alarm signal appliances. Permanently installed telephones shall have volume controls
complying with 4.31.5; an accessible electrical outlet within 4 ft (1220 mm) of a telephone connection shall be
provided to facilitate the use of a text telephone.
9.3.2 Equivalent Facilitation. For purposes of this section, equivalent facilitation shall include the installation of
electrical outlets (including outlets connected to a facility's central alarm system) and telephone wiring in sleeping
rooms and suites to enable persons with hearing impairments to utilize portable visual alarms and communication
devices provided by the operator of the facility.
9.4 Other Sleeping Rooms and Suites.
Doors and doorways designed to allow passage into and within all sleeping units or other covered units shall
comply with 4.13.5.
9.5Transient Lodging in Homeless Shelters, Halfway Houses, Transient Group Homes, and Other
Social Service Establishments.
9.5.1 New Construction. In new construction all public use and common use areas are required to be designed
and constructed to comply with section 4. At least one of each type of amenity (such as washers, dryers and
similar equipment installed for the use of occupants) in each common area shall be accessible and shall be
located on an accessible route to any accessible unit or sleeping accommodation.
EXCEPTION: Where elevators are not provided as allowed in 4.1.3(5), accessible amenities are not
required on inaccessible floors as long as one of each type is provided in common areas on accessible
9.5.2 Alterations.
(1) Social service establishments which are not homeless shelters:
(a) The provisions of 9.5.3 and 9.1.5 shall apply to sleeping rooms and beds.
(b) Alteration of other areas shall be consistent with the new construction provisions
of 9.5.1.
(2) Homeless shelters. If the following elements are altered, the following requirements apply:
(a) at least one public entrance shall allow a person with mobility impairments to
approach, enter and exit including a minimum clear door width of 32 in (815 mm).
(b) sleeping space for homeless persons as provided in the scoping provisions of
9.1.2 shall include doors to the sleeping area with a minimum clear width of 32 in (815
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
mm) and maneuvering space around the beds for persons with mobility impairments
complying with 9.2.2(1).
(c) at least one toilet room for each gender or one unisex toilet room shall have a
minimum clear door width of 32 in (815 mm), minimum turning space complying with
4.2.3, one water closet complying with 4.16, one lavatory complying with 4.19 and
the door shall have a privacy latch; and, if provided, at least one tub or shower shall
comply with 4.20 or 4.21, respectively.
(d) at least one common area which a person with mobility impairments can approach,
enter and exit including a minimum clear door width of 32 in (815 mm).
(e) at least one route connecting elements (a), (b), (c) and (d) which a person with
mobility impairments can use including minimum clear width of 36 in (915 mm),
passing space complying with 4.3.4, turning space complying with 4.2.3 and changes
in levels complying with 4.3.8.
(f) homeless shelters can comply with the provisions of (a)- (e) by providing the above
elements on one accessible floor.
9.5.3. Accessible Sleeping Accommodations in New Construction. Accessible sleeping rooms shall be
provided in conformance with the table in 9.1.2 and shall comply with 9.2 Accessible Units, Sleeping Rooms and
Suites (where the items are provided). Additional sleeping rooms that comply with 9.3 Sleeping
Accommodations for Persons with Hearing Impairments shall be provided in conformance with the table
provided in 9.1.3.
In facilities with multi-bed rooms or spaces, a percentage of the beds equal to the table provided in 9.1.2 shall
comply with 9.2.2(1).
10.1 General. Every station, bus stop, bus stop pad, terminal, building or other transportation facility, shall
comply with the applicable provisions of section 4, the special application sections, and the applicable provisions
of this section. The exceptions for elevators in 4.1.3(5), exception 1 and 4.1.6(1)(k) do not apply to a terminal,
depot, or other station used for specified public transportation, or an airport passenger terminal, or facilities
subject to Title II.
10.2 Bus Stops and Terminals.
10.2.1 New Construction.
(1) Where new bus stop pads are constructed at bus stops, bays or other areas where a lift or
ramp is to be deployed, they shall have a firm, stable surface; a minimum clear length of 96 inches
(measured from the curb or vehicle roadway edge) and a minimum clear width of 60 inches
(measured parallel to the vehicle roadway) to the maximum extent allowed by legal or site
constraints; and shall be connected to streets, sidewalks or pedestrian paths by an accessible route
complying with 4.3 and 4.4. The slope of the pad parallel to the roadway shall, to the extent
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
practicable, be the same as the roadway. For water drainage, a maximum slope of 1:50 (2%)
perpendicular to the roadway is allowed.
(2) Where provided, new or replaced bus shelters shall be installed or positioned so as to permit a
wheelchair or mobility aid user to enter from the public way and to reach a location, having a
minimum clear floor area of 30 inches by 48 inches, entirely within the perimeter of the shelter. Such
shelters shall be connected by an accessible route to the boarding area provided under paragraph
(1) of this section.
(3) Where provided, all new bus route identification signs shall comply with 4.30.5. In addition, to
the maximum extent practicable, all new bus route identification signs shall comply with 4.30.2 and
4.30.3. Signs that are sized to the maximum dimensions permitted under legitimate local, state or
federal regulations or ordinances shall be considered in compliance with 4.30.2 and 4.30.3 for
purposes of this section.
EXCEPTION: Bus schedules, timetables, or maps that are posted at the bus stop or bus
bay are not required to comply with this provision.
10.2.2 Bus Stop Siting and Alterations.
(1) Bus stop sites shall be chosen such that, to the maximum extent practicable, the areas where lifts
or ramps are to be deployed comply with section 10.2.1(1) and (2).
(2) When new bus route identification signs are installed or old signs are replaced, they shall comply
with the requirements of 10.2.1(3).
10.3 Fixed Facilities and Stations.
10.3.1 New Construction. New stations in rapid rail, light rail, commuter rail, intercity bus, intercity rail, high
speed rail, and other fixed guideway systems (e.g., automated guideway transit, monorails, etc.) shall comply
with the following provisions, as applicable:
(1) Elements such as ramps, elevators or other circulation devices, fare vending or other ticketing
areas, and fare collection areas shall be placed to minimize the distance which wheelchair users and
other persons who cannot negotiate steps may have to travel compared to the general public. The
circulation path, including an accessible entrance and an accessible route, for persons with
disabilities shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coincide with the circulation path for the
general public. Where the circulation path is different, signage complying with 4.30.1, 4.30.2,
4.30.3, 4.30.5, and 4.30.7(1) shall be provided to indicate direction to and identify the accessible
entrance and accessible route.
(2) In lieu of compliance with 4.1.3(8), at least one entrance to each station shall comply with 4.14,
Entrances. If different entrances to a station serve different transportation fixed routes or groups of
fixed routes, at least one entrance serving each group or route shall comply with 4.14, Entrances.
All accessible entrances shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coincide with those used by the
majority of the general public.
(3) Direct connections to commercial, retail, or residential facilities shall have an accessible route
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
complying with 4.3 from the point of connection to boarding platforms and all transportation system
elements used by the public. Any elements provided to facilitate future direct connections shall be
on an accessible route connecting boarding platforms and all transportation system elements used
by the public.
(4) Where signs are provided at entrances to stations identifying the station or the entrance, or both,
at least one sign at each entrance shall comply with 4.30.4 and 4.30.6. Such signs shall be placed in
uniform locations at entrances within the transit system to the maximum extent practicable.
EXCEPTION: Where the station has no defined entrance, but signage is provided, then the
accessible signage shall be placed in a central location.
(5) Stations covered by this section shall have identification signs complying with 4.30.1, 4.30.2,
4.30.3, and 4.30.5. Signs shall be placed at frequent intervals and shall be clearly visible from
within the vehicle on both sides when not obstructed by another train. When station identification
signs are placed close to vehicle windows (i.e., on the side opposite from boarding) each shall have
the top of the highest letter or symbol below the top of the vehicle window and the bottom of the
lowest letter or symbol above the horizontal mid-line of the vehicle window.
(6) Lists of stations, routes, or destinations served by the station and located on boarding areas,
platforms, or mezzanines shall comply with 4.30.1, 4.30.2, 4.30.3, and 4.30.5. A minimum of one
sign identifying the specific station and complying with 4.30.4 and 4.30.6 shall be provided on each
platform or boarding area. All sign referenced in this paragraph shall, to the maximum extent
practicable, be placed in uniform locations within the transit system.
(7)* Automatic fare vending, collection and adjustment (e.g., add-fare) systems shall comply with
4.34.2, 4.34.3, 4.34.4, and 4.34.5. At each accessible entrance such devices shall be located on
an accessible route. If self-service fare collection devices are provided for the use of the general
public, at least one accessible device for entering, and at least one for exiting, unless one device
serves both functions, shall be provided at each accessible point of entry or exit. Accessible fare
collection devices shall have a minimum clear opening width of 32 inches; shall permit passage of a
wheelchair; and, where provided, coin or card slots and controls necessary for operation shall
comply with 4.27. Gates which must be pushed open by wheelchair or mobility aid users shall have
a smooth continuous surface extending from 2 inches above the floor to 27 inches above the floor
and shall comply with 4.13. Where the circulation path does not coincide with that used by the
general public, accessible fare collection systems shall be located at or adjacent to the accessible
point of entry or exit.
(8) Platform edges bordering a drop-off and not protected by platform screens or guard rails shall
have a detectable warning. Such detectable warnings shall comply with 4.29.2 and shall be 24
inches wide running the full length of the platform drop-off.
(9) In stations covered by this section, rail-to-platform height in new stations shall be coordinated
with the floor height of new vehicles so that the vertical difference, measured when the vehicle is at
rest, is within plus or minus 5/8 inch under normal passenger load conditions. For rapid rail, light
rail, commuter rail, high speed rail, and intercity rail systems in new stations, the horizontal gap,
measured when the new vehicle is at rest, shall be no greater than 3 inches. For slow moving
automated guideway "people mover" transit systems, the horizontal gap in new stations shall be no
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
greater than 1 inch.
EXCEPTION 1: Existing vehicles operating in new stations may have a vertical difference
with respect to the new platform within plus or minus 1-1/2 inches.
EXCEPTION 2: In light rail, commuter rail and intercity rail systems where it is not
operationally or structurally feasible to meet the horizontal gap or vertical difference
requirements, mini-high platforms, car-borne or platform-mounted lifts, ramps or bridge
plates, or similar manually deployed devices, meeting the applicable requirements of 36 CFR
part 1192, or 49 CFR part 38 shall suffice.
(10) Stations shall not be designed or constructed so as to require persons with disabilities to board
or alight from a vehicle at a location other than one used by the general public.
(11) Illumination levels in the areas where signage is located shall be uniform and shall minimize
glare on signs. Lighting along circulation routes shall be of a type and configuration to provide
uniform illumination.
(12) Text Telephones: The following shall be provided in accordance with 4.31.9:
(a) If an interior public pay telephone is provided in a transit facility (as defined by the
Department of Transportation) at least one interior public text telephone shall be
provided in the station.
(b) Where four or more public pay telephones serve a particular entrance to a rail
station and at least one is in an interior location, at least one interior public text
telephone shall be provided to serve that entrance. Compliance with this section
constitutes compliance with section 4.1.3(17)(c);.
(13) Where it is necessary to cross tracks to reach boarding platforms, the route surface shall be
level and flush with the rail top at the outer edge and between the rails, except for a maximum 2-1/2
inch gap on the inner edge of each rail to permit passage of wheel flanges. Such crossings shall
comply with 4.29.5. Where gap reduction is not practicable, an above-grade or below-grade
accessible route shall be provided.
(14) Where public address systems are provided to convey information to the public in terminals,
stations, or other fixed facilities, a means of conveying the same or equivalent information to
persons with hearing loss or who are deaf shall be provided.
(15) Where clocks are provided for use by the general public, the clock face shall be uncluttered so
that its elements are clearly visible. Hands, numerals, and/or digits shall contrast with the
background either light-on-dark or dark-on-light. Where clocks are mounted overhead, numerals
and/or digits shall comply with 4.30.3. Clocks shall be placed in uniform locations throughout the
facility and system to the maximum extent practicable.
(16) Where provided in below grade stations, escalators shall have a minimum clear width of 32
inches. At the top and bottom of each escalator run, at least two contiguous treads shall be level
beyond the comb plate before the risers begin to form. All escalator treads shall be marked by a
strip of clearly contrasting color, 2 inches in width, placed parallel to and on the nose of each step.
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
The strip shall be of a material that is at least as slip resistant as the remainder of the tread. The
edge of the tread shall be apparent from both ascending and descending directions.
(17) Where provided, elevators shall be glazed or have transparent panels to allow an unobstructed
view both in to and out of the car. Elevators shall comply with 4.10.
EXCEPTION: Elevator cars with a clear floor area in which a 60 inch diameter circle can be
inscribed may be substituted for the minimum car dimensions of 4.10, Fig. 22.
(18) Where provided, ticketing areas shall permit persons with disabilities to obtain a ticket and
check baggage and shall comply with 7.2.
(19) Where provided, baggage check-in and retrieval systems shall be on an accessible route
complying with 4.3, and shall have space immediately adjacent complying with 4.2. If unattended
security barriers are provided, at least one gate shall comply with 4.13. Gates which must be
pushed open by wheelchair or mobility aid users shall have a smooth continuous surface extending
from 2 inches above the floor to 27 inches above the floor.
10.3.2 Existing Facilities: Key Stations.
(1) Rapid, light and commuter rail key stations, as defined under criteria established by the
Department of Transportation in subpart C of 49 CFR part 37 and existing intercity rail stations
shall provide at least one accessible route from an accessible entrance to those areas necessary for
use of the transportation system.
(2) The accessible route required by 10.3.2(1) shall include the features specified in 10.3.1(1), (4)(9), (11)-(15), and (17)-(19).
(3) Where technical infeasibility in existing stations requires the accessible route to lead from the
public way to a paid area of the transit system, an accessible fare collection system, complying with
10.3.1(7), shall be provided along such accessible route.
(4) In light rail, rapid rail and commuter rail key stations, the platform or a portion thereof and the
vehicle floor shall be coordinated so that the vertical difference, measured when the vehicle is at
rest, is within plus or minus 1-1/2 inches under all normal passenger load conditions, and the
horizontal gap, measured when the vehicle is at rest, is no greater than 3 inches for at least one door
of each vehicle or car required to be accessible by 49 CFR part 37.
EXCEPTION 1: Existing vehicles retrofitted to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 37.93
(one-car-per-train rule) shall be coordinated with the platform such that, for at least one
door, the vertical difference between the vehicle floor and the platform, measured when the
vehicle is at rest with 50% normal passenger capacity, is within plus or minus 2 inches and
the horizontal gap is no greater than 4 inches.
EXCEPTION 2: Where it is not structurally or operationally feasible to meet the horizontal
gap or vertical difference requirements, mini-high platforms, car-borne or platform mounted
lifts, ramps or bridge plates, or similar manually deployed devices, meeting the applicable
requirements of 36 CFR part 1192, or 49 CFR part 38, shall suffice.
(5) New direct connections to commercial, retail, or residential facilities shall, to the maximum
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
extent feasible, have an accessible route complying with 4.3 from the point of connection to
boarding platforms and all transportation system elements used by the public. Any elements
provided to facilitate future direct connections shall be on an accessible route connecting boarding
platforms and all transportation system elements used by the public.
10.3.3 Existing Facilities: Alterations.
(1) For the purpose of complying with 4.1.6(2) Alterations to an Area Containing a Primary
Function, an area of primary function shall be as defined by applicable provisions of 49 CFR
37.43(c); (Department of Transportation's ADA Rule) or 28 CFR 36.403 (Department of Justice's
ADA Rule).
10.4. Airports.
10.4.1 New Construction.
(1) Elements such as ramps, elevators or other vertical circulation devices, ticketing areas, security
checkpoints, or passenger waiting areas shall be placed to minimize the distance which wheelchair
users and other persons who cannot negotiate steps may have to travel compared to the general
(2) The circulation path, including an accessible entrance and an accessible route, for persons with
disabilities shall, to the maximum extent practicable, coincide with the circulation path for the
general public. Where the circulation path is different, directional signage complying with 4.30.1,
4.30.2, 4.30.3 and 4.30.5 shall be provided which indicates the location of the nearest accessible
entrance and its accessible route.
(3) Ticketing areas shall permit persons with disabilities to obtain a ticket and check baggage and
shall comply with 7.2.
(4) Where public pay telephones are provided, and at least one is at an interior location, a public
text telephone shall be provided in compliance with 4.31.9. Additionally, if four or more public pay
telephones are located in any of the following locations, at least one public text telephone shall also
be provided in that location:
(a) a main terminal outside the security areas;
(b) a concourse within the security areas; or
(c) a baggage claim area in a terminal.
Compliance with this section constitutes compliance with section 4.1.3(17)(c);.
(5) Baggage check-in and retrieval systems shall be on an accessible route complying with 4.3, and
shall have space immediately adjacent complying with 4.2.4. If unattended security barriers are
provided, at least one gate shall comply with 4.13. Gates which must be pushed open by
wheelchair or mobility aid users shall have a smooth continuous surface extending from 2 inches
above the floor to 27 inches above the floor.
(6) Terminal information systems which broadcast information to the general public through a public
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) - Sections 5-10
address system shall provide a means to provide the same or equivalent information to persons with
a hearing loss or who are deaf. Such methods may include, but are not limited to, visual paging
systems using video monitors and computer technology. For persons with certain types of hearing
loss such methods may include, but are not limited to, an assistive listening system complying with
(7) Where clocks are provided for use by the general public the clock face shall be uncluttered so
that its elements are clearly visible. Hands, numerals, and/or digits shall contrast with their
background either light-on-dark or dark-on-light. Where clocks are mounted overhead, numerals
and/or digits shall comply with 4.30.3. Clocks shall be placed in uniform locations throughout the
facility to the maximum extent practicable.
(8)* Security Systems. In public facilities that are airports, at least one accessible route complying
with 4.3 shall be provided through fixed security barriers at each single barrier or group of security
barriers. A group is two or more security barriers immediately adjacent to each other at a single
location. Where security barriers incorporate equipment such as metal detectors, fluoroscopes, or
other similar devices which cannot be made accessible, an accessible route shall be provided
adjacent to such security screening devices to facilitate an equivalent circulation path. The
circulation path shall permit persons with disabilities passing through security barriers to maintain
visual contact with their personal items to the same extent provided other members of the general
EXCEPTION: Doors, doorways, and gates designed to be operated only by security
personnel shall be exempt from 4.13.9, 4.13.11, and 4.13.12.
10.5 Boat and Ferry Docks. [Reserved]